Structural section on the outer wall. Structural section along the outer wall Planning elements of the apartment

A progressive type of window and door fillings, especially in large public buildings, are aluminum alloy fillings. In industrial construction, steel or reinforced concrete filling is increasingly used. In household, auxiliary premises, in stairwells, window openings are often filled with glass blocks or glass profiles, which are distinguished by durability and low operating costs.

window filling includes four main elements(Fig. 2.9): a box fastened to the wall, in which a special “quarter” is provided - a protrusion that blocks the connection of the box with the wall from blowing; bindings - deaf or opening, hung on hinges to the box; window sill from the inside; external drain that protects the wall from water flowing from the window.

Rice. 2.9. Vertical section (a) and plan (b) of filling the window
1 - window box; 2 - window binding; 3 - window sill; 4 - external drain; 5 - caulk

window box- this is a frame made of antiseptic wood or other material (for gates it is a portal made of metal or reinforced concrete), tightly fastened to the wall and perceiving the loads of the opening sashes (panels) of windows (doors, gates). To ease the load on the portals from the gate leaves when they are opened, steel guide strips are embedded in the gate area, along which the leaves roll on rollers when opening and closing.

window sashes filled with glass. In order to reduce glass waste, the dimensions of standard window sashes are coordinated with the dimensions of the produced glass sheets. The dimensions of window openings are a multiple of 500 mm horizontally and 600 mm vertically.

Since windows in buildings are repeated many times, they were among the first structural elements to be standardized. GOST 11214-78 is approved for wooden window frames.

Glass and bindings are inserted with putty or with the help of wooden glazing beads. The window will be more hermetic if a thin layer of putty is placed in the groove of the binding under the glass, and the glass is pressed on top with a glazing bead.

Doors are arranged like windows; they consist of boxes embedded in the wall, and attached to it one or two cloths depending on how many wings a given door has. The interface of the box with the wall or partition is closed slope plaster or architraves And. In the lower part of the casing, its profile is simplified, turning into the so-called bedside table.

Since the gate is usually larger in weight and size, the box for them is also made more powerful: it is already a portal made of reinforced concrete or other material. Gate designs and ways of opening them depend on the dimensions; They may be swing, retractable, lowering, lifting, harmonic etc. They are discussed in detail in the special literature on airport facilities.

House section- This is a drawing that shows the internal components of the building. It should help to visualize the location of partitions, windows and doors, elevations of all elements, and more.

Basic principles for drawing a section of a house

To create a cut, it is necessary to position the section plane in such a way that it passes through the front door into the window located in the opposite outer wall. Thus, house cut has many similarities with the plan of the house, since the cut is also formed by the section plane, with the difference that here it is vertical.

An important step is the indication of floor and ceiling marks for each ceiling. In residential buildings, the floor height is 2.8-3 meters. In public buildings, the floor height may be slightly higher - 3-3.3 meters. The railing of the stairs must be 9 cm. The distance from the window sill to the floor is 60-80 cm. The distance from the ceiling to the window is 20-30 cm.

How to draw a section of a house

To draw house cut does not have any particular difficulties. In the place prepared for the new drawing, it is necessary to depict the coordination axes. These drawings are drawn up when and clearly display the layout of the house and its load-bearing elements. To help you with transferring the dimensions from the plan, you can use the 45 degree line, placing it to the right of the finished house plan. Additional elements for the cut can be taken from the finished drawing of the facade of the house. After drawing the coordination axes, it is necessary to draw the walls. IN AutoCAD this can be done with the Parallel Move tool. Given the snapping, wall lines are copied to the right and left of the coordination axes.

After the walls are ready, it is necessary to mark the level of the soil, place the foundations at the specified laying depth, draw the basement, interfloor and attic floors. There are no particular difficulties in this, the program must use the same parallel copy tool. The final step in drawing the main lines is drawing on the section of the house roof line projections. As a rule, a section of a house with an attic is somewhat more difficult to draw than sections of buildings with flat roofs.

