Introduction of a dual training system into vocational education. Dual training in secondary vocational education

Dual training as a form of implementation of basic professional educational programs in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education

In the context of the transition of the Russian economy to an innovative path of development, the role of the secondary vocational education system increases significantly in providing new jobs with qualified personnel, in stimulating the creative activity of young people and in creating conditions for their effective employment.

Today's economy is in dire need of qualified specialists and workers. The tasks of bringing the structure of vocational education in line with the needs of the labor market, improving the quality of training of qualified workers and mid-level specialists, the prestige of the relevant professions and the attractiveness of the relevant educational programs are coming to the fore.

The relevance of this topic lies in the distinctive change for our time in the nature of education and the implementation of specialist training based on the new federal state educational standards for secondary vocational education (FSES SVE), based on competencies.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the federal state educational standard is the main regulatory document that establishes a system of norms and rules that are mandatory for execution in any educational institution.

Student practice is an integral part of the OPOP, ensuring the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education. The practice is aimed at comprehensive mastery by students of all types of professional activities in their specialty (profession), the formation of general and professional competencies, as well as the acquisition of the necessary skills and practical experience by students in their specialty (profession). The types of practice for students mastering the OPOP are: educational practice and industrial practice.

The creation of a dual educational environment on the basis of a college involves the real inclusion of strategic partners (employers) in the development of new content of professional education based on professional standards and competencies; participation in the formation of the innovative infrastructure of the college, quality control procedures for vocational education.

The dual system includes two different, but independent in legal and organizational terms, educational and production environments, such as the establishment of a secondary vocational education program and the enterprise-employer.

It is these subjects of the educational process that are more interested not only in the results of training, but also in the content and its organization. The dual education system does not have any shortcomings in the training of future specialists, since it combines both theoretical and practical training in the educational process.

Dual training is a form of professional training that combines theoretical training in an educational institution and practical training at the sites of companies and enterprises. The main principle of the dual education system is the equal responsibility of educational institutions and enterprises for the quality of personnel training.

An example is the vocational education system of Germany, which, according to the International Institute for Monitoring the Quality of Labor, is one of the leaders in terms of personnel qualifications, and its dual education system is in many ways a model for the entire European Union. The successful experience of the German dual education system is of great interest for our country, as it contributes to innovative processes in modern education, allows us to overcome the gap in the quality of labor from the real requirements of modern production and the opportunity to provide qualified and professional personnel to enterprises.

The dual system meets the interests of all parties involved in it: enterprises, workers, and the state.

For employers, this is an opportunity to prepare personnel for themselves, saving on the costs of searching and selecting workers, their retraining and adaptation.

For young people, dual education is an excellent chance to gain early independence and adapt more easily to adult life.

The state, which effectively solves the problem of training qualified personnel for its economy, remains an absolute winner.
In conclusion, it should be emphasized that the implementation of an innovative program based on a dual approach will contribute to the transition to a qualitatively new level of training and retraining of highly qualified workers and specialists for high-tech production, as well as the formation of general and professional competencies of college graduates, ensuring their competitiveness and demand in the world. labor market. As well as the development of an effective system of social partnership in the field of vocational education.

So, what is the goal of dual training, what are its main objectives and what can be obtained as a result?

This system of training specialists is aimed at improving the model of training professional personnel, taking into account the economic needs for specialists to increase the investment interest of the regions.

The main objectives of the dual education system include:

  • creation of models aimed at the financial participation of enterprises in the implementation of personnel training programs, development of formats and models of network interaction between public organizations and enterprises in personnel training;
  • creation, approval based on inspections, implementation and popularization of dual education models in pilot regions.

The expected results of the introduction of dual models of vocational education include:

  1. Training focused on existing production.
  2. Increasing the interest of enterprises in financing.
  3. Improving the system for forecasting the need for specialists.
  4. Variability of individual educational programs.
  5. Improvement of qualifications. Increased prestige of professions.

Main aspects of the dual learning model

In the following list of characteristics, you can see the differences between practice-oriented education in relation to other types:

  1. Improved partnership mechanisms (social sphere).
  2. The focus of the goals is on the economic sphere.
  3. The use of technological standards in teaching is defined as the primary guideline when choosing means, methods and forms of training.
  4. Using primarily practical forms of training, which are focused primarily on the development of specific skills according to standards.

Dual education implies the attraction and involvement of employer organizations in the software system as a provider of educational services. In the Russian Federation and in many other countries, the introduction of a dual training model in this format is impossible.

The concept of “dual learning” in Russia is used in a broad and narrow sense.

In a broad sense, dual education means infrastructure regional model. It ensures the interaction of several systems. These systems include:

  1. Personnel requirements forecasting system.
  2. Vocational education system.
  3. System of professional self-distribution.
  4. System of training, development and qualification of teaching staff. This also includes mentors in production.
  5. System for assessing professional qualifications.

