Time management test

From this article you will learn:

Undoubtedly, literally everyone has heard about time management today. It allows you to survive in the modern world of eternal time pressure and deadlines. But this art is not given to everyone. It requires self-discipline, iron will, patience, self-organization. Sometimes the frames that are signed on paper are very difficult to maintain due to many external circumstances. And yet, it is necessary to strive for this. We suggest you go Test to see if you know how to use your time wisely to find out for yourself whether you have such a problem, or you yourself can correctly distribute all the cases during the day.

Instructions for execution

Instructions for execution

To get the most accurate results, you need to sincerely answer the questions on the time management test. No one else will see them except you. But it will allow you to objectively evaluate this side of your life. This is a basic rule that must not be broken.

How to pass the test

You need to evaluate yourself in points and put them down next to each statement:

  • 0 - never or happened only 1-2 times;
  • 1 - happens sometimes;
  • 2 - this happens quite often;
  • 3 - almost always.

As you can see, the art of time management must be learned from an early age. From grades 6-7, children should learn to manage their day's schedule. Therefore, even schoolchildren can take a test to see if you allocate your time correctly, not to mention adults.

Curious fact. In the Pacific Ocean, there is the 180th meridian, which scientists call the line of change of time. If you cross it from west to east, you will enter yesterday. Moving in the opposite direction, you will find yourself in tomorrow.

Test questions

Test questions

And here are the questions for the test about how you use your time. Write the numbers from 1 to 10 on a separate piece of paper. Read each statement carefully and honestly score in front of each number.

  1. At the beginning of the day, I always leave time for planning, preparatory work, distribution of tasks.
  2. If something can be entrusted to someone, I will definitely do it.
  3. I write down tasks and goals in writing, indicating the deadlines for their implementation.
  4. If I start some business, I will definitely bring it to the end and do not take on the rest until I finish this one.
  5. Every day I make a list of things that I have to do and sort them by priority. I always do the most important ones first.
  6. I try to free my working day from personal telephone conversations, unexpected meetings, unscheduled meetings.
  7. My daily workload is always distributed in accordance with the possibilities and schedule of my work capacity.
  8. I try to leave in the plan for the day the windows when you can solve urgent, but suddenly arisen actual problems.
  9. First of all, I concentrate on vital issues.
  10. I can say no when my time is claimed by others, while my day is scheduled literally by the minute.

All questions for the test, whether you use your time rationally, are quite easy, there are not many of them, but this is quite enough to find out how you feel about your own schedule of your life.

Did you know that... sometimes on June 30 and December 31 one of the minutes is 61 seconds long? The International Earth Rotation Service deliberately adds this leap second to make human time more closely match solar time.

Answers and results

  • 0-15 points

Starting this test, you yourself probably knew what its results would be. Unfortunately, you almost never plan your time in advance and are constantly dependent on external circumstances. To get out of this state, start at least with a list of priorities and upcoming tasks.

  • 16-20 points

During critical situations, when the lack of time is most acute in your life (session, delivery of work, personal life), you are reminded of the schedule and planning. You even sometimes try to master the passing minutes and hours, but you lack the consistency to succeed in this matter.

  • 21-25 points

You were able to reach a fairly high level of self-management, although there are failures in your schedules.

  • 26-30 points

You can be set as an example to anyone who wants to learn time management. You deserve respect and the highest praise.

Well: did the test results please or disappoint you, do you know how to use time efficiently? In any case, they will help you draw the right conclusions about what you need to change in your life so as not to depend on external circumstances. By learning to manage your own time, you can solve most problems and reduce stress levels.

You can also take a couple of interesting psychological tests with us that will allow you to understand yourself:
