Rare signs on the hand palmistry. Types of signs on the hand and their meaning

Hills in the palm of your hand help to see the fate of a person, they display character traits, habits that determine her life. The trident on the hill of Jupiter is a symbol of power and strong-willed character, good luck in professional and personal life.

Line of Fate ending in a trident


Palmistry describes the patterns in the palm as the main signs of a person's character - these are the qualities with which he is born or develops. Palmistry gives the hill of Jupiter a special place in the prediction - this is the status of the individual.

General meaning:

  • leadership qualities (leaders, managers or politicians);
  • education (tendency to study science, good memory);
  • truthfulness;
  • special thinking.

A small or flat tubercle indicates a complex character. A person often doubts himself, his abilities. These are people with low self-esteem, it is difficult for them to adapt to new conditions. Such natures are not born as leaders: they are weak-willed and rarely achieve their goals.

Palmistry describes the owners of an irregularly shaped hill as liars - they can be cunning and manipulate others for profit.

A massive tubercle means well-being, which a person achieves with his own intellect and skills. Such a person is not afraid to learn, he can try himself in different fields of activity.


The patterns on the right and left hand of a person are different. A sign that appears on only one palm indicates a twist of fate or the presence of personality traits (they need to be developed in order to succeed).

The sign on the passive hand (usually the left) demonstrates the inclinations that can be developed, on the active (right) hand - this is the life of the person for which he is responsible (the consequence of his decisions). The hill of Jupiter can also be present in only one palm - this is an important detail for the overall forecast.

The tubercle is located under the index finger (under the phalanx of the finger). It has blurred or clear boundaries. The larger the tubercle, the stronger the strong-willed character of its owner. If it is higher than the other 7 hills of the palm, leadership qualities predominate. In the case when the hillock does not dominate, a loss of control over one's own life is possible.

Hills and signs in the palm of your hand

In palmistry, the location of the hill is associated with the cheerful disposition of a person, so there is no need to be afraid of his absence.

The symbol on both hands is success at work and luck in personal life.


The general value of the hill directly depends on its shape and extent.

If the tubercle rests against the line of the Head, the sign means special intellectual abilities (geniuses are born with such a sign in the palm of their hand).

If the line of the Head is far away, the person is used to being guided by emotions. He reacts sharply to difficulties and hardly manages his own mood.

What does the hill of Jupiter mean:

  • Correct round shape. The main characteristics of the owner: kind, honest and sympathetic. Such people become good friends. They do not accept falsehood and try not to deceive, even if necessary. They are lucky in life: they find an interesting job and a devoted partner. They overcome difficulties and learn a valuable life lesson.
  • Crossed out by many wrinkles. This is a sign of leadership. A person with many lines on a hill strives to be the first in everything. He does not like to lose, and defeat is painful. Such people achieve success: they work hard, and their work pays off over time.
  • Poorly developed (small size). Religiosity sign. Faith is the foundation of life. With it, a person copes with difficulties and makes plans for the future.
  • Is absent. The egoism of man. He thinks only of himself and finds benefit in any relationship. Flat Hill people rarely hold back: they indulge their desires, even if they are not rational.
  • Differs in color from the rest of the palm. Accustomed to the attention of people around them, the owners of the red hill in the palm of their hand often become public figures. They choose professions in which they can manifest themselves. People with a pale tubercle are closed and modest, they suffer from low self-esteem and are often abused or ridiculed (their internal state is displayed in the conditions in which they live).
  • Wrong shape. Such a mark speaks of falsehood. A person does not know how to tell the truth, it is easier for him to lie than to admit his own mistakes. Any relationship is built on lies.

The shape of the Mount of Jupiter determines all areas of life. If a person shows excessive altruism, she finds it difficult to find a partner who will appreciate her. The same is true with personal relationships. Leadership qualities often interfere with the creation of harmonious unions - despotism moves to the personal sphere.

Lines and signs

On the hills, additional marks are formed - signs that enhance or level the positive qualities of character. It is important where the sign begins and ends, how it is connected to other hills (Moon or Venus). The location of the hill of the Moon is the most distant, there is a tubercle of the Moon at the end of the palm under the little finger, but a connection is formed with this tubercle. People with a line that runs through the entire palm from the index finger to the tubercle of the moon are endowed with the power of suggestion. They are natural leaders and can be followed by a crowd. Apollo adjacent to the hill (the line ends near the line of the tubercle) enhances the strong-willed character. Such a person appreciates himself and his abilities.

Signs that partially or completely cover the tubercle are also important. The cross on the bulge under the index finger means numerous love victories. A person will be able to start dizzying novels, but they will not last long. A star on a hillock speaks of good communication: its owner quickly finds a common language with people around him. If the grate ends on the hill, the person is selfish and does not know how to love someone other than himself.

The meaning of the trident

The trident is one of the most controversial signs. So on the marriage line, the trident symbolizes the beginning of a serious, but painful relationship. In them, partners will fight for the role of leader, in this confrontation children may suffer or love will fade. The trident on the hill of the Moon speaks of the talent that a creative person can develop - these are abilities that bring money and fame. The special significance of the trident on the hill of Jupiter is a sign of great luck.

Trident on the developed hill of Jupiter:

  • the personality is endowed with eloquence, it can attract people, new partners or spectators;
  • the person is lucky, she does not need to make more efforts to get the most positive result;
  • the personality quickly moves up the career ladder, it is appreciated by the bosses and the team.

A favorable symbol appears in the palm of your hand during life. If he is from birth, the baby grows smart and active. Such children rarely get sick and do not disturb their parents. They are fun, sociable and make new friends quickly. If the figure does not appear immediately, but as it grows older, the personality will find its own purpose. It follows the conduct, goes to the call of the heart: such a person will not suffer from an unloved job or a difficult union. She quickly finds a job to her liking and rarely suffers from depression. The sign that appears before an important deal indicates the successful completion of the project. Such a deal will affect the future fate.

General value

The trident is formed immediately by 3 or 4 lines. In most cases, the figure is formed by the line of the Heart, which runs along the palm and reaches the hill of Jupiter. There is a fork at the end of the line: from the side, the figure looks like an elongated trident. A sign may begin on the line of Marriage (the line of Marriage speaks of attachments and serious relationships of the individual).

Symbols with this beginning mean:

  • a sign departing from the line of the Heart promises a meeting with an important partner. This person will become a real support for the owner of a trident on a tubercle;
  • if the sign originates from the line of Marriage (runs along the arc of the Heart) - a person will have one love for life.

The departing line from the line of Fate symbolizes events that cannot be turned away. A person has to make a serious choice and follow it. If the line of Mind ends on the hill of Jupiter with a trident, its owner does not expect gifts of fate, he himself builds life. Whatever the beginning of the trident (the line of Mind, Fate, Heart), a person is endowed with the highest protection. Anything he sets his mind to will come true.

