Every person on earth has a doppelgänger. Like two drops of water: similar people

Nature is rational, but for some reason, for centuries, like an automaton, stubbornly churns out doubles. Is it a program failure or is there some higher purpose hidden in the production of matrices? Scientists are looking for an answer to this question.

Who are called doppelgangers

Professor of the Department of Forensic Examinations of the Moscow State Law Academy Alexander Zinin says that not at all those whose “similarity is explained only by racial, anthropological type or facial proportions.” As well as not those who are connected by direct blood ties.
Scientist, doctor, author of books on cloning and genetic engineering, Nikolai Degtyarev, considers “doubles of people with an identical genetic device, whose DNA is the same, but biological parents are different.” They are called biogenic in the scientific community. Examples are Emperor Nicholas II and King George V.

genetic selection

Mathematicians have calculated that any of us, after 8 generations, may be the ancestor of 256 descendants and each will have similar genes. After 30 tribes, this is already almost a million links of one kindred chain. Based on the theory of probability, they also determined that “the chances of a random coincidence of DNA sets are not equal to zero - billions live on the planet,” so the repetition of certain sections of the genome in different individuals is the norm.

The expression of genes in appearance also depends on the environment. There are enough zones on Earth with similar parameters, so the probability of forming a twin doubles.

Mystic Hypothesis

Followers of some mystical teachings find natural selection to be a "culling process." “That is why,” says parapsychologist Vasily Nairobuv, “a person does not appear in one copy, but as a cog in serial production. Nature tests him and, having discovered a marriage, discards him.

Nikolai Degtyarev also considers doubles to be “reserve players”, believing that “history is partly similar to the wheel of Samsara, where the endless cycle of reincarnations, like an evolutionary round, is partly predetermined.” And according to Nairobuw, "if two copies collide, something akin to annihilation can happen - they will fall apart."

Which probably happened to the Italian king Umberto I and the innkeeper from the city of Monza. When they met, it was like looking into a mirror. Their name was Umberto. They were born in Turin. Their spouses were Margaritas, and their sons were Vittorio. Both were fond of athletics, fought in the same battles, received medals for courage. In one year, the king became a monarch, and the innkeeper became a restaurateur. Both were born on the same day (March 14, 1844) and died the next after they met (July 29, 1900). The innkeeper was shot by a random robber. The king is an anarchist.

Hypothesis of academic science

Far from the mysticism of coincidences, representatives of fundamental science see a special program in the replication of individuality. What guarantees the survival of a copy of a particular gene, which, perhaps, has a special "mission"? Nature, according to biologists, as a prudent housewife duplicates the genetic material "in reserve" - ​​taking into account the mortality and infertility of individual carriers of an important gene.

Parallels with twins

Researchers of the phenomenon of duality exclude the possibility of absolute DNA identity in people who are not identical twins, whose genome is the same. But in multi-egg (dizygotic-heterozygous) - like in ordinary brothers and sisters - only half of the genome is identical. Something similar is observed in twins. In the genomes of human versions, the same genes may be present and (as in monozygotic ones) the antigenic composition of the blood will be the same. That is, the group and the Rh factor.

Bricks of Duality

Each organism is a set of genes that determine both morphology: the color and shape of the eyes, the shape of the nose, eyebrows, chin, hair shade, height, cranial structure, and predisposition to certain ailments of the psyche and physiology.

All information is encoded in chromosomes. Normally, a person has 46 of them. In all DNA molecules of one cell, there are approximately 3.2 billion base pairs (the building material of DNA and RNA, which is responsible for protein synthesis and genetic memory). This is about 30-40 thousand genes. That store 6400,000,000,000 bits of information. But only 1.5% of all genomic material is "active". 98.5% - DNA trash can. This discovery led scientists to conclude that there may be many carriers of a close combination of "active" genes. They are responsible for the duality.

Matrix people

They have dimples on their chins and baldness, and moles and warts in the same places. So not only facial features, but also a birthmark on the chest in the form of the sun, allowed the impostor to seize the throne of the founder of the I ancient Egyptian dynasty, Pharaoh Menes, when he inspected his possessions. And he regained power only by showing the dignitaries a scar from an injury on his thigh, which he received at the age of 15.

