Total War: Attila - prepare for war in any strange situation. Review


The Second Punic War was one of the most brutal and bloody wars of antiquity. She put an end to the struggle for power over the Mediterranean and established the dominance of Rome from Italy to Iberia.

However, the victory came at a high cost to the Romans: having made an incredible crossing over the Alps, Hannibal Barca invaded the lands of Italy and nearly destroyed the Eternal City itself. In addition, defeats at Trebbia, Lake Trasimene and Cannae turned its allies away from Rome, putting the republic on the brink of collapse.

Without a doubt, Hannibal was a brilliant strategist and tactician. In the fight against mighty Rome, he achieved greater success than anyone else in history. His mistake was that he underestimated the resilience of the Romans. After a series of severe defeats, they managed to gather their strength and strike back under the command of Scipio, and then finally destroy the plans of Carthage at the Battle of Zama.

We know about the Second Punic War mainly from the writings of Polybius and Livy, who did not witness those events and described them from a Roman point of view. In particular, Polybius was known for open speeches against Carthage (presumably he was present at the destruction of the ancient city) and especially the Barcids, so his point of view is so biased that it can be considered as Roman propaganda.

Although it was still many years before the rise of Julius Caesar and the creation of an empire by Octavian, it was the victory over Carthage and its allies that laid the foundations for the power of Rome.


Using touch controls, you can move the camera, command troops on the battlefield, control armies on the campaign map, use the menu, and perform many other actions. In addition to this, you can use the on-screen keyboard, enabled through the control menu.


First game in the series total war, Shogun, came out in 2000. In the debut game of the series, the basic principles of the global and tactical modes were laid. The game tells about the opposition of the ruling houses in 16th century Japan; There are 7 clans to choose from. The time of action is from 1530 to 1630, each move in the game corresponds to 1 season, so the total time of the game is 400 moves. Tellingly, the game may end in a draw (none of the clans gained sole control over the territory). The map in the game is patchwork and is a map of medieval Japan laid out on the table. The currency used in the game is rice - coca, which is harvested in the fall. Among the agents available are diplomats, spies (shinobi), assassins (ninja) and geisha - a special, elite type of assassin who does not die if the task fails. The game also reflects the appearance in Japan of European powers - the Portuguese and the Dutch - an alliance with which allows you to build gunpowder squads.

An add-on Mongol Invasion was released for the game, dedicated to the hypothetical Mongolian invasion of medieval Japan. The addon added a new faction - the Mongols, which are prohibited from building buildings and hiring units. The Mongol faction receives new troops for victories won.

Medieval: Total War

The second game in the series was released in 2002. The graphics engine has remained unchanged. The action moved to medieval Europe (from 1087 - the year of the death of the King of England William the Conqueror - to 1453 - the fall of Constantinople), but retained the entourage Shogun. The currency is the florin. All factions are divided into groups (Catholics, Orthodox, Muslims and pagans), and their number has been increased to 12. Each group of factions has its own line of buildings and units. The capture of territory that for a long time belonged to a faction from the opposite group leads to mass discontent among the population, caused by cultural and religious differences. The actions of Catholic factions are controlled by the Pope, who does not tolerate internecine war between Catholic powers. Generals have several characteristics (cruelty, nobility, piety), as well as personality traits that affect the values ​​of a particular characteristic. It became possible to select a groom for royal daughters from generals of other states, whose successful marriage can lead to an alliance with the state. There were mercenaries and sieges of fortresses. Also in the game you can dismount some mounted units.

An add-on was released later. Viking invasion, stylistically similar to Shogun: Total War Mongol Invasion. The addon takes place on the territory of medieval England and is dedicated to the Viking raids, which resemble the Mongols from the addon to the previous game.

