Get pregnant during your period. Do periods always indicate the absence of pregnancy

Every woman chooses for herself the most optimal methods of contraception. There is a small percentage of the fair sex who are sure that it is absolutely impossible to get pregnant during menstruation. For this reason, on critical days, they have unprotected sex, without using any means of protection.

In this article, we will figure out whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation and whether it is safe to have sex during this period.

A little about sex on critical days

Experts have not yet come to a consensus on the issue of necessity. Some doctors argue that intimacy during menstruation reduces their intensity, relieves a woman of pain, improves mood and delivers more vivid impressions. Others advise to refrain from sexual intercourse until the full completion of the regulation, since having sex during menstruation increases the likelihood of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, and also increases the risk of developing various infections.

The danger threatens not only a woman, but also a man who can “pick up” pathogens from a woman through menstrual blood.

Women who decide to have sexual intercourse during the regular period are also concerned about the question of what is the likelihood of becoming pregnant with unprotected contact. It turns out that conception is possible on every day of the cycle, even the onset of menstruation does not give a 100% guarantee of protection against pregnancy.

So, to summarize, sexual relations during critical days can result in pregnancy or the development of inflammation and infectious diseases. There are a number of reasons why experts do not recommend intimacy during menstruation:

  • it is unhygienic and not aesthetically pleasing, linen and clothes get dirty, you should always keep a towel or wet wipes near you;
  • intensification of sexual sensations happens in very rare cases, mostly sex during regular periods gives a woman discomfort, she cannot completely relax, therefore she does not receive satisfaction from intercourse;
  • if the regulation is accompanied by pain, sexual contact can only worsen the woman's well-being;
  • during sexual intercourse, microcracks may occur, into which infection from bloody secretions can enter.

If you and your partner are not repelled by the appearance of menstrual flow, and you still decide to have sex during this period, then there are no contraindications to this. But it should be remembered that even during the regular season there is a chance of getting pregnant, and even worse, of contracting serious diseases. It is best to use condoms during sexual intercourse.

Is pregnancy possible on the red days of the calendar

For one menstrual period, under the influence of hormones, many processes occur, all of them are cyclical and go in the order laid down by nature: after the next menstrual bleeding, the follicle begins to mature, from which the egg comes out, the process of its release is called ovulation. If the egg is not fertilized, from which the countdown of the new cycle starts. And so on until the completion of the reproductive function of a woman.

It is possible to become pregnant only after the release of the germ cell from the follicle. Approximately 2 weeks elapse between this moment and the start of the next regulation. If you need to determine the day of ovulation, which will be favorable for conception, you need to subtract 14 days from the total length of the cycle. Suppose, with a cycle of 25 days, the germ cell will fully mature and leave the follicle on the 11th day.

Given that sperm activity persists for several days, the risk of becoming pregnant persists with unprotected intercourse two days before ovulation and for seven days after it. The remaining days of the cycle are unfavorable for conception, but still the possibility of becoming pregnant is also not excluded.

The least likely that pregnancy can occur during sexual intercourse on the first or 2nd day of regulation. At this time, it is quite difficult for spermatozoa to “break through” to the tubes through the bleeding genital tract and uterus. Also at this time, high acidity in the vagina will be detrimental to them. But even if some “lucky one” can fertilize the egg, the resulting zygote will not be able to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity, since in the first days of menstruation there is not yet enough endometrium for this layer. Even though sexual relations in the first days of menstruation are the safest, they are unlikely to bring a woman anything more than discomfort.

On other days, regular pregnancy is more likely, the possibility of getting pregnant on the 4th, 5th, 6th day of menstruation increases day by day. This can be caused by a disruption in the ovulatory cycle. Considering that sperm cells live in the vagina for up to seven days, while maintaining their vitality, then the onset of ovulation not on the 14th, but on the 11th, 12th or 13th day of the cycle can cause conception in women who did not protect themselves a week before release of the germ cell from the follicle. Thus, an irregular cycle and prolonged periods are factors that can increase the chance of conception during the "red" days of the calendar.

