Various recipes for salting mushrooms for the winter. How to salt mushrooms at home

Salted mushrooms are one of the most delicious and healthy snacks that can be put on both everyday and festive tables. Mushrooms are excellent for preparing blanks. