Chrysanthemums agricultural technology. Chrysanthemums - cultivation, care, transplantation and reproduction

Garden chrysanthemum can rightfully be called one of the most beautiful autumn perennials that bloom until frost and have a unique tart aroma. This beautiful flower brings a lot of bright joy in the dark days of autumn. However, many summer residents think in vain that in the conditions of the middle lane it can only be grown as an annual or indoor container plant. Next, you will learn about all the methods of reproduction, timing, rules for planting and caring for bush garden chrysanthemums in the open field.

Conventionally, all chrysanthemums can be divided into 2 types:

As a rule, perennial Korean varieties are planted and grown in our gardens, which winter well (but better with additional shelter). And the most popular are spherical garden chrysanthemums (multiflora).

Large-flowered varieties are most often used for commercial purposes, that is, for cutting and, because they need warmer conditions, obviously not the middle zone or the Urals and Siberia, where they simply freeze out.

Video: types and varieties of chrysanthemums

Methods for propagating chrysanthemums

Basically, garden chrysanthemums are propagated by dividing the bush or cuttings, in other words, by vegetative methods. But often it is also grown from seeds.

By the way! Large-flowered and small-flowered (Korean) species reproduce identically.

Sowing seeds

Perennial chrysanthemums can be sown with seeds, but varietal characteristics will not be preserved during the collection of planting material and its re-sowing. If you still decide to buy seeds, then it is better to first sow them for seedlings (in February-March), dive in the phase of two true leaves, and when the threat of return frosts has passed, plant them in the ground (or pot). And then by autumn you can get flowering bushes. In addition, you can try to land by direct sowing in open ground in May-June.

The division of the bush

Once every 2-3 years, the root system of the garden chrysanthemum grows excessively, begins to degenerate, the flowers become smaller, so the plant should be rejuvenated, that is, divided.

Dividing a plant is quite simple: you need to carefully dig out the bushes and divide them into several copies (with your hands, pruners or even a shovel). Then plant them in separate holes and shade with non-woven material from the sun (stick 4 sticks and throw cover on them) so that they do not burn while being taken.

Video: transplanting chrysanthemums by dividing the bush


It is convenient to cut chrysanthemums during autumn pruning. To do this, you will need to cut, and it is better to break out 5-8 cm shoots (the flowers themselves must be cut off, leave only a couple of leaves), which can be rooted either in a glass of water or in a common container in a special substrate (from peat and sand or in a mixture of perlite with the same peat) and cover with a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect.

When the roots appear on the plant (after 2-3 weeks), they should be planted in separate containers. In winter, young seedlings should be kept in a cool place (+4..+6 degrees) and do not forget to water if necessary. When planting cuttings in the spring, it is desirable to shade them for the first time (weeks 2), for example, by making a canopy from spunbond.

Video: cuttings of chrysanthemums in autumn

Video: cuttings in spring

Advice! You can also cut chrysanthemums from a presented bouquet.

Video: how to root chrysanthemums from a bouquet - cuttings and results

Planting dates for chrysanthemums

Depending on the method of reproduction, the timing differs when it is better to sow, transplant (divide) or cut chrysanthemums.

So, sow seeds chrysanthemums for seedlings are best in early spring (even in February-March), or in open ground in May, when the earth warms up enough (but then flowering should be expected only next year).

Cutting chrysanthemum bushes best in autumn during regular pruning, but keeping them in winter is quite difficult, and they often die, so better do it anyway spring, the survival rate in this case is much higher.

The division of the bush and transplantation of chrysanthemums can be done both in the second half of spring, when the threat of age-related frosts has passed (in April-May), and at the end of summer - early autumn (in August-September), so that the bushes have time to take root in a new place before the cold snap.

How to plant chrysanthemums in open ground

In order to eliminate all problems with the growth and development of garden perennial chrysanthemums in the open field, you need to remember about choosing the right place, as well as the soil for planting.

