10 Ways to Promote Your Business Online

Search engines regularly update their algorithms, leaving out of work those who do not have time to be "in the subject" of the latest changes. - Science is quite complex, plus there are no permanent rules in it, and even those that exist change very quickly.

Some algorithms lose their relevance over time, others appear out of the blue, turning everything upside down. And both optimizers and owners of commercial sites should be aware of the changes. The first, in order not to fail the work on the project, the second, to be aware of how well the work with their site is being carried out. To make the site promotion process go smoothly, let's look at the main points that you should pay attention to. Their development will reduce the chances of losing positions, traffic, time and money resources.

To begin with, let's dwell on the factors that one way or another will have to work on at the initial stage of optimization.

Technical aspects of optimization

This includes all aspects of internal optimization, as well as technical flaws. Among them:

The presence of the keyword in </h4> <p>Tag content <title>has a significant impact on the ranking of the page in the search results for a competitive query. In terms of importance for internal optimization, it is next after content. Writing rules <title>are simple:</p> <ul><li>the header must contain the main request or a group of requests;</li> <li>the key must be at the beginning of the title or as close as possible to its beginning.</li> </ul><h4>The presence of a request in H1</h4> <p>Next in importance after <title>page ranking factor in search results. It is important to understand that there is a page title (title), which the user sees in the search results and, focusing on it, decides whether to go to the site or not. There is also a heading to the text (h1) directly on the page, upon seeing which, the user understands that he has the necessary information in front of him and here he will find the answer to his question.</p> <h4>The presence of the keyword in <description></h4> <p>The presence of the main query in the tag <description>it is also a signal of the relevance of the page to the user's query. It is not as weighty as it used to be, but it still matters. If the tag <description>will remain blank, the search engine will take into account the content in the title and content of the page, and when forming the snippet, it will grab the relevant part of the text from the page and display it in the search results.</p> <h4>Page load speed</h4> <p>As they say, the fastest survive. Google loves fast sites and rewards them with higher rankings.</p> <p>You should also not forget about the Mobile First Index algorithm presented in January this year (which will come into force in July 2018), which will filter out slow website pages in mobile search results. But it is far from a fact that this algorithm will not affect the issuance on the desktop. So there is still time to work on the download speed.</p> <h4>No duplicate pages</h4> <p>Partial and complete duplicate pages can negatively affect the ranking of the site as a whole. In addition, the presence of such useless pages only “blurs” the weight of the site, taking it away from useful and necessary pages of the resource. Also, the presence of duplicates on the site wastes the resources of the search bot allocated to you, forcing you to add unnecessary pages to the index.</p> <p>Please note that page duplicates include not only “copies” of the main or landing “strips”, but also partially repeating content posted on the resource.</p> <h4>Lots of broken links</h4> <p>Another signal for the search bot to lower the ranking of a web resource in the SERP is a large number of regular links. This suggests that the site is not working well, that the site is in an unfinished form. Again, just like with duplicate content, the search bot wastes its resources on clicking on such useless links.</p> <h4>Illogical Structure</h4> <p>Based on my bitter experience, I can confidently say that no matter how cool the site looks, but if it has an incomprehensible and confusing structure, it will not see the TOP. I think I will not reveal a secret if I say that the structure should be logical and intuitive for the user. If it is not clear to the user who first came to your resource, it will also be incomprehensible to the search robot. The surest way to check the consistency and understandability of the site is to let a person “from outside” “test” it. If after a few minutes he does not want to click on the red X in the upper corner, and if he easily finds the information he needs, then you are moving in the right direction, and your site has every chance of not being left behind due to the complex structure of its content.</p> <h4>Sitemap “.xml” and robots.txt</h4> <p>These are essential elements of optimization. They are intended exclusively for the search bot. The robots file will show the search bot which elements of the site should not be indexed and will indicate where the sitemap is located in the “.xml” format. <u>And this element</u> in turn, it will indicate which pages and in what priority should be indexed.</p> <p><img src='/assets/be802c2934d07e39fdfd2967cd307c74.jpg' height="400" width="700" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>Content part</h3> <p>Next, we move on to the content part. And the first thing you should pay attention to is the content on the page, since the search engine will analyze this “part” very strictly and carefully. Please note that this should not be just text optimized for queries, but high-quality, unique, relevant and fully answering the user's question.</p> <p>Ideally, this should be content divided into semantic blocks. I recommend adding lists, infographics to the text and diluting it with multimedia elements. This approach will make the article pleasing to the eye, and will definitely “like” the search engine.</p> <p>It is important to remember that high-quality content that can affect page ranking has long ceased to be just a seo footcloth - today these are articles, reviews, case studies that are relevant to the user. And your audience will definitely not disregard such content.