Statements about drug addiction. Aphorisms about drug addicts and alcoholics

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When a person gives in to his cravings, he is precisely giving in to cravings; this means that he freely renounces freedom in order to find an excuse for his lack of freedom.
Victor Frankl

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No body can be so strong that wine cannot damage it.

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Work hard and don’t mingle with those
Who likes to incite drunkenness.
As soon as I stopped lapping up the wine,
You will escape the destiny of the evil one -
Remember Hans Sachs' word.
Sachs Hans

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Constant drunkenness is harmful, it spoils the nature of the liver and brain, weakens the nerves, causes nerve diseases, and sudden death.
Ibn Sina

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Too much wine - not enough intelligence.

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Intoxication is true madness; it robs us of our abilities.

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Drunkenness is an exercise in madness.

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Drunkenness is the mother of all vices.
Abul Faraj

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Alcohol is an anesthesia that allows you to endure the operation called life.
George Shaw

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Vodka is white, but it stains your nose and tarnishes your reputation.
Anton Chekhov

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Wine brutalizes and brutalizes a person, hardens him and distracts him from bright thoughts, dulls him.
Fedor Dostoevsky

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We drink to each other's health and spoil our own health.
Jerome Jerome

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The first drink makes you happy, the third drives away the remaining happiness.
Evgeniy Grishkovets

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Do you know what this man drinks from the glass that trembles in his hand, which is shaking from drunkenness? He drinks tears, blood, the life of his wife and his children.
Felicite Lamennais

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You take away from a drunkard the most precious thing he has, which is more expensive than family, work and affection, and what can you give him in return?
P.B. Gannushkin

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I drink to forget that I drink.
Joe Lewis

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If something bad happens, you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens, you drink to celebrate; if nothing happens, you drink to make something happen.
Charles Bukowski

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The attraction to drinking, unlike the attraction to a woman, becomes chronic over time.
Horace Safrin

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I drink no more than a hundred grams, but after drinking a hundred grams, I become a different person, and this other person drinks a lot.
Emil Krotky

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In vain the doctor scolds the bottle,
There is no harm or filth in it,
And there are wings and a crutch,
And the most faithful drinking companion.
If it were not the Lord's will,
We wouldn't recognize alcohol;
So, drunkenness is not a vice,
And a lesson for the highest goodness.
Igor Guberman

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It's easy to quit drinking, but it's hard to convince your friends of it.
Art Buchwald

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Tall, intelligent, powerful
I have a reason for drunkenness:
Every chance that comes my way
I celebrate my existence.
Igor Guberman

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The border between light and shadow is you.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

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The moment when you inject yourself not so that you feel good, but so that you don’t feel bad, comes very quickly.
Edith Piaf

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Everything we do in life, even love, we do while on a fast train rushing towards death.
Smoking opium is like jumping out of a train at full speed.
Jean Cocteau

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In wine, melancholy looks for relief, cowardice looks for courage, indecision looks for confidence, sadness looks for joy, but they find only death.
Benjamin Johnson

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Some medicines are more dangerous than the diseases themselves.

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Smoking allows you to believe that you are doing something when you are doing nothing.
Ralph Emerson

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A boss found drunk will be punished with death.

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Drug addiction is a long-term enjoyment of death.
Francois Mauriac

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All gifted and progressive people in Russia were, are and will always be gamblers and drunkards who drink heavily...
Fedor Dostoevsky

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We will not help people by doing for them what they could do for themselves.
Abraham Lincoln

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I can't say I'm a healthy drinker. I can go for hours without drinking alcohol.
Noel Coward

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If the child does not feel that your house belongs to him too, he will make the street his home.
Nadine de Rothschild

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Intoxication is true madness.

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In the struggle between the heart and the head, the stomach ultimately wins.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

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To avoid becoming a drunkard, it is enough to have a drunkard in all his ugliness before your eyes.

