Fitness at home for weight loss: videos and the best exercises. You didn’t know this about fitness for weight loss Effective fitness lesson

What is the best weight loss workout program for burning fat? What exercises are the most effective for weight loss due to fat mass? You will find answers to these and other important questions about fat burning workouts in this article. If you have any questions, you can always ask them in the comments below and get a qualified answer.

  1. How much strength training should be included in the program?
  2. How much cardio do you need to do to lose weight?
  3. How much fat can be burned by following such a program?

Everyone wants to have a perfect body, but not everyone achieves this goal. This is usually not due to a lack of effort. Rather, most people just don't know how to plan their weight loss routine to burn as much fat as possible.

A well-designed fat burning workout program includes many components; there are many aspects that determine how successful it will be. Before you start any kind of training, you should pay attention to your diet.

The diet you follow while exercising is a key factor in fat loss. All efforts will be futile if you take in excess calories (especially from inappropriate sources such as sugar).

Use the following calculator to determine your daily calorie and macronutrient requirements:

In addition to a calorie deficit, a fat-burning diet must meet the following requirements:

  • high protein content (2-4 g per kilogram of body weight);
  • low to moderate carbs (low on rest days, moderate on training days)
  • high content of essential fatty acids (EFAs);
  • as little sugar as possible;
  • no carbohydrates after 18:00.

By following such a diet, you force the body to burn fat, not muscle mass. By alternating the level of carbohydrate intake, you give your body the required amount on training days, and reduce them on rest days.

A large amount of protein helps keep the body in an anabolic state and prevent it from becoming catabolic. EFAs are needed due to the fact that you will be taking in fewer carbohydrates than usual. They will give you energy and allow your metabolism to run optimally. The last thing you need on this diet is a slow metabolism.

Sugar is mostly stored as fat, so you should avoid it by all means. Eating sugars is useful after training, when the release of insulin will serve you well. One of the main conditions of this diet is the exclusion of carbohydrates after 18:00. This allows the body to deplete glycogen stores while you sleep.

When you wake up and start doing cardio, the body will use fat as an energy source, since glycogen will either not be left at all or there will be very little of it.

weight loss training program

The best exercises for a fat burning workout combine strength and cardio. I believe that strength training is the best choice when you are on a diet for several reasons. I think heavy weights are best for building muscle and strength. If you can maintain strength gains while dieting and doing cardio, then you will successfully shed fat and retain muscle. This is especially important for those who are looking for a weight loss training program to improve their appearance by getting rid of excess fat.

I advise you to do workouts 3 times a week, according to the "Mon-Wed-Fri" schedule. On some days, you should train the lower body, on others, the upper body. Do 2 upper body workouts the first week, then 2 lower body workouts the next week, which is a good way to shock the muscles.

This split is focused mainly on compound exercises, which promotes the production of growth hormone and guarantees the maximum increase in strength and muscle during the diet. It is very important to keep a training log. Write down how much weight you work with, as well as the number of repetitions that you perform in a particular exercise.

This will help you monitor your progress and determine if your diet is being too strict (if the weight starts to drop quickly and steadily, then the diet is too strict and you should adjust it). The bottom line is that while on a diet, weight should be reduced slowly, which will allow you to retain almost all the muscle mass that you have worked so hard to build.

2 week split

Here is a two-week split, which should be repeated 1 time in 2 weeks:

