PR manager: responsibilities and job description. The essence of the work and professional responsibilities of a PR manager I want to be a PR director where is the best place to study

What comes to mind when you hear the term “Public Relations”? imply establishing relationships between the company’s management and their future partners. PR specialists are also involved in promoting a character and promoting his activities. A PR manager is the person who manages the process of creating a name for a company or individual. Currently, the position of an employee of a PR company is not only interesting, but also profitable.

The profession of “PR manager” appeared on the market quite recently, but in a short time it became prestigious and highly paid. If previously workers in this profession were assigned the task of writing press releases, now their activities are aimed at consolidating a positive image among competitors, monitoring the work of subordinates, and heading the creative department. A PR specialist can work both independently and in a team. One of their most common activities is the promotion of pop and theater stars. The PR manager is also involved in advertising work.

Promotion specialists not only have prestigious jobs, but also good salaries. On average in Russia their income is about $1,600, while foreign managers receive from $3,000. Currently, public relations specialists are quite rare in the local market. Many of them are not properly qualified and work in large companies, so finding a good PR specialist is quite difficult.

An experienced and highly qualified PR manager must have not only theoretical knowledge of his profession, but also have a large database of clients and partners for cooperation. A professional needs connections with regional and foreign companies, acquaintances with heads of ministries and people in leadership positions in the largest companies. A good PR specialist must be able not only to offer the services of his company or the person he represents, but also to sell them profitably. Of course, a good employee is a person who thinks outside the box and creatively. Education in the field of Internet technologies also gives him an advantage.

If you do not want to get a higher education but have all the data to start your activity in the field of PR, we advise you to take short-term courses for PR managers. You can complete the training and add another line to your resume in just a few months. Training is conducted both at higher educational institutions and in private classrooms with invited teachers. Here you will learn to work in a team and individually, develop your own ideas under the guidance of professionals, learn how to conduct a dialogue with high-ranking officials and convince them of the need to buy your services.

A PR manager should compose his resume in such a way that the employer sees not only that you are but also an experienced professional. If you have no experience in this industry, add a few lines to the column about hobbies and character. Show yourself as an active and creative person.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 12 minutes


The term “Public Relations” (like the profession itself) came to us from the USA. It was there that, at the beginning of the 20th century, a department responsible for public relations was formed at Harvard. Afterwards, already in the 30-60s, the position of “PR manager” appeared in almost every company.

Today, “Public Relations” is an independent direction in management.

The essence of the work and professional responsibilities of a PR manager

Who is a PR manager?

First of all - public relations specialist. Or an intermediary between the company itself and its future clients.

What does this specialist do and what are his professional responsibilities?

  • Informing the target audience about the company's activities, working with the media.
  • Maintaining the company's image and reputation.
  • Representation of the company at events of various sizes.
  • Development of a strategy for communication with the media, etc., corporate identity of the company, action plans related to the company’s image, etc.
  • Drawing up forecasts of the impact of certain planned actions directly on the company’s image, determining the budget for each PR campaign.
  • Organization of briefings, interviews, press conferences.
  • Preparation and placement of news, publications, press releases, etc., preparation of reporting documentation.
  • Direct interaction with centers for the study of societies/opinions and informing your management about all the results of surveys, questionnaires, etc.
  • Analysis of competitors' PR strategies.
  • Promoting your company's brand on the market.

The main qualities and skills of a PR manager - what should he know and be able to do?

First of all, to work effectively, every conscientious PR manager must know...

  • Key fundamentals of marketing and market economics, law and politics, advertising.
  • PR basics and key “tools” of work.
  • Ways to define and identify the target audience.
  • Methods of organizing/conducting, as well as principles of planning PR campaigns.
  • Methods of working with the media, as well as their structure/functions.
  • Basics of organizing briefings and press releases, all types of PR.
  • Fundamentals of sociology/psychology, management and administration, philology and ethics, business correspondence.
  • Fundamentals of computer technology, software for automation/processing of information, as well as for its protection.
  • Principles and basics of information that is a trade secret, including its protection and use.

Also, a good specialist must have...

  • Qualities of a leader.
  • Charismatic.
  • Relations in the media and business environment (as well as in government agencies).
  • Journalist talent and creative guts.
  • Knowledge (perfect) of 1-2 or more foreign languages, PC.
  • Sociability and “plasticity” in communication.
  • Talent - making the right impression.
  • Broad-minded, erudition, solid amount of knowledge of a humanitarian nature.
  • Ability to listen carefully, quickly analyze and synthesize new ideas.
  • Ability to work with any budget.