How to draw stairs by creating a section of the house? Before this, it is necessary to draw landings. It should be noted that their upper plane should be on the same level with the ceilings. The drawing of the steps begins with the drawing of the top line of the first step. After that, a vertical line is drawn down (the height of the step depends on the building being erected). Using autocad, I would copy the resulting lines further to the right, thus getting a drawing of the stairs. Next draw the railing. If this is a drawing on paper, then to draw a staircase, you can draw parallel vertical lines through a distance equal to the length of the step. Next, they proceed to the designation of window and door openings, the application of partitions and balconies.

Instructions for drawing a section of a house

We draw the vertical and horizontal axes of the building. By horizontal axes, I mean the lines that will become the top edges of the slabs.

After that, we postpone from the vertical axes 190 mm in both directions. From horizontal lines lays 300 mm down - thus overlaps are formed.

The resulting grid has a lot of unnecessary elements, so we trim the extra lines, so we get a section of the house, which is about to be ready.

We begin to draw landings and flights of stairs.

Follow the directions in the following diagram.

Copy the resulting flight of stairs to the underlying floors.

We turn to the drawing of the roof. It should be noted that depending on the location of the cut, the cut of the roof can vary significantly.

After that, we proceed to drawing the foundation blocks and the foundation itself.

The matter remains small. The section of the house must be edited by removing unnecessary lines and adding the necessary elements. The latter include openings, stair railings and balconies.

1. Rules for the design of architectural and construction drawings (according to GOST 21.501-93): implementation of the building plan.

      General information.

The main and working drawings are carried out in line drawing, using lines of different thicknesses, due to which the necessary expressiveness of the image is achieved. In this case, the elements that fall into the cut are highlighted with a thicker line, and the visible areas behind the section are thinner. The smallest thickness of lines made in pencil is approximately 0.3 mm, in ink - 0.2 mm, the maximum line thickness is 1.5 mm. The thickness of the line is selected depending on the scale of the drawing and its content - plan, facade, section or detail.

Scales images in the drawings should be selected from the following row: to reduce -1:2; 1:5; 1:10; 1:20; 1:25; 1:50; 1:100; 1:200; 1:400; 1:500; 1:800; 1:1000; 1:2000; 1:5000; 1:10,000; to increase - 2:1; 10:1; 20:1; 50:1; 100:1.

The choice of scale depends on the content of the drawing (plans, facades, sections, details) and the size of the object depicted in the drawing. Plans, facades, sections of small buildings are usually made on a scale of 1:50; drawings of large buildings are performed on a smaller scale - 1:100 or 1:200; very large industrial buildings sometimes require a scale of 1:400 - 1:500. Units and details of any buildings are performed on a scale of 1:2 - 1:25.

Coordination axes, dimension and extension lines. Coordination axes determine the position of the structural elements of the building, the dimensions of steps and spans. Axial lines are applied with a dash-dotted thin line with long strokes and are marked with marks that are put down in circles.

On the plans of buildings, the longitudinal axes, as a rule, are taken out to the left of the drawing, the transverse ones - from the bottom. If the location of the axes of the opposite sides of the plan does not match, then their markings are placed on all sides of the plan. In this case, the numbering is done through. The transverse axes are marked with ordinal Arabic numerals from left to right, and the longitudinal ones are marked with capital letters of the Russian alphabet (except for E, Z, Y, O, X, Y, E) down up.

The diameter of the circles must correspond to the scale of the drawing: 6 mm - for 1:400 or less; 8 mm - for 1:200-1:100; 10 mm - for 1:50; 12 mm - for 1:25; 1:20; 1:10..