Monday 1: Upper Body Workout #1

1. Bench press with medium grip

  • 2 sets of 8-12 reps

2. Military bench press

  • 2 sets of 12 reps

3. French bench press

  • 2 sets of 15 reps

4. Chin-ups

  • 2 sets to muscle failure

5. Bent over row

  • 2 sets of 10 reps

Wednesday 1: Lower Body Workout #1

1. Boom lift withEZ bar for biceps

  • 2 sets of 12 reps

2. Bending arms with dumbbells (hammers)

  • 2 sets of 15 reps

3. Rise on socks while sitting

  • 1 set of 15 reps

4. Deadlift on straight legs

  • 2 sets of 15 reps

5. Hack squats

  • 1 set of 8 reps
  • 1 set of 20 reps

Friday 1: Upper Body Workout #2

1. Incline Dumbbell Press

  • 2 sets of 8-12 reps

2. Seated Dumbbell Press

  • 2 sets of 12 reps

3. Push-ups on the uneven bars (for triceps)

  • 2 sets of 12 reps
  • 2 sets of 10 reps

5. Deadlift

  • 1 set of 8 reps
  • 1 set of 4 reps

Monday 2: Lower Body Workout #2

1. Alternate lifting of dumbbells for biceps

  • 2 sets of 12 reps

2. Turns with pancake prone (twist)

  • 3 sets with the maximum possible weight

3. Leg press on the calves in the simulator

4. Bending the legs in the simulator

  • 2 sets of 12 reps

5. Barbell Squats

  • 1 set of 8 reps
  • 1 set of 20 reps

Wednesday 2: Upper Body Workout #3

1. Bench press lying on an incline bench upside down

  • 2 sets of 8-12 reps

2. Army press sitting in the simulator

  • 2 sets of 8 reps

3. Close Grip Bench Press

  • 2 sets of 15 reps

4. Pull-ups to the chin

  • 2 sets to muscle failure

5. One-handed t-bar pull

  • 2 sets of 10 reps

Friday 2: Lower Body Workout #3

1. Bending the arms on the Scott bench

  • 2 sets of 12 reps

2. Twisting for biceps with a dumbbell turn

  • 2 sets of 15 reps

3. Rise on toes while standing

  • 1 set of 15 reps with a 5 second pause at the top of the exercise

4. Barbell wide stance squat

  • 2 sets of 15 reps

5. Leg Press

  • 1 set of 20 reps or until muscle failure

Exercises for the abdominal muscles

  1. Incline bench crunches
  2. Raising bent legs on uneven bars
  3. Twisting on fitball

Note: The abdominal muscles should be given 2 workouts per week, alternating with rest days. Workouts should be short, that is, from 2-3 sets. Sets should be strenuous and include 8-12 reps.

As you can see, this program involves a low volume of training. This will help keep your muscles toned as you burn less muscle glycogen. In addition, low-volume workouts are good for dieters because they require minimal energy input.

These workouts are short, allowing you to activate your muscles without doing 20-30 reps. They are also safer. While on a diet, you are more likely to get injured, and such training will not allow you to overdo it in the gym.

Cardio is a key element in a fat burning training program. This cardio variation is different from what most people do, but it WILL work. My cardio regime and my diet will turn you into a fat burning machine. Cardio should be done in the morning on an empty stomach.

It should be done every day, except for the days when you train the lower body. As soon as you wake up - immediately forward to the treadmill. I prefer slow cardio. Each cardio session lasts 25-60 minutes at LOW SPEED and downhill. Try to keep a speed of 5.5 - 6.5 km / h with as much slope as you can afford.

If the load seems light to you, you should increase the incline, not the speed. This type of cardio will force your body to use fat instead of simple carbohydrates as an energy source.


It is very important to understand that not only cardio or not only diet will burn a large amount of fat. Strength training, cardio, and diet all combine to force the body to burn fat for energy rather than muscle. By training on this program, you should burn approximately 450 - 700 g of fat per week.

If you want to burn more or less fat per week, you can make changes to the program to suit your goals. Here, one of the determining factors is a calorie deficit. If you want to lose weight faster, reduce your intake by 225 calories. This will allow you to burn an additional 200 g of fat per week.

It is important to note that the body cannot burn fat too quickly. If you rush this process too much, you will begin to burn the muscle mass gained with such difficulty.

By following this program, you will transform your body in a matter of weeks. Once you understand that there are many factors that determine progress and take them into service, then you WILL achieve success. So, now you have the knowledge and the methods to put it into practice, so go ahead and get rid of fat once and for all!

Obesity among children and adults is a real nightmare epidemic in the Western world of the 21st century.