Sign features

A trident on the hill of Venus speaks of strength of character. In ordinary life, a person may show weakness or softness, but in the work area he is a real perfectionist. Details are important for prediction:

  • how the sign is located relative to the finger;
  • what part of the hill the trident occupies;
  • how the figure ends.

If the trident is only partially on the Hill, the person has a changeable character. He can combine both a strong character and creative inclinations. If there are no other signs on the hill besides the trident, it will be possible to make a fateful choice of the individual. She will be able to find herself and realize herself. If the figure is located below the hill (departs from the line of Mind or Life), the person is endowed with logical thinking. He is true to his principles and never deviates from the intended goal. If the figure is on the left (departs from the line of Fate or Heart), the personality is emotional, it can change for the sake of love or loved ones. A trident that does not go beyond the boundaries of the hill promises wealth to those who know how to work on themselves.

Additional signs

Each line that makes up the trident stores information. If these are clear and even lines, nothing threatens their owner: they are noble people who are moderately demanding of themselves and of the people around them. Curved lines promise difficulties. Minor problems can lead astray, so the individual will have to show all the strong qualities of character.

  • Dots or gaps on the figure indicate doubts: a person will believe in himself, but before the first serious problems. Any difficulties should be perceived as an opportunity to learn something new.
  • The cross, which is formed by a dash and one of the lines of the trident, communicates unrealizable dreams. A person will not be able to realize himself if he chooses a fantasy world. He needs real achievable plans.
  • Circles or triangles located near the trident speak of monetary luck. Human achievements will bring not only moral satisfaction, but also material rewards.


The Mount of Jupiter is a display of positive character traits. People with a well-developed tubercle are able to grow and develop. They are ready to build a family, have children and take risks on the way to their goal. Any figures on the tubercle are signs that enhance the prediction.

The trident, consisting of 3-4 lines, indicates the success of the work done (in personal and professional life). If it stretches from one of the main arcs, the person is endowed with talent or the ability to analyze everything. Gaps and points on the figure promise difficulties, but they can be overcome. The developed hill of Jupiter gives a person a strong-willed character.

Our palms can tell a lot about the past and the future. Palmistry considers the signs on the hand as fateful symbols that carry certain information that will help solve most problems. Signs and lines may be permanent or temporary.

Signs on the hands

Signs on the hand allow you to make a more accurate forecast. Palmistry reads the value according to 4 main features: Mind, Heart, Life and Fate. The Life Line is read from top to bottom, the lines of the Mind and Heart - from right to left.

Signs in the palm of your hand:

  • star (snowflake);
  • trident;
  • cross;
  • Island;
  • square (rhombus);
  • triangle;
  • dot;
  • a circle;
  • lattice;
  • a drop.


In palmistry, a star in the palm of your hand can have several meanings:

  • joy and good luck in business;
  • danger warning;
  • a sudden event that does not depend on the will of a person and which cannot be changed.

The intersection of this symbol with any line has a bad meaning (for example, violent death).

Usually the star is located on the hills and mounds. On the hill of Saturn - misfortune awaits a person at the end of life. On the hill of the Moon, this sign symbolizes hypocrisy. Several stars on Lunar Hill predict that a person will drown. On the hill of Mars - violent death, a desperate fight for life. On the hill of the Sun - an auspicious sign, a symbol of wealth and high position in society. The most successful position of the star is the hill of Jupiter. This is a symbol of a powerful person who can control others. On the hill of Mercury, the star is interpreted as a talent for eloquence, which will bring a person good luck in commerce and scientific activity.


The trident is included in the category of rare signs. The symbol is usually placed at the end of the line. Its most successful position is on the hill of Jupiter. Such a sign can be observed on the palms of significant people who are listened to and respected. On the hill of Apollo, the trident symbolizes glory, good events that bring success.


The cross indicates, for the most part, bad events. Palmistry examines the signs on the hand and their meaning from different angles: a regular-shaped cross located on a negative arc has a positive meaning, ugly and crooked signs are interpreted negatively.

Interpretation of the cross, depending on the location:

  • the hill of Jupiter is a positive sign, indicates a happy, strong marriage;
  • the hill of Saturn - mystical events leading to death, the evil fate of fate;
  • Apollo hill - changes, without the possibility of returning everything to its place;
  • the hill of Mercury is a sign of a liar, a thief, a hypocrite;
  • the hill of Venus - a fatal love affair;
  • the hill of Mars is a sign of an impudent, self-satisfied person who tries to prove his opinion even when he is wrong. Often makes rash actions.
  • hill of the moon - life in self-deception. In combination with short stripes united in a right angle on this hill - a sign of a drowned man;
  • line of Marriage - divorce.

The combination of crosses on the hill of Venus and Jupiter symbolizes one single love for life.

Mystical crosses are located between the lines of the Heart and Head. They talk about a person who is fond of the occult, capable of magic.


Usually located on the lines. It indicates an unfavorable period, shameful deeds. A large uneven island on the line of Fate speaks of immorality. Multiple islands on this line predict adultery.

An island on the line of the Heart speaks of problems with blood vessels, the heart. It symbolizes adultery, doubt about the correctness, sincerity of one's feelings. A large island on the Life line shows limited mobility. Extremely unfavorable - speaks of upcoming diseases that immobilize a person.

A small island on the arc of Success speaks of difficulties in business. A person can lose his job and success.

An island on the line of Mercury promises a decrease in efficiency due to severe illness, bankruptcy.

An island on the Uma line speaks of a nervous breakdown or insidious thoughts about harming others.


This is a protective sign - it reduces or completely neutralizes the effect of negative signs. Rhombus gives a person the opportunity to think sensibly. These are God's signs, telling how to act correctly, directing to the path of truth.

Similar signs on the hand on the line of Life in the immediate vicinity of the hill of Venus speak of a prison term, army service, training in closed institutions. This may be a restriction of freedom associated with a long-term illness.


A triangle in the palm of your hand is a positive sign: a person is endowed with remarkable mental abilities, well versed in science. It is interpreted depending on the position and the presence of additional dashes and icons. On the hill of Jupiter, the triangle tells about the ability in diplomacy, lofty goals. On the hill of Saturn, the figure symbolizes the master of the occult.

The triangle acquires special interpretations, being located on the hills of Apollo and Mars. In the first case, these are abilities for art and strict scientificity, a craving for high things, in the second, good skills in military affairs, a penchant for accurate calculations.


These signs speak of sudden shocks in certain areas of life. A dot on the line of the Heart speaks of a sudden event that brings grief. On the arc of Saturn symbolizes an accident.

