Time is formed by adding ed. Simple Rules for Word Endings in English

Endings in English occupy an important place in grammar. Despite the fact that there are only three types of endings, each of them has an important grammatical load. Endings are needed for education, obtaining the verb of the possessive case and temporary forms of the Continuous group, obtaining some forms and in many other grammatical cases, each of which is worth analyzing in more detail.

Ending s/es

One of the most common English endings is s/es. Adding this ending helps to make the noun plural, possessive, and 3rd person singular tense verb.


The Present Simple tense uses the third person singular form of the verb with the ending -s/-es.

Mary makes a pizza Mary is making pizza.
The Moon goes round the Earth- The moon revolves around the earth.
Jim likes to lie- Jim likes to lie down.


Almost all nouns in English are pluralized by adding the ending -s/es.

cat - cats(cat - cats)
ball-balls(ball - balls)
eagle - eagles(eagle - eagles)
pen-pens(handle - handles)

If the word ends in -sh, -ch, -z, -x, -o, or -ss, the plural form is -es.

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witch - witches(witch - witches)
potatoes(potato - potatoes)
fox - foxes(fox - foxes)
bush - bushes(bushes - bushes)
class - classes(class - classes)


The endings of words in the possessive case are always written with an apostrophe. In the case when the noun already ends in -s or is in the plural, only an apostrophe is added instead of the ending.

it is John's pen This is John's pen.
Alice's best friend- Alice's best friend.
the children's grandfather- The children's grandfather.
kids' textbook- Children's textbook.

ending ed

English uses the ending -ed to form the second form of the regular past simple verb, to form the third form of the regular verb in perfect tenses, and to create the past participle.

Yesterday she watched new movie She watched a new movie yesterday.
Bob has loved her since childhood- He loves her since childhood.
The snow had stopped when Kate left office- The snow stopped when Kate left the office.
open window- Opened window.

ending ing

Adding the ending -ing serves to form the fourth form of the verbs of the Continuous and Perfect Continuous tense groups, as well as to create verbal adjectives. Our table will help you figure it out.



Verbal adjectives (gerunds) are formed by adding the ending -ing.

Mary like swimming- Mary loves swimming.
She likes reading– She loves reading.
Thanks for coming- Thank you for coming.

Video about endings in English:

Probably, each of us remembers how he stood at the chalkboard in the lesson of the beautiful and powerful Russian language and for some unknown reason drew an arc over the word, then a tick, then a square. This whole entertaining process was pathetically called parsing a word into morphemes, namely: a prefix, a root, a suffix and, of course, an ending. We will talk about the latter, but only in English, today. There might be something you don't know!

Speaking purely in the language of grammar, then under the concept of "ending" ( ending) or the buzzword "flexion" ( inflexion) from the Latin “to bend” - to bind, it means the variable part responsible for the process of forming different variations of the same word, to the main form of which special elements are added. Through these manipulations, grammatical meanings are expressed, that is, the special role that a unit of speech plays in a sentence. The endings in English grammar include: possessive case (" s); plural (- s / -es); present 3rd person + singular (- s); past tense (- d), (-ed) or (- t) and ending (- ing). Well, now in order.

Inflection ""s" in English

Possessive ( possessive case) is used when we need to say that something belongs to someone. This very case is formed by adding a special sign to the end of the word " " » apostrophe and endings «- s". Below are a few examples to illustrate.

Ending -s / -es / -ies in English

First, the simple present tense, known to everyone as the Present Simple. It is used when we talk about some facts or ordinary actions.
We form the present tense using the basic form of the infinitive (without the particle to). Golden rule: third person singular ( he / she / it) just requires an ending after itself - s / -es / -ies. For example:

Every morning Kelly eat s a sandwich with blueberry jam and peanut butter and drink s a mug of coffee for breakfast.
Every morning, Kelly eats a blueberry jam sandwich with peanut butter for breakfast and drinks a mug of coffee.

