Geotargeting: 10 Ways to Increase Your Target Audience Reach

Geotargeting is a method of placing targeted ads based on the exact geographic location of the user. At a basic level, this is a record of the country and city of residence. Accurate geolocation allows you to collect much more information about the user, including his interests.

How it works?

Denim brand True Religion launched a geo-targeted email campaign to promote a new line of models to locations that had the highest concentration of clothing stores with their goods. A total of 65,000 letters were distributed. Results: 2.5% site visits and 1% in-store conversions. Harry Pen, True Religion's Director of Ecommerce, summed it up nicely in .

Geolocation technologies are improving every month, more and more accurately determining where the user is. Although today you may not yet know that your potential customer is third in line at the checkout at the gadget store on the first floor of the mall, but everything is moving towards this. Any marketing campaign with accurate geo-targeting will drive more conversions.

8. Analyze behavior and preferences based on where the user has been

Tracking a user's travel history provides a lot of information about a person: where they shop, what they want to buy, how often they travel. Obtaining this information helps the marketer to target consumers and provide information and advertisements that are relevant to them, even if the consumer is not currently located in that region.

A muffin shop may offer a free coffee coupon to those who visit Starbucks more than once. Customers can be from anywhere in the city, but their travel history allows the store to target those who are most likely to be in that location in the future.

9. Use Localized Landing Pages to Provide Relevant Content

This is important not only to identify the right customers, but also to provide customers with up-to-date information. Let the user from each targeted ad get to his landing page, which, given its physical location, will tell why it is shown to him.

Another way to direct the right people to the right pages is through geo-aware targeting. This technology is based on the subscriber's location data received from the mobile operator and allows you to determine the user's location when clicking on a banner or visiting a website.

For example, if a user from a region where high-income people live or work clicks on an ad and goes to a car dealership website, they are redirected to a landing page with business-class cars, while consumers from the outskirts are directed to a landing page with economy-class cars.

10. Take advantage of events happening in your area

When launching ads, take into account the weather forecast or the schedule of regional holidays. Some events are known in advance, such as St. Patrick's Day in Boston. A week before the holiday, stores begin to promote green or special clothing for the festival. Given the approaching snowfall, you can target with the promotion of shovels, blowers or heaters.

Ok, the citywide holiday and weather forecast examples are too simple. Do you want more difficult? Imagine New York, its 16 enclaves with their national holidays. Also keep in mind when targeting that Chinatowns have nearly swallowed up the Italian enclave of Little Italy and the Jewish Lower East Side. But not completely.


Remember, we talked about neuromarketing and SoloMo? Consumers are more likely to respond to relevant ads shown at the right time in the right place. The ROI of targeted campaigns will grow – thanks to the explosion of mobile search users, geography has become one of the best areas for targeting. Modern mobile technologies and Big Data are turning geotargeting into a real commercial advantage.