No one is immune to gaining extra pounds. What many people don't realize, however, is that patience, coupled with a well-designed fat loss and muscle building program, can easily change their lives.

You must have your own program or goal that will keep you coming to the gym. The goal should be clear enough so that you can truly enjoy the process and know that you are one step closer to it. You should always keep the goal in mind, no matter what it is - health, participation in competitions, beautiful appearance, etc.

What should be the workout for burning fat

  • heavy
  • Intensive and with a consistently distributed weekly load
  • Complex with work on the whole body in a week

Heavy sets of 8-12 reps will put more stress on the muscle fibers. This, in turn, will damage them more than light weights and 15 reps. Your central nervous system comes into play and the whole organism is mobilized. All this makes your body work harder and literally gives you an adrenaline rush.

You must train without staying in a training plateau. The organism must be put to the test, forcing it to respond and develop. Try to increase the working weight every week, even if it is only 2 kg; but not only in squats and deadlifts, but also in lifting the bar for biceps and in extensions of the arms on the block.

Complex training helps to work out many parts of the body in a short period of time. Greater stimulation of muscle fibers helps the body respond better. Combined with the right diet, this can be a great workout refresher for those who use standard 2-part splits in one workout.

This gives a great shock load on the body, which raises the metabolic rate and allows you to burn more fat daily. You spend less time in the gym and make more muscle groups work.

The program is simple and straightforward (change something if you want). Keep in mind that these workouts work many muscle groups, so you need to have good experience to perform them.

A set of exercises for weight loss

  1. Squats
  2. Bench press with medium grip
  3. Military bench press
  4. Barbell pull to chin
  5. Extension of arms on the block
  6. leg extension
  7. Barbell curl for biceps
  8. Standing leg curl

Note: All exercises are performed in 2 sets of 10-12 reps (taken from The Abs Diet by David ZincZenko). I recommend these compound workouts because they help my brother stay lean and lean all year round. The second exercise is given so that you can make changes to the program in a couple of weeks if you want.

It is worth sticking to the program for at least 4 weeks.

Note: Rest and exercise according to the following schedule.

  • Day 1 (training)
  • Day 2 (rest)
  • Day 3 (training)
  • Day 4 (rest)
  • Day 5 (training)
  • Day 6 (rest)
  • Day 7 (rest)
  • Repeat the same!


Note: just change the way you do cardio, for example, 2 days on a stationary bike, then 2 days on an elliptical or treadmill. Jump rope and swim next week. Everything is simple.

How much strength training should be included in a fat burning program?

In the same volume in which you performed them before you started burning fat. However, if you have not previously burned fat, then you should train exactly as the program prescribes, whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete.

Strength training is the key to burning calories and maintaining the anabolic process.

How much cardio should be included in a fat burning program?

As mentioned above, there should be no more than 4 workouts per week.

Note: Do cardio within 20 minutes after strength training, as glycogen is depleted during strength training, and the body will primarily burn fat as an energy source.

Cardio helps you reach your goal

Do cardio for 15 minutes at an intensity that makes you sweat and breathe faster. Heart rate should be at least 65% above normal. Of course, you will adapt over time, so this only makes sense if you build up the intensity.

Here is a technique that will help burn maximum fat:

  • for the first week, write down the distance you covered in 15 minutes;
  • try to walk more distance in the same time next week.

You, in turn, will become more enduring and burn more fat in the same amount of time, due to the fact that you trained more actively.

Video - The best fat burning workout or how to lose 10 kg?

What results can be expected from the program?

If the body mass index is 30-35, then you may be able to lose 13-22 kg. There is no telling how useful this program will be for you! It depends on your efforts if you do everything right.

My brother, for example, lost 18 kg in a year! This is a great way to transform your whole life! He is slender and has "cubes" on the press.

Healthy weight loss is a rather lengthy process, the purpose of which is not only to fight extra pounds, but also to tone muscles and skin.