Chance of conception on the first day

If you are interested in what is the probability of getting pregnant in the first days of menstruation, then statistics say that 6% of women conceived children during this period.

Although 6% is a lot, in practice it is quite difficult to get pregnant on the first day of menstruation, since at this time spermatozoa have reduced activity due to an increased level of acidity in the vagina. Such conditions negatively affect the condition of the male seed.

Some women naively assume that the first day of menstruation will completely remove the sperm from the fallopian tubes and prevent conception, but this is not at all the case. The most viable spermatozoa will indeed be immobilized for some time, but they will be able to wait until the end of menstruation and successfully fertilize the woman's germ cell.

Conception on the last day

More than two-thirds of all women believe that getting pregnant on the last day of menstruation is unrealistic, because the discharge, although, is still going on and it is still far from ovulation. But this is a dangerous delusion. Any hormonal failure, stress, or even a change in weather can provoke or, and this will lead to a shift in the date of ovulation and an increased risk of becoming pregnant at the end of menstruation.

In addition, menstrual blood is weak at the end of critical days, so spermatozoa can move freely in the fallopian tubes and freely wait for the release of the germ cell. It is safe to say that there is a chance to conceive on the last critical day, and it increases significantly if ovulation occurs twice per cycle.

Factors that increase the chance of conception

Very often, women start special calendars, where they mark the arrival of the regulation and count the “dangerous” days on which, after having unprotected sex, you can become pregnant. Such days can indeed be calculated, but there are factors that can affect the normal course of the menstrual cycle, and conception occurs even if menstruation has begun.

Consider the situations in which you can get pregnant during your period:

  • if for a woman the normal menstrual cycle is 20-21 days. With such regularity, ovulation occurs on the 6th-7th day, the germ cell may well come out of the follicle at this time. Even if menstruation is on the last day, there is a high probability of conception;
  • . Normally, the duration of the cycle should be 21-35 days. Each woman should establish her own duration, but if each time menstruation begins after a different period of time, then ovulation occurs on different days. In such a situation, the method of planning ovulation in a calendar way does not work, and a woman can become pregnant at any time;
  • maturation in the ovary of not one, but two germ cells. In this case, ovulation occurs twice in one cycle. If one of the cells has not been fertilized, it dies and comes out with menstrual flow. But on the eve of menstruation, spontaneous ovulation may occur, the germ cell released at this time may well be fertilized on the 2-3rd critical day. This is possible when a man has very viable spermatozoa, which are not afraid of the acidic environment of the vagina during the regular period. Ovulation rarely occurs spontaneously; in some cases, women have a predisposition to this phenomenon from birth;
  • violation of physiological processes. Often it can be caused by abortions, surgical interventions and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. A disturbed hormonal background causes a change in the duration of the phases of the menstrual cycle, ovulation can occur on any day of the cycle or not at all. With hormonal disorders, conception can occur even during regular periods;
  • a woman can also become pregnant at, at its initial stage, when menstruation still appears, but already irregularly, since some cycles are anovulatory. Women after 40 years with an irregular cycle mistakenly believe that it is impossible, and cease to be protected, and such recklessness may well end in pregnancy;
  • the cycle may be irregular during puberty, therefore, adolescent girls are at high risk of becoming pregnant after unprotected sexual contact during regular periods;
  • prolonged abstinence from a sexual partner. If a man has not had sex for a long time, he accumulates a large amount of sperm, so the likelihood that more tenacious sperm can reach the egg even through menstrual flow increases significantly;
  • violation of the procedure for taking birth control pills, the action of which is based on the suppression of ovulatory function. Abruptly stopping oral contraceptives can cause bleeding, which is similar to menstruation, if you have sex at this time, then it is quite possible to become pregnant. If a woman took contraceptives for a short time, then the hormonal balance has not yet had time to change, the childbearing function will quickly recover, ovulation will occur, and conception may occur even during regular periods. The combination of contraceptives and antibiotics, as well as some folk methods of treatment based on, say, St. John's wort, can weaken or change the nature of the action of contraceptives;
  • menstruation is not a guarantee that a woman will not become pregnant at this time if she has endocrine diseases, or she takes hormone-based medications;
  • if a woman is protected by an intrauterine device, then she may well become pregnant during the regulation, if the IUD was inserted incorrectly or the terms of its operation were violated;
  • to disrupt the order of the flow of physiological processes in the body, and accordingly, a change in climatic and time zones, nervous shocks and other factors that provoke hormonal imbalance can cause a shift in ovulation.

