Chernomyrdin was not there, and here again. The most famous statements of Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin

But we will calculate, and then everyone will know. And we are first. And if someone is too smart, let him think, and then we will check. And we will report anywhere.

Some principles that used to be fundamental were actually unprincipled.

Actually, there has been little success. But the main thing: there is a government!

This sobered up some people, including those there, and frightened them, far from simply.

The government is not the body that can only use language.

The ruble collapsed with me? What are you guys? When did you do all this? They did it, which means that someone is doing something here, and now I’ve even collapsed the ruble!

I am not a person who lives for satisfaction.

Whatever public organization we create, we get the CPSU.

We need to do what our people need, not what we do here.

Our country is enough for her to skip jumping.

The people have lived - and will be.

I have approximately two sons.

We have completed all the steps from A to B.

Here we are drilling all this, I apologize for this word, coined by Marx, by this dreamer.

What have we done wrong before God, Allah and others?

We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.

Attract even the Lord God himself! And it is necessary, they say, to ask him sometimes ... And we hope that the government will solve this problem.

Who says the government is sitting on a bag of money? We are men and we know what we are sitting on.

You are not here!

And whoever tries to interfere - we know about them by sight! True, you can’t call it a face!

Today we are at such a stage of economic reforms that they are not very visible.

Yugoslavia is a disaster. Disaster is always bad!

Tragedy in the Balkans. And go, see and immediately get what they deserve - I'm far from that.

The locomotive of economic growth is like an elephant in a certain place…

It's all so straight and perpendicular that it makes me uncomfortable.

Don't scratch where it doesn't itch.

We also had real budgets, but we still failed miserably.

We will live so that our children and grandchildren will envy!

The whole world is going backwards now.

In any language, I can speak with everyone, but I try not to use this tool.

There is no better vodka.

I told the Americans: “They are stealing more from us. And for a hundred years already. Why are you attached to Russia?

You spoke there, but we hiccupped here, but I am fine with this.

Yes, and I'm out, in my prime minister's saddle - only the wind in my ears.

For the first time in many years, a reduction in livestock dumping was noted.

Before, half the country worked, but the floor didn’t work, and now mmmmmm… it’s the other way around.”

Do you hear what is expected of us? S-300. We know what it is. This is not God forbid! Today S-300, and tomorrow give another ... and the day after tomorrow - the third. That's what it is!

And don't: Chernomyrdin this, Chernomyrdin that. Chernomyrdin never and nowhere, but always and everywhere... And to everyone. And when it was necessary, for five years permanently, by the way, and not that ...

And Chernomyrdin warned. And not just, but not just ... Because he knew and saw, as if into water. So what? Never mind. And how are we?

Where were you before? When it was necessary to think, and not cut on the shoulder seven times ... And now they realized it, they ran. And everyone was in the back. In the deepest sense. And Chernomyrdin warned.

Well, Chernomyrdin did not always speak so fluently. So what? But it is intelligible. He said - and immediately everyone understands. Well, that's my style, maybe. Maybe I do not want to say that the most correct, but very understandable and intelligible. And this is needed now.

Clinton was thrashed for a whole year for his Monica. We have one of these. We still applaud them. But another thing is the Constitution. It is written: you can’t go to Monica - don’t go! And go - answer. If you don't know how... And we will live! I mean the constitution

Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin (April 9, 1938, the village of Cherny Otrog, Gavrilovsky District, Chkalovsky Region, RSFSR, USSR - November 3, 2010, Moscow, Russia) - Soviet and Russian business and statesman, Chairman of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation (1992-1993 ), Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (1993-1998). Since June 11, 2009 - Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for Economic Cooperation with the CIS Member States.

"A man has died who not only passed through himself the whole history, the modern history of our country, but who largely created it. It is absolutely clear that if it were not for Viktor Stepanovich personally, we would not have the history we have today "© A. Chubais.

Winged phrases of Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin:

We will stand up for this so that this does not happen.

In our life it is not very easy to determine where you will find and where you will lose. At some stage you will lose, but tomorrow you will gain, and properly.

You have to be born into charisma.

Put you at least on the priest, at least in a different position - it's still no use!

We will get into a fight - we will fail the next, and future years. Who needs it? Whose hands are itchy? Whose hands itch - scratch elsewhere!

Forever we have in Russia is not what you need.

Actually, it's weird, just weird. I can't do it again, I don't know and I don't want it. This does not mean that no one can. Well, probably, someone, maybe, needs to be brought in, someone out ...

Actually, there has been little success. But, most importantly: there is a government.