Twins are similar in character and type of temperament. If they find themselves in similar social conditions, then their fates develop similarly. Almost like identical twins, that, even being separated, they build their lives, as if in a blueprint.

These questions are the most frequent in Yandex and Google. They are constantly asked to specialists and friends. They are thought about during long sleepless nights. Today, on the main women's topics, we are talking with a psychologist, a writer, an author of courses for women, a personal growth coach, a Full Member of the International Association for Personal Development, and in addition, a happy wife and mother - Gloria Moore.

QUESTION: Where is my soul mate?

- Is it true that every person on earth has a soul mate?

Gloria Moore : Truth. Only the "half" is not one. Let's call it a couple. Imagine a corridor with many doors. This is the corridor of your destiny. Behind the doors - new corridors and new doors. There is no fate. We have freedom of choice. For example, after school, you entered the “door” with the name “Moscow” - you moved from the provinces, and your life went along a certain “corridor”. Along the way, you will meet a couple named Sergei. But you could have stayed in Saratov. And then your life would go according to a different scenario. And Timofey would become your couple. And we have millions of options. They are all “prescribed” in advance, but, nevertheless, we are free to choose where to go and what task to solve.

- Can it happen that a woman chooses a corridor in which there is no half?

Gloria Moore: Yes. But this is rare. Most often, couples still meet. However, they cannot recognize each other, or simply do not know how to build relationships, and as a result - loneliness.

- What do you need to do to recognize the soul mate? Does she have any symptoms?

Gloria Moore: There is. I have several courses on this. It is impossible to answer this question briefly, but you can learn to recognize your man even at a glance. For example, you can start with my free course "How to find the perfect husband", in which I briefly and clearly tell what type of man there are. Knowing about these types, you can determine in advance what you expect from a man and what not, and make a more informed choice.

QUESTION: Why am I not married?

Why can't you get married? A woman meets her ideal, and he is already married. Or he is free, but not in a hurry to get married. Or in general, you can’t meet a normal man in any way, you come across a typical “not that” ...

Gloria Moore: Do not believe in fairy tales about the fact that there are no real men left. They are. Some ladies manage to marry several times, and for worthy candidates. And others - never. Why? They are smart and beautiful, but getting married - well, it doesn’t work out! If we put aside the "Lady Perfection", which men bypass, there is only one reason.

Girls just don't want to get married. Of course, on a conscious level, they want both a family and children. But man has a subconscious. It guides our behavior. And if you do not want to get married subconsciously, you will meet men who are exceptionally unsuitable for marriage along the way. Particularly the married ones. Those to whom they "catch" should honestly ask themselves - what am I afraid of in the depths of my soul? Why don't I want to be married?

Stop believing in "crowns of celibacy", bad men, villainous fate, age, etc. Contact a specialist who will help you find out and eliminate your true causes of bad luck in love. On my account, for example, six happy marriages. All six belong to those who are already desperate. Elderly ladies who have ceased to believe in themselves. I say six, although there are many more, but these six couples have already been tested by time, they all live from five to seven years together, and I can observe them. All these women came to me with this question: "Why can't I start a family?" And we figured out the reasons and eliminated them. Immediately after that, they happily married.

- And what to do to get married?

Gloria Moore: In order to get married, you need to: first: get rid of the fears that prevent you from starting a family. Most often this is past experience - yours, or parental. Second: choose the right partner, so that it is a really living man, and not an unknown "ideal" from books or movies. Third: competently build relationships to bring to the wedding.

If you think that getting married is the last resort, I will upset you. This is just the beginning. Family is work. If you don't work on relationships, they will fall apart. No love will save. Actually, it's easy. You just need to learn a few rules and apply them. Then the marriage will be strong. Alas, this is not taught in schools.

QUESTION THREE: Why is my husband cheating on me?

Gloria Moore: Usually they write in magazines - it's her own fault, since she's cheating. I didn’t manage, I couldn’t, I wasn’t “such” a wife, etc. In fact, everything is more complicated.

There are betrayals that are caused by relationships in the family. When a man begins to look for an "outlet" on the side. If this is a monogamous man, sooner or later he will leave his family, he will not be able to break. Such a family can still be saved at the first stage. But only if both spouses want it, and both are willing to work hard for this.

