How to drive hornets out of the house. How to get rid of hornets in the country

If you find that there are hornets in your garden and want to get rid of them, determine where their nest is. At night, spray the nest with an insecticide specifically designed to control wasps and hornets. Be sure to wear protective clothing made of dense fabric and do not get too close to the nest. If the nest is located far enough from your home, you don't have to destroy it. Hornets are an important part of the ecosystem as they prey on other insects and pollinate flowers.


Part 1

Find the nest

    With the onset of spring, check for small nests in your backyard. Hornet nests are easier to remove in early spring when they are small enough. At this time, the hornet's nest is about the size of a tennis ball and usually contains only the uterus and eggs, so that it can be easily washed off with a garden hose.

    • You will need insecticide to get rid of larger nests. By summer, the nests grow to the size of a basketball and contain thousands of insects.
  1. Wear protective clothing when searching for and destroying nests. At the very least, wear a long-sleeved shirt, trousers, thick leather or rubber gloves, and closed shoes. For extra protection, you can wear overalls and a beekeeper's hat with a mesh to cover your head and face.

    • If you don't have a beekeeper's hat, be sure to wear goggles and a head covering that covers your ears.
    • To prevent the hornets from getting under your clothes, use rubber bands or tape to attach the sleeves to the gloves and the legs to the boots.
  2. If you don't know where the nest is, bait the hornets and then watch where they fly. Lure hornets with food and watch them. When the hornets find food, they collect it and take it to the nest.

    • Try leaving bait outside, such as pieces of fruit or meat, and watch it from your window. After the hornets show interest in food, track where they fly and follow them. Eventually you will find their nest.
  3. Place the pointer at a distance of 4.5-6 meters from the nest. Hornets' nests are gray or beige, teardrop shaped, and can be as large as a basketball. Usually they hang on trees, although sometimes they are located on the ground. Once you find a nest, mark the location so you can find it next time.

    • See if the nest has a hole. Usually hornet nests have a single small exit at the bottom. If you get close enough to the nest to properly examine it, there is no way, you can use binoculars.
    • The insecticide should be applied at night, so mark the area with something light so you can see the landmark in the dark.

    Part 2

    Use an insecticide
    1. Purchase a sprayable insecticide with a spray distance of 4.5-6 meters. A can of wasp and hornet insecticide can be purchased at a hardware or garden supply store. Examine the label and make sure that the spray can shoot at least 4.5 meters.

      • You will need a can with enough range so you don't have to get too close to the nest.
      • Use the can in accordance with the instructions that come with it.
    2. Treat the nest with insecticide at night. It is best to spray the hornet nest with insecticide about 2 hours after sunset. Hornets are less active at night and most workers return to the nest after sunset.

    3. Use the flashlight with the red filter to find the nest. Hornets can't see red light very well, so put some red plastic wrap over the lantern and secure it with a rubber band. Thus, you can light your way and at the same time do not disturb the nest.

      • A flashlight without a filter may attract the attention of insects.
      • Remember to wear protective clothing. However, remember that approaching a hornet or wasp nest is dangerous, and protective clothing does not make you invulnerable.
    4. Direct the spray of insecticide into the hole in the nest. After you find the landmark left earlier and the nest itself, try to make out the hole in its lower part. You can use binoculars to avoid getting too close to the nest. When you see the hole, direct a stream of insecticide at it for at least 5-10 seconds.

      • The nest must remain intact while you fill the hole with insecticide. If the hornets try to get out of the nest and attack you, they will fall under the jet.
      • Try to flood the hole with insecticide for a few seconds, but don't linger near the nest any longer than necessary. If you hear the rumble of angry insects, cover your head with your hands and hide in a shelter.
    5. Not earlier than one day later, check the nest and spray it again if necessary. Wait 24-48 hours and inspect the nest. If there are hornets left in it, return to the nest after it gets dark and spray it again with insecticide.

      • If the nest is large, you will most likely need to spray it 2-3 times. When you are sure that the nest is empty, knock it off the tree and cover it with earth.

Outwardly, hornets look like huge wasps (in fact, they belong to this type), the appearance of individuals or entire families near the house or in the summer cottage should alert. Firstly, giant wasps ruin apiaries, attacking peaceful bees, and secondly, they aggressively defend their possessions.