The traditional set of employer requirements for these specialists:

  • Higher education. Specialty: journalism, marketing, philology, Public Relations.
  • Successful experience in the field of PR (note - or marketing).
  • Oratorical skills.
  • Computer skills and foreign languages.
  • Literacy.

Man or woman? Who do managers want to see for this vacancy?

There are no such preferences here. The work is suitable for everyone, and the managers here do not make any special requirements (unless personal).

Training to be a PR manager - courses, necessary books and online resources

The profession of PR manager, which has long been common in our country, has become increasingly popular in recent years.

True, without a higher education there is no point in counting on a solid job. You will have to study, and, preferably, in a place where the educational program includes the basics of Public Relations, economics and at least basic journalism.

For example, in Moscow You can get a profession...

In universities:

  • Russian economic school. Tuition fee: free.
  • Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Tuition cost: from 330 thousand rubles/year.
  • All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economics/Development of Russia. Tuition fee: from 290 thousand rubles/year.
  • Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Tuition fee: from 176 thousand rubles/year.
  • Moscow Theological Academy of the Russian Orthodox Church. Tuition fee: free.
  • Russian Customs Academy. Tuition cost: from 50 thousand rubles/year.

In colleges:

  • 1st Moscow Educational Complex. Tuition cost: from 30 thousand rubles/year.
  • College of Architecture, Design and Reengineering. Tuition fee: free.
  • Vocational College Moskovia. Tuition fee: free.
  • College of Communications No. 54. Tuition fee: from 120 thousand rubles/year.

On course:

  • At the Stolichny Vocational Training Center. Tuition fee: from 8440 rub.
  • Moscow School of Photography and Multimedia A. Rodchenko. Tuition fee: from 3800 rub.
  • School of Business "Synergy". Tuition cost: from 10 thousand rubles.
  • Center for online education "Netology". Tuition cost: from 15,000 rub.
  • RSUH. Tuition fee: from 8 thousand rubles.

It is worth noting that employers are most loyal to specialists with diplomas from RUDN University, Russian State University for the Humanities, MGIMO and Moscow State University.

Also will not be superfluous international level certificates and certificates of additional training.

PR (PR) managers are managers involved in the formation and maintenance of a favorable image of the company.

The activities of a PR manager are aimed at creating a favorable image of both the company as a whole and an individual brand, in contrast to the activities of an advertising specialist, whose job is to promote goods and services in order to increase purchases.

PR is a proven technology for promoting the right ideas “to the people.” Newspapers, magazines and television contribute to this. The difference between PR and simple, in-your-face advertising is its invisibility.

The PR manager analyzes the interests of society that influence the image of the company, and also predicts the possible influence of the attitude of the external and internal environment towards the company on its development in the future.

The pinnacle of a PR specialist’s work is mentioning the company not from time to time, but its constant, “background” recognition.

In politics, these specialists are engaged in myth-making and information warfare. They turn ordinary candidates into bright characters. They wage a “guerrilla war” against competitors. It can’t do without “black PR”.

Anti-crisis PR occupies a special place in the work of many PR specialists. In companies with a high degree of risk (industrial, oil production, chemical production), strategic action programs must be developed in case of emergency situations.

Necessary Requirements

Excellent knowledge in the field of “public relations” (public relations);

Basic knowledge of economics;

Skills of practical psychology;

Must be oriented in issues of employment, social protection of citizens; conflictology; labor legislation, patterns of pricing, taxation, marketing, advertising,

Good PC knowledge;

Ability to master commercial negotiation techniques and organize production;

Willingness to work in extreme situations.

Personal qualities


Diplomatic qualities

Creative thinking,

Organizational skills

Leadership qualities, charisma,

Ability to maintain trusting relationships with management,

A PR manager must behave and speak in such a way that he is trusted.

Medical contraindications

Work is contraindicated for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, heart failure, etc.); nervous system (obsessive states, fainting, etc.); musculoskeletal disorders; severe physical disabilities; having speech defects.

Journalists, philologists, and political scientists often go into this field. Russian universities began training PR managers only in the early 90s.

Today, the current demand for specialists in this profile is great, which leads to high wages. But there are few professionals.