Place to land

For the successful cultivation of chrysanthemums in the garden, it is very important to choose the right place for planting. If possible, this should be the sunniest site in the country. The plant does not like constant drafts, but it does not like stagnation of air, so the place must be ventilated. It is optimal to choose more or less elevated areas, hillocks, slopes, since it is impossible to allow the root system to be constantly flooded with water.

Garden perennial chrysanthemum is ideal for creating living borders, that is, for decorating garden paths, as well as creating beautiful compositions around the house.

The soil

This flowering perennial will grow without problems in loose (moisture permeable) and fertile soil. The acidity of the soil should be neutral or slightly acidic. The optimal soil for planting garden chrysanthemum is well-drained loamy or sandy loam.

If the soil is sandy, then the landing site should be well dug up and filled with compost or humus.

If your soil is heavy, moisture does not pass well (and its stagnation has a very negative effect on the perennial), then you should make good drainage by pouring a little sand on the bottom.

Direct landing

So you bought a bush (seedling in a bag with earth) of a garden chrysanthemum in the fall (or divided the mother bush, sprouted cuttings), chose a suitable day (preferably cloudy), either early morning or late evening. It's time to plant it.

Step-by-step instructions for planting chrysanthemums in open ground:

Important! If you plant several bushes at once, then the distance between them should be about 30-50 centimeters. Remember that the bushes grow very strongly.

Video: how to plant chrysanthemums in autumn

Care of chrysanthemums in the open field

It is hardly possible to call a chrysanthemum an unpretentious plant, on the contrary, it requires constant care. Therefore, in order to get beautiful bushes, these perennial flowers must be watered, fed, shaped (cut and cut), transplanted and propagated (divided and cuttings) and covered for the winter.

Important! And tall, as a rule, large-flowered (but small-flowered ones are also tall) chrysanthemums must also be tied to pegs so that they do not lie down or even worse break off.


The plant can be called moisture-loving, but it should not be waterlogged (in spring, natural moisture, as a rule, will be enough for it).

Advice! After planting (planting a rooted cutting) or transplanting (dividing) chrysanthemums in spring, young seedlings should be moderately watered periodically.

At the height of summer (June-July), the garden perennial requires abundant watering, since the process of bud formation occurs during this period. As soon as flowering begins (usually in August), watering should be reduced. With a lack of moisture, the stems of the plant will become woody and stop branching.

Important! Chrysanthemums must be watered exclusively at the root. Crown sprinkling is prohibited. Of course, if possible, it is desirable to use rain or settled water, and loosen after each watering so that a dry crust does not form.

top dressing

Chrysanthemums are fed according to the standard scheme:

  1. In early spring, nitrogen fertilizers - to start the growth of green mass (for example, infusion of mullein in a ratio of 1 to 10 or chicken manure (1 to 15).
  2. In summer, during budding with potassium-phosphorus (more potassium) fertilizers - for a richer and more lush flowering (for example, wood ash).
  3. In autumn - phosphorus-potassium (more phosphorus). Phosphorus has a good effect on strengthening the root system, which is necessary during the preparation of the plant for wintering.

There are special complex fertilizers for chrysanthemums for the entire growing season.

Diseases and pests

One of the most common troubles that happens to a chrysanthemum is the first appearance white plaque, and then at all blackening and death of its leaves. All this points to the disease of garden perennials. powdery mildew. Frequent rains and, as a result, waterlogging, dense plantings, temperature fluctuations are the most favorable environment for the development of this disease. To restore the plant to its former beauty, it should be sprinkled a couple of times with preparations containing copper in their basis (for example, copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture).

Often attacks chrysanthemums aphids and thrips, in this case, you will need to treat garden perennials with one of the special insecticidal preparations, for example, Aktara or Fitoverm.

Video: globular chrysanthemums - planting, care and shelter

If you are nevertheless imbued with the idea of ​​​​planting and growing a shrub garden perennial chrysanthemum in your summer cottage, focus on the features of care and its reproduction. And then you will be able to amaze all the neighbors with the splendor of an autumn flower.