White dots do not have a positive value, but in comparison with other negative symbols, they are almost empty. On the line of the Head, a white dot speaks of a sudden opening, a headache provoked by stress, torment. On the line of Life, points are interpreted as injuries, colds.

Dark dots - a serious danger, force majeure. If the dark dot is located on the line of Life, the exact date of a certain event can be interpreted.

A circle

The sign is included in the category of rare symbols and is interpreted positively. The circle, located on the tubercle, is a halo, a protective talisman, brings success. On the line of the Head and Life, the circle is interpreted as a negative sign. Talking about losing an eye.


The sign often has a quadrangular shape and consists of frequent vertical and horizontal lines. The general meaning of the lattice in the palm of your hand: passion, extreme measures, an obstacle. But the meaning also depends on the location of the sign:

  • On the hill of Venus, the lattice speaks of the desire for sexual pleasures, perversion.
  • On the hill of Jupiter, the lattice symbolizes megalomania, gluttony, stupidity, superstition.
  • On the hill of Saturn, the sign predicts a poor life, gloom.
  • On the hill of Apollo, the symbol speaks of arrogance and stupidity, insanity.
  • On the hill of Mercury, the sign speaks of criminal activity, deceit.
  • On the hill of Mars, the lattice symbolizes a rude, aggressive person, often unjust, prone to tyranny. Depending on the additional signs, it can be read as a violent death, high risks of dying at the hands of a maniac.
  • On the hill of the Moon, the lattice imprints lethargy, pessimism. A person with this sign is prone to depression.

A drop

A rare sign that brings good luck to its owner. It is considered a completely positive sign in any location. Reduces or completely neutralizes negative signs.

The drop speaks of the restlessness of a person, characterizes him as a positive personality, to which others are drawn.

Rare lines on the palm

The rarest lines in the palm of your hand:

  • features of the Samaritans - characterize a kind personality, responsive to someone else's grief;
  • the triangle of Luck - a person can make money from everything that he undertakes;
  • the arc of Treason - speaks of an unreliable person, characterizes a person who is not suitable for family life;
  • belt of Venus - symbolizes passion, temperament, emotionality.

The falling line of Fate speaks of a person’s fear of repeating negative incidents. The trait of Corruption is located on the hill of Venus under the thumb - it speaks of a family curse. Special signs on the left hand, similar to grains of wheat, indicate a comfortable existence in old age, surrounded by people dear to the heart.

The Divorce Line can come and go when the marriage is in jeopardy - this sign is an offshoot of the family line. Lines crossing the line of Life speak of danger, warn a person to be more careful in his desires and the choice of means to achieve them.

Line of Death - symbolizes the evil fate of fate, fatal death. This is the line of Life, broken in the middle and bending down. The Ring of Celibacy on the Mount of Venus speaks of corruption or a person's predisposition to lead a hermitic lifestyle.

The line of the Head, turning up, speaks of high sensitivity, a person does not know how to think with his head at all, but surrenders to the will of emotions, committing reckless acts.

The Arc of the Heart, which occupies the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palm, speaks of increased sensitivity, characterizes a kind, positive personality who is not always able to stand up for himself. The Emigration Line speaks of a move or opportunities to make it - it can be a move to another country or city.

The line of the Widower - describes a great loss that greatly shocked a person. The loss does not allow him to build his life anew, he does not see himself as new, he looks at life pessimistically. Each time, the fear of repeating negative events overcomes him and he abandons his dream.

Palmistry interprets rare signs in the palm of your hand in different ways:

  • The sun is a positive symbol. Protects the owner from dark thoughts, fills with vital energy.
  • A jug - a comfortable existence, good luck in business, business prosperity, the realization of ideas.
  • Butterfly - easy death. If located on the line of Life, you can predict the exact date.
  • The Star of David is a sign of protection. A person is under the reliable protection of higher powers.
  • The sink is a long road, a calm happy life.
  • The swastika is a fatal coincidence, a fateful event that will turn your whole life upside down. Changes can be both negative and positive.
  • Wood - vitality, energy, protection provided by deceased ancestors, the ability to see what others do not see, craving for art.


Palmistry studies the signs on the hands, in which one can consider the future, the secrets of the past and present, the character of a person. The accuracy of the interpretation depends on the attentiveness and skills of the palmist to read the general pictures into which the lines and signs in the palm of your hand are added. Most signs can have both positive and negative interpretations.

Each person's hands are unique. They differ in shape, size, lines and symbols on them. It is believed that everything that happens in life leaves its mark on the hands.

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The left and right palms are not the same. In divination by hands, the signs on the right indicate the character traits with which a person was born, events that are predetermined by fate. The left one provides information about acquired personal qualities, about phenomena and incidents that happened due to the person himself. Therefore, when practicing palmistry, both palms are considered, comparing the symbols on them and their meanings.

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      hand shape

      There are several types of brushes:

      • ideal;
      • primitive;
      • artistic;
      • spatulate;
      • philosophical;
      • administrative;
      • mixed.
      • Ideal (medial)

        This shape of the hand speaks of aristocracy and "pedigree". This is a graceful, small, thin palm with smooth fingers and long nail phalanges. The thumb of an ideal hand is usually narrow.

        The owners of this form are impractical, they cannot stand up for themselves, they neglect the material side. They often idealize reality. They are in dire need of care and love, in many ways remain misunderstood, tend to get confused in life. Such people are loyal and trusting.

        The line of fate bifurcates and intersects with the line of life - what does this mean?

        Primitive (elementary)

        The width of the hand of the elementary form is approximately equal to its length. All fingers are inactive, and the big one is clumsy and small. This is a thick, wide palm with small thick fingers.

        Owners of a palm of this form are impressionable and sensitive. Usually they are lazy, do not have a great mind, have a weak imagination. Such people often become depressed and need support.

        Artistic (conical)

        The shape of such a hand resembles a cone. It narrows from the beginning of the fingers. The fingers themselves are also shaped like a cone.

        The owners of such a palm are creative people, prone to inspiration. They act according to feelings, not reason, they are impressed by the outer shell. A person with an artistic form of the hand loves creative freedom, changing places, all kinds of pleasures.


        The tips of the fingers are wide, the shape of the hand resembles a shovel. The palms and thumb are large.

        Owners of the spade-shaped brush are determined, practical and conscious. Their mind prevails over their feelings. Such people are demanding of life, faithful, constant, love comfort and brilliance.


        The fingers of the philosophically shaped hand resemble knots, their ends are rounded, the thumb is strong. The brushes are large or medium in size.

        The owners of such a palm are balanced, reasonable, inclined to philosophy, love beauty and poetry, prefer the outer shell, and not the essence of things. Between reality and illusion choose the latter.


        Such a hand is strong and firm, slightly angular in shape. The palm is of medium size, hard, fingers are knotty, spread apart.