The systems are interconnected and one simply cannot exist without the other.

In the narrow sense, dual training can be considered as a form of organization and implementation of education, implying theoretical training in an educational institution, and practical training from an employer in the organization.

Today, dual training is considered the most promising direction in training specialists for the real sector of the economy. Big business with high-tech production, the guidelines of which are international standards of product quality and qualifications of the personnel themselves, directly affected.

Factors of attractiveness of the dual system of personnel training for business:

  1. The preparation of curricula is carried out taking into account the proposals of employers. For students, this results in gaining knowledge, primarily related to what will be useful to them in production. As a result, the qualifications of future specialists correspond to the professional standards in force in production.
  2. The future specialist acquires professional skills, abilities, and competencies right at the workplace - he is prepared for work in production and is motivated for production activities.
  3. The student gets acquainted with and assimilates the norms of corporate culture in practice.
  4. The company saves on personnel recruitment. In the vast majority of cases, graduates of secondary vocational education go to work in the enterprises where they completed their internship.
  5. HR departments make fewer mistakes - over the course of long practice, it is already possible to note the strengths and weaknesses of students.
  6. Cooperation with an educational organization within the framework of dual training provides the employer with the opportunity to organize a training system within the company and, as part of a professional development program, choose at its discretion the most qualified teachers from the educational organization.

Regulatory and legal design of dual education: about the provisions

A step-by-step implementation of the dual learning model is as follows:

Let's stop and look at the second point in detail. For the regulatory and legal registration of the implementation of the dual training model, the preparation of an appropriate regulatory and legal framework is required. It is divided into three levels of management:

  1. Local.
  2. Regional.
  3. Federal.

As for the term “Dual education”, today there is no definition for it at the federal level. It can be used by public organizations and employers if there are regulatory legal acts of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on conducting a regional experiment.

Based on the experience of the pilot regions, it can be seen that the general conditions for organizing vocational education are determined by the regulations of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Documents may have different names, but, as a rule, these are “Regulations on dual training.” The document may also have other names:

  1. Regulations on monitoring the employment of graduates of educational programs using elements of dual education.
  2. Regulations on mentoring.
  3. Model agreement on the network form of implementation of the educational process
  4. Regulations on the organization of on-the-job training.
  5. Regulations on the Employment Assistance Service for graduates trained under the dual training system.
  6. Standard student agreement.

All the above names can be applied at the regional level. However, they will not contradict federal legislation.

Participants can work out the educational process in detail. local regulations, the content of which will depend on the specifics of the specific educational program adopted as the main one in a specific professional educational organization. For example, these could be documents with the following names and corresponding contents:

  1. Regulations on production examination.
  2. Regulations on industrial practice.
  3. Regulations on moral and material encouragement of the best graduates, teachers, and industrial training masters.

Here are examples of provisions written by some NGOs.


Zaripova Lilia Fasilevna

Specialist teacher disciplines

GAPOU "Aktanysh Technological College"

The eternal problem of first Soviet and later Russian professional education is the gap between theory (young heads are generously stuffed with it) and reality (young people inevitably encounter it after graduation).

An enterprise for which the provision of qualified personnel is a matter of life and death has to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Everyone solves this issue in their own way. In some places, mentors are assigned to newcomers, they are inducted into positions, in others, training and adaptation programs are developed and implemented. And as a result, after a couple of years they get a specialist who is ready to work and has excellent knowledge of production. Isn’t it too expensive to first teach for several years, and then complete and re-teach for almost the same amount of time? Isn't it possible to do something more efficiently and quickly?

It turns out that it is possible. The dual system allows you to kill two birds with one stone, that is, combine both theoretical and practical training in the educational process. Simultaneously with their studies, students master their chosen profession directly at work, that is, they study in two places at once: 1-2 days a week at an educational institution, the rest of the time at the enterprise.

The dual training system is a form of personnel training that combines theoretical training in college and practical training at a manufacturing enterprise.

The main principle of the dual training system is equal responsibility of the educational institution and the enterprise for the quality of personnel training.

The dual system meets the interests of all parties involved in it - enterprises, students, the state:

For an enterprise, this is an opportunity to prepare personnel for itself, reduce costs for the search and selection of workers, their retraining and adaptation;

For students, this is an excellent chance to gain independence earlier, to more easily adapt to adult life, to real working conditions, and a greater likelihood of successful employment in their specialty after graduation;

For the state, the task of training qualified personnel for the country's economy is effectively solved.

