Theatrical performance about bread. Scenario of a thematic holiday about bread in the preparatory group “Bread is the head of everything

Nomination: The best development of extracurricular activities of GEF IEO

Subject: Bread is the head of everything!

Nikiforova Alevtina Valentinovna, primary school teacher, municipal budgetary educational institution "Savgachev secondary school"
Event scenario Target: Formation of moral value orientations in the course of joint cognitive activity.Tasks:
1. Introduce students to the stages of bread production.
2. Learn about the professions of people who help get bread on the table;

3. To instill in students a careful attitude to bread;

4. To cultivate respect for the work of grain growers;

5. Tell about the blockade of Leningrad, about the daily norm of bread.
6. Development of creative and musical abilities of schoolchildren.
7. Assistance in strengthening friendly relations between junior and senior students.

Class equipment and decoration : on the board there is a loaf on a beautiful embroidered towel, it is decorated with ears of wheat and wild flowers; posters with proverbs about bread; exhibition of books about bread; on the table, covered with an embroidered towel - "loaf", - an exhibition of bakery products.

Holiday progress:

Teacher: Guys, please guess the riddle:
A bowl of soup between the elbows
And he is in the hands of everyone in chunks.

Without it, apparently

Not tasty and not satisfying!
Students: This is bread. (Slide 1)
Teacher: Yes, you guessed it right, today we will talk about bread.It is on our table every day. Neither breakfast nor lunch is complete without it. He accompanies us throughout our lives. Every day, sitting at the table for breakfast, lunch, dinner, mother cuts and puts on the table slices of delicious, ruddy bread with a beautiful crispy crust. We pronounce the word bread with love and warmth.

"Bread" - Olga Stratonovich
It's not hard to live without cutlets,
Kissel is not often needed,
But it's bad if there is no bread
For lunch, breakfast, dinner.
He is the king of food, even though he looks modest.
From antiquity to the present
Among the dishes of various bread stands
Honored in the middle.
He is tens of thousands of years old.
People fought for centuries
Until our bread has become like this,
What lies on the dish.
You will find it on the table
Romans and Greeks
In the war, in the time of fierce troubles,
Saved man's bread.
And now he feeds people's bread -
Doctors, soldiers, workers.
And this gift of his land
We must take great care!

Teacher. We all eat bread every day. Many of you love drying, rolls, gingerbread, various cookies, cakes. How many of you know what all this is made of? (Children's answers.)

What is flour? What is it obtained from? (Children answer.)

Wheat flour is obtained from wheat grains, and rye flour is obtained from rye grains. To get flour from grains, you need to spend a lot of work: first grow rye and wheat, then harvest. This is what farmers do. Guys, do you want to know what kind of work this is?

Students . Yes!

Teacher . First, the growers prepare the soil for sowing. In autumn, they fertilize the fields using special spreaders. (Slide 2) Then the tractors plow the land, mixing fertilizer with the ground. At the same time, the soil is loosened with harrows so that there are no lumps. In the spring, as soon as the earth dries out, tractors come out into the field. Who is driving the tractor? (Slide 3)

Students . The tractor is driven by a tractor driver.

Teacher . The tractor pulls an iron plow behind it, which plows the ground deep.

Tractors go out into the steppe,

Pull plows on a trailer.

Cut with a plow like a knife

Fat, juicy black soil. (S. Pogorelovskiy)

presenter . And then the earth became soft, loose. You can start sowing! Special seeders are attached to tractors. From them, even, neat rows of grain fall into the ground. (Slide 4)


Golden grains will fall into the soil,

Stems will rise above the black arable land.

And the sun warms up,

And the earth will turn green.

Wheat under spring rain

It will grow and thrive. (M. Poznanskaya)

Teacher . So the wheat has risen. (Slide 5) After the spring, summer will come, and the ear will pour imperceptibly. Grains in ears ripen all summer. But now the grains are ripe. (Slide 6) Harvest begins. Combines go into the field. (Slide 7) Who works on the combine?

Students. A harvester is working on a harvester.

Teacher . The harvester cuts the ears and grinds the grains out of them. These grains are poured into trucks along a special long sleeve. (Slide 8)


The bread is ripe, but to our table

Didn't come straight from the field.

From the field even to the shops

Bread is too early to go.

He got into cars

And hurries to the elevator. (P. Sinyavsky)

Teacher. To get bread and other bakery products, grain is transported from elevators to flour mills or mills. There it is ground into flour. (Slide 9) So they brought flour to the bakery. There, delicious, fragrant bread, buns, loaves, bagels are baked from it, everything that no breakfast, lunch or dinner can do without. (Slide 10)

Teacher. In order for bread to come to our table, many people of different professions must work hard. What are these professions? (Mechanic operators, tractor operators, combine operators, cooks, agronomists, millers, drivers, bakers, confectioners, sellers.)
Teacher.Now I invite you to become bakers, and you will find out what bakery products you need to bake by taking part in the relay game.
A game is being held - a relay race: "What have we baked?".
The students are divided into groups. The task is given: to collect a word from the letters and guess the name of the bakery product. (Kalach, pie, bun, bread, long loaf, loaf, Easter cake, bun)

The most delicious, incomparable,
Everyone knows from childhood -
This is our ordinary
And my favorite Russian bread:
Loaf odorous, noble,
pretzels and rolls,
Fragrant bagel with poppy seeds,
And Easter cakes.
Can be eaten with honey and butter
With cheese, fish, ham
And with caviar, a circle of sausage
White bread or rye.
Pies are special bread,
They are served for the holiday
And they cook everything with muffin
And they bake with stuffing.
Donuts, donuts, cheesecakes
They want to jump off the baking sheet -
These are bread toys
On holiday, joy for the guys.
Or gingerbread, cookies -
What mom bakes
Food for kids
Open your mouth wide! (I. Konkov)

Teacher. And now, please, listen carefully to the lines of the poem "Crackers", which the 7th grade students will read to us.
And my grandmother dried crackers,
And I understood that it is not necessary to dry.
But there was a blockade behind her back,
And my grandmother dried crackers.
And often laughed at myself:
After all, there is no war, what happiness it is,
And a bakery nearby, right around the corner…
But at night she only dreamed of one thing -
As the sun over her land eclipsed,
And grief, without knocking, burst into the house.
Blockade wind tore terribly,
And the “burzhuyka” cooled down in my memory ...