A sting of a hornet of a small thing, which is much more painful than a sting of the same wasp, is also much more dangerous: severe headaches, swelling, allergic reactions, malfunction of the cardiovascular system - this is an incomplete list of complications.

habitation features. For living, hornets choose a warm and calm place: an attic, an attic, a niche under a roof, a balcony, above a porch, a hollow or a dense crown of a tree. The nest is a large (up to 70 cm in height) spherical structure made of chewed bark, which looks like wet cardboard.

If you notice only one hornet in the house or on the site (not to mention a group of individuals), do not try to drive it away with a fly swatter or newspaper, so only provoke and anger the insect, provoking an attack. We need to take drastic measures.

If you do not take action in time, the nest can grow to an incredible size and become a threat to the family.

Hornet control methods

1. Single individuals often appear in an apartment or house, where they are attracted by the smell of sweet food. In this case, an elementary trap will help get rid of the hornets.

Hornets are relatives of wasps, but their size is much larger. In addition, their bite is painful and dangerous, since a strong allergic reaction is possible to the poison of these insects. For beekeepers, the hornet is one of the main enemies. They feed on bees, and can even lead to the death of the entire bee colony. Therefore, if they appeared in the house or in the country, you need to learn how to get rid of hornets.

How do hornets live?

The fight against the enemy must begin with a detailed study of it. Hornets, like, live in families. They like to settle in hollows of trees, in attics, under eaves, on fences, especially often their nests can be found in the immediate vicinity of the apiary. The hornets provide some benefit by hunting harmful insects, but the proximity of their nest to the house carries too many risks. can reach 55 mm, and the sting of such an insect will be 6.5 mm long. This is more than enough to carry out a painful attack. In this case, the hornet will not hesitate to sting the child. Its 10-12 bites can be fatal even for an adult. Hornet venom can cause an even stronger allergic reaction than wasp venom, and with each new bite, the allergy increases. The human body can develop immunity to the poison of these insects, but it is impossible to determine whether an allergy will occur or not before being bitten, and the risk is too great to conduct such experiments.

Ways to deal with hornets

Insects like to settle near a person's house. And if a hornet appeared in the house, fighting it is simply a must. It is worth remembering that this insect is a dangerous enemy, it is necessary to use protection against bites and do not forget about possible allergic reactions. If all precautions are taken, you can use the following methods:

Often in holiday villages there is no way to get medical help quickly, so hornets in the country are especially dangerous. No need to put up with such harmful neighbors, a little effort, and the hornets will leave your house.

Hornets (lat. Vespa, lit. "wasp") belong to the family of social wasps and are the most famous large wasps. Some individuals are able to grow up to 55 mm. They differ from other wasps primarily in size, reddish or blackish color, and wide crown of the head. They have a more inflated abdomen, wings fold parallel over the chest. This article will discuss the features of the biology of insects and the destruction of hornets - how to get rid of in the country and in the room.

Hornet breeding

Occurs in the same way as all social insects. By the end of summer, females and males are born in the nests, which, upon reaching puberty, mate. Only females hibernate in rotten wood, under bark, in the ground or in heaps of fallen leaves, and all other individuals die. Overwintered fetal females lay new nests by bringing out the first few working hornets.

As the nest grows, the female is given an exclusively reproductive role in laying eggs, and all work, such as feeding the larvae, protecting and building the nest, collecting food, etc., falls on the workers. From the middle of summer, unfertilized eggs appear in the nest, males and future females develop from them, the larvae of which are fed more abundantly than working individuals. After fertilization, the annual cycle repeats.

What do they eat

Hornets feed on other insects. Such as:

  • flies,
  • bees,
  • small wasps,
  • grasshoppers, etc.,

as well as plant foods containing a lot of sugar.

Thus, in their diet there are protein and carbohydrate foods. Killed insects are chewed into gruel and used to feed the larvae. For their own nutrition, individuals eat sweet food. They consume the juices and pulp of various fruits:

  • Apples;
  • Pears;
  • Melons;
  • Watermelons;
  • Plums, etc.

Harm and benefit from hornets

Speaking about the significance of hornets, one should separate their general biological significance and significance for humans. In wildlife, wasps play a regulatory role, as they are predators, exerting pressure on other insect species, some of which are harmful. By damaging overripe fruits, they make this food resource available to other invertebrates. However, it is worth considering the great harm caused by this type of wasp. Hornets damage fruits and vegetables, thereby reducing yields, cause severe damage to apiary farms by eating bees, destroying other valuable pollinators.

