Pipe reinforced with fiberglass or aluminium. Polypropylene pipes for heating: reinforced with fiberglass and foil

More recently, predominantly traditional or steel were used for. But the emergence of polypropylene products has significantly shaken the leadership positions of metal products. Particularly noticeable in the market began to strengthen pipes reinforced with fiberglass. Why do consumers increasingly prefer these particular polypropylene products? What are their advantages? And are there any fundamental disadvantages? To your attention are not only the answers to the questions asked, but also the main subtleties of choosing pipes reinforced with fiberglass.

Pipe Benefits

Polypropylene pipes reinforced with a fiberglass frame have a number of advantages that make them attractive for use in a heating system:

Disadvantages of pipes

The disadvantages of polypropylene heating pipes with fiberglass reinforcement are much less than the advantages, but they should not be overlooked either.

  • The coating of products can be damaged under the influence of ultraviolet rays, so they are not recommended to be installed in open space - it is advisable to mount pipes in solid bases: in the floor or walls.
  • Pipes reinforced with fiberglass are characterized by low resistance to internal pressure - in this indicator they are inferior to similar polypropylene products with an aluminum frame.

Advice. To prevent fiberglass pipes from deforming under high pressure, mount them using as many fasteners as possible - if the product is not firmly fixed, it will simply sag.

  • The external rigidity of the fiberglass frame is somewhat less than the rigidity of the aluminum frame, so such pipes are not very resistant to severe mechanical damage.

Since the popularity of reinforced pipes is growing at an incredible pace, some unscrupulous manufacturers use low-quality fiberglass to reduce costs and increase output. In order not to fall for the trick of such manufacturers and not lose your money, be sure to ask the seller for quality certificates of the offered polypropylene products.

Pipe selection: dimensions and pressure

Even the highest quality pipes will be able to fully show their merits only under one condition: if they are correctly selected for a particular heating system. And for this, two most important parameters must be taken into account: dimensions and pressure - they directly affect the conditions under which this or that product can be used.

Polypropylene pipes and fittings

So, given the inner diameter, there are three functional groups of pipes:

  • for a central or autonomous heating system - with a diameter of 20-50 mm;
  • for risers - with a diameter of 10-75 mm;
  • for a warm floor - with a diameter of 16-90 mm.

Most often in standard heating systems pipes with an internal diameter of 20-25 mm are used. The maximum outside diameter can reach 1200mm.

Advice. When determining the specific indicators of the outer and inner diameters of the pipes, consider the throughput of the heating system in which they will be installed.

As for pressure, here you should pay attention to the marking of pipes - it makes it clear what maximum system pressure can withstand specific reinforced polypropylene products:

  • PN-10 - 1 MPa;
  • PN-20 - 2 MPa;
  • PN-25 - 2.5 MPa.

Important! Do not buy pipes marked PN-6 - they are not suitable for the heating system.

As you can see, glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipes are a worthy alternative not only to the usual metal products, but also to many innovative products. They are easy to install, environmentally friendly, resistant to very high temperatures and have a solid service life - these qualities make pipes an ideal material for organizing a functional and durable heating system.

Polypropylene pipes and fittings: video

Polypropylene pipes for heating: photo


general characteristics

Pipes reinforced with fiberglass create serious competition for analogues reinforced with aluminum foil. For such risers, a characteristic three-layer construction: polypropylene - fiberglass - polypropylene. The reinforcing layer is also made of propylene, reinforced with fiber fibers - glass fibers.
According to its technical parameters, the adhesion of plastic to fiberglass can be compared with the strength of a monolith.

For fiberglass-reinforced pipes, the following marking is typical: PPR-FB-PPR.

If we compare the risers with an aluminum and fiberglass frame, then the first option has one significant advantage: the products are more rigid. This means that when mounting systems with a length of 1.5 meters or more, such risers must be attached to the walls with special fasteners. Otherwise, sagging, deformation, failure of the structure is possible.

Regarding diameters, it should be noted that products can be produced with diameters from 20 mm to 110 mm. It is these risers that can be found on sale more often than others. Although, for example, elements with a diameter of 17 mm or less are used to equip underfloor heating.

Products of small diameters are fixed with plastic clips, and large ones with clamps.

Polypropylene products

Reinforced fiberglass depend on the polymer used to make them. All products are marked, which makes it possible to immediately determine the areas of use of tubular parts.

Let's find out. So, PPR - English, and PPR - Russian name means that this is a Polypropylene pipe from a Random copolymer.

