Properties of sines and cosines of the formula. Basic trigonometric identities

Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that studies trigonometric functions and their use in geometry. The development of trigonometry began in the days of ancient Greece. During the Middle Ages, scientists from the Middle East and India made an important contribution to the development of this science.

This article is devoted to the basic concepts and definitions of trigonometry. It discusses the definitions of the main trigonometric functions: sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent. Their meaning in the context of geometry is explained and illustrated.

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Initially, the definitions of trigonometric functions, whose argument is an angle, were expressed through the ratio of the sides of a right triangle.

Definitions of trigonometric functions

The sine of an angle (sin α) is the ratio of the leg opposite this angle to the hypotenuse.

The cosine of the angle (cos α) is the ratio of the adjacent leg to the hypotenuse.

The tangent of the angle (t g α) is the ratio of the opposite leg to the adjacent one.

The cotangent of the angle (c t g α) is the ratio of the adjacent leg to the opposite one.

These definitions are given for an acute angle of a right triangle!

Let's give an illustration.

In triangle ABC with right angle C, the sine of angle A is equal to the ratio of leg BC to hypotenuse AB.

The definitions of sine, cosine, tangent, and cotangent make it possible to calculate the values ​​of these functions from the known lengths of the sides of a triangle.

Important to remember!

The range of sine and cosine values: from -1 to 1. In other words, sine and cosine take values ​​from -1 to 1. The range of tangent and cotangent values ​​is the entire number line, that is, these functions can take any value.

The definitions given above refer to acute angles. In trigonometry, the concept of the angle of rotation is introduced, the value of which, unlike an acute angle, is not limited by frames from 0 to 90 degrees. The angle of rotation in degrees or radians is expressed by any real number from - ∞ to + ∞.

In this context, one can define the sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent of an angle of arbitrary magnitude. Imagine a unit circle centered at the origin of the Cartesian coordinate system.

The starting point A with coordinates (1 , 0) rotates around the center of the unit circle by some angle α and goes to point A 1 . The definition is given through the coordinates of the point A 1 (x, y).

Sine (sin) of the rotation angle

The sine of the rotation angle α is the ordinate of the point A 1 (x, y). sinα = y

Cosine (cos) of the angle of rotation

The cosine of the angle of rotation α is the abscissa of the point A 1 (x, y). cos α = x

Tangent (tg) of rotation angle

The tangent of the angle of rotation α is the ratio of the ordinate of the point A 1 (x, y) to its abscissa. t g α = y x

Cotangent (ctg) of rotation angle

The cotangent of the angle of rotation α is the ratio of the abscissa of the point A 1 (x, y) to its ordinate. c t g α = x y

Sine and cosine are defined for any angle of rotation. This is logical, because the abscissa and ordinate of the point after the rotation can be determined at any angle. The situation is different with tangent and cotangent. The tangent is not defined when the point after the rotation goes to the point with zero abscissa (0 , 1) and (0 , - 1). In such cases, the expression for the tangent t g α = y x simply does not make sense, since it contains division by zero. The situation is similar with the cotangent. The difference is that the cotangent is not defined in cases where the ordinate of the point vanishes.

Important to remember!

Sine and cosine are defined for any angles α.

The tangent is defined for all angles except α = 90° + 180° k , k ∈ Z (α = π 2 + π k , k ∈ Z)

The cotangent is defined for all angles except α = 180° k, k ∈ Z (α = π k, k ∈ Z)

When solving practical examples, do not say "sine of the angle of rotation α". The words "angle of rotation" are simply omitted, implying that from the context it is already clear what is at stake.


What about the definition of the sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent of a number, and not the angle of rotation?

Sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent of a number

Sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent of a number t a number is called, which is respectively equal to the sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent in t radian.

For example, the sine of 10 π is equal to the sine of the rotation angle of 10 π rad.

There is another approach to the definition of the sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent of a number. Let's consider it in more detail.

Any real number t a point on the unit circle is put in correspondence with the center at the origin of the rectangular Cartesian coordinate system. Sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent are defined in terms of the coordinates of this point.

