What is better shingles or soft roofing. What is better - a soft roof or a metal tile? Comparative overview of roofing materials

Excellent operational properties, beautiful appearance, affordable price - all this is a modern roofing material soft roof. Consider the most popular types of coatings on the market and find out how to choose a good and reliable coating.

The main advantage of a soft roof is its ability to “cover” pitched roofs of any complexity, even structures with decorative domes and onions, with minimal waste. In addition, the coating has proven itself in various climatic conditions and can be used in the northern regions. But how to choose a soft roof? Let's try to understand the issue.

A bit of history

Soft roofing is a consequence of the modification of materials such as glassine and roofing material. It was these well-known bituminous coatings that became the "progenitors" of a new innovative material.

Manufacturers improved the bituminous binder, namely, the cardboard was replaced with a new, durable and completely non-rotting base. To improve performance, the surface was coated with armoring powders. In the 60s, European soft roofing became a separate high-strength roofing material. In Russia, it appeared much later in the 90s. The coating immediately gained popularity and is widely used both in the northwestern regions and in the south.

The structure of the soft roof

Before you start choosing a soft roof, let's figure out what the material is. Externally, the coating is a small flat sheet with cutouts of a certain shape along one edge. At the heart of this material is a canvas of the finest glass threads, tightly pressed with an astringent composition into a single whole.

Important: the best soft roof is made exclusively from high-quality glass sheet.

The glass base is impregnated on both sides with bitumen, which is necessary to prevent moisture and water from entering under the roofing material. In this case, only modified bitumen is used, which is made with the addition of special polymer-type additives.

The front part of the roof is covered with stone granulate, most often manufacturers use basalt. The granulate is needed for two purposes. The first is the protection of a soft roof from ultraviolet radiation. The second is to give the coating a certain color. The bottom layer is a self-adhesive base that is mounted to the roof sheathing.

Important: when transporting soft roofing, this self-adhesive layer must be covered with a film to avoid damage during transportation of the coating or unloading.

Comparative characteristics of soft roofs from leading manufacturers

What is the best soft roof? A question of concern to all potential buyers. Today, manufacturers offer coatings of different shapes and colors. The leaders of the construction industry are three companies - the American brand CertainTeed, the Italian company TEGOLA and the Russian manufacturer Shinglas.

The manufacturer has been on the market of soft roofs for many years and over the past 10 years it has unconditionally held the palm in this area. The reasons are easily explained - the highest quality and rich variety of products.

Key Benefits of CertainTeed Soft Roofing

The coating has the highest strength - it is the best soft roof for a house located in an area with frequent hurricanes or strong winds.

Safety. The coating is classified as a moderately flammable material that does not spread fire.

Highest thermal stability. The soft roof will withstand both severe frosts and heat up to +110 degrees.

Best sound absorbing performance.

Important: American shingles are named the "quietest" roofing on the market. It is worth choosing for those who do not want to listen to the sound of rain or hail.

The minimum size tolerance is 1.6 mm. For example, for other manufacturers, this figure can reach 6.4 mm.

Unique design. The shape of the petals is patented and belongs exclusively to the brand. Each flower is painted in a certain shade, which creates a unique color rendition.

Flexible tile Tegola

Tegola roofing is the finest honey coated soft tile on the market. The concern's products are economical in price, safe to use and reliable. The fiberglass used in the production of tiles is environmentally friendly and heavy-duty. The full production technology is kept secret and unknown to the public. It is thanks to this approach that the manufacturer managed to achieve higher strength indicators higher than those of competitors.

Advantages of soft roof Tegola

Resistant to sudden temperature changes.

Durability. The bituminous layer is reliably protected by a copper coating applied not only on top, but also on the sides.

The tile does not lose color even after 10 years of use.

Ease of installation. The adhesive layer is securely mounted to the base of the crate and does not require the use of additional equipment.

The beauty. The material outwardly looks like a full-fledged natural copper roof and can confuse even an experienced professional. It only weighs much less than a metal tile and is much easier to install.

Important: since 2004, the Tegola concern has been operating in Russia. The opening of a factory for the production of flexible copper tiles had a positive impact on the pricing policy, and the coating became much more affordable for the Russian buyer.

Shinglas soft roof (Shinglas)

Shinglas is a good soft roof of reliable quality and diverse design.

The main advantages of coverage

Temperature resistance.

Color fastness due to the use of high-quality pigments.

The highest elasticity and strength, thanks to which the coating can be used on roofs of complex geometric shapes.

High thermal insulation characteristics.

Environmental friendliness. All materials used in production are safe for humans and the environment.

Important: when laying Shinglas on a roof with a slope of up to 30 degrees, a waterproofing layer is required over the entire roof area.