Some women, unknowingly, may mistake implantation bleeding for menstruation, it appears 7-10 days after conception, at the moment the fetal egg is fixed in the uterine cavity. Scanty spotting accompanies the process of implantation of the embryo into the endometrium, and the woman suggests that she could become pregnant during menstruation. In the first trimester of pregnancy, false periods may occur, the cause of which is a sharp change in hormonal levels.

What kind of protection should be used

It is necessary to protect yourself during menstruation not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from the penetration of infections and pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases into the body, since this is a period when the protective functions of the body are greatly reduced, and there is a high probability of infection.

Among the methods of protection, the most unreliable at this time is the calendar method.

It can be used by women with a regular menstrual cycle, who do not have any diseases and are not exposed to the factors listed in the previous section. In practice, it is very difficult to achieve compliance with all these conditions, so the calendar method is not a reliable contraception.

Oral contraceptives on a hormonal basis will be effective only if a woman uses them regularly and for a long time. They should not be used as emergency contraception. The effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives can be significantly reduced when used simultaneously with antibiotics and phytohormones.

Even if you use contraceptives that do not affect ovulation, but thicken the vaginal mucus, the likelihood of pregnancy during menstruation remains quite high.

The most suitable method of protection against infections and unwanted pregnancies during regular periods is barrier contraception - condoms.

Not every woman, and even more so a man, will agree to have sex during menstruation. Moreover, doctors do not recommend doing this, mainly because during this period the cervix opens slightly - and the uterus is available for pathogens. The risk of entry during intercourse during menstruation increases significantly. Nevertheless, many women neglect such recommendations, and each of them has their own reasons for this: some feel increased arousal these days, others do not want to take forced breaks in regular sexual activity, someone tries to protect themselves, in the end, this topic has long ceased to be something out of the ordinary. But can sex during your period be safe?

Many people know that in the first and last days of the cycle, that is, in the first days after menstruation and the last before them, the probability of pregnancy is minimal. More precisely, each woman can calculate her individual safe period using a special formula. True, for this you need to keep a calendar of your periods for at least one year.

This method of contraception is used by few women because, firstly, it does not provide great contraceptive guarantees, secondly, according to this method, one has to take too long and frequent breaks in sex or still use other methods of protection, and thirdly, it only suitable for those who have a regular (give or take) menstrual cycle, and this is a very small percentage of all women, and, most importantly, it is too unreliable.

And yet, despite this, purposefully or by chance, we often hope that the calendar method will work. But what about in the interval between these relatively safe periods - directly during menstruation? Is it necessary to protect yourself, and is it possible to get pregnant during the days of menstruation?

Chances of getting pregnant during your period

As you know, conception can occur only when a mature egg leaves the follicle in anticipation of a meeting with a sperm cell. The first condition (the maturation of the egg) occurs in the body of a healthy woman every month: everyone has different times, but after the luteal phase, in which the egg matures, it enters the abdominal cavity and then into the fallopian tube, which is called ovulation. In a woman with an ideal 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs on the 14-16th day, although these terms are not constant and are not the same for each individual woman. But regarding the second condition (fertilization by a spermatozoon), it can occur on any of the days of the menstrual cycle. And the whole hitch is that spermatozoa are very tenacious, and can retain the ability to fertilize for several days, waiting for their “girlfriend”. Consequently, a spermatozoon that enters the female body during menstruation can wait for the onset of ovulation, if it takes place earlier than usual in this cycle, and conception will occur.

