Choosing mobile Internet - which operator is better? Which operator has the best mobile internet.

Many Russian citizens actively criticize mobile operators for poor quality of service, slow mobile Internet, high prices, communication problems, unexpected debits and connection of unnecessary services. Yes, perhaps the operators MTS, Beeline, MegaFon and Tele2 are really not the most honest in relation to the Russians, but their quality of service is at a very high level, the TelecomDaily agency came to this conclusion.

This analytical agency conducted a study in Russia in November 2017 in order to assess the quality of coverage, mobile Internet speed and, of course, the quality of voice communications. The study involved four operators from the "big four", that is, "MTS", "Beeline", "MegaFon" and Tele2. As a result, after testing, foreign experts were amazed at the quality of services provided by all four of these operators.

As stated on their website, they drove over 2,500 km across Russia in a special vehicle that is equipped with measuring equipment. According to them, it emulates the work of modern smartphones, but at the same time captures all indicators every few seconds. When the testing was completed and the results were calculated, the experts hurried them to the European operators. In the end, there was no limit to their surprise.

In particular, the worst mobile operator in Russia in terms of the total number of indicators was Tele2, which has the highest latency (ping) and a number of other disadvantages, but it also has a number of advantages, which were not enough to outperform its main competitors. As a result, experts identified the following advantages for all cellular Russian cellular operators:


  • Maximum speed in 3G networks
  • Minimum ping (latency)
  • Good sound quality


  • The highest average speed in 3G networks
  • Maximum speed in 4G networks


  • The most stable connection
  • Maximum average speed in 4G networks
  • The highest speed in 4G networks
  • Minimum number of breaks in voice communication
  • Low connection time - dialing to the subscriber in a few seconds
  • The highest average speed in 4G networks
  • Maximum average speed in 3G networks

If the same indicators are declared for operators, then this means that their indicators are within the error range from 0 to 10%. Thus, in terms of the combination of qualities, MegaFon was recognized as the best operator, which provides the most stable connection to the network, the minimum number of interruptions during telephone conversations and many other features. The second place was taken by MTS, which turned out to be significantly better than Beeline in terms of the quality of advanced sound within the framework of voice services. The third position was taken by Beeline.

As for the worst operator, it turned out to be Tele2. The experts were able to find out that it has the highest average speed in 4G networks and the highest average speed in 3G networks. In other words, its Internet is extremely fast, but the connection stability and coverage leave much to be desired. Although this did not play any role in the study, the cost of his services is the lowest among all the others.

It is noted that the quality of mobile Internet in Russia is generally significantly higher than in Europe. This applies not only to the stability of the connection, but also to the speed of downloading information. In addition, Russian citizens have access to better voice services, while in Europe things are much worse.

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In our age, the Internet for most of its users is not just entertainment, but also a place of work. If it is not possible to use the usual, then mobile Internet is perfect. Which operator is better and will be discussed in this article.

General information about tariffs for mobile Internet of cellular communication:

It should be noted right away that in different regions the quality and speed of the same mobile operator may vary. When choosing the Internet for use, you should also consider what it will be used for.

Three operators can be considered the biggest competitors in the field of these services: MTS, Megafon, Beeline below about each in more detail:

MTS Mobile Internet Tariffs

PC tariff:

Mobile Internet tariff for tablet:

The optimal tariff for the phone:

For those who rarely use the Internet

Mobile Internet from Megafon

Beeline mobile internet tariffs

For mobile phone WAP

For laptops tablets and PCs

Each of them has its own tariffs for receiving the Internet. Megafon and MTS has a wide range of tariff options.

If we talk about regional superiority, then MTS and Beeline can provide the best Internet only in Moscow and the Moscow region. And for the Volga region, Megafon is more popular, since it is this operator that provides the Internet there with the highest quality.

The price of the service may fluctuate. It will depend on how often you use the Internet and, accordingly, which package you have connected. For example, if you just need to view the news or some information, while 100 Mb / day is enough for you, then the tariff from MTS “Super Bit” will suit you.

