The most interesting about the Egyptian pyramids. Interesting facts about the Egyptian pyramids

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Many articles and publications have been written about the pyramids of Egypt. In Egypt, there are about a hundred pyramids - large and small, stepped and with smooth sides, which have come down to us almost unchanged and look more like a shapeless pile of stones.

They are located along the left, western bank of the Nile in small groups, not far from the place where the capital of the country, Memphis, was located in the era of the ancient kingdom.

The most famous of the pyramids are on the outskirts of Cairo, on the edge of the desert plateau of Giza, hanging over the green valley of the Nile. Here, in Giza, there are three great pyramids - Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure.

Even in ancient times, the pyramids of Giza were considered one of the seven "wonders of the world." But even today they are able to hit anyone.

The largest of them is the pyramid of Cheops, the second pharaoh of the IV dynasty. This pyramid is still the largest architectural creation of human hands.

At the base, it is a square with a side of 230 meters. Height during construction - 147 meters and now the pyramid is 9 meters lower: the upper stones fell during earthquakes. Tilt angle 50'.

The construction of the pyramid, and it was completed around 2590 BC, took 2.3 million hewn stone blocks weighing two and a half tons each.


Many years of research by scientists have shown how the pyramids were created. Stone blocks were cut down in Mount Mukattam on the other side of the Nile. ancient quarries are still clearly visible.

Then they were delivered on ships to Giza through a channel specially dug for this purpose. Recently, archaeologists have found a pier near the pyramids. The blocks were dragged onto the pyramid along an inclined earth embankment.

There are no inscriptions or decorations inside the Cheops pyramid. There are three burial chambers. The burial chamber of the pharaoh is a room about 11 meters long, five meters wide and almost six meters high.

The walls of the tomb are finished with granite slabs. The red granite sarcophagus is empty. Neither the pharaoh's mummy nor grave goods have been found. It is believed that the pyramid was plundered in ancient times.

The second largest pyramid of Giza belongs to the pharaoh Khafre. It was built 40 years later than the first one. Sometimes it seems that the pyramid of Khafre is even larger than that of Cheops.

In fact, it is slightly smaller. The side of the square base of the Khafre pyramid is 215 meters. Height - 136 meters. However, in ancient times, like the pyramid of Cheops, it was 9 meters higher. The angle of inclination is sharper than that of the first pyramid: 53 degrees and 8 minutes.

The pyramid of Menkaure completes the ensemble of the great pyramids of Giza. Its construction was completed in 2505 BC. This pyramid is much smaller than its predecessors. The side of the base is 108 meters, the height is 66 meters, the angle of inclination is 51 degrees. The only burial chamber of the pyramid is carved into its rocky base.

The Pyramid of Menkaure emphasizes the greatness of the pyramids of Cheops and Khafre. The latter are not difficult to distinguish from each other: at the pyramid of Khafre, near the top, a white basalt lining is partially preserved.

The Great Pyramids are part of the vast Giza necropolis. Next to them are several small pyramids, where the wives of the pharaohs, the tombs of priests and high officials are buried.

At the foot of the Giza plateau are the funerary temples and the Great Sphinx.
Sphinx. Each of the great pyramids also had a triune complex: the lower funerary temple - the road - the upper funerary temple. But this complex has been preserved in a more or less complete form only at the pyramid of Khafre.

The stone-paved road from the lower temple, where embalming was carried out, to the upper one, where they said goodbye to the pharaoh before burial, stretched for more than half a kilometer.

Near the lower granite temple, devoid of a roof, lie the ruins of the temple of the Sphinx. And behind them, the ancient guardian himself turned his gaze to the east

Great Sphinx

The Sphinx, a resting lion with a human head, is the largest monolithic sculpture.

It is 80 meters long and 20 meters high.

It is believed that the sphinx was carved during the construction of Khafre, and its face bears the features of this pharaoh

About the pyramids of Egypt. ENERGY OF THE PYRAMIDS

But the statements of the famous clairvoyant E. Casey in the Great Pyramid are stored annals and objects of the Atlanteans, proving the existence of highly developed science and technology in the distant past, and the Pyramid itself was built between 10490 and 10390 years BC.

Egyptologists, however, believe that the large Giza Cheops, Khafre and Mykerin, which have a classical pyramidal shape, were erected during the Old Kingdom during the IV dynasty of the pharaohs, that is, approximately 2800-2250 BC. BC.

The starting point of most of the existing hypotheses about the functional purpose of the Great Pyramid - to be the tomb of the pharaoh, is opposed by the opinion of a different purpose, hidden from the uninitiated.

About the pyramids of Egypt. ESOTERIC PYRAMIDS

The word pyramid comes from the Greek "pyramis", etymologically related to "feast" - "fire", denoting the symbolic representation of the One Divine Flame, the life of all creatures.

Initiates of the past considered the pyramid to be the ideal symbol of the Secret Doctrine - a symbol of the hierarchy that exists in the universe. The square base of the pyramid denotes the earth, its four sides are the four elements of matter or substance, from the combination of which material nature is created.

The triangular sides are oriented towards the four cardinal points, which symbolizes the opposites of heat and cold (south and north), light and darkness (east and west).

The triangles rising from each side of the base with their apex upwards serve as a symbol of the Divine being, the Spirit, enclosed in a four-dimensional material nature.