And my grandmother told me
How she burned with joyvictory
Warrior jokingly called grandfather,
Who was a sapper in the war.
And the grandfather was angry: “Dries crackers!
And puts it in a white pillowcase.
When will I make you conscious?”
And my grandmother dried crackers.
She left in the cold winter.
Blockade wind flew through the years.
Bad weather went hungry crying
Above the white and frozen ground.
“Under ninety, whatever you say.
And so much to endure, and so much to endure.
Did not raise a hand to take out of the house
Heavy rye crackers.
(Ian Brushtein)

Teacher. Our grandparents, who survived the famine of war, know the real price of bread.For 900 days, Leningraders lived under the blockade. (Slide 11) At this time, the workers received 250 g of bread per day, and the inhabitants of the city - 125 g.

To the sound of a metronome, a student carries 125 g of black bread on a tray through the whole class, and the teacher reads the memoir of a nurse from kindergarten No. 5, Otradnoye, Leningrad Region, V.I. Bogdanova. “I remember a dark sticky little piece of bread. Only one piece! For all adults and children. All day. And my mother slowly cuts it into identical cubes ... I remember how I crawled on my knees on the floor, hoping to find at least some crumb of bread. I remember my grandmother, old, thin. She often gave us children her rations. I remember my mother, sick, exhausted, who, along with other women, was dragging a plow across collective farm arable land in the Vologda Oblast. And this memory burns my heart with hatred for the war all the years.

The diary of Tanya Savicheva is kept in the Leningrad Museum of History. Here is a page from it (reads): “Zhenya died on December 28 at 12 o’clock in the morning, 1941. Grandmother died on January 25 at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, 1942. Lena died on March 17 at 5 o’clock in the morning, 1942. Uncle Vasya died on April 13 at 2 o’clock nights of 1942. Uncle Lesha died on May 10 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, 1942. Mom - on May 13 at 7:30 in the morning, 1942. The Savichevs died. All died. Only Tanya remained. Tanya was taken to the village of Shatki in the Gorky region, but the girl, exhausted by hunger, died.

Teacher . None of us remains indifferent to historical documents that speak of the fate of people who lacked a crumb of bread and died. And in our time we cherish and appreciate bread?
But there are such children who commit rash acts, do not think about the value and importance of bread, about the need to protect and appreciate it. And now, grade 4 students will read us a poem by S. Mikhalkov "Bulka".
Three boys down the alley
Like playing football
Back and forth they drove a bun
And they scored a goal with it.
An unfamiliar uncle walked by,
Stopped and sighed
And, almost without looking at the guys,
He extended his hand to that bun.
Then, frowning angrily,
He blew the dust off her for a long time
And suddenly calmly and openly
Kissed her in front of everyone.
“Who are you?” the children asked.
Forget about football for a while.
- I'm a baker! - the man replied
And with a bun, he slowly left.
And that word smelled like bread
And that special warmth
Which are poured under the sky
Seas of golden wheat

Guys, how do you handle bread? (Answers of children). A raid was carried out in our school cafeteria: how do the children of our school feel about bread? He will tell you about the results of our raid... How should we all handle bread?“Take bread for dinner in moderation. Bread is a treasure, don’t litter it. ”(Slide 12) Handle bread with care, never throw it away. Remember that bread does not lose its taste even after a few days. Take as much bread as you can eat, and if you haven’t eaten, dry it and drink tea with crackers. They can also be eaten with first courses.

Guys, I think you understand how much human labor, sometimes even at the risk of life, how much love, patience, care people put into growing bread. And we must appreciate, cherish and respect their work, treat bread with care.

Teacher. Bread is one of the most amazing products of human labor. No wonder the people created the proverbs “Earth is mother, and bread is father”, “Bread is life”, “Bread is the breadwinner”, “You will live without gold, but not without bread”.(Slide 13) . An abundance of bread is the cherished dream of millions of people. We sometimes forget about the true price of bread, about the fact that relatively inexpensive rolls, loaves have absorbed the great work of not one person, the work of many people. Thousands of people work to grow grain, harvest, thresh, grind, and finally bake bread. After all, the grains did not immediately become Bread, that which is on the table, People long and hard. Work hard on the ground!Teacher: And in conclusion of our holiday, I would like to say these words:
Remember how two and two
Folk wisdom words:
Who does not value bread,
He will run past life.
Will you remember my words
Waking up in the morning at dawn.
After all, there is nothing more precious in life,
Than fresh bread in this wide world.
And, if each of you is not deaf, not blind.
Appreciate native folk bread.
After all, the baker was right - a wise man -
There is no more expensive bread in life! (Slide 14)

(Children perform "The Song of Bread" (music by V. Vitlin, lyrics by P. Kaganova).)

And now help yourself, take dryers, cookies, gingerbread. Eat, do not be shy, gain health and thank those who baked them! (Tea drinking.)

List of used literature.

    L. S. Beskorovaynaya, O. V. Perekatieva, S. A. Shin “Scenarios of school holidays, competitions, quizzes, games”.

    M.Yu.Zhenilo "Scenarios of holidays, competitions, quizzes, games for students in grades 4."

    V. Datskevich "From grain to loaf".

    Internet resources

Event goals:

    To reveal the meaning of bread in human life, the importance of the labor of farmers;

    To acquaint with the historical facts of the Great Patriotic War.

    To form in students moral value orientations.

    Cultivate a sense of patriotisma sense of respect for the work of grain growers.

    To show what a difficult path bread makes before it gets to our table;

Registration :. On an embroidered towel, loaf, salt shaker, flour products (prizes); a stand decorated with children's drawings about bread.

