Internet application of the magazine "bayanay". Mystical stories of Dzhidin hunters Scary stories from real life hunting lodge

02/12/2010 | Hunters at rest (scary stories)

We continue to acquaint readers with the work of Yevgeny Borodovitsyn, without resorting to proofreading the material. People have the right to express their opinion, even if it does not coincide with others. Moreover, it is even interesting. Naturally, the author's philological delights must be treated with the full understanding that they do not at all coincide with scientific facts. But everyone is trying to the best of their ability. I remember there are cases in history when Lomonosov noticed that a German academician produced the Russian "Kholmogory" from the German "Halm ger", and the Caucasian Alans produced Russia from "Ruskolan", that is, from the Alans. Brim produced "Rus" from the Varangian "ruotsu", that is, "team", and entomologists ... from the river Ros ... In a word, "horseradish, a broom and a bucket", so go wild. So, Eugene also offers us a version of the Egyptian-Mordovian roots along the way. Not new. But it's funny. It turns out that we are all Mordovians. Ukrainians will not agree with this, I believe. They also have their own version. In a nutshell: Hunting Tales, Part 4.

Before proceeding to the next story, historical information is needed, without which the text itself will be completely incomprehensible to most readers. I state everything through the lips of the heroes with my personal comments. The narrative should be taken as another "tale", and the details can be found on the Internet at the appropriate links. Forgive me historians and philologists ...

The word Ramon (Ramen, see Wikipedia) comes from the Erzya language (the state language of Mordovia, Finno-Ugric family of languages) and is translated as "I am Ra". A common name for villages and villages in the forest zone of the European part of Russia.

The Erzya tribes spread eastward through the Slavic lands to the territory of Hungary and Scandinavia. Worshiped the God Ra. Hence the name of Russia itself. Here I am! Erzya is older than Kievan Rus.

The battle cry of the Russians "u-ra" came to us from the Erzya language. Mordva walked wide!

Ramon is located 40 km north of Voronezh. The name of the regional center does not come from the generally recognized, mechanical, combination of the words raven and hedgehog, but from the word voronzhets (divination).

The region is a well-known world center of magic and quackery. The largest anomalous zone. I know firsthand - my paternal grandmother comes from Pchelniki, and all relatives now live in Stupino (not to be confused with the city of the same name). Both settlements are located nearby, five versts from Ramon. Today these are villages, and earlier there were churches, so they were once villages.

Huntsman Trifon (from patron)

Here the doctor was already talking about the huntsman Yegorych. I would like to tell you another, downright mystical story, which is very difficult to believe.

Once I was visiting my distant relative Uncle Tryphon. He lived in Pchelniki. Around the forest. The villagers did not have their own land, and from time immemorial they were fed by forests and apiaries. Hence the name. His house stood at the very edge of the forest, the garden turned into dense thickets of thorns. Not a house, but vegetables, berries and honey in one "bottle". Yes, a cow, a domestic bird, and the gifts of the forest: wild apples and pears, blackberries, strawberries, stone berries, blackberries, blackthorn. Mushrooms, upland and field birds, bunnies, wild boars and moose. There was always food and drink on the table. Not a cellar, but a self-assembled tablecloth! Beaver coat and boots. Riding horse.

He lived with Aunt Dusya together - the Lord did not give them children, they always avoided people for some reason, and therefore they always accepted me as their own son, rejoiced at my every visit.

Uncle Trisha worked as a huntsman in a local nature reserve. And then we somehow got into a conversation about raids on his "domains" by aligarhs and bosses of all stripes. “Yes, there was trouble with this,” the huntsman admitted.

Here, one secretary of the district committee of the party with Komsomol members often visited me at one time. Drinking and debauchery. And where will you go - the bosses ... Yes, it would be okay if only this! They got into the habit of shooting animals at the feeding bases, where I put rock salt on them and fed them in the hungry time in winter, kept records. From the observation tower they got into the habit of shooting little animals, almost point-blank! And they knew me personally, trusted me, the wolves did not touch me. I had to - I spent the night with them in a den next to the lair, with one ax in my belt.

And the legend about the Ramon Castle helped me, told it to the “guests”, invited me to visit the monument to the wolf in the forest at night. They are atheists, they don't believe in devils. Agree immediately! We decided to go.

In the rainy summer of 1879, Evgenia Maksimilianovna arrived in the small town of Ramon, on her father's side - the Duchess of Leuchtenberg, on her mother's side - the Grand Duchess Romanova (niece of Alexander II from her sister Maria Nikolaevna), on her husband's side - the Princess of Oldenburg. She accepted the wedding gift of her uncle, Emperor Alexander II.

In four years, a two-story castle in the Old English style was erected. A fountain sparkled in front of him, and in the backyard, in front of a stepped descent to the river, a copper statue of a fabulous fish was erected, from whose mouth water flowed.

The princess was terribly fond of hunting. All her free time she rode horseback through the surrounding forests and dales. There, you see, she met a young beautiful werewolf, of which there are many around. And an inhuman love flared up between them, and passion took possession of both.