The sum of the sides of the base is four, which corresponds to matter, triangles - three, which corresponds to the Spirit.

The sum of the sides of the base and the triangle is seven, symbolizing the perfect man, expressing his True Nature, which consists in the union of spirit and flesh. The head of a person is symbolized by a three, a triangle, and four limbs by a four, and the location of the three over the four means the dominance of spirit over matter.

The sum of the sides of the four surfaces of the pyramid is twelve, which corresponds to the twelve signs of the zodiac.

The three main chambers of the pyramid correspond to the human brain, heart and reproductive system, as well as to its three main energy centers.

The main purpose of the Great Pyramid was carefully concealed. It was neither a pharaoh's tomb nor an observatory, but a gigantic, most powerful generator of special energy used by the pharaoh and priests for various purposes.

According to esoteric doctrine, the Great Pyramid was the first temple of the Mysteries, repository of secret truths underlying all the arts and sciences, the entire universe

The technique and ritual of the Mysteries were created by the mythical Master of the Hidden House, who dwelt in the Great Pyramid invisibly to all but those with second sight.

The Mysteries teach that Divine energy descends to the top of the pyramid, from which it spreads along the inclined sides, spreading over the world. The stone crowning the pyramid, which is currently missing, was probably a miniature pyramid, repeating the entire structure of the main one.

Thus, the Great Pyramid was likened to the Universe, and the crowning stone was likened to a person.

Following this analogy, the mind is the crowning stone of a person, the spirit is the crowning stone of the mind, and God, as a prototype of the entire structure of the pyramid as a whole, is the crowning stone of the spirit.

Like a rough and unhewn stone being turned into one of the stone blocks of the pyramid, an ordinary person through a secret system of development

Mystery is gradually transformed into a true and perfect stone crowning the pyramid.

Spiritual construction is completed only when the initiate himself becomes the peak through which the Divine power spreads into the surrounding world.

The Sphinx also served as an entrance through mystical passages, and initiates passed through the inner chambers.

They entered as people and came out transformed as Gods, finding in the Great Pyramid - the bosom of the Mysteries a "second birth".

How this happened is the secret of the secrets of the pyramid. One can only assume, but it is quite possible that the huge energy of the Cheops pyramid accumulated by the form, focused at the location of the sarcophagus in the royal room with the help of a special structure located above it, served as the main field factor that made possible the accelerated transformation of man.

In the king's chamber, the initiate was buried for several days in a huge sarcophagus, where the Great Work (Magnum Orus) was performed to achieve individual completion.

The initiate was shown the method of separating the spiritual body from the physical body and was given a key secret and unpronounceable name denoting the Supreme Deity.

This knowledge made man and God aware of each other, and having been initiated into the highest degrees of the Mystery, he himself became a Pyramid, gaining the ability to bring the light of spiritual transformation to other human beings.

Stimulated by the secret processes in the Mysteries, the consciousness of man expanded and he got the opportunity to see the Immortals — those who were already at the highest stage of evolutionary development.

“Medicine of the future will refuse injections and medicines. The old therapeutic arsenal will be replaced by new types of radiation, only some of which we are beginning to discover.”

About the pyramids of Egypt. SHAPE EFFECT

The ancient Egyptians not only knew about the existence of radiation created by the shape and mass of an object, but also knew how to use them for a variety of purposes: in the construction of pyramids, special concentrators that had "magic power" different directions - from healing, creative, to shielding and destroying.

This area, undoubtedly representing a part of the knowledge of the Atlanteans, is currently being studied and is just beginning to be used, but it is already clear that it will become the science of the future.

Recent studies have shown that all objects of the surrounding world emit and, in addition to the main radiation inherent in the substance of which they are composed, create a specific radiation due to their shape.

Experiments have shown that the force of radiation of a form depends not only on its orientation in space, volume and mass, but also on time and its location.

The strength of any field increases with the curvature of its isointensity lines. This is the reason for the spike effect.

This also applies to the energy of forms: the concentration of the psi-field occurs along a line or at the point of intersection of surfaces, especially if several of them intersect at once.

As a result of this, the influence of the surfaces themselves is reduced to a minimum and it becomes possible to do without them altogether, limiting themselves to only edges - a wire or tube frame of one or another polyhedron.

The area covered by the frame is essential, so the capacity of any battery is related to its size. The same reason determines the large energy capacity of capillary-porous bodies.

The colossal radiation power in the giant pyramid of Cheops becomes clear. Using models of small-sized forms, it is possible to increase their strength due to the total radiation of identical objects connected to each other in the form of battery links. Let us dwell on the results of studies of the radiation of characteristic forms.


The first of our contemporaries who established a number of unusual phenomena associated with the pyramid was the French scientist Anthony Bovy.

Exploring the pyramid of Cheops during the thirties, he discovered that the bodies of small animals that accidentally got into the royal room were mummified.

Returning to France, he built a wooden model of a pyramid with a base length of about one meter.

Orienting it to the cardinal points and placing it in the location of the royal room, i.e. about 1/3 of the distance from the base to the top of the body of a dead cat, he found it mummified a few days later.

He achieved the same effect with other organic substances, which, when mummified, did not deteriorate and did not rot.

A. Bovi's research did not arouse any interest until the fifties, until the Czech engineer Karel Drban became interested in them, who not only reproduced the results of A. Bovi's experiments, but also discovered a connection between the shape of the pyramid space and the biological and physico-chemical processes occurring in it. space.