        The administrative form of the brush is not common. Its owners are leaders by nature. They are practical, active, patient and persistent. They love order and are guided only by reason.


        The mixed hand is found in most people. It usually combines two types. For example, artistic and philosophical forms.

        People with such hands have qualities that are inherent in several types. They are versatile and active. Equally love theory and practice.

        Hills in the palm of your hand

        In order to examine the bumps, it is recommended to squeeze the palm a little - it should resemble the shape of a boat. So they come out stronger. It must be borne in mind that the development of one hill must be looked at in comparison with others. On thin palms, they are less pronounced. The bumps can differ from each other in density. The soft ones speak of the weakness of the energy emanating from them, or that the qualities they indicate are not strongly expressed. Hard hills are a sign of lack of flexibility.

        hill of the moon

        The full hill of the Moon indicates volatility, stubbornness and anxiety. It is difficult for people with such a hillock to get along with others and sit in one place. They often become poets, writers, artists, sailors, preachers.

        Moderate development indicates dreaminess and sentimentality. Such people have a well-developed intuition, a pure soul.

        The smooth hill of the Moon is found in people with a calm disposition. Its absence indicates a poorly developed fantasy and imagination.

        An overly pronounced hillock of the Moon means that a person is superstitious, fanatical, has a very developed imagination.

        Upper hill of Mars

        The good development of the large hill of Mars indicates steadfastness, courage, courage, risk-taking.

        The normal hillock of Mars is a sign of self-control. Such people are energetic and hardworking. Women who have a similar hill are good housewives.

        Weak development suggests that a person does not like to make decisions, rarely takes responsibility, is influenced by others, and hardly achieves success.

        Those who have a large hill of Mars missing or depressed are characterized by composure, insecurity. Such people are cowardly.

        The excessive development of the hillock of Mars is a clear sign of anger, cruelty, greed, rudeness.

        The owners of the hill of Mars, displaced to the hillock of the Moon, have great inner strength. Such people are patient and calm. Some of them can become good hypnotists. The hill of Mars, located closer to the mound of Mercury, indicates strength of character. If it is closer to the center of the palm, its owner is aggressive and fearless.

        Hill of Mercury

        People whose hill of Mercury is normally developed love science, they have a good memory, their logic is highly developed.

        A weak Mount of Mercury indicates callousness.

        An overdeveloped hill of Mercury is a sign of a cunning and deceitful person.

        The absence of lines on this hill indicates a tendency to insight, and the striated hillock of Mercury indicates a changeable fate.

        Hill of Apollo (Sun)

        A well-developed hill of Apollo is a sign of an intelligent person with a good memory. Often such people are engaged in art. They have a sense of beauty. They are sensitive and patient.

        Too obvious hillock of the Sun is found in people who are greedy, prone to boasting and frivolity.

        The depressed or smooth hill of Apollo indicates that its owner puts material values ​​in the first place, the goal of his life is the acquisition of wealth.

        If there are no lines on the hillock of the Sun, the life of the owner of such a hand will be calm, without glory and greatness. Two crossed out horizontal bars indicate a talent that is not being realized.

        Mount of Saturn

        People whose hillock of Saturn is well developed are distinguished by constancy and fidelity. They can take a long time to make a decision, but having decided, they do not change their minds.

        The missing hill of Saturn is a sign of melancholy people who love loneliness. They quickly lose interest in anything, they often suffer from internal restlessness.

        Too obvious bump indicates isolation. Its owners are suicidal.

        Hill of Jupiter

        A normally developed hillock of Jupiter speaks of honesty, generosity, kindness. Its owners love nature. They are cheerful and proud.

        A weak hill of Jupiter is a sign of a lack of pride, insecurity, vulnerability. Such people are encouraged to strengthen faith in themselves, develop self-esteem.

        An overdeveloped hillock, on the contrary, indicates a proud person.

        Rarely there are hands without a hill of Jupiter. Such people are not kind. They are callous and stingy.

        A hill of Jupiter without lines is a sign of a calm, joyful life. If one clear line passes through it, this is a symbol of success. The striated hillock indicates a person's desire for freedom.

        Lesser Hill of Mars

        If the small hill of Mars is poorly developed, its owner should be more courageous. This is a sign of a fearful person who is not ready to take risks.

        A well-developed tubercle is found in active, active people. They have great inner strength. They often take on difficult cases to prove to themselves that they can do it. Such people should be more prudent, they do not always correctly calculate their strength.

        It is worth paying attention to the location of the hill of small Mars. If it is shifted to the edge of the palm, then the strength and courage of a person is the result of his courage and work on himself. The hillock of Mars, located closer to the center of the palm, is a sign of a warlike character. Its owners like to take risks. The strength of a person depends on the love of others for him, if the hill is shifted down.

        Hill of Venus

        A well-developed Mount of Venus is a sign of talent and kindness. Such people are drawn to art. Often their mood depends on the love of others.

        A weak hill of Venus speaks of the lack of joy in the life of the owner of such a hand. It is necessary to communicate more with people, to surround yourself with beauty in order to get rid of the oppressive feeling of loneliness.

        People with a depressed Mount of Venus are selfish and selfish.

        A strongly pronounced hill of Venus, streaked with many lines, speaks of great desires and insufficient opportunities. If a cross is visible on the lower part of the mound, its owner can love only once.

        Meaning of lines and shapes

        According to Indian palmists, not only the length, number of lines and other signs on the hand are of great importance, but also the geometric shapes that can be on them.

        Meaning of individual characters:

    1. 1. Squares are an auspicious sign. They symbolize protection. Often located at the site of a line break. Squares can be upside down to look like diamonds.
    2. 2. Triangles are a symbol of great intelligence and ingenuity.
    3. 3. Lattices - an unfavorable sign. Their carrier does not know how to assess the situation correctly, so it often encounters difficulties.
    4. 4. Islands - a symbol of wasted energy. They indicate periods of emotional instability in a person.
    5. 5. Crosses on the line represent changes in life.
    6. 6. Several crosses in one place form a star. In most cases, it means an unpleasant incident.
    7. 7. The circle prophesies success and glory. But if this symbol is located on the line of life, it can mean eye diseases.

    heart line

    If the heart line ends between the middle and index fingers, its owner is an open person, ready for communication. He knows how to deal with difficulties, is not afraid to express his feelings.

    A line that does not bend at the end, but at the same time crosses the entire palm, speaks of a romantic, sensitive person. As a rule, his feelings are hidden from others.

    Islands are often present at the beginning of the trait. This is because the line of the heart indicates emotions and feelings that cannot be smooth and stable. Red dots on the heart strip indicate difficulties.