Everyone has heard about this profession, but only a few can clearly explain what exactly a PR manager does and what his responsibilities are. One thing is obvious - this is an exciting activity, however, not a single job can consist entirely of advantages. Let's try to understand the advantages and disadvantages. This and much more will be covered in this article.

Firstly, it is necessary to highlight the essence of the PR manager, who is engaged in creating a plausible (most often) image for his client, introducing an opinion about him to the masses. Thus, the services of specialists are often used by politicians who need to appear in the best light during the election campaign. However, clients can be ordinary citizens, companies, show business stars, social movements and organizations.

In domestic practice, a PR manager is a specialist in . From the name it follows that such an employee establishes connections between his customer and his environment, and these channels of information flow are aimed at cultivating in the minds of people a worthy opinion about the client.

To begin with, specialists in this field consider the audience to whom the subsequent impact will be directed, and do everything to win them over. Next, various events are held that only reinforce the well-presented reputation of the customer. The PR manager organizes presentations, conferences, ensures the publication of articles and other materials in the press, appearances on television and much more.

People with certain character traits are suitable for this kind of work, which are very helpful in moving up the career ladder. To begin with, you need to have creative potential at your disposal, be able to quickly generate ideas and creatively design them. It is important to take initiative and be an active, energetic person, since you will have to be on the move almost all the time.

Among other things, a PR manager is a sociable person who is constantly in contact with authorities, the media, representatives of television, radio and organizes events for his clients with their participation.

Sometimes, by the way, you need to be able to take risks, but not abuse it.

However, due to the fact that a PR manager spends most of his work in direct contact with people, he needs to have a high degree of self-control and emotional stability, since projects often fail as a result of

You should consider what a PR manager does.

Responsibilities of a public relations specialist:

  1. Resolving issues related to the company's relations and its image.
  2. Smoothing out conflict situations between the company and third parties.
  3. Organization of various events - presentations, press conferences, meetings, concerts, seminars, trainings and so on.
  4. Writing articles, press releases, publishing them in the media.
  5. Organizing communication channels within the enterprise itself - creating your own corporate website, publishing a newspaper, and the like.
  6. Helping top managers prepare for public speaking - creating a positive image, writing a suitable speech.
  7. Development and implementation of a PR activity plan for the company.

These are, of course, only some of the responsibilities; it is impossible to cover them all, since they vary depending on what industry the organization is in and what size it is.

Thus, a PR manager is a person responsible for creating the opinion among the masses that the client needs, be it a company or a famous singer. As you know, no one has canceled black PR, so the opinion can not only be positive. We looked at what qualities a PR manager should have and the responsibilities that he most often performs.

Before devoting yourself to this profession, talk to its representatives, try to learn about the pitfalls, and compare your character with that of a good PR specialist. Everything suits me? Then go boldly, because in this work success most often comes to adventurers.

Today we invite you to get acquainted with the features of the PR manager profession, including where you can get the appropriate education and what personal qualities you need to have to become a good specialist.

In an ever-increasing competition, every company strives to create/maintain its reputation and good image. Naturally, this is primarily facilitated by the production of high-quality products or the provision of services at the highest level. Only today, unfortunately, the conscientious fulfillment of their obligations to the client/buyer/customer, etc. sometimes there is not enough, and then there is a need to influence public opinion using additional means.

Regardless of whether it is a large company that needs to maintain its image, or a young company that needs “promotion,” business leaders prefer not to be limited by their own strengths/talents, and turn to specialists - - who will do everything so that only a positive image of a particular company.

Today we invite you to get acquainted with the features of the PR manager profession, including where you can get the appropriate education and what personal qualities you need to have to become a good specialist.

Who is a PR manager?

PR is an abbreviation for "Public Relations", which translates as "public relations". In general, PR refers to a whole technology for creating, introducing and consolidating the image of a certain object. If we talk about PR in business, then these technologies work to create and maintain a favorable image of the company.

Thus, it can be understood that a PR manager is a specialist who works to create a positive public reputation for the company, develop a favorable image of the company and convey it through interaction with clients, partners, authorities and the media. Sometimes such specialists are called " PR people" or "PR-men".

