Scary stories and mystical stories. How to call Sally Alder from creepypasta77 &7& How to call Sally Alder on the street

To the question How to summon Sally Alder from creepypasta77 &7& asked by the author Caucasian the best answer is Alas, now she is Williams, but in our hearts Sali will forever remain Alder.
To call you will need:
-2 sheets
- pink writing object
-3 candles
1. Write "Sally" on the first piece of paper.
2. On the second "Dead".
3. Go to the span between the 1st and 2nd floors, put a piece of paper where it says "Sally" there.
3. Go to the span between the 2nd and 3rd floors. There put a sheet with the inscription "Dead".
4. Go to the span between the 3rd and 4th floors. Light a candle there and say "Sally, come" three times.
5. Wait two minutes. If you hear strange sounds or feel her presence, the ritual comes into effect. Go to the first floor. On the way, tear the sheet with the inscription "Dead".
6. Wait on the ground floor for a bit. Half a minute is enough. Go back to the third floor. Light a second candle there and say "Sally, play with me."
Attention! At points 6-7, be careful. These are the most dangerous stages!
7. Head back to the first floor. The game is to avoid being seen by Sally. If you hear a moan or cry, then Sally has found you. Light the last candle, say goodbye to her. Like, "Thanks for playing, but you have to go."
8. Leave the entrance for a couple of minutes. So that Sally can leave in peace. That's it, the ritual is complete! After the ritual, crumple the piece of paper with the inscription "Sally" and put it on the place where the ritual is performed.
How to summon Sally Alder
1 baby pink dress
2 Needle
3 Three candles
4 Matches or lighter
5 Black marker
6 Teddy bear
7 Knife
So let's get started!
*-Turn off the lights in the entire apartment
*-Spread the dress in the center of your room
*-Next to the sleeves and collar, place candles and light them
*-Write "PLAY WITH ME" in black marker on the dress
* - Put a bear on the inscription
*-Cut the belly of the bear
*-Prick your finger with a needle and drop your blood on the toy
*-say "I'm ready to play!" three times! firmly and decisively
Now watch the candles. If they go out all at once, FAST TURN ON THE LIGHTS EVERYWHERE! You called Sally and she is angry! If the candles go out one by one in turn, then Sally, as they say, came-looked-left. Nothing to fear! If the candles continue to burn, then ask any question! Sally is now kind and will answer him!
After the ritual, the bear and dress must be burned.
Calling Sally
You will need:
- Soft toy (preferably a bear)
- Candle
- Checkered sheet
- Mirror
- lipstick
- Black helium pen
*- You need to call at 00:00
*- Call in your room
*- Put a mirror on your desktop, light a candle, bring it to the mirror and write: "Sally, let's play." Next, write your name and surname with a pen and put it next to the mirror, put out the candle. And so, when you put out the candle, then Sally will come to you.
* - Your task is to hide from her in any place, if only she did not find you. Take a sheet with you, it will write where Sally is, for example: "Sally is looking for your city, Sally found it, Sally is looking for an apartment, etc."
*- Hide and seek will last 20 minutes. You will hear sounds and rustles.
* - If she found you, then you can give her a bear so that she does not kill you.
* - If she did not find you, then she will fulfill any one desire. Think before guessing! You can wish so that you live forever, or never get sick. You should not think to be friends with Creepypasta, etc.
After the ritual, it is worth throwing out the mirror, as well as the candle with lipstick.
Good luck.

To date, there are many communities dedicated to scary stories, where everyone can tell their own. The characters of such stories, especially beloved by readers, "come to life" with the light hand of their fans, receiving a detailed biography, stable character traits and appearance. In some cases, there are even ways to "invite" them into the real world (for example, below will be described how to call Laughing Jack).

This is one of the heroes of creepypasta, whose biography, however, is somewhat confused due to the abundance of conflicting facts and various stories. Only his love for games and belonging to circus activities converge in them (with the exception of the story in which he appears as a revived toy).

Before you call Laughing Jack, you should figure out who he really is.

Who is Jack?

In various stories, this character appears in many roles: from a circus worker with mental disabilities to a magical toy. He turns out to be either a ruthless killer, or a creature offended by life and circumstances, but this does not change the cruel ending of each story about him.

Unfortunately, few of those who are interested in how to call Laughing Jack, think about its origin. However, it is not easy to find creepypasta in RuNet, which served as the primary source of the appearance of this hero, but in the English-speaking segment of the Web it will not be difficult: the story of Laughing-Jack-out-of-the-Box is available in large communities dedicated to this topic.