Such polypropylene pipes reinforced with fiberglass are used for heating, plumbing, ventilation systems, industrial pipelines.

When arranging engineering networks, PPR pipes reinforced with fiberglass are increasingly being used. There is nothing strange in this, since they are reliable, light enough, and there are much fewer problems with their installation.

Another important factor is cost. For example, the price of PPR pipes reinforced with fiberglass for heating is lower than metal counterparts, which helps to save the family budget. These, as well as other characteristics that a glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipe possesses, contributed to its popularization and use in various areas of the national economy.

Reading this article: The main characteristics and scope and what influences its choice. Classification by pressure and composition of raw materials. Polar questions and answers to them.

10 pluses

High-quality material with the use of modern production technologies, in combination, provide the communications in question with popularity.

What are the main positive characteristics of fiberglass reinforced pipes?

The advantages are definitely:

  1. Corrosion resistance.
    To be more precise, this material does not rust at all. Due to this, systems made of polypropylene pipes reinforced with fiberglass, which are used for heating, plumbing, ventilation, do not require replacement for many years.
  2. Long service life.
    Subject to operational standards and regulations, products made of polymers last about 4 times longer than their metal counterparts.
  3. Low thermal conductivity.
    This property completely eliminates the appearance of condensate on pipelines during their operation.
  4. Small noises and vibrations.
    Due to the design, polypropylene pipes almost do not transmit sound, which occurs as a result of the movement of liquid media. Therefore, the appearance of uncomfortable conditions in the premises is completely excluded.
  5. The complete absence of defrosting.
    This means that even at sub-zero temperatures, only a slight expansion of polypropylene pipes reinforced with glass fiber is observed, which cannot be said about products made of steel, copper, metal-plastic. The last three options for water risers can simply burst under the influence of frost.
  6. Ease of installation.
    You do not need to have special knowledge and skills for laying the highway. It is enough just once with your own hands to try to lay the system, and then everything will go “like clockwork”. Engineering communications of the most complex configurations are performed very easily. This is facilitated by the presence of a large number of fittings.
  7. Absolute tightness of joints.
    , which means, in the future, the ideal functioning of the pipeline.
  8. No minimum deposits, head loss, which is ensured by the smoothness of the inner surface.
  9. Chemical inertness, which is expressed in increased resistance to aggressive environments.
  10. Lightness, ease of maintenance.
    Products do not need to be painted, and the reliability of the connections allows the lines to be operated without repair for more than a dozen years.

Some of the best fiberglass reinforced pipes today are considered to be the German piping systems aquatherm GmbH. You can buy from a representative of the plant of the Agpipe Group of Companies (https://agpipe.ru/trubi_armirovannie_steklovoloknom) - a detailed description of products, characteristics, assortment and much more.

4 cons

As evidenced by the reviews, polypropylene pipes reinforced with fiberglass for heating or plumbing have some disadvantages.

  1. Mandatory pre-treatment.
    This means that there are PPR pipes that must be trimmed before welding. This procedure can be performed with a simple file or a special device. This, in some way, complicates the installation work.
  2. Sensitivity to mechanical influences.
    Although PPR pipes are not brittle, they are not as strong as metal parts, for example. Given this, when passing the highway under the roads, the risers are protected by special boxes.
  3. Products are not recommended to bend, but only join using fittings or welding.

What are the types of pipes made of polymers

At present, 2 types of polymer products are known:

  • single layer;
  • multilayer.

What are the characteristics of each type of product?

Single layer

There are 4 modifications of one-piece polypropylene risers used for heating or water supply.

1st type: PPN pipes.
For their production homopolypropylene is used. They are used in engineering pipeline structures for supplying cold water, arranging ventilation, industrial highways.

2nd type: RRV pipes.
The basis for production is a block copolymer of polypropylene. Products are intended for installation of underfloor heating, cold water supply networks.

3rd type: PPR pipes.
The material for the production of parts is a random copolymer of polypropylene. The main property of the substance: promoting a uniform distribution of loads on the inner walls of pipelines.

Hot, cold water supply, underfloor heating systems, water radiator heating - this is a list of the use of risers of this type.

4th type: PPs pipes.
The main characteristic of the products: polypropylene with increased heat resistance is used for production.

The details of such a line are able to withstand the temperature of the transported media up to + 95⁰С. If necessary, during a short period of time it is possible to transport the medium with a temperature of up to +110⁰С.