The font size for designating the axes should be 1.5-2 times larger than the font size of the dimensional numbers used in the drawing. Marking of axes on sections, facades, nodes and details must comply with the plan.
To apply dimensions on the drawing, dimension and extension lines are drawn. Dimension lines (external) are drawn outside the contour of the drawing in an amount of two to four in accordance with the nature of the object and the design stage. On the first line from the drawing indicate the dimensions of the smallest divisions, on the next - larger ones. On the last dimension line, the total size between the extreme axes is indicated with the binding of these axes to the outer faces of the walls. Dimension lines should be applied so that it is not difficult to read the drawing itself. Based on this, the first line is drawn at a distance from the drawing no closer than 15-21 mm. The distance between the dimension lines is taken at 6-8 mm.
The segments on the dimension lines corresponding to the dimensions of the outer elements of the walls (windows, partition, etc.) are limited by extension lines, which should be applied starting at a small distance (3-4 mm) from the drawing, to the intersection with the dimension line. The intersections are fixed with serifs having a slope of 45 °. With very closely spaced small sizes in the drawings of parts and assemblies, serifs are allowed to be replaced by dots. Dimension lines should protrude beyond the extreme extension lines by 1-3 mm.

The internal dimension lines indicate the linear dimensions of the premises, the thickness of the partitions and internal walls, the width of the door openings, etc. These lines should be drawn at a sufficient distance from the internal edges of the walls or partitions so as not to obstruct the reading of the drawing.

Rules for drawing up plans in accordance with the requirements of ESKD and SPDS (schematic drawing): a - coordination axes; b - dimension lines; in-wire lines; g - area of ​​premises; e - cut lines (dimensions are given in millimeters).

Dimensional and extension lines are drawn with a thin solid line. All dimensions are given in millimeters without a dimension designation. The numbers are applied above the dimension line parallel to it and, if possible, closer to the middle of the segment. The height of the numbers is selected depending on the scale of the drawing and must be at least 2.5 mm when done in ink and 3.5 mm when done in pencil.

^ Level marks and slopes. Marks determine the position of architectural and structural elements on sections and facades, and on plans - in the presence of differences in floor levels. The level marks are counted from the conditional zero mark, which, as a rule, is taken for buildings as the level of the finished floor or the upper edge of the floor of the first floor. Marks below zero are indicated with a "-" sign, marks above zero - without a sign. The numerical value of the marks is put down in meters with three decimal places without indicating the dimension.

Rules for applying marks, sizes and other designations on sections in accordance with the requirements of ESKD and SPDS (schematic drawing).

To indicate the mark on facades, sections and sections, a symbol is used in the form of an arrow with sides inclined to the horizontal at an angle of 45 °, based on the contour line of the element (for example, the edge of the finished floor or ceiling plane) or on the extension line of the element level (for example, the top or the bottom of a window opening, horizontal ledges, exterior walls). In this case, the marks of the external elements are taken out of the drawing, and the internal ones are placed inside the drawing

On the plans, marks are applied in a rectangle or on a leader line shelf with a “+” or “-” sign. On architectural plans, marks are usually placed in a rectangle, on structural drawings to indicate the bottom of channels, pits, various openings in the floors - on the leader line.

The magnitude of the slope on the cuts should be indicated as a simple or decimal fraction (up to the third digit) and denoted by a special sign, the acute angle of which is directed towards the slope. This designation is applied above the contour line or on the shelf of the leader line

On the plans, the direction of the slope of the planes should be indicated by an arrow indicating the magnitude of the slope above it.

Designation of cuts and sections show an open line (a trace of the beginning and end of the cutting plane), which is taken out of the image. With a complex broken cut, traces of the intersection of cutting planes are shown

At a distance of 2-3 mm from the ends of the open line extended beyond the drawing, arrows are drawn that indicate the direction of view. Sections and sections are marked with numbers or letters of the Russian alphabet, which are placed under the arrows in transverse sections and on the side of the outer side of the arrows - in longitudinal ones. See the illustration on the right for the arrows' style and size.

^ Designation of the areas of premises. The areas, expressed in square meters with two decimal places without a dimension designation, are usually put down in the lower right corner of the plan of each room. The numbers are underlined.