Metal and flexible tiles are the most popular types of roofing today. Slate and seam roofing have long been considered obsolete, and more daring technological innovations, like plastic or arkil, are still too unusual. And why not give preference to a proven option, especially since a tiled roof always looks neat, harmonious and unpretentious in maintenance.

But then what is better: a metal tile or a flexible tile? What do you prefer: flexibility or solidity, design or simplicity? There is no single answer, but we will help you make an informed choice!

In this article, we will look at a comparison of the characteristics of both types of roofing. And it is not surprising that manufacturers are so fond of comparing their flexible tiles with metal ones, as with something opposite in quality:

Structure: what do you need to know?

Let's start with the structure of both coatings. After all, today many still prefer metal tiles only for the reason that they consider soft tiles to be something like an analogue of roofing material, although in fact, technically, it is much more complicated and reliable, and at the same time it has a much more complex structure.

So, what is a flexible tile? This is a type-setting sheet material with standard sizes and curly cutouts. Such a product has a multilayer structure, in which the basis is fiberglass (non-woven fiberglass) and a material impregnated with bitumen.

Shingles of different manufacturers differ in such important parameters as design, color palette, quality of binder bitumen, base strength, soil thickness and type of dressing. A lot here depends on the bitumen itself. It is his qualities that the great-grandfather will dictate how flexible tiles will behave on the roof.

The main advantage of such sheets is the ability to withstand longitudinal stretching. And especially high strength characteristics of bituminous tiles with double reinforcement. In addition, even at the factory, the shingles are treated with a special compound to protect against mold and lichen during operation. Today bituminous shingles are even produced with aluminum, copper and zinc-titanium plates on top.

But the metal tile has a fundamentally different structure:

The basis of the metal tile is a steel sheet coated with an aluminum or zinc layer, and on top - with an additional protective coating. Such a puff cake, and the presence or absence of each of these materials will immediately affect the durability of the material.

The topmost layer is of particular importance, see how immediately the characteristics of the sheet change in different versions:

To summarize: both metal and flexible tiles have a complex structure, and their quality depends on what kind of material was used, how many layers were used and what manufacturing technology is in question. Those. neither flexible nor metal tiles are inherently a simple analogue of a seam or roofing felt roof.

Color and design: what will please the eye more?

The second important point that affects the choice of a particular roofing is the aesthetic component. After all, it makes no sense to think over the exterior of a new house, the color of the facade, the shape of the window frames to the last detail, and so that the roof spoils the whole appearance.

And here the difference between metal tiles and shingles is huge! Metal tiles are produced with a fairly large selection of colors according to the RAL catalog, but all of them, of course, are monochrome. And in nature there are no such pure shades, which is why the metal tile always looks alien against the background of the surrounding nature, although it is stylish. And multi-colored metal tiles are not produced:

The situation is completely different with flexible tiles, which are produced today with two main types of top coating - basalt and slate chips. In addition to its decorative functions, this dressing also protects the sheets from ultraviolet rays and many other factors.

The colors themselves are so beautiful and varied that it is not difficult to achieve the desired fashionable style of architecture. And every year the leading manufacturers release something new, actively competing with each other.

And, of course, such a roofing looks harmonious both in urban latitudes and against the backdrop of a natural landscape:

Possibilities for implementing projects: from simple to complex

Due to the large amount of waste, the lack of high-quality bending and the integrity of the sheets, metal tiles are well suited for simple projects, like roofs with two straight slopes and no frills. Aerobatics for metal tiles - hip and hipped roofs, and then you will have to tinker with sealing and arranging their ridges.

The fact is that metal tiles, for all their texture, require even slopes, and any bend or complex element turns into a number of problems. Sometimes, on unusual architectural objects, the consumption of metal tiles exceeds more than 50%, while even on ordinary roofs it is never less than 15%.

But for flexible tiles there are no barriers at all (with the exception of a flat surface). Thanks to this, beautiful roofs and a simple, complex configuration are obtained from it - even bulbous and domed ones. And all thanks to the fact that flexible tiles are piece material, and the integrity of the coating is never violated due to one problem area.

When it comes to complex roofing, you can’t make beautiful corner elements from metal tiles. And even with the special talent and resourcefulness of the roofer, it is still quite difficult to provide waterproofing for such elements. But with a flexible tile, everything is completely different!

Here is a very interesting video on the subject:

Practicality: which tile will show itself better?

If the aesthetic side is satisfied, consider the practicality of both types of roofing.

Noise isolation: will there be a roar?

And now we have moved on to the main difference, which is so often talked about - soundproofing. So, if you want to convert the attic of the house into an attic, it is recommended to allegedly forget about the metal tile. After all, high-quality insulation only reduces the roar from rain by a small percentage. But the flexible tile is a completely silent material.