Equipment: projector, presentation, pictures with the stages of field work.

The course of the holiday.

    Music sounds

Presenter: /in Russian folk dress/

Bread, bread..., warm, fragrant, with a crispy crust. It is the most important on the table and the oldest, because it appeared over 15 thousand years ago ... Time passed and now there are 750 types of bakery products. Despite this, now we can say “Bread is the head of everything!”. SLIDE 1


It smells of bread and the sun and the earth,

And a tear, and a wind, and a thunderstorm.

How much care and work is in it,

How many people he brings good!


One ancient legend tells that once a traveler dropped a crumb of bread in the desert. He stopped the caravan and began to look for her, because bread cannot be trampled. Can you find it in the sand? It's getting closer to night. The traveler marked the place by sticking his staff. At dawn he returned to find bread. And his staff became golden. Traveler received an awardfor your carerelation to bread. This legend teaches us that bread is a priceless gift.


presenter :

And now we invite you to take part in the journey. We will go on a journey not for entertainment, but in order to show everyone that bread should be treated with care.

Our journey will be held under the motto: "Take care of every grain of bread!" And where we will stop, you will learn in the course of our journey.

So let's hit the road SLIDE 3

Historic station.

At this station you can hear many legends and traditions.

presenter :

Once an ancient man found some seeds. How delicious the seeds seemed to people. Scientists suggest that it was wild-growing barley. As time passed, man learned to make fire and use it for cooking. He began to roast wild cereals, mixing them with water. Later, people began to bake unleavened bread in the form of a cake made from thick grain porridge - dough.. Dense, burnt pieces of grain mass bore little resemblance to our wheat bread. But it was with the advent of these cakes, baked on hot stones, on a fire, that bread-baking began on earth.

And even later, a person learned to bake bread from sour dough.

Well, the word"bread" came to us from ancient Greece. Greek masters baked bread in clay pots called "hlibanos ».


Yes, the grains did not immediately become

The bread that is on the table,

People long and hard

Work hard on the ground!

Presenter: We arrive at the following station:

Station How bread came to the table. SLIDE 4

You will know how it comesbread on the table!SLIDE 5 -18

Spring. They plow the field and throw grain into the ground - they sow bread.

The grain field is large and beautiful. They say: "Golden field!"

It's time to harvest. Harvesters enter the field.

From morning until late at night, bread is harvested so as not to lose a single grain.

Then the grain is sent to the elevator where it is dried and sorted. These towers store grain.

Bread is transported to the store in a specially equipped vehicle. And there we buy our bread.

Presenter: Now let's check if you watched the movie carefully. Let's playgame "Your place"

Game conditions:

1 game option: The cards record the stages of the appearance of bread on our table. Your task is to arrange the cards in order, line up all the actions in turn.



Dough kneading

2 game option : Children are shown drawings depicting arable land, a mill, harvesting, sowing, a shop, a bakery. They need to be placed in the correct order.

Presenter: next station

Bakery Auction Station SLIDE 19

Auction game.

Terms of the game: the guys in a chain callbakery products . Butwhohe calls the last one - he wins the prize (the prize is a bunch of bagels).

Presenter: you named a lotbakery products, anow let's look at the screen and see what products can be obtained from flour. SLIDE 20-23

Presenter: We are approaching

Stations "Bread of the war years" SLIDE 24

Presenter: Always remember that bread is human labor, hope for the future. Our grandparents know the value of every crumb of bread. After all, people who survived the hungry years of the war know how to appreciate bread. They remember how there was not enough bread during the war. They had to take care of every crumb. SLIDE 25


I remember bread, military, bitter,

He is almost all quinoa.

In it, in every crumb,

In every crust

There was a bitter taste of human misfortune. (A.Morozov)


In besieged Leningrad, during the war years, they were issued a day125 grams of bread. Look how small this is! However, this piece can hardly be called bread: it was made from cakes, oatmeal, and hydrocellulose was also added. Such a tiny piece of bread in a hungry war time a person received for the whole day! And these crumbs helped them survive in that harsh time. Therefore, even now they are so reverent about bread.

Presenter: Shows a piece of bread weighing 125 gr.

Listen to the song of L. Zykina "Bread is the head of everything"

Our grandmothers also had to bake bread themselves, and they know that it is difficult, difficult - to make the bread tasty, soft, airy.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Game conditions: several students from each class are invited (1-4). They receive letters from which they must form words. The audience finds an extra word.

LIBYN (pancakes)

FEZRI (zephyr)


AVTUSHRAK (cheesecake)


The younger generation does not know what hunger is. Therefore, he has a completely different attitude to bread.

We arrive at the station:

Thrifty Station SLIDE 26

throw away breadIT IS FORBIDDEN because so much human labor has gone into it. Tractor drivers, combine operators, bakers work all year round, sparing no effort so that each of us always has bread on the table.And we must respect their work. Bread must be eaten, and crumbs must be fed to the birds. SLIDE 27

Listen to the poemSergei Mikhalkov "Bulka"

Three boys down the alley

Like playing football

Back and forth they drove a bun

And they scored a goal with it.

An unfamiliar uncle walked by,

Stopped and sighed

And, almost without looking at the guys,

He extended his hand to that bun.

Then, frowning angrily,

He blew the dust off her for a long time

And suddenly calmly and openly

Kissed her in front of everyone.

Who are you? - asked the children,

Forget about football for a while.

I'm a baker! - the man replied

And with a bun, he slowly left.

And that word smelled like bread

And that special warmth

Which are poured under the sky

Seas of golden wheat.

Presenter: There are many proverbs about bread. Here are some of them (choral reading of proverbs).SLIDE 28

    Bread from the earth, strength from bread.

    Sweat on the back, and bread on the table.

    Whoever has bread, he has happiness.

    Not everyone plows arable land, but everyone eats bread.

Summing up and rewarding for competitions of drawings and crafts.