Hornet - killer

Hornet nests and methods for their detection

Nests are built from rotten birch wood, so they are brown in color and have a domed appearance. They contain only one fetal female - the uterus, working individuals and males. The size of the nest increases in proportion to the growth of the colony. On average, their number reaches several hundred, but can be in the thousands. It all depends on the availability of food resources. If there is a lot of food, it is easily obtained, the colony grows quickly and the number of combs can exceed a dozen rows.

As a rule, hornet nests are arranged in attics, in hollows of trees, in old holes of rodents and small vertebrates. Often wasps equip dwellings in sheds, non-residential premises, garages, etc. The main condition is protection from external weather conditions and the availability of sufficient space to expand the nest. In dachas, most often a colony can be found under the roof because it is dry and warm from the sun.

Finding the nest is not easy. But beekeepers have found a way to find out where the hornets live, since such a neighborhood threatens with serious economic losses for the apiary. For this, one individual is caught. A wasp can be knocked down with a stick or caught with a net or found at a watering hole.

Then a piece of red or other bright fabric is tied to its abdomen and the wasp is released. So it is possible to trace its route and identify the nest. As a rule, this manipulation is done several times, since the wasp is often lost from sight.

What danger do hornets pose to humans?

Hornets, despite their formidable appearance, sting in the same way as wasps, only Asian species in eastern countries are highly toxic poison. The danger of our species is greatly exaggerated. When bitten, it does not remain, but such bites can be received at the same time several, and then the dose of poison increases significantly. In humans, the bite causes a local inflammatory reaction and resolves in a few days. If there is an allergy, then a bite can be fatal if help is not provided in time during anaphylactic shock.

What to do if bitten by a hornet

If you've been bitten by a hornet or other wasp, there are a number of steps you can take to reduce inflammation and an allergic reaction. We list the main ones:

  1. Cool the bite site. This will slow the spread of the poison, and the cold will dull the sensitivity of the nerve endings. So you can reduce the pain sensation, which is strongly manifested in the first half hour, but this will not reduce the effect of the poison;
  2. Wipe the bite site with vinegar, a slice of lemon or an onion cut in half. The poison is of a protein nature. On contact with acid, some of it will denature and become less active;
  3. Drink antiallergic drugs, for example, suprastin, erius, edem or any others. This will reduce the reaction of the body;
  4. Alcohol reduces the effect of wasp and especially bee venom. Beekeepers give vodka to drink if an incident occurs in the apiary when a person is badly bitten by bees. You can also dissolve an analgin tablet in alcohol;
  5. With a strong deterioration in health or the onset of anaphylactic shock, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Attention: Do not self-medicate, consult a doctor first!

Methods for the destruction of hornets

  • Tight clothing covering the body;
  • Face mesh mask (bee or mosquito);
  • Thick rubber gloves to protect hands from bites.

Remember that wasps have signal pheromones, which are contained in the venom. One or two bites can provoke an attack by an entire colony, in which case the means of protection may be useless. Do not kill hornets near their nests. Wasps are also highly annoyed by noise, strong odors, and vibration.

Prevention measures

In order to prevent hornets from starting in your house or at their summer cottage, you need to warn their appearance in advance. For this you need:

  1. Prevent insects from entering the premises. To do this, exclude cracks and holes through which they can get there;
  2. Destroy female hornets in early spring or late autumn;
  3. When nests appear, dispose of them immediately before the colony becomes too large.

Summing up, we note that hornets are integral insects of our fauna. They do more harm than good and can be a serious danger to humans, especially if their nests are near dwellings. No one is immune from their appearance, but there is nothing difficult in their destruction.

Video: how to get rid of hornets in 5 minutes

- large wasps, familiar insects in the country or in a private house. They fly, emitting a loud buzz and sometimes striking with their size. In fact, they are quite harmless, and even useful.

The hornet is a predator by nature. It feeds not only on plant sap, nectar and ripe fruits, but also eats various small insects and pest larvae with pleasure. But if the hornets settle in a house, barn or garage, this is already becoming dangerous for the owners. The fact is that these large wasps can sting very painfully. they can cause a lot of negative consequences - swelling, fever, dizziness.

