Seven-day unloading fasting: exit menu and results of therapy. Therapeutic fasting on the water: reviews and results

The result of fasting on water will be weight loss, rejuvenation and cleansing of the body, as well as a significant improvement in health. Doctors and nutritionists often recommend it for medicinal purposes, including weight loss and severe obesity. If you fast properly and monitor your own well-being, then such a process will not lead to any problems.

Features of water fasting

For the entire period of observing water starvation, you need to completely avoid any food and consume only water: distilled, spring, well, from sources, settled, melted and rain (collected according to the rules of sanitation and hygiene). Boiled, filtered or from the tap is strictly prohibited. Mineral water is allowed, but due to the large amount of salts it contains, it is better to dilute it with distilled water at the rate of 1:3.

The addition of lemon or honey juice, as well as the use of fresh juices, tea, coffee, decoctions, compotes and other similar liquids will not help in any way, but only activates the digestive processes, due to which the body does not switch to internal nutrition mode, in which fat is burned. . In addition, violation of this rule is fraught with nervousness and headache.

The amount of water consumed per day is unlimited, but often it is 1.5-2.5 liters. It is worth drinking less only in case of heart disease and congestive liver, as well as with edema and swelling of the legs (on the joints).

Water fasting achieves the following goals:

  • the protective system (immunity) is strengthened, which helps to cope with autoimmune diseases faster;
  • as a result of psychological (mental) unloading, the body recovers and cleanses much better;
  • the aging process slows down due to the activation of the pituitary gland.

The time frame for compliance with such a regimen has not been established, they are individual and depend on the desire, degree of preparedness, and well-being. For beginners, it is better to spend several one-day fasts within a month. Then it will be possible to cope with stress and during a period of prolonged refusal to eat. According to average indicators, as a result of fasting on water, 1 kg of fat is broken down in 2-4 days. You can get rid of allergies, bronchial asthma, biliary disorders in 2-3 courses a year lasting 4-5 days.

Often in reviews of fasting on water, practicing adepts note that the body is intensively cleansed, healed and rejuvenated in about 2-3 weeks of its continuous observance.

Way out of water starvation

It is important to come out of fasting carefully and with a serious attitude to this issue, because otherwise serious complications can occur, for example, acute pancreatitis. It is desirable that this process falls on the weekend. At this time, the following are prohibited: meat, fish, eggs, salt, coffee, mushroom, meat and fish broths, alcohol.

The main principle of water fasting: how many days it lasts itself, the same number of days lasts and exit from it.

After a one-day regimen, you just need to eat fruits, vegetables, fresh juices, cereals with a minimum amount of oil, cottage cheese, stale bread or diet bread in small portions.

If you have been starving for 3 days, then during the same period you need to eat soaked prunes and figs, grated carrots and cabbage, buckwheat or oatmeal, vegetable soup, mashed potatoes, stewed or boiled vegetables, fresh or baked apples, cucumbers, curdled milk, kefir, crackers and cereals. On the second and third days, you can supplement the menu with 20 g of butter and a glass of walnuts. It is allowed to drink fresh juices diluted with water, green and white tea, a decoction of mint, rosehip, St. John's wort, chamomile and other herbs, but without sugar and, if desired, with a spoonful of honey.

If fasting lasts longer than 3 days, then the first 2-4 days should be spent on juices, vegetable decoctions, herbal infusions and a small amount of baked apples, gradually increasing their volume, and the remaining days should be followed by the diet described above.

You need to eat slowly during the exit, chewing food thoroughly. Raw vegetables, fruits and berries are cleansing foods, so they should be few in the beginning. Meat can be eaten 2-3 times a week. More frequent use of it can lead to a mild headache, dizziness, spots before the eyes, bitterness in the mouth, physical weakness and mental fatigue. For the same reason, starch and sugar are excluded. It is better to take them in their natural form from vegetables and fruits, and protein from nutritious seeds and nuts.

On the eve of fasting, you should try not to eat too much, and it is better to limit dinner with fruit salad or natural yogurt. During the first day, it is useful to listen to calm music, go for a long walk, but do not engage in vigorous physical and mental activity. If you feel good on the second day, then you can freely extend the fast on the water. For beginners, it should last no longer than 72 hours.