A set of measures helps to achieve this goal: diet correction (reducing the amount of carbohydrates, increasing the protein and fiber content), regular training (there are various fitness areas aimed at burning fat), massage and hydrotherapy (necessary for the prevention of stretch marks, sagging - undesirable consequences of fighting overweight).

Modern sports clubs offer many training options. Some types of activities help to make the body elastic, tighten and build muscle, while the goal of others is active fat burning. About what are the most effective types of fitness for weight loss, - further.

What to prefer

Experts believe that group training is the best option for those women who are faced with the task of losing extra pounds. In addition to the fact that such classes are held under the guidance of an experienced instructor, they provide additional motivation - communication with like-minded people.

If there is not enough time (money) for training in clubs, you can do it at home. There are a huge number of programs suitable for self-study.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a training complex? The following factors must be taken into account:

  • Own preferences (someone likes dance aerobics, and someone enjoys doing yoga);
  • General state of health (for problems with the spine, joints, it is better to refuse strength training);
  • The level of physical fitness.

Regardless of which training program a woman prefers, each session should include both cardio (that is, exercises aimed at working the heart - they provide active fat burning) and strength components (required to work out different muscle groups and tighten the skin ).

For weight loss, it is better to exercise 3-4 times a week, alternating the load both within one workout and within the boundaries of the entire program. This is necessary so that the muscles do not have time to get used to the exercises and experience stress at each lesson. Only if this condition is met, the corresponding changes will occur with the body.

Types of fitness for active weight loss

Consider options for fat burning exercises. The first one is aerobics. This is a fairly common fitness trend. Includes jumping, rhythmic walking, dance elements, alternating with each other. Regular aerobic exercise helps to improve metabolism, regulate blood pressure, strengthen immunity, and improve posture.

Aerobics as a set of exercises performed to music has several varieties:

  • - a workout that helps tone and burn excess fat deposits in the thighs and buttocks. Classes require special equipment - slide boards and sports shoes. The essence of slide aerobics is the imitation of the movements of a skater (skier).

  • - performing active exercises using a special platform. Classes help strengthen the muscles of the legs, carry out the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteoporosis, arthritis). Women of any age can attend such training. You can work out on the step platform with additional weights - dumbbells.

  • helps not only to cope with extra pounds, but also promotes the development of coordination, improves posture, restores lost tone to muscles and skin.

  • - Exercise bikes. These are high-intensity loads aimed at active fat burning. As a result of training, the body becomes toned, embossed, and posture improves.

You can buy exercise bikes in the online sporting goods store

To lose weight, you can exercise, including, shaping. This exercise option involves performing exercises to work out all muscle groups during each workout. Classes are supplemented with a protein diet and massage.

For those women who strive not only for a slender, toned, embossed, but also a flexible body, it is perfect strip of plastic. It includes a lot of power and dance elements, well "pumps" the legs and buttocks.

- Another fitness direction recommended by experts for those ladies who are aimed at healthy weight loss. Such training includes elements of yoga and gymnastics. Exercises are performed statically. Callanetics training helps to work out all muscle groups.

Develop flexibility, improve stretching, tighten muscles and, of course, get rid of extra pounds will help Pilates. These are smooth unhurried workouts with additional sports equipment, including elements of stretching and gymnastics. Pilates is the best choice for young mothers, injured athletes, and those who have not trained for a long time.

If you are interested in this type of training and want to learn how to listen to your body, speed up your metabolism, control your breathing and get rid of stress, the Pilates studio will help you.

A relatively new trend in fitness for weight loss is training that combines African choreography, Pilates, yoga and oriental dances. Classes help improve posture, promote flexibility, and activate metabolism. This program always begins and ends with breathing exercises.

Another new, but popular training direction - zumba. Classes combine elements of aerobics with dances of various styles. Trainings are held under fast Latin American music.

For fans of classical dance, modern sports clubs offer an alternative fitness option for weight loss - body ballet. It is based on simplified ballet steps combined with stretching and gymnastic elements. Classes are held to classical music, suitable for women of any age and level of physical fitness.