There is a type of men who will change in any case. Whether you are at least a hundred times the perfect wife. It's just how he's made. For him, cheating is a confirmation of the status of an alpha male, a successful person, if you like. For him, a mistress is a status prize. At the same time, he loves his wife and children, and provides for his family, and is not going to leave anywhere. What to do in this case? The best way out is to come to terms with this fact. You got a polygamous man. Follow the advice of grandmothers - do not pay attention. If you can't, get divorced. Because it can't be changed. Best of all, don't marry one if you're jealous.

- And how to determine that you are marrying a traitor? Isn't it written on it?

Gloria Moore: It's just "written". The fact is that knowing the typology of male characters and behavior, you can literally from the first minutes, even by appearance, determine who is who. This is not fantasy. I have been using this for many years and have taught hundreds of women these tricks. When you first meet a man, you are already able to understand what kind of husband he will become. And accordingly, you can draw conclusions - you need such a husband or not.

- That is, you can choose the ideal husband in advance? Just for looks?

Gloria Moore: There are no ideal ones. Each type has its pros and cons. For example, "traitors" usually earn good money. And the most faithful type - in my typology it is called Intuit - is a subtle-feeling, the most faithful of all, but he does not have much money with earnings. So you have to choose.

- And it is impossible that "to both smart and beautiful"?

Gloria Moore: Well, you can have two husbands. And four is better. Then there will definitely be a whole set of qualities. But seriously, as a rule, halves are selected according to the principle of attraction of opposites. So the main thing here is to build relationships correctly, and to understand that it is impossible to demand the ability to dig holes from a bird, and fly from a mole. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

QUESTION FOUR: Why doesn't my mother understand me?

Gloria Moore: Mom is one of the stumbling blocks in the lives of so many women. Mom is the basis of the attitude towards oneself, as a woman, as a mother, as a wife. So imagine what happens when a lady does not have a very good relationship with her mother.

- What happens?

Gloria Moore: It is not possible to build a family, as a rule. I spoke above about the fears coming from the parental family. If the parents' family was unhappy, it is very difficult for a girl to believe that family happiness exists. She believes that a husband and wife should fight, cheat on each other, and so on. As a result, on the way she comes across candidates suitable for her beliefs - deceivers, cheaters, drunkards ... When she becomes a mother, she begins a new round of problems. She cannot find a common language with the child, as he grows up, her childhood grievances against her mother surface, and more and more difficulties arise in relationships ... a vicious circle.

- What to do with it?

Gloria Moore: Mom has a lot to work with. Or rather, not with the mother herself, but with her image in my head. Mom may not be aware of your activities at all, and your relationship with her will still be transformed for the better. And your life will begin to change for the better. Even if the mother is no longer alive, it is possible and necessary to get rid of negative attitudes. Because at the end of the day, we are dealing solely with our thoughts and beliefs.

I have several proprietary techniques that helped me build relationships with my mother myself, and then helped thousands of other women. By the way, after the problems with the mother are resolved, the problems with marriage, and with self-esteem, and with children automatically disappear. It sounds fantastic, but I went through it on myself, and fears, and programs, and problems with my mother. I managed to build a happy family after many years of unsuccessful attempts. So you can too. You just have to want.

QUESTION FIVE: How to become happy?

Gloria Moore: Great question. How I wish women would ask this question every day. It's just that it's set incorrectly. The right question is: “What makes me happy?”. Ask yourself this every day! Find something that brings you happiness - every day, and not somewhere in a vague future that is not known whether it will come or not. And do, do what makes you feel happy! It can be the simplest things - a walk in the park, talking with kids or animals, relaxing in complete silence, engaging in a creative, interesting hobby ... in general, everyone has their own recipe for happiness. But he is! You are just looking for your happiness in the wrong place.

It is definitely not at the address: “That's when I get ... (insert yourself what exactly) - I will become happy!” Don't become! If you don't know how to enjoy life now, you won't learn then. If you have at least a harem of ideal husbands, your own bank and a personal plastic surgeon. You will get bored of all this very soon, and you will still look for happiness due to the presence of other people or objects in your life. This is a dead end path. Happiness is right today. Here and now. This very minute. To do this, you do not need to get married, win a million, or buy a new handbag. Understand that your happiness is always inside. We must release it.

There is always something to thank this world for, instead of complaining about the lack of something. And remember, your thoughts are your prayers. That's what you think about most of the day - that is added to your life. So think about what pleases you. And it will come. Verified personally. Be happy!

