Alexey Koltsov - Mower: Verse. Galina Petrovna Shalaeva literary reading Koltsov Alexey Vasilievich Kosar

"Mower" Alexey Koltsov

I won't take it for granted...
I don't think...
Why is it so -
I won't get it?
Oh, on an unfortunate day
In an untalented hour
I'm shirtless
Was born into the world.
Do I have a shoulder?
Wider grandfather,
Chest high -
My mother.
On my face
paternal blood
I lit it in milk
I'm staring red.
Black curls
They lie in a bracket;
What I work -
Everything suits me!
Yes, on an unlucky day
In an untalented hour
I'm shirtless
Born into the world!
Last autumn
I'm for Grunyushka
The elder's daughter
Married for a long time;
And he, the old horseradish,
Who is he for?
Will he give out Grunyushka?
I won't take it in
I don't think...
I'm chasing after
that her father
Reputed to be rich?
Let his house -
The bowl is full!
I want her
I crash on it:
White face -
scarlet dawn,
Cheeks are full
Eyes are dark
They brought the young man
From mind-mind...
Ah, yesterday for me
You cried so much
Outright old man
Denied yesterday...
Oh don't get used to it
With this sadness...

I will buy myself
New braid;
I'll beat her
I'll sharpen it -
And sorry, goodbye
Native village!
Don't cry, Grunushka
Oblique Vostroy
I won't cut...
Forgive me, village
I'm sorry, elder
To distant lands
Well done will go:
What's down the Don
along the waterfront,
well worth
There are liberals!
Far around
Lies wide
It spreads!..
Oh you, my steppe,
The steppe is free,
You are wide, steppe,
Spread out
To the Black Sea
Moved up!
I visit you
Not one came
I came by myself
With a scythe;
I have been walking for a long time
On the grass of the steppe,
Along and across
She wanted to...

Cheer up, shoulder!
Wave your hand!
You smell in the face
Wind from noon!
Refresh, excite
The steppe is spacious!
Buzz, scythe,
Like a swarm of bees!
Moloney, braid,
Shine all around!
Shut up grass
Bow flowers,
Head to the ground!
Along with grass
You dry up
As for Grune I
Dry, well done!
I'll pick up a pile,
I will outline haystacks;
The Cossack will give me
Handful of money.
I will sew up the treasury
I will save the treasury;
I return to the village -
Directly to the elder;
Didn't pity
His poverty,
So pity
Golden treasury!..

Analysis of Koltsov's poem "Mower"

The phenomenon of “peasant poets” in Russia in the first half of the 19th century is extremely curious. These creators lived at the same time with such brilliant authors as A. S. Pushkin and L. N. Tolstoy, and could even come from the same noble environment, but the morals of noble gentlemen were by no means the subject of their interest. On the contrary, they were occupied with the life of ordinary people, the inhabitants of the village, who often have souls more subtle and pure than those of the aristocrats brought up in romantic ideals.

One of these poets was Alexei Vasilyevich Koltsov (1809–1942). The sincerity, liveliness and expressiveness of his works were highly appreciated by both contemporaries and descendants. For example, while reading the poem "Mower" (1836), even today it is easy to feel the spirit of the Russian village, to understand the thoughts and mood of its inhabitants.

The lyrical hero of the poem is a young man from a peasant family. From the first lines, the reader plunges into his painful thoughts:
I won't take it for granted...
I don't think...
Why is it so -
I won't get it?

This is followed by an exposition in which the poet draws the image of the hero:
Do I have a shoulder
Wider grandfather,

What I work -
Everything suits me!

The epithets with which the appearance of the young man is shown are spectacular and at the same time traditional - “blood in milk”, “black curls”, “high chest”.

But time after time the hero exclaims:
Yes, on an unlucky day
In an untalented hour
I'm shirtless
Born into the world!

The hero complains about the tragedy in love. His chosen one is the daughter of the headman, a man reputed to be rich. Therefore, her father does not want to give the girl in marriage to a simple mower, even though he is also dear to her. Therefore, the hero decides to buy a new scythe and go to work in other lands in order to earn the favor of the headman with the help of a solid income.

The reader has already met this traditional plot in folk tales, where the hero must either curry favor with the father of his beloved, or go to distant lands for wealth. It is easy to recognize a peasant in the hero of the poem due to his attitude towards nature. He refers to various things and phenomena as to animated creatures:
Forgive me village...
Oh you, my steppe,
The steppe is free…
Cheer up, shoulder!
Wave your hand!

"Kosar" comes close to folklore thanks to recognizable vocabulary. There are outdated expressions in the text: “I will sew up the treasury”, “my friend came”, distorted words (“thunderbolt” - lightning).