Presenter: During the subject week, competitions of handicrafts and drawings were held. Thanks to all the guys who took part. And today I want to celebrate the best work.

Presenter: (holds bread - salt.)SLIDE 30

Our journey is over.

Glory to peace on earth!

Glory to the bread on the table!

Glory to those who raised bread!

DO NOT spare labor and effort!

If we want someone

Meet with honor and honor,

Meet generously, from the heart,

With great respect.

We meet such guests

Round, lush loaf.

He is on a painted platter,

With a white towel.

We bring salt with a loaf,

Bowing, we ask you to taste:

Our dear guest and friend,

Take bread - salt from your hands!

The presenter hands bread to the guests of the holiday. The song "About bread" sounds

Pupils come up and break off a piece of loaf.

Christina Polozova
Scenario of the event "Bread is the head of everything"

Holiday script« Bread is the head of everything» for older preschool children

Goals: To educate in children a careful, respectful attitude to work; to achieve a conscious understanding of the price of children of bread- teach children to take care of bread.

Registration: Autumn flowers, garlands of yellow leaves, branches of autumn trees, bunches of mountain ash, vegetables, fruits on the table in a vase, an exhibition of drawings on autumn themes.

preliminary work: Listening to Russian folk songs, learning folk games, proverbs, sayings, learning poems, dances, songs.

Russian music sounds. Enter children dressed in Russian folk costumes.

presenter: Dear Guys! Today we have gathered with you in this cozy hall for a holiday. We have guests. Let's greet the guests with a song.

A song is being performed "We've got guests".

Today we are here to talk about bread. Do you know what a chunk of rye, labor of bread?

It smells like a field, a river, a stove, the sky.

And most importantly - it smells like work bread.

After all, grains did not immediately become

bread, the one on the table,

People long and hard

Work hard on the ground.

From spring to autumn, they work tirelessly grain growers to every house, every table bread came! How do people talk about bread? Let's remember proverbs and sayings.


Ramina: Bread is the head of everything.

Kirill: If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove.

Lisa: Praise the hands that smell bread.

Lida: take care bread is our wealth.

Alice: Bread - father, and the vodka is mother.

Nastya: Bread to throw - to lose strength.

Timosha: Sweat on the back, but bread on the table.

presenter: Bread- staple food. He needs a person every day. We know that autumn is a busy time for harvesters. Let's sing a song about the gifts autumn brings.

Song What will autumn bring us?


Why do eyes shine

Children, preschoolers?

All children:

Today is the harvest festival,

Holiday kids' bread!

Children read poetry.

Karina: Loaf of earth and sky

On your table -

Nothing is stronger of bread

No on earth.

Nikita: In every little piece

grain fields,

And on each spikelet rests the earth.

Arthur: Lush, soft, baked,

slightly browned,

Bread with gilded humpback

Came to you from afar.

Lera: In every house, on every table

He complained, he came.

In it is health, our strength,

It has wonderful warmth.

How many hands raised him

Protected, protected!

Vanya P: In a small grain of wheat

Summer and winter.

The power of the sun is stored

And native land.

Timosha: And grows under a bright sky

Slender and tall

Like an immortal Motherland,

grain spikelet.

Amina: In it is the earth's native juice,

The sun's light is merry in it.

Gobble up both cheeks

Grow rich!

And now the guys will dance a round dance, which is called "Zemelyushka - black soil".

Children run out with ears, sit down on their knees, a child comes out -

Cockerel (Timosha, wants to peck a grain.

grain (Vanya M):

I'll go to the warm earth

I will rise to the sun with an ear,

Then there are people like me in it,

There will be a whole family!

The rooster runs away.

All children:

Rain, rain, let it go!

Let the ears grow.

Lei, lei, more fun

Mother Earth of the fields.

A child runs out - Rain (Cyril, watering the ears.


golden sun,

You warm up the grains!

child - sunshine (Liana) running around the kids.

The sun is red

Burn, burn bright!

Fly into the sky like a bird!

Light up our land!

To our spikelets

Green, bloom, grow!


The spikelets ripen

Combiners leave,

Fast and friendly

Remove us need bread!

combine harvester kids (All Boys)“clean up” bread.

presenter: That's removed bread from the fields

Removed bread and it got quieter

Bins breathe hot.

The field is asleep. It is tired.

Winter is coming.

presenter: In winter, the grain was stored in barns so that you could always bake fresh bread. How suddenly a mouse got into the habit of running for grain. Let's teach the mouse to forget the way to the barn.

Playing Trap Game "The mouse in the barn wound up" Mouse (Vasena S.)

Children choose who will portray the mouse, are divided into two groups (boys and girls) and sing, standing one group opposite another.

Girls: The mouse started up in the barn,

I ate all the grain.

boys: What kind of misfortune is this,

Is this the case?

Girls: And we will catch her,

We set up a mousetrap.

boys: And slam behind her

Mousetrap cleverly.

Mouse: And I'll run into a mink,

And I will guard the grain.

Children join hands and make collars. The mouse runs through the gates, the children try to catch it.

presenter: So we taught the mouse a lesson, and saved the grain.

presenter: And now, guys, I'll tell you riddles.

White in winter

Spring is black

green in summer

Sheared in autumn. (Field)

All cast in gold

It stands on a straw. (Spikelet)

I bubble and puff

I don't want to live in a kennel.

I'm tired of kneading

Put me in the oven. (Dough)

There is a brick hut

It's cold, it's hot. (Bake)

Mouth and ride

Tempered in an oven

And then at the table

Cut with a knife. (Bread)

It happens with oatmeal

With rice, meat and millet,

It happens with sweet cherries

First they put him in the oven

How will he get out of there?

They put it on a platter

Well, now, call the guys

They will eat everything piece by piece. (Pie)

The ring is not simple

Gold ring,

Shiny, crispy

All for a look...

Well, food! (Bagel)

What is poured into the pan

Yes, they bend four times? (Pancakes)

presenter: But the way of bread on our table is not yet finished. From the elevator, the grains are taken to the mill, where flour is obtained from them.

