An interesting post about water. Water Facts

Water. On our planet, it is one of the main chemical compounds, which plays an important role for all living things. Now a lot of time, effort and money are given to the study of the properties of water. After all, she never ceases to amaze with her riddles. This article will present some interesting and little-known facts about water that scientists have discovered recently.

Water has not three states, but more

As we were all taught in school, water has three states, but this is not entirely true. Scientists have proven that it has 5 different states in liquid form and 14 states in "frozen".

Of course, this is strange, but it is a proven fact that hot water is easier to turn into ice than cold water. Logically, hot water needs to cool down to freeze. But in practice, it is hot water that turns into ice faster. Why is this happening? Until now, this issue remains unresolved. There is an assumption that the reason is the difference in hypothermia, evaporation during the formation of ice, convection, or the reason is the effect of liquefied gases on hot and cold water.

Water does not freeze at zero temperature

Everyone knows that ordinary water freezes at zero degrees Celsius. But there is also such a thing as “ultrapure” water, which does not have any impurities. This water remains liquid even at temperatures below zero, it freezes only at about -10-11°C.

water like glass

If pure water that has frozen continues to cool to a temperature of minus 120 ° Celsius, then its structure turns from crystalline to amorphous. At this temperature, water becomes viscous and viscous. And if you bring it to minus 135 ° C, it becomes like glass.

As it turned out, sea water is very nutritious: 1 cubic meter of sea water contains about 1.5 kg of protein and other substances. Scientists have calculated that the Atlantic Ocean alone can be compared in nutritional value with 20,000 harvested crops that are grown per year on land.

This is not the "fire" water you think of (vodka or alcohol). Here we are talking about real water that burns (if you bring a match to it, it will ignite). There is such water in one of the sources of Azerbaijan, which contains a high concentration of methane.

Most of the fresh water is concentrated in glaciers. Of the total amount, most of it is ... not in the World Ocean, but in the earth's mantle (10-12 times more than in the ocean!). Interestingly, fresh water makes up only 3% of the total world supply. However, this part is also inaccessible to people - after all, its main share is in glaciers.

Water and health

Most of the animal world and man himself will not be able to live long without water. Loss of only 20% of the total body weight is fatal. It is for this reason that a person is able to live without water for only 5–7 days. And an interesting fact is that a person drinks about 35 tons of water in a lifetime.

Of course, water is not only a source of health, but also a source of disease, since it dissolves toxic substances well in itself and is a carrier of pathogenic bacteria. It is worth noting that 85% of all diseases are transmitted through water. 25,000 people a year die from these diseases worldwide.

According to the UNESCO world organization, the cleanest water is in Finland. Scientists came to this conclusion after studies that were conducted in 122 countries. But unfortunately now about 1 billion people in the world do not have access to clean water.

March 22 is World Water Day. This holiday was established by the decision of the General Assembly of the United Nations to remind humanity of the importance of water resources for the environment and the development of society.

Currently, 70% of our planet is covered with water. At the same time, you can drink only 1% of this water. Every year the problems of access to water resources become more acute. Over the past 50 years, as many as 507 conflicts related to access to water have occurred in the world. 21 disputes led to hostilities.

Water is the simplest and most common substance on the planet. But at the same time, water is fraught with many mysteries. Scientists still continue to explore it, finding more and more interesting data about water.

Fact one: the cleanest water in Finland

According to UNESCO, the cleanest water is in Finland. A total of 122 countries took part in the study of fresh natural water. At the same time, 1 billion people around the world do not have access to safe water at all.

Fact two: ice is faster to get from hot water

Which water turns to ice faster: hot or cold? If you think logically, then, of course, cold. After all, the hot one must first cool down, and then freeze, but the cold one does not need to cool down. However, experiments show that it is hot water that turns into ice faster.

The exact answer to the question of why hot water still freezes faster than cold water still does not exist. It may be due to the difference in subcooling, evaporation, ice formation, convection, or the effect of liquefied gases on hot and cold water.

Fact three: supercooling of water

Everyone remembers well from the school physics course that water freezes at 0 degrees, and boils at 100 degrees. However, there is the so-called supercooling of water. This property has a very pure water - no impurities. Even when cooled below the freezing point, such water remains liquid. But in both cases, there are temperatures at which water will become ice or boil.