The similarity with the folk song can be traced in the composition of the work. The poem has no rhyme, is not divided into stanzas. "Mower" is written in three-foot trochee, which gives it rhythm and length.

Maybe this work romanticizes the characters, but it captures real feelings. The sincerity of the poem is captivating, and one cannot but empathize with the young mower.


He was called a self-taught poet because he did not receive an education. Koltsov was not yet 12 years old when his father, a Voronezh cattle merchant, took him from the second grade of the county school and made him his assistant in trade affairs. A book of poems by I. I. Dmitriev, accidentally bought at the market, shocked the young man: he passionately fell in love with poetry and soon began to write himself.

Having read works written in the manner of Russian songs in A. Delvig's collection of poems, he began to incline more and more towards this kind of poetry. The voices of ordinary Russian people sounded in Koltsov's songs. Sincerely, sometimes with anguish, sometimes with joy, the plowman, the mower, the reaper, the peasant, the beautiful girl and the brave fellow sing.

It was difficult for a clerk selling cattle in the market to dream of poetry and write poetry. Perhaps his poetic talent would have been lost in the rudeness of the mercantile world, if not for a happy accident. In 1830, Koltsov ended up at a factory owned by the father of N.V. Stankevich, a well-known writer and public figure, on business.

Stankevich heard Koltsov's poems and published some of them in the Literary Gazette and in the Listok magazine. He introduced Koltsov to famous writers of that time. In 1835, with the funds raised by subscription, it was possible to publish the works of A. V. Koltsov. A collection of his poems was a success and was approved by A. S. Pushkin, who, shortly before his death, invited Koltsov to his place. And in his journal Sovremennik, Pushkin published the poet's poem Harvest.

Despite the fact that Koltsov's talent was recognized by all the progressive people of that time, his life remained difficult. The despotic father forced the poet to engage in an unloved business - trade.

Far from the writers, without friends, a stranger among his relatives, the poet felt lonely and unhappy. On October 29, 1842, Koltsov died of consumption.


... Do I have a shoulder -

Wider grandfather,

Chest high -

My mother.

On my face

paternal blood

I lit it in milk

I'm staring red.

Black curls

They lie in a bracket;

What I work -

Everything suits me!

Oh you, my steppe,

The steppe is free,

You are wide, steppe,

Spread out

To the Black Sea

Moved up!

I visit you

Not one came

I came on my own

With a scythe;

I have been walking for a long time

On the grass of the steppe

Along and across

She wanted to...

Cheer up, shoulder!

Wave your hand!

Krylov Ivan Andreevich

fabulist, prose writer, playwright, journalist

Ivan Andreevich Krylov was born in Moscow into the family of a retired captain. He received a meager education, but from childhood he had a thirst for knowledge. He read a lot. Perseverance and perseverance bore fruit: thanks to self-education, the future fabulist became one of the most enlightened people of his time. Having lost his father early, he had to work to feed his mother and younger brother.

Krylov was looking for his way in literature for a long time, he even wrote several tragedies and comedies.

One of the biggest events in Russian literary life in the 19th century was the appearance in print of his first fables. It was the fable that became the genre in which Krylov's genius expressed itself unusually broadly and powerfully. In 1809, his first book of fables was published. In total, Krylov wrote more than 200 fables, which he combined into nine books.

Ivan Andreevich was one of the first Russian writers, in whose works a truly folk speech sounded for the first time. Thanks to the connection of Krylov’s language with the linguistic traditions of the Russian people, many expressions from his fables became winged, turned into proverbs and sayings: “The cuckoo praises the rooster for praising the cuckoo”, “I didn’t notice the elephant”, “But Vaska listens and eats, etc.

I won't take it for granted...
I don't think...
Why is it so -
I won't get it?
Oh, on an unfortunate day
In an untalented hour
I'm shirtless
Was born into the world.
Do I have a shoulder?
Wider grandfather,
Chest high -
My mother.
On my face
paternal blood
I lit it in milk
I'm staring red.
Black curls
They lie in a bracket;
What I work -
Everything suits me!
Yes, on an unlucky day
In an untalented hour
I'm shirtless
Born into the world!
Last autumn
I'm for Grunyushka
The elder's daughter
Married for a long time;
And he, the old horseradish,
Who is he for?
Will he give out Grunyushka?
I won't take it in
I don't think...
I'm chasing after
that her father
Reputed to be rich?
Let his house -
The bowl is full!
I want her
I crash on it:
White face -
scarlet dawn,
Cheeks are full
Eyes are dark
They brought the young man
From mind-mind...
Ah, yesterday for me
You cried so much
Outright old man
Denied yesterday...
Oh don't get used to it
With this sadness...