On the other hand, if you choose a heater with high soundproofing properties, and do not spare self-tapping screws (metal sheets still often rumble from the wind), i.e. approach the issue correctly, then such an attic will turn out to be quite comfortable. For example, for this purpose, experienced roofers are advised not to purchase screws for metal tiles in the market, where they sell "everything for everything." It is better to order a set of these in a specialized store, with a rubber-based rubber gasket.

Well, if the attic is cold, and we are not talking about insulation, then it will not matter to you at all whether it is noisy under the roof in a downpour, because the sound will not reach the living quarters.

Snow retention: snow avalanche

The next step is snow retention. It is very important that snow on a residential building, especially abundant in the Russian climate, does not fall like an avalanche. After all, such a “hat” can not only corrupt the drainage systems, break the growing ones, break the expensive bushes growing nearby, damage the car, but also beat the dog passing below.

Therefore, it will be necessary to install snow retainers on the metal tile. At the same time, flexible tiles do not need them, because it has a minimal probability of such a snowfall, and all thanks to the rough surface of stone chips. The only thing is that snow, especially wet and with pieces of ice, from time to time will scratch the shingles and peel off the powder from it, and it is necessary as a protection from the sun's rays.

Sustainability Issues: Dispelling the Myths

As for the quality of bituminous tiles, they often worry that this material is not very environmentally friendly. And that in the sun in the heat, bitumen will release toxic substances into the air, thus poisoning the surrounding nature and people. But in fact, this can only happen with fake low-quality tiles.

Indeed, for the manufacture of roofing, modern manufacturers use only high-quality bitumen - natural, which is popularly called "earth tar". Published by them, they coated housing for full waterproofing.

Such bitumen differs from chemical bitumen in that it is saturated with oxygen and in fact is still a natural material, and this is not at all the same material with which roofing material is glued to slopes.

Budget: consider the pitfalls

And now about the most sensitive issue - the price. Even with a limited budget, buyers still want to purchase quality material and not lose in terms of the appearance of the house. Flexible tiles, of course, are more expensive than metal ones, but not so much as to abandon the planned design.

Second moment. Prices for metal tiles are more or less transparent and understandable: high-quality tiles have their own price, while handicraft and super-thin tiles, which are sold directly on the market, will cost less. But with flexible tiles, everything is a little more complicated: in fact, on the domestic market, it is quite possible to purchase tiles twice as expensive, and at the same time, two times worse than its counterparts.

For example, at one time on salea fairly strong and durable American bituminous tile appeared, which in many respects surpasses the European one, but at the same time was more affordable.

And, finally, in the light of the current policy of import substitution, Russian factories have seriously taken up quality and use modern manufacturing technologies, while abroad, nothing has often changed in terms of production in the last 20-30 years. So it turns out that today some domestic tiles have the same quality as foreign ones, but differ significantly in cost.

Also, due to the absence of a monopoly on the market, the prices for shingles are quite acceptable, because manufacturers compete with each other due to new collections and improved quality of shingles. And in the case of metal tiles, Grand Line and MetalProfile hold the main prices, and only handicrafts compete with them, with a few exceptions.

And, finally, if we talk about the price, then consider the possible overrun of the material. Although in total prices for metal tiles are at least 40% lower than for flexible ones, everything is compensated by trimmings.

Durability and ease of care

In total, the guarantee for a metal tile is designed for a period of 10 to 20 years, although in practice it may well last half a century if it has neither a scratch nor a chance of corrosion and all fastenings are made perfectly.

True, no one has checked such a long period, because metal tiles are relatively new for the Russian market. But for flexible tiles, the guarantee is given from 10 to 50 years, although in reality it lasts from 15 to 70 years. Again, this has not been tested either.

Although these small studies and tests of both types of coverage will be interesting for you to see:

Also, in the future, maintenance of a bituminous roof will be much cheaper, because. it is considered the most repairable. Let's compare: if a leak appears in some place, it is enough to create a couple of shingles with the help of one nail puller and replace them with new ones, and at the same time, a metal tile will either have to squeeze out several tubes of expensive sealant to the base, or even remove and replace entire sheets. In addition, one problematic shingle does not affect the entire slope, and just one scratch on the metal tile causes corrosion throughout the entire slope.

Complexity of installation: what will you have to face?

The next difference between a metal tile and a flexible one is the design of the roof itself. Both types require completely different bases:

The need for a solid foundation

If we talk about the need for a foundation, then depending on the thickness of the metal and the surface coating, the metal tile usually weighs from 4.5 to 6 kg per square meter, and flexible - from 7.5 to 15 kg. This suggests that both materials are quite light and for them the power of the truss system is about the same. If we talk about the insulated roof under which the attic is arranged, the roofing cake here will no longer differ too much in the number of layers:

A cold roof does not need to be insulated, but keep in mind that in the case of a metal tile, when temperatures drop, condensation will form from the inside. With a flexible tile such problems do not arise.