Do not be afraid of the appearance of hunger, insomnia or causeless fear. They'll be gone soon. Dress warmly, rinse your mouth often and brush your teeth. During the first few days of fasting, a yellow or white coating on the tongue may form on the water, which will disappear over time. Simply, in this way, the body is freed from toxins. Bad breath, bad taste, and even bleeding gums are also caused by this. But these side effects will soon pass. It is desirable to spit saliva as often as possible, since it is full of released toxins.

During the first two days of fasting on the water, the weight will noticeably decrease by about 2-3 kg. In the future, it will go somewhere around 500 grams daily. In a week, improvements in the condition of the skin, nails, hair and figure will be noticeable. There will be cheerfulness, flexibility and lightness in movements.

Every day of fasting on the water, it is advisable to do morning exercises, self-massage and take a shower or bath, and rub the whole body before going to bed. You also need to maintain your usual lifestyle and daily routine, but be more outdoors and take walks, as well as quit smoking and avoid smoking rooms. It is useful to arrange a rest for 10 minutes every 1.5-2 hours.

Fasting up to 3 days is unloading, not cleansing. During this period, the body temporarily loses weight due to the removal of excess fluid, salts, and glycogen. But those pounds will quickly come back. Therefore, after fasting on water for a week, it will actually be 5 days, and for 14 days - 12, and so on. In principle, the positive effect of a three-day fast is to rest and unload the digestive tract. Still, this should not be considered a negative aspect for losing weight, such three-day periods every 2-2.5 months can have an excellent effect on the figure.

Real starvation is characterized by ketosis, which means the transition to the burning of body fat and its own harmful tissues, as well as the saturation of the body with the end products of their breakdown (fatty acids).

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Fasting has been practiced by people since ancient times. It is an integral part of some religious movements and spiritual practices. It is believed that fasting for 7 days significantly cleanses the human body. and cures a number of diseases. Supporters of starvation see only positive aspects in it, while opponents are trying to prove its global harm.

Features and rules of fasting on the water 7 days

Experts did not agree on a consensus on fasting for 7 days. Nutritionists note that short-term water fasting is not dangerous and in its own way helps to unload the body. One-day, three-day and 7-day fasts are considered safe. If a person refuses food for more than a week, then he may experience health problems.

Before you start fasting for a week, you must follow a few mandatory recommendations:

  • Consult with a dietitian and therapist to make sure there are no contraindications;
  • Understand why you want to practice fasting for 7 days (for weight loss, cleansing, healing, testing willpower);
  • Prepare the body for fasting with an enema and food restriction the day before;
  • Accurately set for yourself the duration of a hungry diet and make a daily routine;
  • Prepare for the correct way out of the 7-day fast.

Immediately before fasting for 7 days, you need to mentally and physically seriously tune in. The success of the procedure and the complexity of its implementation depend on the goals and objectives. If you want to cleanse and get rid of extra pounds, then think about the end result.

You can not start fasting on the water for 7 days after a plentiful feast. A few days before the scheduled time, give up meat and heavy meals, eat natural juices, stewed vegetables, grated fruits. It is advisable to drink herbal decoctions and do cleansing enemas. In this case, for the body, a 7-day fast will not become a fatal stress.

It is also necessary to leave the diet gradually. Eat small meals several times a day. At first, the food should be semi-liquid, in the form of mashed potatoes, then add more solid foods, cereals, whole grain bread. Meat, fish, cheeses are best introduced into the diet after a couple of weeks in moderation.

According to experts, fasting for a week is best done no more than 1 time in 3 months.. If there is no special need for fasting, then to correct the figure, do 1-2 unloading days a week on kefir, vegetables or fruits.

During the fasting period of 7 days, you can not smoke, use medicines, any additives and seasonings. Use only purified, melted, distilled water. Drink at least 2 liters per day, but do not force yourself.

Difficulties in fasting 7 days according to reviews

Proponents of fasting say that this method of cleansing is easier to tolerate than a low-calorie diet. When a person knows that he will not have to eat during the week, he switches his attention to other worries and calmly lives the planned period.

In the first days of eating exclusively on water, severe weakness, apathy, irritability, nervousness, and even insomnia can occur. In the absence of fasting experience, symptoms appear similar to colds, but without fever, cough and runny nose. Speech inhibition occurs, gait and demeanor change slightly.