Fact Four: Water has more than 3 states

Since school, everyone knows that water has 3 states of aggregation: liquid, solid and gaseous. However, scientists distinguish 5 different states of water in liquid form and 14 states in frozen form.

Fact five: water is like glass

What happens if you take frozen clean water and continue cooling? Wonderful transformations will take place with water. At minus 120 degrees Celsius, water becomes super-viscous or viscous, and at temperatures below minus 135 degrees, it turns into "glassy" water. "Glass" water is a solid that lacks a crystalline structure like glass.

Fact six: the basis of life is water

Water is the basis of life. All living animals and plant beings are made up of water: animals - 75%, fish - 75%, jellyfish - 99%, potatoes - 76%, apples - 85%, tomatoes - 90%, cucumbers - 95% %, watermelons - by 96%. Even man is made of water. 86% of water is contained in the body of a newborn and up to 50% in the elderly.

Fact seven: water is a carrier of diseases

Water not only gives life, but can also take it away. 85% of all diseases in the world are transmitted through water. Every year, 25 million people die from these diseases.

Fact eight: a man dies without water

If a person loses 2% of his body weight in water, then he becomes very thirsty. If the percentage of lost water increases to 10, then the person will begin to hallucinate. With a loss of 12%, a person will not be able to recover without the help of a doctor. With a loss of 20%, a person dies.

Fact nine: most of all fresh water is in glaciers

Where is the most water? The answer seems obvious: in the oceans. However, in fact, the Earth's mantle contains 10-12 times more water than the oceans. At the same time, almost all the mass of water available on the planet is not suitable for drinking. We can only drink 3% of the water - that's how much fresh water we have. But even most of these 3% is inaccessible, as it is contained in glaciers.

Fact ten: water as a diet

With the help of water, you can fight excess weight. By drinking only water from drinks, you can drastically reduce the total caloric content of the diet. Firstly, because a person stops drinking high-calorie sweet sodas and juices, and secondly, because after water there is less desire to take sweets, as is the case with tea or coffee.

Fact Eleven: Water for a Healthy Heart

Water helps reduce the chance of a heart attack. Researchers have found that people who drink about six glasses of water a day are less likely to have a heart attack than those who drink only two glasses.

Fact 12: 35 tons of water in a lifetime

A person can live without water for a very short time. The need for water is in second place after oxygen. A person can live without food for about six weeks, and without water - five to seven days. In a lifetime, a person drinks about 35 tons of water.

Fact thirteenth: the most expensive water

Water can be free, or it can be very expensive. The most expensive water in the world is sold in Los Angeles. Manufacturers package the precious liquid with a balanced taste and ph value in bottles with "Swarovski" rhinestones. Such water costs $ 90 per 1 liter.

Fact fourteen: there is water that burns

There is also dangerous water. So, for example, in Azerbaijan there is water in which there is a lot of methane, so it can catch fire if you bring a match to it. And in Sicily, in one of the lakes, there are underwater sources of acid that poison all the water in this reservoir.

Fifteenth Fact: Protein in Water

Sea water is a very nutritious substance. In 1 cu. cm of such water contains 1.5 g of protein and other substances. Scientists believe that the Atlantic Ocean alone, in terms of its nutritional value, is estimated at 20,000 crops, which are harvested throughout the year throughout the land.

And although it consists of only 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom, scientists continue to study it, making new discoveries about it.

If not, our planet would not be habitable.

So, here are some interesting facts about water. I must say right away that they can really surprise you.