Everything would have continued, but the princess's husband suspected something was wrong, sent faithful people. Tracked down the sorcerer and the princess. He was killed with an aspen stake and his body was burned. The sorcerer cursed before his death both the forest, where he found his death, and the castle. And the princess from that time on lived alone until she was very old. And in memory of her love, she ordered to erect a monument to the wolf at the place of death of her beloved.

The villagers do not go there - this place is very difficult, with strong dark energy. And everything happens there on a full moon. People are afraid. And only lovers feel wonderful here day and night. Only they discover here the beauty of this truly fabulous place. Birds sing to them and the trills of nightingales are dedicated at night. This curse of the sorcerer did not touch them.

Run (from Tryphon)

The next day, he persuaded the local guys, they took their mongrels with them, tied their muzzles - so as not to yelp inadvertently, and hid around the appointed place at the appointed time. I'm at the head. club asked for hire from theatrical equipment false fangs for teeth, tried them on in front of the mirror - he himself was trembling with fear!

They came to the place, unfolded the fire, laid out a drink, a bite, a drink. Komsomol members began to look closely at the nearest bushes in search of a bed of love in nature. And I gave the signal to the accomplices.

The guests saw a flicker of the green eyes of tied mutts glowing in the light of the fire and heard the directly inhuman howl of their owners. "Well, let's see who this brought us for dinner," growled one of them in a bass voice, using an empty rusty bucket instead of a loudspeaker. And the ghouls, for whom the company, already drunk, certainly took them, from all sides began to approach the fire with their arms outstretched forward, with a slow pace, as in a nightmare. The revelers rushed towards me out of fear. And here I am in fangs and with a mysterious Mona Lisa smile on my face ...

I actually feel sorry for them, even. How they rushed! To my hut. Nobody closed their eyes until morning, and early on they were gone! And so he discouraged everyone little by little, the huntsman finished his story.

Castle (from Dumovets)

Sorry to interrupt, but I also heard about the Ramon castle "in my line." An architectural monument of federal significance. Now it is under restoration. They've been restoring it for 30 years. The administration and the regional Duma are afraid to resolve this issue. Whoever tries, a curse immediately begins to act on him and his loved ones. Restorers and builders scatter in a week! That is why the authorities "sleep and see" - who would shake him off! They even announced a competition for long-term lease, but they still won’t attach it. There are no hunters!

Recognized psychics and physicists have proven that the castle is pierced by energy fountains that mercilessly affect the psyche of normal people. It is also suspected that this is a portal to access other dimensions. No wonder the coat of arms of Ramoni has a haunted castle…

Excursion (from the doctor)

But I was in the Ramon castle! Specialists from Germany came to us to install new equipment. And they had a mandatory visit to the palace in their plan - the Germans honor their history. So I was sent with them.

Needless to say, this trip left a lasting impression on me. The castle stands on a high hill overlooking the blue ribbon of the Voronezh River, the dark forest of the reserve, the sugar factory converted by the Princess of Oldenburg into a candy factory, whose products were well known in Europe, and the old pier built by Peter I when the Russian Black Sea Fleet was founded. Empire (at the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries there was a shipyard here). Here, by the way, the famous polar navigator V. Bering received under his command the warship "Taimolar" in 1711. They say that Y. Longo was ordained a sorcerer here, the inventor of the three-ruler S. Mosin, the poet and philosopher of the Pushkin era D. Venevitinov and many other famous people in Russia and abroad come from here.

One of the towers of the entrance gate is decorated with chimes of the Swiss company Winter. The castle itself is built of red brick, with walls a meter thick, and finished with white brick. The author of the project is unknown.

The secrets of water supply to the fountain, heating systems and acoustics have not yet been solved by modern engineers and scientists! A truly unsymmetrical, haunted English-style castle. Mice and rats do not live there, flies die. Do not lure a cat or dog there with any food! Photo and video equipment fails. Nightmare place...

Fairy tale (from a patron)

Yeah... Well, guys, it was all a saying, now listen to the fairy tale itself - the story that happened to me in those places. And believe it or not.

I listened to Uncle Tryphon and laughed at the unlucky atheists. "What's so funny about that," he suddenly said, and exchanged glances with Aunt Dusya, who was sitting near the stove and attentively listening to our every word. And it seemed to me that for a moment both of their fangs flashed. I did not attach any importance to this then, it seemed, they say. And in vain ...

“You are all heroes, but when it comes down to it, you drape without looking back from fear. Well, it's a full moon today. As ordered, - he narrowed his eyes, - let's go, let's go, it's not far at all here. And he began to gather, without waiting for my consent. I had no choice but to follow his example, although an inner voice just screamed, warning against the danger of this undertaking.

What happened next was like a nightmare. When we arrived, we were immediately surrounded by a pack of wolves. One hefty such beast, growling, went at me, but then an old she-wolf came out and hit the ground. Look, this is Aunt Dusya herself! "You can't touch him," she smiled. He is our family-tribe." Everyone here took on human form. A young girl, a hand-written beauty, came up to me, took my hand and led me along. Nobody paid any attention to us. They behaved like they were at an ordinary gathering in the village.