Vasilisa D: Even the walls here are nice

smell fragrant bread:

Lots of friendly bakers

Bread is baked here at dawn.

And then it - in the car

And they deliver it to stores.

Here's where to our table

Warm, delicious bread came!

presenter: Guys, do you know what their flours bake? (pies, rolls, cheesecakes)

A dance is being performed: "Dance with ears".

Vasilisa Bizeeva:

Holiday we meet bread

Round lush loaf,

He is on a painted platter

With a white towel.

We bring you a loaf

Worshiping, we ask you to taste.

(Puts bread on the table in front of the guests.)

presenter: We invite everyone to the festive table. And most importantly, children, remember that bread- the most important wealth of our Motherland, it was created with great labor. Take care, children bread!

Alice: Take care of our bread!

Don't litter with bread!

Respect our bread!

With don't play with bread!


MOU Yakhromskaya secondary school No. 1

Holiday script

"Bread is the head of everything"

in 2nd grade

teacher Prusachenkova N.A.

Purpose: Formation of a careful attitude to bread


1. deepen students' knowledge about bread;

2. to cultivate a sense of respect for the work of grain growers;

3. cultivate respect for bread

Class layout:on the table - a loaf on a towel, on the board - bundles of bagels, drawings depicting bread, a vase with ears of wheat, pieces of bread 125 g, 50 g

To the sounds of the song "Russian Field" (words by I. Goff, music by Y. Frenkel), students, guests of the holiday and parents enter the class. A boy and a girl in Russian costumes come out. The girl is holding bread and salt in her hands.

  1. Introductory part

Reading by the teacher of the fairy tale “What is the most valuable thing in our life?”

Once a good fellow found a gold nugget. Rejoiced. He picked it up and carried it to the jeweler, asked:

How much is my nugget worth?

1000 rub. - answered the jeweler. Did not believe the fellow, went to another merchant. He estimated his nugget at 5 thousand rubles. The third jeweler said:

Your find is worth 10 thousand rubles.

The young man was completely confused and decided to go to the sage for advice.

I know that there is nothing more precious than gold on earth,” he said to the gray-bearded old man, “but I cannot establish the true price of a nugget.

The sage took the gold in his hands: “Your find, good fellow, is worth a fortune. But do not be proud of this, because you are mistaken that gold is more precious than anything in the world. Try not to eat for a week - you will give a nugget for a piece of bread. Now understand what is the most valuable thing in life.

Boy: Glory to peace on earth!

Glory to the bread on the table!

If we want someone

Meet with honor and honor,

Meet generously, from the heart,

With great respect,

We meet such guests

Round lush loaf.

Girl: He is on a painted saucer,

With a white towel.

We bring salt with a loaf,

Bowing, we ask you to taste:

Our dear guest and friend,

Take bread and salt and hands!

Pass the bread and salt to the teacher.

Teacher: Here it is - fragrant bread,

Here it is warm, golden,

In every house, on every table

He complained, he came ...

In it is our health, strength,

It has wonderful warmth.

How many hands raised him

Protected, protected.

After all, grains did not immediately become

The bread that is on the table,

People long and hard

Work hard on the ground!

Chorus: Glory to peace on earth

Glory to the bread on the table!

The teacher puts the loaf of bread on the table.

Bread is one of the most amazing products of human labor. No wonder the people created the proverbs “Earth is mother, and bread is father”, “Bread is life”, “Bread is the breadwinner”, “You will live without gold, but not without bread”.

An abundance of bread is the cherished dream of millions of people. We sometimes forget about the true price of bread, that relatively inexpensive rolls, loaves have absorbed the great work of not one person, the work of many people. Thousands of people work to grow grain, harvest, thresh, grind, and finally bake bread.

  1. Children's performance
  1. He does not fall to us from the sky,

It doesn't appear all of a sudden.

To grow an ear of bread,

Dozens of hands are needed.

  1. Spring is ringing in streams

Chirps like an alarm clock

And turns off the winter

Like a refrigerator.

Sang in unison

Under the bright rays

bass motors

With loud plows.

  1. And under the melting snow

Fields open -

I became a downy shawl

Wide land.

And following the tractors

Spring is trying

To become spikelets

Rye seeds.


We are golden grains
Living in radiant light
We are friends, inseparable,
Under blizzards and clouds.
We are clean, streamlined.
We are blown by the wind.
And illuminated by the sun
Hardy, friendly.
We are so needed by people.

Children sing the song "Grow, spikelet"

(text of the song in the book by V. A. Georgievsky, L. I. Shitikova

"Holidays in elementary school", 1983, p. 67).

  1. The grain field is ripe

Harvest is near.

And the harvester is taken boldly

Collect everything to the spikelet.

He knows how to save time

Bread will press and at the same moment

Thresh and wind

And load it into a truck.

  1. The rudder will turn agile

Under a sure hand.

And again the grains will pour

Golden living river.

  1. Don't look for secrets in this

There's no magic here

Just took the helm of the combine

Master of his craft.

  1. The bread is ripe

But to our table

Did not go straight from the field.

From the field even to the shops

Bread is too early to go.

He got into the car

And hurries to the elevator.

  1. In the elevator for us

Bread is stored in reserve.

He is warm here. Conveniently.

Can he feel at home

How much rest do you need

And get back on the road.

  1. Bread goes to the mill

The mill is a wonder.

Here is more magnificent than the clouds,

And in any amount

It turns out flour

By the will of electricity.

  1. Together with the river mill,

Steam and wind

Outdated for flour

Thick bags.

That's almost cosmic

Metal container -

Here for sure

Flour is placed!

11. And, having filled with this load
Unusual round body,

Bogatyr - flour carrier

I took the flour to the factory.

12. From the factory - machine

There is a warm bread smell.

The boys sleep late at night

And the factory prepares breakfast.

Anything you want to bake

This fabulous plant.

13. Everything is faster, everything is faster

Loaves appear.

This fabulous conveyor

Better than any self-assembly.