Questions were asked by Tatyana Ogudalova.

The world is full of similar people who are not connected by blood ties. How is it possible that two people born and raised in different parts of the world look like two drops of water? Is there a clear scientific explanation for this phenomenon?

People who are similar to each other and are not relatives - is this possible? It turns out yes. A French photographer once had a wonderful idea. He found and captured on film similar people who were not connected by any blood ties. His name is Francois Brunelle. It took him about twelve years to realize his idea. The photographer tracked people with terribly similar features around the world and helped them find their doppelgangers. Some photos of similar people from the work of Francois Brunelle are presented in this article. Carefully study the proposed images and compare how many similarities have completely strangers who have no blood relationship.

Every person in this world has 7 twins

It is said that every person in this world has at least seven very similar people. One can easily agree that this assumption is rather frightening and unnatural. It is hardly possible to find two exact copies on our planet, identical as two drops of water. Even blood twins have traits that, at least a little, but make it possible for others to distinguish them, not to mention a stranger who lives on the other side of the Earth.

Not the same, but, nevertheless, incredibly similar people still occur, and not as rare as it might seem. They live in different cities, countries, continents, lead a completely different way of life. They do not have common genes, they differ in language and culture, but their similarity really cannot be denied.

Same looks, same personality?

We all know that there are similar people. Is this purely a superficial resemblance? Can a person and his counterpart from another country have the same character traits and activities? It would be strange and surprising at the same time. In fact, it happens in different ways. For example, there once lived in Rome one emperor named Maximinus (beginning of the 4th century AD), and so, looking at his bust, you can see in his features the familiar dictator from the 20th century, Adolf Hitler. These similar people not only had the same facial features, but both were dictators in their time, and both perished ingloriously.

It is quite difficult to answer this question, modern science does not have exact answers, there are only guesses. One of the most likely versions is the one that explains the external similarity of complete strangers with an identical genetic device. For a reason that has not been clarified to date, similar people have the same DNA to the smallest detail.

These twins are also called biogenic. This means that they have the same genetic material, but their biological parents are different. It happens that people can be similar and live in different places at the same time and be the same age. Some can be separated by years, centuries and even whole millennia. Natural diversity, it turns out, is not unlimited, there are billions of people in the world, and there is always a chance of a random coincidence of genetic sets.

secret relationship

Scientists consider it quite possible that similar people are very, very distant relatives. Having resorted to elementary mathematical analysis, we can make the following calculations: the average citizen after eight generations will be a descendant of 256 relatives who, one way or another, are related by blood ties. If we imagine that 40, 50 or more generations have passed, relatives will be in the millions. And no one knows where the genetic material will match, on which generation.

In card jargon, genes are shuffled like cards in a deck, but at a certain point, the same “hands” fall out with a minimum probability. Then twins are born into the world, people similar to each other, like two drops of water. Perhaps nature has its own plans in this regard, its secret goals.

Search for doubles in the network

Today, there are many sites on the World Wide Web with which you can find an exact copy of yourself among the stars of show business, great emperors and historically significant leaders from a photograph. They are also looking for their doubles among the most ordinary people of their different cities and states. just upload your photo in a certain format, and after a while, search engines will be able to pick up a couple of twins for you, or, at least, people who will be very similar to you.

Such sites are quite popular, because it is actually interesting to know, and even more so to see your double. It's like meeting yourself in a parallel world. Before the advent of the Internet, this was almost impossible to do, but now there are many opportunities for active search, and why not take advantage of them?

Miracles, and only

Twins are a phenomenon that is interesting in itself. People are more or less accustomed to the similarity of blood twins and granddaughters and their great-grandmothers, but to meet a person who is exactly like another person who is not a relative of him, and even lives thousands of kilometers away, this is already more interesting.

Who knows, maybe in the future scientists will figure out how to use this quirk of nature. It is likely that the similarity of genomes can open up incredible prospects in such a field of medicine as transplantology. As biologists assure, the chance of an exact match of genetic sets tends to zero indefinitely. However, partial copying of genes is quite normal, which proves that all of humanity is one big family.

Neil Douglas, a 32-year-old Glasgow resident, recently had a funny and mysterious story. Boarding a plane that was flying from England to Ireland, he found in a nearby seat a man who seemed to be his exact copy: they completely matched their appearance, voice, and even the brand of clothing ... Meanwhile, this was not a joke.