In the drawings of projects of residential buildings, in addition, the residential and useful (total) area of ​​\u200b\u200beach apartment is marked, which is indicated by a fraction, the numerator of which indicates the living area of ​​​​the apartment, and the denominator is useful. The fraction is preceded by a number indicating the number of rooms in the apartment. This designation is placed on the plan of a large room or, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe drawing allows, on the plan of the front.

^ Remote inscriptions, explaining the names of individual parts of structures in nodes, are placed on a broken leader line, the inclined section of which with a dot or arrow at the end faces the part, and the horizontal one serves as a shelf - the basis for the inscription. With a small scale of the drawing, the leader line can be completed without an arrow and a dot.

Remote inscriptions to multilayer structures are applied in the form of so-called "flags". The sequence of inscriptions relating to individual layers must correspond to the order of the layers in the structure from top to bottom or from left to right. The thickness of the layers is indicated in millimeters without dimension.

Marks of structural elements on the layout diagrams are applied on the shelves of leader lines. It is allowed to combine several leader lines with a common shelf or put a mark without a leader next to the image of the elements or within the contour. The font size for designating brands should be larger than the font size numbers on the same drawing

Marking nodes and fragments- an important element in the design of drawings that help to read them. The main purpose of marking is to link nodes and fragments taken out on a larger scale with detailed areas on the main drawing.

When placing nodes, the corresponding place on the facade, plan or section is marked with a closed solid line (circle or oval) with an indication on the shelf of the leader line with a number or letter of the serial number of the element to be taken out. If the node is located on another sheet, then under the shelf of the leader line, indicate the number of the sheet on which the node is placed

Above the image or on the side of the rendered node (regardless of which sheet it is placed on), a double circle is placed with the designation of the serial number of the node. Circle diameter 10-14 mm

Technical construction drawings are accompanied by the names of individual images, textual explanations, tables of specifications, etc. For these purposes, a standard roman font with a letter height of 2.5 is used; 3.5; 7; 10; 14 mm. In this case, the font height is 5; 7; 10 mm is used for the names of the graphic part of the drawing; 2.5 and 3.5 mm high - for text material (notes, stamp filling, etc.), 10 and 14 mm high - mainly for illustrative drawings. Image titles are placed above the drawings. These names and headings of text explanations are underlined line by line with a solid line. Headings of specifications and other tables are placed above them, but not underlined.

      ^ Floor plan.

In the names of plans in the drawings, it is necessary to follow the accepted terminology; architectural plans should indicate the mark of the finished floor or the floor number, for example, “Plan for elev. 0.000", "Plan of 3-16 floors", it is allowed to indicate the purpose of the premises of the floor in the names of the plans, for example, "Plan of the technical underground", "Plan of the attic"

Floor plan depicted as a section by a horizontal plane passing at the level of window and door openings (slightly above the window sill) or 1/3 of the height of the depicted floor. With a multi-tiered arrangement of windows on one floor, the plan is depicted within the window openings of the lower tier. All structural elements that fall into the section (steles, pillars, columns) are outlined with a thickened line

On floor plans apply:

1) coordination axes of the building with a dash-dotted thin line;

2) chains of external and internal dimensions, including the distances between the coordination axes, the thickness of walls, partitions, the dimensions of window and door openings (in this case, internal dimensions are applied inside the drawing, external - outside);

3) marks of the levels of clean floors (only if the floors are located at different levels);

4) cut lines (cut lines are carried out, as a rule, in such a way that the openings of windows, external gates and doors fall into the cut);

5) marking of window and door openings, lintels (it is allowed to mark the openings of gates and doors in circles with a diameter of 5 mm);

5) designations of nodes and fragments of plans;

6) names of premises, their area

The names of the premises are allowed, their areas are given in the explications in form 2. In this case, instead of the names of the premises, their numbers are put down on the plans.