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I have bad habits and I'm used to them.
Alexey Simonov

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While sober, make all your drunken promises come true - keep your mouth shut.
Ernest Hemingway

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Unable to exchange thoughts, people throw cards.
Arthur Schopenhauer

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Fathers lie, claiming that they are pursuing a career for the sake of their sons. They are ashamed to admit that they do it for their mothers.
Boleslaw Paszkowski

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Wine communicates four qualities to everyone who drinks it. At first, a person becomes like a peacock - he puffs up, his movements are smooth and majestic. Then he takes on the character of a monkey and starts joking and flirting with everyone. Then he becomes like a lion and becomes arrogant, proud, confident in his strength. But in the end he turns into a pig and, like her, wallows in the mud.
Abul Faraj bin Harun

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Serving others, I burn out.
An ancient doctor's motto

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...most people use sex as a drug - to escape from reality, forget about their problems, relax.
And, like any drug, it has harmful and destructive effects.
Paulo Coelho

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I don't drink anymore, but only when I sleep.
George Best

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Friends love you for who you are; your wife loves you and wants to make you a different person.
Gilbert Chesterton

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In 1969, he gave up women and alcohol. It was the worst 20 minutes of my life.
George Best

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Women deprive freedom only of those who do not know what to do with it.
Helena Zmievskaya

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Caring is about thinking about others. Example: one woman shot her husband with a bow so as not to wake up the children.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

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Only two forms of “entertainment” are available to our workers: vodka and beer. Most people choose vodka: it quickly leads a person to the desired end.
Valentin Sventsitsky

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The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.
Theodore Hesberg

There are many phrases invented by drug addicts that have become established expressions. For some they cause fear, but for others it is another way to rationalize their illness and not even try to undergo treatment. We decided to remember the most famous of them and destroy the myths associated with these statements. The choice fell on the following phrases, which addicts flaunt, frightening the “newcomers” of the drug movement.

Debunking the most famous myths

The most difficult thing for a drug addict is to start treatment. The drug users in his circle insist that nothing will help, that trying is useless. They are accustomed to operating with the following statements.

This statement is true to some extent. However, instead of “drug” the word “addiction disease” should be used. This the disease is incurable. However, this does not mean at all that you can give up on yourself. With an appropriate approach to treatment, the disease can be suspended and stable remission can be achieved (the person stops using drugs and gets rid of obsession with psychoactive substances). At the beginning of sobriety, it is best to be in a therapeutic community, where you can deal with internal problems in a calm environment. Remission can last a lifetime, and the drug will not wait.

Opened the groin - opened the coffin lid

This “catch phrase” was invented by people who used opium drugs. Active addiction causes the addict to do crazy things. At some point, he can no longer find a vein to give an injection (they are all compacted or “burned” by injections). The last thing drug addicts do is inject themselves into the groin area. Many begin to use this method of injecting drugs into the blood to hide traces of injections from others. It is believed that a drug addict who has “opened his groin” is doomed to death. However, this is not always true. If drug addiction treatment is started on time, death can be avoided. Among our graduates there are quite a few addicts who used drugs in the groin and now lead a healthy lifestyle.

Life without a buzz is “secondary”!

For independent people, the meaning of this phrase is unclear. Every drug addict understands perfectly well what we are talking about. Life without drugs seems gray and dull for many. No joy or happiness. In reality it is just an illusion. There is little joy during the post-acute recovery period - this is true. Over time the drug addict's body gradually recovers, the brain begins to release endorphins, and the person regains the ability to experience happiness in sobriety. You do not need to take antidepressants or other medications for this. Support from people who have experience living in sobriety or specialists plays a huge role.

The main problem that prevents many drug addicts from starting treatment is the fear of changes in their lives. “Terrible” phrases that a person heard from his environment while using them continue to ring in his head. However, all these fears are dispelled when a drug addict enters rehabilitation and communicates live with those who have remained sober for many years and have radically changed their lives.

Slang names for heroin: White, big dope, big, gera, gertrude, gerych, girik, main, shit, sad, dope, picker, brown, oblique, keg, medicine, horse, slow, cartoon, pepper, light, boring, elephant, sultan ( Danish, or generally imported heroin), lethal, bread, black, h.

In general, there are an infinite number of names for heroin in a teenager’s vocabulary; in telephone conversations, hiding from their parents, they can use a variety of “images,” most often food ones: “I need some fresh white bread”; “Send me a jar of black caviar”, “I want our milk”, etc.

Slang names for marijuana:Anasha, bashatumnay, boshki, ganj, garik, drach, dope, smoke, zharakha, hemp, hemp, manyaga, margot, marusya, marukha, milk, plan, plasticine, snuffbox, grass, weed, shala, shan, cones, slut.

Slang names for cocaine and crack: Puffed, cake, flour, kicker, coke, nose, fresh, snow, raw, accelerator, energy.