The whole city will treat

There would be only an appetite.

Teacher: I'm up to the ground

I want to bow

Bread born in our country.

Labor is his name.

The world is his patronymic, -

And for the people he is the most dear!

Children sing the song "Grain"

Theme "Bread and War"(quiet military music plays)

14. I can’t even believe that once

On the field, burned by the fire of batteries,

Before the attack, hero soldiers

They shared the rest of the rye crackers.

15. Bread was always held in high esteem in Russia -
Its open spaces are the main wealth,
Do you want to know its price?
Leningraders can answer you.


Since 1941, the blockade of Leningrad continued for 900 days and nights. The city was surrounded by the Nazis in a ring. The city was isolated from the country. The Nazis guarded all approaches to Leningrad. The only way to the city was through Lake Ladoga. Trucks loaded with food were moving along it at night. But the inhabitants of Leningrad were very hard. They were starving. A piece of bread of 125 grams is the daily norm of besieged Leningrad. 642 thousand Leningraders died of starvation.

16. The diary of Tanya Savicheva is kept in the Leningrad Museum of History. In which it is written who, when and at what time died from the Savichev family. The Savichevs are dead. Tanya remained, who was taken to the village of Shatki, Gorky Region, but, exhausted by hunger, the girl died.

Teacher: The poet Grigory Lyushnin survived the famine and horrors of the Nazi death camp Buchenwald. When our soldiers liberated the camp and carried it out on their hands, it contained 26 kg of weight. The young man weighed as much as you do now. The poet, dying of hunger, secretly from the Nazis, wrote such wonderful verses about bread in the death camp:

A crumb of bread fell to the ground

There was less bread for crumbs,

Somewhere in our unharvested field

How many grains are in arable land.

That would be to collect them together - yes in a bunch!

Bread would be baked white, fragrant!

We would get stronger and become strong,

We would break the prison walls.

Again would go into battle under the bombing!

Yes, you have to feel sorry for the bread crumb!


In our country, which has healed the grave wounds of the war, more than one generation of people has grown up who do not know what bread cards are, sleepless queues for bread, who do not know the feeling of hunger, who do not know the taste of bread mixed with hay, straw, acorns, quinoa seeds. It was added to bread during the war. During the war, people were drafted into the army not only from cities, but also from collective farms. Women, old people and children remained to work on the collective farms.(The country, the front needed bread, and people worked selflessly to grow it.

The song "Bread is the head of everything" (children sing).

(To the sound of a metronome, the student carries 125 grams of black bread across the entire hall on a tray, and the presenter reads the memoirs of the nurse of the nursery - garden N5 of the city of Otradnoye, Leningrad Region, V. I. Bogdanova).


“I remember a dark, viscous, small piece of bread. Only one piece. For all adults and children. And mom slowly cuts it into identical cubes. I remember how I crawled on my knees on the floor in the hope of finding at least some crumb of bread. I remember my grandmother, old, thin. She often gave us children her rations. I remember my mother, sick and exhausted, who, together with other women, was pulling a plow across collective farm land in the Volgograd region. And this memory burns my heart with hatred for the war all the years.


Grains of our days, shine
We say take care
Take care of your own bread
We do not dream of a miracle, -
To us fields live speech.
Take care of the bread, you are the people
Learn to save bread!

  1. I can't even believe that in the world

In some very distant country

With stale bread, hungry children

Sometimes they only meet in dreams.

  1. I can't even believe you and I

That someone is littering this miracle of the earth.

The heart for bread is poured with pain,

As he lies in the roadside mud.

  1. And if I note a piece in carelessness,

In the roadside mud, in the foot dust,

That very first movement of the heart -

Raise and save this miracle of the earth!

  1. If each student of our school does not finish eating and throws away 50 grams of bread in 1 day, then for the school this will amount to 32.5 kg or 36 loaves a day!

(shows a piece of bread in 50 g and passes it to another)

  1. Bread is a gem! Don't worry about them!

Bread for dinner in moderation take!

(passes the bread to the next student)

  1. The grains of our days shine

Carved with gilding.

We say take care

Take care of your own bread!

(passes the bread to another student)

  1. "We do not dream of a miracle, -

Live speech fields to us, -

Choir: Take care of the bread, you are the people

Learn to save bread!

  1. In a small grain of wheat

Summer and winter

The power of the seed is stored

And native land.

And grows under the bright sky,

Slender and tall

Like an immortal Motherland,

Bread stick!

  1. Tell me,
    What is the correct name for the earth?
    Is land expensive?
    Is the land golden?
    No, it's probably better
    Tell her:
    “Dear! Our dear earth
    Good mother!

Collective performance by students of the song "My Russia"

4. The game "Tell the proverb"

Lunch is bad, ... (when there is no bread)

As long as there is bread and water, ... (everything does not matter)

The earth feeds people, ... (as a mother of children)

Without bread - .... (no lunch)

Do you want to eat kalachi - .... (don't sit on the stove)

Loaf of bread is not .... (fall from the sky)

Don't brag if you don't know how.... (bread will be born)

Do not be lazy with a plow - you will be with .... (pie)

Work until you sweat, so eat .... (on the hunt)

The people have the words: “Bread is for all life ... (head).

5. Dramatization based on the fairy tale by G.-Kh. Andersen "The girl who stepped on the bread"

(see the book "Scenarios of thematic holidays" by E. A. Mukhina, Moscow, 2005, p. 14)

Presenter1 : There lived a girl named Inge. She was pretty, but very cruel. Still quite small, she tore off the wings of flies and beetles, because she was amused by the fact that they became completely helpless and miserable.


One day Inge's mother baked a big bread and asked Inge to take it to her grandmother. Inge put on her best dress, smart shoes and hit the road.

Presenter1 :

The road went through a swamp. Inge felt sorry for getting her smart shoes dirty. Without thinking twice, she threw the bread into the mud and stepped on it to cross the swamp.