She led me to the fire, as if to Ivan Kupala, jumped over the fire, beckoning me to her. I jumped after, landed already on all fours in the guise of a wolf - this is the ritual of turning the “newcomer”, for some reason I immediately guessed. Unusual feelings came over me. And the most important of them is an unearthly passion for the forest beauty.

I won’t describe how all night long we loved each other in both human and wolf form, hunted hares, tore them apart with fangs and quenched our hunger, greedily grabbing warm pieces of meat, swallowing hot blood that had not yet been baked. The forest far carried the roar and howls of a young she-wolf enraged by the caresses of a male, the heart-rending moans and cries of a young girl at the peak of indefatigable passion ...

In the morning she led me to the huntsman's hut. Kissed. “I will wait for you in our dimension for exactly 5 human years,” she said goodbye and disappeared, disappeared into the thickets.

The next day I woke up when the owners were already busy with the housework. The aroma of fresh apple pies wafted through the hut. This is what it looks like! And I was not surprised even at the sight of gore on my lips and cheeks, even then my gums often bled. Shoulders and back were scratched. Never mind, I whistled. “Well, you’re healthy to sleep,” Uncle Tryfon, who entered the hut, laughed, “he switched off right at the table, they barely dragged you to bed.” Well, it was like a dream, and all doubts finally left me. It's all liqueurs and tinctures to blame. You need to drink less, you need to drink less, - as always in such cases, I recited aloud and laughed out loud!

It was too early to laugh. Since then, in a dream, my beautiful girl began to appear to me in a full moon, calling to her. And one day she showed up at the wrong time! She fell on her knees: the hunters caught her girl, asked to be rescued. I went and found out. Found a wolf cub. When he saw me, he jumped right into my arms! The hunters-friends marveled, but they gave away the puppy. I took him to Uncle Tryphon, he told me not to worry, he promised to fix it. And the girl appeared then for the last time, gave me this ring on her little finger. Punished: "What a misfortune will happen, take off the ring and put it on the other hand."

With these words, the philanthropist removed from his hand an amazingly beautiful ring made of a metal unknown to jewelers with an emerald in the shape of a wolf's eye, and showed it to his friends. “The ring was presented in a dream, and I have been wearing it for five years now,” he smiled. A full moon appeared, emerging from the clouds, and with it five wolves sitting some five meters from the fire. The doctor and the Dumovets fell into a stupor, lay down by the fire, and fell asleep.

One of the wolves turned into a beautiful woman who approached the patron and bowed. “Come with me to my world, for the last time I ask you,” she moaned with a prayer in her voice. There life flows in another dimension, there is eternal youth, there is my love, there travel to other worlds awaits you. There is no place for evil. What is this sinful earth to you?

The sponsor was silent. Then she bowed low, to the very ground, to him: “Farewell,” she said with tears in her eyes, “turned around and left into the early morning night.” The wolves also turned into two girls and two guys, bowed silently and left after their mother. One lingered, approached the patron: “Thank you, dad, for saving me from the hunters then, don’t try to find mom. There you will find a deadly duel with her new life partner. And you can’t defeat a werewolf with superhuman strength, and the weapon is powerless there, and there will be no one to help you. With these words, she removed the cherished ring from the finger of the patron, kissed him on the lips and left after the rest of her relatives.

The philanthropist wept until morning. He only now realized that he had lost a family, the existence of which he did not even suspect. There was no way back. He was waiting for the earthly path, which he himself chose for himself. Dreamlike memories awaited him.

Evgeny Borodovitsyn (Baybeg)

Case on the hunt
Grandfather, an experienced hunter, hunted in the remote Siberian taiga in
harsh month of december. The temperature outside was -40. Grandfather
on hunting skis and with a dog just got to a distant winter hut,
gathered firewood, fired up the stove, fed the dog. The street is fast
it was getting dark. Putting things in order in the hut, grandfather noticed on the floor
the top from the Christmas tree, and fresh, I thought that other hunters had thrown,
threw it away and started getting ready for bed.
Suddenly began to howl and
worried dog, grandfather let her out. After that I heard
knock on the door, thought someone was lost, and opened it. Was on the threshold
a young woman in tattered clothes and completely barefoot (this is in the cold). She is
asked to come in, grandfather let me in. Sitting on opposite beds, a woman
asked to pour her alcohol (hunters always have such things with them),
after drinking, she lay down and called her grandfather to her, he was terribly afraid, said that the man
family. "As you wish," said the strange person. Neither alive nor dead lay
grandfather looked askance at the guest, and in the dim light on the couch instead he saw
lying bones. Grabbing whatever came to hand, grandfather jumped out of the hut.
Somehow lasted until the morning, found his dog, but he had to return
to the hut (things and a gun remained there).
Gaining courage, he
opened the door and stepped inside. The hut was empty, only lying on the couch
fresh spruce top...