Slang names for raw opium (poppy straw or opium poppy): rise-grass, cake, koknar, konar, macha, machye, opiha, papa, papaver, turyak, khanka, chernukha, black, chernyashka, shnyaga.

Slang names for tablet drugs: Import, kaliki, kiliki, wheels - from this word come the most common argotic concepts denoting the process of taking tablet drugs (or medicines) for the purpose of intoxication - wheeling, wheeling, wheeling, etc., UFO, USA, tablets, dances, plates , tartlets, flowers, ecstasy.

Slang names for the process of injection and entering a state of drug intoxication: Bang, dangle, infuse, smear, rub in, drive, move, move, drive, push in, fill the pipe, get high, shoot up, smear, smear, get stoned, hang down, rest, stick out, relax, refuel, recharge, get better, put on, steam up , wake up, poke around, loosen up, loosen up, relax, stand up, get stimulated, crack, sting, hurt yourself, hit, splash, sniff, splash.Latest five titles most often used by drug addicts who use psychostimulants (pervitin, ephedrone).

Slang names for syringe: Unit, button accordion, Boeing, container, pencil (insulin syringe), horse, laiba, car, typewriter, pump, sprayer, planter, projectile (syringe “loaded” with a drug), violin, knot, ball (ball), shira.

Other names for injection needles: butterfly (intravenous catheter), pin, sample, sting, cannula, thorn, control, spear, bee, arrow, string, knot, awl, shira

Slang words used by drug addicts who use homemadepsychostimulants:

1. Pervitin: bolt, brew, boiled, screw, carbide (a very low quality drug), crossword, oil, strength, speed, incentive, smart, screw.

2. Ephedrone: bodyaga, talker, jeff, liquid gunpowder, crystal, chicken, marza, marzifal, mulk.

3. Slang words used to describe the process of preparing homemade psychostimulants: aper - any narcotic psychostimulant.pharmacist - a drug manufacturer or medical professional through whom drugs or psychoactive medications can be obtained.bodyaga, under-drug - low-quality drug solution.cook, chemist, businessman, banker - manufacturer of homemade drugs.hanger - pharmacy scales for weighing powder.choose - draw the solution into the syringe.Vtoryak is a plant material from which narcotic substances have already been extracted.extinguish the screw - complete the process of making, shortage, product - the general name of the components used to prepare drugs (characteristic phrases: “go to the capital for company”, “throw the body into the center for company”).crust - the dry residue of a substance after extraction.rubella, acid, sour, black, yellow - the names of the drug components needed for the - a place and a set of equipment for making drugs.beat off - isolate a drug from medicinal raw materials.distillation - evaporator.rooster is a cotton filter.anointing is an active substance with a large number of foreign chemical contaminants.shake the bottle - prepare Pervitin.estimate - weigh the powder.reactor - a bubble in which a reaction takes place.salute, snot, teff - the names of the main medicinal components of ephedrone.Stendhal - a set of red and black-brown reagents necessary for the manufacture of drugs (Stendhal is the author of the novel “Red and Black”).one hundred square meters - 0.1 grams of the main component pervitin.furik - a container, a container for powder, in which a chemical reaction occurs.teal - 1 gram of the main component pervitin.ephedora, gunpowder, crystals are the names of the main component of pervitin.

Common drug jargon words:

abstyaga- abstinence, drug withdrawal syndrome.

autopilot- continued ability to control oneself in a deranged state. As a rule, after the drug has stopped working, a person cannot remember what he did in a state of autopilot.

pharmacy- official (approved) medications used as drugs. Hence the often used expression of being friends with a pharmacy - constantly using medications as drugs or having easy access to them.

astral- a strange and unusual state of intoxication. Most often applied to the intoxication of LSD or hallucinogenic mushrooms. Used in combinations: go to the astral plane, get stuck in the astral plane.

base- drugs or place of purchase.

bucks- dollars.

banker- manufacturer of homemade drugs.

bank- sell homemade drugs.

huckster- a small-time heroin dealer who comes into direct contact with the addict.

bash, bash- a portion of the drug. Most often they say this about a cigarette or a marijuana cigarette.

tower- head, psyche.

trouble- drugs.

whiting- powder or ampoules of morphine and synthetic morphines used as a narcotic.

ben zine. Previously it was used taking into account contamination with “Ben” - the first respectful part of eastern names (Ben - Abdul). Today it can refer to any means used by substance abusers for inhalation, and in a respectful sense - LSD or cocaine (a source of energy, “fuel”).

weird, crazy- become morbidly addicted to something, most often in relation to tablet drugs or medications - get into trouble on wheels. In today's argot it can mean the madness of a drug addict (he has completely gone crazy).

butt- dilute the drug powder with drugs or chemicals that are similar in appearance before selling. May indicate the process of dissolving a drug in water - preparation for use

bolts- large, bulging eyes of drug addicts who are intoxicated.