Here is Mikhail Mikhailovich - the new Minister of Finance. Please love and even love very much. Mikhail Mikhailovich is ready for love.

Here we are drilling all this, I apologize for this word, coined by Marx, by this dreamer

Everyone says that they are dissatisfied with the results of privatization, and I am dissatisfied, and I do not say so.

All the questions that were raised, we will collect them all in one place.

It's all so straight and perpendicular that it makes me uncomfortable.

You think that I'm far from simple. It's not easy for me!

You look - we have everything, but we cannot live. Well, we can't live! It doesn't make us want to experiment. We all need something there, to get it there, somewhere, sometime, to arrange for someone. Why not yourself?! Why not your generation? Why this, as they say, the same communism was born, wandered around Europe, a ghost, or rather. Wandered, wandered, they didn’t catch on anywhere! And we - please! And now - for how many years under the experiment.

Somewhere we are something there, we are all afraid of something behind.

I said, I say and I will say: Chernomyrdin will not, this will not happen, no matter how some may hope. Because when such tasks stand, when we are so deep, now is not the time. There are many of me, I know, due to the fact that Chernomyrdin turned out to be in the throat for many people, as they say. But I want to tell everyone, not to mention Boris Nikolaevich, that they should not think that it is so easy. After all, people see who is rooting for fate, and who is just doing it under the brand name. I know who here thinks that he finally broke through. Chernomyrdin always knows when someone is thinking, because he has gone through all this from a locksmith so far. And I do it voluntarily, since there is no other way, since there are such speculations that they want to make me a stumbling block. We need to carefully look at who needs it in order to create an atmosphere around Chernomyrdin. Everyone should know that what has been done during the years of reforms cannot be reversed!

Yes, and I'm out in my prime minister's saddle - only the wind in my ears.

Yes, such people, yes, in such a state as Russia, they have no right to live badly!

The deputies all spoke out for me to go - to be elected, to be exact.

If I named everything that I have, yes, you would sob here!

If I am a Jew, what will I be ashamed of? I'm really not Jewish.

And I know how to do it again. And often, and as needed.

And no matter who provokes us today, no matter who throws Iran, Iraq and many other things at us, there will be none. There won't even be any creeps. On the contrary, all the work will be built in order to destroy what has been accumulated over many years.

There will be no breathtaking changes. Otherwise, in order for someone to do something, it will be necessary to take or take away from another.

Historical time has fallen to our lot. Rejoice!

Unfortunately, some of our collective members look like dead souls.

As someone said, appetite comes in times of trouble.

Whatever public organization we create, we get the CPSU.

When the Deputy Minister suddenly, for no apparent reason, makes a statement that 200,000 teachers and doctors should be laid off. Or is there something wrong with his head? That's what can happen if one starts thinking. I don't want to say another word.

When our country is in such a state - I will do everything, I will say everything! When I know it will help, I won't hold back!

I can only see beautiful women. And nothing else.

The locomotive of economic growth is like an elephant in a certain place...

Lots of money from people in stockings or socks.

I know a lot. Maybe even redundant.

May come true. It will come true if we do nothing.

My specialty and life took place in the atmosphere of oil and gas.

We can always know.

We have done everything from A to B.

We are still trying to milk those who are already lying.

We are men and we know what we are sitting on.

We hope that we will not have constipation at the border.

We remember when oil was harmful. They just said there was no oil left. Then the eggs were pressed so that they also disappeared.

We continue what we have already done a lot ....

We formulate our country.

Today we are at such a stage of economic reforms that they are not very visible.

We! Go to some Wishlist there, I'm sorry ... I don't want to arrange anything here - I don't want to

We wanted the best, but it turned out as always

To the question whether he will participate in the shadow office: That I will climb into the dark. I haven't gotten over the light yet.

I can speak any language with everyone, but I try not to use this tool.

We should all lie down on it and get what we need to have.

We need to do what our people need, not what we do here.

You have to think about what to understand.

It is necessary to control who to give and who not to give. Why did we suddenly decide that everyone can have?

Nobody prevents us from over-fulfilling our laws.

Do not belittle your role and your importance. This does not mean that you need to swell here and, as they say, wave here, wave something.

Not only oppose, but we will defend it in order to prevent it.

You can’t think and you don’t even need to think that the time will come when it will be easier.

But I don’t want everything here like that, in a swoop: today I hugged one, tomorrow with another, then again - and it went, and it went.

Well, so much dirt, so much fiction, so many perversions of individual politicians. These are not politicians, these are ... I don’t want to name them, otherwise they will immediately sob.