The first three analogues are designed for operation at temperatures around +70⁰С. In short-term mode, operation is also allowed at slightly higher temperature values.

Products of the 3rd type are covered with a special sheath, which can completely eliminate the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Important! You should not often use the operation of the system in the mode of maximum permissible parameters.

About multilayer analogues

Polypropylene (pp) pipes consisting of several layers are reinforced with fiberglass, water supply. In comparison with one-piece cast structures, PP products practically do not change their linear dimensions at high temperatures of the transported media. Due to this property, the scope of application of solid-cast communications is significantly expanded.

The following modifications of multilayer risers can be distinguished.

1. Products reinforced with perforated aluminum foil.

They are characterized by the presence, on the outer or middle layer, of holes of small diameters in the form of a mesh. The strength of the bonding with the polymer is due to the viscosity, as well as the fluidity of the substance that penetrates into the holes of the aluminum layer.

Product advantages

  • Low coefficient of linear expansion;
  • increased strength.


  • In the process of welding, docking with fittings of only the upper layer of the riser is reliable enough;
  • aluminum reinforcement must be removed before welding, since failure to perform this operation may cause a poor-quality connection.

2. PP pipes with solid aluminum foil reinforcement.

The foil can be located both on the outer and on the middle layer of the pipe part, but it is imperative that polymer layers are placed on both sides of the metal.

Before proceeding with welding, it is necessary to trim the risers. Thanks to the procedure, the possibility of aluminum contact with the moving medium is excluded.


  • Low coefficient of thermal expansion;
  • increased strength properties.

The disadvantages include:

  • Not all layers are welded reliably. In places of welding, only the connection of the outer layer is absolutely reliable;
  • obligatory removal of unnecessary aluminum residues, which takes a lot of time.

Important! To remove the aluminum layer before welding, you need to use a special tool. Its purpose: to accurately measure the depth to which the pipes should be lowered into the fittings in order to clean the inner surface to the same distance.

Failure to comply with this condition may lead to an unreliable connection, which is fraught with the occurrence of electrochemical processes when the foil comes into contact with water.

Individual enterprises have mastered the production of communications of this type, the design of which does not foresee preliminary cleaning before welding.

3. PP products with reinforcement in the form of polyethylene.

That is, the outer layer of the pipe looks like a thick polyethylene layer.


  • Small coefficient of thermal expansion;
  • cleaning is not required before joining by welding;
  • operation at high temperatures.


  • When docking, a reliable connection of the fitting is possible only with the outer layer;
  • full contact of the transported medium and polyethylene is not excluded;
  • strength characteristics wish to be the best, since the layers between themselves.

4. PP pipe with fiberglass reinforcement.

Design feature: the presence of a middle polypropylene layer with a filler in the form of fiberglass. Fillers are often colored in order to better distinguish them visually.

The advantages of this type of communication are greater than those of previous analogues combined.

First of all: structures with pipes reinforced with fiberglass for heating or water supply have high strength and solidity.

Secondly: fiberglass-reinforced risers are characterized by a relatively low coefficient of thermal expansion, which is approximately 25% less than that of non-reinforced counterparts.

Thirdly: before hot docking, it is not necessary to clean the ends of the elements to be joined.

Fourth: fiberglass line has increased rigidity.

Fiberglass elements have one drawback, and even that has not yet been fully proven: the penetration of oxygen through the material.

If this fact is fully confirmed, an accelerated process of corrosion of the metal from which the boilers are made is possible.

Theoretically, such a minus is possible, but in practice, research is still being carried out.

How elements are connected to each other

PPR pipes reinforced with fiberglass can be connected into a single structure by diffusion welding or fittings (adapters, couplings, tees and other parts).

In each of the methods, the so-called welding machine. The risers docked in this way create a monolithic non-separable structure.

The presence of special adapters in the form of threaded, flanged connections makes it possible to fasten the PPR polypropylene pipe reinforced with fiberglass with a metal line corresponding to fittings.

What is a pipe polypropylene fiber reinforced with fiberglass

These products are 3-layer polypropylene pipes reinforced with FIBER fiberglass.

They differ:

  • increased resistance to corrosion processes and chemical influences;
  • abrasive resistance;
  • hygiene. Due to this property, the products have found their application in the installation of drinking water pipelines;
  • environmental safety;
  • long service life;
  • ease of installation.

In addition, the products are universal in their use.