It turned out that by changing the size of the pyramid, it is possible to influence the ongoing processes, accelerating or slowing them down.

A very famous discovery by K.Drban turned out to be that the energy of the pyramid, oriented by the sides to the geomagnetic poles, sharpens the razor blade placed in it, provided that it is located at the level of 1/3 of the height from the base of the pyramid at a right angle to the geomagnetic meridian.

The invention was patented and a plastic device "Razor Sharpener" was produced. "The Pyramid of Cheops", which allowed the same razor blade to be used repeatedly.

Since the 1950s, there have been more and more patents.

It turned out that the energy of the pyramid shape "can do" a lot: instant coffee, after standing over the pyramid, acquires the taste of natural; cheap wines improve their taste; water acquires properties to promote healing, tones the body, reduces the inflammatory reaction after bites, burns and acts as a natural aid to improve digestion; meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits are mummified, but do not deteriorate; milk does not sour for a long time; the cheese doesn't mold.

Sitting under the pyramid improves the process of meditation, reduces the intensity of headaches and toothaches, and speeds up the healing of wounds and ulcers. Pyramids eliminate the geopathic impact around them and harmonize the interior spaces.

Studies conducted in the sixties by the famous Kabbalist and Egyptologist Enel (his real name was Mikhail Vladimirovich Saryatin, 1883-1963) showed that the radiation of the pyramid has a complex structure and special properties.

They singled out several beams: a beam called Pi, under the influence of which the destruction of tumor cells occurs; a ray that causes mummification (drying) and the destruction of microorganisms and the mysterious Omega ray, under the influence of which products do not deteriorate for a long time and which has a beneficial effect on the human body. Enel was the first to suggest that it was this concentrated beam that the initiates were exposed to during initiation in the sarcophagus of the royal room.

Subsequent studies have shown that due to a wide range of frequencies, some of which are identical to the frequencies of vibrations of healthy cellular structures of biological objects, the radiation of the pyramid is a harmonizing effect that adjusts to optimal functioning.

The French radioesthesists L. Chaumery and A. de Belizal (1976) were the first to suggest the role of the Great Pyramid as a transmitting station.

They showed that due to the huge mass, the pyramid-shaped radiation reached such strength that from a very large distance, using the pyramid model, it was possible to determine this radiation, and without a compass to accurately orient the route of a ship in the sea or a caravan in the desert. Scientists were especially intrigued by the existing in the design

The Great Pyramid has a feature - it was not finished to the top. In fact, its top is formed not by four faces, but by a platform with dimensions of 6x6 meters.

The radiesthesia studies carried out by D. Chaumery and A. de Belizal made it possible to establish that a false vibratory prism was formed by such a design, which created radiation that descended vertically to the base of the pyramid.

The pharaoh's room, which was outside the area of ​​distribution of this beam, avoided this influence, but it had to capture the hitherto undiscovered underground room, located well below ground level.

The data obtained by French researchers, as well as the purpose of the mysterious structure of four elements established by Enel (1958), which creates radiation directed at the sarcophagus of the royal room, suggests that the Great Pyramid was used as a transceiver multifunctional device with a huge range of action, inside which other laws than in the world around her.

The studies of L. Alvarez, carried out in 1969, who installed cosmic radiation counters in the pyramid of Khafre, caused a huge resonance in the scientific world. The geometry of the pyramid inexplicably disrupted the operation of the instruments, forcing scientists to stop their implementation.

This attempt, like many others, revealed another feature of the study of the pyramids - with each new study, more new questions arise than answers.


Emission of mummies. The art of Egyptian embalming consisted not only in the use of pharmacological substances and the placement of mummies in certain zones, where the radiation of the form of burial structures was focused.

Radioaesthetic studies using a universal pendulum, carried out by L. Chaumery and A. de Belizal, showed the fundamental importance of the location of the parts of the mummified body: the legs touch, the arms are folded on top of the body, the hands are closed at the level of the elbows, each hand is located on the opposite side of the body.

It is this form that directs radiation along the axis of the body and, through two perpendicular planes of radiation distribution, contributes to the process of uniform mummification, transforming the entire body into a powerful wave emitter.

In this case, the maximum value of the field is achieved at the level of the location of the forearms.

The discovered effect allowed scientists to solve another mystery - the protection of the burial place from robbers was provided by the mummies themselves.

This was achieved by placing a strong poison in the embalmed body in the region of the solar plexus.

The shape of the mummy created a carrier wave, and the poison - a harmful carried wave, forming around itself a powerful radiation that killed an uninvited guest.

To this basic protection of the tombs, the damaging radiation of compositions of figures or drawings on the walls of the burial chamber was also added. However, microbiology also stood guard over the secrets of the pyramids: one of the research expeditions died due to infection with the fungus Aspergillus.

Nowadays, this disease is successfully treated.


The pyramid, provided that it is oriented with its base edges to the cardinal points, turns into an accumulator of cosmic energy or, according to the terminology of A.I. Veinik, into a chronal accumulator.

For a better understanding of the ongoing processes, let us briefly dwell on the concept of the chronal field of the famous Belarusian scientist A.I. Veinik, who created a number of devices that demonstrate the reality of phenomena that are impossible from the point of view of official science.