Well, who can replace me? I'll kill you right away... Sorry.

Well, God forbid we have someone else. Enough. All of these make me sick. Our people, I understand. And you too, probably. I can see it in your eyes, you're sick

Well, Chernomyrdin did not always speak so fluently. So what? But it is intelligible. He said - and immediately everyone understands. Well, that's my style, maybe. Maybe I do not want to say that the most correct, but very understandable and intelligible. And this is needed now.

We will do pension reform. There is where to roam.

We'll get through the hardships. We are not like that in Russia, Russians, so as not to survive. And we know what to do and how to do it.

The position of such people changes, which means, because of who is where and who occupies what position.

The government needs to help. And we dealt with him, dealt with him, dealt with everything. We also strive not only hand-to-hand, but somewhere else. As Chekhov said.

Right or wrong is a philosophical question.

The government is not the body where you can use only language!

The government is accused of monetarism. I admit - we are sinful, we are engaged. Not bad.

The President has shown and will show again.

Principles that were fundamental were unprincipled.

We have learned to pronounce words. Now to learn how to count money.

Reforms in Russia are not a car. I wanted - I stopped, I wanted - I sat down again and went! It doesn't happen!

Russia is a continent, and we cannot reproach us for something here. Otherwise, we alone are excommunicated from Europe, and here, Europe is united and has some kind of conversation there. The Russian-European part - it is larger than all of Europe put together at times! Why are we excommunicated?! Europe is our home, by the way, and not those who are trying to create all this and pump it up. It's useless.

Tax surrealism must end.

Today everyone can ask: do you know what to do? I would not like to talk now about the reasons for what happened at this particular time. I'm not a fan, I've never done it, let someone else do it.

Today, the global financial system understands what is happening in Russia and doesn't really want it to be... well, I don't want to use that word that I usually use.

Today I was there, tomorrow I will be in another place ...

Now there are a lot of people who want to stir something up. All of them are excited there. Suddenly they woke up too. Excited. Let them get excited. As for loans - you understand, as for loans and distribution mechanisms - what are they talking about here? Where? Why? What and how can they know?

Our country is enough for her to skip jumping.

We will live in such a way that our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will envy us.

I have no questions about the Russian language.

I have approximately two sons.

After all, our problem is not in uniting, but in who is in charge.

We still have people who live very poorly. We see it, we go, we hear it, we read it.

We have some, somewhere we are something there, we are all afraid of something behind.

Teachers and doctors want to eat almost every day!

Worst result will be. I know it, it was my job.

What have we done wrong before God, Allah and others?

What to say about Chernomyrdin and about me?

These elections turned out to be a difficult test for us. This should never happen again...

This sobered up some people, including those there, and frightened them, far from simply.

I would not link these questions so perpendicularly.

I would not want me to scold someone here today or not recognize them there. This is the business of the Prime Minister.

I am ready and will unite! And with everyone! It is impossible, pardon the expression, all the time upside down.

I am ready to invite everyone, everyone - whites, reds, and motleys to the Cabinet. If only they had ideas. But they only show their tongue and something else.

I once again just one thing: let's speak in a normal language!

I can't be offended by Zyuganov. And I'm not offended. We do not take offense at such people.

I am not a diplomat. And I'm not going to be a diplomat. And the fact that we have reached an agreement is absolutely non-diplomatic. Absolutely.

I'm not one of those people to bring to a massacre, I apologize for this word. And the scuffle, again, they would not, not their own! If you could hang them there - it would be a pleasure! And those scuffle, people would have participated in the scuffle: the people, as always.

I can't do it again, I don't know and I don't want it.

I am not a supporter today to get in with open arms.

I am not a person who lives for satisfaction.

Who is Viktor Chernomyrdin, everyone knows, of course. His last job, before retirement, was, if I am not mistaken, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Ukraine. It seems to me that such a person is just now lacking. He knew and loved Ukraine. Last week, April 9th, was his birthday. I propose to recall the bright and colorful sayings of Viktor Stepanovich, which glorified him no less than all his fruitful activities.

We will stand up for this so that this does not happen.

In our life it is not very easy to determine where you will find and where you will lose. At some stage you will lose, but tomorrow you will gain, and properly.

You have to be born into charisma.

Put you at least on the priest, at least in a different position - it's still no use!

We will get into a fight - we will fail the next, and future years. Who needs it? Whose hands are itchy? Whose hands itch - scratch elsewhere!

Forever we have in Russia is not what you need.