    Sometimes a parallel to it, but located closer to the fingers, passes over the line of the heart - the belt of Venus. It is a hallmark of extremely sensitive people.

    mind line

    It begins above the Mount of Venus.

    There are creative and practical lines. The first tends to the wrist. Its end is in the creative part of the palm. Practical crosses the palm in a straight line. Its owners are reasonable people who know exactly what they want.

    Sometimes a branching can be seen at the end of the strip. It is called the writer's fork. One end aims for creativity, while the other follows a practical line. Such people can combine both directions.

    Length is responsible for the versatile development and ingenuity. The closer the beginning of the line of the head and the line of life, the more reasonable its owner. The distance between them indicates independence, freedom.

    life line

    This is an indicator of viability. It may lengthen with age.

    The closer it is to the thumb, the slower and weaker the person. If the place between the line of life and the thumb is scribbled, the owner of such a hand worries and worries a lot.

    Parallel to the line of life, some people have a line - a sister. This is a guardian. Fortune smiles on its owners more often.

    Breaks in the life line indicate change. This phenomenon is not considered an unfavorable sign.

    fate line

    People who do not have a streak of fate live a bright, eventful life, but they cannot succeed in one area, they constantly move from one occupation to another.

    Those whose fate line begins on the strip of life are under the influence of relatives for a long time.

    Independence and the ability to make decisions are indicated by the line of fate, starting closer to the center, at a distance from the line of life.

    At the intersection with the line of the mind, the first time period ends. This is the first 35 years of life. Intersection with the line of the heart - 49 years. For most people, this is where the fate line ends. This means that by the age of 49 a person will reach certain heights, constancy, stability.

Signs and figures on the hand

"Mistakes in palmistry occur because the subject is too complex."

V. V. Finogeev

Small marks on the hand

All signs on the hand can be conditionally divided into threatening, guarding and warning. The most powerful signs of fate on the palms are stars and dots. Both of them are rare. Their presence on the hand indicates an unusual fate.

The dot is a sign of fragility and degeneration. This sign is also interesting in terms of the way it is formed: a dot is a dip in the line. People with such a sign on their hand are rare. They usually don't live long. The reason for this can be either poor health or an injury. Points on the Health line indicate the possibility of acquiring nervous diseases. Points on the line of Life indicate that a person will not live long, due to the fact that he will spend more energy than necessary throughout his life path, and take absolutely all events to heart.

The dash is a small line that crosses the palm. It means that on the life path of this person there will be difficulties associated with stressful situations, which he will definitely overcome.

If the branch is directed upwards, this is a sign that the Main Line enhances the power of its energy. If the branch is directed downward from the line, then this indicates that positive energy is waning.

Breaks in the lines indicate accompanying failures. The energy flow of the line on which the gap formed is interrupted, this indicates possible troubles on a person's life path.

The chain is a series of islands connected to each other. This sign is the personification of the conflict period in a person's life.

The signs of the cross on the palm can be attributed to warning signs. The cross is a symbol of connections, cause and effect, relationships with other people. Many palmists tend to call it a sign of joint karma. But let's start interpreting this sign in the palm of your hand.

The cross can be located on the hill of Saturn, touching the line of Fate. In this case, he is the herald of death as a result of an accident. The cross on the Hill of Glory should be regarded as a sign of disappointment that will befall a person on the path to glory and success. The cross on the hill of Mercury exposes a two-faced person. And the cross on the hillock of the moon suggests that a person has such a strong imagination that sometimes he can deceive himself. The cross on the hill of Venus is a typical sign of human relationships, it indicates that there will be a great loss in a person’s life. A cross on the hill of Mars portends a possible death in a fight or on the battlefield.

forked end

A sign in the form of a bifurcation of a line, a fork indicates positive periods in the life of the owner of such a hand. But if the branches on the fork are not the same length, then this is a bad sign.

This sign speaks of its owner as an indecisive person and incapable of action.

An island on the line takes away the energy flow of this line and is not a very good sign.

sister line

The sister line in palmistry is the line that runs parallel to the main line. The sister line is usually thin. This is a positive sign.


Dots indicate that the owner of such a hand is a very restless person, he does not have enough patience and he cannot focus on the same thing for too long. The concentration of attention is significantly reduced.

The squares found on the hand are protective signs. If you do not focus on which line or hillock the square is located on, then only one thing can be said for sure: a person with such a sign on his hand has common sense, prefers to learn from the mistakes of others.

However, you need to know that the square can be a symbol of protection from both unhappy and happy events. For example, it can be a sign of childlessness for a woman if it is located on the Mount of the Sun.

Let us consider with you only those interpretations of the presence of squares on the hand, which are symbols of protection from dangers. Negative interpretations are less pleasant and more difficult to make. The sign of the square acquires its negative meaning only in combination with other signs on the palm and on the fingers. The square on the hillock of the moon has always been considered a symbol of protection from dangers on long journeys. But the square on the hill of Mars is a sign that a person will avoid dangers on the battlefield. The square on the hillock of Venus keeps passionate and addicted natures from disappointments in love, from love failures. The square on the hillock of Mercury is a symbol of the fact that fate takes care of preserving your vital and mental forces. A square on the hillock of Saturn is a sign that fate does not prepare unpleasant surprises for you. But the sign of the square on the hill of Jupiter indicates that you will not suffer from the claims of anyone.


The presence in the palm of a person of a sign in the form of a triangle is positive and indicates that success and luck will meet on the life path of this person, a series of well-being and happy events associated with creative activity will come.

A star is a sign of fate. If there are at least two stars on the hand, then we can say that in the fate of a person there will be an event or several events that will predetermine his further existence, change his life beyond recognition. The sign of a star in the palm of your hand is either a symbol of glory (if it is on the hill of Jupiter), or a sign of loss of universal recognition (if it is on the hill of the Sun), or a sign that fate is preparing a strong blow (if it is on the hill of Saturn). So, the star is a symbol of the inevitable and unusual.


The grooves and stripes on the Main lines indicate that at the moment a period of difficulties and trials has come in a person's life.

Tassel at the end

If a sign in the form of a brush is visible at the end of the line, then this indicates that the person is internally very weak and does not know how to withstand difficulties.


The name of the sign describes its shape. It should be noted that it is extremely rare. For those on whose hand it appears, it becomes a symbol of great luck. Since ancient times, this sign was considered one of the most favorable. The trident portends changes for the better in those areas of life that are characterized by the lines and bumps on which it is located.

Rosetta is a line that is located on the wrist of a person.

This line is a bracelet. The most common are double and triple bracelets. Bracelets have their own special meanings. Each line in the bracelet in palmistry is designated as 30 years of life. Thus, if there are two smooth and clear, bright lines on a person’s hand, this means that this person is destined to live about 60–70 years, and at the same time his life will be happy. Three smooth and even, very pronounced lines are considered a sign of wealth, success and glory. Such a triple bracelet is called regal, or magical. There should not be any wrinkles on the space on which the bracelets are located, this is an unfavorable sign. A continuous and clear line means a calm, carefree, long and happy life.