According to AI Veinik's hypothesis, there is a large class of microparticles, called chronons, whose mass is millions and billions of times less than an electron. In physics, such particles are called leptons.

The speed of their movement is from several meters per second to multiple times the speed of light.

Chronons of two signs, positive and negative, determined by their spin, were found.

At the same time, chronons of the same name are attracted, and opposite ones are repelled. Chronons carry complete information about any object that emits them.

All physical, chemical and other processes occurring in animate and inanimate nature are accompanied by radiation and an increase in the number of chronons.

The totality of the chronal nanofield and the chronons contained in it (chronal gas) is called the chronal field. Along with the air that creates the atmosphere around the Earth, chronal gas forms the chronosphere.

The latter is continuously replenished from the Cosmos, being the main source of the chronal field.

In this case, the most powerful flow of chronal radiation comes from the Sun, but all other astronomical objects also contribute their specific chronal radiation to this general flow.

One of the features of the chronal field is its manifestation during the movement, rotation and vibration of the object, which is used to create generators of chronal radiation.

The flow of liquid and gas is also accompanied by the manifestation of a chronal field, which, in the case of groundwater, creates harmful radiation that can damage people's health if a residential building is located above it.

Vibrations not only generate a chronal field, but also shed a chronal charge from the body.

Rotating bodies radiate a rotating chronal field. Combustion, evaporation and condensation of steam, melting and solidification - all these processes are characterized by the simultaneous manifestation of specific radiation of the chronal field.

Light radiation is accompanied by a stream of chronons entrained by photons, so any light source is the simplest generator of continuous chronal radiation.

At the same time, the properties of the chronons can be purposefully changed by selecting the material, light filters and the design of the device.

Similar to this phenomenon, electric current, electron emission, electromagnetic and magnetic fields can also be chronal generators, which is already widely used in the transfer of information (imprinting) specific to one object to another using electromagnetic radiation.

Man himself is a characteristic and important source of the chronal field. Life lines or meridians of his body are chronal channels, and biologically active points are emitters of the chronal field.

The main source of human chronal radiation is the brain. Therefore, a person through the eyes can significantly affect the course of any study of chronal radiation, especially if he is specially prepared. The chronal field has a decisive influence on the regulatory processes of the human body, and each organ has a strictly defined chronal specificity.

The corresponding chronal radiation of yoga is called the aura. It is not recorded directly by photographic film, but due to the indirect drag of chronons by other particles, it can be recorded, which is used in the methods of A.V. Zolotov and Kirlian.

Chronal radiation coming from the Cosmos can be captured using various geometric shapes, using them as batteries.

The chronal field accumulates in them relatively quickly, reaching its maximum power in a few days, while charging not only the battery itself, but also objects located in its immediate vicinity.

Let us now turn to the practical use of one of the most widely used chronological accumulators - the pyramid.

The pyramid model can be monolithic, hollow, made of plastic, metal, glass, cardboard, etc., or it can be represented by a frame made of copper wire or tubes.

The most commonly used pyramids are 10-15 cm high. Larger models are used to store perishable products or for special purposes.

The chronal field reaches its greatest intensity in the lower third of the pyramid, then at its top, then in decreasing magnitudes at the four corners of its base, and finally at its ribs.

Making a pyramid model is easy. It is built according to certain proportions, based on the value of its height (H).

The remaining necessary indicators are determined by the formulas: the length of the side rib = H x 1.4945; base side length = H x 1.57075.

In the figure below, as an example, is a drawing of the constituent elements of a model of a miniature pyramid 10 cm high, made of thick cardboard, which is used to sharpen safety razor blades.

Having made a copy of the given drawings in the appropriate scale and having checked the angles of the triangles that make up the sides of the pyramid, cut out the four elements presented from thick cardboard on it. Glue, respectively, the sides of the pyramid with the bottom, and the pedestal for the location of the razor blade with the base.

In addition, glue two cylindrical holders made of cardboard or pieces of plastic to the pedestal, fixing them along the axial line of the upper plane of the pedestal at the locations of the blade holes. The dimensions of the pedestal are proportionally smaller than the blade, so that its edges protrude along the perimeter.

Cylindrical holders of the appropriate diameter do not allow displacement of the razor blade. Having placed the blade on the pedestal, the base is placed in the cutout of the bottom of the pyramid model.

The device is assembled and ready to go.

It remains only to fulfill four mandatory conditions:

1) using a compass, orient the center line of the pyramid model along the geomagnetic meridian, in the north-south direction;
2) install a pyramid model oriented to the cardinal points in a place remote from reinforced concrete reinforcement;
3) always place the razor blade on the pedestal with the same side, guided by its marking;
4) do not move the blade when placing the pedestal into the pyramid model.

In the same way, you can “sharpen” razor blades of various sizes, but for this you need to prepare interchangeable pedestals, the dimensions of which will correspond to one or another blade.

In these cases, the sharpened side (sides) of the blade should also protrude a few millimeters beyond the edges of the pedestal, and its center line should run parallel to it.

The key factors in realizing the self-sharpening effect of the blade are: the size of the pyramid model, its orientation in the north-south direction, and the placement of the blade in the pyramid at a height of one third from the base. After 12 hours the blade is like new.

Changes occur in the material of the cutting side(s), allowing one blade to shave up to 50-200 times, depending on the quality of the metal and the individual characteristics of the hair.