Actually, it's weird, just weird. I can't do it again, I don't know and I don't want it. This does not mean that no one can. Well, probably, someone, maybe, needs to be brought in, someone out ...

Actually, there has been little success. But, most importantly: there is a government.

Here is Mikhail Mikhailovich - the new Minister of Finance. Please love and even love very much. Mikhail Mikhailovich is ready for love.

Here we are drilling all this, I apologize for this word, coined by Marx, by this dreamer.

Everyone says that they are dissatisfied with the results of privatization, and I am dissatisfied, and I do not say so.

All the questions that were raised, we will collect them all in one place.

It's all so straight and perpendicular that it makes me uncomfortable.

You think that I'm far from simple. It's not easy for me!

You look - we have everything, but we cannot live. Well, we can't live! It doesn't make us want to experiment. We all need something there, to get it there, somewhere, sometime, to arrange for someone. Why not yourself?! Why not your generation? Why this, as they say, the same communism was born, wandered around Europe, a ghost, or rather. Wandered, wandered, they didn’t catch on anywhere! And we - please! And now - for how many years under the experiment.

Somewhere we are something there, we are all afraid of something behind.

I said, I say and I will say: Chernomyrdin will not, this will not happen, no matter how some may hope. Because when such tasks stand, when we are so deep, now is not the time. There are many of me, I know, due to the fact that Chernomyrdin turned out to be in the throat for many people, as they say. But I want to tell everyone, not to mention Boris Nikolaevich, that they should not think that it is so easy. After all, people see who is rooting for fate, and who is just doing it under the brand name. I know who here thinks that he finally broke through. Chernomyrdin always knows when someone is thinking, because he has gone through all this from a locksmith so far. And I do it voluntarily, since there is no other way, since there are such speculations that they want to make me a stumbling block. We need to carefully look at who needs it in order to create an atmosphere around Chernomyrdin. Everyone should know that what has been done during the years of reforms cannot be reversed!

Yes, and I'm out in my prime minister's saddle - only the wind in my ears.

Yes, such people, yes, in such a state as Russia, they have no right to live badly!

The deputies all spoke out for me to go - to be elected, to be exact.

If I named everything that I have, yes, you would sob here!

If I am a Jew, what will I be ashamed of? I'm really not Jewish.

And I know how to do it again. And often, and as needed.

And no matter who provokes us today, no matter who throws Iran, Iraq and many other things at us, there will be none. There won't even be any creeps. On the contrary, all the work will be built in order to destroy what has been accumulated over many years.

There will be no breathtaking changes. Otherwise, in order for someone to do something, it will be necessary to take or take away from another.

Historical time has fallen to our lot. Rejoice!

Unfortunately, some of our collective members look like dead souls.

As someone said, appetite comes in times of trouble.

Whatever public organization we create, we get the CPSU.

When the Deputy Minister suddenly, for no apparent reason, makes a statement that 200,000 teachers and doctors should be laid off. Or is there something wrong with his head? That's what can happen if one starts thinking. I don't want to say another word.

When our country is in such a state - I will do everything, I will say everything! When I know it will help, I won't hold back!

I can only see beautiful women. And nothing else.

The locomotive of economic growth is like an elephant in a certain place...

Lots of money from people in stockings or socks.

I know a lot. Maybe even redundant.

May come true. It will come true if we do nothing.

My specialty and life took place in the atmosphere of oil and gas.

We can always know.

We have done everything from A to B.

We are still trying to milk those who are already lying.

We are men and we know what we are sitting on.

We hope that we will not have constipation at the border.

We remember when oil was harmful. They just said there was no oil left. Then the eggs were pressed so that they also disappeared.

We continue what we have already done a lot ....

We formulate our country.

Today we are at such a stage of economic reforms that they are not very visible.

We! Go to some Wishlist there, I'm sorry ... I don't want to arrange anything here - I don't want to

We wanted the best, but it turned out as always

To the question whether he will participate in the shadow office: That I will climb into the dark. I haven't gotten over the light yet.

I can speak any language with everyone, but I try not to use this tool.

We should all lie down on it and get what we need to have.

We need to do what our people need, not what we do here.

You have to think about what to understand.

It is necessary to control who to give and who not to give. Why did we suddenly decide that everyone can have?

Nobody prevents us from over-fulfilling our laws.

Do not belittle your role and your importance. This does not mean that you need to swell here and, as they say, wave here, wave something.

Not only oppose, but we will defend it in order to prevent it.

You can’t think and you don’t even need to think that the time will come when it will be easier.