In addition, in extremely rare cases, the maturation of two eggs in one cycle is possible (and not only simultaneously, but also with a short interval) - more often due to strong shocks and hormonal surges against their background (a very bright orgasm, for example, can serve as an impetus). The ability to so-called spontaneous (the second in one cycle) is inherited.

Naturally, the chances of getting pregnant during menstruation are not very many, but they are always there. A particularly high risk of pregnancy occurs with prolonged periods, in women with or a very short cycle, with a failure of the menstrual cycle, with an irregular sexual life, with sexual intercourse that took place in the last days of menstruation.

Of course, few women get pregnant because of sex during their period (as probably few do it during this period). But still, conception is possible on any day of the menstrual cycle, including during the period of menstrual bleeding, and for the first time the days after it - and you must remember this. If you do decide to make love during your period, it is safest to do it on the first day of heavy bleeding, when the most unfavorable conditions for the survival of spermatozoa are formed. And even better - use a condom, at the same time you will protect yourself from possible infections.

Specially for - Elena Kichak

Many representatives of the fair sex believe that critical days are not a reason to refuse to have sex, especially since during them women often experience strong sexual arousal. And also, most women believe that during menstruation it is not necessary to protect themselves, because the risk of becoming pregnant is zero. Is there any basis for such a belief and what is the probability of conceiving a child by making love during menstruation, and is it even possible to have sex these days?

Menstruation: what is it and why do they happen?

To answer the sensitive question - is it possible to conceive during menstruation, you must first figure out what is menstruation and why do women have these menstrual bleedings.

As everyone has long known, in order for a woman to become pregnant, a sperm must fertilize an egg, which is produced by the ovaries.

The period of egg maturation is called ovulation. The lifespan of the egg itself is quite short - from twelve to twenty-four hours. If conception does not occur at this time, the egg is rejected by the ovary and a period called menstruation begins.


The period of monthly bleeding has a duration three to eight days and depends on the individual characteristics of the female body.


Most women and girls lead calendar of your monthly cycle , thus calculating favorable and unfavorable days for conception. Keeping a calendar is very important, because thanks to it you can timely identify not only a comfortable time for conception, but also disorders in the reproductive system, such as hormonal failure or inflammatory processes.

If menstruation has become irregular or during critical days, severe aching pain in the lower abdomen annoys, then this is a serious reason to consult a gynecologist.

Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation

Given the peculiarities of the monthly cycle, the chances of conceiving a child during critical days are almost zero.

And, according to statistics, very few women were able to get pregnant during menstruation. But this applies only to those representatives of the fair sex, whose menstrual cycle is regular and passes without failures and delays. At risk of becoming pregnant are those women whose monthly bleeding occurs irregularly or with a long delay.

Although the risk of getting pregnant by having sex during your period is minimal, you should not rely on chance and take birth control to be safe or use condoms.

Why can pregnancy occur during menstruation?

Considering the possible causes of conception during critical days, it should be noted that this possibility may occur due to a surge of hormones, stress, or violation of the rules for taking birth control pills.

Pregnancy during menstruation is possible if:

  • If instead of one, the ovaries produce two or more eggs . The reasons for this pathology can be different - the irregularity of sexual life, heredity or hormonal failure.
  • Stress is another reason that during menstruation a girl can conceive a child. As you know, stress has a rather negative effect on the female body, so it can cause a malfunction in the reproductive system.
  • Among the possible reasons, not the last place is occupied by hormonal surge. Due to a malfunction in the hormonal system, a violation of the monthly cycle can occur, as a result of which pregnancy is possible during menstruation.
  • Taking contraceptives , you should strictly adhere to the indicated dosage and observe the time of taking the drugs. It is highly undesirable to take contraceptive pills lightly, because even one missed day can cause a malfunction in the hormonal system.

As can be seen from the above, the possibility of getting pregnant during menstruation is negligible, but it cannot be discounted.

Is it safe to have sex during your period?