The starting point on the circle is point A with coordinates (1 , 0).

positive number t

Negative number t corresponds to the point to which the starting point will move if it moves counterclockwise around the circle and passes the path t .

Now that the connection between the number and the point on the circle has been established, we proceed to the definition of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent.

Sine (sin) of the number t

Sine of a number t- ordinate of the point of the unit circle corresponding to the number t. sin t = y

Cosine (cos) of t

Cosine of a number t- abscissa of the point of the unit circle corresponding to the number t. cos t = x

Tangent (tg) of t

Tangent of a number t- the ratio of the ordinate to the abscissa of the point of the unit circle corresponding to the number t. t g t = y x = sin t cos t

The latter definitions are consistent with and do not contradict the definition given at the beginning of this section. Point on a circle corresponding to a number t, coincides with the point to which the starting point passes after turning through the angle t radian.

Trigonometric functions of angular and numerical argument

Each value of the angle α corresponds to a certain value of the sine and cosine of this angle. Just like all angles α other than α = 90 ° + 180 ° · k , k ∈ Z (α = π 2 + π · k , k ∈ Z) corresponds to a certain value of the tangent. The cotangent, as mentioned above, is defined for all α, except for α = 180 ° k , k ∈ Z (α = π k , k ∈ Z).

We can say that sin α , cos α , t g α , c t g α are functions of the angle alpha, or functions of the angular argument.

Similarly, one can speak of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent as functions of a numerical argument. Every real number t corresponds to a specific value of the sine or cosine of a number t. All numbers other than π 2 + π · k , k ∈ Z, correspond to the value of the tangent. The cotangent is similarly defined for all numbers except π · k , k ∈ Z.

Basic functions of trigonometry

Sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent are the basic trigonometric functions.

It is usually clear from the context which argument of the trigonometric function (angular argument or numeric argument) we are dealing with.

Let's return to the data at the very beginning of the definitions and the angle alpha, which lies in the range from 0 to 90 degrees. The trigonometric definitions of sine, cosine, tangent, and cotangent are in full agreement with the geometric definitions given by the ratios of the sides of a right triangle. Let's show it.

Take a unit circle centered on a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system. Let's rotate the starting point A (1, 0) by an angle of up to 90 degrees and draw from the resulting point A 1 (x, y) perpendicular to the x-axis. In the resulting right triangle, the angle A 1 O H is equal to the angle of rotation α, the length of the leg O H is equal to the abscissa of the point A 1 (x, y) . The length of the leg opposite the corner is equal to the ordinate of the point A 1 (x, y), and the length of the hypotenuse is equal to one, since it is the radius of the unit circle.

In accordance with the definition from geometry, the sine of the angle α is equal to the ratio of the opposite leg to the hypotenuse.

sin α \u003d A 1 H O A 1 \u003d y 1 \u003d y

This means that the definition of the sine of an acute angle in a right triangle through the aspect ratio is equivalent to the definition of the sine of the angle of rotation α, with alpha lying in the range from 0 to 90 degrees.

Similarly, the correspondence of definitions can be shown for cosine, tangent and cotangent.

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Solution of the simplest trigonometric equations.

The solution of trigonometric equations of any level of complexity ultimately comes down to solving the simplest trigonometric equations. And in this, the trigonometric circle again turns out to be the best helper.

Recall the definitions of cosine and sine.

The cosine of an angle is the abscissa (that is, the coordinate along the axis) of a point on the unit circle corresponding to rotation by a given angle.

The sine of an angle is the ordinate (that is, the coordinate along the axis) of a point on the unit circle corresponding to rotation by a given angle.

The positive direction of movement along the trigonometric circle is considered to be movement counterclockwise. A rotation of 0 degrees (or 0 radians) corresponds to a point with coordinates (1; 0)

We use these definitions to solve the simplest trigonometric equations.

1. Solve the equation

This equation is satisfied by all such values ​​of the angle of rotation , which correspond to the points of the circle, the ordinate of which is equal to .

