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Lesson topic: Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov "How I caught little men"

Goals :

To acquaint with the work of B.S. Zhitkov, to start studying the story "How I caught little men";

To teach to think about what they read, to empathize with the hero, to evaluate his actions;

Develop the ability to work with text;

Build moral convictions.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Equipment: word cards, textbook literary reading, portrait of the writer, books with stories by B.S. Zhitkov, presentation.

During the classes:

I. Organizational stage

II. Reporting the topic and objectives of the lesson

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the work of Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov, we will begin to read his story “How I caught little men”, we will try to evaluate the actions of the main character.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson

Biography of the writer.Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov was born on August 30, 1882 in Novgorod; his father was a mathematics teacher at the Novgorod Teachers' Institute, his mother was a pianist. He spent his childhood in Odessa. He received his primary education at home, then graduated from high school. During his studies, he became friends with K. I. Chukovsky. After the gymnasium he entered the natural department of the Novorossiysk University, which he graduated in 1906. After the university he made a career as a sailor and mastered several other professions. He worked as a navigator on a sailing ship, was the captain of a research vessel, an ichthyologist, a metal worker, a shipbuilding engineer, a teacher of physics and drawing, the head of a technical school, and a traveler. Then from 1911 to 1916 he studied at the shipbuilding department of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. From 1917 he worked as an engineer in the Odessa port, in 1923 he moved to Petrograd.

In 1924 Zhitkov began to publish and soon became a professional writer. From 1924 to 1938 he published about 60 children's books.

Boris Zhitkov collaborated with many children's newspapers and magazines: "Lenin sparks", "New Robinson", "Hedgehog", "Chizh", "Young naturalist", "Pioneer". In his books: "Sea stories", "What happened", "Stories about animals" - one can clearly see good and evil, courage and cowardice, nobility and dishonesty.

IV. Work with the text of the work


How do I catch people

Reading a story. (The teacher or well-read children read.)

When I was little, I was taken to live with my grandmother. My grandmother had a shelf above the table. And on the shelf is a steamboat. I have never seen this. He was quite real, only small. He had a trumpet: yellow and had two black belts on it. And two masts. And from the masts, rope ladders went to the sides. At the stern stood a booth, like a house. Polished, with windows and a door. And quite aft - a copper steering wheel. Below the stern is the steering wheel. And the propeller shone in front of the steering wheel like a copper rosette. There are two anchors on the bow. Ah, how wonderful! If only I had one!

I immediately asked my grandmother to play with a steamboat. My grandmother allowed me everything. And then suddenly she frowned:

Don't ask for this. Not to play - do not dare to touch. Never! This is a treasured memory for me.

I saw that even crying would not help.

And the steamboat stood importantly on a shelf on lacquered stands. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

And grandma:

Give me your word of honor that you won't touch it. And then I'd better hide from sin.

And went to the shelf.

Honest, honest, grandma. - And grabbed the grandmother by the skirt.

When I was little, I was taken to live with my grandmother. My grandmother had a shelf above the table. And on the shelf is a steamboat. I have never seen this. He was quite real, only small. He had a trumpet: yellow and had two black belts on it. And two masts. And from the masts, rope ladders went to the sides. At the stern stood a booth, like a house. Polished, with windows and a door. And quite aft - a copper steering wheel. Below the stern is the steering wheel. And the propeller shone in front of the steering wheel like a copper rosette. There are two anchors on the bow. Ah, how wonderful! If only I had one!

I immediately asked my grandmother to play with a steamboat. My grandmother allowed me everything. And then suddenly she frowned:

- Don't ask for that. Not to play - do not dare to touch. Never! This is a treasured memory for me.

I saw that even crying would not help.

And the steamboat stood importantly on a shelf on lacquered stands. I couldn't take my eyes off him. And grandma:

“Give me your word of honor that you won’t touch it.” And then I'd better hide from sin. - And went to the shelf.

“Honest, honest, grandma. - And grabbed the grandmother by the skirt. Grandma didn't take the steamer away.

I kept looking at the boat. I climbed into a chair to see better. And more and more he seemed real to me. And by all means, the door in the booth should open. And maybe people live in it. Small, just the size of a steamboat. It turned out that they should be just below the match. I waited to see if any of them would look out the window. They're probably watching. And when no one is at home, they go out on deck. They probably climb the ladders on the masts.