- training on special simulators with rubber bands is another alternative to the usual cardio load. In the process of training, you can work out all muscle groups and burn extra calories.

As you can see, the modern fitness industry offers a wide range of sports for those women who set themselves the task of healthy weight loss. The choice of a training complex should be determined not only by the individual preferences of the fair sex, but also by the level of their physical fitness.

Many of us have heard that in order to achieve ideal forms, you need to go to gyms, where modern technology will work for your benefit. You can also sign up with a personal trainer who will teach you fitness for weight loss. At home today, few people go in for sports on their own, but in vain. In fact, home workouts are just as effective as going to expensive fitness clubs. Now we will look at how to work on your body in your own four walls.

Pros of homework

One of the most relevant topics for every woman is fitness for weight loss. At home, as it turned out, it’s really possible to perform any exercises, work out each individual muscle group and tighten problem areas. In addition, there are many positive aspects to such an undertaking. First, it saves time. You do not need to go to the gym, therefore, you can save two hours on the road - that's for sure. Second, you can save your money. Modern trainers, alas, are not magicians, and they will offer you those exercises that you already knew. The maximum that they will do is to determine the individual load for you. And thirdly, at home you can not be ashamed of your body. Both overweight people and thin people come to fitness clubs for weight loss. At home, you will be able to study without such an environment, without complexes and without being equal to others. As a result, your labors will bear more fruit, and you will be able to be proud of yourself.

Warm up

Fitness classes for weight loss at home must begin with warming up the body. This reduces the risk of high blood pressure and heart attack. The warm-up is simple, and it is aimed at all the muscle groups that we will work on in the future. So let's start:

Strengthen chest muscles

If there are problems with being overweight, then a small breast lift is probably also necessary. We are not talking about plastic surgery, but about the usual fitness exercises for weight loss. At home, you can work with dumbbells, which will increase the load, or with ordinary plastic bottles filled with water.

We form a press

The abdomen is the most problematic area, even for thin women. Moreover, the reduction of its volume in each case individually. Someone loses weight quickly from the same type of exercises, while someone needs constant exhausting workouts. We offer average fitness programs for weight loss at home, thanks to which all abdominal muscles are worked out.

How to achieve Brazilian buttocks?

It's the hardest to pump up. Exercises that work directly on them are limited to a few points. If they are performed diligently, the effect will not be long in coming.

We tighten all surfaces of the thighs

If you want to reduce the volume of the hips, or get rid of the so-called "ears", then fitness for quick weight loss will help you. At home, you can perform effective exercises that will quickly solve these problems.

  • From the position lying on the stomach, we alternately raise the legs up, straining the back of the thigh.
  • Now turn over onto your back and raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees. From this position, we alternately make a bicycle.
  • Stepping onto a box. Just put a comfortable platform in front of you, and step on it.
  • Stretching exercise has a positive effect on the condition of the hips. Each time, force yourself to sit (or try to sit) on the splits. First work the longitudinal, then the transverse.


There is another nuance that includes fitness for weight loss. At home, it is desirable to have a jump rope or a treadmill. All of the above exercises should be alternated with cardio. Then the process of weight loss will accelerate, and the muscles themselves will pump up faster. You need to jump with a rope for two minutes. On the track, run from 1 to 2 kilometers (until you feel a little tired).

Fitness is a complex of physical training and nutrition aimed at body shaping. Fitness is health, vitality, beauty and excellent physical shape. With the help of fitness, you can lose weight, pump up muscles and form a beautiful figure, as well as improve health. There are various fitness training programs that allow you to solve various problems - losing weight, body shaping with fitness, gaining muscle mass, strengthening muscles and joints. Fitness combines completely different types of physical activity - these are cardio loads, strength exercises, and stretching exercises. A set of fitness exercises is compiled in such a way as to fully and comprehensively cover all muscle groups and give all types of loads on each of them. There are also sets of fitness exercises aimed at working out some specific muscle groups or burning adipose tissue. Body shaping in fitness is combined with the creation of a beautiful muscular relief of the body, so losing weight with fitness is not at all difficult.