Jacob Barlikon from London also turned 32 years old. He too was shocked to see Neil. Companions could not resist not to talk. In addition to age, similar features (both wore a beard) and the same clothes, both, as it turned out, adored classic rock music, football and American cinema. True, the professions of the satellites turned out to be different: Douglas worked as an advertising agent, and Barlikon worked as a programmer. Both decided to go to Dublin for the weekend and even booked rooms at the same hotel.

Of course, it immediately occurred to both that the reason for the amazing similarity should be sought in their genetic relationship: perhaps they are twin brothers separated in childhood ... Upon arrival in Dublin, Neil and Jacob decided to test this hypothesis and passed a DNA test. But the test did not find any family ties between them. Now Douglas and Barlikon are great friends...

The likelihood of people with so many identical traits being side by side on an airplane is practically zero. However, such incidents happen regularly.

Two American women, 23-year-old Ambra from Fayetteville, North Carolina, and 33-year-old Jennifer, from Spring, Texas, met through the site Twin Strangers, created by three young Britons - Neem Gini, Harry English and Terence Manzanga.

The first who managed to find a double with the help of the project was one of its founders Nim Gini. It turned out that a girl who looked like Him, like two drops of water, lives just an hour away from her. It was precisely established that they were not related to each other and had not previously suspected the existence of each other.

“We had a great day together,” Jeanie says. - For a long time I could not even communicate with her, I just looked at my copy and could not believe my eyes. Either way, we have a lot in common."

The Twin Strangers team invites those who have found their twins through the site to meet them. “I was wondering if I find a person who looks like me, if he will behave the same way as me,” Embra recalls. After uploading her photo and information about herself to the site, she found a perfect match with one of the users. The girls decided to meet.

“When I finally met her, I said to myself, ‘Oh my God, this is a different person, but she really has my face,’” says Embra. - I was amazed when I saw her face right in front of me. I couldn't take my eyes off her. I was seized by an irresistible desire to know everything about her at once.

Jennifer's mother, seeing Embra, mistook her for her own daughter. “You look so much like my daughter! she said. - You even smile the same way. How is this possible? Haven't you been adopted?"

There are several hypotheses concerning twins. One of them says that nature limits the number of variations in appearance and therefore every person has “clones”, we can just live with them in different parts of the globe and never meet.

The second hypothesis is much more fantastic. Conspiracy theorists claim that we live in the Matrix - an artificially simulated reality, all elements of which, of course, are also virtual. From time to time, the Matrix crashes, and then there are various glitches. These include various “incredible” coincidences, when people in the same clothes are nearby, or cars of the same brand with identical numbers, or people who look like twins, while not related to each other ...

Asks: Olya. Moscow. Russia


Dear Olga!

1) Guardian Angel - An angel assigned by God to a person at baptism to protect and help in good deeds. This is evidenced by the words of Jesus Christ in the New Testament: “ See that you do not despise any of these little ones, for I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.”(Matthew 18:10).
The Holy Fathers say that only a believer has a guardian angel next to him: “To those who have been vouchsafed baptism and ascend to the height of virtues, angels have been given from God to take care of them and assist them. The Lord assures us of this when He says that there are Guardian Angels for everyone who believes in Him.(St. Anastasy Sinaiit).
“Since everything except God has its beginning, it is required to find out: when, according to the teachings of the Church, a Guardian Angel is assigned to a person? The final prayer of the canon to the Guardian Angel says quite unequivocally: “from holy baptism” - a new birth with water and the Spirit ... Moreover, Ode 7 of this canon also indicates for how long: “ from God given to me forever, that is, the Guardian Angel accompanies every Christian from St. baptism and before the end of the earthly journey, but also after, " in the terrible hour of death, be relentless, my good guardian,‹ ... › when the imam passes the air ordeal "(prayer of an akathist to the Guardian Angel), since the deceased “usually is accompanied by two angels‹…›. The duty of these angels (the Guardian Angel and the oncoming angel. - V.K.) is to accompany the soul of the deceased on his way to the afterlife. And at the Last Judgment, the Guardian Angel will intercede before Christ, praying for the forgiveness of the person he keeps, and in case of forgiveness, he becomes the last inseparable friend in eternity.
There is an opinion that that friend and angel is the saint whose name we bear. From here, they say, the name day is called the day of the Angel. This is a clear misconception. It is easily refuted by the morning rule: one prayer is read to the Guardian Angel - a completely different one - to the saint in whose name the Christian was baptized "(Victor Kutkovoy).