I will buy myself
New braid;
I'll beat her
I'll sharpen it -
And sorry, goodbye
Native village!
Don't cry, Grunushka
Oblique Vostroy
I won't cut...
Forgive me, village
I'm sorry, elder
To distant lands
Well done will go:
What's down the Don
along the waterfront,
well worth
There are liberals!
Far around
Lies wide
It spreads!..
Oh you, my steppe,
The steppe is free,
You are wide, steppe,
Spread out
To the Black Sea
Moved up!
I visit you
Not one came
I came by myself
With a scythe;
I have been walking for a long time
On the grass of the steppe,
Along and across
She wanted to...

Cheer up, shoulder!
Wave your hand!
You smell in the face
Wind from noon!
Refresh, excite
The steppe is spacious!
Buzz, scythe,
Like a swarm of bees!
Moloney, braid,
Shine all around!
Shut up grass
Bow flowers,
Head to the ground!
Along with grass
You dry up
As for Grune I
Dry, well done!
I'll pick up a pile,
I will outline haystacks;
The Cossack will give me
Handful of money.
I will sew up the treasury
I will save the treasury;
I return to the village -
Directly to the elder;
Didn't pity
His poverty,
So pity
Golden treasury!..

Analysis of the poem "Mower" Koltsov

The work of Alexei Vasilyevich Koltsov is dedicated to peasant life, the patriarchal way of Russian reality in the first half of the 19th century.

The poem was written in 1836. Its author is 27 years old, a year ago he published his debut collection of poems (the only lifetime, as it turned out later), his father's affairs allow him to visit Moscow and St. Petersburg, to acquire literary acquaintances. By genre - song, size - five-syllable, blank verse, without dividing into stanzas. The lyrical hero is a nice peasant guy who is twisting along with his betrothed: her father (“old horseradish”) does not give consent to their wedding. And without the blessing of her parents, Grunyushka does not want to get married, and there will be nowhere for the young to hide from the wrath of the headman.

The form of the poem is taken from Russian folklore. “To be born in a shirt” is a stable expression, a sign of a happy unborn child. The denial of "no shirt" intensifies the bitterness of the hero. The story of the poet's first youthful love for a serf girl, from whom his father separated him, is well known. Only in "Kosar" "not a couple" is just a young man, and not Grunya. Dots, questions, exclamations give expressiveness to the hero's monologue.

The description of the appearance of the heroes is given in the fairy tale tradition: the shoulder is wider than the grandfather's, in the face - blood with milk, black curls, according to the latest fashion, lie in a "bracket". She has the same: her face is a scarlet dawn. He calls himself a "boy". Repetitions: an unhappy day, an untalented hour, I will not understand. “I won’t cut myself” - in these words the hero betrays the degree of his grief, even Grunya is afraid that he will do something to himself. The second half of the poem is a broad picture of peasant life, honest tireless work, generous nature, steppe freedom and expanse. Prefixed verbs: spread out, moved forward. Compound words: mind-reason, forgive-farewell, feather-grass, self-friend. Comparison: a scythe, like a swarm of bees, lightning (lightning).

The work ends with the hero’s dreams of the future: he will earn “a handful of money” with his work, you know, then the headman Grunyushka will give him for him. It can be seen that the hero does not give up, I want to believe in a successful outcome of history, but, most likely, in the end, with the “oblique line”, he will completely leave his “native village”.

The poem "Mower" is a lyrical song created on the basis of personal impressions by the original poet A. Koltsov, a native of Voronezh. A strong folklore beginning turned it into a truly folk song.

I won't take it for granted...
I don't think...
Why is it so -
I won't get it?
Oh, on an unfortunate day
In an untalented hour
I'm shirtless
Was born into the world.

Do I have a shoulder?
Wider grandfather,
Chest high -
My mother.
On my face
paternal blood
I lit it in milk
I'm staring red.
Black curls
They lie in a bracket;
What I work -
Everything suits me!
Yes, on an unlucky day
In an untalented hour
I'm shirtless
Born into the world!
Last autumn
I'm for Grunyushka
The elder's daughter
Married for a long time;
And he, the old horseradish,
Who is he for?
Will he give out Grunyushka?
I won't take it in
I don't think...
I'm chasing after
that her father
Reputed to be rich?
Let his house -
The bowl is full!
I want her
I crash on it:
White face -
scarlet dawn,
Cheeks are full
Eyes are dark
They brought the young man
From mind-mind...
Ah, yesterday for me
You cried so much
Outright old man
Denied yesterday...
Oh don't get used to it
With this sadness...