This is manifested in the fact that they are used:

  • when installing underfloor heating, water heating;
  • for supplying hot, cold water;
  • in the process of arranging drainage and sewer systems.

Due to the design features of the risers, the product practically does not change its linear dimensions, which is very important when installing heating and ventilation communications.

How to choose

This question is asked by everyone who deals with the arrangement of pipe structures during repairs or when building a new house. The main thing is that the planned highway should be of high quality and cheap.

For the optimal solution of the issue, you need to have knowledge of the technical characteristics of the system that is planned to be built.

Experts advise to adhere to certain recommendations regarding other characteristics, the main of which are:

  • diameter;
  • pressure;
  • manufacturers.

1. Required diameters.

Today's market is saturated with products with diameters of 20-110 mm.

In everyday life, elements with a diameter of up to 40 mm are most often used. Risers of this thickness are used in the arrangement of heating, ventilation systems, hot and cold water supply.

In some cases, the most accurate calculations are needed when mounting certain communications. In such situations, it is necessary to use the services of specialists who, using formulas, will make the necessary calculations. Given the maximum water flow, the speed of its movement, professionals will tell you as accurately as possible what diameter riser should be used in a particular case.

2. What pressure are the parts rated for?

To a person who is not familiar with the specifics of such work, the task of choosing a riser that can withstand a certain pressure seems quite difficult. But this is at first glance. In fact, the problem is solved simply.

To do this, you need to: know what pressure the heating or plumbing system is designed for and ... be able to read. This means that since there is a marking on all PPR pipes reinforced with fiberglass, it contains all the information about the product. Here it is written what maximum pressure the product is designed for.

Mostly, in everyday life, communications with the inscription PN20 are used, which means that the part can be operated in lines with pressure up to 20 atm. This number is exaggerated, since such pressure is not observed in household mains. For example, in heating systems of one-story buildings, the nominal pressure is 2.5 - 4 atmospheres. But a margin of safety won't hurt.

Regarding the diameter, it is necessary to select the appropriate fittings.

Important! The best option for selecting pipes and fittings is the presence of parts not only of the same diameter, but also of the same manufacturer. When assembling a structure from such elements, minimal problems are excluded.

3. Manufacturers

The correct choice of PPR risers also includes the choice of the manufacturer. There is no one specific company whose products would satisfy all customers.

The question is to avoid unnecessary problems. Therefore, preference should be given to that (or those) enterprises whose reputation in the market of similar goods is impeccable.

Companies from Europe have a certain advantage in this regard. High quality, reliability in operation, affordable price, which means that the products of companies from Germany and the Czech Republic are popular.

In recent years, the quality of goods from Turkey and China has increased significantly.

A little behind them are domestic manufacturers, whose products today differ not only in relatively low prices, but also in proper quality. The choice is yours. The main thing is not to buy fakes. Therefore, buy goods in company stores, while requiring a quality certificate.

In addition to these, there are other reasons that affect the choice of goods. True, there is one but: we did not remember at all about the service life of products made of white polypropylene. There is a reason for this. By adhering to the requirements of proper operation, the elements of the piping structure are fully capable of withstanding the period of time that is needed to begin the next overhaul of the building.

Such are today's materials.


It can be concluded that, given the positive characteristics of PPR pipes reinforced with fiberglass, their budget price, the scope of use - heating, ventilation, water supply, the products do not in vain claim to be the leader in their class.

The future belongs to polymer communications, as they will be a worthy replacement for traditional metal pipelines.


Water supply, heating in a house or apartment (autonomous or centralized) is not complete without the use of pipes. Many people remember how unattractive metal pipes look, they need to be constantly painted, maintained, and anyway, at any moment they can let the homeowner down, because over time they react to changes in temperature and pressure worse and worse.

The metal quickly becomes covered with scale from the inside, which significantly slows down the movement of hot water and, as a result, reduces heat transfer. Probably, all the disadvantages of metal pipes prompted scientists, engineers and technologists to develop and implement new models of pipes made from modern materials using advanced technologies.

Manufacturers of reinforced polypropylene pipes

It is no secret that when buying pipes, the choice of a manufacturer that has proven itself in the Russian and international markets is of considerable importance. Today we will introduce some popular brands specializing in such products.

FV Plast (Czech Republic)

The company specializes in polypropylene for heating, hot and cold water supply, heating. The company's products are available only in gray with an aluminum and fiberglass layer.