The most serious complication is an allergic reaction that occurs as a result of a bite. Hornet venom is a strong allergen that can bring very serious complications. In addition, these insects are able to give a "conditional signal" to their relatives, releasing a specific pheromone, and reporting danger. And then a whole swarm of huge, buzzing wasps can attack the victim.

And they, indeed, are huge - some specimens reach 5 cm in length. The attack of such an "army" can even lead to a fatal outcome of a person. That's why you need to know how to get rid of hornets in the house and how to destroy their nest.

The easiest ways. Physical destruction

The most effective can be considered the physical destruction of the hornet nest. As soon as their “home” disappears from its usual place, then the flying individuals will decrease significantly, and the absence of an “object” of protection will not provoke an accidentally flown hornet into aggression.

Any manipulations with the nest of these insects must be approached prepared. Tight clothing, protective mesh on the face, gloves and high shoes are required.

The safest way to destroy the nest is to cover it with a tight plastic bag. Gently stretch it from below to the very point of attachment on the ceiling or under the roof. All passages and exits must be carefully sealed with tape. It's a good idea to spray some kind of flying insect repellant into the bag. But this is optional.

Close the bag tightly and leave it in this position for 3-4 days. If after this time the characteristic “buzz” is not heard in the package, feel free to remove it. It is better to burn the removed nest.

Regarding burning, it should be noted that many owners try to burn the nest when it is still attached somewhere under the roof or on the ceiling in the garage. Yes, it is indeed very effective. A couple of drops of gasoline are enough, and the nest flares up like a match. But this is extremely dangerous.

This method can only be used on non-combustible surfaces. And even then, keep a fire extinguisher or a bucket of water handy.

By the way, water is also a good weapon if you decide to remove the nest on the site. The discovered hornet "house" in the hollow of an old tree or among the stacked building materials just needs to be filled with plenty of water. The same should be done if the nest is in the ground.


Simple traps will help reduce the number of hornets flying around the site or in the attic. Insert the cut off top of the plastic bottle into the bottom. Get a bottle with a funnel inside.

Fill it with sweet syrup, fermented jam or even beer. The hornets, attracted by the smell of a delicious treat, will rush into the bottle, but they will not be able to get out.

Place such traps throughout the site, on the veranda, in the attic. Such a struggle gives very good results and will help to expel hornets even from open space. Insects fly purposefully to the traps, because they have a phenomenal sense of smell and smell food from afar.


For a long time, special repellers for hornets and wasps appeared on sale. They are an imitation of a hornet's nest. The principle of operation of such repellers is based on the behavior of hornets.

The fact is that these insects, like wasps, never fly up to “foreign” nests. Each swarm protects its own nest not for life, but for death. Such a pseudo-nest, attached in any convenient place, can scare away and drive away intruders. And even more so, it will not give them the opportunity to organize their own house nearby. Hang these repellers in the attic, on the porch or on the porch, it will drive the hornets away from the house.


It is easy to remove hornets from non-residential buildings, for example, from a garage, using substances toxic to insects. It is enough to thoroughly spray the product indoors and close the doors or gates. The next day, you can repeat the procedure.

Such a fight with hornets is the simplest, since it does not require additional control. You can spray insecticides in non-residential areas as often as you see fit. Of course, you should periodically ventilate the space of the barn or garage, and regularly inspect the walls, ceilings and drains for nests.

Don't wait until they reach menacing size, and it's best to destroy them while they're still small. If the hornets in the house wound up, and you decide to use chemicals, do not spray them often. It is still better to fight insects with the help of the traps described above.


As such, there are no preventive measures to combat hornets in a private house or in the country. These are ordinary insects, and they fly where they want. However, maintaining cleanliness in the territory, timely cleaning of food waste and overripe fruits give positive results.

Hornets, not finding available food, fly away in search of a more suitable place. Do not forget to carefully inspect all places where the nest of these large wasps can “hide”. Destroy them immediately, better by burning them. And don't forget your personal protective equipment.

Outwardly, hornets look like huge wasps (in fact, they belong to this type), the appearance of individuals or entire families near the house or in the summer cottage should alert. Firstly, giant wasps ruin apiaries, attacking peaceful bees, and secondly, they aggressively defend their possessions.