And a little noise - like mice: yurk into the cabin. Down - and hide. I looked for a long time when I was alone in the room. Nobody looked out. I hid behind the door and looked through the crack. And they are cunning, damned little men, they know that I am peeping. Aha! They work at night when no one can frighten them away. Tricky.

When I was little, I was taken to live with my grandmother. My grandmother had a shelf above the table. And on the shelf is a steamboat. I have never seen this. He was quite real, only small. He had a trumpet: yellow and had two black belts on it. And two masts. And from the masts, rope ladders went to the sides. At the stern stood a booth, like a house. Polished, with windows and a door. And quite aft - a copper steering wheel. Below the stern is the steering wheel. And the propeller shone in front of the steering wheel like a copper rosette. There are two anchors on the bow. Ah, how wonderful! If only I had one!

I immediately asked my grandmother to play with a steamboat. My grandmother allowed me everything. And then suddenly she frowned:

- Don't ask for that. Not to play - do not dare to touch. Never! This is a treasured memory for me.

I saw that even crying would not help.

And the steamboat stood importantly on a shelf on lacquered stands. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

And grandma:

"Give me your word of honor that you won't touch it." And then I'd better hide from sin.

And went to the shelf.

“Honest, honest, grandma. - And grabbed the grandmother by the skirt.

Grandma didn't take the steamer away.

I kept looking at the boat. I climbed into a chair to see better. And more and more he seemed real to me. And by all means, the door in the booth should open. And maybe people live in it. Small, just the size of a steamboat. It turned out that they should be just below the match. I waited to see if any of them would look out the window. They're probably watching. And when no one is at home, they go out on deck. They probably climb the ladders on the masts.

And a little noise - like mice: yurk into the cabin. Down - and hide. I looked for a long time when I was alone in the room. Nobody looked out. I hid behind the door and looked through the crack. And they are cunning, damned little men, they know that I am peeping. Aha! They work at night when no one can frighten them away. Tricky.

I began to quickly swallow tea. And asked to sleep.

Grandma says:

- What is it? You can’t force yourself into bed, but here it’s so early and you ask to sleep.

And so, when they had settled down, the grandmother turned off the light. And you can't see the boat. I tossed and turned on purpose, so that the bed creaked.

— Why are you tossing and turning?

- And I'm afraid to sleep without light. There is always a night light at home. - I lied: at night it is dark tightly at home.

Grandmother cursed, but got up. I poked around for a long time and arranged a night light. He burned badly. But you could still see how the steamboat gleamed on the shelf.

I covered my head with a blanket, made myself a house and a small hole. And from the hole he looked without moving. Soon I looked so closely that I could see everything perfectly well on the steamboat. I looked for a long time. The room was completely quiet. Only the clock was ticking. Suddenly, something rustled softly. I was alert - this rustle on the steamer. And just like that, the door opened. My breath hitched. I moved forward a little. The damn bed creaked. I scared the man!

Now there was nothing to look forward to, and I fell asleep. I fell asleep with grief.

The next day, here's what I came up with. The humans must be eating something. If you give them candy, it's a whole load for them. It is necessary to break off a piece of candy and put it on the steamer, near the booth. Right next to the doors. But such a piece, so as not to immediately crawl into their doors. Here they will open the doors at night, look out through the crack. Wow! Candy! For them, it's like a box. Now they will jump out, rather drag the confectionery to themselves. They are at the door, but she does not climb! Now they run away, bring hatchets - small, small, but quite real - and they will start baling with these hatchets: bale-bale! bale bale! And quickly swipe the confectionery through the door. They are cunning, they just want everything to be nimble. Not to be caught. Here they are imported with confectionery. Here, even if I creak, they still won’t be in time: the confetti will get stuck in the door - neither here nor there. Let them run away, but it will still be visible how they dragged confectionery. Or maybe someone will miss the hatchet out of fright. Where will they pick up! And I will find a tiny real hatchet on the deck of the steamboat, sharp, very sharp.