USB modems from mobile operators

In order to get higher speeds, the user can purchase a modem from a cellular connection. However, you need to choose them after weighing the pros and cons. According to consumer reviews, the most unsuccessful are modems from MTS. The best operators are Beeline and Megafon. In addition, their prices differ significantly.

Thus, having decided for yourself what quality of Internet you need, as well as analyzing the quality of the Internet in your region from various mobile operators, you can safely purchase either a service package or a modem. In any case, the choice will depend on your personal preferences.

Dozens of daily calls, hundreds of reasons to go online - this has long been a part of our daily lives. And if, as a rule, there are no significant problems with calls within Russia and not only, then things are not so good with mobile Internet. This article will consider the advantages and disadvantages of some major Russian operators, namely, their Internet access services.

Which telecom operator is the best for the Internet - Megafon

Being one of the leaders in its segment, Megafon tries to use only the most modern equipment, for example, equipment that provides access to 4G mobile Internet. It should be noted that the equipment of the previous generation is also used by the company.

If there are no problems within the city when accessing the Internet, then some interference begins behind it. To eliminate this problem, the installation of special base stations in the area is required. It is Megafon that directs a large number of its forces to equip even the most sparsely populated areas with such bases. And this is a plus of this operator.

  • 3G - 5 mgb/s;
  • 4G - 50 mgb / s.

Minimum fare:

From two hundred rubles for 500 MB of traffic. As a conclusion from the previous paragraphs, the Internet speed from the Megafon operator, in most cases, remains high, regardless of your location. But it also follows that the prices for services will not be the lowest.

Which telecom operator is the best for the Internet - Beeline

Average speeds in Moscow:

  • 3G - 6 mgb/s;
  • 4G - 45 mgb / s.

Minimum fare:

From two hundred rubles for 1 GB of traffic.

As the results show, mobile Internet from Beeline in the capital is pretty good. The services of this operator can be safely used if you plan to use them in the city or at a short distance from it.

Which telecom operator is the best for the Internet - MTS

Relative to previous competitors, this representative of the "Big Three" has the smallest network coverage area. Therefore, the Internet speed in sparsely populated areas may be slow. This operator does not burden its customers with various promotions and tariff plans of various categories. But as statistics show, many users speak unflatteringly about the Internet services of this operator. Most often, problems occur outside the city limits.

Of the advantages, a large number of tariffs can be distinguished.

Average speeds in Moscow:

  • 3G - 3 mgb/s;
  • 4G - 40 mgb / s.

These are average figures relative to other operators.

Minimum fare:

Two hundred and twenty rubles for 500 MB of traffic. At the moment it is the most expensive mobile Internet operator.

Which telecom operator is the best for the Internet - Tele 2

This operator has the smallest number of base stations in Russia. As a result, communication with the Internet is subject to some failures and interference. Be sure to take into account the lowest cost of tariffs.

The minimum cost of the tariff: 100 rubles for 2 GB of traffic.

Internet speed in Moscow:

  • 3G - 20 mgb / s;
  • 4G - 40 mgb / s.

It's just that the huge speed of 3G compared to other operators is really surprising, and this at such a low cost.


As it turned out, Megafon can be safely called the leader in this segment. For not the highest cost, you will get high-quality and fast Internet connection anywhere. Tele 2 surprises customers with the profitability of its offer, so it will be a great option for the city. Beeline can also be attributed to the most profitable and high-quality operators, but only in the city. MTS turned out to be the most unprofitable and low-quality operator of all. Be sure to say that the indicators and cost of services in different regions of the country may differ.

Be sure to say that the indicators and cost of services in different regions of the country may differ.

Our comparative material will help you find the cheapest unlimited internet for your smartphone. In it, we took into account the current offers on the unlimited market. Officially, they are present in the following operators

  • Beeline;
  • Danycom;
  • Tinkoff Mobile.

We will study the rates and options, after which we will find the cheapest offer.

Unlimited from MTS

The first operator to launch Internet for mobile phones in 2018. It is represented by the Tariffische tariff plan. The minimum subscription fee is 650 rubles / month (for Moscow and Moscow Region). It includes 500 minutes, 500 SMS and unlimited traffic. The tariff works throughout Russia, but there is a limit on trips - 500 Mb / day, after which the speed drops to 128 kbps. But minutes can be spent on any direction. Few minutes and SMS - take more, the maximum package - 1500 minutes and messages for 1550 rubles / month.