Sometimes a sign in the form of a cross is visible in the middle of the bracelets; it personifies the lock of the rosette. This indicates that the person is very hardworking.

If the lines of bracelets are present on the hand in the form of chains, then this portends a person a long life, during which he will be engaged in labor activities and will be able to achieve recognition and success, a stable financial position thanks to his diligence. This person will definitely find his happiness. If one or more lines come out of the rosette towards the hill of the Moon, this is a sign that the person will travel a lot. If a line is drawn from the bracelet towards the valley of Mars, crossing it, and then stretching to the hill of the Sun, then this person will be able to achieve recognition and a stable financial position with the help of some influential person. If four bright and clear lines are visible on the rosette, then this is an indicator of longevity, from 80 to 100 years.

From the book Master of Dreams. Dream Dictionary. author Smirnov Terenty Leonidovich

SIGNS (numbers, letters, geometric figures) 824. LETTERS - lead; luck.825. ARMS - connection with statehood, military secrets, punishment for crimes, political events.826. STAR - reward, promotion; spiritual progress.827. ZODIAC SIGNS - random, unexpected

From the book of Divination author Baranovsky Viktor Alexandrovich

Plant marks and other markings on the hand Flower marks, plant marks, and other marks found on the hand usually consist of smaller lines formed by the pores of the skin. Therefore, one must be very careful about the definition of these signs, since much in such cases depends

From the book Hieroglyphic figures author Flamel Nicolas


From the book Encyclopedia of Palmistry. The art of interpreting fate from antiquity to the present day by Jamon Louis

Chapter 1 A Few Words Regarding Hand Reading Before proceeding to explain the more complex aspects of palmistry, I would like to address a few words to the student of this subject, as well as to the casual reader who, if interested, will at least leaf through my book.

From the book Encyclopedia of Palmistry: Your fate in full view author Makeev A. V.

Chapter 5 The meaning of the lines on the hand "There are no documents known to us about the origin of an art considered ancient even before the advent of Aristotle ... The small fragments that have survived are tantalizing evidence of some bygone age of palmistry." Fred

From the book Palmistry and Numerology. Secret knowledge author Nadezhdina Vera

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Are signs of fate warnings? Can dark forces confuse a person, sending their signs, leading astray? Fate sends signs, of course, in order to warn. And they are sent to us by none other than our Guardian Angels. What for? To answer this question, first

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Lines on the hand Fig. 2 The three main lines of Head, Heart and Life (Fig. 2) are visible on almost every palm. Although it happens that one or more lines are missing, it is in practice unlikely that you could meet such a palm. Life line does not show how long the child

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Chapter 1. The Art of Reading the Hand Just as the expression of a human face changes under the influence of the constant experience of the same emotions, becoming sadder or happier with time, so the hand is affected by these unrest. For example, anger can instantly turn

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Chapter 3. Palmistry (The Art of Divination by the Hand) Palmistry in the narrower sense of the word is the use of data obtained as a result of the study of the hills and especially the lines of the palm, to predict the future or analyze the past of a person. In this chapter

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The Art of Reading the Hand Under the influence of the constant experience of the same emotions, the expression of a human face can change, becoming sadder or happier with time; in the same way, the hand acquires new features under the influence of such disturbances. For example, anger can

On your hand you will surely find various signs: a dot, a circle, a square, a triangle, a star or a mole. Consider their meaning.

Types of signs on the hand and their meaning

1. POINT is always a bad sign. If they are deep and colored, then this promises a sudden destruction of the good action of the line on which these signs meet. In general, these signs mean a nervous illness, an accident. The dot is a sign of some kind of stress or temporary illness. If the point is on any line, this is a sign of suffering at a certain age:

A black dot on the line of the Heart always indicates mental suffering.

A bright red dot on the Head line is a sign of a head lesion. Indicates shock. A black or blue dot is a sign of a nervous disease.

A white dot on the Head line indicates scientific discoveries.

A dark dot located on the hill of Venus is a sign of hearing loss. On the right hand is the right ear. On the left is the left ear.

A dark dot on the hill of the moon indicates a violation of the functions of the digestive tract.

A red dot on the hill of Mars warns of a fever, and a dark dot on the same hill is a sign of bowel dysfunction.

A point on the hill of Jupiter indicates professional difficulties or changes in position.

Dark dots on the mount of Saturn indicate negative events that will be associated with love relationships.

Red dots on the hill of the Sun indicate a predisposition to eye diseases.

A point on the hill of Mercury is a sign of increased timidity, nervousness and anxiety, which bring a lot of trouble to the individual.

The point between the hills of the Sun and Saturn is a sign of a careerist.

A point on the hill of Uranus is a sign of radiation sickness or cancer.

The point on the cavity of Neptune is a negative sign for women, it indicates problems with childbearing.

2. CIRCLE- cannot be located inside a line, but is located exclusively on the hills of the palm, but if the circle still touches some important line, this indicates that at some point a person will not be able to avert misfortune from himself, he will walk round.

A circle on one of the hills means glory and honor, especially when it is located on the hill of Apollo.

On the hill of Mercury - theft.

On the contrary, a circle located on the lines has a bad meaning and marks:

On the line of life - loss of vision;

The most favorable place for the circle is the hill of the Sun, this is perhaps the only favorable position - a sign that prosperity and wealth will come to the individual through hard work.

The circle on the hill of the moon has a contradictory meaning. On the one hand, this is a sign of danger associated with an accident on the water, and on the other hand, it is a sign of a lover of extrasensory perception and bioenergetics.

On any other hill (including the hill of Uranus and the cavity of Neptune), this sign is not favorable, but rather testifies against the success of the individual.

3. CROSS AND CLOSED SQUARE- the cross is rarely a favorable sign, it often shows misfortune, disappointment and danger. Usually considered a bad omen

except in those cases when it has the correct shape, that is, when its mutually intersecting lines are of the same length.

The cross at the beginning of the line destroys the value of the line. Therefore, a cross is a bad sign if the line is well-formed, and, conversely, a cross is a good sign if the line has flaws.

The cross at the end of the line means the influence of religion on a person.

The cross in the middle of the line means a temporary obstacle, the nature of which is determined by the value of the line itself.

A cross on the line of the Heart can mean the death of a loved one, if other lines indicate that (Life and marriage).

The cross entering the line of Fate (Saturn) indicates disappointment in money.

A cross on the line of the Head predicts a wound or illness of the head.

The cross on the hill of Venus, not far from the line of Life, is a sign of a quarrel with the closest relatives.