A sting of a hornet of a small thing, which is much more painful than a sting of the same wasp, is also much more dangerous: severe headaches, swelling, allergic reactions, malfunction of the cardiovascular system - this is an incomplete list of complications.

habitation features. For living, hornets choose a warm and calm place: an attic, an attic, a niche under a roof, a balcony, above a porch, a hollow or a dense crown of a tree. The nest is a large (up to 70 cm in height) spherical structure made of chewed bark, which looks like wet cardboard.

If you notice only one hornet in the house or on the site (not to mention a group of individuals), do not try to drive it away with a fly swatter or newspaper, so only provoke and anger the insect, provoking an attack. We need to take drastic measures.

If you do not take action in time, the nest can grow to an incredible size and become a threat to the family.

Hornet control methods

1. Single individuals often appear in an apartment or house, where they are attracted by the smell of sweet food. In this case, an elementary trap will help get rid of the hornets.

For the construction of the simplest design, cut a plastic bottle (volume 1.5-2 liters) across. Pour the bait on the bottom: honey, jam or beer. Insert the upper part into the lower one with the neck down (pre-remove the lid) - the “trap” is ready! Having climbed into the bottle for food, the hornets will not be able to get back. Once all insects are trapped, pour hot water inside or burn the bottle.

The simplest bottle trap

2. Poison baits work no less effectively. Spread watermelon rinds near the place chosen by the hornets or place a container with pieces of any raw meat. Renew the bait for several days so that the insects get used to the "feeder". After that, you can safely add insecticides designed to kill hornets to food (follow the instructions). Be sure to keep pets or children away from the bait!

How to Destroy a Hornet Nest

Precautionary measures

  1. Plan to destroy nests in the late evening, when the hornets are not as active as during the day, and therefore are less dangerous and aggressive.
  2. Wear tight clothes with long legs and sleeves, a mask hat with a mesh that protects the face and neck, gloves, and comfortable shoes. If you plan to work with poisons, do not forget about a respirator.
  3. If you are still bitten by a hornet, do not hesitate - drink an antihistamine and consult a doctor.

Methods and means against nests

1. To eliminate the hornet nest under the ceiling or in the attic, draw water into the bucket (about 2/3). Gently "put" the bucket on the nest from below so that the "house" is completely immersed in the liquid. Then support the container with something like a stepladder or tripod and leave it for a few hours.

2. Using a spray gun, treat a large piece of plastic film with an insecticide ("Good FOS", "Kukaracha", "Taran", "Karbofos", "Masterlak", "Cifox", Get). Wrap the nest with foil, leaving no loopholes for the hornets. Secure with tape to secure. The time of action of this or that means is indicated on the packaging or in the instructions.

Get poisons designed specifically for hornets! Means from mosquitoes, ticks, fleas will not help. After flooding or poisoning, carefully remove the nest, place in an airtight bag, bury or burn.

You can only destroy the nest in the attic with water or poisons.

3. The nest, which is located in the ground, is easiest to fill with boiling water, used engine oil (a less environmentally friendly way) or burn it by dousing it with kerosene or gasoline. Make sure that there are no flammable substances nearby. And of course, refrain from this method if the hornets settled near the house or outbuildings.

4. Insecticides and polyurethane foam will help to destroy the hornets that have settled in the hollow of a tree. Treat the hollow with poison from a spray bottle, fill the hole with foam or putty.

Prevention. To prevent the appearance of hornets in the house, pay attention to the cracks in the walls and roof in a timely manner. In the spring, when insects are just starting to breed, a very small nest in which the queen lives can be seen in the corner of the attic or under the roof.

Hang bunches of hot red pepper near the likely places of "settlement" of insects, the bitter smell of which scares away uninvited guests.

Hornets in relation to humans - insects in general are not very aggressive. Being far from the nest, they very rarely start to attack first, moreover, usually these predators try to escape, to fly away from the person catching them. Hornets attack only when they defend their home or understand that it is impossible to hide from the pursuer.

Thus, it is necessary to deal with hornets in a summer cottage or apiary only in those cases when they either pose a danger to people or get used to hunting honey bees.

If one or more hornets simply fly into the garden in order to search for food, this will only be a boon for the owner of the site, because, while getting food, these predators kill many agricultural pests. But in the case of arranging insects directly on the site or - even more dangerous - in an outbuilding, it is necessary to think as soon as possible how to bring out the hornets and remove their nest quickly and without risk to health.