Working conditions and preparation

Both coatings also differ in installation conditions. So, you can work with metal tiles in almost any weather, except for rain. But bituminous shingles are recommended to be nailed only at a temperature not lower than 5 ° C, but not in the heat, and only in dry weather. All due to the fact that in the cold the flexible tile becomes brittle and breaks right during the laying process. An exception is sbs-modified bitumen, although there are certain recommendations for it.

If you still have to work at a temperature close to 0 ° C, then the shingles are prepared in advance and stored in a well-heated room. After that, they are served in small batches and quickly fixed, helping the building dryer to bend the shingles. It is also difficult to work with shingles in extreme heat: the bitumen softens slightly, and granules are easily swept away from it.

As we have already said, when working with shingles, the consumption is minimal, and even those sheets that need to be cut can be cut with ordinary scissors. But it is difficult to cut a metal tile exactly to size, and not only because of the elaborate profile. The fact is that such sheets cannot be cut with a grinder, and the jigsaw also scratches the coating, and the scissors bend the profile. Therefore, roofers have to pick up a grinder, and then tint the cut line.

Features of laying on slopes

The next point is the complexity of laying both types of roofing. With metal tiles, everything is usually simple: sheets of the same size perfectly match in color and profile. If the slopes are even, it remains only to raise them to the roof and securely fix them there with special roofing screws.

But with flexible tiles, you most often have to mess around. Firstly, not all series (especially budget ones) make it easy to lay out row after row on a slope, and you have to independently think through a certain pattern according to the chosen scheme.

Those who have experienced this at least once know how difficult it is. And it turns out that if a new batch (purchased) lay out some part of the roof, then this place will stand out strongly against the general background. Therefore, experienced roofers know to first unpack all packs and mix them thoroughly. But even this does not guarantee a perfect result. Of course, the fact that each shingle will have to be driven by hand will add to its difficulties (it is better to rent a nail gun for this).

But if you accidentally tear, cut or scratch one of the shingles, then replace it with another without any problems. If you scratch the metal tile, then it will at least have to be repaired. And because of this, she will already lose all her attractive appearance. If nothing is done, after the autumn rains, corrosion will immediately begin. And scratching is easy enough: unsuccessfully stepping on or dropping the tool. The fact is that they carefully handle the sheets and comply with all technologies at their best - that is another task. Indeed, for installers it is much more important not to fall from a height.

And, finally, the most important difference between both types of tiles is fire safety. Both are considered conditionally safe, but if, over time, stone chips crumble in places on soft tiles and “bald” places appear, just one spark falling on them can cause a fire. And therefore, if, with all the arguments, you still haven’t decided what kind of roof you want, do it easier: if you have a chimney or chimney, then install a safer metal tile, if not, please yourself with an exquisite design of flexible tiles!

Soft tile is a material based on bitumen, it is a square or rectangular modules of small size, figuratively cut along one edge, laid on the surface with a purely overlap. Such material is optimally suited as a coating on pitched roofs of any configuration and shape (dome, one- and two-pitched).

The history of the creation and development of flexible tiles begins its countdown at the beginning of the last century. It was created in the States, where it is currently the most popular type of roofing in residential construction. There are a couple of reasons for this phenomenon: the availability of the material, ease of installation, attractive appearance and positive use practice.

Relatively recently appeared in Russia, shingles are rapidly gaining popularity among householders, architects and professional builders. If you want to get acquainted with the features of the material and the intricacies of its choice, we recommend that you read the article on the topic: “Rating of the TOP 7 best manufacturers of soft tiles”. Features of the material, characteristics, reviews - let's talk about everything in more detail.

Material Features

Let's take a closer look at the composition of flexible tiles.

The top layer is a stone topping. Basalt, anthracite and slate are used for these purposes.

The next layer was the base - the bitumen itself. Bitumen is a fairly strong substance, environmentally friendly, strong and resistant to any impact. After processing with a special polymer composition based on styrene-butadiene compounds, the bitumen becomes flexible and pliable, perfectly compresses and stretches under the influence of atmospheric seasonal temperatures.

Another subspecies of bitumen compound as a roofing material is oxidized bitumen. By saturating with air, the mixture is artificially aged, thereby increasing the service life. But due to the peculiarity of the bonds between molecules, after enrichment with oxygen, such a roof should be used in regions where the air temperature does not fall below minus five degrees.
It is important to determine the density of the shingle - according to GOST 32806-2014, the content of bituminous compounds should not be lower than 750 g / m².