Metak (Russia)

The company manufactures various products from polypropylene, including pipes reinforced with fiberglass under the Metak Fiber brand. The company's products are ideal for heavily loaded heating systems.

Banninger (Germany)

The German company produces excellent products that are of the highest quality and reliability in operation. The buyer can easily find it in the shop windows by its emerald green color.

In conclusion, I would like to recommend our readers not to buy reinforced polypropylene from unknown companies that do not even indicate their brand name on the label. By saving a small amount when buying, you can lose much more money (nerves, time) when low-quality products let you down. And it usually happens at the most inopportune moment.

For communication systems in a residential building, reliability and simplicity of design are always in the first place. In order for the cold and hot water supply system to function normally in an apartment, at home or in a country house, the heating equipment must work to the fullest, it is necessary to correctly and competently lay the pipeline. Here, pipes come to the fore - an engineering and technological element, on which the entire water and heat supply system is based in the future. When choosing pipes for a heating system, literally every little thing has to be taken into account, from technological parameters to the material used and the method of manufacture.

The complexity of the task lies in the fact that today the consumer has at his disposal pipes for heating of various types and types. , a new type of consumable, which is successfully used for laying household pipelines. for the installation of a heating system, with fiberglass or reinforced with aluminum - this is the "know-how" of recent years. Cheap, reliable, practical and easy-to-use consumables.

Do synthetic consumables meet the tasks set for the heating system? How reliable are fiberglass reinforced polypropylene pipes, how to make the right purchase? These questions need to be dealt with in more detail.

What is reinforced polypropylene pipes

Life support communications systems that use metal pipes are becoming a thing of the past. Despite the fact that metal consumables are highly durable and quite reliable in operation, the high cost of the material and complex installation have affected the fact that interest in such materials has noticeably weakened at the household level. As an alternative to metal pipes, the consumer today focuses on reinforced synthetic consumables.

In the process of manufacturing products, polypropylene is strengthened by the addition of special components to the structure. As a result, at the output we have a completely different, qualitatively new consumable material - reinforced polypropylene pipes. Reinforcement is a traditional way of mechanically strengthening communications. Due to the inclusion of synthetic fibers in the form of a braid in the composition of the polypropylene channel, it was possible to significantly increase the strength and rigidity of the material. Reinforcement is carried out both in the middle of the product itself and on the inside. Internal reinforcement is extremely rare, but the inclusion of an additional middle layer of fiberglass in the structure of the finished product is a fairly common technology.

On a note: reinforcement on the inner wall of the pipe is not advisable. There is a high probability of an early blockage due to the formation of salt deposits on the walls of the internal channel. The quality of water used for domestic purposes, including heating, is not always ideal.

Replacing metal pipes, reinforced polypropylene consumables have radically changed the entire technology of laying pipelines of the heat supply system. Synthetic material is not inferior to metal in strength, is resistant to corrosive processes and copes well with temperature changes.

We especially bribe the consumer with the fact that, reinforced and reinforced with fiberglass, they are suitable for heating any premises. Polypropylene consumables are able to effectively interact with almost any type of heating equipment and heating equipment.

The cost of such products is an order of magnitude less than the cost of metal, copper or metal-plastic pipelines. This aspect is especially important when it comes to organizing a heating system throughout the house. In houses and apartments of a large area, in two-story residential buildings, the use of synthetic reinforced channels makes it possible to literally entangle the entire building with a network of pipelines. The length of a pipeline made of synthetic materials in some cases reaches several hundred meters. With other products, you will not allow yourself such luxury, trying to save on every centimeter.

For reference: the length of the heat supply system in a private residential building with an area of ​​​​100 m 2 is about 100 meters, including the return. Compare the cost of reinforced polypropylene pipes required for laying a pipeline of this length and the price of metal products or metal-plastic.

Let's summarize. Reinforcement is carried out in order to give the polypropylene pipe the necessary strength. Why fiberglass is used for this purpose. The answer is simple. Fiberglass inserted in the middle is impregnated with an elastic plastic mass, creating a single whole with the surrounding outer and outer layers of polypropylene. As a result, the necessary integrity of the product is achieved. Due to the inclusion of a fiberglass layer in the pipe structure, it was possible to significantly reduce the thickness of the inner wall, while maintaining the main working diameter of the channel.

On a note: reinforced with aluminum, polypropylene pipes can delaminate over time. Frequent sudden changes in the temperature of the coolant cause such a negative phenomenon.