After 3-4 days, the warning signs disappear, the body begins to get used to the presented situation and switches to the consumption of internal reserves. From the middle of the week, the state of health improves and a feeling of cheerfulness appears.

It is much easier to endure fasting on water for 7 days if you do not visit cafes, restaurants refrain from meeting friends. Walking in the park, forest, near the reservoir has a favorable effect. It is advisable to do physical and breathing exercises outside.

In the summer, when fasting for 7 days, avoid sunbathing on the beach and do not overheat. In winter, dress warmly and try not to freeze. Sudden changes in temperature will become unnecessary stress for the body weakened by a hungry diet.

Effect of fasting for a week

Leading figures of starvation talk about the amazing ability of water to rid the body of toxins, poisons, toxins, carcinogens. For a week of fasting, the human body is able to lose about 7 kg.

At the final stage of fasting for 7 days, according to reviews, a person experiences a strong reassessment of the past and present. In addition, fasting practitioners note an improvement in vision, clarity, colors become more saturated. The eyes of a person on a starvation diet acquire a characteristic cold luster and expressiveness.

After a week of nutrition on the water, the skin is cleared, the rash on the back and arms disappears. The complexion becomes more even and healthy. In general, a feeling of lightness and a surge of strength appears in the body. The volume of the body is noticeably reduced, the figure looks more toned and slender.

Contraindications for water fasting

Fasting is not for everyone. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, teenagers and the elderly should not fast for a week. Fasting is also prohibited when:

  • Ulcerative, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
  • Gastritis, colitis, renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • Gout;
  • Diabetes;
  • Anorexia, bulimia, exhaustion;
  • tuberculosis;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Purulent-inflammatory, infectious diseases;
  • Violation of the heart rhythm;
  • Anemia, blood diseases, heart failure.

You can not fast in the period after surgery and during rehabilitation.

7-day fasting is a serious work on yourself and a great test for the body. It is necessary to take a responsible attitude to health and spend as much time cleaning as you can stand. Violence over one's own body, uncontrolled gluttony or a complete refusal of food always affects one's well-being, so the practice of fasting should be supported by a healthy lifestyle.

To apply fasting for 7 days, a person must first carefully study the methodology, the rules for its implementation, and possible contraindications. And a doctor's consultation is required. Starvation itself is used by specialists, however, as a method of purification. The effect of weight loss during fasting is secondary, like a bonus supplement.

The term "fasting" as a technique is quite simple - it is a temporary conscious refusal of a person from any food. It does not matter if he does it for the sake of losing weight or cleansing. There are many methods of fasting, traditional medicine experts do not get tired of improving them, inventing new ones. Now fasting has several types:

Dry (absolute) fasting is the refusal not only of food, but also of water. Moreover, often a person meets the first day of a hunger strike in absolute starvation, excluding not only water, but also any, even accidental contacts with it. He doesn't bathe, doesn't wash his hands, doesn't brush his teeth, doesn't even rinse his mouth. Doctors are against such serious restrictions, it is believed that absolute fasting can be maintained at home for no longer than a day.

Therapeutic starvation - in principle, this is not a separate technique, it is prescribed by a doctor. And he also determines the types of restrictions, the period of fasting. Monitors the patient's condition throughout the entire period. It is considered the safest, because it happens under the control and on the recommendation of a specialist who knows the patient, his body and is ready for possible consequences.

Fasting on water - having excluded food, a person continues to drink water, moreover, without limiting its amount. There are short (1-3 days), medium (7-10 days), long (15-20), extreme (20, 28, even 36 or 40 days). The latter can only be endured by experienced people who have been practicing fasting for many years.

Periodic - when people have a fasting day during the week, over time it becomes a permanent "window" in the weekly schedule. Here, two subtypes of such a hunger strike are distinguished. For example, fasting periods are calculated not in days, but in hours. If there are, for example, 24 hours in a day, then “food windows” of 2-8 hours are made in them, in which a person eats. The rest of the time he spends without food.

With such unloading, you can lose weight, at the same time get rid of excess toxins. Such techniques are extremely popular, because not everyone is able to lose weight for days. It's easier to last a few hours.

How much weight can you lose with these methods? The results largely depend of course on the initial weight, health status, age of the patient, the duration of the fasting period.