Video: features of the care and reproduction of spray chrysanthemums

In contact with

Chrysanthemums can be found in almost every flower bed. They earned love from flower growers due to their abundant and long flowering, as well as their unpretentiousness in care.

The finished plant can be purchased at a flower shop, or you can grow it yourself in a seedling way or by taking it from your neighbors. With proper care, young seedlings or cuttings rooted in pots will eventually turn into full-fledged bushes. And here comes one of the main points - planting chrysanthemums from a pot in open ground.

In order for the chrysanthemum to quickly take root and please with its flowering in the first year, you should pay attention to some points related to transplantation:

  • choose the right time and place;
  • prepare the ground;
  • regularly care for the bush;
  • carry out periodic feeding.

Time and place for planting chrysanthemums

Both young and bushes that have been dug up and planted in a pot for wintering indoors should be planted in open ground no earlier than the soil warms up. The optimum temperature of the earth layer to a depth of 20 cm is 14 degrees Celsius. Depending on weather conditions, the estimated time of disembarkation is the end of May.

Chrysanthemum should be planted after the night frosts have ended. It is better to do this in the morning or on cloudy days.

For lush flowering and the formation of large inflorescences, chrysanthemum requires good lighting, so shady places should be avoided. In addition, the site must be protected from wind and drafts. It is also not recommended to plant a plant in the lowlands, where moisture accumulates - this leads to decay of the root system and further death.

Soil selection and preparation

Best of all, chrysanthemums grow on loose, fertile soil with neutral acidity.

Clay or sandy soil should be fertilized with organic matter (humus).

In the selected area, make holes with a distance of 50 cm from each other - for large varieties, and 30 cm - for other species. The depth of the planting hole depends on the size of the root system of the chrysanthemum (the roots should be located freely), but it is not necessary to deepen too much, since the roots of the plant do not develop deep. Pour a little sand into each hole and water it.

Caring for planted chrysanthemums and top dressing

Further planting care includes:

  • regular watering directly under the root with settled water;
  • loosening the soil after watering;
  • removal of weeds.

In order to form a beautiful bush, young seedlings are pinched.

Complex preparations are also used to fertilize planted chrysanthemums. In order to prolong flowering, phosphorus top dressing is used. In total, three top dressings are enough for the season.

Spring transplant of chrysanthemum with reproduction - video

Chrysanthemums are back in fashion. There are hundreds of varieties that delight with their flowering from early summer to late autumn.

Autumn flowering is especially valuable, when all colors fade. How to plant them in open ground, how to care for and propagate this miracle?

There are several ways to propagate chrysanthemums. They are divided into vegetative, which includes several species and seed. Each has its pros and cons. In chrysanthemum, the timing of planting and care in the open field differs depending on the time of flowering: early, medium, late. Each grower chooses for himself the most productive way that suits him. Let's look at them in descending order of popularity.

The division of the bush

One of the most common ways for those who have an old mother bush that has grown enough. Subject to all necessary conditions, this method is the most reliable, almost 100% survival rate. It takes a little time to complete all the manipulations.

The algorithm is the following:

  • dig with a clod of earth, shake it off. If conditions permit, then the bush must be soaked to wash off the ground.
  • With a sharp and clean knife, cut the bush into separate sections.
  • Each should have about 2-4 shoots.
  • Delenki are placed in a solution of potassium permanganate and kept there for 20-40 minutes.
  • Within half an hour, new bushes need to be dried a little.
  • Planted in prepared loose and nutritious soil.
  • Water around, shade with improvised means from drying out.

Dates of division: May or end of August-beginning of September. It is necessary to divide the bush, regardless of whether you want to propagate it, once every 3-4 years. Thus, the plant is rejuvenated, the flowers become larger.


The second most important way is rooting cuttings. It is suitable in the case when the plant needs to maintain varietal characteristics. So you can get much more young plants than from dividing the bush.

How and when to propagate chrysanthemums by cuttings? Planting material is prepared only in spring: from late February to early June. If reproduction occurs in February-March, then the plant takes root for a long time, about a month. When cuttings are planted in April-May - 2 weeks.