Rome: Total War

Released in late 2004 on a fully 3D engine with a fully 3D strategy map. The action takes place in 270 BC. e.- 14 AD e. (270 BC - the beginning of the first Punic War; 14 AD - the death of Emperor Augustus) and is dedicated to ancient wars. 1 move in the game is half a year, so the game is limited to 588 moves. The currency is the denarius. Due to the abandonment of the patchwork map concept, a province can host armies from opposing sides and is controlled by the side that owns the settlement in the center of the province. The number of faction groups has been increased to 6, and their number is 21. The key faction group is Roman. The functions of the Pope were transferred to the Roman Senate, which coordinates the actions of the Roman factions. The generals and agents appeared retinue. The concept of siege battles has changed, which began to resemble strong hold. All constructed buildings are displayed on the tactical map. There was an expansion of diplomatic opportunities.

Two add-ons were released for the game: the first add-on Rome: Total War - Barbarian Invasion dedicated to the fall of Rome and its division into Western and Eastern Empires. The game takes place in the 4th century AD. Updated the composition of factions (with an emphasis on barbarians). There has been a change in both tactical and strategic modes, religions have been added. Second addition Rome: Total War - Alexander dedicated to the campaign of Alexander the Great to the East. There are practically no innovations in the game, a number of faction representatives have been sharply curtailed (one has been added - India) and diplomacy has been removed.

Medieval II: Total War

Released in 2006 on a modified engine Rome: Total War. Ideologically, it is a continuation Medieval. The action takes place in 1080-1530. 1 turn in the game equals 1.5 years, but for all characters it is considered as half a year. Thus, the period, actually equal to 120 turns, for the characters will be 60 years. Goods icons appeared on the strategy map. The concept of settlements has changed - now there are two types of settlements: cities and castles. Cities are the centers of the economy, castles allow you to train more elite troops. The concept of hiring units has changed: you can hire several units at once in one turn. New agents have been added: priest (increases the value of the religion indicator), merchant (being installed on the icon of the goods, begins to bring additional profit), inquisitor (special agent available only to the pope). The opportunity to marry royal daughters returned again. Guilds appeared - buildings that have a special effect or allow you to train a certain type of unit. The game reflects the invasion of the Mongols and Timurids, as well as the discovery of America.

The Kingdoms add-on was released for the game, which consists of several campaigns, each containing its own unique set of factions and historical era. There were 4 campaigns in total and they were dedicated to various historical events: the struggle of the Teutonic Order with Novgorod, Poland, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, as well as with the Baltic states, wars in Britain, the Crusades, the confrontation between the Spanish conquistadors and the indigenous population of America. In all these campaigns, the number of factions is significantly less than in the main campaign.

Empire: Total War

Released March 3, 2009. The action takes place from 1700 to 1799 and is dedicated to the colonial wars. Actions are developed on four continents - Europe, Africa, Asia, as well as the Indian subcontinent and America. The developers returned to the Shogun idea: the armies of different sides have the same line of units, which differ in the color of the uniform, and 1-2 unique branches of the military (for Russians, for example, these are Cossacks). The game now has the ability to appoint ministers. The concept of building in cities has changed: you can only build a certain number of buildings, depending on the free space in the province. For a province, its specialty is determined by the constructed buildings. The concept of a political system appeared (determined by starting conditions); depending on the system in the country, elections can take place or revolutions can occur. Reworked agents: they cannot be hired, and they themselves appear from time to time. Agents: missionary, saboteur, scientist. Diplomacy does not require ambassadors. You can hide soldiers in buildings on the tactical map. Naval tactical battles appeared - one of the most important innovations. The possibility of the emergence of various states is reflected: the USA, Scotland, Mexico and others. Also, any faction can return to the game after being destroyed. A technology tree was introduced into the game, however, unlike the previous series, technological discoveries were not represented by a set of historical events - the player himself develops his infrastructure and science, thus being able to both overtake competitors in this area and lag behind them. The development of technology has the greatest impact in the entire series on both the course of the campaign and the mode of tactical battles. Several DLC packs were released for the game (through the Steam digital distribution service), the largest of which, the Warpath Campaign, took the action of the game to America, where Indian tribes fought European colonialists. The remaining additions (Elite Units of the East, Elite Units of America, Elite Units of the West) were local in nature and only added new units for various factions to the game.