But averages:

  • The first days will take 1-3 kg;
  • Further, the weight will begin to go away smoothly and more slowly 200-300 grams each subsequent day of fasting.

Does the weight come back?

Alas, in 80% of cases, yes, often he not only returns himself, but also grabs 1-2 kg of "comrades", as a result, people become fuller than they were before the start of starvation. Having decided that it is worth tightening the restrictions, practitioners keep a seven-day fast, and dry. However, doctors are strongly opposed. It is dangerous to starve at home, without the supervision of a specialist, moreover, dry for more than 2 days!

Why do people believe in the effectiveness and safety of methods? They are attracted to results. How patients of well-known Western clinics were starving, people weighing 200-300 kg, who were being prepared for a subsequent operation. Surgeons demanded rapid weight loss, because there is also a maximum weight for the operated patient. Then fat people were kept under strict dry fasting. Yes, the patients lost about 15-20 kg and then, after the operations, they continued to successfully reduce their weight.

But! The starving people were kept in special conditions of the hospital, doctors watched them hourly, tracked all changes. And dry fasting was an opportunity for them to get rid of edema, and this was the first task. Ordinary people, who are far from medicine, want to lose weight at home without problems and for long periods, you can’t bully yourself like that.

A few important rules for anyone who wants to start or is already practicing fasting:

  1. Only healthy people without chronic diseases;
  2. Those who do not need to drink medicines daily, even vitamins;
  3. Mature, adults, teenagers, children, and also pregnant women should not starve (they generally do not understand why they should lose weight before childbirth);
  4. Starvation is also dangerous for the elderly;
  5. Mandatory consultation with a doctor before starting any experiments.

Why is everything so strict? After all, it would seem that seven-day unloading starvation, well, on the water, what is dangerous? Humans can live up to 48 days without food, science has proven. Moreover, ancient people were sometimes treated only by fasting, taking an example from animals. This behavior is still visible today. Having fallen ill with something, the animal lies down in a hole or cave, does not eat, only drinks water. Sometimes he chews some herbs, is treated in his own way. However, modern people, when seriously ill, also lose their appetite.

It is believed that there the body releases internal forces to fight the disease. It is difficult to judge how much energy is spent on the digestion of food daily. Despite the fact that people are not wild animals, they often overeat, eat harmful, toxic food, they have bad habits. When a wild animal eats only natural and healthy food and how much it needs. For satiety.

Fasting can indeed bring some benefits, but for this, practitioners need to remember the principles of the technique and take it seriously. You can’t just get up in the morning, deciding to start a week-long fast on the water, without preparation and consultation.

Any type of fasting has several stages:

  • Preparation - studying the material, adjusting the menu before the start of the fast itself, motivation;
  • The doctor's consultation;
  • Starvation itself;
  • Output.

Important: the duration of the exit is equal to (or better than) the duration of the starvation itself. Now, if you keep a two-week fast, then the output will be 14 days. The daily allowance is a day, etc. A competent way out, by the way, will help the departed kilograms not to return after the end of the fast.

It is dangerous to keep dry fasting and 7 days at home, uncontrollably and without notifying the doctor. In general, it is safe to fast dry for no longer than 1-2 days maximum. If you want to extend it, it is better to contact special centers where people are starving in groups, in a hospital. Or keep regular contact with the doctor.

Why do I need a medical examination before fasting?

Required. There is a group of people who are strictly forbidden to starve, even for a day, for several hours. This is fraught with complications.

Why is fasting so popular?

There is a special layer among citizens who do not trust the achievements of scientific medicine and do not like to go to doctors. They want to lose weight, and on hunger, without doing any fitness, without going to the same nutritionist. Have tried a lot of diets. They also sat on fruits, were raw foodists, kept mono-diets. Thanks to the Internet, they can keep track of the emergence of any new technique for fast and cheap weight loss, and it doesn’t matter if there are complications, there will be some consequences other than new weight, or not.

Alas, most people are frivolous about their own health. They read the news, watch ads about weight loss techniques, and few people think about how seriously this affects the functioning of the body. For example, when they write how a person lost 15-20 kg in 2-3 days, who will ask how hard it got?

Just marvel at the result. Quickly, a lot, without any problems! what do you need. They are ready to pay and usually pay thousands, throwing away on trendy pills, massagers, courses. What kind of pills, what they are made of, why massagers are effective, what kind of teas - they don’t think.