</p> <p><i>The second part of the ranking factors refers to those factors that you will have to work on constantly.</i></p> <h3>Links</h3> <p>Yes Yes Yes. Quality backlinks continue to be an important ranking factor. Remember - not the quantity, but the quality of links plays a role. The more links from authoritative sites lead to your resource, the higher your overall ranking in the SERP.</p> <h3>Behavioral factors</h3> <p>Time spent by users on the site, traffic sources, browsing depth, the number of visitors who left your site from the landing page (bounce rate) - these metrics are also important if you want to rank for competitive queries. Search engines carefully study the user experience obtained when interacting with your resource before giving an assessment - good or bad.</p> <p>Many optimizers neglect these indicators, considering them not as important as, for example, technical flaws on the site, or non-unique or spammed content. But believe me, a site that has satisfactory behavioral indicators will not remain in the margins of search results (of course, subject to the rest of the rules of a quality site).</p> <h3><b>Instead of output</b></h3> <p>Again, I will not be original if I say that everything works in a complex. It is impossible to bring a commercial site to the TOP if there is nothing on the page other than product photos and unique content. There is little chance that a person who decides to make a purchase on the site will go through the checkout procedure to the end if you force him to fill out a dozen required fields.</p> <p>Optimize the site comprehensively, focus primarily on your user, and may the TOP and constant growth in traffic come with you!</p> <div class="wp_rp_wrap wp_rp_vertical_m" id="wp_rp_first"> <div class="wp_rp_content"> <h3 class="related_post_title">We also recommend</h3> <ul class="related_post wp_rp"> <li data-position="0" data-poid="in-137" data-post-type="none"><a href="https://peskiadmin.ru/en/kommercheskie_predlozhenija__jeto_chto_takoe_primery.html" class="wp_rp_thumbnail"><img src="/uploads/rico-jb82c2ub-150x150.jpg" alt="Commercial offers - what is it?" width="150" height="150" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <a href="https://peskiadmin.ru/en/kommercheskie_predlozhenija__jeto_chto_takoe_primery.html" class="wp_rp_title">Commercial offers - what is it?</a> </li> <li data-position="0" data-poid="in-36" data-post-type="none"><a href="https://peskiadmin.ru/en/nacenka_na_tovar_v_roznichnojj_torgovle_formula_rascheta.html" class="wp_rp_thumbnail"><img src="/uploads/2ffa4ccbdfe137470199f425bc5b6b2eub-150x150.jpg" alt="Margin on goods in retail trade: calculation formula" width="150" height="150" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <a href="https://peskiadmin.ru/en/nacenka_na_tovar_v_roznichnojj_torgovle_formula_rascheta.html" class="wp_rp_title">Margin on goods in retail trade: calculation formula</a> </li> <li data-position="0" data-poid="in-142" data-post-type="none"><a href="https://peskiadmin.ru/en/kommercheskoe_predlozhenie_sovety_po_pravilnomu_sostavleniju_obrazcy_i_primery.html" class="wp_rp_thumbnail"><img src="/uploads/5d87538667ub-150x150.jpg" alt="Commercial offer: tips for correct drafting, samples and examples" width="150" height="150" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <a href="https://peskiadmin.ru/en/kommercheskoe_predlozhenie_sovety_po_pravilnomu_sostavleniju_obrazcy_i_primery.html" class="wp_rp_title">Commercial offer: tips for correct drafting, samples and examples</a> </li> <li data-position="0" data-poid="in-45" data-post-type="none"><a href="https://peskiadmin.ru/en/analiz_rynka.html" class="wp_rp_thumbnail"><img src="/uploads/670b08716d4290fd98eb0b0d39f927d6ub-150x150.jpg" alt="Market analysis" width="150" height="150" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <a href="https://peskiadmin.ru/en/analiz_rynka.html" class="wp_rp_title">Market analysis</a> </li> <li data-position="0" data-poid="in-38" data-post-type="none"><a href="https://peskiadmin.ru/en/shtrafy_fas_za_narushenie_zakona_o_reklame_i_sposoby_ikh_izbezhat.html" class="wp_rp_thumbnail"><img src="/uploads/qavsmalljer4ub-150x150.jpg" alt="Fas fines for violating the law on advertising and how to avoid them" width="150" height="150" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <a href="https://peskiadmin.ru/en/shtrafy_fas_za_narushenie_zakona_o_reklame_i_sposoby_ikh_izbezhat.html" class="wp_rp_title">Fas fines for violating the law on advertising and how to avoid them</a> </li> <li data-position="0" data-poid="in-107" data-post-type="none"><a href="https://peskiadmin.ru/en/chto_takoe_franshiza_v_biznese_dogovor_franshizy_uslovija_franshizy.html" class="wp_rp_thumbnail"><img src="/uploads/wico-x622b4ub-150x150.jpg" alt="What is a business franchise?" width="150" height="150" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <a href="https://peskiadmin.ru/en/chto_takoe_franshiza_v_biznese_dogovor_franshizy_uslovija_franshizy.html" class="wp_rp_title">What is a business franchise?</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div id="post-ratings-1424-loading" class="post-ratings-loading"> <img src="https://peskiadmin.ru/wp-content/plugins/wp-postratings/images/loading.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="Loading..." title="Loading..." class="post-ratings-image" / loading=lazy loading=lazy>Loading...</div><div class="nextpostlink"></div> <div class="prepostlink"><a href="https://peskiadmin.ru/en/10_sposobov_prodvizhenija_biznesa_v_seti.html" rel="prev"></a></div> <div class="postTags"></div> </div> </article> <aside id="colRight"> <form method="get" action="/" target="_blank"> <input name="s" id="form-query" value="" placeholder="Site search"> <input id="form-querysub" type=submit value=""> </form> <div class="rightBoxtumb"> <h2>Recent Articles</h2> <div class="rightBoxtumbline"></div> <ul> <li> <div class="rightBoxshadowleft"></div> <div class="rightBoxshadowright"></div> <img width="80" height="80" src="/uploads/rico-jb82c2ub-80x80.jpg" class="attachment-loopThumb wp-post-image" alt="Commercial offers - 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