Hunter's Tale
The story I'm about to tell you happened 3 years ago. Then
I just joined the search group.
In addition to me, there were a couple of newcomers there. We are like youngsters
they didn’t do anything special - they ran around and asked all sorts of attendants.
And they also loved to gather in the evenings all together and friend
tell scary stories to a friend: they started with hackneyed,
and when they warmed up from a nearby fire and a decent dose
alcohol, they were already starting to poison something tougher -
who heard something from grandmothers, and who in general is so in pure Ukrainian
gave out something that you don’t even know
funny or scary.
Somehow, during such a gathering, he joined us
boy 25-30 years old, in camouflage,
looks like an ordinary hunter of our region. Came and greeted
with each (judging by the warm greeting, those who are older,
they had known him for a long time) and sat down in a corner. Sits to himself, keeps quiet, us
listens and pours himself. And after a certain amount
stories and missed glasses, he began to slowly “untie”
language, and then he told such a story.
Sometime in autumn
he went out hunting, but he got so carried away that he did not notice how it began to get dark.
When I came to my senses, there was already such darkness around,
even gouge out your eyes. It's a long way to go home, and our beautiful
Kuban forest - go through it at night even with a searchlight, that's it
you'll still turn around and break something. And jackals, so generally attack:
one by one, of course, they don’t attack, but when they

Well, so, our hunter decided not to go home, but to knock down an overnight stay somewhere.
And then he came across a village - more precisely,
to what was left of her. Once upon a time before the Second World War there was a settlement,
yes it died out somehow suddenly, no one knows for sure
why, but in a fairly short time the population of the village was reduced to
zero. And now all that's left of the village is the walls, yeah
A bit further is an abandoned prison. The place was not pleasant.

For an overnight stay, the hunter chose more or less intact
the walls of a house. There, in one of the rooms that had no windows, he
kindled the fire. After eating and drinking a little from a flask, he
unfolded the sleeping bag, put the gun next to it, and lay down to sleep with his feet to
doors. He did not sleep long: he woke up because of what had become
somehow suddenly light. At first, the thought came into my head that because of the hot
coals left by him, something caught fire, but the thought immediately
vanished when he opened his eyes. The last coals, judging by the appearance of the fire,
long gone out, but around it is light, as in the full moon, and
there was a strange haze in the air, as if it was glowing from within.
He glanced at the door - and there a naked woman was standing and
beckons him with his hand. He, of course, came to a wild fright: to the nearest settlement
at least 20 kilometers, what kind of naked women are there
in the middle of the night?! He grabbed his gun, fired at the woman and lost
consciousness. When he woke up the next morning,
discovered that around in the withered autumn grass there were shell casings from the bullets of the
different kind.

When the hunter is done
story, of course, we got goosebumps for a couple of minutes. And when they left
they began to tease him - they say, he came up with a good idea. On the
it was he who took off his hat in response, and we got really cold already. Guy's hair
looked gray.

Hunter case

After a long day of wandering through the forest, the hunter was caught in the middle of the night

thickets. It was already dark, and, having lost direction, he decided to go in one direction until
until he leaves the forest. After a few hours of walking, he went to
a small clearing in the middle of which was a hut. Realizing that he doesn't have
With little choice, he decided to stay at the hut for the night. The door was open and
there was no one inside. The hunter lay down on the only bed, deciding
explain everything to the owners in the morning. Having examined the hut from the inside, the hunter was surprised
discovered that the walls were adorned with several portraits painted
very detailed and detailed. All the faces in the portraits, without exception, looked
at him, with an expression of hatred and threat. The hunter felt uncomfortable.
Ignoring the faces in the portraits that looked at him with hatred, he turned to
wall and quickly fell asleep. The next morning, he awoke to an unexpectedly bright
sunlight. Looking around, he saw that there were no
portraits - only windows.
Hunter's story
I am speaking from a relative. There was a young hunter in our village.
And once he stayed on the hunt longer than usual, they already wanted to look for him, but he
returned. He is asked what, how, why. And he won't take it
why is everyone freaking out. After all, the wife herself brought him food every other day, or rather
night, who will let go every day, a lot of work, and that was in the 30s
years. Everyone was stunned, because the wife did not go anywhere. And our hunter is a little
the mandrazka didn't catch. He already wanted to go home, because. miss my wife, yeah
and the provisions were running out, and then in the evening the wife herself showed up - she brought food,
all sorts of goodies. When he asked where all this came from, she laughed it off
It turns out as soon as the night came, the wife is right there. They slept together and
in the morning before sunrise, she left, telling him that he had to be in time for work.
But she herself did not eat, saying that she was full. And there was an old hunter who himself
once got into a story like this. He then said that this demon came to him and
taught how and what to do. So, when he went hunting another time,
before going to bed, he stuck an ax on the threshold of the hut from the inside and
waited to see what would happen next. Night fell and suddenly there was a knock on the door, and he was told
no matter what happens, do not even give a voice. At the door of steel
knock with all demonic force, but the door seemed to have become so strong that
She didn’t even move from the blows, and suddenly everything was quiet. He has already decided that
ended, but it wasn't there. A hurricane of monstrous force rose sharply and began
tear off the roof of the hut. He looked out the window, unable to restrain himself, and saw how
supposedly his wife, somehow hanging in the air and holding the child's leg.
She lifted the child above her head and with a terrible laugh, tearing him to pieces,
throws him towards the hut, then our hunter could not stand it and passed out.
When he came to himself, everything was quiet, but until morning he did not dare to leave the
huts. In the morning, when he went out, such a caratina appeared before him "there is no roof
it was, the trees bent to the ground, some were tumbled down. He got up quickly and
went back home. During that night, he turned gray completely.