The better the dielectric properties of the material from which the pyramid model is made, the more effective the “self-sharpening” of the blade.

3-04-2017, 11:17 |

The Egyptian pyramids are those wonders of the world that have riveted the attention of man for many centuries. Mysterious structures, the construction of which no one can explain exactly. One of the more interesting is the mystery of the Egyptian pyramids.

It is known that Napoleon in the XVIII century. not yet being the emperor of France wanted to visit inside. He was attracted during the Egyptian campaign by mystical tales. He stayed inside for about 20 minutes. And then he went out very puzzled and even a little scared, silently, with difficulty, sitting on his horse, he returned to his headquarters. However, until now no one knows what struck Napoleon then, he took this secret with him.

And for a long time now, scientists, Egyptologists and simple daredevils have been trying to understand the main function. But even now the pyramids are a big mystery that our ancestors left us. No one can say how they were built and what they were intended for.

Mystery of the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt

Over the past 20-30 years, interest in the pyramids of Egypt has greatly increased. But it is still not known exactly what their purpose was. There were a lot of Egyptologists who did not see only the tombs of the pharaohs in the pyramids. On the contrary, many scientists put forward other versions, and some of them are able to change the idea of ​​modern man about ancient civilizations. remain a great mystery to man, it is very difficult to imagine that such structures were built just to bury the pharaoh. Their construction was already very grandiose, and a lot of effort was expended.

One of the Arab historians who lived in the XIV century. wrote about the pyramid of Cheops. In his opinion, it was built by order of the mythical sage Hermes Trismegistus. He ordered the construction of 30 treasure vaults, which were filled with jewels and various tools. Another Arab traveler who lived in the same century claimed that the pyramids were erected before the flood. They were built to store books and other valuable items.

In ancient Egypt, powerful pharaohs ruled, crowds of slaves were in their submission. Pharaohs Khufu, Khafra and Menkaur are known as the most important. But the problem is that in these three pyramids there is no confirmation in the form of hieroglyphic inscriptions or mummies indicating that these are their pyramids.

On September 17, 2002, a message appeared in the media that several researchers intend to visit the cache, which was discovered in. They were going to do this with the help of a special robot. It was equipped with a camera. Everyone was waiting for the secret of the pyramid to be revealed. But disappointment awaited all x, it was not possible to penetrate far. It has to do with the design of the pyramids. After some stage of construction, it is no longer possible to enter some rooms.

The secret of the inner contents of the pyramids

In 1872, the British scientist Dixon tapped one of the chambers, the so-called queen's chamber. When tapping, he found voids, then with a pick he destroyed the thin wall of the cladding. He managed to find two holes of equal size, 20 cm each. Dixon and his associates decided that these were adits for ventilation.

Already in 1986, French specialists used a special apparatus and, with the help of technology, they also discovered cavities that were thicker than other stone masonry. Then specialists from Japan used special modern electronic devices. They enlightened the whole and the rest of the area to the Sphinx. Studies have shown many voids in the form of labyrinths, but it was not possible to get there. And those rooms that scientists could explore did not give results. No mummy was found there, or even any remnants of material culture.

So the question arises - where did all the contents go - a sarcophagus or jewelry. Maybe the Egyptologists correctly put forward the version that after a few centuries robbers visited the pyramid and took everything with them. But now many people think that the tombs were empty from the beginning, even before the entrance to it was walled up.

The Caliph's Entry into the Egyptian Pyramid

In proof of the theory that it was initially empty, one historical fact can be cited. In IX, Caliph Abdullah al-Mamun with his detachment penetrated into. When they got inside the king's chamber, they were supposed to find treasures there, which, according to legend, were buried with the pharaoh. But nothing was found there. Everything seemed to have been cleaned up, clean walls and floors and empty sarcophagi appeared before the caliph.

This applies not only to these pyramids in Giza, but to all built by the III and IV dynasties. In these pyramids, neither the body of the pharaoh, nor any signs of burial were ever found. Some didn't even have sarcophagi. This is also another secret.

In Saqqara, a stepped one was opened in 1954. It contained a sarcophagus. When scientists found it, it was still sealed, which means that the robbers were not there. So in the end it was empty. There is a hypothesis that the pyramids are a special place that was sacralized. There is an opinion that a person entered one of the chambers of the pyramid, and then came out already deified. However, this does not seem like a rational assumption. Most of all, faith is caused by the assumption that Mamun found maps in the pyramid that were compiled by representatives of a highly developed civilization.

This can be confirmed by the following event. After returning from Egypt, the caliph creates maps of the earth's surface and the most accurate catalog of stars for that period of time - the Damascus Tables. Based on this, it can be assumed that some secret knowledge was stored in the bowels of the pyramid, which later ended up in the hands of Mamun. He takes them with him to Bogdad.

An Alternative Approach to the Study of the Egyptian Pyramids

There is another approach to studying the mystery of the pyramids. According to geologists' research, a pyramid is a clot of specific pyramidal energy. Due to its shape, the pyramid can store this energy. Such research is still quite young, but many people are engaged in it. Such studies have been carried out only since the 1960s. There are even facts allegedly that the razor blades that were inside the pyramid became sharp again for some time.

It is believed that the pyramid has become a place for processing energy into another more convenient energy. Then it was used for some other things.