Brahman- dealer in hallucinogens.

beefnik- a person who uses glue as a drug. A contemptuous term for any substance abuser.

rope- vein.

weight- wax paper with 1 gram of heroin.

A paddle is a spoon in which the drug powder is diluted with water; sometimes it is also called a syringe.

To blow up, to blow up - to light or be the first to light a marijuana cigarette being passed around.

An injection is a dose of a drug.

Air is money.

Hairy, hairy, hairy - hippie.

Volts - hallucinations and other illusions of perception.

To sell, to sell - to sell someone a diluted drug.

Vredina is a cigarette containing drugs.

Rubbed - under the influence of drugs.

Rub in - lie, deceive, promise something obviously impossible. Especially often - “to rub in glasses.”

Exhaust is the appearance of a taste sensation in the mouth after injections or taking psychostimulants. Exhausts are strictly defined. Addicts call them “apple”, “carbide”, “lilac”, “swamp”, “violet” and “garlic”.

Garage - cap for a syringe needle.

Hepak - viral hepatitis or a patient with this disease.

Gerfa is the name of one of the sleeping pills used as a narcotic.

A glitch is a hallucination. To catch glitches is to take hallucinogenic drugs. Hence the glucols.

Glyukach is a hallucinogen drug or corresponding addict.

Glyukalo is a delusional idea or hallucination that occurs under the influence of a drug.

The messenger is a small-time drug dealer.

A mycelium is a traditional place for group reception of hallucinogens (most often a country house).

Mushrooms is the general name for homemade hallucinogenic drugs made from a variety of mushrooms. Hence the “mushroom picker”, “mushroom picker”, and even “coffin”.

Driven - a drug addict intoxicated or a person who has gone crazy.

Derban is the territory or time of collection of narcotic plant materials: “Go to Derban”, “It’s time to Derban”.

A piece of wood is an ampoule with a ready-made drug (usually of medicinal origin).

Depression is a state of low mood and lack of energy during drug withdrawal.

Disco, disco - disco.

To catch up is to take a second dose of a drug after the first one seemed insufficient to achieve a high.

A dose, a dose - most often a wax paper with 0.05 grams of heroin, sometimes the dosage necessary to achieve a high (“my dose”).

The track is a purplish-red vein clearly visible under the skin, sclerosed by constant intravenous injections, also heroin or cocaine poured onto glass or paper, prepared for inhalation through the nose.

Draga - pharmacy.

Drach is a drug (usually marijuana).

Rubbish is a drug.

Blowing - puncture of the vein wall with a syringe, formation of subcutaneous infiltrate.

Doublet, hollow, doublet, otduplitsya - taking two or more drugs at the same time (possibly a drug together with vodka).

Duhar is a seeker of esoteric truth. Today it is very often used in relation to people who systematically take hallucinogens.

The oven is a company of duhars.

The hole is a permanent mark from the injection.

Ernik is a spoon in which the drug powder is diluted with water.

Lived - vein.

Cake - low-quality opium - raw.

Butting is the same as butting.

Slaughter - music, rock (“Under the slaughter and get high”).

Hover, hover - a state of narrowed consciousness with loss of the sense of time and getting stuck in a hangout or company.

Withered, withered - characteristics of an epileptic seizure, loss of consciousness or death associated with drug use (“... Kolya caught up and withered”)

Wedge (wedge) - see hallucinations

Stabbed - a completely degraded drug addict or a person who has been healed, living in a hospital, existing only on injections.

To stab yourself - abuse drugs or die from it. Often referred to as a “stabbed vein” about a vein.

Get confused - become fixated, stuck on some action after taking a drug (most often a psychostimulant). Very often, for example, girls spend hours squeezing out pimples on themselves, leading to the appearance of ulcers on their skin. Very often you can get confused while cleaning or solving the same crossword puzzle around the clock.