Following the Tarifische tariff, MTS launched the “A lot of Internet” option for expensive tariff plans with a monthly fee. These included Smart Zabugorishche, Nash Smart and all active and archive versions of Smart+, Ultra, VIP and Smart Top tariffs. Subscription fee - only 200 rubles / month. Use the command *111*837*1# to activate this option.

Distribution of Internet traffic is not possible, there are also restrictions on the use of file-sharing resources. Use in modems is not allowed.

Unlimited from Beeline

The mobile operator Beeline was the first to react to the innovation from MTS. Unofficial information about the launch of the unlimited appeared on the same day, and the next day it became official. The promotional option "Unlimited Internet" for the tariff line "Everything" became available to subscribers. It is provided free of charge and without connection fees. In Moscow, it is connected to all tariffs of the line, starting with VSEMO2. The subscription fee is 20 rubles / day, which translates into 600-620 rubles / month.

Offer from Danycom

In our opinion, this is the best mobile Internet. Here are three reasons:

  • Low subscription fee - unlimited is available on the Xenon tariff with a monthly payment of 699 rubles.
  • Good coverage in Moscow and the regions - Danycom uses the Tele2 infrastructure, which has paid attention to increasing the number of 4G base stations.
  • The Internet is available on any device - modems, tablets, smartphones and routers.

There are three disadvantages:

  • "Xenon" is not available for the transition - you have to buy a separate SIM card.
  • Voice communication does not work on the tariff - it is impossible to call anywhere.
  • Danycom operates in a limited number of regions - rapid development is scheduled for 2019 only.

This is an inexpensive and fast Internet from a new virtual operator. If there is no wired provider in the house, it is best to choose services from Danycom.

Unlim from Tinkoff Mobile

Of the virtual operators, Tinkoff was the first to offer truly unlimited internet. Its cost is 999 rubles / month with the possibility of distribution (it is likely that in the near future this functionality will be paid). At the same time, minutes can be disabled completely, leaving only traffic. The Tinkoff Mobile tariff is unique, but customizable - the choice of service packages is carried out through a personal account. The coverage area is the whole country.

Final results and favorable rates

Beeline turned out to have the cheapest Internet - from 600 rubles / month. In some regions, where unlimited is connected to the VSEmoё1 tariff, it will cost even less. No less interesting is the offer from Danycom - 699 rubles / month with traffic for any device. Tinkoff looks more expensive against its background, given the complete coincidence of coverage areas.

In the end, it all depends on the availability of a particular operator in those places where you use communication most often. For example, you can choose MTS for a summer residence - the number of its base stations outside big cities is higher than that of Danycom and Tinkoff (both work on Tele2).

What is the easiest and most affordable way to choose high-quality and inexpensive mobile Internet at home, at the dacha, at work? An important indicator is not only the pricing policy, which differs slightly in conditions of high competition, but also the speed. If you don’t want to wait hours for the required video to load, then you need to pay attention to this criterion first of all.

Attention! With a download speed of less than 1Mg, be prepared for the fact that you will not be able to watch movies online. For high-quality video communication via Skype, you need at least 500 Kb per second. for receiving and transmitting. For online games from 256 to 512 KB per second.

The speed of the Internet at each particular point depends on the equipment and technical support of a particular operator.

The most important indicator when choosing is the speed of mobile Internet

Speed ​​testing and finding the most suitable operator

  1. Familiarize yourself with the basic tariffs on the official websites of the main telecom operators.
  2. Find a suitable tariff that meets your needs in terms of cost and speed and write out several options.
  3. Try to find a map of base stations of operators in your region (the map is not available everywhere). This is necessary in order to decide which Internet will work best.
  4. The most difficult and lengthy stage: network testing. To do this, you need a smartphone with 3G support on Android or any 3G modem. Or you can immediately buy a modem, so that it is not tied to any specific operator, otherwise it will not work to test the networks. If you do not want to buy, then you can look for renting a 3G modem or borrow it from friends for a while.
  5. For testing, you need to get SIM cards of the three main operators, the tariffs of which you have written out. Connect to them the cheapest Internet and enter the network.
  6. You can check the Internet speed from your phone or modem at It is advisable to check several times during the day. This will help identify problem periods for each operator.
  7. If you are satisfied with the measurement result, connect the optimal tariff and use it. If you don't like the speed, try other providers' networks.