Napoleon: Total War

A game Napoleon: Total War was released on February 23, 2010. The game develops gameplay and graphic developments of the game Empire: Total War. Significantly reworked economic, diplomatic and combat components. For the first time in the series, an elaborate story mode is featured, covering the period of the Napoleonic Wars. Unlike the original, only Europe is represented in the game. The location factor of the faction has become very important (for example, Russia is far from France, so Russia is relatively safe). Another change is the AI ​​of the computer players, now they act more adequately and realistically (for example, Britain is on an island, so France first of all tries to block all British shipyards so that Britain cannot land its troops in France).

Total War: Shogun 2

SEGA June 3, 2010, released March 15, 2011. Total War: Shogun 2 is dedicated to the period of feudal fragmentation of Japan in the 16th century.

Rise of the Samurai

Standalone addition to the game Total War: Shogun 2. The add-on covers the period 400 years before the events of the original game. Dawn of the Samurai tells of the Gempei War, a conflict between the six houses of the Taira, Minamoto, and Fujiwara clans that led to the formation of the first shogunate and the rise of the samurai as the ruling class.

Fall of the Samurai

  • Significantly modified Warscape engine - Warscape+.
  • The personal intrigues of the rulers play an important role in politics.
  • The map was seriously enlarged and extended to the East. The map contains 183 regions.
  • Land, sea battles and sieges are combined into one battle with several stages of the battle (battle between ships, landing, siege of a fortress).
  • New "region system". The province is made up of several regions. In this case, the player does not control the entire province at once, but is forced to capture all areas.
  • Several new types of cameras.
  • The interaction of the army and fleet, including the landing of troops.
  • Now there are several control points in the city instead of one square.
  • Improved AI.
  • Before attacking a wall or facing an enemy squad, commanders turn to their subordinates and cheer them up with shouts. It is better to see such small details using a special camera that shows the course of the battle from the perspective of individual soldiers.
  • A significant increase in the number of units.
  • Each legion in the game is special and differs from other units in form and in its own unique features.
  • Cities that have been under siege for a long time look appropriate: the walls are surrounded by siege fortifications, the area around is devastated, and in the city itself you can see fires and destruction.
  • The ability to enter the tactical map view mode right during the battle. The dots of different colors mark connections located on the map.
  • To better convey the emotions of the soldiers and the very atmosphere on the battlefield, the developers have significantly worked out the animation of the characters. Soldiers can now cover themselves with shields, etc. when under threat of shelling. Facial animation has also undergone a significant improvement compared to previous parts.
  • If in Shogun 2 the emphasis was on individual fights between units, then in Rome II the developers focus on brutal group fights.
  • It became possible to move armies along rivers and seas. Cargo ships have been abolished. An army during a crossing can attack and defend like a fleet. The possibility of an army landing directly into an enemy port, followed by an assault on the city.
  • About 500 types of combat units.
  • Large cities can roll back to the previous stage of development if the food supply regime (new economic system) is disrupted.
  • It is impossible to hire units in the city. Detachments are recruited by armies under the leadership of a general. A new army can be created in any city, but there is a limit on the army, depending on the size of the empire. A situation may occur when the enemy suddenly invades, and all the armies are on the other border and the limit has been reached. To defend yourself, you will have to withdraw the existing armies. The fleet and agents are also limited.
  • Damage inflicted during a siege can take years to come, with many buildings being razed to the ground.
  • Ships now have the ability to ram.
  • The ability to create and modify flags and army names as you wish.

Total War: Attila

The game was officially announced by SEGA on September 25, 2014 and released on February 17, 2015. Action Total War: Attila takes place in 395 AD - the time of apocalyptic upheavals at the dawn of the Middle Ages.