Fill, charge - draw the drug solution into the syringe.

Overgrow (about a vein) - the condition of a vein after frequent injections, a violation of its patency.

To clot - to inject a low-quality drug with the formation of blood clots and obstruction in a vein.

Green drugs are complete, doomed drug addicts.

The needle is a universal metaphor for drug addiction.

Treason, landing on treason is a universal term that describes any pathological state of consciousness that occurs as a result of an overdose of a narcotic substance. Most often this is a state of dullness or lack of contact with the outside world, but sometimes hallucinations and outbursts of unmotivated rage and aggressiveness are also called.

Inhalation is the process of smoking, cigarettes or cigarettes with marijuana.

Yogi is a drug addict who uses LSD and attends technodiscos.

A high is the actual state of intoxication with a drug.

A bad guy is a person who spoils the fun. Most often, a policeman or a doctor is a narcologist.

Cassette is the name of a piece of waxed paper containing a dose of a drug.

Pump - squeeze and unclench your hand with a tourniquet so that the veins become visible under the skin.

To smoke - to be a substance abuser (sniff vapors of certain substances).

Acid is the most common name for LSD.

Wedge, wedge - see hallucinations and describe them to others.

The book is a bag of drugs.

Books are drugs.

To drive around is to use narcotic pills.

Kolesnik is a drug addict who uses pills.

A well is a skin wound above a vein that does not heal from constant injections.

The mallet is a stamp on the recipe.

Control - blood in the syringe, indicating that the needle is in a vein.

Horse - a container with a drug (bag, vial, wafer). Most often this word is used to refer to the packaging in which the drug is delivered to a prison or hospital.

The ship is a paper bag with marijuana. “Ships” are “single-deck”, “double-deck” and “triple-deck” - depending on the amount of marijuana in the package.

Feeder - pharmacy or hospital.

Leather jacket - a rare name for a dose of heroin, as a rule, implies the poor quality of the “product”. Sometimes the same name is given to a cigarette or a rolled-up cigarette containing marijuana.

A joint is a cigarette or cigarette containing a drug.

Cross, crosses - pharmacy.

The roof is the head, the psyche. (“The roof has gone crazy from the drugs”).

Cube, cube (unit, square) - 1 milliliter of ready-made drug solution.

Cuckoo is a weak-minded, completely degenerate drug addict (usually taking psychostimulants).

Little Cuckoo is a juvenile drug addict.

Kumar (humar), kumarit, raskumarivaet, podkumarivaet - the first feeling of approaching withdrawal symptoms; a condition that occurs after the first dose of a drug has worn off; "premonition of withdrawal." Associated with the emergence of a very strong desire to take the drug. Can refer to any drug or drug intoxication.

A merchant is a larger drug seller who, as a rule, communicates not with drug addicts, but with hucksters.

Medicine is a drug.

Lepila is a medical professional from whom you can purchase drugs or prescriptions.

Treat - come to your senses during drug withdrawal syndrome

Personal seal - a forged personal seal of a doctor.

Withdrawal, breaking down - experiencing the acute part of drug withdrawal syndrome.

A shovel is a spoon in which the drug powder is diluted with water (“There are hepak all around, everyone should have their own shovel”).

A smearer, a smearer, is an experienced drug addict who knows how to give injections well.

Little one, little one - prescription form.

Makil, maklya, mahil, is a person who exchanges things for drugs, a drug dealer or the exchange process itself.

Mandrill, mandyushka - a fishing line or wire that is inserted into a used needle so that its lumen is not narrowed by salts.

Marafet - drugs.

Marathon - long-term constant use of drugs (especially hallucinogens) or drug use at dances.

Stamps - postage stamps with LSD applied to the surface for glue

Marza, marzan, marcephalus, martsovka are homemade narcotic substances manufactured using potassium permanganate.

Mass - a large dose of drugs.

Medal - bruise or inflammatory infiltrate after an unsuccessful injection.

Meditation is the spiritual practice of Buddhism and Hinduism. Today, the most common name for intoxication with hallucinogens is (“Took acid at the club and meditated until the morning”).

Broom - cotton swab for filtering.

Metro - axillary veins.

Music, muzon - in prison jargon meant strong tea, chifir. Today, after drugs have become the “property” of nightclubs, this word can mean any psychoactive substance.