And so, secretly from my grandmother, I chopped off a piece of candy, just what I wanted. I waited a minute while my grandmother was fiddling in the kitchen, once or twice - on the table with her feet, and put the candy right at the door on the steamer. Theirs half a step from the door to the lollipop. He got down from the table, wiped with his sleeve what he had inherited with his feet. Grandma didn't notice.

During the day I secretly glanced at the steamboat. My grandmother took me for a walk. I was afraid that during this time the little men would pull away the candy and I would not catch them. I deliberately sniffed on the road that I was cold, and we returned soon. The first thing I looked at was the steamboat! Lollipop as it was - in place. Well, yes! They are fools to undertake such a thing during the day!

At night, when my grandmother fell asleep, I settled myself in a house made of a blanket and began to look. This time the night-light burned wonderfully, and the lollipop shone like an icicle in the sun with a sharp flame. I looked, looked at this light and fell asleep, as luck would have it! The humans outsmarted me. I looked in the morning - there was no candy, but I got up before everyone else, in one shirt I ran to look. Then he looked from the chair - of course, there was no hatchet. But why did they have to give up: they worked slowly, without interference, and not even a crumb was lying around anywhere - they picked everything up.

Another time I put bread. I even heard some fuss at night. The damned night light barely smoked, I could not see anything. But in the morning there was no bread. Just a few crumbs left. Well, of course, they don’t particularly feel sorry for bread, not sweets: there every crumb is a lollipop for them.

I decided that they had shops on both sides of the steamboat. Full length. And they sit there in a row during the day and whisper softly. About your business. And at night, when everyone is asleep, they have work here.

I thought about people all the time. I wanted to take a cloth, like a small rug, and put it near the door. Wet a cloth with ink. They will run out, they will not notice right away, their legs will get dirty and they will leave their legacy all over the steamer. At least I can see what kind of legs they have. Maybe some barefoot, to quieter steps. No, they are terribly cunning and will only laugh at all my things.

I couldn't take it anymore.

And so - I decided without fail to take a steamboat and see and catch little men. At least one. You just need to arrange so that you stay alone at home. My grandmother dragged me everywhere with her, to all the guests. All to some old women. Sit down and don't touch anything. You can only stroke the cat. And the grandmother whispers with them for half a day.

So I see - my grandmother is getting ready: she began to collect cookies in a box for these old women - to drink tea there. I ran into the hallway, got out my knitted mittens and rubbed my forehead and cheeks - my whole muzzle, in a word. No regrets. And quietly lay down on the bed.

Grandmother suddenly missed:

— Borya, Boryushka, where are you? I am silent and close my eyes. Grandma to me:

- What are you lying down?

- My head hurts.

She touched her forehead.

- Look at me! Sit at home. I'll go back - I'll take raspberries at the pharmacy. I'll be back soon. I won't sit for long. And you undress and go to bed. Lie down, lie down without talking.

She began to help me, laid me down, covered me with a blanket and kept saying: "I'll be right back, in a living spirit."

Grandma locked me up. I waited five minutes: what if he comes back? Have you forgotten something there?

And then I jumped out of bed as I was, in a shirt. I jumped up on the table and took the steamboat from the shelf. I immediately realized with my hands that he was iron, very real. I pressed it to my ear and began to listen: are they moving? But, of course, they fell silent. They understood that I grabbed their steamer. Aha! Sit there on a bench and be silent like mice.

I got down from the table and began to shake the steamer. They will shake themselves off, not sit on the benches, and I will hear how they hang out there.

But it was quiet inside.

I understood: they were sitting on the benches, their legs were tucked up and their hands clung to the seats with all their might. They sit like glued on.

Aha! So wait. I'll tuck in and raise the deck. And I will cover you all there. I began to get a table knife from the cupboard, but I did not take my eyes off the steamer, so that the little men would not jump out. I began to pick up the deck. Wow, what a tight fit. Finally managed to slip the knife a little. But the masts went up with the deck. And the masts were not allowed to rise these rope ladders that went from the masts to the sides. They had to be cut off - otherwise nothing. I stopped for a moment. Just for a moment. But now, with a hurried hand, he began to cut these ladders. Sawed them with a dull knife. Done, they are all hung, the masts are free. I began to raise the deck with a knife. I was afraid to immediately give a big gap. They will rush all at once and run away. I left a gap to climb through alone. He will climb, and I will clap him! - and slam it shut like a bug in the palm of your hand. I waited and kept my hand ready to grab.