Basic fitness rules

If you decide to lose weight and improve your figure with the help of fitness, remember a few simple rules.

Rule 1. Regular training. Do not let yourself be lazy, because if you want to lose weight with fitness, then only regular exercises will give you the desired result.

Rule 2. Comprehensive approach. Don't focus on exercising any one muscle group or just doing cardio exercises. Work on the whole body in a complex way.

Rule 3. Proper nutrition. Fitness nutrition is the rejection of sweets (in excessive quantities), fatty, unhealthy and unnatural foods (for example, convenience foods, fast food), alcohol restriction, smoking cessation. To lose weight with fitness, you should eat a balanced and rational diet., do not overeat, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, be sure to eat cereals, eat fish, poultry, meat, as well as nuts, dried fruits and dairy products.

Rule 4. Fitness is a way of life. Fitness is not a diet that is followed for a couple of months. If you have chosen fitness, then you have chosen an active, healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, sports, beauty and health.

By following these simple fitness rules, it will not be difficult for you to lose weight, pump up muscles and create a beautiful body for yourself.

Body shaping and fitness

How to lose weight and tone muscles with the help of fitness? To do this, you need: proper nutrition, cardio loads to burn fat cells and strength exercises to form beautiful muscles.

Fitness training programs take all this into account, so they are always made up of several parts. The first part of any fitness training program is cardio. These can be exercises such as running, jumping, dancing, swimming, cycling or an exercise bike. After 15-20 minutes of warm-up and cardio load, you can proceed to the implementation of a set of fitness exercises. It is better to train different muscle groups on different days, for example, on Monday - the press and back; on Wednesday - legs, hips and buttocks; on Friday - arms, shoulders, back. So you can work out the necessary muscles with high quality, and before the next workout, they will already have time to recover.

Body shaping with fitness happens gradually, you will notice the first results in about a month - fat deposits will decrease, the body silhouette will become more toned. But the weight, most likely, will remain at the same level - after all, your adipose tissue begins to be replaced by muscle, therefore, despite the decrease in body volume, the weight will not change. But after a couple of months of fitness, losing 5-6 kg is quite easy.

Those who want to lose weight with the help of fitness should be patient and persistent., your result will not be fast, but it will be stable - the lost kilograms will not return, and the muscles will continue to be in good shape. A lot of people who have tried various diets in the fight against excess weight eventually settled on fitness, which turned out to be much more effective in losing weight. Reviews about fitness for weight loss are mostly positive - if you do everything right, you lose weight and form a beautiful toned body.

Body shaping with fitness is not only hard work, but also a very pleasant experience, because after training you feel cheerful, you have a great mood due to the release of hormones that improve your mood, and the reflection in the mirror becomes a daily reason for pride and an additional motivational factor - you see how you change for the better.

Sample weekly fitness program

These sets of fitness exercises are aimed at working out individual muscle groups and reducing the thickness of the fat layer. They can be interchanged. If your main goal in fitness is to lose weight, stop using weights in exercises and increase the duration of cardio exercises.


  1. Warm up - 5 minutes.
  2. Exercises for the legs, hips, buttocks (squats, lunges, swings, leg raises, leg abductions) - 30 minutes.
  3. Leg stretch (twine, rope, knee stretch, inner thigh, back thigh) - 10 minutes.
  1. Warm up - 5 minutes.
  2. Abs and back exercises (twisting, side bends, leg raises from a prone position, planks, sit-ups, leg and core raises from a prone position, bridge) - 30 minutes.
  3. Stretching (backbends to stretch the abdominal muscles, oblique abdominal muscles, lower back muscles) - 10 minutes;
  4. Hoop - 5 minutes.
  1. Warm up - 5 minutes.
  2. Arm, shoulder, back exercises (push-ups, dumbbell presses, arm swings, static exercises such as plank, handstand against the wall) - 30 minutes.
  3. Stretching (stretching the muscles of the arms, proper breathing), acrobatics (stability on the bridge, somersaults, headstand, handstand) - 5 minutes.