  1. A person without water can live no more than 5 days.
  2. If the body is dehydrated by at least a few percent, a person will experience intense thirst and a breakdown. Interestingly, overeating can also be one of the causes of dehydration.
  3. Our body consists of more than 70% water.
  4. Theoretically, if all the glaciers on the planet melted, the water level would rise by more than 60 m. Because of this, 15% of the land would be flooded.
  5. On average, each person annually consumes approximately 60 tons of water.
  6. Under certain conditions, water can freeze even at positive temperatures.
  7. An interesting fact is that there are about 1500 varieties of water: for example, thawed, soil, etc.
  8. Scientists share 14 states of water in solid form and 5 in liquid form.
  9. Hot water has the ability to freeze faster than cold water. This interesting fact can be checked independently.
  10. According to research, water successfully absorbs infrared.
  11. At the moment, on our planet, about 1 billion people are deprived of the opportunity to drink clean water. In the last 50 years alone, more than 20 military conflicts have occurred in the world due to the right to access water.
  12. The coldest ice is found in Antarctica, but the Alpine ice is considered the warmest, since its temperature is 0 degrees Celsius.
  13. About 80% of all diseases are transmitted through water. As a result, approximately 25 million people die each year. And this is almost the population!
  14. Although more than 70% is covered with water, only 1% is fresh.
  15. The largest reservoir of fresh water is that in.
  16. From childhood, we hear about the need to conserve water. And rightly so, because the thinnest jet leads to the loss of up to 1000 liters of water daily.
  17. You certainly noticed that ice does not sink in water. And this is not surprising, because in the liquid state the density of water is greater than in the solid state.
  18. Snow is able to reflect light rays by 75%, and water only by 5%. That is why snowy nights are so bright.
  19. Among all known liquids, water has the highest heat of vaporization.
  20. Scientists managed to prove that water has the ability to remember information.
  21. are 99% water.
  22. Newborn babies are made up of 80% water, while an elderly person has only about 50% of it.
  23. An interesting fact is that the Earth's mantle contains ten times more water than its surface.
  24. In the oceans, the water has a blue tint due to diffused light.
  25. Almost everyone knows the formula for H2O water. However, such pure water simply does not exist in nature due to the fact that it contains a lot of different impurities.
  26. The average water temperature on the surface of the world's oceans is about 17 degrees Celsius. While the temperature in the lower layers above the ocean is 15 degrees.
  27. Chemical studies show that one cubic centimeter of sea water contains 1.5 grams of protein and many other minerals. Scientists believe that the nutritional properties can be equated to 20,000 global annual crops.
  28. Due to the fact that the oceans occupy about 70% of the Earth's surface, they heat the lower layers of the atmosphere. Thus, they moderate the climate.
  29. 1 trillion tons of water evaporates every year. This number looks like a one followed by 12 zeros.
  30. An ordinary glass of water contains about 8 septillion molecules. A septillion is a number that is a one followed by 24 zeros (note the ).
  31. The Pacific Ocean contains 46% of the total amount of water on Earth. 23% of the water is in the Atlantic Ocean, 20% in the Indian Ocean and 4% in the Arctic Ocean.

Water is the source of life for everything on earth. It is an integral part of the human body, but more and more often it is not betrayed, especially in those regions where there are no problems with this resource. It causes more attention in the arid places of the planet, where local residents are always worried about its presence and perhaps only scientists think more about water, who each time discover more and more new ones. interesting facts about water. We have selected the most unusual ones and combined them into one list.

1. Everyone knows from school that water boils at a hundred degrees, and it becomes ice at zero degrees. But if we take a very pure liquid, then even at zero its edge will not be covered with ice. To freeze it, you need a really big minus.

2. Scientists endlessly threaten with rising temperatures and the fact that the glaciers are melting inexorably. If all of them turn into water, then its world level will rise by at least 60 meters, which means that about 1/8 of the planet's land will be flooded.

3. Several years ago, the international organization UNESCO set out to find out where the purest water is. Its representatives visited 122 countries and determined that the best one is located in Finland. Along the way, they were able to establish that more than one billion people around the planet have limited access to good water.

4. For a person, the loss of water is detrimental. On average, we consist of 70% liquid, and if you lose only 2%, then there will be an incredibly strong thirst. With a loss of 10%, the mind will no longer perceive the world around it normally, and hallucinations will begin to occur regularly. Another 2% and the water balance in the body can no longer be restored without the intervention of doctors, and with the loss of 20%, a person will face irreversible death.

5. We are all used to thinking that after zero degrees, water turns into ice, which only gets stronger with increasing minus. But if we continue to steadily lower the temperature, then at 115 degrees below zero, it will already become viscous, and at minus 130 degrees we will get what the researchers call “glass water”. It will be absolutely transparent, and will no longer resemble muddy ice.