Fasting is gaining momentum again precisely as a weight loss technique, although doctors have previously explored it as a natural cleansing. Usually, certain patients were prescribed to fast for 1-2 days so that the body could unload from toxins. Of course, if the recipe is developed by doctors, it is safe and as effective as possible.

For the patient - the recipient of the prescription. Therefore, if you really decide to suddenly use fasting as a way to quickly lose weight, it is better, of course, to consult a doctor first. At the same time, he will give advice on the duration and rules of the method just for you. Will it be a week or 3 days, maybe a day to start.

7 days on dry fasting, entry, exit

According to reviews, you lose 15-20 kg per week of such a nightmare, moreover, the seventh day is not as terrible as the first two. Entry scheme:

Think over the leisure for the week of the upcoming fasting. More walks, good books, good films. It is important to occupy the head with something else, drowning out hungry urges.

Set a specific day to start fasting and devote all the time before it to preparation - the entrance. Moderate, vegetarian diet. It doesn’t matter if it will be fasting and on the water for 7 days, reviews, results, before and after photos in the majority do not notice the difference, the importance of the preparatory period is always the same.

A positive, easy attitude is important. You can not take fasting for a test, the body reads emotions, taking from them information about everything new. If a person is in a good, light mood, then the period of fasting will pass easier, faster.

In about 20-25 days, a person should delete meat, smoked dishes, pastries, also sweets, fish, milk, and stop eating eggs from his menu. The first week - nuts, legumes, reducing portions. This is necessary so that the subsequent refusal of any food does not cause great stress inside the body.

Entry menu: vegetables, various fruits, cereals. So the cleansing process will begin even before fasting. From drinks, water, herbal decoctions, no tea or coffee, juices.

Dry fasting usually begins with a water day, when food is excluded, but there is no water yet. A person can drink up to about 1.5 liters of liquid.

Feelings during dry fasting

  • 1 day already without water - most authors write it is normal, I don’t feel like drinking at all. Feelings are also normal.
  • Day 2 - a whitish coating appears on the surface of the tongue. Some feel weak, others, on the contrary, a surge of energy.
  • 3 day - the sense of smell is aggravated. Many simply cannot be near the places where food is sold. But most methods advise frequent walks.
  • Day 4 - the beginning of ketosis, an acetone smell is felt, and it comes from the mouth. More often this is accompanied by a surge of energy, because the internal burning of fats has begun.
  • Day 5 - I want to sleep more. True, for some, on the contrary, habitual sleep is disturbed.
  • Day 6 - many note an increase in dry mouth.
  • Day 7 - you can’t drink yet, but water procedures are already possible.

This is a description of the sensations that have gone through a tough technique, a seven-day exclusion of all contact with liquid. Exit from a 7-day fast if it starts dry with water. Water procedures, then on the 8th day, when the exit begins.

Slowly, in small sips, drain a glass of plain, purified warm water. Then drink every time the first requirement of the body.

Nutrition should start with juices. Domestic, diluted with water. The hunger strike made the stomach shrink, so you can not immediately overload it with a large amount of food. Eat fractionally, in small portions, often, every 1.5-2 hours, without a feeling of satiety.

The power scheme is as follows:

Diluted vegetable or fruit homemade juices - undiluted juices - vegetable, fruit salads (without spices) - vegetable soups (without spices) - cereals (on the water, without spices yet).

Between each stage, take small breaks, tracking your condition. Then, after cereals, you can gradually introduce fermented milk products (for now, except for milk). Meat, fatty foods, spicy, also smoked can be only 3-4 weeks after fasting. A competent way out largely determines whether the weight gained by starvation will be fixed or the lost kilograms will return again.

The seven-day fasting method has many advantages over others. First of all, this is the shortest therapy option, which will achieve no less results. Modern fasting on water for 7 days is exactly what the body needs in the summer. Of course, you can use it in winter, but favorable conditions in summer.

Every person who is going to starve should understand that he has a huge task ahead of him, which will be very difficult to realize. You need to constantly work on yourself and your body. Proper unloading fasting on the water for 7 days is a guarantee that you will lose weight, transform externally and internally.

For many, the presented techniques are an opportunity to test their exposure and get the desired effect. This fasting option is great for beginners, as it is a short stage in which it is possible to reach the required heights.