Naked woman in the forest

This story was recently told to me by my uncle. I have already written
on this website about the adventures he had on the hunt.
Recently, he told me two more strange stories that can be
partly called scary, although some details may even smile.
I'll tell you one now, and the other a little later. I draw your attention to the fact that
my uncle is a very experienced hunter, he knows a lot of subtleties in nature and
usually finds an explanation for everything, but in this case, nothing to explain
he can not.

It was in the early 1980s. On an autumn day my uncle went to
hunting. He left his house at the edge of the forest, crossed the bridge over
river, collected a gun and went deeper into the forest. The path was not very far, uncle
I planned to leave until the evening and return home. Next I write from
first person.
"The day was warm and sunny. Walking through the forest was easy and even joyful.
But after some time the weather worsened, and, as is often the case in autumn,
it began to rain. He could not wet me, because he was not strong,
but it created some discomfort. Therefore, when I saw a wide pine, I
I decided to hide under it, rest, build a small fire.
Having collected
a sufficient number of branches, not yet heavily soaked with rain, I
sat down under a tree and lit a small fire. Decided to wait it out
rain, which by then had already ended.
Dry yours a little
wet jacket, I was about to put out the fire and move on. And here
suddenly I see a woman walking straight towards me from the thicket of the forest. This doesn't seem to be
no wonder, you never know who got lost in the forest, although gardens and villages
are not so close to that place. The main thing is that this woman was absolutely
naked! She looked young, with a pleasant sweet face. As she approached
I called out to her: "Hey, who are you?" She looked at me, smiled and replied:
"Now I'll come to you." "Don't come near me!" I replied. "Well, how
you know!" - she said and laughed. I felt terrible, I moved the gun closer,
turned away from her, and when he turned, he did not see her in that place. Apparently she
departed. Then I saw her in a completely different direction. She laughed. I turned away
and when he turned back, there was no woman there, but in the air
flashed a small silver ball. It doesn't look like ball lightning, I
faced this phenomenon before. Rushing to the place where several
seconds ago there was a naked woman, I did not see any trace that
would inevitably have been abandoned by her. Hide traces of human presence in the forest or
animal, especially when it rained, it's simply impossible, I know that
with rich hunting experience. So it was not just a woman, but
which remains a mystery."
<br/><br/>From myself I will add that my uncle is a man
mentally healthy, does not suffer from hallucinations. But with the unknown to him
had to face many times. In particular, I wrote about his encounter with a UFO while hunting.
He also had a poltergeist in his house once. And about the woman I want to ask
readers - what do you think it could be? This is not a hallucination.
The woman also left no trace. Maybe it's an inhabitant of the other world?
What does popular rumor say about such meetings? What is this phenomenon called?

I heard this story a couple of years ago in the village. Three hunting friends went to the forest for the opening of the hunting season, took guns, booze, dogs and much more, loaded UAZs and hit the road. The road was short, since the taiga is close at hand in our area. We arrived at the plot, flooded the bathhouse, prepared food. Here they sat down, ate and let's go wash, in the dressing room a table, 100 grams each, and again take a steam bath. They wash, wash, then - a knock on the window, looking - and there is no one there. Well, they think it seemed. They are steaming again, again there is a knock on the door, the dogs seem to be on a leash, well, they went, they opened the door and they see - there are incomprehensible traces near the bathhouse, and all the hunters are experienced, but they have never seen such traces. And suddenly, in the bushes, such a nasty giggle. Well, the men thought, the degree hit their heads, they had to turn off the table and move into the house. That's what they decided on. They sit at home, they prepare guns, they hear - the dogs whined, and the clatter, and in the bathhouse the door - bang! Well, they were taken aback, they went out, and the door was locked, through the window, and there the girl was splashing with her back to them, short, not showy, and how she turned her face ... Well, the men drove the dogs into the house, they closed the doors. And his face was terrible, his eyes were bulging, his nose was hooked and his mouth was like an abyss with sharp needles, and claws. It's getting dark, what to do? The door is bolted, 1 stove drowns, 1 cooks on a stove, the other sits with a gun. The stove flared up, and then there was a knock on the chimney, and a screech from the chimney, and, as if someone had climbed back, the men were taken aback !! Late night comes, and a knock on the door, and a voice: “Unlock, let's get acquainted!” - yes, such a nasty, terrible one !! Guys: “Who are you?”, And they answered: “Masters!” Well, one thought of crossing himself, crossing the corners and sprinkled salt at the window and door. And shouts: “Go away, unclean!!” Then the house shook, someone shouted obscenities around, ran, rumbled, neighed angrily and all that, the dogs huddled in a corner, the men were whiter than chalk. In the morning, the window flies out, and in front of them a creature on hooves, terrible, stands, looks and says: “I will destroy you all, hear, all !!” It’s worth it, but it doesn’t go beyond the salt, then it’s time for the morning, and it just evaporated, the noise died down, and, it seems, it’s quiet ... They carry the bags, the dogs - and drape to the cars, and home. Everything around the house was trampled down, as if a herd of horses had passed. Well, then no one went to this plot, it was all overgrown, there was a bad reputation about it ... And a couple of years later one of the men was also hunting in that area, and friends heard a shot, ran in, and he shot himself, but it’s strange that from 2 verticals in the mouth, and the body seemed to have hoof marks ...
PS. Judge for yourself believe it or not, I apologize for literacy, and I don’t bother to write correctly, I write as I say, whoever wants to understand will understand.