In Western countries, the simplest and cheapest configuration of bituminous flooring is kept at 800 g / m², in more expensive models - 1300 g / m². Manufacturers during creation are based on the European standard EN 544:211. When analyzing Western standards and ours, we can conclude that GOST is essentially an adaptation of a European document with minor changes, which is why it has a degree of compliance - MOD (modified).

In laminated tiles (two- or three-layer), the amount of bitumen is much higher than that of single-layer counterparts.

The conclusion is simple. When choosing a flexible tile, you should pay special attention to the quality and quantity of bitumen. Roofing based on SBS-modified raw materials will last much longer than its counterpart based on oxidized bitumen. The price of such tiles is higher, as is its service life. For the rest, the choice is yours.

The soft roof is based on fiberglass, which ensures the reliability of the tiles from mechanical damage, changes in size and protection from longitudinal stretching.

Pros and cons

  • a small amount of waste during installation;
  • works as a soundproofing (suppresses the sounds of rain, hail);
  • minimum load on the rafters and other related roof structures;
  • the coating is hydrophobic due to special impregnation and compliance with laying standards;
  • looks great in any exterior design;
  • a variety of shades, shapes and configurations are provided.
  • strict requirements for installation - the temperature regime is not lower than +5 C;
  • the price is higher than other types of roofing.


All subspecies of soft tile roofing can be classified according to a list of criteria. The first of these can be distinguished by the number of layers: there is a single-layer, two-layer, and finally a three-layer coating. Also, multi-layer tiles are called "laminated", because such a structure is more resistant to wind and moisture, although it weighs a little more.

The main advantage of the multilayer shingle is its thickness - it is stronger than the single size. Reinforced Size is more difficult to damage or break during installation, operation. The multi-layer structure with a bang can withstand even powerful winds with gusts of up to one hundred and fifty kilometers per hour.

When choosing reliable and durable materials with excellent aesthetic properties, the question often arises as to which is better - a metal tile or a soft roof? At first glance, they have approximately the same performance characteristics, minimal price differences and relatively simple installation technologies. How does it really stand when they are carefully compared?

The structure and dimensions of the metal tile

The metal tile is profiled sheets made of thin-sheet cold-rolled steel by stamping on special equipment. To protect against corrosion, layers of galvanizing, a passivating layer, a decorative polymer-based coating and a protective mounting film are applied to its surface.

Important! A roof sheathed with metal tiles looks very aesthetically pleasing and attractive, as many manufacturers use classic and unique profiles and textures, as well as color shades that can be easily matched to any facade design. Coating colors are available not only plain, but also textured. All shades are standardized and correspond to RR or RAL color charts.

Sheets have longitudinal and transverse stiffeners, which ensure their high strength and prevent irreversible deformations as a result of mechanical stress. At the same time, they are quite light (weight up to 6 kg / m 2) and do not create a significant load on the roof.

The standard sizes of metal tiles are as follows:

  • length can vary between 0.5-3.6 m;
  • standard width is 0.5-1.12 m;
  • sheet thickness - 0.4-0.5 mm.

The structure and dimensions of the soft roof

Soft roofing is a roofing material made on a bitumen basis with the addition of dyes. These include:

  1. Ondulin is a material obtained by pressing purified cellulose fibers impregnated with bitumen and ether resins. Outwardly, it is a rigid sheet with a wavy profile with dimensions of 2x0.95 m and a thickness of 3 mm. Available with a minimum set of colors, does not contain toxic elements, resistant to high humidity.
  2. Soft tiles - made on the basis of fiberglass or fiberglass with bitumen impregnation, impregnation with dyes and possible application of stone chips. The dimensions of the sheets are 100x33 cm with a thickness of 2-3 mm. It has high resistance to ultraviolet, abrasion, mechanical stress and sudden changes in temperature, available in a wide range of colors.

Important! The main advantage of using flexible shingles is the minimum amount of waste when installing any type of roof. Due to the small size of the sheets, you can make accurate calculations of the material and save money.

  1. Ruberoid is an inexpensive rolled roofing material made on the basis of cardboard, fiberglass or polyester, which is impregnated with bitumen on both sides, and a layer of stone chips can be applied to the front side. Its dimensions are 1x10 m with a thickness of 1-3 mm. Able to withstand temperature extremes, ultraviolet and high humidity.

Table comparing the conditions of installation, maintenance and operation of metal tiles and soft roofs

To determine what is better for roof sheathing - metal tiles or soft roofs, a comparative table of the conditions for their installation, maintenance and operation will help. It reflects the basic requirements and nuances of the installation, allowing you to determine the possibility or necessity of using a particular material in certain conditions.

metal tile

Soft roof

Material processing methods

Cutting with scissors, a hacksaw or a grinder at minimum speed, followed by applying a protective coating to the steel.

Cutting can be done with any available hand cutting tool. No protective coating is required.