Features of Polypropylene Consumables Reinforced with Glass Fiber

For a home heating system, the most important parameter is ease of operation and long service life. The functionality of each component and element of the water heating system determines the level of comfort and the degree of reliability of the equipment. What is the main thing when installing a heating system in a house? Durability and convenient operation. Carrying out the installation of the heating system in the house, we want to make sure that the whole complex of equipment works autonomously, without our participation.

They can reassure you in this regard. , taking into account thermal calculations and operation features, will ensure long-term and uninterrupted operation of the home heating system. Reinforced synthetic consumables used in heating communications are designed for 20-25 years of service.

Resistance to corrosion processes, the ability to withstand high pressure and significant temperature changes, make synthetic pipelines and communications very convenient and practical to use. The permissible temperature range for such material is: -10 0 C +90 0 C, which is especially important when completing autonomous heating. Not afraid of polypropylene with fiberglass and freezing. When the coolant in the system freezes, synthetic lines, unlike metal products, retain their shape, structure and integrity.

Synthetic, fiberglass-reinforced pipes are an excellent dielectric, and when in contact with fire, polypropylene is non-toxic and decomposes into water vapor and carbon. Along with the listed features, fiberglass-based synthetic water channels have other advantages. For example:

  • simple, fast and convenient installation;
  • pipe laying does not require special skills and specialization;
  • the strength of the seams allows the use of even pieces of pipe in the installation, minimizing waste;
  • interchangeability of individual elements in case of damage to the pipeline;
  • affordable price of the material.

And the most important advantage that reinforced polypropylene pipes have is the absence of the effect of sagging of the pipeline.

Important! For conventional polypropylene pipes, the sagging effect is a significant disadvantage. Polymers tend to have a high coefficient of thermal expansion. Upon contact with a hot coolant, polymers acquire additional elasticity and begin to change their structure.

Fiberglass or aluminum give polypropylene pipes the necessary resistance when heated. Pipelines for hot water or heating systems withstand temperature loads without losing their main technological parameters. In addition, reinforced synthetics and fittings are perfectly combined with any interior decoration options. The pipeline of the heating system can be laid inside the walls, significantly increasing the usable volume of the interior.

Types of reinforced polypropylene pipes. Product marking

At the moment, the market for consumables for heating systems is rich in choice. The marking of products deserves attention, thanks to which we can get all the necessary information about the working parameters of the pipe and operational capabilities. For polypropylene reinforced pipes, marking plays a key role. Based on the information, we will be able to correctly and accurately select the required type, type of product.

Let's start with the classification of polypropylene pipes, which is based on the diversity of products. Synthetic consumables are divided into the following types:

  • The first type - products made from homopolypropylene, have a PPH index (H - homopolymer). This type is characterized by high strength. They are usually used in cold water supply systems.
  • The second type is pipes, which include a block copolymer (B - block copolymer). These consumables are marked with PPB indices and can be used in low-temperature heating systems (warm water floors).
  • The third type is the most common. Products are used for underfloor heating and hot water supply. PPR pipes are marked, where R is a random copolymer. Usually this type of product is made reinforced. The letter C is added to the existing PPR marking, which means overestimated requirements for temperature jumps (up to 95 0 C).

The European abbreviation PP corresponds to the Russian version of PP, which means polypropylene.

Further, after the designations that the product belongs to the type of material, there are designations characterizing the value of the nominal working pressure. For this purpose, PN indices are used. At the household level, reinforced pipes with indexes PN20, PN25 are usually used for water supply and heating systems. These two types are optimally suited for heating systems, both for centralized heating options and complete with individual heating devices. The difference is that products with the PN20 index are reinforced with fiberglass, and those with the PN25 index have an aluminum layer.

Important! Unlike conventional polypropylene consumables, both PN20 and PN25 have a low thermal expansion coefficient. For products reinforced with fiberglass, this figure is 5-7% higher than for foil-coated polypropylene pipes.

The required quality, compliance of the product with the declared parameters can be obtained by purchasing original, branded products. The price is an aspect on the basis of which it is possible to determine a fake from a branded consumable. Reinforcing component - fiberglass can be of different colors, orange, blue, red or green. The color scheme does not play any role. Some manufacturers, in addition to existing designations, apply strips along the surface of the pipe:

  • red stripe, scope of use - pipelines with hot water or coolant;
  • blue stripe, products are used for cold water supply;
  • two colors - the versatility of the highway.

This is what the standard marking on the product looks like.