Many people, having heard about having sex during "special" women's days, are likely to wrinkle their nose in disgust. Indeed, sex, when a woman has these days, can hardly be called pleasant and exciting. But besides the aesthetic side of the issue, there is also the question of the safety of partners. Why is sex dangerous? during menstruation and is it worth doing it at all?

Vulnerability to infections

During monthly bleeding, a woman's genitals are especially vulnerable and susceptible to various infections.

The fact is that during the period of monthly bleeding cervix opens , and blood secretions are a breeding ground for various bacteria and microbes. Therefore, in addition to an unwanted pregnancy, a woman also risks contract dangerous diseases, including venereal ones.


Sex should always be not only pleasant, but also safe, so do not forget about condoms, especially when making love during menstruation.

Summing up, it should be noted that the chance to see two stripes on the test after making love during menstruation is very small and, according to statistics, they can conceive a baby during this period. only 2% of women . But do not tempt fate and assume that menstruation is the most reliable natural contraception. You should always remember about your own safety, so that later you do not go to the doctor, trying to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy.

Video about whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation

Most men and women believe that menstruation is the most reliable and natural birth control. And for them, the conception of a child during menstruation is something unnatural and contradictory. Despite everything, they continue to do their favorite "family" business, not suspecting that they risk flying into the test soon and see two clear red stripes on the test.

Of course, the couple's confidence in the safety of sex during menstruation is not groundless, since the risk of pregnancy during this period is negligible, but it still exists. Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation.

The red cycle of each girl has its own strict order, which is explained by the phases:

  • menstrual;
  • follicular;
  • ovulatory;
  • luteal.

During the first half of the monthly period, the hormone-estrogen is responsible for all processes, since at this stage it is produced in large quantities. In the role of his assistants are follicle-stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing (LH) hormones. Under the action of FSH, the growth and maturation of follicles is activated, the dominant follicle is released and a rupture occurs to release the egg, which is already ready for fertilization.

The second stage is ovulation. Normally, it occurs approximately on the 14th day of the cycle and lasts 24 ovulatory hours. During this time, the egg must meet with the sperm and be fertilized. At the end of ovulation, the hormone progesterone begins to predominate in the body, which is responsible for preparing the environment for implantation of the fetal egg. If fertilization does not occur, then all "preparatory work" stops and the process of rejection begins, which is called menstruation.

Accordingly, it is impossible to get pregnant during menstruation. But you should not completely believe in this, since in practice, quite a lot of people have burned themselves due to unprotected sex during menstruation.

Causes of pregnancy during menstruation

However, the risk of getting pregnant does not exist on any day of menstruation. The first, second and third days of critical discharges are characterized by heavy bleeding with an aggressive environment against spermatozoa. Their aggression is enough to destroy a column of optimistic "Zippy".

But, here the last days are distinguished by a relative calmness of the environment, and during this period a favorable conception can take place during menstruation. As you know, spermatozoa can remain active for a week, hiding in quiet and calm "corners" of the fallopian tubes and waiting for the egg to approach. Spontaneous ovulation as a result of hormonal failure will just cause premature maturation of the ovum.

Many, having heard that some couples in love are having sex on “these” days, will spread their arms in surprise or wrinkle their foreheads in disgust. Not surprisingly, even if the question arises, “why have sex during the unaesthetic process of menstruation?”. The answer is simple. Men will never miss the opportunity to make love, even on "special" days, but for some women, the period of menstruation is accompanied by a strongly pronounced sexual desire, which is sometimes impossible to cope with.

But before you plunge headlong into the abyss of passion, you must remember that sex during menstruation is possible only in two cases:

  • having a permanent sexual partner;
  • the absence of infections in a man that can be sexually transmitted.

During menstruation, a woman's sexual environment is very vulnerable. Therefore, you need to have sex through a condom, if you don’t want to get problems of a different nature in addition to all the unpleasant moments of menstruation.

Is there a chance of getting pregnant during menstruation, we have already determined, but how to find out if the egg has been fertilized. If pregnancy occurs, then chorionic gonadotropin rises in the body. What is its proportion in the blood, can find out an ordinary blood test for beta-hCG. This method is the most reliable and can be carried out as early as a week after conception.