You need to understand that fasting is not as simple as it seems. For a week, you will have to eat nothing at all. This week will seem like an eternity to you, as you have nothing to do, but simply observe the effectiveness of the presented technique.

Of course, it is not possible to achieve the result immediately, that is, in a week you can only see external changes. As for the internals, you need to constantly practice and only then you will be able to achieve the required results. Many people are wondering how much you can lose weight with strict adherence to all the rules. The answer to this question depends on your physiological characteristics. In some cases, you can throw off up to 10 kilograms, in others no more than five. This recipe is developed by physicians and patented. That is, you can use it without fear of the consequences.

Useful properties of fasting

Properly selected therapeutic starvation brings only a positive effect. Every person who has practiced these techniques at least once understands this. In this case, it is considered a seven-day fast that should help you lose weight. We pursue only the goal of losing weight, without harm to health. Many will say that this is impossible, but if you know what you are striving for, you can achieve the desired effect without problems. Of course, the seventh day is not the limit, and if you can continue to starve, then you can continue. But it's best to stop and try again after a while.

In fact, seven days is not the limit, and there is room to grow and strive. Many hospitals and clinics use this type of fasting. It has a large number of positive reviews and also helps a considerable number of people. Useful properties of fasting:

  1. Damaged cells are repaired
  2. Organs are cleansed of toxins and harmful toxins
  3. Tumors disappear
  4. Eliminate dead cells, harmful organisms
  5. Decreased weight
  6. There is a complete recovery.

If you are losing weight, and fasting for 7 days does not help you, then you can try other methods. Today there are a considerable number of options that could help achieve this goal. Modern seven-day fasting is a large complex of procedures that have only a beneficial effect on a person. You can only be sure of this after you try it. As for the differences between the ten-day and seven-day methods, they are significant and not only in time. It is best to start with minimal stress on your body and body.

Should a person starve?

In fact, this question is very interesting and of great importance for those who have not yet tried fasting. This is worth doing, because thanks to such techniques and subsequent unloading, you can get the desired effect. Today, there are a large number of methods that can help you lose weight. For those who are interested in herbal teas that will help you eat, then you need to visit a pharmacy. Pharmacists will offer the most suitable options.

Qualified doctors have been practicing seven-day fasting for several years now. This is a very complex and at the same time simple technique. It has been tested on many starving people that this option can really be used, and it gives only positive results. A lot of interesting data about this particular technique appears on the network today. It can be developed, supplemented and make your own individual adjustments.

The problem with hunger is that at this time the body begins to fight on its own with its needs. Water and nutrients are consumed very quickly, which has a healing effect.

The most important thing is to use the treatment options you find online very responsibly. The correct way out of the 7 day fast is the key to your success. In order not to get complications, you need to follow the prescribed rules.

If you still do not understand this, then you should re-read everything. If you do not do, as indicated in the original source, then you will not be able to lose weight.

How to fast properly

Much depends on the correct implementation of the prescribed recommendations. You need to understand that you can achieve the required goal if you only confidently go towards the cherished goal. In fact, the consequences and weekly fasting on water of the modern type is exactly what a person who wants to lose weight needs. Proper two-week fasting gives only a positive effect on the body. This is a huge complex of procedures that should always bring pleasure to a person. The stress experienced by the body should be minimized.

For those who sit on weekly fasting, you need to learn a number of rules and tips that your doctor will give you. Since this hunger strike was developed by physicians, it has a considerable amount of positive feedback, practical applications, and so on. All you need is to gather all your strength into a fist and try to starve for at least a few days. Of course, you need to properly enter and exit their fasting and this is a huge job. It is best to contact a company or center where you will be helped to do this, and you will also be under constant control.

In general, fasting on water for 7 days, reviews, results and before and after photos that were received by people can be found on the net. These are materials that help to make sure that the methodology is effective, and that it is really good. In general, there are a huge number of prospects for developing the desire for a dream in oneself. Work on yourself, use the most modern and popular fasting options. Other rules are also important.

For those who today still do not understand how to fast correctly, printed publications are issued, where you can learn everything you need step by step. For each person, losing weight is a fundamental task with which you can get rid of the disease, or lose weight. All of this together helps to increase self-esteem.