Let's mark a point with ordinate on the y-axis:

Draw a horizontal line parallel to the x-axis until it intersects with the circle. We will get two points lying on a circle and having an ordinate. These points correspond to rotation angles of and radians:

If we, having left the point corresponding to the angle of rotation per radian, go around a full circle, then we will come to a point corresponding to the angle of rotation per radian and having the same ordinate. That is, this angle of rotation also satisfies our equation. We can make as many "idle" turns as we like, returning to the same point, and all these angle values ​​will satisfy our equation. The number of "idle" revolutions is denoted by the letter (or). Since we can make these revolutions in both positive and negative directions, (or ) can take on any integer values.

That is, the first series of solutions to the original equation has the form:

, , - set of integers (1)

Similarly, the second series of solutions has the form:

, where , . (2)

As you guessed, this series of solutions is based on the point of the circle corresponding to the angle of rotation by .

These two series of solutions can be combined into one entry:

If we take in this entry (that is, even), then we will get the first series of solutions.

If we take in this entry (that is, odd), then we will get the second series of solutions.

2. Now let's solve the equation

Since is the abscissa of the point of the unit circle obtained by turning through the angle , we mark on the axis a point with the abscissa :

Draw a vertical line parallel to the axis until it intersects with the circle. We will get two points lying on a circle and having an abscissa. These points correspond to rotation angles of and radians. Recall that when moving clockwise, we get a negative angle of rotation:

We write down two series of solutions:



(We get to the right point by passing from the main full circle, that is.

Let's combine these two series into one post:

3. Solve the equation

The line of tangents passes through the point with coordinates (1,0) of the unit circle parallel to the OY axis

Mark a point on it with an ordinate equal to 1 (we are looking for the tangent of which angles is 1):

Connect this point to the origin with a straight line and mark the points of intersection of the line with the unit circle. The points of intersection of the line and the circle correspond to the rotation angles on and :

Since the points corresponding to the rotation angles that satisfy our equation lie radians apart, we can write the solution as follows:

4. Solve the equation

The line of cotangents passes through the point with the coordinates of the unit circle parallel to the axis.

We mark a point with the abscissa -1 on the line of cotangents:

Connect this point to the origin of the straight line and continue it until it intersects with the circle. This line will intersect the circle at points corresponding to rotation angles of and radians:

Since these points are separated from each other by a distance equal to , then we can write the general solution of this equation as follows:

In the given examples, illustrating the solution of the simplest trigonometric equations, tabular values ​​of trigonometric functions were used.

However, if there is a non-table value on the right side of the equation, then we substitute the value in the general solution of the equation:


Mark points on the circle whose ordinate is 0:

Mark a single point on the circle, the ordinate of which is equal to 1:

Mark a single point on the circle, the ordinate of which is equal to -1:

Since it is customary to indicate the values ​​​​closest to zero, we write the solution as follows:

Mark the points on the circle, the abscissa of which is 0:

Let's mark a single point on the circle, the abscissa of which is equal to 1:

Mark a single point on the circle, the abscissa of which is equal to -1:

And some more complex examples:


The sine is one if the argument is

The argument of our sine is , so we get:

Divide both sides of the equation by 3:



The cosine is zero if the cosine argument is

The argument of our cosine is , so we get:

We express , for this we first move to the right with the opposite sign:

Simplify the right side:

Divide both parts by -2:

Note that the sign before the term does not change, since k can take any integer values.


And in conclusion, watch the video tutorial "Selection of roots in a trigonometric equation using a trigonometric circle"

This concludes the conversation about solving the simplest trigonometric equations. Next time we'll talk about how to solve.

Initially, sine and cosine arose due to the need to calculate quantities in right triangles. It was noticed that if the value of the degree measure of the angles in a right triangle is not changed, then the aspect ratio, no matter how much these sides change in length, always remains the same.

This is how the concepts of sine and cosine were introduced. The sine of an acute angle in a right triangle is the ratio of the opposite leg to the hypotenuse, and the cosine is the ratio of the adjacent leg to the hypotenuse.