Not one climbs! I then decided to immediately turn the deck away and slam it in the middle with my hand. At least one will fit. You just need to do it right away: they are probably already prepared there - you open it, and the little men squirt all to the sides.

I quickly opened the deck and slammed my hand inside. Nothing. Nothing at all! There weren't even benches. Bare sides. Like in a saucepan. I raised my hand. And at hand, of course, nothing. My hands were trembling as I put the deck back on. Everything became crooked. And no ladders can be attached. They chatted at random. Somehow I pushed the deck back into place and put the steamboat on the shelf. Now everything is gone!

I quickly threw myself into bed, wrapped myself up in my head.

I hear the key in the door.

- Grandmother! I whispered under the covers. - Grandmother, dear, dear, what have I done!

And my grandmother stood over me and stroked my head:

Why are you crying, why are you crying? You are my dear, Boryushka! See how soon I am?

She hasn't seen the steamboat yet.
Zhitkov B.S.

When I was little, I was taken to live with my grandmother. My grandmother had a shelf above the table. And on the shelf is a steamboat. I have never seen this. He was quite real, only small. He had a trumpet: yellow and had two black belts on it. And two masts. And from the masts, rope ladders went to the sides. At the stern stood a booth, like a house. Polished, with windows and a door. And quite aft - a copper steering wheel. Below the stern is the steering wheel. And the propeller shone in front of the steering wheel like a copper rosette. There are two anchors on the bow. Ah, how wonderful! If only I had one!
I immediately asked my grandmother to play with a steamboat. My grandmother allowed me everything. And then suddenly she frowned:
- Don't ask for that. Not to play - do not dare to touch. Never! This is a treasured memory for me.
I saw that even crying would not help.
And the steamboat stood importantly on a shelf on lacquered stands. I couldn't take my eyes off him.
And grandma:
"Give me your word of honor that you won't touch it." And then I'd better hide from sin.
And went to the shelf.
I almost cried and shouted with all my voice:
“Honest, honest, grandma. - And grabbed the grandmother by the skirt.
Grandma didn't take the steamer away.
I kept looking at the boat. I climbed into a chair to see better. And more and more he seemed real to me. And by all means, the door in the booth should open. And maybe people live in it. Small, just the size of a steamboat. It turned out that they should be just below the match. I waited to see if any of them would look out the window. They're probably watching. And when no one is at home, they go out on deck. They probably climb the ladders on the masts.
And a little noise - like mice: yurk into the cabin. Down - and hide. I looked for a long time when I was alone in the room. Nobody looked out. I hid behind the door and looked through the crack. And they are cunning, damned little men, they know that I am peeping. Aha! They work at night when no one can frighten them away. Tricky.
I began to quickly swallow tea. And asked to sleep.
Grandma says:
- What is it? You can’t force yourself into bed, but here it’s so early and you ask to sleep.
And so, when they had settled down, the grandmother turned off the light. And you can't see the boat. I tossed and turned on purpose, so that the bed creaked.
— Why are you tossing and turning?
- And I'm afraid to sleep without light. There is always a night light at home. - I lied: at night it is dark tightly at home.
Grandmother cursed, but got up. I poked around for a long time and arranged a night light. He burned badly. But you could still see how the steamboat gleamed on the shelf.
I covered my head with a blanket, made myself a house and a small hole. And from the hole he looked without moving. Soon I looked so closely that I could see everything perfectly well on the steamboat. I looked for a long time. The room was completely quiet. Only the clock was ticking. Suddenly, something rustled softly. I was alert - this rustle on the steamer. And just like that, the door opened. My breath hitched. I moved forward a little. The damn bed creaked. I scared the man!
Now there was nothing to look forward to, and I fell asleep. I fell asleep with grief.
The next day, here's what I came up with. The humans must be eating something. If you give them candy, it's a whole load for them. It is necessary to break off a piece of candy and put it on the steamer, near the booth. Right next to the doors. But such a piece, so as not to immediately crawl into their doors. Here they will open the doors at night, look out through the crack. Wow! Candy! For them, it's like a box. Now they will jump out, rather drag the confectionery to themselves. They are at the door, but she does not climb! Now they run away, bring hatchets - small, small, but absolutely real - and they will start baling with these hatchets: bale-bale! bale bale! And quickly swipe the confectionery through the door. They are cunning, they just want everything to be nimble. Not to be caught. Here they are imported with confectionery. Here, even if I creak, they still won’t be in time: the confetti will get stuck in the door - neither here nor there. Let them run away, but it will still be visible how they dragged confectionery. Or maybe someone will miss the hatchet out of fright. Where will they pick up! And I will find a tiny real hatchet on the deck of the steamboat, sharp, very sharp.
And so, secretly from my grandmother, I chopped off a piece of candy, just what I wanted. I waited a minute while my grandmother was fiddling in the kitchen, once or twice - on the table with her feet, and put the candy right at the door on the steamer. Theirs half a step from the door to the lollipop. He got down from the table, wiped with his sleeve what he had inherited with his feet. Grandma didn't notice.