Form 2

Explication of premises

Built-in premises and other sections of the building, on which separate drawings are made, are schematically depicted as a solid thin line showing load-bearing structures.

Platforms, mezzanines and other structures located above the cutting plane are depicted schematically by a dash-dotted thin line with two points

^ An example of a floor plan for a residential building:

Floor plan elements.

Lightweight concrete block walls. ^ Symbol in plan:

The wall thickness is a multiple of 100mm.

The thickness of the inner (bearing) wall is min 200 mm.

The thickness of the outer walls is 500, 600 mm + 50, 100 mm of insulation.

The dimensions of the standard block are 390x190x190mm.

^ The walls are brick.

The wall thickness is a multiple of 130mm (130, 250, 380, 510, 640mm).

The thickness of the inner (bearing) wall is 250, 380 mm.

The thickness of the outer walls is 510, 640 mm + 50, 100 mm of insulation.

The dimensions of an ordinary ceramic brick are 250x120x65 (88) mm.

^ Timber walls.

Wall thickness (150) 180, 220 mm.

The thickness of the outer walls is 180, 220 mm.

^ The walls are timbered.

Wall thickness 180, 200, 220 - 320 mm (multiple of 20mm).

The thickness of the inner (bearing) wall is min 180 mm.

The thickness of the outer walls is 180 - 320 mm.

^ Walls - a wooden framework with filling from an effective heater.

The thickness of the frame stand is 100, 150, 180mm + 40-50mm double-sided plating.

The thickness of the inner (bearing) wall is 100 + 40-50 mm.

The thickness of the outer walls is 150, 180 + 40-50 mm.


    from lightweight concrete blocks, thickness 190mm;

    brick, thickness 120mm;

    three-layer wooden, thickness 75mm;

    plasterboard on a metal frame, thickness 50-70mm.

Window openings:

    in brick walls;

    in timber, log and frame walls.

External doorways:

    in walls made of lightweight concrete blocks;

    brick walls;

and frame walls.

Doorways internal:

    for all types of walls.

How to make a wall cut on a brick wall? Sometimes, during the reconstruction of a dwelling, it becomes necessary to cut through a wall or partition. When it comes to your own home, you will not need to apply for permission to the relevant organizations. It will be enough just to do the job correctly.

Cutting a brick wall is carried out by a grinder with a diamond blade.

How is a brick wall laid?

Before picking up a tool for cutting a wall, you need to study its structure. In the construction of houses, several methods of its construction are used. At the same time, you need to know that in this industry, the size of the masonry is considered not in the metric system, but in parts of the building material. Accordingly, the thickness of the partition will be determined as a whole; in 1/2; 3/4; 1/4; 2 bricks and more.

In practice, the following types of masonry walls are used:

  • chain;
  • spoon;
  • well

The sides of a brick have their own definitions. The butt is called a poke, the front side is called a bed, and the edge adjacent to the poke is called a spoon. Products are manufactured in accordance with GOST 530 - 2007 with the following dimensions:

  • for single 250 x 120 x 65 mm;
  • one and a half 250 x 120 x 88 mm;
  • double 250 x 120 x 103 mm.

The dimensions of double bricks made of silicate material are different - 150 x 120 x 138 mm.

If a load-bearing or semi-bearing wall has a masonry in which a spoon of brick is outside, then the thickness of such a wall will be 120 mm. In the case of poke masonry, the depth dimension will be 250 mm.

In the well construction, voids are provided, called wells. They were previously filled with insulation, which was used as slag, construction debris or soil. Now in modern buildings, the old heaters have been replaced with KFP foam (carbamide with formaldehyde) or penoizol.

There can be 2 or 3 partitions in the well laying. It can be reinforced with two or more rows of bricks. Such a wall will greatly complicate the work with it.

Before you start cutting the wall, you need to examine it and determine the type of installation and type of insulation. Therefore, take a hole cutter with a perforator and drill holes of such dimensions at different points in the wall that it allows you to stick your hand with a lantern inside and examine the cut.