In mid-February 2010, Creative Assembly PR manager Mark O'Connell (Eng. Mark O "Connell) said in an interview with VG247 that the Total War series of games would not appear on game consoles until the console versions of the game could offer players absolutely similar experience to the PC version.“Of course, the PC is the home of the Total War series, but if we ever want to release a new game in the series on consoles, we will only do it if we are confident that we can create an extremely convenient and intuitive control systems and user interface,” he said.

Total War: Warhammer

The game was released on September 28, 2017. The action, like the previous part, takes place in the Warhammer Fantasy universe. Improved graphics, new factions, units. The game has a new plot. .

Total war: Arena

The announcement of the game took place on November 14, 2017. The game begins in 878 AD in the British Isles. The game was released on May 3, 2018.

Total War: Three Kingdoms

On August 02, 2019, the Total War Saga: Troy trademark was registered. A small presentation of the game was presented at Gamescom in August 2019. On September 18, 2019, the day before the official announcement of the game, Total War Saga: Troy was featured in the latest issue of PC Gamer magazine. The official announcement of the game took place on September 19, 2019. The release of the game is scheduled for 2020.

If Attila had not been called as it is, it would have been called Total War: Rome 3. Despite its feigned isolation, the new part of the famous strategic series looks and is perceived primarily as a plot and ideological successor to the "Roman" branch. The game takes us to the 4th century AD, when the unstoppable horde of the Huns swept through Europe, bringing the once mighty Roman Empire to its knees. These are the times of the Great Migration, when many tribes, driven by a sharp cold snap and the same Huns, were forced to leave their native lands and move deep into the continent. A dark and gloomy period in which you have to enter as the leader of one of the peoples and try to either repeat the known history or rewrite it.

For those who have never played Total War before, a couple of small training missions have been prepared, which deal in detail with all the basic elements of nation management - real-time tactical battles, city development, dynastic fuss and more. Veterans, however, would also be nice to pay attention to them in order to get acquainted with all - alas, few - innovations in a relatively calm environment. Because it’s worth launching a big campaign - and there will be no time to “pour in”: an uncompromising war immediately begins there.

Attila the Conqueror himself

Moreover, it doesn’t matter who you choose: one of the two halves of the collapsed Roman Empire, the Eastern powers or some of the nomadic peoples - everyone will be very sad and difficult, however, for different reasons. So, the fragments of the Empire are initially huge developed states, not knowing rest from internal strife and numerous barbarian tribes that brazenly tirelessly climb into their territories. And if Byzantium has a little easier due to a strong economy and a powerful army, then the rulers of the decaying Western Roman Empire meet almost every new move with joy. There is no question of any development or, God forbid, expansion - just to hold out, just to survive.

Nomads live noticeably more actively. In principle, they do not have stationary settlements, but on the other hand, each army can set up a camp for training recruits and other “administrative” tinsel. Playing for the barbarians assumes the only true aggressive style - this means constant raids, robberies and murders. Unlike, so to speak, "territorially formed" nations, a nomad player has much more free will - nothing binds him to the ground, so you can jump anywhere.

The game now has the ability not only to plunder the captured cities, but also to completely destroy them

There are also nations that are something in between, more classical, but in any case, absolutely everyone is equal in the face of nature. Over time, the world is getting colder, crops are freezing, people are dying - as if there were so few other problems. All these factors together give Total War: Attila a darker atmosphere than its predecessors, and the focus of the gameplay is shifting even further from the development of the state towards war.

Tactical battles have always been the main joy and pride of Total War fans. Fighting here is exciting and challenging at the same time. Commanding large, disparate armies requires well-known micro-control skills and the ability to correctly analyze the situation. The main innovation in terms of military affairs, presented in Attila, can safely be called a dynamic flame. A carelessly fired arrow sets fire to the grass, the wind spreads the heat further and further, wooden houses light up - and now the whole farm is on fire. A beautiful, unpredictable and deadly sight.