Foundation for laying

Lathing with a step equal to or less than the wavelength of the profile or a solid base.

Only a flat solid flat base.

Requirements for flatness of the base

Deviations from evenness up to 10 mm are possible.

Deviations of more than 0.5 mm are not allowed.

Mounting method

For self-tapping screws.

On nails, self-tapping screws, by melting the material or adhesive base, depending on the type of soft roof.

Minimum ramp angle

Depends on the type of material. For example, laying roofing material is possible on a flat roof with an inclination angle of 5 °.

Possibility to move on the roof

Permissible, but only in special shoes in order to prevent damage to the protective layer.

It follows from the table that it is very difficult to unambiguously say which roof is better, since the requirements for their installation do not match perfectly, the materials have different requirements for the base and methods of fastening. However, when it is technically possible to install all types of materials, then the metal tile becomes the winner.

Advantages and disadvantages of installing a soft roof

The use of one of the types of soft roof as a roofing material allows you to get the following advantages:

  • the material has a minimum coefficient of thermal expansion, so it endures sharp temperature fluctuations without deformation and damage to the joints;
  • increased resistance to any atmospheric precipitation;
  • high level of sound insulation, which reduces the noise of precipitation;
  • relatively simple installation technology, since the use of special tools is not required and the material is easy to process;
  • the minimum amount of waste when sheathing roofs;

Important! If it is required to cover the roof with a minimum slope of the slopes or a complex geometry of the slopes, then the answer to the question of what is more profitable from a financial point of view - a soft roof or a metal tile, then the choice is clear in favor of the first. It is easy to process, has minimal sheet sizes and ensures tight contact with the substrate.

  • lack of windage, so that the roof sheathing is not afraid of any wind loads;
  • high level of tightness of the created joints;
  • long service life;
  • roofing materials of industrial production are cheaper than any type of soft roof, does not exist;
  • no tendency to corrosion, fungus, mold or pests;
  • no need to update the decorative coating.

The disadvantages of a soft roof include:

  • a long installation process due to the small size of the sheets (with the exception of roofing felt) and the need to control the tightness of the joints;
  • low resistance to ultraviolet, which is fraught with loss of the original color shade;
  • high requirements for the base for laying;
  • minimum fire resistance;
  • impossibility of installation at negative ambient temperatures.

Advantages and disadvantages of metal tiles

The main advantages of metal tiles include the following:

  • excellent decorative properties provided by a wide choice of sheet profiles, types of coatings and the availability of not only plain, but also textured finishes;
  • resistance to sudden changes in temperature, all types of precipitation, chemically active substances and pests;
  • increased fire resistance;
  • absence of toxic substances and components;
  • good mechanical and plastic properties, allowing to withstand significant mechanical loads;
  • service life up to 50 years;
  • the ability to select the technical characteristics of the material for any operating conditions and budget;
  • installation on an uneven surface is allowed, including for the purpose of leveling the plane of the slopes.

The disadvantages of metal tiles are as follows:

  • minimum level of sound insulation;
  • high coefficient of thermal expansion, which can be fraught with the appearance of deformations or depressurization of joints;
  • the complexity of transportation due to the need to prevent bending of the sheets, which can threaten damage to the protective layer and irreversible changes in the shape of the profile.

Comparison results

The question of what is better - a metal tile or a flexible tile, is multifaceted, since it is necessary to take into account many factors and nuances in each case. With a formal approach, taking into account the disadvantages and advantages, the metal tile is more profitable, since its disadvantages are insignificant and can be easily eliminated.

If you do not take into account the pros and cons of materials, and take into account only the technical possibilities of their installation and operation without taking into account decorative properties, then in this case soft roofing is the most justified choice.

Being engaged in the construction of a house, they think in detail how and from what the roof will be erected. At the same time, the emphasis is simultaneously placed on the beauty and reliability of the structure, because you want the roof to please as long as possible. By the way, today developers often have to solve a dilemma: what is better - metal tiles or soft roofing? The question is difficult, because these materials are serious competitors.

What is metal and bituminous tiles

Both metal and bitumen shingles are building materials for roofs with a slope of at least 12°. Both coatings are light, strong and durable, but they have completely different composition.

The metal tile is a figured steel sheet coated with various protective layers, including zinc, which protects against rust. From above, the material is treated with plastisol, polyvinyl chloride, pural or other polymer responsible for the aesthetic appearance of building materials.

Both sides of the steel sheet are coated with protective compounds, including zinc, which prevents corrosion.

The width of the metal tile is from 110 to 120 cm, and the length is from 40 cm to 6 m.