It tells about a lonely boy from a dysfunctional family named Isaac Grossman. The child suffers from a lack of communication with peers and a rude attitude of parents, because his only desire on Christmas Eve is to make at least one good friend. And his prayer is heard: miraculously, a magical "toy", which is Jack, falls into his hands. Initially, he is a positive hero, but Isaac's betrayal makes him a monster, eager for sadistic entertainment with random victims.

Because of this, many users wondering how to summon Laughing Jack believe that the world-famous "Ripper" is coming to them - the namesake of this creepypasta hero.

But this is fundamentally wrong. Jack is a clown out of the box, with a very lively and inquisitive nature, unaware of his actions as cruel or unacceptable. Since Isaac taught him this behavior, everything that happens is perceived as a funny game by the animated toy, which makes Jack even more dangerous.

What do you need to call Jack?

Before calling Laughing Jack at home, you need to prepare items such as:

  1. Several unwrapped candies.
  2. Sheets of paper.
  3. Writing accessories.
  4. Scissors.

At the same time, to make a call, you need to know what this character looks like, since in the future it will need to be depicted on paper.

How to call Laughing Jack at home?

On pre-prepared paper, you need to draw six characters of Internet horror stories, the last of which should be Jack. At the same time, it is not necessary to depict each character in detail, it is enough just to convey the distinctive features.

Then, on another sheet, you need to draw a five-pointed star and, having cut out the drawn figures, arrange them in such a way that Jack is in the middle of an impromptu pentagram, and the rest are located on its outer corners.

After that, all used items must be hidden in a secluded corner, without violating the given composition, and wait.

What should happen after?

After a day after the call, you can check the results, or rather, the integrity of the sweets. If they are gone, it is believed that Jack agrees to be friends with the one who disturbed him, but if the candies are crushed or crumpled, the clown is angry.

In this case, you will need to apologize, that is, say over the previously described construction: "Laughing Jack, come and forgive our prank." Then it is desirable to burn all objects or bury them.

However, it often happens that nothing happens to sweets, therefore, before calling Laughing Jack (day or night - it doesn’t matter), you should tune in to the frivolity of what is happening and perceive everything as a game.

Summon the Twilight Spirit

For this we need:
- Water
- Honey
- Oak bark
- Sheet of paper A4
You need to do from 00:00 to 03:00 at night. That is, at any time, even immediately after midnight, the spirit is Twilight.
We take oak bark and dip it in plain water. Dip it in honey. Coated with honey? Well done. Now lay this bark on a sheet of A4 paper. We talk about desire. Now, without lighting the paper, light the bark with matches.
If it ignites, extinguish immediately - this means that the spirit is either busy with another person, or he did not like your desire. If it does not light up, it means that the spirit will soon fulfill your desire. If there was smoke, then it was the spirit itself. Pay attention to the color of the smoke: if the smoke is white, the wish will come true in a week, and if it is black, the spirit can fulfill it tomorrow.

Challenge "Sally Lose With Me"

- 4 sheets A4
- Pencil or pen.
The call must be made at night. You must be at home alone (pets are allowed).
Put 4 sheets on the table and write:
First: "Sally"
On the second: "are"
Third: "you"
On the fourth: "dead?"
Now turn off the light and say 3 times: "Sally come." Then go to another room and sit there without light for 10 minutes, then go to the room where you left the sheets. A message from Sally should be written on the sheets. If written, then Sally can kill you. To withdraw, you must tear and discard the sheets. You can sleep.

Suicidal Cedi Challenge

- Blade (any)
- Paper
- Red marker
- Flashlight
We take and write on a piece of paper with a marker: "Sadie come to me", put the blade next to it and wait. It is not known when she will arrive. Wait. It may be in a week, but when she arrives, there will be no one at home but you. The lights will go out and the doors will close. Look for the leaf, Sedi hid it. If you don’t find it in 10 minutes, you will die, and if you find it, she will give you something that you most dreamed of. You can sleep. You can't call with friends.

Challenge KageKao

- Wine
- Two simple glasses without a pattern.
At night, turn off the lights in the whole house, turn on the flashlight, set it so that it shines on the ceiling. Pour the wine into glasses and, leaving the lantern so, go into another room, you don’t need to hide, sit down so as not to walk, you can scare him away.
Come back in 10 minutes. Wine should be drunk or poured in only one glass, the second should be full. Drink wine from an untouched glass. The Kage visited you and has already left. You can sleep.