The sequence of performing the work of cutting the wall

To make an opening for a door in the wall at home, you will need a grinder as a tool. To perform larger-scale work, such as redevelopment of doors, windows, partitions and the entire dwelling, one cannot do without a stone-cutting machine.

In addition to the grinder, we prepare for work:

  • perforator equipped with a crown cutter of any size;
  • crayon;
  • ruler;
  • cutting wheels;
  • roulette.

We begin work by marking the future opening with chalk. It should look like the letter T, that is, the crossbar should protrude into its frame. A timber is inserted into it, which will support the upper masonry. For partitions, a strip of wood is used, semi-bearing walls are reinforced with a board 50 mm thick, and reinforced concrete or metal beams are used in the bearing brick wall.

If a window or door frame is inserted into the hole, then it must be larger in size than the inserted units. After fixing the latter, the gaps should be filled with mounting foam. It will be both a heater and a fixative.

Consider how a wall is cut along a brick wall with varying degrees of complexity. Let's start with a partition that is 1/2 or 1/4 brick deep. We equip the grinder with a disc with a diameter of at least 250 mm and coated with a diamond coating.

According to the markings, the grinder is incised. To make it easier to knock out bricks, several holes are cut with a perforator. As soon as the first elements of brickwork pop up, things will go faster, taking a chisel, hammer and perforator to help. Only it will need to be re-equipped: instead of a crown, a chisel is inserted, switching the operating mode, eliminating rotation.

If you do not have a hole cutter, then a thick drill can replace it. They can drill masonry units by drilling them in several places and along their seams. With the same drill, we then help to pull out the filling of the opening.

In order to avoid door clamping or cracking in a thin wall, partition, you need to take a wooden beam with a thickness of at least 50 mm for the crossbar. Fix it in the opening and process it with a cement mortar very tightly, eliminating the possibility of backlash.

A load-bearing wall will require more complex processing, but the peculiarity of obtaining a hole is the same as for thin partitions. For the crossbar, a channel is used - an I-beam. The opening should be reinforced with vertical posts, for them it is recommended to take profile corners 50 x 50 mm, instead of them a rectangular profile pipe 40 x 20 mm is suitable. For the screed, a metal strip is selected.

The complexity of working with a load-bearing wall is explained by the fact that it has a difficult masonry - bricks and filler. But it is necessary to start work in the same way, with marking the future opening and basting it with a grinder. As soon as a part of the inside was removed in the upper part, we wedge an I-beam there and substitute vertical supports from corners or pipes, rigidly fixing the beam. This is a very important moment. Any defect will cause subsidence of the overlap and the possibility of danger to the lives of workers employed in the patch.

Only after the channel is securely fixed, you can continue to knock out the hole. First, the sealant is removed, and then the bricks. If it is possible to access the back side of the wall, then the task will be facilitated. Pre-long drill make horizontal through holes. They are marked on the reverse side, cut through the contour and proceed to extract the material. At the same time, it is necessary to pull together with a metal strip two vertical supports that form the letter P.

Thus, using the rules, you can make a cut in the wall.

But to get a high-quality opening, you do not need to buy cheap materials for houses.


An I-beam and a flat corner are more expensive, but they will ensure the reliability of the hole.

Goal of the work: teach how to build a section of a building; explain the scheme for constructing a section along the wall.

Know: the main structural elements of the building: bearing and enclosing: foundations, walls, ceilings, roofs.

Be able to: justify the choice of the type of masonry; perform dressings in a brick wall; determine the depth of the foundation.

Brief theoretical information

All buildings consist of a set of interconnected structural elements that perform various functions in it. Bearing structures perceive all the loads acting on buildings. These include: foundations, walls, individual supports, floors and roofs.

Enclosing structures isolate the premises from noise, atmospheric and other influences. When designing building structures, the requirements for strength, stability and rigidity of load-bearing structures, durability and stability of the performance of enclosing structures must be met.