An important aspect, which was finally properly implemented in the new part, was the management of the dynasty. Politics is always a slippery business, and even the closest people to each other, whether they are children, wives or fathers, can take up arms against each other when it comes to power. Absolutely any event can affect the pluralism of opinions in a dynasty, and it will be at least unpleasant to find out that the once loyal governor of the province was offended and raised an uprising. So do not forget to keep an eye on your relatives - they can bring both benefits and troubles, oh how much.

Without proper control, any battle will quickly turn into a dump.

A separate point worth noting is the amazing performance of the game in general and its optimization in particular. After the sad experience with Rome 2 from Attila, you could expect anything at all, but, fortunately, everything turned out to be very good. For several tens of hours, the game has never crashed, hung up or loaded the system to an inoperative state. Of course, there is still work to be done, and a string of patches can be expected in the near future, but progress compared to its predecessor is still evident.

Creative Assembly, as always, did a great job with their required program. Attila is based on the same mechanics as in Rome 2, but deepened and supplemented, which makes it a little more exciting than its predecessor. In addition, the gloomy style of the era gives a certain charm to the project. And now it becomes especially interesting what the developers will do with the next game in the series, the action of which will surely unfold in the Warhammer fantasy universe. No longer bound by the historical realities of our world, will they dare to make any radical changes? The usual formula is, of course, good, but the fresh stream of the series definitely does not hurt.


  • well-chosen time period;
  • nations and tribes are seriously different from each other;
  • high complexity.


  • useless in-game encyclopedia;
  • sometimes the complexity is too high.

Graphics 8

If on the global map everything is more or less tolerable, without any special praises and claims, then tactical battles are good primarily for the high detail of the armies and the variety of models of warriors. And the "live" fire, of course, looks healthy.

Sound 9

Authentic compositions are a good addition to the division of the world taking place on the screen. And to lead huge armies into battle under something invigorating is generally a pleasure.

Single Player 8

The Attila campaign can be accused of forcing certain playstyles on players - brash for barbarians, defensive for Rome, and so on. But that doesn't change the fact that fighting for the survival of your people in dark times is exciting as hell.

Multiplayer 8

Everything is the same as in single player mode, only with a friend. But when planning a game for two, don't forget that Attila, like her sisters in the genre, requires a lot of free time.

Overall impression 8

Attila is a typical Total War with all its main advantages and disadvantages. In such conditions, the surroundings of the dark period of the Great Migration and a number of pleasant little things that are invariably added to each new game of the series become the winning factors.

Game series total war was founded in 2000. The permanent creator of the games in the series is the British office The Creative Assembly, which in 2005 was acquired by Sega, which has since become the publisher of all new projects in the Total War line.

Series features

The games in the Total War series are a fusion of global turn-based strategy with real-time tactical combat. As a rule, the player leads a clan, family or state, which owns certain territories and resources. By rebuilding cities, developing their infrastructure, the player gets the opportunity to produce more powerful combat units used in capturing enemy territories or defending their own lands. In addition to aggressive methods of expanding possessions, there are a large number of diplomatic and espionage options: the enemy can be bribed, his loyal general can be killed, a rich city can be set on fire. The Total War line is rightfully considered one of the few truly PC-exclusive games left to this day: rich tactical and strategic features, advanced graphics, multi-level gameplay and, in a certain sense, the historicity of what is happening on the screen regularly stir up the interest of the gaming community in this series.

Series games

Shogun: Total War

The first game in the series was released in 2000, at a time when tactical real-time strategy games were still very popular (eg Myth 2). But in addition to an excellent tactical component, the game offered an excellent global mode, within which the player could manage the provinces subject to him, conduct diplomatic negotiations, etc. In Shogun: Total War, the player will have to travel to 16th-century Japan - the era of the warring provinces - and become the leader of one of the seven warlike houses. The ultimate goal of the game is to proclaim oneself as shogun. A feature of this, as well as several subsequent games in the series, is that soldiers in tactical mode are represented by sprites.