If there were no Guardian Angels and mentors for good, pious people, then the demons would have exterminated the entire human race - if, that is, the Lord had allowed them to do whatever they please with people: for the malice of demons towards people is immeasurable and their envy towards man has no limits, for man was created in the image of God and is destined for the inheritance of eternal life in the place of the fallen angels.(Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt).

Close and kindred to people by their spiritual nature and by the graciously wise purpose of God, Angels in general and Guardian Angels in particular take a living and active part in our destiny. Guardian Angels do for us everything that serves our true good and salvation. Invisibly staying with us all the time, they, guiding us to salvation, not only according to our desire mysteriously instruct us in everything good and useful, not only raise our prayers to God, but also protect us from ourselves and protect us from enemies visible and invisible. and intercede for us before God. That is why the Orthodox Church teaches us to honor and call upon our Guardian Angels in prayer as our closest spiritual mentors and patrons. But, as appointed to a person as invisible mentors, guardians and defenders by God Himself, we do not know the private name of each Guardian Angel individually, and since the Guardian Angel is a good spirit who did not live a human earthly life, the Orthodox Church cannot appoint to each Guardian Angel of a separate day of public remembrance of his holy charitable, spiritual life, but obliges us to turn to his patronage and protection privately, in our daily prayers at home.

2) Of course, you can beg something from the Lord. The experience of prayer convinces us of the reality of Providence, for a prayerful appeal to God makes sense only if there is confidence in the possibility of a Divine answer.

“My God will supply all your needs according to His riches”(Philippians 4:19).

If someone comes to us for material help, we can help only according to our wealth. And God helps according to His riches, which is enough to meet every need, to solve all problems. His blood flowed from the cross of Calvary for our every problem, pain, humiliation, dead end.

In Holy Scripture we have a precious promise. The psalmist David expressed it in these words: Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will fulfill the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, and trust in Him, and He will make it(Ps. 36:4-5).

God gives us what our heart desires. Who doesn't want all their wishes to come true? Will all wishes come true? Yes, God fulfills all desires. But there is one condition! It says: "Delight yourself in the Lord." Not all reckless and vain desires are fulfilled by the Lord, but only desires that come from a heart that is comforted by the Lord. For God expects from such a heart that it cherishes and expresses only such desires as are in accordance with His word and His will. Jesus Christ expressed the same thing in these words: “If you ask anything in my name, I will do it” (John 14:14). If you ask for anything, it has a general meaning. But "in my name," that's a definite limitation. If we ask in His name, it means: according to His word and His will, then we can ask what we want, and we will receive. The Lord says definitely about this: “If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, then ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” (John 15:7).

Do you want the Lord to fulfill your desires? In that case, take comfort in the Lord! Let the Lord be everything in everything in your life, Alpha and Omega. When He is your King and Master, your Friend and Counselor, then you will desire nothing that He does not approve of. Then, at every desire, you will first make sure whether this desire is in accordance with the will of God and His providence?

“The providence of God is the unceasing action of the omnipotence, wisdom and goodness of God, by which God preserves the being and strength of creatures, directs them to good goals, helps every good, and stops evil arising through distance from good, or corrects and turns to good consequences.”

When you are convinced of this, then you can boldly offer your desire in prayer before the Lord and confidently reckon that the Lord will fulfill your desire.

We must always remember that we ourselves often err in our desires, and often would like something that is not only not useful, but also directly harmful to our soul and to the cause of our salvation. And God, as the All-Knowing, always knows what we really need, and at the same time, as the All-good Father, He is always ready to give it to us, and at the same time, giving us more than we ask in our prayers.

God must be trusted. Often children ask their parents for something, but they do not give it, because they consider it harmful. Years will pass, and a person will understand how right his parents were. This is what happens to us. Some time passes, and we suddenly realize how much more beneficial was what the Lord sent us than what we would like to receive of our own free will.

For everything that happens to us in this world, good and bad, we need to thank God, for His care and love for us.

God help you!

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