Way out of fasting

The most important and difficult stage is the exit from starvation. To make things right and get
a good effect will take a considerable amount of time. By and large, dry fasting for 7 days is based on the fact that you do not use anything at all. It is very difficult, but later your body will get used to it, and subsequent times will be very simple. But you need to know a few rules for getting out of a hunger strike:

  • Do not immediately start eating and drinking.
  • You need to gradually introduce decoctions of herbs into the diet, then steamed food.
  • Meat can be consumed only a few weeks after the hunger strike.
  • You don't need to take any pills.
  • If you feel unwell, then quickly go to the doctor.

The presented rules allow you to achieve the desired result as quickly as possible. Everyone understands this and strives for perfection. Also, many people are interested in other issues that will be discussed in the article. Since this technique was developed by physicians, its relevance is very high. Many medical centers practice it. Reviews presented hunger strike has a huge amount and they are all positive. You need to constantly practice and achieve the required results to improve your body will be much easier.

Today we will talk about how to properly prepare your body for a seven-day therapeutic fast, how to properly conduct it and return to your usual way of life without harm to health.

Therapeutic fasting for weight loss for 7 days - basic rules and menu

Let's start with the fact that for such a serious process, first of all, you need to prepare mentally. A person who is used to eating regularly every day will find it very difficult to abruptly stop eating. A well-organized entrance will help with this.

  • As soon as you decide to switch to therapeutic fasting, gradually, over 2-3 weeks, exclude heavy foods from your diet. Limit the consumption of sweet and flour products. Switch to fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • A seven-day fast is quite long for a novice practitioner, so it's best to start "testing" yourself from 24 hours. During this time, no major changes will occur in the body, however, you will be able to experience most of the sensations. Then increase the fasting interval with small breaks, for example, every few weeks.
  • The period of exit from starvation should be equal to the duration of the fast itself. In this case, the recovery period will take about seven days. It is better, of course, if the return takes a little longer, two weeks.
  • It is advisable to reduce yours to the minimum limits. But still do not forget to go for a walk and breathe fresh air. Take precautions, have an escort with you. Not everyone tolerates hunger well, some faint or worse. It is important to always be under the supervision of a loved one, if not a doctor.

A hunger strike is practiced with several goals at once. Firstly, you will lose a lot of weight, because in extreme mode the body will begin to use the internal potential in the form of fats to maintain life. Secondly, the body will begin to work like clockwork, all toxins and toxins will come out of it, the liver and kidneys will be cleansed, the intestines will adjust their processes, etc.

Therapeutic fasting on water for 7 days

During therapeutic fasting, you need to drink at least two liters of clean water per day. You can stock up on mineral water without gas, as it is a natural source of nutrients, and it is initially purified.

If during a hunger strike you feel a strong breakdown or fainting - drink a small glass of warm water, with honey diluted in it (1 teaspoon). And do not reproach yourself for the violated regime, health is much more important. It's just that your body does not adapt so quickly to new living conditions and it needs help in this.

Exit from a seven-day fast

The return to the "edible" life should be gradual. You can not take and eat in one day, it is fraught with health problems. For seven days, changes in the microflora occurred in the gastrointestinal tract, and the stomach is not able to digest large volumes of heavy food.

At first, about 2-3 days, eat only fruit juices, herbal decoctions, berries, compotes, etc.

Then you can introduce steamed vegetables into your diet. It is desirable that they be frayed. Within 4-5 days, you should eat vegetable soups, cereals (oatmeal), you can eat a little, but be careful with salt and spices.

Eggs and meat can only be eaten from the seventh day, however, like other foods.

Therapeutic fasting for 7 days - results

Therapeutic starvation is a good hardening for the body. First of all, it is thoroughly cleaned, immunity and body resistance to colds and other infectious diseases increase.

Many who regularly practice fasting claim that they felt not only organic changes, but also spiritual ones. Nervousness disappeared, euphoria and joy of life appeared. But to no lesser extent, such a restriction in food affects. Even in a week of fasting, it was possible to lose up to 10-15 kg of excess weight.

Therapeutic fasting for 7 days - reviews

I sat on a fast for 5 days, could not stand it anymore, but I was simply stunned by the results. It took three centimeters from the waist, the scales show 5 kg less, the skin has become better, and the hair is thicker. I'll rest a little and try again, I want to lose another 10 kg in this way.