Mulka - we highlight this word in the general dictionary because, recently, it can mean not only ephedrone, but also any other drug. It is also used to designate a substance made from “kontak” and “coldakt” - medicines for colds.

To stir up, to stir up, is a long and “exciting” process that causes pleasure and precedes the use of heroin: from the decision to go out looking for heroin to the moment of its use. Includes raising money to purchase the next dose, searching for a seller, company, and place of reception.

Fly agaric is the name of a mushroom. In slang it is often used as a disparaging name for a drug addict who uses hallucinogens.

Washed - a recipe on which previous entries are displayed, from wash - reduce entries.

To get a buzz, to get a buzz - take an unusually large dose.

Screw on, screw off - be arrested for drug distribution.

Swallowing wheels means drinking narcotic pills.

Drug addict, drug addict, drug addict, drug addict, drug addict.

Restlessness is the same as tramplers.

Nifil - filter swab.

Number, numbered - new samples of prescription forms with numbers.

Nulevka, zero - a new, unopened disposable syringe or needle.

To break the buzz is to spoil the pleasure.

Reversal, whorl - veins of the back of the hand.

A vegetable garden is an underground plantation of hemp, poppy, or a place (basement) for growing hallucinogenic mushrooms.

Squeeze - extract a drug from a decoction or raw material.

Break off dry - go through withdrawal without medication, usually in voluntary confinement.

A scumbag is an idiot, slow-witted. A frequent characteristic of a finished, completely degenerate drug addict.

To pass out - to become unconscious under the influence of a psychoactive substance (fall asleep, faint, etc.).

Relax - completely relax. The word, as a rule, is used for uncontrolled “rest” under the influence of drugs: (“my parents left, and I had a blast”).

Withdrawal is a drug withdrawal syndrome (the same as withdrawal).

Pal is the cheapest drug.

Pancatura - punks.

Patlaty - most often about hippies. Shaggy, with long, tangled hair.

Perfumery, perfume - narcotic drugs made from perfume.

Pervak ​​is the first high-quality drug solution obtained from pure raw materials.

Sort through - filter.

Interrupt - re-inject after an unsuccessful one.

Overdose - overdose.

Constriction is a tourniquet applied to a vein.

Petnashka, Semnashka, Nevnashka, etc. - Moscow psychiatric and drug treatment hospitals.

Rooster - a piece of cotton wool used as a filter.

Planokisha is a drug addict and smoker.

Plast - packaging of tablet medications.

Side effects are side effects when injecting drugs, for example, a severe headache or vomiting.

The cook is a manufacturer of homemade drugs.

The feat is taking drugs.

Warm up - treat someone with a small dose of a drug.

To get someone hooked is to persuade someone to take a drug for the first time.

Search, temptation - a state of narrowed consciousness during drug withdrawal, expressed in a continuous search for either drugs “hidden” by someone, or in the search for other small objects.

Polina is a polish, an alcohol varnish with the addition of resinous substances, used by drug addicts as an intoxicant.

Snuff is a dose of drug used to inhale through the nose.

Getting lost is a state of complete loss of contact with the outside world, stupor, a feeling of being unable to think, which appears during a drug overdose.

Sitting on your ear means letting go, talking nonstop and without meaning, “verbal diarrhea.”

Sucker, sucker girl - a girl who lives for some time with one of the drug sellers or manufacturers.

The high is (not to be confused with a high!) the first most powerful and acute moment of the drug’s action, the feeling of its presence in the blood, the drug hit. The high comes when the arrival ends. In the speech of drug addicts you can also hear: “fall on the arrival”, “catch on the arrival”, “have to come”, etc.

A parish girl is a girl who is a drug addict who regularly has sexual intercourse with a drug distributor or manufacturer (in exchange for a drug).

To commit treason is to go crazy and experience hallucinations.

A plug is dirt in a needle or a blood clot in a vein.

Run - filter the solution.

Sell ​​by weight - sell heroin in quantities of at least 1 gram.

Pumping is driving blood through a syringe that is not removed from the vein. In this way, the drug addict tries to use the drug that may have remained on the walls of the syringe.

A blotter - filter paper or a completely degraded girl - a drug addict.

Prukha, rushing, pretz - the same as the buzz.

Punch is a mixture of alcohol with pills and drugs.

Pusher is a small-time drug dealer.