Presenter 2:

But as soon as she stepped on the bread, the bread, together with her, quickly began to sink into the swamp. Only black bubbles went through the water.

Presenter1 :

And Inge found herself in the stinking dwelling of the old woman Bolotnitsa, who decided that Inge would make an excellent idol for her hallway.


And Inge became an idol. Her arms and legs were petrified, fat, nasty spiders entwined them with their webs, and flies with torn off wings crawled across her face.

Presenter1 :

The shepherds saw what happened in the swamp, and very soon wandering troubadours spread the story of the girl who stepped on the bread throughout the country.


One day, Inge felt a hot tear fall on her head. It was Inge's mother who was crying, saying that arrogance had ruined her daughter.

Presenter1 :

"What's the use of my mother now whining about me," thought Inge, and her soul became more and more rough and hardened.


But one day this story was heard by a little girl. “Poor Inge! How I wish she would ask for forgiveness and be allowed to return to earth!” the girl cried.

Presenter1 :

These words reached Inge's heart. For the first time, she looked back at her short life and burst into tears of remorse. And at the same moment a ray of light penetrated into the dwelling of the Bolotnitsa, and Inge, like a small bird, flew out into the wild. And on that day there was no happier person than Inge's mother.

6. Final part(3 students leave)

Chorus: Remember! Bread is not just food!

  1. Boy kicking bread

A boy who does not know hungry years

Remember that there were dashing years

Bread is life, not just food.

  1. They swore by bread

They died for bread

Not for that

To play football with them.

  1. In the word, folk wisdom is hidden,

Here is what people say:

“If you stopped appreciating bread,

You stopped being a man!

7. Tea party with baked goods prepared by parents

Song "Sunshine"


And in the sky the sun
golden grain,
Rolling across the sky,
Hiding behind the clouds
With a mischievous smile in the summer he calls us behind him.

All the raindrops are dropped from the sky - it's just water,
Gray peas, drops of pouring rain.

Downpours of spring
Just for a moment
The sky is crumbling
smiles again
The sun is radiant in the sky with golden fire.

And the naughty spring at the edge of the forest again
He hides behind a birch and does not want to meet the summer.

And in the sky the sun
golden grain,
Rolling across the sky,
Hiding behind the clouds
With a mischievous smile in the summer he calls us behind him.

Poddubnaya Anna Efimovna,

MKDOU CRR-kindergarten No. 10, Rossosh, Voronezh region.


Scenario of the holiday "Where did the bread come from"?


Clarify and consolidate the children's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing bread.


Cognitive development:

  • To consolidate children's knowledge of how bread is grown, as one of the greatest riches on earth.
  • To consolidate knowledge about how bread appears on our tables, how long it goes before we eat it.
  • To consolidate knowledge of how primitive people learned to bake bread.
  • To consolidate knowledge about the people of what professions are involved in the cultivation of bread, from which cereals flour is made, what types of bread are.
  • To form in children the ability to give a large number of different categories of answers within a given topic.
  • Continue to teach children to establish a logical sequence of actions based on the plot of each picture.

Speech development:

  • Develop connected speech.
  • Activation and enrichment of the dictionary: farmer, machine operator, grain grower, combine operator, agronomist, breeder, harvest, harvest.
  • Word formation: bread-farmer, tractor-tractor, combine-combineer, wheat - wheat field; rye - rye.
  • Practice in gender, number and case.

Social and communicative development:

  • To cultivate a careful attitude to bread, respect for the work of people involved in its cultivation.

Equipment: a loaf or loaf of bread on a tray, a tambourine, various geometric shapes, an interactive whiteboard.

Event progress

Children enter the hall to the music (dressed in Russian costumes)

Leading: Please, dear guests, come in.


Fun to you, yes joy!

We have been waiting for you for a long time

We don't start anything without you.

We have something for everyone

And the word and the place!

Ay, lyuli, ah, lyuli,

The guests have come to visit us.

Good afternoon and bow to you,

Dear guests(bow).


Oh, guys, look here, something is scattered (shows the crumbs to the children). Where do you think they came from?

Yes, they are bread crumbs.

What is bread for? (To eat is food.)

What is food for? (Food is needed for a person to grow, so that he can move, think, work. Food helps a person to be healthy, strong, cheerful.)


Bread is the most necessary food product, because it contains the most necessary elements for human life and health.

What beautiful words about bread do you remember? (Fragrant, warm, golden bread, as if poured by the sun, with a golden crust.)

Song about bread

1. We have sown wheat

early spring

And a spikelet was born

Heavy, golden.


Bread, bread -

You are the head of everything!

Everyone's decoration

Every table!

2. Then we collected the grains

In big bins.

You will be with bread for a whole year,

Favorite country!


Bread, bread -

You are the head of everything!

Everyone's decoration

Every table!


I will tell you about how primitive people began to sow bread.

“It was a long time ago, over 15,000 years ago. Primitive people did not yet know how to tame animals and grow plants. They constantly wandered through the fields and forests and collected edible herbs, roots and fruits so as not to die of hunger. And that's when man first began to collect and grow cereals, which were the ancestors of our modern wheat and rye, barley and oats. Once upon a time, a man tried grains, and he liked them. Primitive people ate grain porridge until then. Until they learned how to bake unleavened bread from thick porridge-dough. These dense pieces of grain mass did not look much like our bread, but it was with them that the era of bread baking began. The man began to grind the grains with stones, and so flour appeared. Then man learned to bake bread from flour. At first the bread was unleavened, but one day, the bread dough accidentally turned sour. The cake made from it turned out to be especially soft and tasty - real bread. Since then, the dough began to leaven.

Unfortunately, we do not know what the spikelet from which the first bread was made looked like, but we know what the spikelets look like today.

Game on the interactive board "Spikelets"(on the board are pictures of different spikelets and wheat, rye bread. You need to combine the spikelet and bread).


There are also panicles of oats and an ear of corn. What is similar in these plants? - Why do you think these plants were placed next to the bread?

Yes, that's right, all these plants produce grain and that's why they are called cereals.