As for the beekeepers, they sometimes have to organize the destruction of the hornets, even if the nest of predators is at a considerable distance from the location of the hives. The point here is that they are formidable killers: these insects can fly to honey farms at a distance of 3-4 km, and when gathering in a swarm, they can even completely ruin bee colonies.

You can fight hornets both independently and by the forces of special services, which have a service to eliminate hornets and their nests. Everyone chooses which option is preferable for him: to trust professionals for a fee, or, having studied the subtleties, to bring the fight against hornets to the end himself.

On a note

The wholesale destruction of hornets with or without it leads to the fact that these large wasps in our country are becoming increasingly rare, and in some regions they are already listed in the local Red Books. It is important to remember that hornets are reliable exterminators of many harmful insects, so they only benefit in gardens. Fighting hornets is reasonable only when there is an urgent need and it is impossible to establish good neighborly relations.

Means for removing hornets

So, let's assume that there are hornets on the site to one degree or another. How to deal with them?

In most cases, the fight against hornets in the country consists of three stages: first, the location of the nest is located, then all adults are destroyed, and finally, the dwelling itself is eliminated.

Finding a nest can only be a problem when fighting hornets in an apiary. Since predators are able to fly here from a great distance, and hide their nests in groves and forest belts, the question of finding the dwellings of these wasps may seem at first glance a serious task.

However, experienced beekeepers cope with this task quite simply: they catch one hornet in the apiary (for this, the insect is usually knocked down with some kind of net or tennis racket), one person keeps it in tight leather gloves to avoid being bitten, and the second encircles the winged predator with a noticeable red ribbon. After that, the hornet is released, and its path to the nest, thanks to a bright beacon, is easily monitored visually.

Directly near the nest, the following means are used to completely remove the hornets from their home:

  • insecticidal preparations - you can use both means for removing garden pests (Aktara, Fosban, Parus), and preparations that remove domestic insects (Tetrix, Raptor, Get, Lambda Zone, Troapsil, Sinuzan, Karbofos);
  • caustic technical fluids: gasoline, kerosene, alcohol, used engine oil;
  • boiling water.

In some cases, a special trap for wasps and hornets is quite effective. However, it should be noted that its use is advisable only under certain conditions.

So, using the trap in the apiary will not work, because. bait for predators will also be of interest to honey bees. If you need to deal with hornets in the country, then you can use this device, but there will be no quick result. Thus, the trap contributes to the elimination of only some members of a huge family, but does not destroy them all.

Very affordable means of destruction, allowing you to get instant results, are gasoline or used engine oil: they are inexpensive, but effective. In addition, using gasoline, after processing the nest, you can also burn it, unless, of course, this is happening indoors.

Insecticides are also available, but more expensive. They are used when the need arises, for example, to remove the hornets from the attic or, for example, from the summer kitchen - i.e. where the use of flammable substances is undesirable or even impossible in principle.

Insect poisons are usually used in conjunction with the aforementioned traps and are used to catch hornets that accidentally fly in. They will not allow you to completely remove the hornets in the country, but, nevertheless, they will significantly reduce the number of unwanted insects in your area.

We breed hornets ourselves

Independent struggle with hornets is carried out by several methods.

In the simplest case, when the nest is located under the ceiling of an outbuilding, an ordinary bucket is used, into which water is first poured, and then the hornet dwelling is immersed in it. Next, this container is pressed against the ceiling and supported from below with a bar or stepladder. As a result of such actions, all the hornets in the nest die within half an hour.

As already mentioned, you can also destroy hornets in the country with the help of gasoline or kerosene. To do this, you need to pour liquid on the nest or set it on fire, which will guarantee the extermination of the entire family at once.

You can also use used engine oil: in this case, the nest is also watered from above, but a sheet of polyethylene is first laid under it to avoid soil contamination.

Another way to remove hornets is to spray the nest with an insecticidal agent. Particularly good for this method are contact preparations - Get, Chlorpyrifos, Karbofos. To eliminate predators, the insecticide is poured into a bag and wrapped around the nest so that the wasps cannot get out. After that, it remains only to wait until all the hornets die.

Finally, traps with special bait or poisoned pieces of meat can be placed on the site to combat hornets. As a poison, boric acid, Chlorophos or a decoction of fly agaric are used. The essence of these methods is that, and from the poisoned bait they die a few hours after the "meal".