But I don’t want everything here like that, in a swoop: today I hugged one, tomorrow with another, then again - and it went, and it went.

Well, so much dirt, so much fiction, so many perversions of individual politicians. These are not politicians, these are ... I don’t want to name them, otherwise they will immediately sob.

Well, who can replace me? I'll kill you right away... Sorry.

Well, God forbid we have someone else. Enough. All of these make me sick. Our people, I understand. And you too, probably. I can see it in your eyes, you're sick

Well, Chernomyrdin did not always speak so fluently. So what? But it is intelligible. He said - and immediately everyone understands. Well, that's my style, maybe. Maybe I do not want to say that the most correct, but very understandable and intelligible. And this is needed now.

We will do pension reform. There is where to roam.

We'll get through the hardships. We are not like that in Russia, Russians, so as not to survive. And we know what to do and how to do it.

The position of such people changes, which means, because of who is where and who occupies what position.

The government needs to help. And we dealt with him, dealt with him, dealt with everything. We also strive not only hand-to-hand, but somewhere else. As Chekhov said.

Right or wrong is a philosophical question.

The government is not the body where you can use only language!

The government is accused of monetarism. I admit - we are sinful, we are engaged. Not bad.

The President has shown and will show again.

Principles that were fundamental were unprincipled.

We have learned to pronounce words. Now to learn how to count money.

Reforms in Russia are not a car. I wanted - I stopped, I wanted - I sat down again and went! It doesn't happen!

Russia is a continent, and we cannot reproach us for something here. Otherwise, we alone are excommunicated from Europe, and here, Europe is united and has some kind of conversation there. The Russian-European part - it is larger than all of Europe put together at times! Why are we excommunicated?! Europe is our home, by the way, and not those who are trying to create all this and pump it up. It's useless.

Tax surrealism must end.

Today everyone can ask: do you know what to do? I would not like to talk now about the reasons for what happened at this particular time. I'm not a fan, I've never done it, let someone else do it.

Today, the global financial system understands what is happening in Russia and doesn't really want it to be... well, I don't want to use that word that I usually use.

Today I was there, tomorrow I will be in another place ...

Now there are a lot of people who want to stir something up. All of them are excited there. Suddenly they woke up too. Excited. Let them get excited. As for loans - you understand, as for loans and distribution mechanisms - what are they talking about here? Where? Why? What and how can they know?

Our country is enough for her to skip jumping.

We will live in such a way that our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will envy us.

I have no questions about the Russian language.

I have approximately two sons.

After all, our problem is not in uniting, but in who is in charge.

We still have people who live very poorly. We see it, we go, we hear it, we read it.

We have some, somewhere we are something there, we are all afraid of something behind.

Teachers and doctors want to eat almost every day!

Worst result will be. I know it, it was my job.

What have we done wrong before God, Allah and others?

What to say about Chernomyrdin and about me?

These elections turned out to be a difficult test for us. This should never happen again...

This sobered up some people, including those there, and frightened them, far from simply.

I would not link these questions so perpendicularly.

I would not want me to scold someone here today or not recognize them there. This is the business of the Prime Minister.

I am ready and will unite! And with everyone! It is impossible, pardon the expression, all the time upside down.

I am ready to invite everyone, everyone - whites, reds, and motleys to the Cabinet. If only they had ideas. But they only show their tongue and something else.

I once again just one thing: let's speak in a normal language!

I can't be offended by Zyuganov. And I'm not offended. We do not take offense at such people.

I am not a diplomat. And I'm not going to be a diplomat. And the fact that we have reached an agreement is absolutely non-diplomatic. Absolutely.

I'm not one of those people to bring to a massacre, I apologize for this word. And the scuffle, again, they would not, not their own! If you could hang them there - it would be a pleasure! And those scuffle, people would have participated in the scuffle: the people, as always.

I can't do it again, I don't know and I don't want it.

I am not a supporter today to get in with open arms.

I am not a person who lives for satisfaction.

* Aphorisms, of course, I did not collect. All from the omniscient internet.

The pinnacle of Chernomyrdin's political career fell on a difficult period: years, a time of profound changes in the political and public sphere. Politicians tried to move away from the clichéd, bureaucratic language of Soviet propaganda. More and more speech individualities appeared, among which Chernomyrdin occupied an important place. His puns received the affectionate name "Chernomyrdinki" and quickly went to the people. The politician's statements, full of paradoxes, were a kind of dialogue between the people and the authorities. Chernomyrdinkas, although often inaccurate or did not correspond to the given topic, amazed with their brightness, spontaneity and the impossibility of repeating them, because, as Viktor Stepanovich said, "one must be born in charisma."