There are 2 main ways:

  • 1 way. With the onset of cold weather, the mother plant must be dug up and stored at a temperature of 5-8 ° C until February. Occasionally, an earthen ball needs to be watered so that it does not get too dry. At the end of February, put the pot under the light and raise the temperature to 16-18 ° C.
    It is recommended to feed the plant with nitrogen fertilizer to accelerate the growth of shoots. When the shoots reach 20-25 cm, they are cut off for rooting. To make the process go faster, they are broken out with a “heel” right at the stem with their hands. Leave 6-7 cm with 3-5 internodes. The lower leaves are removed, the upper ones are reduced by half. Cuttings are planted in loose soil, half mixed with sand. Rooting begins at a temperature of 17-23 ° C.
  • 2 way. In terms of meaning, this method is similar to the previous one, only it is performed in open ground. In the spring, when chrysanthemums wake up and grow, you need to stimulate them: feed them with nitrogen and complex fertilizers. When the shoots grow, they can be drawn in the same way as in the previous method.

Planting material can be planted in the so-called "school", a garden bed, where conditions are created for the rooting of young plants. Usually it is slightly raised to make it more convenient to work, the soil is only loose, with a lot of sand, it is possible to stretch a film or spunbond on top, as in a greenhouse.

The school must be absolutely clean from weeds. It is also possible, as in method 1, to use boxes filled with substrate for rooting. A transplant to a permanent place can be done in 2-3 weeks, but make sure that these days are not too hot.

Some are interested in how to grow a chrysanthemum from a cut flower? You can also do this as described above. The stem is cut into cuttings with 4 internodes, the leaves are shortened. It is better to make a cut oblique to increase the rooting area.

Only semi-woody parts of the stem are planted.


This type of propagation is not often used, although it has the following advantages: the plant is not injured during digging, the rooting rate is very high, young chrysanthemums receive nutrition from the mother bush. The meaning of this method is as follows:

  • Choose the longest shoots from the bush.
  • Tilt them to the ground to pin.
  • The land in this place should be loose and cleared of weeds.
  • At the point of contact, the stem can be rubbed so that the bark comes off it. This is done for better rooting.
  • The plant is pinned or pressed, for example, with a stone.
  • Watered and sprinkled with loose earth.

This procedure is performed in the fall. By next season there will be new plants.

Reproduction by seeds

Reproduction by seeds is not the most popular type when it comes to hybrids. In this case, the vegetative method is used, since there is no guarantee that exactly the variety that looks like “father” or “mother” will grow from the seeds.

From varietal small-flowered chrysanthemums, you can propagate the flower you like. Seeds are harvested in autumn. Stratify before planting. Planted in advance, in February-March, to look at the flowering in the first year.

Chrysanthemums - planting in spring and autumn

When is it better to plant perennial chrysanthemums: in autumn or spring? Mostly in the fall, gardeners plant in the southern regions, where the winter is mild. In spring - residents of the central part of Russia. Autumn planting contains several subtleties:

  • Before the start of winter, you need to place the plant in a new place, given that there is at least a month before frost or severe cold. During this time, the chrysanthemum will have time to take root.
  • The planting hole must be filled with humus or compost, as well as potash and phosphorus fertilizers, which contribute to the rapid growth of the underground part of the plant.
  • It is necessary to land in dry cloudy weather, but it is better on the eve of rain.
  • If the weather is rainy, then additional watering is not worth it.
  • When planting in spring, it is important to shade the chrysanthemum so that it does not fall under the bright spring rays and make sure that the soil is always moist.

Chrysanthemums, care - watering, top dressing, pruning, shelter

In order to get beautiful flowers, you need to follow some conditions:

  • Watering is moderate. Chrysanthemum does not like excess moisture, as well as lack of watering.
    Watering method - under the root.
  • Top dressing. Chrysanthemum needs complex fertilizer. In spring and early summer, more nitrogen, then you need to make phosphorus and potassium. This contributes to the formation of beautiful inflorescences.
  • Pruning. Before frost, the chrysanthemum is cut off, leaving 10-15 cm above ground level.
  • Shelter. With the onset of frost, the flowers cover. The most cold-resistant - a thick layer of leaf litter, needles or sawdust. Heat-loving ones are insulated with various covering non-woven materials.