I must tell you about an interesting and inexplicable incident that happened to me while hunting in one ulus. So, let me start.. In 2002, with a group of friends, I went hunting in the forest, where, according to rumors, with a favorable outcome, it was possible to get a couple of moose. We went on an MTZ tractor with a trailer, there were five of us, we took three dogs with us. Having safely reached the hunting hut, we arranged some kind of life, prepared firewood for a supply and went to bed. Before going to bed, one of our friends, who hunted in these places more than once, said that it was necessary to be quieter here, not to make noise, otherwise there were spirits here, in Yakut "abaahy". We, the city, did not really believe this, we decided that he was playing a trick on us.

As usual on hunting in nature, we all began to tell all sorts of stories that we had ever heard. Fatigue took its toll, and half-heartedly listening to the stories of my friends, I began to fall asleep. And I had such a dream: everything was the same, the same hut, the same friends tell stories about spirits, and suddenly I wake up (in a dream) and feel that I need to go out of need. Without thinking twice, throwing on a pea jacket, I jump out into the street and see our dogs sleeping peacefully near the tractor. I walked a few meters away and began to relieve myself, and suddenly I hear steps behind me, turning around, I see the oldest and most experienced dog named "Scarlet" behind my back. Quietly I call him by name and notice that Scarlet is standing and looking not at me, but towards the ruins of the old Yakut booth. And suddenly Scarlet says to me in a human language: "Zhenya, you need to leave here, you are not welcome here!" I almost fainted and ran to the hut where my friends were.

Running into the hut, I saw that all my friends were sleeping. I started waking them up to tell them what had just happened to me, but none of them woke up. And suddenly I distinctly heard the voices of two people outside the hut. They seemed to be talking in Yakut, but I did not fully understand the meaning of what was said. I understood only one thing, that they came to take us all to them. I stood and listened in horror as they slowly approached our door. Couldn't move or do anything. At that moment, I suddenly woke up. Waking up, I saw that two friends were sleeping, and two more were quietly sitting near the stove and talking. I was covered in sweat, my heart was beating very strongly, in order to calm down a little, I got up and went up to the guys who were sitting near the stove and asked for a cigarette. When they saw me, they laughed and asked: "What happened?" I told them about my dream, and they laughed a little at me and went to bed. I smoked and went to bed too.

I slept peacefully for the rest of the night. Waking up early in the morning, we cast lots, who would stay in the hut during the day, go fishing with nets on the lake and cook food for the evening return. The lot fell on me... My friends laughing, seeing my timid attempts to go with them, got ready for the trip. They warmed up the tractor, loaded everyone onto a trailer and took all the dogs and went hunting, saying that they would come closer to the night, and if Bayanay smiled, he would not wait for them until tomorrow. Left alone, I slowly tidied up the hut, took out the nets and began to prepare them for catching carp. Before dinner I finished my business and lay down to rest. All morning I couldn't get my night's sleep out of my head. I imperceptibly fell asleep, and when I woke up it was dark in the house, the stove went out and it became cool.

Having heated the stove, I decided, although it was a bit dark on the street, since I had overslept, I had to check the nets and prepare for the arrival of fresh fish. Having caught a normal catch, he came home in high spirits. Singing some melody under his breath, he began to clean the fish by the light of two large candles. Suddenly, I distinctly heard a man cough behind me, dropping the knife, I turned around, but I didn’t see anyone. Fear began to creep into my soul again. In order to somehow distract myself from the coming feeling of fear and in anticipation of boiling water for the soup, I began to read the only book that was in the hut. Gradually, the fear went away, by this time the water had boiled and, having put the fish in the cauldron, I finally calmed down. Suddenly, in the distance, I heard the sound of a working tractor, I was very happy about the return of my friends. While waiting for them, I began to look out the window every now and then, from where the descent from the hill to the alas, where our hut stood, was clearly visible. And now, from behind the trees, rays of light from the headlights of the tractor made their way, and after some time he himself began to descend the hill. In the trailer, I saw the silhouettes of three friends and began to prepare the table. About ten minutes later, the tractor drove up and purred, fell silent. He immediately heard the voices of his friends and the barking of Scarlet. My heart was relieved and I decided to wait for my friends in the hut, and they, talking loudly and laughing, came close to the door of the hut.