Mongol invasion

Addition to Shogun: Total War, dedicated to the invasion of the Mongols in Japan.

Medieval: Total War

Two years after Shogun came out Medieval, a game dedicated to medieval Europe. The number of available factions, possible beliefs and tactical tricks has increased significantly. Externally, the game is very similar to its predecessor, but many game moments have been seriously redesigned, taking into account the characteristics of the selected time period. In the future, this feature of each new game in the series - the presence in it of some elements associated exclusively with the specified era - will become one of the main features of the series. For example, in Medieval, the Pope has a great influence on the Catholic powers. It was the first game in the series, which was released in Russia in Russian by the company

Viking invasion

An add-on to Medieval that is very similar in essence to Mongol Invasion: the Vikings are invading Britain. In Russian, unlike the original, it was not issued.

Rome: Total War

A revolutionary game that probably contributed to the even greater popularization of the Total War line, released in 2004. This is the first game in the series to be rendered in full 3D. The global map is now also three-dimensional, and the armies move directly along the paved roads. Now an enemy combat unit can be located on the territory of the province (and you may not even know about its presence), and the enemy army can literally be overlaid with allied troops. Objects built in cities are displayed during the assault on the corresponding cities. For Roman factions, the Senate of Rome fills the role of the Pope from the previous game in the series. Generals and agents have a retinue: for performing any actions (for example, if the general is extremely successful in an offensive war), your subordinate receives a character as a member of the retinue that changes his characteristics.

Barbarian Invasion

An add-on to Rome, essentially similar to previous additions in the series, but much more global in nature. The action takes place during the decline of the Roman Empire. The player can lead one of the Roman empires (Western or Eastern) and try to restore the former power of Rome. Or try on the role of the leader of one of the nomadic tribes and help Rome forever sink into oblivion. All aspects of the game have been significantly reworked. For example, some factions, after losing their last province, turn into a horde: several huge armies that sweep away everything in their path. If you destroy the leaders of the horde, then the faction will be destroyed. There were night fights and religion.


The second addition to Rome. The player is invited to try on the role of Alexander the Great and capture a large number of cities in a limited period of time. In fact, there are no innovations, many game aspects have been noticeably curtailed, the world map is represented mostly by Asia. This is the only game in the series since Rome that has not been translated into Russian and has not been published in Russia at all.

Medieval II: Total War

The continuation of Medieval (and rather the development of its concept, rather than a full-fledged sequel, if only because the game covers approximately the same time period as the first game), released in 2006. As usual, the developers have made a huge number of changes: the graphics have become noticeably better, there are two types of settlements (cities bring more income, castles - the best troops), in one turn (depending on the level of development of the settlement) you can produce more than one combat unit in one settlement . Icons of unique resources appeared on the global map. If a trader is brought to such a resource, he will start commercial activities, which will lead to additional financial receipts in the player's treasury. Merchants can ruin each other. Catholic factions can be called to the banner of the crusade. Those who accept the cross get the opportunity to acquire special (and very powerful) troops quite cheaply. Those who do not heed the pleas or orders of the Pope risk losing his favor, with all the ensuing consequences.


Addition to the game, which is a set of four unique campaigns: the playing conditions on each are completely different, although the global maps are much smaller than in the original. Campaigns are dedicated to the conquest of America, the activities of the Teutons in Eastern Europe (with the possibility of playing for Russia), the Crusades, internecine wars in Britain.

Empire: Total War

The first game in the series, entirely devoted to battles with the use of mainly firearms, which accordingly affected the tactics of combat. Empire was released in 2009 and covers the events of the 18th century. Changes in the gameplay - a huge number. For example, buildings in provinces are found not only in cities (that is, the center of the province), but also in small settlements around. The game takes place in Europe, Asia and America. For the first time in the history of Total War, it is now possible to lead a fleet in battle. A technology tree has appeared: new technologies appear not due to some historical event, but for the reason that the player pays attention to the development of science. Since the time of Empire, the appearance of a large number of cheap DLCs, which are, for example, a new type of soldier, has become the norm for the series.