Be sure to drink plenty of water while exercising - a dehydrated body is unable to actively work, and if you do not provide your body with water, no fitness will help you lose weight or build muscle, you will only get tired. Eat complex carbohydrates 1-2 hours before training - they will give you strength during training. After your workout, eat an apple, banana or pear to restore energy, and 30 minutes after your workout, drink a glass of yogurt to make up for the need for proteins that will go to repair and strengthen your muscles.

Who said that effective training can only be in a fitness club or under the guidance of an experienced trainer? You can perform the exercises with the same success at home - the result will be equally positive.

This article presents features of exercises and nutrition that do not require expensive equipment, are easy to perform and will not take you much time. Get started and do it regularly.

What is fitness?

Fitness in translation from English means "health, being in great shape." It includes a combination of exercise, proper nutrition, mental balance.

The main factor is that all exercises are aimed at getting health, good mood and not getting injured. It is necessary to start fitness classes with a harmonious combination of physical exercises, mental balance and the normalization of your diet.

Where to start?

First you need to decide on the place where you will practice.

In order to do fitness, you can visit a specialized gym or choose a set of exercises for practicing at home. It is also necessary to clearly understand why this is necessary, to have patience, endurance.

You need to do fitness systematically, with an interval of 1-2 days. Classes in the gym are supervised by an instructor, but attending such classes is sometimes not convenient for various reasons (expensive, far away, there is no one to leave the child with).

The benefits of fitness for the figure

What we get as a result of training:

  • With regular loads, muscles, joints and the spine are strengthened, extra pounds are “burned”, flexibility and harmony appear.
  • Improves mood, reduces susceptibility to stress.
  • Increases the body's ability to resist infections.

Despite all the positive aspects of fitness, it is worth remembering that you should not exercise too intensely and at the same time follow a strict diet.

You should consult your doctor before starting exercise if you have:

  • problems with the spine;
  • neurological disorders;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • hypertension;
  • violations of cardiac activity;
  • you should not start fitness classes if you have just had a cold, flu, or had surgery.

Why home fitness is convenient?

  • Profitability. There is no need to spend money on a subscription and travel to the place of employment (it also saves time), to buy special clothes for fitness. You can start at any time convenient for you (but approximately the same).
  • Comfort. At home, no one will watch how you perform the exercise, turn on your favorite music. The air in the apartment is cleaner, relative to the gym. No need to rush after the coach - everything is done at a pace convenient for you.

Workout duration

If you have just started exercising, then it is better to limit the first workouts. 30-40 minutes. On average, the duration of classes is 45-60 minutes. Of these, the first 5-10 minutes are spent on warming up and 5-7 minutes on stretching at the end of classes.

No need to think that the more the better and load yourself with workouts for 1.5-2 hours. After such training, the body will recover longer, muscles will hurt more.


To practice at home, you need a few simple simulators:

Home sport rules

You need to start exercising when you are rested and in a good mood. If the performance of the exercise begins to deteriorate, rest and move on to another exercise. Be patient in the first stages of training. Better less, but correct.

Workout program for home fitness exercises for all parts of the body

As in any sport, in fitness you must follow the basic rules. First you need to think over and draw up a training plan.

It should include the following groups of exercises:

  • Warm up.
  • Complex training for various muscle groups.
  • Stretching.

An important part of the workout is proper breathing: inhale tension, exhale relaxation. The increase in load should be gradual. The mode and intensity of training is selected for each individual. Perform exercises in stages. Only after the body has fully adapted to the loads, you can move on to a full-fledged training regimen.

Warm up

Before you start exercising, you need to warm up well. This will prepare the body for the start of work, the muscles will become more flexible, and soreness will decrease.

Ideal would be:

  • jump rope (if space permits);
  • dance moves;
  • brisk walking in place, raising your knees as high as possible;
  • wave your hands.