Sheets of metal tiles can reach a width of no more than 120 cm

Bituminous soft tiles, which are also called shinglas or shingles, are made on the basis of fiberglass. On both sides it is filled with oxidized modified bitumen with additional components. Thanks to a special treatment, the flexible roofing sheet acquires elasticity and resistance to both low and high temperatures. On the front side, the material is sprinkled with crushed stone, which gives strength, and on the wrong side, it is lubricated with a self-adhesive compound, which is temporarily covered with a silicone film.

When creating soft tiles, fiberglass of increased strength is processed with modified bitumen and only after that it is covered with protective layers.

The width of bituminous tiles can be equal to 35 cm, and the length - 1 m.

The maximum length of bituminous tiles is 1 m, and the width can be up to 350 mm

Comparative analysis of metal tiles and soft roofs

Metal and bituminous tiles bear little resemblance to each other, which is proved by the rules for their installation and other nuances.

Requirements for the system of rafters and lathing

Both metal and bituminous tiles weigh a little, so they need rafter legs spaced at an average distance from each other (60–80 cm). And a suitable cross-section of load-bearing beams for a roof made of these materials is 20x5 cm or 12x5 cm.

The step of the lathing under the metal tile is determined by the interval between the waves of the material. Most often it is equal to 30-35 cm.

Under bituminous tiles, a rough flooring and a solid sheathing are constructed, and under metal - only an ordinary sparse base

A sparse crate is not laid out under a soft roof, since flexible material will fall through in place of the gaps. The best option is a rough boardwalk and a solid base of OSB-3 boards or sheets of moisture-resistant plywood above it.

Flooring without gaps will not release heat and block extraneous noise. True, it has a significant drawback - additional expenses for installation work.

Roofing layers

It is customary to make a roofing cake for metal tiles from a vapor barrier sheet, rafter legs, waterproofing material, counter-lattices and battens. The finishing material is attached to the last layer with roofing screws. The finished structure is supplemented with corner additional parts mounted at the junction of the slopes and on the valleys.

A film is laid under the rafters of the roofing pie under the metal tile, a heater is inserted into the cells between the beams, and a waterproofing film and all other materials are mounted on top of the rafter legs

Bituminous tiles are laid out on a roofing carpet, consisting of rafters, a waterproof film, a continuous crate and lining material, which can be roofing material. Flexible sheets are placed on such a multilayer cake, sticking to bituminous mastic.

Soft roofing is not arranged when the weather is cold outside. Otherwise, the material will become brittle. Heat is also an obstacle to the installation of shingles. From exposure to the scorching sun, it softens, which means that you can’t step on it with your feet.

The roofing cake for bituminous tiles is different in that before mounting the finishing material, a lining carpet is placed on the OSB boards

The influence of the shape of the roof on the installation

The complex shape of the roof will definitely not force you to refuse shingles. The dimensions of one flexible sheet are so small that they only contribute to the simplification of installation work on difficult sections of the roof.

Even broken edges, bends and dome elements will not become an obstacle for laying bituminous tiles. In any scenario, there will be negligible waste (only 10-15%).

Bitumen shingles will easily become a covering for a domed roof

Metal tile can be considered a capricious material. On a roof of one or two slopes, it is installed using self-tapping screws with a rubber gasket without any hassle and with a minimum of waste. But when complex details and bends appear on the roof, metal tiles cause dissatisfaction among developers, because they have to be constantly cut with special scissors or a jigsaw, which leads to an increase in waste. And for domed and cone-shaped roofs, metal tiles are generally taboo.

No weather interferes with the installation of metal tiles. An exceptional circumstance can only be a squally wind.

The metal tile is designed for simple roofs with one or more slopes.

Weight and material thickness

The weight of 1 m² of metal tiles is in the range of 4.5 to 6.5 kg. The exact value is determined by the type and thickness of the polymer shell and many other characteristics of the sheet. The minimum thickness of a metal tile is 0.38 mm and the maximum is 0.6 mm.

The metal tile is a rather thin material, as it has a thickness of no more than 0.6 mm

Soft tiles are a little heavier - 1 m² weighs from 7.5 to 15 kg, because its thickness is almost 10 times greater than that of metal building materials (3-5 mm).

Soft tiles are 10 times thicker than metal ones, thanks to dense layers of bitumen and chips

Duration of use

Manufacturers promise that metal tiles will look good and serve properly for 5-20 years. But as practice shows, this material fails no earlier than after 10 years.

And if the metal tile is covered with a high-quality polymer film, and it is thoroughly looked after, then it will be necessary to think about replacing the roofing only after 50 years.

Metal tiles often suffer from corrosion, which greatly affects its appearance.

Soft tiles will lose performance in 16–70 years. It lies on the roof longer than metal material, since its components, that is, fiberglass and bitumen, do not know what rust is. Manufacturers guarantee that the appearance of shingles will remain unchanged for 30 years.