This theory goes far beyond the boundaries of official science. However, it still exists and it has its followers. Different scientists are trying to discover the secrets of these structures in different ways. Many ambiguities remain. Even elementary - how such massive structures have been preserved for thousands of years. Their construction looks so reliable that it forces many to think about the secret meaning of the pyramids.

It is already a proven fact that most of the buildings of other ancient civilizations have long since collapsed. Archaeologists are making great efforts to find them and somehow restore them. But only the top lining fell off the pyramids. The rest of their design symbolizes reliability.

The secret of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids.

Since the 19th century many Egyptologists study the structure of the pyramids. And they came to amazing conclusions. No one can reveal the secret of the construction of Egyptian tombs. However, it has been proven that the size of the plates is matched to the nearest millimeter. Each plate has the same size as the previous one. And the joints between them are so correctly made that it does not allow even a blade to be inserted there. It's just incredible. How the inhabitants of that distant time could build so correctly, without having any technical innovations.

The width between granite blocks is calculated as 0.5 mm. This is ingenious and incomprehensible. This is the accuracy that modern instruments have. But this is by no means the only secret in construction. Still striking are the right angles and the exact symmetry between the four sides. But an even more important mystery is who nevertheless brought several stone blocks to such a great height. The main version is that they built the pyramids. But there is a problem with the evidence base. Some nuances do not fit into this version. It is not clear how, with those technical and mechanical solutions, it was possible to build such massive structures.

The secret of the construction technology of the Egyptian pyramids

Assumptions are made that simply a modern person does not even know what construction technologies were used. But it is impossible to build what has been built without modern jacks and other tools.

Sometimes versions are put forward that are simply absurd at first glance - what kind of technologies were they, maybe they were brought here by some alien civilizations. Even with all the achievements of modern man, it would be difficult for a crane to repeat such construction. This could be done, but the construction itself was difficult. And here is another mystery that the pyramids carry with them.

Those pyramids that are located in Giza also contain the Sphinx and the Valleys, and here's another secret for you. During their construction, slabs weighing almost 200 tons were used. And here it becomes unclear how the blocks were moved to the right place. Yes, and 200 tons is not the limit of the Egyptians. On the territory of Egypt there are architectural structures weighing 800 tons.

It is also interesting that no even hints were found around the complex that such blocks were dragged from somewhere or moved to the construction site. Nothing found. Hence the assumption about the levitation technique is put forward. Based on the myths and traditions of the ancient peoples, you can extract a lot of useful information in this regard. Some of them directly or indirectly indicate the existence of such a technique. You can even spot images that look like a tank or a helicopter. In principle, for those who adhere to an alternative version of the construction of the pyramids, such a theory explains a lot.

Egyptian pyramids and mysteries around them

Of course, even alternative versions, if we are to be objective, cannot be discounted. Every scientist or ordinary person can go and see for himself what kind of structures these are. It immediately becomes clear that this is not a primitive construction of some kind of slaves. This is not even construction exclusively by hand. If you follow the logic, then there must be some unknown construction system, and again not a simple one. An example is the construction of massive and reliable structures using special technologies that have not yet been disclosed by modern researchers.

Now there are about three dozen different hypotheses that are trying to uncover the secrets of the pyramids. Most Egyptologists are of the opinion about the use of inclined planes, but still historians are not architects. But they then put forward other versions. They accurately determined that in order to lay an inclined plane to, then an inscription with a length of more than 1.5 km would be needed. Moreover, the volume of the inscription itself would be three times the volume of the pyramid itself. There is also the question of what to build. It would be impossible to build with simple soil, as they would begin to settle over time and under the weight of the blocks.

Another mystery is what tools were used to build the blocks. Yes, and generally built as a whole. One way or another, now it is impossible to adhere to an unambiguous version in this matter. There are many mysteries still inaccessible to man. Here were given both rational versions and, for some, absurd ones. However, there are such versions, and history is an objective thing. And so such alternative versions also have the right to exist.

The mystery of the Egyptian pyramids video

It still remains a mystery how the pyramids were built in Egypt in those distant times. Neither the method of building the pyramids, nor who acted as a labor force has been unraveled.

The pyramids located in Egypt attract a huge number of tourists to the resorts of the country. Everyone wants to see the "seventh wonder of the world" with their own eyes. Without them, it is impossible to form an idea of ​​Egypt as a country as a whole. In terms of popularity, a trip to the pyramids can be compared with diving in Egypt, for which lovers of the underwater world of the Red Sea go to the Red Sea.

As a rule, the pyramids in Egypt are associated with the pyramids located in Giza - in a place near Cairo, but you should know that these are far from the only pyramids in Egypt. It is in Giza that the three most famous pyramids of Egypt are located - the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure. Currently, there are about 118 pyramids in Egypt. Many of them have not retained their original appearance and open to the eyes of people in the form of hills or shapeless piles of stones.

There are two types of pyramids in Egypt:

  • stepped;
  • correct form.

The stepped pyramids are the oldest representatives of the pyramids in all of Egypt.

The first mention of the pyramids in Egypt was made in the 5th century BC thanks to the ancient Greek historian Herodotus. Traveling around Egypt and seeing the pyramids on the Giza plateau, Herodotus immediately called them "the seventh wonder of the world." Herodotus created a legend that the famous Great Sphinx, located not far from the pyramids of Giza, is the guardian of the peace of the buried pharaohs.