The cross on the hill of Venus of the correct form in the middle, serves as a sign of deep and, moreover, unhappy love, if it is in a quadrangle. (Closed square)

The cross on the hill of Jupiter is a sign of love marriage. If it is of the correct form and clear, then the marriage is legal. Means the approximate time when affection (love) will affect the individual. If the cross is close to the beginning of the line of Life and to the edge of the palm, it will be early love, on the top of the hill of Jupiter - in the middle of life, and at the base of the fingers - in the second half of life.

A cross on the hill of Jupiter, poorly marked, irregular in shape, in a quadrangle of dark or pale color means the breakdown of marriage. (Closed square)

A cross on the hill of Jupiter in a quadrangle, if there is a small cross or a black dot at its base, means a serious illness of the lower body (in particular, the legs) of the spouse (wife). If such a designation is in the upper part, then this means a disease of the head, larynx and other diseases. (Closed square)

The cross on the hill of Saturn is a sign of a tendency to mysticism, and, moreover, if it is very deep and clearly delineated, then it denotes superstition. If it touches the line of Fate, it warns of

danger of accidental violent death; if the cross is in the middle of the hill, then this increases the fatal tendencies of life.

The cross on the hill of Apollo portends success in art. Indicates disappointment in achieving social status, fame in the arts, or lack of wealth.

The cross on the hill of Mercury indicates a tendency to all kinds of unseemly deeds. On the one hand, it means a social change, but if the line of the Head on a similar palm is bifurcated, then this is a sign of a dishonest nature, prone to duplicity and pretense.

The cross between the lines of the Head and the Heart is a sign of mysticism, dreaminess, often even superstition.

The cross on the hill of Mars is a threat of violent death. Warns of head injuries and even the tragic death of an individual.

The cross on the hill of the moon means a religious sign of mysticism and a sign of late financial success.

Crosses on the hill of Uranus and the cavity of Neptune speak of some kind of illness, the closer the cross is to the line of Life, the more likely it is to die unexpectedly.

A cross in a large triangle portends a violent death in youth.

The cross formed from the line of Fate, between the lines of the Head and the Heart, is a mystical cross - a sign of mysticism and occultism, if such a cross is closer to the line of the Head. But if the mystical cross is not far from the line of the Heart, this is a sign of superstition and hallucinations, if the line of the Head is short or deformed. The mystical cross is a sign that speaks of the ability of the owner of this sign to intuitively comprehend the unmanifested essence of things and events. It can be located in the space between the Head line and the Heart line, under either of the fingers. It can also be formed by a completely independent crossing of strokes or formed from the intersections of the main lines or their branches.

4. STAR- has the same meaning as the cross, but only to a greater extent. It usually denotes unexpected dangers or some kind of incident that lies outside the sphere of human foresight, that is, it means a fatal, unexpected event. Stars on the palms are less common than crosses; this is a kind of distinction, often indicating a predestination of fate. When the stars meet along a line, this is a sign of a “bright time”, life changes and rewards. This sign, like many similar small signs, has a contradictory meaning, it all depends on which area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palm it is located:

A star on the hill of Saturn is a bad omen and is a sign of some terrible fatality. You should protect yourself from accidents, and in no case do not engage in extreme sports. If the line of Fate ends on the hill of Saturn with a star, this is a sign of a historical person who is recognized only after death. If the star is located at the base of the hill of Saturn, this means that the individual will contact those who make history, but who can enter history only through a terrible fate.

A star on the hill of Venus at the base of the thumb means some kind of negative partnership or love relationship. But if the star is located in the middle of the hill of Venus, then on a man’s hand such a sign means extraordinary success in all love affairs, and on a woman’s hand it is a sign of susceptibility to negative influence from men.

A star on the hill of the Moon is a sign of an extremely developed fantasy, a predisposition to melancholy, a tendency to delusion, pretense and lies. If the line of the Head ends with a star on the hill of the Moon, this is a sign of mental instability.

A star on the hill of Mars indicates that the individual can earn fame through military service or in military battles. But this can also indicate the danger of serious injury to the body (if at the same time the line of the Head ends with a star on the hill of Mars, this is a sign of a fatal head injury or brain cancer).

If the star is located at the highest point of the hill of Jupiter, almost on the front side of the hand, this promises great honors, power and high position. But if the star is located at the base of the hill of Jupiter, not far from the line of the Head, then this is a sign of the ambition and ambition of the individual, thanks to these qualities a person can be in contact with famous people (and if other signs of the hand indicate this), he can achieve a high position and power over other people.

A star on the hill of the Sun (Apollo) gives brilliance of position and wealth, but, as a rule, without happiness. A person is able to successfully implement his plans and intentions, but if there is no line of the Sun (Good Luck) in the palm of his hand, then the realization of his plan will not bring him inner satisfaction. But if a star is connected or formed with the help of the line of the Sun, this means great glory and fame, through talent and work in art.

A star on the hill of Mercury gives the individual eloquence and success in science or business. But with negative indicators of other lines (Head and Heart), a star on the hill of Mercury is a sign of dishonesty and a predisposition to kleptomania.

A star on dragon bracelets near the hill of Neptune may indicate some favorable period of time when an individual can fall under the protection of the "powerful ones". It is called the “Dragon Head” and means a quiet life or old age (it depends on which of the bracelets it is located on). Star on the first bracelet to receive an inheritance.

The star associated with the line always indicates the epoch of events.

5. SQUARE (aka QUADRAGON)- is a sign of protection, because shows protection from any threatening dangers and always serves as a warning sign against the influence of some sign - on the hills, above the lines, between the fingers at their base:

A square on the line of Fate protects against fateful upheavals and various accidents.

When the line of the Head passes through a well-formed square, this is a sign of the strength and safety of the brain.

When the line of the Heart passes through a square, it means some great trouble due to attachments.

If the square is located under the hill of Saturn, this is a sign of some kind of fatality related to the object of love.

If the line of Life passes through the square, this is a sign of protection from death, even if the line of Life is broken inside the square.

A square on the hill of Venus (inside the line of Life) means protection from trouble associated with passions; if the square is located in the middle of this hill, this indicates that the person

because of his impulsiveness and passion, he will be exposed to all kinds of dangers, but he will always get away from trouble.

A square on the hill of the Moon protects against troubles during travel and closes an overabundance of imagination or unbridled fantasy.

Square on the hill of Mars - protection from enemies.

A square on the hill of Jupiter is a protection against exaggerated vanity and ambitions of a person. A sign of inner strength and stamina. If it connects with Solomon's ring, you are able to transfer your knowledge.

A square on the hill of Saturn protects against fatality, which overshadows life.

The square on the hill of the Sun protects against the pursuit of glory.