Theorems of cosines and sines

But cosines and sines can be used not only in right triangles. To find the value of an obtuse or acute angle, the side of any triangle, it is enough to apply the cosine and sine theorem.

The cosine theorem is quite simple: "The square of a side of a triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides minus twice the product of these sides by the cosine of the angle between them."

There are two interpretations of the sine theorem: small and extended. According to the small: "In a triangle, the angles are proportional to the opposite sides." This theorem is often extended due to the property of the circle circumscribed about a triangle: "In a triangle, the angles are proportional to opposite sides, and their ratio is equal to the diameter of the circumscribed circle."


A derivative is a mathematical tool that shows how quickly a function changes with respect to a change in its argument. Derivatives are used in geometry, and in a number of technical disciplines.

When solving problems, you need to know the tabular values ​​\u200b\u200bof the derivatives of trigonometric functions: sine and cosine. The derivative of the sine is the cosine, and the derivative of the cosine is the sine, but with a minus sign.

Application in mathematics

Especially often, sines and cosines are used in solving right triangles and problems related to them.

The convenience of sines and cosines is also reflected in technology. Angles and sides were easy to evaluate using the cosine and sine theorems, breaking complex shapes and objects into "simple" triangles. Engineers and, often dealing with calculations of aspect ratio and degree measures, spent a lot of time and effort calculating cosines and sines of non-table angles.

Then Bradis tables came to the rescue, containing thousands of values ​​​​of sines, cosines, tangents and cotangents of different angles. In Soviet times, some teachers forced their wards to memorize the pages of the Bradis tables.

Radian - the angular value of the arc, along the length equal to the radius or 57.295779513 ° degrees.

Degree (in geometry) - 1/360th of a circle or 1/90th of a right angle.

π = 3.141592653589793238462… (approximate value of pi).

Cosine table for angles: 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, 120°, 135°, 150°, 180°, 210°, 225°, 240°, 270°, 300°, 315°, 330°, 360°.

Angle x (in degrees)30°45°60°90°120°135°150°180°210°225°240°270°300°315°330°360°
Angle x (in radians)0 π/6π/4π/3π/22 x π/33xπ/45xπ/6π 7xπ/65xπ/44xπ/33xπ/25xπ/37xπ/411xπ/62xπ
cos x1 √3/2 (0,8660) √2/2 (0,7071) 1/2 (0,5) 0 -1/2 (-0,5) -√2/2 (-0,7071) -√3/2 (-0,8660) -1 -√3/2 (-0,8660) -√2/2 (-0,7071) -1/2 (-0,5) 0 1/2 (0,5) √2/2 (0,7071) √3/2 (0,8660) 1

We begin our study of trigonometry with a right triangle. Let's define what the sine and cosine are, as well as the tangent and cotangent of an acute angle. These are the basics of trigonometry.

Recall that right angle is an angle equal to 90 degrees. In other words, half of the unfolded corner.

Sharp corner- less than 90 degrees.

Obtuse angle- greater than 90 degrees. In relation to such an angle, "blunt" is not an insult, but a mathematical term :-)

Let's draw a right triangle. A right angle is usually denoted . Note that the side opposite the corner is denoted by the same letter, only small. So, the side lying opposite the angle A is denoted.

An angle is denoted by the corresponding Greek letter.

Hypotenuse A right triangle is the side opposite the right angle.

Legs- sides opposite sharp corners.

The leg opposite the corner is called opposite(relative to angle). The other leg, which lies on one side of the corner, is called adjacent.

Sinus acute angle in a right triangle is the ratio of the opposite leg to the hypotenuse:

Cosine acute angle in a right triangle - the ratio of the adjacent leg to the hypotenuse:

Tangent acute angle in a right triangle - the ratio of the opposite leg to the adjacent:

Another (equivalent) definition: the tangent of an acute angle is the ratio of the sine of an angle to its cosine:

Cotangent acute angle in a right triangle - the ratio of the adjacent leg to the opposite (or, equivalently, the ratio of cosine to sine):

Pay attention to the basic ratios for sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent, which are given below. They will be useful to us in solving problems.