The interior of the pyramids in Egypt

The pyramids in Egypt are one of the stages of the funeral and ritual process for the burial of the pharaohs. The construction of the pyramids during ancient Egypt followed strict building rules:

  • next to each pyramid there were always two temples - one very close, and the second a little lower, so that its foot was washed by the waters of the Nile;
  • pyramids and temples were connected by alleys.

Unfortunately, the pyramids of Giza have not retained their temples to our time. Only one temple remained - the lower temple of Khafre - which for a very long time was considered the temple of the Great Sphinx. Inside every pyramid in Egypt, a chamber was created to store a sarcophagus with a mummy with cut passages to it. Some cells contained religious texts.

In the 20th century, scientists found that all the pyramids in Egypt are structures with the correct mathematical proportions.
They were built in several stages:

  • leveling the site for the construction of the pyramid (about 10 years);
  • construction of the tomb (sometimes the tomb was enlarged compared to the original construction project).

Until now, there are disputes about how the stone blocks were delivered to the very top of the pyramid.

What pyramids can be seen in Egypt

Pyramids of the pharaohs of the III dynasty

The most famous pyramids in Egypt, built during the reign of the pharaohs of the III dynasty, are the pyramid of Khaba and the pyramid of Djoser.

Pyramids of the pharaohs of the 4th dynasty

Great pyramids in Egypt

Every evening, near the pyramids, a light and music show is held, accompanied by stories about the history of the construction of the pyramids in different languages ​​(including Russian).

The rise of the Egyptian civilization took place approximately 5,000 years ago and lasted for 3,000 years. At this time, the first pyramids appeared, at first imperfect, and then very skillful. In the ancient world, they were considered one of the seven wonders of the world. The Egyptian pyramids keep their riddles to this day. Interesting facts about them are collected in this article.

What were the pyramids for?

Vladyka, wanting to show his greatness and power, built a majestic creation in memory of himself. He filled individual rooms and the burial chamber with precious utensils, which were supposed to serve him after death.

The history of the creation of the pyramids

Mastaba - this was the name of the first tomb of the king. Mud bricks were used to build low rectangular buildings. The burial itself was underground. This is how the first Egyptian pyramids were created. We have selected interesting facts for children below.

The first "house of eternity" was built by the architect Imhotep for Pharaoh Djoser. He placed several mastabas one on top of the other. The largest was the base, then the mastabas decreased.

So the world's first step pyramid was built, the top of which is directed to the sky. It was a very imposing and monumental structure. They liked it, and soon the kings began to build houses for the afterlife - the Egyptian pyramids. Interesting facts about the world's first pyramid are as follows:

  • A wall was built around it, which has a height of 10 meters. It has 15 inputs. Only one of them is real.
  • Outside, its walls are made of limestone, which has weathered and become uneven over 4.5 thousand years.

  • Inside there are mines and branched corridors in which it is easy to get confused. Of these, they fall first into one, then into another room, and there are more than four hundred of them. In these rooms, the priests performed religious rites. The corridors are very narrow and low. They walk on them, bending their backs. This is done so that only the body of the deceased can be carried. The first eleven shafts are very even, with right angles. All the rest are more primitive.
  • The top of the pyramid is directed towards the North Star.

The rituals of the priests that we know about seem strange to us. Their witnesses are the Egyptian pyramids. Interesting facts about them can be collected endlessly. Here, for example, is what we know about Djoser's burial.

Due to the triangular shape, her head is directed to heaven. Therefore, the soul of the pharaoh easily soared to the gods. But first, his body floated on the river of the underworld in a boat in search of a soul. When the priests believed that the soul had ascended to heaven, they returned the heart to the dead body of the lord, then opened their eyes and mouth so that in the afterlife he could see everything and talk. After that, they proceeded to the sacrificial feast. Oils were poured onto the mummy, thin bandages and diadems were applied. This ritual ended, and the pharaoh was considered resurrected.

Information for schoolchildren

In the ancient world, there were Seven Wonders of the World. They reflected the cultures of different peoples. Among them, ancient people included the pyramids of Egypt. There was even such a statement that everything is afraid of time, but time itself is afraid of the pyramids. It's true - no other miracles survived, only the pyramids survived. People have always wondered what these huge structures hide. They searched for treasure in them, and much was plundered, despite the fact that trap systems completely permeated the Egyptian pyramids. Interesting facts about them can be found in numerous books. They are rich in children's libraries. We will give interesting facts about the Egyptian pyramids for schoolchildren:

  • Pyramids don't cast shadows when the sun is high. On the day of the winter solstice, the longest shadow falls on the earth. It can be used to measure the height of the pyramid without instruments.
  • Three of them are placed by ancient astronomers and builders in the same way as the belt of the constellation Orion. Today, the stars have shifted a little, and the pyramids do not stand perfectly aligned under the stars. This situation was not accidental. Orion united in the minds of the Egyptians with the god Osiris. He was the ruler of the underworld and ruled over the rebirth of life: the pharaohs must live forever.

  • Pyramids are not only in North Africa. They are in South and Central America, India and Mexico, Ethiopia and Cambodia, in Somalia. This leads some scholars to think that there was a single civilization in antiquity.