Secondly, when it is necessary to use a plural noun ( plural nouns), according to the rule of plural formation, to the form of a noun in singular, depending on which letter is at the end, the ending is added - s / -es / -ies. For example:

Pumpkin, don't forget to buy 10 donuts s.5 orange s and 3 bananas s, please.
Pumpkin, please don't forget to buy 10 donuts, 5 oranges and 3 bananas.
vowel + y / other cases -ch / -sh / -s / -ss
-x / -z / -o
consonant + y
to slay - he / she / it slays
a gun - guns
to fuss - he / she / it fusses
a coach - coaches
to ply - he / she / it plies
a wherry - wherries

Ending -ed / -ied / -d / -t in English

First, the ending ed inherent regular English verbs(regular verbs), which are used in past simple. As you know, the simple past tense is used to state a fact or describe a series of actions that directly followed each other in the past. Education formula: verb(without to): bombinate ( buzz) + ed = bombed(buzzed). Example in context:

james got in the old clunker, started the engine and drove off.
James got into his wreck, started the engine, and pulled away.
consonant consonant + y vowel irregular forms
to yell - yelled
to belong - belonged
to vary - varied
to cry-cry
to whine
to bake - baked
to send - sent
to feel - felt

Secondly, - ed also found in the past participle ( participle II). The participle is the golden mean, where the signs of the verb, adjective and adverb coexist comfortably, which answers the question “ what (s) did?», « which?". For example:

The quote, present ed in the article caught my attention.
The quote presented in the article caught my attention.

The Quote which? or " what did?» — presented, i.e. the action, as it were, has already been completed - it has already been used in the article. The participle defines the subject in the sentence, supplementing it with new facts and signs.

Ending -ing in English

Firstly, the ing ending is used when constructing long English tenses continuous = Progressive. For example:

Currently, my bearded mate is play ing PS4.
At the moment my bearded friend is playing on PS4.

Here Present Continuous: Auxiliary linking verb to be in the required form + infinitive of the semantic verb without to, but with the ending - ing. However, tenses that emphasize an action or state in the process also include Perfect Continuous = Perfect Progressive. For example:

A bearded mate of mine has been play ing PS4 for six hours already.
My bearded buddy has been playing PS4 for 6 hours now.

Present Perfect Continuous: Linking Auxiliary Verb to have in the right form + been + infinitive of a semantic verb (without to), but with the ending - ing.

Secondly, - ing found in the present participle ( participle I), which answers the following questions: which?», « what doing?», « what doing? Example:

That woman chill ing on the sofa, is my future wifey.
That woman relaxing on the couch is my future wife.

We observe that the participle is formed by adding the ending - ing to basic verb form and introduces new features that are characteristic of the subject.

verb base + -ing
finagle + -ing = finagle ing

verb base + -ed
finagle + -ed = finagle ed

Thirdly, the same inflection is also used with the gerund ( gerund), a special form of the verb that behaves in a sentence like subject(subject), an object(predicate) or predicate(definition/circumstance). Gerundium to some extent resembles exactly a verbal noun, for this reason it can be translated into Russian as an infinitive, a subordinate clause or a noun. A few examples to illustrate:

My buddy's favorite occupation is hang ing out with friends.
My friend's favorite pastime is hanging out with friends.
Well, to be honest, I'm not engrossed in pastel draw ing.
Well, to be honest, I'm not into pastels.

Types of English endings

Today we have put together the most common endings that are used everywhere in the English language. We hope that from now on you will have a complete picture of what the ending is, what it can be, when exactly and where it should be used. If there were few endings, then catch English suffixes for dessert. Yummy!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

The ending -ed in English allows you to bring communication to new times - the past and the perfect. Studied at the elementary level. The use of this ending is necessary for the formation of the logical or artistic content of the text. Ignoring the rule leads to violations in the construction of the entire text. It's as if in Russian we said: "I come home", "I eat before work." That is, we use only one form of the verb - the infinitive - and it looks terrible and is difficult to read. The rules for the ending -ed in English form a strict order of correct spelling and pronunciation. Let's consider them in order, starting with the construction rules.


When writing, the ending -ed is simply added to the word. For example: talk - talked, open - opened, close - closed.

There are a few exceptions to spelling:

  1. When the verb ends with -e, only -d is added. For example: agree - agreed, smile - smiled, save - saved.
  2. If the word ends in -y preceded by a consonant, then -y is replaced by -i and the ending -ed is added. For example: marry - married, cry - cried, try - tried.
  3. If the ending is a consonant preceded by a stressed vowel, then the final consonant is doubled. For example: stop - stopped, drop - dropped, rob - robbed.


One of the main mistakes is pronunciation. Many people pronounce the -ed ending like , which is incorrect. The correct option is , [t] or [d], depending on the situation.