Another, less reliable method is a pregnancy test. It can be used no earlier than 14 days after fertilization.

The probability of getting pregnant during menstruation exists and should not be discounted. If you are on your period and you really want to roll in bed with your beloved spouse, then be sure to use a condom.

Remember that the probability of getting pregnant during menstruation is reduced to zero only in the first days of active bleeding. But it is best to wait out the period while critical days are coming, since this unaesthetic process is not able to give romance and beauty to love joys. In the end, everything will end with dirty sheets, bodies and mental representations.

Many girls want to know if it is actually possible to get pregnant during their period. This is an extremely important question. After all, someone uses the calendar method of protection in order to avoid an "interesting situation", and someone wants to become a mother as soon as possible. When planning a baby, the menstrual cycle plays an important role. It depends on him on what days a girl can have fertilization. What can be said about this issue? Further, the opinions of experts on pregnancy planning will be presented to the attention.

The menstrual cycle and its phases

Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation or not? To correctly answer this question, you need to understand the features of planning a baby.

A woman's menstrual cycle is the time interval between two periods. It consists of several phases. Namely:

  • follicular;
  • ovulatory;
  • luteal.

Can you get pregnant during your period? The answer depends on complete chance in relation to a particular woman, namely the phase of menstruation during which critical days come.

Follicular stage

First, let's look at each stage of the cycle in more detail. The follicular stage is the period when the ovum matures and develops in the follicle. She is not yet ready for fertilization and is hidden in a special "shell".

At the moment, conception is not possible. Therefore, the risk of getting pregnant during menstruation is minimal. The follicular stage of menstruation is its initial phase.


Is there a chance of getting pregnant during menstruation or not? Ideally, conception should occur during ovulation with a 100% chance. This stage falls approximately in the middle of the cycle.

The egg is ready for fertilization and leaves the follicle, and then begins its journey through the body. The female cell travels through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. During this time, conception may occur.

The ovulation period is very short - it is only 48 hours. After this stage, the chance of getting pregnant decreases. And by 3-4 days after ovulation, the risk of becoming a mother is not planned, equal to zero. In any case, a perfectly healthy girl.

luteal phase

Can you get pregnant during your period? The third phase is called the luteal. It occurs immediately after ovulation and lasts until the start of a new menstrual cycle.

At this time, the unfertilized egg dies. The body is preparing for a new menstrual cycle. The stage ends with critical days.

During this phase of the cycle, pregnancy is excluded. After all, the egg, ready to fully fertilize, is no longer in the body. So, to become a mother at this time will not work.

Critical days and conception

Can you get pregnant on the first day of your period? No. This is possible mainly during ovulation. The remaining days of the cycle are considered safe. And during them, becoming a mother will not work.

However, experts say that there is still a chance of getting pregnant during menstruation. It is minimal, but present. Although ideally, the fertilization of the egg is carried out during the ovulatory period.

Unsafe days

The risk of getting pregnant during menstruation, as already mentioned, is the place to be. But this statement should not be taken directly. It is interpreted a little differently.

Unprotected intercourse during menstruation can lead to an unplanned pregnancy. This is a fairly common occurrence. Doctors confirm - any sex without contraception can lead to successful fertilization of the egg.

The thing is that the menstrual cycle can be divided into two types of days regarding conception - dangerous and not. As a rule, there is no risk of successful fertilization of the egg during the luteal phase, 3 or more days after ovulation.

At the same time, before the movement of the egg from the follicle, one should be careful about unprotected sexual intercourse. After all, no doctor can say with certainty that critical days are a good method of contraception.

short cycle

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation? Yes, but the likelihood of such an event in healthy girls is extremely small.

The risk of an unplanned "interesting situation" during menstruation and immediately after it exists in women with a short monthly cycle. Then ovulation can occur 6-10 days after the start of critical days. Sometimes menstrual bleeding has not yet ended, and ovulation is already on the way.

Under such circumstances, it is really possible to become a mother in the near future. Therefore, girls with a short menstrual cycle should be extremely responsible in their approach to issues of protection.