Warpath Campaign

In fact - the usual DLC, however, deserved the title of "add-on" due to its size. The player is offered a more detailed map of America, on which battles unfold between the local population and the colonialists from Europe.

Napoleon: Total War

In fact - an independent addition to Empire, nevertheless, for some reason deserved the title (and price tag) of an independent game. For the first time, a full-fledged plot appeared - a sequence of scenarios dedicated to the fate of Napoleon. Although many aspects of Empire have been significantly reworked, overall Napoleon no longer makes the same impression as its predecessor.

The Peninsular Campaign

DLC for Napoleon, which is essentially an addition.

Total War: Shogun 2

Essentially a remake of the very first game in the series. The player is again invited to lead a warlike clan (by default, a choice of nine houses is offered) and become a shogun. The emphasis is again on hand-to-hand combat, but the importance of fortresses, which played a huge role in the defense of the provinces in Rome and Medieval 2, is negated by the fact that during the assault, troops do not actually need siege weapons and devices. In addition to the standard (after Empire) scientific tree, the player is invited to independently choose the direction of the further development of his general, that is, the element of the role-playing game has become even more noticeable than before. In general, the game is in many ways similar to the Shogun of the 2000 model, except, of course, for the incredibly high-quality graphics.

Other games

Spartan: Total Warrior

European cover of the PS2 version of the game. In the lower left corner you can see the logo of the Total War line, corrected for the Spartan genre

A failed spin-off created exclusively for consoles in the 3D Action genre. It is something like God of War, adjusted for weak execution.

  • In Total War, you cannot rename or create cities. Therefore, in Empire St. Petersburg exists already in 1700 and belongs to the Swedes.
  • For some reason, the developers of the Total War series periodically try to get rid of the label of the producers of the best global strategies: apart from a wretched attempt to develop a line of global strategies in an unexpectedly frivolous direction, the main failure of The Creative Assembly is the multiplatform game Stormrise (requiring an OS on the PC of at least
Minimum Requirements Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 3.0 GHz/AMD Athlon II X3 455 3.3 GHz, 3 GB RAM, DirectX 10 graphics card, 512 MB memory such as NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS/AMD Radeon HD 2900 XT, 35 GB free hard drive space, internet connection and Steam account Recommended Requirements Intel Core i5-2500T 2.3 GHz/AMD Phenom II X4 975 3.6 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 1 GB graphics card such as NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti/AMD Radeon HD 5870 release date February 17, 2015 age limit from 13 years old Platforms PC, Mac Official site

If Attila had not been called as it is, it would have been called Total War: Rome 3. Despite its feigned isolation, the new part of the famous strategic series looks and is perceived primarily as a plot and ideological successor to the "Roman" branch. The game takes us to the 4th century AD, when the unstoppable horde of the Huns swept through Europe, bringing the once mighty Roman Empire to its knees. These are the times of the Great Migration, when many tribes, driven by a sharp cold snap and the same Huns, were forced to leave their native lands and move deep into the continent. A dark and gloomy period in which you have to enter as the leader of one of the peoples and try to either repeat the known history or rewrite it.

For those who have never played Total War before, a couple of small tutorial missions have been prepared, which cover in detail all the basic elements of nation management - real-time tactical battles, city development, dynastic fuss and more. Veterans, however, would also be nice to pay attention to them in order to get acquainted with all - alas, few - innovations in a relatively calm environment. Because it is worth launching a big campaign - and there will be no time to “pour in”: an uncompromising war immediately begins there.

Attila the Conqueror himself

Moreover, it doesn’t matter who you choose: one of the two halves of the collapsed Roman Empire, the Eastern powers or some of the nomadic peoples - everyone will be very sad and difficult, however, for different reasons. So, the fragments of the Empire are initially huge developed states, not knowing rest from internal strife and numerous barbarian tribes that brazenly tirelessly climb into their territories. And if Byzantium has a little easier due to a strong economy and a powerful army, then the rulers of the decaying Western Roman Empire meet almost every new move with joy. There is no question of any development or, God forbid, expansion, just to hold out, just to survive.