The concept of "Public Relations", as well as the accompanying profession, came to us from the USA. The first public relations office was created at Harvard University in 1900. A few years later, other large educational institutions, as well as some commercial enterprises, took up the initiative. By the early 60s, the position of “PR manager” was in almost every company. Modern PR specialists are in demand not only in large organizations, but also in politics, show business, the Internet and media projects.

In our country, a few years ago, the tasks of such a specialist mainly included working with press releases. But with the development of business technologies, everything quickly changed, and today PR specialists are working hard to shape the image of companies. Moreover, they use PR technologies not only in the external environment, but also within the organization, working with its employees.

Job responsibilities PR manager most often depend on the industry in which the company operates, but standard functions include the following:

  • creating and maintaining the image of the organization, its products, services and representatives;
  • development and implementation of PR strategy;
  • assessment of means and opportunities for promoting the company;
  • forecasting the effectiveness of planned activities;
  • tracking the company's reputation;
  • monitoring of the competitive environment;
  • working with social media;
  • organizing briefings, interviews, press conferences;
  • communication with journalists;
  • speaking at various events;
  • preparing press releases, writing articles, news, interviews and messages on behalf of the company;
  • interaction with the population, authorities and investors.

Also on the shoulders PR men Often there are responsibilities for maintaining a certain climate in the team so that everyone is united by a common idea. This could be organizing special trainings, holidays or events of various types, maintaining a website or publishing a corporate newspaper. Although in many foreign companies these duties are performed by an HR specialist.

What personal qualities should a PR manager have?

When choosing a specialist who can be trusted with the image of their company, employers, first of all, pay attention to candidates with the following knowledge and skills:

  • knowledge of the basics of marketing, branding and advertising;
  • knowledge in the field of psychology and sociology;
  • understanding the specifics of the company’s activities;
  • negotiation skills;
  • methods of working with the media;
  • ability to work with business correspondence;
  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • copywriting skills;
  • Correct oral and written language;
  • mastery of modern software.

At the same time, PR specialists with already established connections in the media, government agencies and the business environment enjoy a special advantage.

Of the personal qualities that highly qualified people should have PR specialists, you can note:

  • creative thinking;
  • multitasking;
  • knowledge of etiquette rules;
  • charisma;
  • presentable appearance;
  • stress resistance;
  • the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts;
  • diplomacy;
  • ability to gain/maintain trusting relationships;
  • communication skills;
  • the ability to make an impression;
  • the ability to quickly make the right decisions and act according to circumstances;
  • the ability to “read” people and choose the appropriate behavior model.

Advantages of the PR manager profession

This profession seems to be specially created for open, active and enterprising people who “die” doing routine work and are constantly “gushing” with new ideas. Thanks to work in the field of PR, something new will constantly appear in their lives: acquaintances, clients, interesting tasks, etc.

The profession of a PR manager not only allows you to fully realize your creative potential and creativity, but also gives you the opportunity to look into the future with confidence.

Firstly, everything suggests that the need for good PR managers will constantly grow (which is why PR specialties are classified as professions of the future).

Secondly, even young specialists can count on quite a decent salary (the average salary of a PR specialist in Russia is 40,000 rubles per month), and experienced PR people, widely known in certain circles, receive a quite decent fee - from 120,000 to 600,000 rubles .

Disadvantages of the PR manager profession

Working in PR is, first of all, communicating with people. With a variety of people with whom you need to find a common language, regardless of their political views, social level or life principles. Therefore, PR specialists very often experience strong psycho-emotional stress, which can lead to nervous exhaustion.

And if you consider that a great responsibility rests on the shoulders of a PR specialist (after all, reputation is a shaky thing, and a single mistake can undo the result that has been achieved for years), then you can understand that a public relations specialist is under constant psychological stress.

Another significant disadvantage of their profession is that many PR managers they call an irregular work schedule, which makes it very difficult to establish a personal life and fully relax.

Where can you get a job as a PR manager?

The Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" is recruiting students to receive training at the IPO - a convenient and quick way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for completing documents and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

Today you can become a PR manager in many Russian universities, where they offer training in the Advertising and Public Relations program, the best of which are:

  • National Research University "Higher School of Economics";
  • Moscow University of Humanities and Economics;
  • Moscow Polytechnic University;
  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov;
  • St. Petersburg State University;

You need to understand that a modern PR specialist must constantly improve himself! Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to regularly read specialized literature, study new PR technologies, exchange experiences in PR communities and improve their skills through special courses.