Speaker Chernomyrdin. (

"The course - we have one - is correct"

“I can speak with everyone in any language, but I try not to use this tool”

“You can’t harness a cart in the middle of a horse”

“Government is not the body where, as they say, it is possible only with language”

At the meeting. (

“Now historians are trying to present that in one thousand five hundred some year something was there. There was nothing!”

"Who's hands are itchy? Who itches - scratch in another place "

“Whatever organization you create, the CPSU still turns out”

“Went to the market, but came to the bazaar”

Chernomyrdin plays the button accordion. (

"The most important result of Peter's reforms is the creation of favorable conditions for Western business people"

“And whoever tries to interfere - we know about them by sight! True, you can’t call it a face there! ”

“Everyone says that they are dissatisfied with the results of privatization, and I am dissatisfied, and I don’t say”

“I fell ill, coughing again in every way. But the President is the President" (about Yeltsin)

“Clinton was thrashed for a whole year for his Monica. We have one of these. We still applaud them. But another thing is the Constitution. It is written: you can’t go to Monica - don’t go! And go - answer. If you can't. And we will live! I mean the Constitution!”

“It is unlikely that the position defines or gives me any weight. Well, much more is needed for a person who has already gone through everything, knows everything in this life. I know a lot. Maybe even too much."

“Well, Chernomyrdin did not always speak so fluently. So what? But it is intelligible. He said and everyone understood immediately. Well, that's my style, maybe. Maybe I do not want to say that the most correct, but very understandable and intelligible. And we need it now"

“We (Russia) are not threatened by NATO. What makes you think that Ukraine's accession to NATO can threaten us? I want to say it easier. We in Russia do not want Ukraine to turn from a near abroad into a distant one. Ukraine should be more concerned about this than we are!”

With Yeltsin and Luzhkov. (

“I personally don’t know Mr. Bush Jr., but I know his father, Mr. Bush Sr., and his wife, I also know Mr. Bush”

“A working president and a working government - this is a song that can turn out!”

“I am ready to invite everyone, everyone, whites, reds, and motleys to the cabinet. If only they had ideas. But they only show their tongue and something else"

“Look, we have everything, but we cannot live. Well, we can't live! It doesn't make us want to experiment. We all need something there, to get it there, somewhere, sometime, to arrange for someone. Why not yourself?! Why not your generation? Why this, as they say, the same communism was born, wandered around Europe, a ghost, or rather. Wandered, wandered, they didn’t catch on anywhere! And we are welcome! And now - for how many years under the experiment "

“After all, our problem is not in uniting, but in who is in charge”

1. We also had real budgets, but we still failed miserably

2. Let's stand up for it so that it doesn't happen

3. Put you at least on the priest, at least in a different position - it's still no use!

4. Whose hands itch - scratch elsewhere

5. Forever we have in Russia is not what you need

6. Actually, there are few successes. But the main thing: there is a government!

7. Here is Mikhail Mikhailovich - the new Minister of Finance. Please love and even love very much. Mikhail Mikhailovich is ready for love

8. Here we are drilling all this, I apologize for this word, coined by Marx, by this dreamer

9. Here are all his statements, here is his bucking there ... they even called me a pensioner somewhere, they say, he called me. I did not hear. But if I am a pensioner, then who is he? Grandfather was then ordinary (about Luzhkov)

10. Give to everyone - the giver will break

11. All this is so straight and perpendicular that it is unpleasant for me.

12. You think that I'm far from easy. It's not easy for me!

13. You talked there, but we hiccupped here, but I'm fine with that too

14. Chernomyrdin always knows when someone is thinking, because he has gone through all this from a locksmith so far

15. Everyone should know: what has been done over the years of reforms can no longer be reversed

16. If you do it - so big!

17. If I am a Jew - what will I be ashamed of! I'm really not a Jew

19. Usually, if we start to enter somewhere, we will definitely step somewhere

20. And I know again how it is possible. And often, and as needed

21. All work will be built in order to destroy what has been accumulated over many years

22. These are there, those are here, and so far no one has ever

23. Unfortunately, some of our collective members look like dead souls.

24. As someone said, appetite comes in time of trouble.

25. Whatever public organization we create, we get the CPSU

26. Clinton got fucked for a whole year for his Monica. We have one of these. We still applaud them. But another thing is the Constitution. It is written: you can’t go to Monica - don’t go! And go - answer. If you can't!