Conclusion. Pipe laying and installation features

Having an idea about which components are best to take for the heating system, it is worth saying a few words about the features of laying polypropylene lines and the specifics of installing pipelines.

With the help of calculations, you can get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat length pipes should be bought and in what quantity. Already in the process of laying the pipeline, the material is cut into fragments in accordance with the required dimensions. The cutting of consumables is carried out with special scissors.

Important! Polypropylene channels are cut quite easily, hence the conclusion can be drawn. Transportation and installation of finished products must be carried out with due care. Any significant mechanical force can lead to a violation of the integrity of the product.

Where there is a high probability of mechanical damage to the pipeline, it is better to install metal fragments.

It is believed that polypropylene pipes are environmentally friendly and safe, so the location of the pipeline can be chosen in accordance with the technological need. However, before installation, it is better to have at hand the calculated data on the flow rate of the coolant, the pressure force and the heating temperature. The calculated data should not exceed the permissible operating parameters for the selected brand of goods. Otherwise, a technological inconsistency may occur, resulting in an emergency.

The installation of the pipeline is carried out taking into account the coefficient of thermal expansion, which for consumables with fiberglass is slightly higher (by 5-6%) than for products with an aluminum insert. The cut fragments are connected into a single line by diffuse soldering, using fittings, couplings, angles, tees and adapters for connections and branches. Reinforced pipes are soldered in the same way as conventional polypropylene products. The material is easy to combine with metal elements that have a threaded connection.

At the moment, the price-quality ratio of polypropylene pipeline products is the best among other consumables. Strength, reliability and durability make it quite easy, without much skill and effort, to lay the pipeline of the heating system in the house.

The heating system should be of the highest quality. This applies to all structural elements. It is especially important to choose the right pipes for heating distribution. It is important to consider the category of the product and choose the manufacturer. Since there are quite a few companies involved in the manufacture of polypropylene pipes, you should “put” on the most reliable one. Today there is still no single classification of pipes made of polypropylene. The same models may be labeled differently.

It is necessary to determine in advance the technical characteristics that polypropylene pipes will have. Some designations may still be standard, so you need to decide on them in advance. For example, polypropylene pipes for heating reinforced with fiberglass can be used under certain conditions.

Marking and technical indicators

To understand the difference between polypropylene products, it is worth starting to navigate the brands and names. Each pipe is marked with two letters "PP". In the English version, the designation looks like " PP". They may be followed by other letters or numbers. With the help of such designations, the following materials are called:

It is random copolymer products that are the most reliable when creating a heating system. They are quite safe and are of excellent quality. They are used in the construction of central heating networks. Often they are chosen for installation in private homes. In the latter case, an oil or gas boiler must be installed. When installing a solid fuel boiler with overheating protection, a special polymer is used for wiring the heating system. It is very resistant to elevated temperatures. It is used when heating the coolant to 110 degrees.

In the presence of a solid fuel boiler that is not equipped with an automation system, polypropylene models will not withstand high temperatures. In this case, the wiring is done using products made of copper and steel. Polypropylene can be used in such conditions only when using liquid heat accumulators.

Important! PPR pipes can be installed in various systems with both cold and hot water.

Particular attention is paid not only to the permissible temperature of the carrier, but also to pressure. Such a parameter is denoted by the letters PN. The numbers that are located immediately behind them indicate the water pressure that the pipe can withstand. This characteristic means that the products are able to operate at the designated pressure for more than 50 years. In this case, the temperature of the environment should be 20 degrees.

If the temperature medium or the pressure of the coolant changes, the service life of the product is significantly reduced. For example, if a pipe is operated at 50 degrees, it can last only 7-8 years. In addition, the greater the pressure, the thicker the wall of the products should be. Many pipes are made with a reinforced layer.

For heating private houses, the PN 10 brand is often used. Such products are suitable for systems in which a coolant with a temperature of up to 70 degrees moves. For a short time they can also be operated when the coolant is heated to 95 degrees. In such conditions, they will last, of course, not 50 years, but more than a dozen for sure. The advantages of such models include low cost.

However, they also have a significant disadvantage - they have a significant expansion coefficient. When the pipe heats up to 70 degrees, each meter of it increases by 1 cm. When such products are installed in the gap wall, after a while, nearby materials will be destroyed. When laying pipes on top, after a while, they noticeably sag.