Giant on the Nile

It is difficult to determine the exact number of pyramids. There are about seventy or eighty of them. They lined up on the rocky plateau that separates the valley of the life-giving Nile from the desert, a hundred kilometers from Cairo to Illauhan. Almost all of them, with the exception of two, have a geometrically correct shape. We have already mentioned one of them - stepped, the other is located in Dashur and has the shape of a rhombus. But the rest of the pyramids are like two drops of water. They differ only in size. Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu) - the largest.

If you describe it in numbers, it will awaken the imagination. Its volume is 2,525,000 cubic meters and its area is 54,000 square meters. More than 1,000 two-room apartments can be accommodated on such a site. The royal palaces of Europe are smaller than it: Versailles in Paris and Buckingham in England, Escorial in Madrid and the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. Pyramid above the dome over the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome, St. Paul in London, Notre Dame in Paris, St. Vita in Prague. If it were empty inside, it would fit a tower for a space rocket and its launch pad. Are these not interesting facts about the Egyptian pyramids?

Guardians of eternity

In ancient Egypt, above all the temples dedicated to the gods, towered the works of architects and builders who were supposed to glorify the earthly rulers. In architecture, perhaps, there are no more powerful and more concise structures than the pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Mykerin. These stone "crystals" boldly triumph over unknowability and the mystery of death. Here are the most interesting facts about the Egyptian pyramids:

  • The angle of inclination of the stacked blocks is not too steep. It is only 6 degrees higher than 45°.
  • The four sides of the three main pyramids are strictly oriented to the north, south, west and east.
  • If we put five nine-story houses on top of each other, then we will get the approximate maximum height of the buildings.
  • On average, each block weighs 2,500 kg, but there are also those whose weight exceeds the average by 32 times, which is about eighty tons.
  • The stones fit snugly together without mortar. Their pressure is such that even a piece of paper cannot be squeezed between them.

  • The road that led to the pyramid from the quarry was built for about ten years, and the pyramid itself - about twenty. Therefore, the pharaohs began the construction of the tomb from their youth.

Tomb of Tutankhamen

In 1922, British researchers found the tomb of a young ruler, almost untouched by thieves, in the area of ​​​​the former Thebes.

Immediately, exciting facts about the Egyptian pyramids began to appear, more precisely, about the new sensational one:

  • Tutankhamen died at the age of 19.
  • The causes of death have not yet been established: illness, murder, falling from a chariot.
  • Treasures were found in the pyramid: a golden chariot and a throne, lamps, caskets, vases, writing accessories, golden jewelry, precious stones, ships. On them, the ruler was supposed to sail to the afterlife. Golden masks on three coffins and on a mummy.

Mysterious deaths

Excavations went on for five years, and all this time their participants gradually died. The list of mysterious facts about the Egyptian pyramids included the "curse of the tomb." Assumptions were made about the presence of radioactive elements, poisons, and a harmful fungus in it. Here is the list of the dead:

  • Lord Carnarvon died in 1923.
  • Then Douglas-Reid, who performed the X-ray.
  • A. K. Mace, who opened the burial chamber with Lord Carnarvon, dies.
  • Colonel Aubrey Herbert, Lord Carnarvon's brother, has died.
  • The wife of an Egyptian prince kills her husband right on the excavations.
  • In 1928 the deaths continued. First, the secretary of the archaeologist Carter dies, then his father is thrown out of the window in 1930.
  • That same year, Carnarvon's half-brother commits suicide.

Such tragedies, not disclosed to our time, ended the work on the tomb of Tutankhamen.

A report on the topic: "Egyptian pyramids" will help prepare for the lesson and find out interesting information.

Message "Egyptian pyramids"

Pyramids are known to everyone architectural monuments of Ancient Egypt. The pyramids of Cheops and Giza are one of the seven wonders of the world. Pyramids are huge pyramid-shaped stone structures used as tombs for pharaohs. The word "pyramid" - Greek, means a polyhedron. In total, more than 118 pyramids of various shapes and heights were discovered in Egypt.

Ancient Egyptian architecture, even today, amazes with the power of its huge stone structures. At the entrance to these structures, there are huge statues of pharaohs, sphinxes made of stone lie. Sphinx - in ancient Egypt - the embodiment of royal power, a statue depicting a fantastic creature with the body of a lion and the head of a person or a sacred animal.

The Great Pyramid of Cheops is the face of the Egyptian pyramids and the largest building of antiquity. The construction of the pyramid took two whole decades and was completed in 2560 BC. With a height of 146.5 meters, it was the largest building in the world for over 4 millennia. The weight of the pyramid is more than 6 million tons. The area of ​​this giant is about 5 hectares. The pyramid of Cheops consists of 2.3 million stone blocks.

The second most important is the pyramid of Khafre, the son of Cheops. It was built on a 10-meter plateau, because it seems to be higher than the pyramid of Cheops, but it is not. Its height is 136.4 meters. Not far from the pyramid of Khafre is the Great Sphinx - a monument carved into the rock. The facial features of the Sphinx repeat the face of Pharaoh Khafre.

The tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs are not inside the pyramids, as many mistakenly believe, but not far from them, in the Valley of the Kings. According to one theory, the Egyptians mastered the mathematical “principle of leverage” to build the majestic pyramids. But, at the same time, it would have been possible to build the pyramid of Cheops in this way in a century and a half. Whereas it appeared in just two decades. Egyptian pyramids were built for about two centuries in a row. While one was being built, another was already springing up on the sands.