Bituminous shingles usually do not experience any problems, therefore they last longer than metal material

contact with fire

The bituminous tile consists of combustible construction raw materials. But since it is sprinkled with stone chips on top, it will not be able to catch fire in a fire, but it will melt. A soft roof will deteriorate only if it heats up by more than 110°.

It turns out that you should not be afraid for a roof made of bituminous tiles, even if a firecracker accidentally falls on it or a spark flies from the stove chimney.

For metal tiles, fire is not an enemy at all. The steel from which it is made does not burn or melt. This means that an open flame, approaching a metal tile, will be stopped. The material can easily withstand temperatures up to 130°.

Noise blocking

Metal tiles are completely devoid of the ability to drown out noise. With a roof made of it, the rain will seem not a natural phenomenon, but a loud and monotonous piece of music. To make the drum roll quieter, only insulation plates with a thickness of about 15 cm, which absorb noise well, will help.

In the rain, metal tiles will cause a lot of inconvenience to those who live right under the roof.

Bituminous tiles laid on a solid base do not make a sound. Therefore, it is considered an ideal coating for a building under the roof of which a living room will be equipped.

Ease of maintenance

In winter, it is better to stay away from the roof of metal tiles. Such a roof, which has a smooth surface, tends to fill up with snow and abruptly free itself from it, breaking the drain. Therefore, it is recommended to clean a roof made of metal tiles at least twice a winter.

To insure troubles in the cold season, snow guards should be installed on a slope made of metal tiles.

Snow should be periodically dropped from metal tiles, otherwise it will roll off the roof in an avalanche and cause significant damage to surrounding buildings and objects.

From the rough shingles, the snow comes off carefully. Therefore, it does not need to be cleaned frequently.

There is no urgent need to install snow retainers on a soft roof. They may only be needed on a roof that has a fairly steep slope.

In summer, care for bituminous and metal tiles consists in its periodic inspection. In the case of a soft roof, the problems found are eliminated by tearing off the damaged tapes and replacing them with new ones, gluing patches or covering the defects with mastic.

When repairing a soft roof, it is enough to use a mastic that can re-glue thick tiles to the base and hide defects

Repair of metal tiles is more difficult: the coating will have to be cleaned of rust and painted, excessively damaged sheets - to be dismantled and replaced with new ones, cracks and holes - to be filled with something and covered with a piece of fiberglass treated with minium.


Both bituminous and metal roofing material looks decent. The first type of tile is distinguished by a large assortment of shades and patterns and is mounted on the roof so that no fasteners are visible. The second version of the tile imitates the classic ceramic material and competes with the aforementioned building materials in terms of a variety of colors.

However, metal tiles are fixed on the roof in an open way. The self-tapping screws screwed into it, having looked closely, are easy to notice, and, unfortunately, they slightly spoil the appearance of the roof.

Roof fasteners slightly distort the elegant look of metal tiles

Which is cheaper: metal roofing or soft roofing

For 1 m² of metal tiles will have to be paid to the seller 180–480 rubles. For example, a high-quality coating 0.5 mm thick with a protective pural film costs about 400 rubles.

Elite metal tiles are bought by developers at a price that is 1.5–3 times higher than the cost of a conventional coating.

On popular varieties of shingles, there is a price tag from 200 to 570 rubles per 1 m². And the first-class varieties of this roofing are 1.5 and even 4 times more expensive. The cost of bituminous tiles is strongly influenced by the composition of the bitumen, the thickness of the material and the type of dressing. It follows that it is cheaper to buy a metal coating.

Additional differences

When considering metal tiles as roofing, you need to know the following about it:

  • needs special protection against lightning, otherwise static electricity will appear on it;
  • from the wrong side it is covered with condensate, therefore it requires full insulation with a heater, a vapor barrier and a waterproof film;
  • subject to corrosion, from which only careful staining, including cut areas, can save;
  • A roof made of metal tiles has a lot of problems, but they are forgotten about when they hear that the material is inexpensive.

    If there is an interest in a soft roof, then you need to consider a few nuances:

    • she is unfamiliar with corrosion and condensate;
    • small even tiles from the wind will not lag behind the base;
    • the coating is afraid of ultraviolet radiation, but it is well protected from it by a layer of stone chips.

    Roofing from shingles will be a real find for someone who likes to experiment with the shape of roofs.

    Which is better: metal roofing or soft roofing

    A metal tile would be a reasonable option for a builder who wants a roof that is simple in form, not too expensive and reliable.

    You need to take a closer look at bituminous tiles if you plan to build a roof of complex configuration. You won’t have to regret this decision, because in the attic room under a soft roof it will be very quiet.

    An attic roofed with metal tiles is considered an unfortunate project, as its inhabitants will have to suffer from the loud sounds of rain colliding with metal.

    Video: the subtleties of choosing roofing material