Everything is done at a slow pace, easily and smoothly, avoiding strong muscle tension.

Basic exercises

  • push-ups (back, chest, arms):
  • press (working out the muscles of the entire press - upper, lower, oblique):
  • exercises for the muscles of the buttocks:
  • back muscle training:
  • thigh muscles (internal and external):


It is best to do at the end of the workout, when the muscles are well warmed up.

In order for stretching to be as effective as possible, you must follow some rules:

  • delay time in position no more than 30 seconds;
  • gradualness - stretch slowly and smoothly;
  • avoid sharp pain;
  • pull only what you have trained.

Proper nutrition

An integral part of fitness is proper, balanced nutrition. Starvation or a strict diet is not acceptable. With malnutrition, weight will decrease, but due to what? Extra pounds will be burned not due to fat, but due to a decrease in the volume of muscle tissue. Therefore, you can not think about a taut and elastic figure.

Meals five times a day 1500-1800 calories will provide a slim figure and a good mood.

And what should be removed from the diet or reduced to a minimum:

  • fatty, but not completely exclude fats, you can nuts, fatty fish, oils (olive, linseed and sesame);
  • fried (can be lightly fried in oil);
  • products containing preservatives (popcorn, chips, crackers);
  • smoked (sausages and fish);
  • bakery and confectionery products - buns, cakes, chocolate;
  • alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks;
  • foods containing a lot of sugar.

On the day you need to eat:

  • 4 servings of protein (necessary for the work of internal organs and muscles) contained in lean fish, eggs, chicken breast, seafood;
  • 3 servings of fruits, vegetables;
  • 2 servings of complex carbohydrates - cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, brown rice), fruits, vegetables, wholemeal pasta;
  • 1 serving of healthy fats found in fish, seeds, nuts.

A healthy diet is impossible without eating fruits and vegetables.

It is worth paying attention to cabbage, greens, beets, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery. Fruits are best consumed after training (berries, apples and bananas, pears, oranges, apricots, peaches, watermelons, melons). If you want sweets, then it is better to replace chocolate and sweets with dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, dates, figs).

It is also worth remembering that:

  • carbohydrates are best consumed in the morning;
  • breakfast should be hearty;
  • for dinner, a minimum of fat;
  • adherence to calorie intake per day;
  • enough water per day (juice is not water);
  • eat small portions.

Approximate diet

An approximate daily diet should be as follows:

meal Menu
Breakfast oatmeal / muesli, or eggs / scrambled eggs;

whole grain toast and 1 tbsp. l. peanut butter;

juice or coffee without sugar.

Lunch salad/cottage cheese/buckwheat (rice) + vegetables

tea without sugar.

Dinner fish/chicken/lean meat;

pasta, buckwheat or rice;

vegetable salad (without fatty dressings).

afternoon tea yogurt/baked potatoes/

rice, wheat or cereal bread.

Dinner chicken / seafood / lean meat;

salad / steamed vegetables;

"light" dessert (jelly, low-calorie soufflé, berry smoothie).

Despite the fact that there are many nuances, everything can be planned and even necessary. This diet is exemplary, so be guided by it and your imagination and preferences. Once every ten days, it is quite possible to treat yourself to something tasty and not the most useful.

Fitness for beginners

Before starting classes, beginners need to learn that:

Fitness aerobics

The main difference between fitness aerobics and fitness is that training is performed to rhythmic music, which helps to count repetitions, choose the most appropriate pace, and set the emotional background. Some types of fitness aerobics can be done at home.

They were divided into programs that differ in intensity levels, complexity:


So go ahead. To health, beauty and grace. Free lessons and online videos for home fitness classes can be downloaded via Torrent.

The main thing to remember the basic rules:

  • Drinking mode. At least 1.5 liters of water without gas.
  • Relaxation. Having made a training plan, 1-2 days of rest are required.
  • Stretching. Finishing the workout, you need to spend 5-10 minutes stretching the muscles.
  • Balanced diet. No hunger strike.
  • Motivation.