You can fight hornets on your own in different ways: they are all quite simple to implement, but, nevertheless, dangerous, because. there is always the possibility of being stung.

Therefore, if a large nest is found on the site, it is wiser to call a special service that provides services for the destruction of hornets.

Hornet Extermination Services: How They Work

Specialized hornet breeding services are provided by many companies involved in the fight against synanthropic insects, i.e. with those whose evolution proceeded in conditions of close connection with man.

As a rule, specialists from every second organization specializing in the removal of bedbugs or cockroaches can successfully remove hornets and destroy their nest.

This service will cost about 1000-1500 rubles, while leaving the city will be subject to additional payment (in the case of Moscow, visiting a dacha in the Moscow region can sometimes cost more than the work itself).

“Hornets flew to us from neighbors for half a summer. Nothing for us, they even eat the Colorado potato beetle, and the neighbors constantly bite either the child or the dog. But you can’t take them out - they settled in the attic, and burning them is burning the whole house. They called the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the guys arrived in a fire truck, dressed in their suits, just climbed into the attic, wrapped the nest in a bag and tore it off. And that's all. The package was tied up and taken away. In the evening, the hornets flew around the polling stations, and then disappeared.

Pavel, Beshenkovichi

Specialists of companies that have a hornet removal service treat their nest with powerful, fast-acting insecticides. When most of the hornets die from poison, the nest is simply cut off from the place where it hangs.

As a rule, the suit of an employee of a specialized organization provides him with sufficient security, because. takes into account all the possible nuances of such a task. As for the owners of the site, all its inhabitants must be indoors for the duration of the operation in order to avoid the attack of angry hornets.

In towns and villages in which it is problematic to call a special service, firefighters destroy nests with hornets. At the same time, the price for the hornet breeding service is deliberately set so that potential customers prudently monitor their site and utility rooms all year round, notice the appearance of the nest in time and destroy it themselves before there are too many hornets.

How to get hornets out and not get hurt yourself

All work to combat hornets should be carried out independently only at night, when insects move little and see poorly. However, one should not completely rely on darkness: to remove hornets, it is always necessary to wear long-sleeved clothing made of thick fabric, a beekeeper's mask and thick gloves.

But even with such equipment, in no case should one lose vigilance: if the hornets began to fly out of the nest and try to sting, it is better to leave them alone and go a considerable distance without sudden movements.

When talking about the fight against hornets, one should not forget the main thing: as a result of thoughtless destruction in many regions of our country, these large insects today are objects protected by law. It is strictly forbidden to destroy them. In some European countries, they even issue serious fines for this.

In general, if the hornets just visit your site to catch small insects, you should not touch them - you just need to follow simple safety rules. Yes, and it is better to leave the nest found in the forest alone: ​​in this way, damage will not be done to nature, and no one will suffer from the hornets themselves.

An example of a simple do-it-yourself hornet trap

Why are hornet bites dangerous and how to provide first aid when they attack a person

When wasps appear on the summer cottage, the owners have more worries.

But if larger predators settled near the house, problems cannot be avoided and you need to think about how to get rid of the hornets with the least damage to yourself.

What are these insects

Hornets are the largest, most aggressive and dangerous representatives of the wasp family. They are much larger than the rest of their relatives. Their dimensions reach six centimeters, and the sting accounts for 10% of the length of the entire body.

The hornet does not lose its sting when bitten and can attack the victim several times. The bite of this predatory insect is extremely painful, causing a severe allergic reaction, accompanied by intoxication, significant edema, fever, and even cardiac arrhythmia.

For people prone to allergies, it can be lethal.

These predators, like other wasps, live in families. The hornet builds its nest from chewed tree paper. In an effort to make their lives more comfortable, they prefer to settle near the source of food. It can be a tree next to an apiary or, even worse, the attic of a residential building or outbuilding.

These predatory wasps feed on bees, larvae, but also love to feast on honey. In addition, their diet includes flies, butterflies, caterpillars, mosquitoes, bugs and other garden pests. They can also kill small rodents. One adult hornet is capable of exterminating an entire bee family.

In principle, these large stinging insects try not to attack a person first and attack if their home is threatened, therefore, before destroying a hornet nest, one should weigh the possible benefits of such a neighborhood and all the negative aspects of this phenomenon.