Work order

1. Draw the contour of the wall section with reference to the modular axis corresponding to the section according to the building plan. The section is drawn with breaks along the windows so that, as it were, three structural nodes are performed: a) basement node - from the mark of the base of the foundation to the bottom of the window opening of the first floor; b) interfloor unit - from the top of the window opening of the first floor to the bottom of the opening of the second floor; c) cornice assembly - from the top of the second floor window opening to the roof cornice.

2. The horizontal levels of the cut are applied. The "zero" level is the floor of the first floor, the floor level of the second floor is applied at the level of 2.80 m and at the level of 5.70 m the top of the attic floor, taking into account its greater thickness due to the layer of insulation having an increased thickness compared to the floor structure of the intermediate floor.

3. The level of the planning mark of the earth must be below the "zero" mark by 60, 90 or 120 cm. Having determined the planning mark of the earth, the plane of the base of the foundation is drawn. The depth of laying foundation structures for construction depends on the depth of soil freezing. For example, for the zone of the Rostov region, at least 0.9 m under the outer, and under the inner - 0.5 m, provided there is no basement.

4. Apply the dimensions of the supporting structures. Floor planes with a thickness of 300 mm. This size is determined from the height of the floor slab (220 mm) and the floor structure, approximately set at 80 mm. The attic floor has a large height, since a heater with a thickness of 150-200 mm is laid on it.

5. Draw window and door openings in the walls. The level of the bottom of the window should be 70-80 cm above the floor, so that it is convenient to place furniture or heating radiators under the window. The top of the window opening is determined by the carrier lintel above it. Header height 220 mm and mortar joint height 10 mm. Thus, the top of the window opening is 230 mm below the ceiling plane. The outer lintel of the window opening is placed 75 mm below the inner bearing lintel (65 mm brick + 10 mm mortar joint = 75 mm), creating a quarter, protecting the window frame from external influences.

6. The width of the foundation structures is assigned constructively. It should protrude 50 - 100 mm beyond the outer dimensions of the wall.

7. Covering structures (rafters) rest on the Mauerlats of the outer walls, raised for ease of use 500 mm above the attic floor.

8. The angle of inclination of the rafters is set at 30 °, which is convenient when drawing and meets the requirements of certain types of coatings (for example, metal roofs).

9. The height of the rafters is set at 180-200 mm, a sheathing (40-50 mm) is laid along them in increments of 250-300 mm and a double roof line is drawn with a conditional thickness of 20-30 mm. The overhang of the roof to drain water from the outer surface of the wall must be within 500 mm. The overhang is designed by lengthening the rafters with fillies.

10. Apply all internal and external dimensions vertically and horizontally. Elevation marks are set both from the outside (planning mark of the ground, window openings, mark of the eaves and ridge), and inside the section (marks of ceilings and window openings), put down from the outer edge of the wall a dimensional thread of piers and openings in mm.

11. Flags are applied with the composition of the lower, interfloor, attic floors and roofs, indicating the materials and their thickness.

12. Filling in the outline of the wall section. Place jumpers and the design of the selected masonry.

Execution example

Control questions

1. Basic requirements for buildings?

2. Ensuring the spatial rigidity of the building with load-bearing walls.

3. Types of foundations by material and design scheme.

4. Division of walls according to their structures.

5. Features of the installation of ceilings attic, interfloor and in bathrooms.

6. Types of floors and their designs.

7. Installation of window frames in the openings of stone walls.

8. Details of a pitched roof, the name of the elements of the layered rafters?


Planning elements of the apartment

Goal of the work: familiarize with the planning elements of the apartment. Set the overall dimensions of planning elements in accordance with their degree of normalization. Select zones and groups of premises that correspond to the main and secondary functions taking place in the apartment.

Know: systems of typification, unification and normalization.

Be able to: determine the functional zoning of the apartment.