Nomads live noticeably more actively. In principle, they do not have stationary settlements, but on the other hand, each army can set up a camp for training recruits and other “administrative” tinsel. Playing for the barbarians assumes the only true aggressive style - this means constant raids, robberies and murders. Unlike, so to speak, "territorially formed" nations, a nomad player has much more free will - nothing ties him to the ground, so you can jump anywhere.

The game now has the ability not only to plunder the captured cities, but also to completely destroy them

There are also nations that are something in between, more classical, but in any case, absolutely everyone is equal in the face of nature. Over time, the world is getting colder, crops are freezing, people are dying - as if there were so few other problems. All these factors together give Total War: Attila a darker atmosphere than its predecessors, and the focus of the gameplay is shifting even further from the development of the state towards war.

Tactical battles have always been the main joy and pride of Total War fans. Fighting here is exciting and challenging at the same time. Commanding large, disparate armies requires well-known micro-control skills and the ability to correctly analyze the situation. The main innovation in terms of military affairs, presented in Attila, can safely be called a dynamic flame. An inadvertently fired arrow sets fire to the grass, the wind carries the heat further and further, wooden houses light up - and now the whole farm is on fire. A beautiful, unpredictable and deadly sight.

An important aspect, which was finally properly implemented in the new part, was the management of the dynasty. Politics is always a slippery business, and even the closest people to each other, whether they are children, wives or fathers, can take up arms against each other when it comes to power. Absolutely any event can affect the pluralism of opinions in a dynasty, and it will be at least unpleasant to find out that the once loyal governor of the province was offended and raised an uprising. So do not forget to keep an eye on your relatives - they can bring both benefits and troubles, oh how much.

Without proper control, any battle will quickly turn into a dump.

A separate point worth noting is the amazing performance of the game in general and its optimization in particular. After the sad experience with Rome 2 from Attila, you could expect anything at all, but, fortunately, everything turned out to be very good. For several tens of hours, the game has never crashed, hung up or loaded the system to an inoperative state. Of course, there is still work to be done, and a string of patches can be expected in the near future, but progress compared to its predecessor is still evident.

Creative Assembly, as always, did a great job with their required program. Attila is based on the same mechanics as in Rome 2, but deepened and supplemented, which makes it a little more exciting than its predecessor. In addition, the gloomy style of the era gives a certain charm to the project. And now it becomes especially interesting what the developers will do with the next game in the series, the action of which will surely unfold in the Warhammer fantasy universe. No longer bound by the historical realities of our world, will they dare to make any radical changes? The usual formula is, of course, good, but the fresh stream of the series definitely does not hurt.


  • well-chosen time period;
  • nations and tribes are seriously different from each other;
  • high complexity.


  • useless in-game encyclopedia;
  • sometimes the complexity is too high.
Graphic arts If on the global map everything is more or less tolerable, without any special praises and claims, then tactical battles are good primarily for the high detail of the armies and the variety of models of warriors. And the "live" fire, of course, looks healthy. 8
Sound Authentic compositions are a good addition to the division of the world taking place on the screen. And to lead huge armies into battle under something invigorating is generally a pleasure. 9
Single player game The Attila campaign can be accused of forcing certain playstyles on players - brash for barbarians, defensive for Rome, and so on. But that doesn't change the fact that fighting for the survival of your people in dark times is exciting as hell. 8
Collective game Everything is the same as in single player mode, only with a friend. But when planning a game for two, do not forget that Attila, like her sisters in the genre, requires a lot of free time. 8
General impression Attila is a typical Total War with all its main advantages and disadvantages. In such conditions, the surroundings of the dark period of the Great Migration and a number of pleasant little things that are invariably added to each new game of the series become the winning factors. 8