27. When I know it will help, I will not hold back

28. Who is there after our hearts, who is there below the heart - that's another story

29. Who says that the government is sitting on a bag of money? We are men and we know what we are sitting on

30. Whoever tells me something, I will do it

31. The engine of economic growth is like an elephant in a famous place

32. Better than vodka, no worse

33. Favorite vacation - hunting. There is always the opportunity to walk, walk, hide, wait

34. It’s somehow embarrassing for me to say what I have become newer. See more, wait, let's warm up

35. May come true. It will come true if we do nothing

36. My life was spent in an atmosphere of oil and gas

37. We will conduct foreign policy with foreign hands

38. One must be born in charisma

39. We completed all the points: from A to B

40. We are still trying to milk those who are already lying

41. We hope that we will not have constipation at the border

42. We remember when oil was harmful. They just said there was no oil left. Then the eggs were pressed so that they were gone too

43. We continue what we have already done a lot

44. You and I will still live in such a way that our children and grandchildren will envy us!

45. Today we are at such a stage of economic reforms that they are not very visible

46. ​​We wanted the best, but it turned out as always. (08/06/1993, at a press conference on the monetary reform of July-August 1993)

47. We want to move forward, but something is stopping us all the time

48. We go to some Wishlist, as they say, I'm sorry, someone wants more, well, it doesn't happen here

49. I can speak with everyone in any language, but I try not to use this tool

50. Let's get up on our feet - we'll lie down on another

51. We must all lie down on it and get what we need to have

52. We must do what our people need, and not what we are doing here

53. It is necessary to control who to give and who not to give. Why did we suddenly decide that everyone can have?

54. We do not need to step on the same rake that we already had

55. Nobody prevents us from over-fulfilling our laws

56. You have to think what to understand

57. The people lived - and will be!

58. Our president - he has, in my opinion, not seen money in the eye for five or ten years. He doesn't even know what kind of money we have

59. Our immediate task today is to decide where we are today together with you

60. Do not belittle your role and your importance. This does not mean that you need to bloat here and, as they say, wave here, wave something

61. Not only oppose, but we will defend it in order to prevent it

62. Some principles that used to be fundamental were actually unprincipled

63. You can’t think and you don’t even need to think that the time will come when it will be easier

64. By the way, not a single country has risen from its knees in a vague state, pursuing a vague policy. I'm just for the revolutionary approach here

65. I still can't figure it out for myself. Where I am? Where am I? (Becoming a deputy at a meeting with journalists in the State Duma on 01/18/2000)

66. There was no war. There were some questions

67. But speaking of today's meeting, I would, of course, give a satisfactory assessment. I don't know any other ratings.

68. But we will calculate, and then everyone will know. And we are first. And if someone is too smart, let him think, and then we will check. And let's report it anywhere

69. We will carry out pension reform. There is where to roam

70. But I don’t want everything here like that, in a swoop: today I hugged one, tomorrow with another, then again - and off we go. Yes, and close to the panel

71. Well, so much dirt, so much fiction, so many perversions of individual politicians! These are not politicians, these are ... I don’t want to name them, otherwise they’ll immediately sob

72. Well, what can we combine with him? He has a cap, but I don’t wear anything at all so far (about Luzhkov)

73. Well, who can replace me? I'll kill you right away... Sorry

74. God forbid we have someone else. Enough. All of these make me sick. Our people, I understand. And you too, probably. I can see it in your eyes, you're sick

75. Accused of what? In corruption? Whom? Me? Who? USA? Why did they suddenly wake up there?

76. Never seen anything like this, and here it is again!

77. The government is not a body where, as many people think, only language can

78. We have learned to pronounce words. Now to learn how to count money

79. We laid the rails in six years, now it's up to the locomotive. And that the helmsman was ... with his head. So that they didn’t move the cars, but he dragged them

80. Russia should eventually become a European member

81. Stop tax surrealism

82. Today, the global financial system understands what is happening in Russia, and does not really want it to be here ... well, I don’t want to use this word, which I usually use

83. Nothing today, nothing tomorrow, and then they realized it - and yesterday, it turns out, nothing

84. Today I was there, tomorrow I will be in another place ...

85. Now historians are trying to present that in one thousand five hundred some year something was there. Yes, there was nothing! All this is intrigue!