Pykha (puff, puff) - smoking, often narcotic.

To dissolve is to dilute heroin for resale or dilute the powder with water.

To be taken to the market - as a rule, refers to a girl drug addict who uses stimulants, who was pitied and left to participate in the general process of "getting high" with the help of psychostimulants - the meaningless and continuous chatter of the entire group of drug addicts.

Enter into a round dance - make sure that a drug addict girl, while intoxicated, will participate in gang rape (used as a sexual partner by all members of the group).

To swindle, to swindle for money - to deceive, to extort money.

Razderbanit - divide the dose of the drug.

To promote (for money) - to obtain money or drugs from someone through persuasion or deception.

Relashka is a tranquilizer used as a narcotic or medication during withdrawal symptoms.

Unwind - start using drugs after a break or to ease withdrawal symptoms.

To draw is to make a fake recipe, hence the artist is the one who does it well.

Getting into the system means experiencing physical dependence on a drug, requiring a constant increase in dose.

Get on a needle and start injecting yourself.

Sitting (on) - constantly using any drug

Blue - a burned, thrombosed vein (the same as the track).

The system is a hippie or a state of painful drug addiction.

Siphon - subcutaneous infiltration after an incorrect injection.

Withdraw - reduce the dose of the drug or switch to lighter drugs.

A dream book is a sleeping pill or drug without which a drug addict cannot fall asleep.

Nozzle, nozzles - liquids for dry cleaning clothes, used by substance abusers as a drug.

Snot, snot - a juvenile drug addict, a substance abuser.

Staf is a drug.

Stimulus - a drug addict, “sitting” on ephedrone or pervitin.

Glass - ready-made ampoule with a drug, medical drugs.

The arrow is a meeting place, in the broadest sense of the word.

Stream - fear, anxiety that develops with the onset of withdrawal syndrome. Hence the words stremophobia or stremopathy.

Sushnyak (1) - drug powder.

Dry vein (2) - sclerotic vein.

Dryness (3) - inhuman thirst during withdrawal.

A tablet specialist, a pill addict - a drug addict who uses narcotic pills, or a psychiatrist - narcologist.

Cockroach is a liquid for fighting cockroaches, used as a narcotic substance.

Saucer Man is one of the universal slang words for people who are interested in UFOs, the occult, magic, etc.

Tasca is the pleasure obtained from drugs.

The Cart is a delusional, endless story told by a drug addict while intoxicated. From such stories that everyone tells, but no one listens, the expression “bring it to the market” is formed.

Warm - drunk.

A grater is a fake doctor's prescription, hence a grater is a pharmacy.

The product is a drug.

Tolkushka - a fake doctor's prescription.

Toxic - substance abuser

Stompers, stompers (stompers, stompers) - a state of excitement, restlessness, restlessness, usually caused by the side effects of medications prescribed by a doctor. This condition can also occur as a direct effect of the action of narcotic drugs (especially if they were diluted with psychotropic drugs during repurchase).

Torch is a drug (previously this was what was called marijuana). The word can also refer to the drug addict himself and is used as a synonym for the word “high.”

A brake is a slow-witted, poorly thinking person or... a narcologist (one who slows down the process of taking drugs).

To hang around is to constantly take a drug.

A junkie is a drug addict.

Point - a place where you can buy drugs (“I took the goods at the point”).

A herbalist is a marijuana addict or manufacturer of hallucinogenic drugs.

Tricorne - fake triangular clinic seal.

The tube is a thick vein that is clearly visible under the skin.

Tryakhalovo (shaking) is the name of an adverse reaction - convulsive twitching of the limbs and an increase in temperature when a contaminated solution enters the blood of a drug addict.

Tusovka is a company.

Craving is a strong desire to take a drug, a pathological attraction to it (“The craving is such that there is no urine”).

Craving (2) - one puff of a cigarette or cigarette with a drug (“They left me only one craving”).

Traction (3) is the solvent with which the substance is extracted.

To smoke - to smoke, to puff on a drug-laced cigarette.

To kill, to kill - to get high on a drug (usually anasha). For example, “He’s dead with marijuana, why talk to him.”

Intoxication is a state of pronounced drug intoxication.

Nest, get into the nest - get a needle into a vein.

Corner - rolling cigarettes with marijuana.

A bruised person is an abnormal, strange person. A complete drug addict.