For example, use cases with the sound: invited, visited. Used only after sounds [t] or [d].

Pronunciation with sound [t] is used after voiceless consonants (except [t]). For example: helped , liked .

The sound [d] is pronounced after voiced consonants (except [d]) or vowels. For example: loved , called .

Ignoring these pronunciation rules can be fraught with a distortion of meaning, and it will be difficult for the interlocutor to understand you. So it is better to memorize these rules and develop the habit of observing them. Also, you do not need to muffle the endings, which should be voiced. It takes practice. It is best to try to pronounce the words slowly, sound by sound, only then will it be possible to develop the correct pronunciation.

Regular and irregular verbs

A very important note: verbs are regular and irregular. We considered the correct ones in previous examples. When forming the past tense or passive voice, the ending -ed is added to these verbs, in accordance with the rules.

At the same time, the second and third forms of regular verbs completely coincide. That is, when using the tenses of the Perfect group, we put the verb in the third form and, since both forms coincide, we write it down in the same way. For example, take the verb live (to live) and write out all three forms:

  1. live;
  2. lived;
  3. lived.

With irregular verbs, the situation is more complicated. Each of them has its own second and third forms. They may or may not match. For example, take the verb build (build):

  1. build;
  2. built;
  3. built.

Or, another example is the verb break (to break):

  1. break;
  2. broke;
  3. broken.

There is no rule for the formation of irregular verbs, they just need to be remembered. For this case, there are special tables of irregular verbs.


The form of verbs with the ending -ed is mainly used in the affirmative form Past Simple (past simple), that is, when it is necessary to say about past events (ate, slept, did, etc.). In this tense, the verb is put in the second form. At the same time, the ending -ed is not used in the negative or the question, because there is an auxiliary verb did, which means that the main verb does not change.

For example, the affirmative form Past Simple: I played football yesterday. - I played football yesterday.

Negative form: I didn't play football yesterday. - I didn't play football yesterday.

Interrogative form: Did you play football yesterday? — Did you play football yesterday?

Also, the ending -ed is used in that is, when we need to emphasize the importance of a property or action of an object. For example: The TV was sold (The TV was sold). We emphasize the properties of the TV (it is sold).

All forms of Perfect tense require the use of the third form of the verb. In our case, we are considering regular verbs, which means that the third form will be identical to the second.

For example, use in Present Perfect: We have decided to go home - We decided to go home.

Many students often confuse -ed and -ing endings in English. For example, you want to say that you miss ( bored ), but it turns out that you are boring ( boring ) or vice versa. There is a big difference between these two meanings, embarrassment can happen, and this is due to the incorrect use of endings. But the rule is actually very simple. You will find in this article the rules for using adjective endings, and examples of their use, and exercises with answers, and.

Rules of use -ed and -ing endings in english

Many adjectives have endings -ing or -ed. The best way to understand the difference is by looking at specific examples:

Oleg has been reading the same story for a very long time. He does it for his little son John, because John likes the story very much. Oleg is already bored with it.

(Oleg spends a lot of time reading the same story for his little son John, because John really likes this story. Oleg is already bored with this story.)

The ending -ed used to express the feelings and emotions of a person or any living being.

The ending -ing used in an adjective that describes an object that evokes feelings or emotions.

Oleg is reading the very boring story. Oleg is bored because the story is boring. (Oleg is reading a very boring story. Oleg is bored because the story is boring)

Can a person be boring? Of course, then he causes boredom in others:

Oleg is boring, I am bored with him.(Oleg is boring, I'm bored with him)

Comparisons and examples

IMPORTANT: you cannot use –ed endings with things, because things do not have feelings and emotions.

Exercises for endings in English -ed and -ing

  1. It's very irritated irritating when people don't listen when you're tlaking to them.
  2. I think the whale is the most fascinated fascinating creature in the ocean.
  3. I heard some really interested interesting news yesterday.
  4. The new project sounds excited exciting. I'm looking forward to working on it.
  5. It was a really terrified terrifying experience. Everybody was very shocked.
  6. The hot chocolate was comforted comforting.
  7. The storm was threatened.
  8. I was really amazing when I was offered the job.
  9. I was very annoyed annoying when my sister forgot our dinner date.
  10. My children were very hungry. The apples were satisfying satisfied.
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