During the day I secretly glanced at the steamboat. My grandmother took me for a walk. I was afraid that during this time the little men would pull away the candy and I would not catch them. I deliberately sniffed on the road that I was cold, and we returned soon. The first thing I looked at was the steamboat! Lollipop as it was - in place. Well, yes! They are fools to undertake such a thing during the day!
At night, when my grandmother fell asleep, I settled myself in a house made of a blanket and began to look. This time the night-light burned wonderfully, and the lollipop shone like an icicle in the sun with a sharp flame. I looked, looked at this light and fell asleep, as luck would have it! The humans outsmarted me. I looked in the morning - there was no candy, but I got up before everyone else, in one shirt I ran to look. Then he looked from the chair - of course, there was no hatchet. But why did they have to give up: they worked slowly, without interference, and not even a crumb was lying around anywhere - they picked everything up.
Another time I put bread. I even heard some fuss at night. The damned night light barely smoked, I could not see anything. But in the morning there was no bread. Just a few crumbs left. Well, of course, they don’t particularly feel sorry for bread, not sweets: there every crumb is a lollipop for them.
I decided that they had shops on both sides of the steamboat. Full length. And they sit there in a row during the day and whisper softly. About your business. And at night, when everyone is asleep, they have work here.
I thought about people all the time. I wanted to take a cloth, like a small rug, and put it near the door. Wet a cloth with ink. They will run out, they will not notice right away, their legs will get dirty and they will leave their legacy all over the steamer. At least I can see what kind of legs they have. Maybe some barefoot, to quieter steps. No, they are terribly cunning and will only laugh at all my things.
I couldn't take it anymore.
And so - I decided without fail to take a steamboat and see and catch little men. At least one. You just need to arrange so that you stay alone at home. My grandmother dragged me everywhere with her, to all the guests. All to some old women. Sit down and don't touch anything. You can only stroke the cat. And the grandmother whispers with them for half a day.
So I see - my grandmother is getting ready: she began to collect cookies in a box for these old women - to drink tea there. I ran into the hallway, got out my knitted mittens and rubbed my forehead and cheeks - my whole muzzle, in a word. No regrets. And quietly lay down on the bed.
Grandmother suddenly missed:
— Borya, Boryushka, where are you? I am silent and close my eyes. Grandma to me:
- What are you lying down?
- My head hurts.
She touched her forehead.
- Look at me! Sit at home. I'll go back - I'll take raspberries at the pharmacy. I'll be back soon. I won't sit for long. And you undress and go to bed. Lie down, lie down without talking.
She began to help me, laid me down, covered me with a blanket and kept saying: "I'll be right back, in a living spirit."
Grandma locked me up. I waited five minutes: what if he comes back? Have you forgotten something there?
And then I jumped out of bed as I was, in a shirt. I jumped up on the table and took the steamboat from the shelf. I immediately realized with my hands that he was iron, very real. I pressed it to my ear and began to listen: are they moving? But, of course, they fell silent. They understood that I grabbed their steamer. Aha! Sit there on a bench and be silent like mice.
I got down from the table and began to shake the steamer. They will shake themselves off, not sit on the benches, and I will hear how they hang out there.
But it was quiet inside.
I understood: they were sitting on the benches, their legs were tucked up and their hands clung to the seats with all their might. They sit like glued on.
Aha! So wait. I'll tuck in and raise the deck. And I will cover you all there. I began to get a table knife from the cupboard, but I did not take my eyes off the steamer, so that the little men would not jump out. I began to pick up the deck. Wow, what a tight fit. Finally managed to slip the knife a little. But the masts went up with the deck. And the masts were not allowed to rise these rope ladders that went from the masts to the sides. They had to be cut off - otherwise nothing. I stopped for a moment. Just for a moment. But now, with a hurried hand, he began to cut these ladders. Sawed them with a dull knife. Done, they are all hung, the masts are free. I began to raise the deck with a knife. I was afraid to immediately give a big gap. They will rush all at once and run away. I left a crack to climb through alone. He will climb, and I will clap him! - and slam it shut like a bug in the palm of your hand. I waited and kept my hand ready to grab.
Not one climbs! I then decided to immediately turn the deck away and slam it in the middle with my hand. At least one will fit. You just need to do it right away: they are probably already prepared there - you open it, and the little men squirt all to the sides.
I quickly opened the deck and slammed my hand inside. Nothing. Nothing at all! There weren't even benches. Bare sides. Like in a saucepan. I raised my hand. And at hand, of course, nothing. My hands were trembling as I put the deck back on. Everything became crooked. And no ladders can be attached. They chatted at random. Somehow I pushed the deck back into place and put the steamboat on the shelf. Now everything is gone!
I quickly threw myself into bed, wrapped myself up in my head.
I hear the key in the door.
- Grandmother! I whispered under the covers. - Grandmother, dear, dear, what have I done!
And my grandmother stood over me and stroked my head:
Why are you crying, why are you crying? You are my dear, Boryushka! See how soon I am?
She hasn't seen the steamboat yet.

Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov

How do I catch people

When I was little, I was taken to live with my grandmother. My grandmother had a shelf above the table. And on the shelf is a steamboat. I have never seen this. He was quite real, only small. He had a trumpet: yellow and had two black belts on it. And two masts. And from the masts, rope ladders went to the sides. At the stern stood a booth, like a house. Polished, with windows and a door. And quite aft - a copper steering wheel. Below the stern is the steering wheel. And the propeller shone in front of the steering wheel like a copper rosette. There are two anchors on the bow. Ah, how wonderful! If only I had one!

I immediately asked my grandmother to play with a steamboat. My grandmother allowed me everything. And then suddenly she frowned:

- Don't ask for that. Not to play - do not dare to touch. Never! This is a treasured memory for me.

I saw that even crying would not help.

And the steamboat stood importantly on a shelf on lacquered stands. I couldn't take my eyes off him. And grandma:

“Give me your word of honor that you won’t touch it.” And then I'd better hide from sin. - And went to the shelf.

“Honest, honest, grandma. - And grabbed the grandmother by the skirt. Grandma didn't take the steamer away.

I kept looking at the boat. I climbed into a chair to see better. And more and more he seemed real to me. And by all means, the door in the booth should open. And maybe people live in it. Small, just the size of a steamboat. It turned out that they should be just below the match. I waited to see if any of them would look out the window. They're probably watching. And when no one is at home, they go out on deck. They probably climb the ladders on the masts.

And a little noise - like mice: yurk into the cabin. Down - and hide. I looked for a long time when I was alone in the room. Nobody looked out. I hid behind the door and looked through the crack. And they are cunning, damned little men, they know that I am peeping. Aha! They work at night when no one can frighten them away. Tricky.

I began to quickly swallow tea. And asked to sleep.

Grandma says:

- What is it? You can’t force yourself into bed, but here it’s so early and you ask to sleep.

And so, when they had settled down, the grandmother turned off the light. And you can't see the boat. I tossed and turned on purpose, so that the bed creaked.

– Why are you all tossing and turning?

- And I'm afraid to sleep without light. There is always a night light at home. - I lied: at night it is dark tightly at home.

End of introductory segment.

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