Phase, phase shift - madness or abnormal strange behavior.

To cheat is to annoyingly persuade someone to take a drug.

A candy wrapper is an empty wafer (usually waxed paper from a drug).

Flavovy is a sympathetic hippie, treats them kindly, and takes drugs with them.

To skip - to skip classes or lessons.

Fen is a homemade drug powder that is a mixture of amphetamines.

A fuflyak is a hematoma or boil that appears at the injection site.

Fufyr is a bottle of drugs.

Swag, swag - income, profit, winnings (most often about the resale of drugs).

Challah - easy, easily obtained income, profit, etc.

A freebie is something easy, given for free, for free. (“I got the dose for free”).

Khanka - drugs.

Khanyga is a completely degenerate drug addict.

A chemist is a drug addict or drug manufacturer.

Chemistry - any drugs or toxic substances.

Hippie - act like a hippie.

Hippo - similar to hippies. The most common characteristic of an idle, bohemian existence and its attributes, which include drugs.

Hee hee - a madhouse or a drug treatment hospital.

Khmyr - a degenerate drug addict

Refrigerator - room for detainees at the police station.

Hottabych is a drug addict addicted to hallucinogens.

Crested - punk.

Laughter, laughter - causeless laughter, a state when a person is amused by absolutely everything that occurs under the influence of psychostimulants.

Chronologist (chrenologist) - narcologist.

Crunches, crunches - money.

Color music is drug intoxication. Most often, intoxication is caused by hallucinogenic drugs.

The center is the main one, enjoying the greatest authority. “Central drug addict”, respectively, related to the sale of drugs or the possibility of obtaining them.

Center, center - the ulnar vein, located in the elbow bend.

Tsidulka - a certificate from a narcological hospital about the course of treatment carried out.

Cycle, cycle, cycle - cyclodol.

Cycle, cycle, cyclodol - use cyclodol as a drug.

To smoke is to smoke a cigarette containing drugs.

Chadny - a person drunk on drugs.

Chaldon is a tramp, a beggar, a degenerate drug addict.

To hang around - to loiter around, beg, walk.

Roan - the word came from prison slang. In narcotics argot it denotes a “highly experienced” drug addict who has been treated and served time in prison.

Chasing - a strong desire for something, an attraction to drugs (“I was attacked by a comb for marijuana”).

To repair, to be repaired - to be treated, to undergo a course of treatment.

Chifir, chifer - tea brewed in a special way, used as a narcotic.

Chicha is an abscess at the injection site.

Plague is a drug.

Chumovoy - drunk, under the influence of drugs.

A shaman is a person engaged in a mysterious task. Often a universal characteristic of a person addicted to hallucinogenic drugs.

To smoke - to smoke marijuana.

A ball is one milliliter of a ready-made drug solution.

Shara is something free, given.

Sharovoy is a drug addict.

Shiza is a crazy, strange person. Anything that causes a state of unusual, strange intoxication or this state itself. Hence the schizo, the crazy one.

Shirka - drugs or any intoxicating substance. A syringe can also be called.

Shirevo, shirevo, shire - drugs.

Shiryalshchik, shiryalo, shiryalnoy is a drug addict.

Skin, skin - leather.

Slag is a raw material for making drugs.

Slender, slend, slend - engage in prostitution to obtain drugs. It can also mean simply carousing or idleness.

Shmal - cigarettes with drugs.

To be naughty, to be naughty, to be naughty, to be naughty - to smoke a cigarette (most often with marijuana).

To wander around, to wander around - to wander, wander or be afraid of someone and hide.

Shnyaga is one of the intermediate products of artisanal heroin production.

Shpiganka is a drug or one dose of a drug.

Shtaket, shtaketina - a cigarette with a drug, most often with marijuana.

Fur coat, fur coat-like or fur coat-like are words that came into jargon from psychiatric terminology. Strange behavior under the influence of drugs. Behavior of a crazy person. As a rule, they characterize the state of a drug addict under the influence of hallucinogens.

shuga, shugan, shugnyak - unmotivated fear during drug withdrawal.

Pike, pike, is a major supplier of drugs.

Ephedrine, ephedrine addict - use ephedrine as a narcotic drug. And, accordingly, the person who does it.

Poison is a drug (“came home and swallowed poison”).

Many thanks to all my volunteer assistants who helped and continue to help in compiling this dictionary!