Graffiti Challenge

- 2 cans of black and red paint.
- Abandoned building.
In the evening we go to an abandoned building, with a can of black paint we write: "Graffiti". Next, write your name in English with a red spray can. We say 3 times: "Graffili come to me".
Turn away from your inscriptions and close your eyes. If you hear rustles or steps or other various sounds - Graffiti has come. Don't open your eyes! if the noises have stopped, you can open your eyes. Don't turn to the notes. Go home slowly, leaving the spray cans there.
Early in the morning at 6 o'clock in the morning, return to the abandoned building. If there are no spray cans - Graffiti took them, and if there were - Graffiti did not like you and he just left. Leave the cans there, you can't take them with you.

I sat on a bench in our yard and listened to music. Sometimes it calms me better than tea. And then Jeff runs right in front of me. No, I must say it does not run, but flies on the wings of the wind. He was running away from Eyeless. Apparently, Jack's supply of kidneys is over. Jeff noticed me sitting on the bench and ran straight at me. Here is a creature, he wanted to throw it on me. And yes, Jack changed his mind ... and decided to cut out the kidneys for both of us. But I'm very smart. I grabbed a small stick, ran with Jeff under the window of our dear neighbor Ivanych and knocked on some kind of pipe. There was a very loud sound. Knowing that the neighbor would not have mercy on anyone, I quickly ran into the entrance. I think creepypasters will survive. I quickly ran up to the third floor and rang the doorbell to my friend Vera. She opened it for me, and we sat down to watch the series "Trace". After 50 minutes of viewing, Arina, Sasha and Danya burst into my friend’s apartment through the window.
- Hello - Vera and I said in unison.
- Hey Ya! Let's go call Sally. We have found such a challenge! Sasha said. Well we went. There is nothing to do anyway.

To call you will need:
-2 sheets
- pink writing object
-3 candles

1. Write "Sally" on the first piece of paper.
2. On the second "Dead".
3. Go to the span between the 1st and 2nd floors, put a piece of paper where it says "Sally" there.
3. Go to the span between the 2nd and 3rd floors. There put a sheet with the inscription "Dead".
4. Go to the span between the 3rd and 4th floors. Light a candle there and say "Sally, come" three times.
5. Wait two minutes. If you hear strange sounds or feel her presence, the ritual comes into effect. Go to the first floor. On the way, tear the sheet with the inscription "Dead".
6. Wait on the ground floor for a bit. Half a minute is enough. Go back to the third floor. Light a second candle there and say, "Sally, play with me."
Attention! At points 6-7, be careful. These are the most dangerous stages!
7. Head back to the first floor. The game is to avoid being seen by Sally. If you hear a moan or cry, then Sally has found you. Light the last candle, say goodbye to her. Like, "Thanks for playing, but you have to go."
8. Leave the entrance for a couple of minutes. So that Sally can leave in peace. That's it, the ritual is complete! After the ritual, crumple the piece of paper with the inscription "Sally" and put it on the place where the ritual is performed.

I wrote all the words on the sheets with lettering. We laid out the sheets and lit a candle.
- Sally, come. Sally, come. Sally, come. we all whispered. Then we went down to the third and lit the candle again.
- Sally, play with us - we say the same quietly and go down to the first floor. Ten minutes later we heard crying.
- Sally! Please be quiet! - I shouted in a whisper - Neighbors spare no one!
Just then, Sally appeared on the stairs. She looked at us in surprise.
- I'm not afraid of your neighbors - she said.
- But almost everyone we called knows what kind of evil it is - Arina said gloomily. No seriously! Neighbors appear in almost every call! Sally smiled slyly.
- And Slendy too? she asked. We burst out laughing, remembering that ill-fated slipper sent by our neighbors as a sign of the deepest "respect" for Slender.
- Yeah - said Sasha.
- Then let's go get your neighbors - said Sally cheerfully. We had 3 hours of fun from the heart, running away from the neighbors. Then we came home and sat down with Sally for tea and cookies.
"Did Jeff recover from going down our stairs?" Vera asked Sally.
- Yes - she answered - He said that he was lowered down the stairs by two girls. Eyeless was laughing so hard at him. He was going to visit you and scare you very much.
- And we will give it to the neighbors - Danya said and we laughed together.