Let's prove some of them.

Okay, we have given definitions and written formulas. But why do we need sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent?

We know that the sum of the angles of any triangle is.

We know the relationship between parties right triangle. This is the Pythagorean theorem: .

It turns out that knowing two angles in a triangle, you can find the third one. Knowing two sides in a right triangle, you can find the third. So, for angles - their ratio, for sides - their own. But what to do if in a right triangle one angle (except for a right one) and one side are known, but you need to find other sides?

This is what people faced in the past, making maps of the area and the starry sky. After all, it is not always possible to directly measure all the sides of a triangle.

Sine, cosine and tangent - they are also called trigonometric functions of the angle- give the ratio between parties and corners triangle. Knowing the angle, you can find all its trigonometric functions using special tables. And knowing the sines, cosines and tangents of the angles of a triangle and one of its sides, you can find the rest.

We will also draw a table of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent values ​​for "good" angles from to.

Notice the two red dashes in the table. For the corresponding values ​​of the angles, the tangent and cotangent do not exist.

Let's analyze several problems in trigonometry from the Bank of FIPI tasks.

1. In a triangle, the angle is , . Find .

The problem is solved in four seconds.

Insofar as , .

2. In a triangle, the angle is , , . Find .

Let's find by the Pythagorean theorem.

Problem solved.

Often in problems there are triangles with angles and or with angles and . Memorize the basic ratios for them by heart!

For a triangle with angles and the leg opposite the angle at is equal to half of the hypotenuse.

A triangle with angles and is isosceles. In it, the hypotenuse is times larger than the leg.

We considered problems for solving right triangles - that is, for finding unknown sides or angles. But that's not all! In the variants of the exam in mathematics, there are many tasks where the sine, cosine, tangent or cotangent of the outer angle of the triangle appears. More on this in the next article.

Understanding simple concepts: sine and cosine and calculation cosine squared and sine squared.

Sine and cosine are studied in trigonometry (the science of triangles with a right angle).

Therefore, to begin with, let's recall the basic concepts of a right triangle:

Hypotenuse- the side that always lies opposite the right angle (angle of 90 degrees). The hypotenuse is the longest side of a right angled triangle.

The remaining two sides in a right triangle are called legs.

Also remember that the three angles in a triangle always add up to 180°.

Now let's move on to cosine and sine of the angle alpha (∠α)(so you can call any non-right angle in a triangle or use as a symbol x - "x", which does not change the essence).

Sine of angle alpha (sin ∠α)- it's an attitude opposite leg (the side opposite the corresponding angle) to the hypotenuse. If you look at the figure, then sin ∠ABC = AC / BC

Cosine of angle alpha (cos ∠α)- attitude adjacent to the angle of the leg to the hypotenuse. Looking again at the figure above, then cos ∠ABC = AB / BC

And just to remind you: cosine and sine will never be greater than one, since either roll is shorter than the hypotenuse (and the hypotenuse is the longest side of any triangle, because the longest side is located opposite the largest angle in the triangle).

Cosine squared, sine squared

Now let's move on to the basic trigonometric formulas: calculating the cosine squared and the sine squared.

To calculate them, you should remember the basic trigonometric identity:

sin 2 α + cos 2 α = 1(the sine square plus the cosine square of one angle always equals one).

From the trigonometric identity we draw conclusions about the sine:

sin 2 α \u003d 1 - cos 2 α

sine square alpha is equal to one minus the cosine of the double angle alpha and all this is divided by two.

sin2α = (1 – cos(2α)) / 2

​​​​​​​From the trigonometric identity we draw conclusions about the cosine:

cos 2 α \u003d 1 - sin 2 α

or a more complex version of the formula: cosine square alpha is equal to one plus the cosine of the double angle alpha and also divide everything by two.

cos2α = (1 + cos(2α)) / 2

These two more complex formulas of sine squared and cosine squared are also called "power reduction for the squares of trigonometric functions." Those. was the second degree, lowered to the first and the calculations became more convenient.