A square on the hill of Mercury protects against losses, it softens the restless temperament of the individual.

A square on the hill of Uranus and the cavity of Neptune protects against dangerous internal diseases and disorders of the internal organs.

Sometimes there are people whose palms are oversaturated with squares and quadrangles - this is a sign that the individual is used to limiting himself in many ways, instead of noisy companies, he loves the solitude and peace of the hearth.

6. ISLAND- is not a lucky sign.

On any line, this is a sign of some kind of illness or crisis. Here is how Dr. Papus describes the influence of this sign: “The island means a bifurcation in general. On the line of the Heart, it will mean a bifurcation of affection, two friendships hostile to each other; on the hill of Venus, a bifurcation of legitimate love, or adultery; on the line of the Head, simultaneous splitting of thinking or polarization of reason, dangerous tides to the head, as a result of excessive mental work.

Chirologists, combining their knowledge with medical research, have deduced a certain pattern, thanks to which, according to the existing islands on the lines of the palm, one can easily recognize hereditary diseases or birth curses.

Islands on the line of Life always speak of some kind of illness of an individual or some kind of weakness in a certain period of time:

On the line of Fate - this is a sign of loss associated with worldly affairs. May indicate a split in thoughts.

An island on the line of the Head - at the same time a split or polarization of the mind, dangerous rushes of blood to the head - as a result of excessive mental work when headaches appear.

An unfavorable fact of mental or liver disorder (because according to Indian chirology, the line of the Head is the line of the liver).

If such an island is located at the very end of the line of the Head, inclined to the hill of the Moon, then this indicates abilities in parapsychology and clairvoyance.

An island on the line of the Heart means a bifurcation of affection, two friendships hostile to each other.

An island on the hill of the moon speaks of weakness in the development of the imagination or painful fantasies and hallucinations.

An island on the hill of Mars is a sign of a weak-hearted person.

An island on the hill of Jupiter is a sign of pride and ambition.

An island on the hill of Saturn is a sign of misfortune.

An island on the hill of Venus is a bifurcation of legitimate love.

On the hill of the Sun, the island weakens the talent for art and means unfavorable relationships and changeable success.

On the hill of Mercury is a sign of impermanence, especially in business or science. People with a similar sign do not achieve success because of their impatience and instability.

The islands on the hill of Uranus and the hollow of Neptune always speak of some kind of internal illness, tumors and serious diseases; for a woman, such signs predict difficulties in childbearing and gynecological diseases.

Venereal diseases can also be predicted, for this you should study the structure of the belt of Uranus (flowers), if islands are found on them - this is the first sign of the danger of a venereal disease.

But one should not confuse the island with a circle, also a small sign of the palm, which differs from the island in more rounded shapes.

7. BRANCHES AND DIVISIONS- usually found at the ends of the main and secondary lines. They increase the strength of the meaning of the lines, their qualities or shortcomings.

Ascending branches are a good sign.

Descending branches serve as a bad sign and denote obstacles and vicissitudes of Fate.

Double lines increase the strength of the main line if the second line accompanies the main line parallel from its beginning to end.

8. TRIANGLE- always a protective multiplying sign. Unlike the lattice, the triangle is less common on the palms, and is an auspicious sign:

On the hill of Venus, the triangle speaks of calmness and calculation in love, self-control and power over one's feelings and instincts.

The triangle on the hill of the Moon is a sign of good figurative thinking. People with this sign are rich in ideas, fantasy in their hands becomes a reality, this is a sign of magicians and parapsychologists.

On the hill of Mars, the triangle gives the individual strategic abilities, gives skill in war and calmness in crisis situations.

A triangle on the hill of Jupiter testifies to the diplomatic and political abilities of the individual.

On the hill of Saturn, this sign indicates a penchant for the occult and parapsychology.

On the hill of the Sun, the triangle means the practical application of art and indicates an even and calm nature, unassuming and very courteous.

The triangle on the hill of Mercury is an expression of great inner peace. Such individuals are predisposed to scientific, commercial or political activities.

Since ancient times, the upward-pointing triangle has been considered a symbol of the masculine principle and all the characteristics inherent in a man. The triangle, located with its apex down, is a sign of the feminine and all its inherent characteristics. This must always be taken into account when considering this sign, wherever it is.

Two triangles superimposed on each other form a hexagonal Star of David. They symbolize the union of masculine and feminine. Revival, renewal. It is recognized as a sign of divinity and carries the knowledge of mystical secrets, perfect harmony and peace.

9. RECTANGLE- the same as a square.

10. GRID- intersecting lines, forming, as it were, a lattice, have a bad meaning. This is a common small mark. As a rule, it is located on the hills of the palm and means obstacles.

on the way to success:

On the hill of Venus, the lattice indicates inconstancy of character and licentiousness.

The lattice on the hill of the Moon indicates a morbid fantasy, inconstancy and restlessness.

The grid on the hill of Mars means misfortune or a phase of life during which nothing good

cannot happen.

On the hill of Jupiter, the grid predicts obstacles to success due to conceit or pride.

The lattice on the hill of Saturn is a sign of unhappiness, melancholy and soreness. This is a sign of predisposition to depression.

The lattice intersects with the belt of Uranus - a sign of failure in love, and with other negative signs (in particular, on the lines of the Head and Heart) - a sign of a maniac or a pervert.

The lattice on the hill of the Sun indicates vanity, whimsy and the desire for fame, even through deceit or crime.

The lattice on the hill of Mercury is a sign of an unstable and unprincipled personality, unreliable in nature, dishonorable in nature.

11. MORNING- do not confuse a dot with a mole. If there is a mole in the palm of your hand, then in no case can it be on any of the lines (there are only dots on the lines), but it can be on one of the hills. Moles are less common than dots on the palms. A mole enhances the qualities of the hill on which it is located:


On the palms you can find the most bizarre and unusual small signs that are difficult to systematize and interpret.

In order not to be mistaken in the correct interpretation of a rare small sign, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the location of this sign, and by the shape of the sign itself, thanks to figurative thinking, determine the energy of the symbol.

For example, sign similar to a trident or an arrow is a sign of success in the industry indicated by the corresponding hill. The trident promises great power and glory.

If there is a sign on the hill of Mercury, flag-like, it is a sign that the individual can become a philosopher or a great thinker.

If the hand is found fish sign or similar figurine- this marks great success in life, wealth and a large family, the sign of fish is auspicious on any of the hills- this is a sign of deep penetration into the qualities of the hill itself, on which this sign is located.

  • #4

    Irina (Monday, 06 November 2017 12:42)

  • #5

    Circle in the center of the palm?

  • #6

    I lie on the couch and stare at the ceiling..

  • #7

    I have a sign on the palm under the thumb in the form of a heart. I can't find the meaning of this sign.

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