I will buy myself
New braid;
I'll beat her
I'll sharpen it -
And sorry, goodbye
Native village!
Don't cry, Grunushka
Oblique Vostroy
I won't cut...
Forgive me, village
I'm sorry, elder
To distant lands
Well done will go:
What's down the Don
along the waterfront,
well worth
There are liberals!
Far around
Lies wide
It spreads!..
Oh you, my steppe,
The steppe is free,
You are wide, steppe,
Spread out
To the Black Sea
Moved up!
I visit you
Not one came
I came by myself
With a scythe;
I have been walking for a long time
On the grass of the steppe,
Along and across
She wanted to...

Cheer up, shoulder!
Wave your hand!
You smell in the face
Wind from noon!
Refresh, excite
The steppe is spacious!
Buzz, scythe,
Like a swarm of bees!
Moloney, braid,
Shine all around!
Shut up grass
Bow flowers,
Head to the ground!
Along with grass
You dry up
As for Grune I
Dry, well done!
I'll dig a pile,
I will outline haystacks;
The Cossack will give me
Handful of money.
I will sew up the treasury
I will save the treasury;
I return to the village -
Directly to the elder;
Didn't pity
His poverty,
So pity
Golden treasury!..

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More poems:

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  2. The village of Miksunitsu lies among the mountains. I must be dreaming of such a village. There women are birds, Men are like lions. The village of Miksunitsa You don't know. There people laugh when they find it funny. BUT...
  3. Yellow zhor, Burning erysipelas - Golden ashes - heat, Oh, lively - extinguished !!! Sago, fat, village - wow! Hu! - oleso, laso, gas ... Sago, fat, village - in the belly !! Blood...
  4. You tell me: I'm sorry! I say goodbye! You say don't be sad! I'm plotting confessions. It was a wonderful evening yesterday! For a long time he will be in sight; Everyone - only we do not have time; Flame...
  5. The ground is covered with snow. The stars rise earlier and higher. And, no longer littering, no dust, cars pass along the roads. Everything is empty - both the steppe and the village. The further you see, the easier it is to be sad. AND...
  6. A lonely soul lay in the snowy steppe, Only at times the dawn gave birth to a blush in it, Only the silent moonlit night, blue-eyed With a gleam of life, flooded the silent steppe! The earth senses: the steppe toils in gloomy silence. Dike,...
  7. Comes to life before me, Casting thoughts, Under the azure blue The steppe is my own. I will not forget for a long time The rustle of tall grasses, The splash of a cool stream By the dry sedge; The first roar of the May thunderstorms, The lark's singing, ...
  8. In the spring the green steppe Is all sorted out with flowers, All with flying birds - Singing full-full; They sing day and night. Those songs are wonderful! The beauty listens to them And knows no meaning in them, ...
  9. Do you remember the narrow corridor In the currant bushes?.. Since then, you have become a dream of music, Wonderful homeland You became life and death to me - So fragile - And you melted, tired, ...

The purpose of the lesson:

1. To acquaint students with the biography of A.V. Koltsov and his song “Mower”.

2. Acquaintance with the concept of “song” and identifying its features in the work “Mower” at the formal, lexical, syntactic level.

3. Introduction of the concept of “inversion”.

4. Development of the skill of expressive reading of a poetic text.

5. Replenishment of students' vocabulary.

6. The development of oral speech of students.

7. Raising respect for the working people.

Type of lesson - learning new

The main method is partial search

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Message from the teacher about Alexei Vasilyevich Koltsov. Annex 7.

We continue to study works united by the theme “The image of our Motherland in poetry”.

A.V. Koltsov devoted a lot of poetic works to this topic. Today at the lesson we will get acquainted with his song “Mower”. The biography of A.V. Koltsov will help us to better understand his work.

Guiding questions: what topics does A.V. Koltsov write about? Why does he choose this theme?

A.V.Koltsov was born in Voronezh. His father made a living by trading livestock, and the future poet helped him from an early age: on horseback he drove herds to the steppes, traveled to village bazaars, sold and bought livestock, and went to court. Labor was the basis of A.V. Koltsov's life. The father believed that to conduct trading business it was enough to know only the letter, so he forbade his son to study, considering this activity a waste of time. A.V. Koltsov was forced to read furtively. And at the age of 16 he began to furtively write poems.

Contemporaries were attracted by the nationality of his poems. They differed from fakes of folk poetry. Koltsov writes about peasant labor, describes the image of a man from the people, feelings, thoughts of a village worker.