The experience of using a dual training system has shown the following advantages of this system compared to the traditional one:

The dual system of training specialists eliminates the main disadvantage of traditional forms and methods of training

The gap between theory and practice;

The dual system of employee training creates high motivation for gaining knowledge and acquiring skills at work, because the quality of their knowledge is directly related to the performance of official duties in the workplace;

The interest of the heads of relevant institutions in the practical training of their employees; - an educational institution working in close contact with the customer takes into account the requirements for future specialists during training;

The dual education system involves a combination of studying at an educational institution with periods of industrial activity. The educational process is organized as follows: in parallel with regular classes at a university, college or other vocational educational institution (general education training), students go to work at a specific enterprise or company, where they gain practical experience (vocational training).

The dual system meets the interests of all parties involved in it - enterprises, workers, and the state. For an enterprise, this is an opportunity to prepare personnel for itself, saving on the costs of searching and selecting workers, their retraining and adaptation.

For young people, dual education is an excellent chance to gain independence early and adapt more easily to adult life. Already during training they receive a monetary reward for their work at the enterprise, and after graduation they receive a job for which they are well prepared.

For students, dual education, along with the optimal transfer of professional experience, also means a completely different degree of socialization: young people are tested and learn to assert their position in production conditions and, thereby, in “real life” situations.

As a result of the introduction of the dual system, the college develops programs based on the needs of the market in the region, develops its potential, improves the qualifications of the teaching staff, which in general will improve the quality of training in the educational institution and will lead to an increase in the competitiveness of the college.

For an enterprise, dual education is an opportunity to prepare personnel exactly “to order”, ensuring their maximum compliance with all its requirements, saving on the costs of searching and selecting workers, their retraining and adaptation. In addition, it is possible to select the best students, because over the years of training all their strengths and weaknesses become obvious. In turn, this approach motivates students to learn not for show.

The dual system provides excellent opportunities for managing your own career. The level of training within its framework is constantly increasing. No secondary vocational education is capable of providing such knowledge of production from the inside as dual training, which makes it an important step on the path to a successful career.

In educational institutions, regulatory, legal, educational and methodological documentation on the dual education system should be developed, issues of training enterprise personnel in the basics of pedagogical skills should be considered, as well as industrial internships for college teachers at enterprises in order to improve their qualifications.

Thus, we can conclude that the dual form of training can significantly strengthen the practical component of the educational process, while maintaining the level of theoretical training that ensures the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education, helps solve the problem of training specialists who are fully prepared to perform specific job functions, increases professional mobility and competitiveness of graduates in the labor market.

Belyakova T.N. teacher at GBPOU SHTK

Dual model of training in the system of secondary vocational education

    Basic concepts used in the dual learning model.

A dual education system is an education system that provides for a combination of training in an educational institution with periods of industrial activity.

A professional standard is a document that establishes the requirements for knowledge, abilities, skills, experience, value system and personal qualities determined by professional qualifications.

A training educational program is a document that establishes the list and name of academic disciplines to be studied in the learning process, the volume of hours of theoretical and production components of the learning process and the conditions for certification of students.

Professional qualification is the level of competence required in a given field of professional activity and recognized on the basis of regulated requirements or requirements that have developed historically or in international practice.

Credit is a unified unit of measurement of the volume of student's academic work; one credit is equal to 1 academic hour of classroom work by a student per week during the academic period.

The credit education system is an educational technology aimed at increasing the level of self-education and creative acquisition of knowledge based on individualization, selectivity of the educational trajectory within the framework of regulation of the educational process and accounting for the volume of knowledge in the form of loans.

    The essence and content of the dual learning model.

The dual education system involves a combination of studying at an educational institution with periods of industrial activity. The educational process is organized as follows: in parallel with regular classes at a university, college or other vocational educational institution (general education training), students go to work at a specific enterprise or company, where they gain practical experience (vocational training). This form of training and retraining of technical and professional workers allows you to flexibly combine the completion of a theoretical course and professional training of specialists directly on the job and ensure that students are assigned higher qualifications (grades) and the possibility of expanding functional responsibilities. The schedule of the educational process in the dual education system is developed taking into account the specifics of each specific enterprise and the requirements for the competence and qualifications of the student in accordance with the recommendations of the Republican State Enterprise "RSMC" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The dual system assumes the direct participation of enterprises in the vocational education of students. The company provides conditions for practical training and bears all costs associated with it, including possible monthly fees to the student. Educational institutions cooperate on an equal basis with enterprises on the basis of which industrial or practical training is carried out

    Purpose and goals of the dual learning model.

The dual model of training involves the involvement of enterprises in the process of personnel training, which spend quite significant costs associated with training workers, since they are well aware that the costs of high-quality vocational education are a reliable investment of capital. At the same time, they become interested not only in the results of training, but also in the content of training and its organization.

Goals: Development of technical and vocational education by creating a highly effective competitive system for training and retraining workers and technical specialists.

    Regulatory and legal support for the dual training model.