Can you get pregnant right after your period? Ideally, no. But nature decided otherwise. Under certain circumstances, girls experience ovulation immediately after menstruation. And so the risks of becoming a mother are maximum.

As we have already said, during the cycle there are safe days regarding conception, but risky times also occur. They are calculated taking into account the life span of spermatozoa.

Ideally, male cells ready for fertilization will live in a girl's body for about 6-7 days. This means that unprotected intercourse a week before ovulation can lead to the successful conception of a baby.

Irregular ovulation

We found out why you can not get pregnant during menstruation. This is simply impossible, because the egg is not yet ready for fertilization. The conception of a baby immediately after menstrual bleeding takes place with a short interval between critical days.

Another problem when planning a baby is the inconsistency of ovulation. Ideally, it occurs in the middle of the cycle. But external factors and diseases can speed up or delay "Day X".

Accordingly, doctors say that any unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy. And this is a true statement.


It is impossible to get pregnant during menstruation on the 3rd day. But unprotected sex during this time can lead to successful conception. Especially if the girl has a short menstrual cycle. If it is long, it is impossible to hope for successful fertilization during the specified period.

Sometimes a girl has an "X day". Is it possible to become a mother under such circumstances?

As long as there is anovulation, no. If a girl gets rid of this phenomenon, she can again become a mother.

The absence of ovulation can occur even if the menstrual cycle is established. This is not the most common phenomenon, but it still occurs in real life.

What affects ovulation

Getting pregnant during menstruation in real life is not possible. But unprotected intercourse can lead to unplanned fertilization.

As already mentioned, various factors can affect ovulation. Namely:

  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • physical and mental stress;
  • alcohol/tobacco use;
  • acclimatization;
  • long journeys or flights;
  • taking hormonal medications.

In addition, a number of drugs without hormones affect ovulation. Sometimes a girl thinks that everything is going on as usual, but in fact, "Day X" has already passed. Or it's still far away. Therefore, it is important to correctly determine ovulation. Only then will the girl be able to deal with the planning of the child.

Childbirth, menstruation and pregnancy

Special attention should be paid to women who have recently given birth. After childbirth, the female cycle goes astray. Your body is going through a lot of changes, so planning for your next baby can be quite a hassle.

The risk of becoming pregnant in women who have recently given birth is quite high. This is due to the fact that the cycle after childbirth goes astray and begins to form anew. Ovulation occurs unexpectedly. And no one can say for sure when to expect the next menstruation.

A non-permanent critical cycle persists for about 12-18 months after childbirth. But longer periods of uncertainty are not excluded. Thus, everything will depend solely on the individual "settings" of a single female body.

Taking oral contraceptives

In some cases, women take oral contraceptives. For example, in the treatment of infertility or as a protection against unwanted pregnancy. Is it worth worrying about conception under such circumstances?

Yes. The thing is that menstruation when taking oral contraceptives is possible. Rarely, but it does happen. Immediately after the end of the intake of OK, the maturation of the egg and ovulation are provoked. In some cases, similar processes are observed during menstrual bleeding.

It follows that taking OK does not give any guarantees for the impossibility of conception during menstrual bleeding. This means that protection should be taken very seriously. Especially if the girl does not want to become a mother in the near future.


Ideally, menstruation leads to the formation of an unfavorable environment for the life of sperm. And so male cells quickly die, not having time to wait for the right day for fertilization.

However, sometimes even during menstruation, one can encounter successful fertilization of the egg. Doctors assure - the calendar method of protection is not reliable. And sexual intercourse during menstrual bleeding does not give any guarantees for the absence of a successful conception of a baby.

It follows that for safe sex it is better to use condoms. Interrupted intercourse, like making love during menstruation, has the risk of an unplanned "interesting position." Oral contraceptives can also fail in some situations.

From all of the above, it follows that on the first day of the "red days of the calendar" you can get pregnant only in exceptional cases. And ideally, the successful conception of a child occurs at ovulation.