And suddenly everything became very quiet, no voices, no barking dogs could be heard. Not fully understanding the reason for the silence, I ran out into the street and was stunned ... There was no tractor, there were no friends, and there was only darkness on the street ... And then I understood the expression: "hair stand on end" in the literal sense. It felt like someone grabbed my hair and pulled it up. Seeing nothing from fear, I hit the door, barely opened it and literally tumbled into the hut. And then another shock awaited me, an unfamiliar middle-aged man was sitting at the table with a pipe in his mouth and, looking angrily at me, suddenly yelled that my heart almost stopped, in Yakut: "KIER BUOLUN MANTAN !!!", in Russian - get out of here! I don’t remember how I ran out into the street where I was running, I just remember that willow branches were hitting my face hard. I came to my senses only on the road leading to the neighboring farm, although this road was about fifteen kilometers from our hut. I did not feel tired, but my breathing was very rapid and my heart was beating, trying to escape. Six hours later, I reached the farm, it was already the morning milk yield of the cows, and the local milkmaids were very surprised at my appearance. After drinking tea and eating a little, I told them my story and asked the man to go pick up my friends.

The man, who called himself Yegor, told me that this was not the first case in the alas where that hut stood. Previously, local guys hunted there, but one day a tragedy occurred there, after drinking together, the son shot his father. And then he hung himself. And since then strange things started to happen there. And what is surprising, if older, older men come to hunt, then everything goes well, but when young people, like us, come, they always see a man with a pipe who kicks them out. Closer to dinner, my friends drove up, who were as frightened by my disappearance as I was. Such a story happened to me back in 2002 in one of the districts of the republic. Dear readers, this is not fiction, not fantasy, but a real, real case. Subsequently, I heard a lot of interesting things from other hunters, maybe someone will put them on this group. Let others know and be ready if fate takes them to those places. Sincerely, "Believed" (from the forum)

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The ancients made sacrifices to the spirits of the hunt so that this enterprise would be successful. Otherwise, the spirits will get angry and will not send prey, otherwise they will do something bad with a person ...
Oddly enough, a similar custom has survived to this day, especially in the northern, taiga regions. In Siberia, for example, there are special, “sacred” places where hunters leave food for the spirits or sprinkle vodka before setting off on their hunt.
There are "inviolable" animals, which in no case should be shot. Siberian hunters call them "princes". You can recognize these animals by their unusual coloration or too large sizes.
“If you kill such a prince, you won’t see luck,” says Boris Ditsevich, senior researcher at the Sibokhotnauka UMC.
Somehow, he says, one of his acquaintances happened to meet a white musk deer in the forest. Usually the musk deer has a brown skin, and it was a real albino - a snow-white skin, a pink nose, reddish eyes ...
The hunter could not resist, shot at the beast. After that, hunting luck left him, and for a very long time he could not shoot any game ...