86. Sex is also a form of movement

87. Now there are a lot of people who want to stir up something. Everything is excited there. Suddenly they woke up too. Excited. Let them get excited

88. The country does not know what the government eats

89. We have a country - it’s enough for her to skip jumping

90. I have no questions about the Russian language

91. I have approximately two sons

92. Chubais has only to open his mouth, he will be immediately poked, please

93. Teachers and doctors want to eat almost every day

94. After all, the trouble with us is not to unite, but who is in charge

95. We have some, somewhere we are something there, we are all afraid of something behind

96. What have we done wrong before God, Allah and others?

97. Nothing can be sewn on Chernomyrdin

98. What to say about Chernomyrdin and about me?

99. That I will climb in the dark. I haven't left the light yet

100. I just want to say that it would be easier for everyone and understand that we are not inventing anything new. We formulate our country

101. This is not the body that is ready for love

102. This ghost ... wanders somewhere out there, in Europe, but for some reason it stops with us. Enough of the vagrants

103. I would not want me to scold someone here today or not recognize them there. It's up to the Prime Minister

104. I personally don’t know Mr. Bush Jr., but I know his father, Mr. Bush Sr., and his wife, I also know Mr. Bush

105. I am ready and will unite. And with everyone. You can't, sorry for the expression, all the time sideways

106. I am ready to invite everyone, everyone - whites, reds, and motleys to the cabinet. If only they had ideas. But they only show their tongue and something else

107. I once again just one thing: let's speak normal language!

108. I can't take offense at Zyuganov. And I'm not offended. We do not take offense at such people.

109. I'm not one of those people to bring to massacre, I apologize for this word. And the scuffle, again, they would not, not their own! If you could hang them there, it would be a pleasure! Otherwise, a scuffle, people would have participated in a scuffle: the people, as always

110. I am not a supporter today to get in with open arms

111. I won't say anything, otherwise I'll say something again

112. I also carry a heavy load. And my voice dropped too. I didn't even drink yesterday. And did nothing else. I would love to do it

113. If I named everything what I have, yes, you would sob here!

114. - Do you have time to notice beautiful women?
- I have time, but only to notice. Nothing more. What I deeply regret

115. I don't really like bright colors. But that doesn't mean I'm addicted to blue and blue

116. And don't: Chernomyrdin this, Chernomyrdin that. Chernomyrdin never and nowhere, but always and everywhere. And everyone. And when it was necessary, five years permanently, by the way, and not that those

117. Do you again have to bend and lower your people two more times? For what? Why?

118. I want to deeply thank you for the expressed confidence in appointing me as an ambassador to our neighboring brother of the Republic of Ukraine

119. They steal a lot more from us, and it doesn’t decrease anywhere, such a country

120. We still have people who live very poorly. We see it, we drive it, we hear it, we read it.

121. Russia is a seasonal country

122. No one can reproach us for having good thoughts

123. Many argue where it is better, from below or from above, for me - from below, so it is even calmer

124. Where were you before? When it was necessary to think, and not cut off the shoulder seven times. And now they realized, they ran. And everyone was in the back. In the deepest sense. And Chernomyrdin warned

125. And who tried to interfere - we know about them by sight! True, you can’t call it a face!

126. In our life it is not very easy to determine where you will find and where you will lose. At some stage you will lose, but tomorrow you will gain, and properly

127. And those who survive will themselves laugh later!

128. All those questions that were raised, we will collect them all in one place

129. Why this, as they say, the same communism was born, wandered around Europe, a ghost, or rather. Wandered - wandered, they didn’t catch on anywhere! And we - please! And for how many years under the experiment

130. Deputy Prime Minister's posts at a time like ours are like a pole with the inscription: If you climb in, they'll kill you!

131. We will honestly talk about what is not working for us, and what is working, we will now tell the truth

132. The government must be supported, but we deal with it, deal with it, deal with everything. We also strive not only hand-to-hand, but somewhere else. As Chekhov said

133. I haven’t left the last elections yet - I still feel sick

134. I can work with Seleznev, but with separate members

135. Who will be elected in the next elections, we will work with that. And who is there for our hearts, who is there below the heart - that's another story

136. Not all communists are lost people. I myself was a communist and a member of the Central Committee

137. People have a lot of money in stockings or socks. I don't know where - depends on the quantity

138. Were, are and will be. That's all we're doing now

139. His reaction, she always, we will see whether this one will be or not. If not, then such a reaction. If so, then no reaction.

140. Natural monopolies are the backbone of the Russian economy, and we will cherish this backbone like the apple of our eye

141. We do not enter anywhere. Yes, we can't join. As we start to join, we will definitely step on something

142. Did the ruble collapse under me? What are you guys? When did you do it all? Done, that is. There is someone of something, now I have collapsed the ruble!

143. This has never happened in Russia, and now it happened again

144. We will destroy our nuclear weapons with America