Overview of tariffs of the main operators

Let's say you have found several operators that are quite satisfied in terms of data transfer speed. The choice of one of them will now depend on the most favorable conditions. As a rule, the services of the "big three" are approximately on the same level, but each has its own nuances and highlights that will tip the scales when choosing. In addition, Tele2 operates in some regions, which is a good competitor to the main operators.

Advice. If you have an uncertain signal reception (this can be determined by the "sticks"), the speed can be increased by purchasing a 3G antenna. Advanced technicians will be able to do it themselves.

Almost every provider has a set of special packages that include mobile Internet. But there are also unlimited tariffs, however, since 2015, they also began to take into account the consumed traffic.

The optimal mobile Internet speed is from 512 Kb per second

Offer from Megaphone

For those who vitally need more Internet, the operator offers a number of interesting options. They are differentiated by the average volume of monthly traffic and may well be connected at any tariff. It happens that the SIM card is used only on the modem. So, Megafon-online is better suited for her with no monthly fee, plus an Internet package.

One of the most economical packages - from 70 MB per day with daily payment. The largest package costs about 1300 rubles. Theoretically, it should be unlimited, but in fact only night traffic is not limited. For all 30 days, you have to divide the monthly rate. 3 GB will cost the user 350 rubles, and 36 GB for a modem or router - 890 rubles.

Beeline operator and mobile Internet

The "yellow-black" operator, as subscribers lovingly call it, offers a package of services called "Highway". In many respects it is similar to the previous operator, but the most voluminous set of Internet options is a bit more expensive.

Advice. Typically, a phone number that has not yet been called or sent SMS is canceled after 90 days. If you connect “Internet forever” with free traffic to it, then the number will not be blocked.

20 GB with the condition of unlimited traffic at night costs 1200 rubles. per month.
The basic tariff that satisfies the average needs for downloading video and audio files is called "Internet Forever". It differs by the absence of a subscription fee and a monthly gift in the form of 200 MB.

The advantage of this provider is that modems work in all corners of Russia.

Internet services of the MTS network

MTS pleases its users with a line of Internet packages that are a bit similar to competitors' offers. Modems from MTS operate throughout Russia, but a separate fee is provided for this service.

Experts have calculated that the traffic fee at the most voluminous tariff is slightly higher than that of Megafon, and slightly lower than Beeline. The base tariff for modems is MTS Connect. 30 GB of traffic with a nightly unlimited will cost the user 1200 rubles, and the minimum tariff is 3 GB for 350 rubles.

Interestingly, after the unexpected exhaustion of the limit, it can be purchased in addition. By the way, the operator has an interesting opportunity - "Turbonights", when you can connect an additional night unlimited for only 200 rubles.

Mobile Internet from Tele2

At the end of 2015, the long-awaited operator Tele2 came to Moscow. It is famous for its low prices for communication and mobile Internet. He lived up to expectations - the Internet can be used at several rates:

  • 15 GB of traffic for 599 rubles per month;
  • 7 GB of traffic for 299 rubles;
  • 30 GB of traffic for 899 rubles.

At the same time, you can connect, for example, to the “Very Black” tariff and get 1000 minutes of calls to phones throughout Russia, 1000 SMS and 10 GB of traffic for 599 rubles.

If the limit is exceeded, the speed decreases, but you can continue to use the Internet.

There is one thing - the phone from which the Internet is supposed to be used must support 3G or 4G.

Additional offers

The decision to choose a mobile operator for unlimited Internet primarily depends on the conditions provided by the provider. They may change over time, so check the relevance on the websites of the operators or in the support service. It is also important to take into account additional opportunities and the speed of information transfer in your area.

Mobile Internet of which operator to choose - video