Werewolf hunting

Encounters with mystical creatures are also not uncommon for hunters. For example, in Siberia there are legends about werewolf bears. In ancient times, one could hear the characteristic stories of hunters there: “I am walking through the taiga, and towards me is a bear. Huge, scary... Of course, I immediately fired. Look - and the bear is gone!”
A.M. Bronnikov from the village of Znamenka, Chita Region, tells a story about his grandfather. He was brave, he was not afraid of anyone, he went alone into the taiga to hunt a bear. And according to local belief, it was impossible to go hunting that day. Grandfather found a place, waited for the night, determining the time by the stars, and sat in an ambush.
Exactly at midnight in the bushes crackled. The hunter raised his rifle. It was heard as if the bear was breaking, but no one was visible. "Steps" approached him, the grandfather wanted to shoot, but his hands seemed to be taken away. Here the invisible man burst out laughing, and a voice was heard: “What, you can’t shoot? You can't kill me!" Again there was wild laughter, and again the bushes crackled - an unknown creature was moving away. The man, neither alive nor dead, quickly ran home ...
Werewolves are found not only in Siberia. Many years ago, an amazing event took place in the Poltava region, witnessed by about a dozen people, including police officers.
In September 2001, a wolf suddenly attacked a cow herd and dragged away a young bull. In those parts, wolves have not been found for forty years now, and at first the locals decided that one of the feral dogs had done something wrong. But the forester V. Andrienko, looking at the tracks left by the beast on the ground, immediately realized that they belonged to the wolf.
This case was the first, but by no means the only one. In two months, the bloodthirsty wolf killed more than 20 pigs. He came to the farms at night when people were sleeping. The yard dogs, instead of driving away the intruder, whined cowardly at his appearance and, with their tails between their legs, huddled somewhere far away.
Traps and traps did not help: the beast seemed to guess in advance where they were installed, and bypassed them. Foresters only shrugged their hands - where is the animal hiding, because the forest around is small, sparse, they combed it a hundred times, but they did not find the robber ...
Only once, in the early winter morning, a silhouette flashed before the hunters, more like a monster covered with thick hair than a wolf. It quickly darted away from people somewhere to the side, while - lo and behold! - stand on your hind legs. And vanished into the mist...
And then people began to disappear. Of course, everyone decided that they were the prey of the wolf. A terrible panic began in the district, the residents stopped sleeping peacefully at night, they did not turn off the lights until morning. Parents did not let their children go outside and even forbade them to go to school ...
The villagers organized voluntary self-defense units that patrolled the neighborhood. In the end, the police were involved in the case. It turned out that all the incidents took place within the same zone - near the old abandoned farm, nicknamed Boar. A group of eleven people went there to hunt - policemen and forestry workers.
In a dilapidated wooden house, a hole was dug in the earthen floor - a glacier. There they found an empty wolf's lair. Next to the pit was a stack of clothes and a pair of Salamander shoes. Everything is almost new. To whom could these things belong? - the visitors were perplexed.
They set up an ambush in the hope that the wolf would come to his “home”. He came only at dawn, when people had already lost hope. Before the eyes of the hunters, the animal ran across the field. It was huge, with shaggy fur of a reddish hue. It moved in a strange way, as if dancing.
Before reaching the farm, the beast somersaulted over its head - and suddenly everyone saw a completely naked person in its place!
"Werewolf!" - one of the men shouted and fired - obviously, they lost their nerves. The bullet hit the stranger in the side. He fell to the ground and ... turned into a wolf again!
The beast hobbled away and was soon out of sight. Confused people did not catch up with him. When they realized it and rushed to the place where the shot overtook this creature, they saw blood stains and traces of bare feet in the snow. They suddenly broke off, and then wolf paw prints stretched ...

Uninvited guests

Hunting bases and winter quarters are often located on the site of abandoned villages. These are, as a rule, places with a special energy that affects people.
Here is a story that happened to the Siberian Fedor T. Returning from hunting, he decided to spend the night in a forest winter hut. At night, I heard someone driving by, playing an accordion ... Passers-by dismounted at the winter hut, the door opened - and two people about 30 centimeters tall entered the hut. Fyodor jumped up from the bunk in fright and rushed to run. And so he ran without looking back to the house. His wife said he thought...
In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, five soldiers went hunting and disappeared without a trace. They had to make a halt in a forest hut, which for some reason was considered “bad”. The searchers decided to go there. The door was locked from the inside; They were dead, their faces contorted with horror. Death came from sudden cardiac arrest...
And in a long-forgotten village in the Olkhonsky district, everyone who stayed there was visited by “They”. So the hunters called a man with a white beard and a woman with long white hair, dressed in white clothes. "They" appeared both at night and during the day, and those who saw them later described their state as semi-conscious.
Usually "They" asked: "What are you doing here?" Hearing the answer - “We hunt!”, They said: “You can’t hunt here!”
These ghosts appeared not only in the hut, but also outside it. One day a hunter was stalking game in the forest in winter. Suddenly, he saw two people in white in front of him ... The man lost consciousness and woke up only after a few hours. Mysteriously, he did not get frostbite - probably, the guests in white decided to just warn him, and not harm him ...
After this incident, local hunters called a shaman from the nearby village of Kurtun to contact the ghosts and find out what they needed. The shaman took four bottles of vodka and began to sprinkle alcohol on the corners of the winter hut.
After the ritual, which lasted more than two hours, he told that the mysterious “They” were the former inhabitants of the village, on the site of which the winter hut stands. Once upon a time, a man and a woman died a violent death, and now their souls cannot leave these lands ... Magic helped. The spirits didn't bother anyone anymore.
In another winter hut, hunters were strangled at night by some black peasants with disheveled beards. In addition, everyone who spent the night here began to have a severe headache. According to Boris Ditsevich, the stones interspersed with copper, from which the furnace was laid, were to blame.
When heated, they emitted poisonous gases, and people had hallucinations ... But it is not clear why the same images seemed to everyone in delirium. No, it's not that simple!

mystical warning

Sometimes "evil spirits", on the contrary, help hunters. One such episode happened in the summer of 1952 with the future famous director Andrei Tarkovsky. While on a geological expedition in the Yenisei region, Tarkovsky stopped to spend the night in an empty forest lodge. Suddenly he heard someone's voice: "Get out of here!" There was no one around.
The young man thought he was imagining it. But the voice came again. When the warning sounded for the third time, Tarkovsky, despite the late hour, nevertheless decided to leave the hut.
As soon as he rode a hundred meters on a horse, a huge pine tree broke from a strong gust of wind and crashed onto the roof of the house with a roar. If Tarkovsky were inside, he would inevitably die or get seriously injured ...
So it is better to try not to anger the spirits and live in harmony with nature, not invading someone else's territory. This is the "law of the taiga"!

edited news OzzyFan - 17-03-2013, 10:34