His most significant theme is the joyful work of the peasant on the earth, the rapture of labor and nature, with which the life of the farmer is merged. Many of Koltsov's poems have been set to music.

Students orally answer the questions.

3. Reading the poem "Mower".

Question: What feelings does this poem evoke?

(Children answer the question orally.)

4. Introduction of the concept of “song”. Annex 2.

Guys, this poem is not only contemporaries of A.V. Koltsov, but the poet himself considers song. But why? The analysis of the text at the lexical, formal, syntactic level will help us answer this question.

So, our goal is to analyze the poem at different levels and identify the features of the song.

And first, let's write down the definition of the concept of "song".

A song is a short piece of poetry meant to be sung. Songs are divided into epic and lyrical. Lyrical songs are a kind of expression of the people, they convey their emotions, feelings, experiences. Epic songs belong to epic genres of literature: they have a plot and, as a rule, describe events significant for the people.

5. Analysis of the content and lexical level of the text. Annex 6.

Conversation with students

- The poem is called "Kosar". What is the lexical meaning of this word? (The one who mows the grass.)

The word "untalented" is obsolete, its meaning is "unfortunate".

  1. What do you think, children, why does the lyrical hero believe that he was born on an unfortunate day, at an untalented hour?
  2. How does the mower describe himself? Support your answer with text.
  3. In this passage of text, find artistic and visual means (epithets, comparisons).
  4. What is the meaning of the word "old man"?
  5. Why does the headman not want to marry his daughter to a lyrical hero?
  6. Speaking about the reason for the refusal of the headman, the lyrical hero uses phraseological units. Find it and interpret it. (“Let his house be a full cup”, prosperity in the house.)
  7. What is the name of the mower's beloved?
  8. Find its description in the text. What figurative language does the author use? (Epithets.)
  9. How does Grunyushka feel about the mower?
  10. Why is the mower going to distant lands?
  11. How do you understand the expression “I will recapture it” (a new braid)? (Straighten with blows, sharpening.)
  12. What does the word "treasury" mean? (Cash, valuables.)
  13. What does "compassionate" mean? (To arouse sympathy in someone, pity for oneself.)
  14. Speaking about the unfortunate fate, the mower uses a phraseological unit that is often repeated in the text. Find it, give an interpretation. (“I was born without a shirt!” - to be unhappy, unlucky.)
  15. The song is full of outdated words. Find them. (Arguing - it turns out, untalented - unhappy, Grunya, shirt - shirt, crushing - sad, well done - a young man, strong, strong build, etc.). Outdated forms of words (sharp, get used to, cut myself, etc.).

Guys, what features of the song can you note by analyzing the lexical level of the text? (Expression of feelings, emotions, experiences of the lyrical hero, plot.)

6. Formal analysis of the poem. Annex 4.

Children independently analyze the first 4 verses of the song in writing and determine the size in which the poem is written - 3 foot trochee.

Teacher: trochee in Greek means “dance, dance, choir, round dance”.

What signs of the song can be noted now? (Texts written in trochaic are intended for singing.)

7. Analysis at the syntactic level. Annex 5.

Teacher: find the syntactic constructions that are repeated in the text. Can we assume that this technique makes the text look like a song? (Such repetitions are like a chorus in a song.)

At the syntactic level, the “folkness” gives this song inversion.

Students write down the definition of inversion in a notebook.

Inversion is a violation of the generally accepted word order in a given language.

Let's try to find inversion in the text. (“I won’t understand”, “I was born without a shirt”, “On my face”, etc.).

Tell me, what gives the song “nationality” at the lexical level? (The use of obsolete words, epithets characteristic of folklore, such expressions as feather grass - grass, mind - mind.)

The same role is played in the song by stresses that do not correspond to the literary norm (Along the embankment, along and across.)

So why does A.V. Koltsov write the song? What are the shades of nationality in the song for?

A leading question: in order to express feelings, thoughts, people compose poems or songs? (Songs.)

Therefore, the song of A.V. Koltsov is equated to a folk song. The poet speaks the language of the people, expresses their values, namely, the values ​​of the working people.

Enduring, true values ​​- that's what is important for the people. The mower has no name - this is a collective image, this is the image of a man from the people, for whom love (for a woman, for the Motherland), pleasure from work, intoxication with nature is the main thing in life.

8. The result of the lesson. Annex 3. Annex 8.

The teacher distributes cards for the children to complete the tasks on their own. Attachment 1 .

9. Homework.

Learn the definition of concepts song, inversion, prepare for terminological dictation.

Prepare an expressive reading of the song.