Art. 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. It is a set of interacting subsystems and elements:

1) continuous educational programs at various levels

and orientation, federal state educational

standards and federal government requirements;

2) networks of educational institutions implementing them;

3) bodies exercising management in the field of education, and

institutions and organizations subordinate to them;

4) associations of legal entities, public and state-

public associations operating in the field of education

This additional professional development program is developed on the basis of:

    Professional standard “Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education” (draft);

    Federal State Educational Standard SPO 44.02.06 “Vocational training (by industry)”;

    Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 050100 “Pedagogical education (qualification (degree) “bachelor”)”

and in accordance with the Methodological recommendations and clarifications for the development of additional professional programs based on professional standards (Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 22, 2015 No. VK-1032/06).

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2015 No. 349-r “A set of measures aimed at improving the system of secondary vocational education in the Russian Federation”;

The legal and regulatory framework for the implementation of the dual model of training (education) requires the preparation of an appropriate regulatory and legal framework at all levels of management:




    Goals and objectives of introducing a dual training model in the system of secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation.

Development of technical and vocational education by creating a highly effective competitive system for training and retraining workers and technical specialists.

Introduction of new teaching technologies into the educational process of vocational education organizations.

Further development of the system of continuous professional education.

Stimulating the development, processing and improvement of professional standards for workers and technical specialties.

Objectives: Bringing the volume, profile and territorial location of organizations for training workers and technical personnel in accordance with the needs of the labor market, the dynamics and prospects for the development of sectors of the national economy and the social sphere and taking into account the innovative orientation of the economic development strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Development of a multidisciplinary and multifunctional network of educational institutions for professional training and retraining of workers and technical personnel, ensuring that the needs of the population and the labor market are met.

Change and qualitative updating of the content and structure of educational programs for the system of training and retraining of workers and technical personnel, ensuring their high professionalism and mobility.

Creation of favorable conditions for personnel, scientific, methodological and material technical equipment of educational organizations for professional training and retraining.

    The main stages of the implementation of the dual model of education in the system of secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation.

Stage 1 Selecting a coordinator (operator)

Stage 2 Regulatory and legal registration of the introduction of a dual model of training (education) - federal, regional, local.

Stage 3. Forecast of industry and regional needs.

Stage 4. Professional guidance.

Stage 5. Update of educational programs.

Stage 6. Organization of practical training.

Stage 7. Assessment of professional qualifications.

    Foreign experience of the dual model of vocational education.

Dual education was first introduced in Germany. Its experience is today considered a model for the entire EU. Dual education in Germany includes a fairly developed mentoring institution, characterized by the active participation of enterprises in personnel training. This training model has a strict legislative framework in the country. Dual education is implemented with the participation of crafts and chambers of commerce and industry.

Germany has adopted a law regulating vocational education and the “Craft Code”. These regulations regulate the interaction of young people with enterprises and educational institutions. The law defines companies that can participate in dual education. Of the 3.6 million organizations, half a million are involved. Regulations on personnel training are adopted by participants in tariff negotiations - the structures of enterprises and employees. They are put into effect at the ministerial level. The Ministry of Labor, in turn, draws up the Regulations on Training. It regulates the examination requirements.

    Best Russian practices for implementing a dual education model in the system of secondary vocational education.

Student practice is an integral part of the OPOP, ensuring the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education. The practice is aimed at comprehensive mastery by students of all types of professional activities in their specialty (profession), the formation of general and professional competencies, as well as the acquisition of the necessary skills and practical experience by students in their specialty (profession). The types of practice for students mastering the OPOP are: educational practice and industrial practice.

The dual system includes two different, but independent in legal and organizational terms, educational and production environments, such as the establishment of a secondary vocational education program and the enterprise-employer.

Dual training is a form of professional training that combines theoretical training in an educational institution and practical training at the sites of companies and enterprises. The main principle of the dual education system is the equal responsibility of educational institutions and enterprises for the quality of personnel training.

    Current problems of implementing the dual model of education in the system of secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation.

Disadvantages of the dual system: With the motivation of training at the enterprise, the quality of education may decrease; Work programs are not always consistent with the seasonal sequence of work performed in production; An educational organization cannot always teach the educational material required by enterprises on time; Insufficient readiness of enterprises for training - as a result, the lack of training places in production; Enterprises are forced to earn money for education through increasing prices for the product they produce (missing equipment, lack of finance, etc.).

    The main directions of development of the dual model of education in the system of secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation.

Compliance of the content of education with the modern level of production; Introducing students to the corporate culture of the enterprise and its features; Minimizing the costs of social and labor adaptation of a graduate to a new workforce; Use of modern equipment in the training process in real production sites; Involving highly qualified engineering and technical personnel of the enterprise in the educational process as vocational training specialists.