And who knows the poem about the spikelet?


Grew up in a spikelet field

Low at first.

But he stretched, tried,

Bravely raised his mustache,

I'm not afraid of the dark night

Bathed in dew in the morning

And he became tall and strong.

I looked around and around

Under the July breeze

In a bright field, in the open

Golden ears - the sea!

Everyone is looking at the sun

They sit in every grain.

The spikelet laughed.

Steeper curled his mustache:

"I got up at the right time,

I'm not alone now

Hello brothers!»


Let's sow our wheat field.

Game: "Grain"

Come out, come out, sunshine (hands up).

We will sow a seed (imitate the sowing of grain)

Soon a sprout will grow (slowly rise, raise their hands up).

Will stretch to the east (tilt to the right,

Will stretch to the east (tilt to the left,

Spread over the bridge (hands forward, depicting a bridge,

They will go along the bridge (march).

He will come to visit the sun (hands reach for the sun).


Are you wondering how they harvested when tools appeared?

In spring, the land is plowed, harrowed, fertilized.

In the old days, a horse pulled a wooden plow behind it, but now a tractor pulls a metal plow.

Previously, the most experienced member of the family - a grandfather or father, in a red shirt, went barefoot into the field and scattered grain, and in our time, grain is sown with seeders.

In the old days, a sickle was used during the harvest, but now combines work in the fields.

Previously, the grain was beaten out with a flail, but now it is done by a combine.

Our ancestors threshed flour in a wind or water mill, and now in a flour mill. Before the mills, people used stones with planks, a stupa.

In the old days, bread was baked in a hut in a Russian oven, and now it is baked at a bakery.

I think that in our time it has become easier to grow bread.

Mobile game "Wheat and a grain grower"

Children - "spikelets" stand in two rows and squat. They raise their hands up and gradually get up, smoothly waving their hands to the right and left, back and forth. The leader - the "farmer" (child) stretches his arms to the sides, walks between the rows. Children should have time to sit down (you can sit down not earlier than the previous "spikelets"). The one who is hit becomes a "farmer" or is eliminated from the game.

Game: What comes first, what comes next? »

On the interactive whiteboard there is a picture of three cells, where the picture is open in the middle, and closed on the right and left). Children should say what happened before and after.

Children answer: Before - spikelets have grown, and then they are taken to the elevator or to the flour mill. (Three pictures - a grain, a combine, a bakery).


Children, what was bread in the past? (Dough, flour, grain in a spikelet.) Is bread an object man-made or not made by hands?

What professions were involved in the process of making bread? (Peasants, collective farmers sowed bread, planted grains of rye and wheat in the ground, harvesters mowed ripe spikelets, drivers took grain to the mill, millers ground flour, bakers made dough and baked bread, the seller of the bread department sold this loaf to us.) Here is the warmth of how many hands kept the bread. Bread fulfills its function to feed people, it is man-made.

Word game(interactive board)

Now let's play with words! Guess what happens if.







Let's try to come up with new words as a joke:



Gingerbread + Straws = STRAIGHT, etc.

Game "Merry tambourine"(Proverbs and sayings)

Children stand in a circle and say the following words:

You roll a cheerful tambourine

Quick, quick hand

Who has a cheerful tambourine

He will quickly tell us a proverb about bread!

1. There is no bread, and there is no dinner.

2. Plow deeper - lose more bread.

3. No matter how much you think, you can’t think of better bread.

4. Throw bread, lose strength.

5. A big pie is hidden in a small grain.

6. Respect the earth, it gives a harvest.

7. Beneath yourself: what you sow, so reap.

8. A lot of snow - a lot of bread.

9. Sometimes work is bitter, but bread is sweet.

10. Do not work, so you can’t get bread.

11. Rain in May - rye is born.

12. Summer is a store, autumn is a trough.

13. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.

14. Who will not lie in the spring. The whole year will be full.

15. A piece of the pie is not great, but it costs a lot of work.

16. Grain to grain - there will be a bag.

17. Bread is the head of everything.


What stories about bread do you know? (Gingerbread man, Tops and roots, Wolf bread, Two spikelets, Light bread, Spikelet, and today we will see the Ukrainian folk tale "Spikelet".

Game: What does it look like?

I will show the figure, and you tell me what kind of bakery product it looks like?

(Crackers, bagels, dryers, kalachi, gingerbread, sweet straws, cookies, pies, cakes, waffles, pastries.)


- “People talk about bread with respect, affectionately - bread, our wealth, everything is a head. - And why? (children's answers).

How should you feel about bread?

How to handle bread?

Bread must be saved, take as much as necessary.

Bread is a must. Old people said that leaving a piece of bread, you leave your health.

Bread cannot be thrown on the ground, on the floor, if bread was accidentally thrown on the floor, it was raised and asked for forgiveness;

Bread is our wealth and it must be protected.


It must be remembered that in order to grow a crop of grain crops, one must work hard, love one's native land, appreciate the work of a grain grower.

Our people are hospitable. Dear guests are greeted with bread and salt. However, not every guest knows that the loaf needs to be broken, tasted and distributed to people, as custom dictates. Not everyone knows that when accepting bread on a towel, the bread should be kissed.

It has long been a custom among the Slavs: people, breaking bread, become friends for life.

“We will save bread today, tomorrow and always” - this phrase has become the motto in our group. Bread! What great power lies in this word. Bread is one of the greatest creations of human hands, the work of a farmer who raised a golden ear with precious grain.

1 child:

Each slice of bread

Smells like a warm sky

And the earth gave all the power.

We treat you with a warm loaf.

2 child:

We invite you to tea with us

Yes, with a bun and a pretzel.

With pancake and milk.

3 child:

We love to treat guests with sweet tea,

Pies and pancakes.

pretzels, rolls,

4 child:

Tea with jam, tea with biscuits

Tea with a good mood

Raspberry leaf tea

Let's bring everyone to the table!


Thank you for your attention! We invite you to tea.