6. An interesting fact about water in human life. Without it, people cannot live even a few days, but at the same time, it is this liquid that is the main carrier of diseases. It has been scientifically established that 80% of the diseases that people across the planet are exposed to are transmitted through water and about 30 million people die as a result.

7. Interesting water facts for kids. The school physics course has always stated that water exists in three key states: solid, gaseous and liquid. But in fact, according to scientists, there are more of them, because there are 5 more different types of a rare state and as many as 15 types of solid.

8. An interesting fact about fresh water is that most of it is in glaciers. Despite the fact that our planet is filled with a huge amount of water - seas, rivers, lakes, oceans, only 3% of them are suitable for drinking. And what is most problematic is that most of these 3% are frozen in glaciers near the poles.

9. Historical fact - in the Middle Ages, one family spent about 6 liters of water per day for their needs. By comparison, now in Africa any family spends more than 20 liters, and in America this figure reaches 1000 liters per day.

10. An interesting fact about the properties of water. We all know that it is best to extinguish a fire with it, but there is also such water that burns. The source of this flammable liquid is located in Azerbaijan and the cause of combustion is a large amount of methane dissolved in it.

It is impossible to imagine life without water, it is the source of existence and the basis of our body. Even today, scientists continue to study and find interesting facts about water. How much do we know about water? Facts about water sometimes amaze even the most sophisticated people.

  1. Without water, a person can last no more than two or three days.
  2. Even a slight dehydration of the body is fraught with consequences, in particular to and loss of strength. By the way, overeating can also cause dehydration.
  3. The human body consists of 70% water.
  4. If all the world's glaciers melted, the water level would rise by more than 60 meters. At the same time, about 1/8 of the land would be flooded with water.
  5. For one year, on average, a person consumes about 60 tons of water in the process.
  6. Sometimes water can freeze even at positive temperatures.
  7. In the surrounding world, about one and a half thousand types of water are distinguished - for example, rain, soil and other types of water.
  8. Scientific researchers distinguish 14 states of water in solid form and 5 in liquid form.
  9. Chilled water freezes more slowly than hot water.
  10. Water absorbs infrared radiation.
  11. A billion people do not have access to clean drinking water. By the way, over the past half century there have been more than 20 wars in the world over access to water. In total there were more than five hundred such wars.
  12. The coldest ice in Antarctica. And the warmest is Alpine, its temperature is 0 degrees.
  13. More than 80 percent of all diseases are transmitted through water. The annual death rate from these diseases is about 25 million people, this is the population of Canada.
  14. Approximately 70% of the Earth's area is covered by water. Of this amount of drinking water, only one percent.
  15. In the Middle Ages, a family used 5 liters of water a day. An African family consumes more than 20 liters a day, while Americans spend about a thousand.
  16. Since childhood, we have been told that water should be conserved. Even the thinnest stream of water in the apartment leads to the loss of about a thousand liters of water per day.
  17. Ice does not sink in water. This is due to the fact that in the liquid state, the density of water is greater than in the solid state.
  18. Water reflects light differently in different states. The maximum sun's rays are reflected by snow - 75%.
  19. Of all liquids, water has the highest heat of vaporization.
  20. An interesting fact about water is also that it is able to remember information.
  21. Jellyfish are 99 percent water.
  22. 86 percent of water is contained in the body of a newborn baby. In an elderly person - about 50 percent.

We also collected the most interesting things about water in different parts of the world.

  1. Azerbaijan has a unique water - it contains a lot of methane. Therefore, it catches fire when it comes into contact with fire.
  2. According to UNESCO, Finland has the cleanest water.
  3. In the oceans, the water is blue due to scattered sunlight.
  4. There is a lake in Antarctica that does not freeze even at -50 degrees. The amount of salt in it is many times greater than that of sea water.
  5. There is a lake whose water can be used instead of "ink". It is located in Algiers.
  6. On the surface of the world's oceans, the average water temperature is 17-19 degrees. And in the lower layers of air above the ocean - 14-15 degrees.
  7. About three hundred billion people will be able to feed the resource reserves of the oceans.
  8. Water in the capital of Kenya is ten times more expensive than in the US.