In the case when you can’t get along or you notice that these insects destroy the hives and exterminate the bees, it is better to start destroying the hornets.

What you need to be prepared for

Hornets as opponents should not be underestimated. They are very dangerous, cautious and their instincts for self-defense and protection of the home are very well developed.

Attention! If the hornets attack in a swarm, then already ten bites are enough for the attack to end fatally for a person.

Therefore, the fight against hornets must be thoughtful and careful. Be sure to use tight, puncture-proof clothing that completely covers all parts of the body, as well as a beekeeper's mask.

The easiest way to get rid of the nest where the hornets lived is in winter. At this time of the year, the wasp house is empty. It was then that it was easy to remove it, burn it and treat the empty place with a chlorine solution, the smell of which would not allow the queen to bring a new swarm to this place.

Intelligence First

Since predators arriving at your site have not necessarily settled within your line of sight, the first thing to do before fighting the hornets is to find out where their house is. After all, these predators can fly several kilometers from the nest.

Experienced beekeepers use a trap or bait to catch one of the insects, attach a red thread to it, and then track the route. It is easier to tie an insect with a bright thread or ribbon together.

This procedure requires extreme caution and compliance with all safety rules, otherwise such an experiment will end in failure.

So, the stages of dealing with these insects are as follows:

  • reconnaissance of the location of the hive;
  • destruction of adults;
  • nest destruction.

If the hornets settled very close, then it is much easier to follow the giant wasps and find out where their hive is. In the case when the discovered nest is of impressive size, and there are a lot of insects in it, it is better not to think about how to win the war with hornets on your own.

It would be wiser to call a special pest control service.

Getting rid of adults

How to get rid of hornets that fly from afar? In principle, the methods of struggle are the same as with wasps. The use of traps is quite effective. You can buy them in stores or make your own using a plastic bottle.

When an insect enters a bottle with the neck turned inward, it does not understand how to get out, especially if there is a treat at the bottom. The hornet will beat against the transparent walls, but will not think of climbing back through the neck of the bottle.

As bait, you can use:

  • special ready-made baits;
  • honey water;
  • sweet compotes;
  • pieces of meat.

It is better to treat the bait with insecticides, then the predatory insect will die in a few hours. For this purpose, it is necessary to purchase a special remedy for wasps or hornets, but you can use boric acid or Chlorophos.

Nest destruction

This stage must be taken with the utmost care, otherwise there is a risk of a mass attack of insects. Before you take the hornets out, make sure you are well protected.

For the extermination of stinging hymenoptera, contact insecticides, such as Chlorophos, Karbofos, Het, are effective.

Any remedy for wasps and hornets is poured into a tight, sealed plastic bag and carefully put on a wasp hive, leaving no opportunity for the hornets to get out.

It should be remembered that these are giant wasps that will defend their home with their last strength, will try to gnaw through the walls of polyethylene, so you need to hold the package strongly and confidently. In a few hours, the insects will die.

Some experts advise spraying the nest with insecticides before this procedure. This should be done in the evening, when all the wasps have returned home, otherwise you risk incurring the wrath of those who did not have time to get home.

At their summer cottage, you can exterminate a family of predatory insects with gasoline or engine oil. There is an option when the nest is simply watered with gasoline, and the wasps die from its fumes.

And there is an option when, after dousing, the hive is set on fire. But here it is necessary to observe not only protection measures against hornets, but also fire safety rules, otherwise an action that is quite simple at first glance can lead to irreversible consequences.

If the hornets settled in the attic or under the roof of the barn, using an insecticide bag is perfect. If insecticides are not available, plain water can be used.

To do this, they collect water in a container larger than the beehive and quickly “put on” the bucket on the hornet’s nest, pressing it tightly against the ceiling and propping it up from below. After about half an hour, all the insects inside the bucket of water will die.

Drawing conclusions

These wasps are certainly dangerous, but if they get along peacefully with you, it is better not to destroy the hornet hive, because they protect your crop from pests.

What is the conclusion?

  1. You need to destroy hornets and their nests on your own only in the late evening or at night, when the visibility of insects is limited.
  2. Be sure to use reliable protective clothing, tight gloves and a beekeeper's mask.

In addition, these giant wasps are protected by law and are listed in the Red Book, so their destruction is prohibited and allowed only in the most extreme cases.