There are varieties that cannot be left outside, they are dug up and placed in optimal conditions.

How to create globular chrysanthemum bushes

There are varieties that grow and begin to branch in such a way that they form a beautiful ball. But from an ordinary chrysanthemum, you can do something similar. To do this, you need a young plant: a rooted cutting or a separated part of the mother plant with one stem.

The shoot is pinched over 5-7 leaves. New processes begin to grow from the sinuses, they are shortened according to the same principle. You get a beautiful "pillow" from just one stem.

Growing chrysanthemums in the garden - planting and care - on video:

Chrysanthemums in the garden are a firework of bright colors even against the backdrop of cloudy rainy days. Raspberry, pink, red, purple, white and peach tones catch the eye and uplift the mood. When you look at the multi-colored fluffy bushes, you involuntarily recall the oriental wisdom that growing chrysanthemums is for longevity and happiness. Moreover, there are no difficulties in these agricultural practices: timely planting, proper care and preparation for winter will fill the garden with cheerful colors until late autumn. After all, chrysanthemum is one of the few.

Chrysanthemum can be grown at home. Especially since the varieties belong to the apartment.

Planting a chrysanthemum

For the successful planting of chrysanthemums, you need to choose a suitable place, prepare the soil and decide on the timing. Chrysanthemums are best planted in the spring. However, even with autumn planting, the flowers take root well. Therefore, in exceptional cases, landing in the fall is also possible, the main thing is to be in time before mid-September.

Place for planting chrysanthemums

For planting chrysanthemums in the Moscow region, it is better to choose a sunny place. Then it is more likely that the plants will have time to pick up buds and bloom before frost. In my garden, I plant chrysanthemums in the garden - it's easier to cover them for the winter. When covering, they are slightly tilted, and then covered with a non-woven fabric.

Soil when planting chrysanthemums

The soil for chrysanthemums needs fertile. Chrysanthemums prefer neutral soil, but with proper care they also succeed in peat bogs. When landing I add:

  • compost,
  • ash,
  • any complex mineral fertilizer.

Planting chrysanthemums in spring

For chrysanthemums, as for most, spring planting is preferable. This allows the plants to take root well and overwinter. During spring planting, chrysanthemums are not pruned, and after flowering, the inflorescences are not cut off; in the first year of planting, the stems of the plant are left for better wintering.

Planting chrysanthemums in autumn

Basically, chrysanthemums are planted in the fall, because at this time they are sold in bloom, and you can choose a variety live, and not from the picture. However, such late autumn plantings are associated with risks.

When planting chrysanthemums in autumn, it is expensive every day, so plants are planted immediately after purchase. Peduncles are removed to the middle of the stems so that the plants do not waste energy on flowering and take root sooner. Cut stems can be used to propagate chrysanthemums from cuttings (see below).

Chrysanthemum Care

Caring for chrysanthemums is easy. It comes down to timely watering, mulching, fertilizing, weeding and shelter for the winter.

Watering chrysanthemums

After planting, chrysanthemums need to be watered once every 3 days if the weather is dry. It is also desirable to shade chrysanthemums from the bright sun.

Mulching chrysanthemums

In spring and autumn, I mulch plantings with chrysanthemums. Autumn is especially important. Chrysanthemums form young rosettes by the end of September, which should overwinter. Rosettes grow upwards somewhat, which is why mulching is so important for chrysanthemums. Once every two years, for the same reason, chrysanthemums need to be planted (do this in the spring).

Top dressing of chrysanthemums

In total for the season I spend 3 top dressings on chrysanthemums:

1. I spend the first top dressing in the third decade of May with nitrogen fertilizers:

  • I pre-moisten the soil under the chrysanthemums with ordinary water so as not to burn the roots,
  • do,
  • I breed herbal infusion in a ratio of 1: 8 and water chrysanthemums.