Reinforced polypropylene pipes

For heating distribution, polypropylene pipes reinforced with special materials are often chosen. Their marking looks like this - PN 20 and PN 25. Such brands differ in reinforcing material. If we consider PN 20, they use fiberglass. In PN 25 aluminum is used for this purpose. Despite the fact that the reinforcing layer in these pipes is made of different materials, each of the grades has a low coefficient of expansion. However, when using fiberglass, this figure is 7% lower compared to foil products.

The best brands are Banniger and Valtec. The number of fakes from these manufacturers is very large, so when buying products under these brands, it is better to play it safe. You should know some features of the original model. For example, a quality pipe has even layers. This indicator is the main one. It is easy to distinguish the original from the fake.

If the reinforced layer is located strictly in the middle of the wall, the polypropylene inside and outside must have the same thickness anywhere along the length of the pipe. If the reinforcement is made of aluminum, the reinforcing layer is located a little closer to the outside.

There is another sure sign that the product is a fake. Most manufacturers use aluminum butt welding. Such products are highly reliable. However, the production of such pipes requires expensive equipment. If the seams overlap, then there is a poor-quality production.

In original pipes, the inner and outer surfaces are smooth. The inscription applied to the surface is quite clear, without defects. It is not lubricated and applied along the line. Some manufacturers of low-quality goods often distort the name in order to avoid problems with a counterfeit claim. It may lack a letter, or an extra character will be added.

Therefore, the name on the material must be looked closely. This will help you avoid buying low-quality goods. In general, with the exact choice of brand, you should first visit the official resource of the manufacturer. This will help you figure out how exactly the original models look. It is important to look at the surface. It can be either smooth or matte. Particular attention is paid to the logo. It is important to study the range.

Fiberglass pipes

In products of the PN 20 brand, fiberglass acts as a reinforcing layer. This type of pipe was originally made for hot water. Such products behave well when installed in heating systems. They will work well too. However, their service life will be less than 50 years. Quality is usually determined by price. The best pipes are produced by Europeans. This has been proven by experience. However, the cost of their products is quite high.

It is worth understanding how polypropylene pipes reinforced with fiberglass are used in heating. It does not matter what material the models are made of, and what kind of reinforcing layer they have. Fiberglass is made in different colors: green, blue and red. The shade depends on the use of a certain coloring pigment.

If you focus on the purpose of fiberglass pipes, it is important to pay attention only to the shade of the strip located longitudinally. If it is red, then the product can be used in networks where hot water is present. If there is a blue stripe on the pipe, it is intended for cold water supply. If there are two strips, the pipe can be used in both cases.

Features of using pipes in heating

Products containing fiberglass in their composition can be installed in heating systems, taking into account certain subtleties. This is due to the main disadvantage of polypropylene products. The material has a high oxygen permeability. When the temperature of the environment rises significantly, a lot of oxygen accumulates in the system. This leads to the destruction of metal parts.

The system must be equipped with high-quality radiators. Then no problems will arise. When installing cast iron or low-quality aluminum radiators into the system, only pipes with a foil layer are allowed. In this case, there will be no free access of oxygen to the radiator.

Important! Permeability also depends on the wall thickness, but not too much. The main indicator is the quality of the material.

Most installers advise using pipes reinforced with fiberglass for heating. This is due to the ease of installation. Installation is twice as fast as in the case of foil products. To obtain a high quality weld in the manufacture of foil products, you will need to remove the foil layer. It takes a lot of time to do this. In addition, special tools are required for such work.

In addition, cleaning pipes requires honed skills. However, when performing high-quality heating in your own home, it is worth spending time on such subtleties. Therefore, it is worth learning more about pipes with a foil reinforcement layer.

Foil reinforcement

Reinforced polypropylene products have a standard designation - PEX / AI / PEX. There are two options for mounting the foil layer: exactly in the middle of the wall and closer to the outer edge. The reinforced layer should not come into contact with the coolant. Even water can significantly shorten the life of the product. It contains salts that gradually destroy the metal layer.

When water enters into an oxidative reaction with aluminum foil, the latter begins to break down. After a while, such a pipe will break. For this reason, in almost all such products, the reinforced layer is placed closer to the outside.

If the pipes are located in the floor or built into the walls, serious problems can arise after some time of their operation. It will be very difficult to repair them. Quite often, micropores are found in the walls of products. Therefore, if there is any doubt about the quality of the pipes, it is worth mounting them over the walls.

The installation of pipes inside the walls has another drawback. When welding pipes with a fitting, only the top layer is connected. The pipeline in this case becomes unreliable.