2. I spend the second dressing in mid-June: I breed a kemira or fertik in water: 1 tbsp. l. on the watering can

3. I spend the third top dressing at the end of June or in the middle of August and fertilizers:

  • dissolve 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate in a bucket of water;
  • or I prepare an ash extract: I pour 2 cups of ash with a bucket of water and insist for about 2 days, stirring occasionally.
  • I take a glass of ash extract based on a watering can and water the flowers.

Such top dressing is important for a successful wintering, so that the stems ripen properly and the plant prepares for winter.

pruning chrysanthemums

I do not prune the chrysanthemums of the current year of planting for the winter. I only remove the faded inflorescences with a stem capture of no more than 2 cm, if the plants were planted in the spring.

In autumn planting chrysanthemums, after placing them in the garden, I shorten the stems immediately.

When chrysanthemums have been growing in the garden for more than a year, I cut them off before shelter, leaving 15-20 cm stumps.

Shelter of chrysanthemums for the winter

Before the frosts, I put arcs and cover the chrysanthemums with non-woven material to please the flowers longer.

With the onset of a steady minus (-7 ° C during the day), I cut all varieties by half the height (with the exception of plantings of the current year), cover them with stems, spruce branches and two layers of non-woven material on top. The air gap that is maintained from the ground to the covering material is the key to a successful wintering.

If planned wintering chrysanthemums in the cellar , they are dug up before the first frost and planted in pots, the stems are shortened. During storage in the cellar, chrysanthemums are occasionally watered so that the earth does not dry out, but is slightly damp.

Reproduction of chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums can be propagated by cuttings, layering and seeds. Chrysanthemums are excellent cuttings, so this method is preferred. Chopped side shoots take root, separated from the stem with a “heel” and cuttings cut from the middle part of the stem. It is best to cut chrysanthemums in the spring. But even with autumn planting, successful rooting of cuttings is possible.

Reproduction of chrysanthemums by cuttings

For cuttings of chrysanthemums, the most suitable time is spring. It is better to choose a place for rooting cuttings in partial shade.

  1. The cuttings are cut into 7-10 cm and stuck into the ground at an angle to the first leaf from the bottom, covered with plastic bottles.
  2. The top layer of soil is covered with river sand - this contributes to better rooting.
  3. You can remove the bottles when new side shoots appear on the cuttings. First, the bottles are raised for several hours so that the cuttings get used to the air, and after a week they are removed completely.

Propagation of chrysanthemums by cuttings in autumn

Once in my garden in the spring, I saw that some of the cut stems of chrysanthemums with which I cover the plants have taken root.
Now the cut stems (several pieces of each variety) in the fall I stick into the ground from the edge of the garden, I do this in the middle - the end of October. It's amazing, but they almost always take root, so I now insure rare varieties.

Also, cut stems during the autumn planting of chrysanthemum cuttings on the same bed (where the flowers were planted). To increase the rooting time for chrysanthemums, I cover them with a non-woven fabric. This contributes to better survival of plants, even if sub-zero temperatures have been established at night.

Propagation of chrysanthemums by layering

Chrysanthemum cuttings can be rooted. They are pressed to the ground with a stone and covered in this place with a layer of soil of 1-2 cm.

Reproduction of chrysanthemums by seeds

Chrysanthemums are also propagated by seeds. I sow flowers before winter, when a steady sub-zero temperature is established, and in spring, in mid-May. I plant crops in a year. I try to sow not thickly, so that during the year the shoots do not interfere with each other.

Varieties of chrysanthemums for the Moscow region

In the conditions of the Moscow region, the most stable varieties in my garden proved to be:

  • golden orange
  • Caucasian captive
  • Okishore
  • Panda
  • Sunflower

Do not winter in the conditions of the Moscow region under any shelter:

  • Sonechko
  • Vologda lace
  • Lipstick
  • All varieties of dwarf chrysanthemums (nowadays a fashionable novelty) up to 20 cm tall.

Read more about growing perennials in the garden.
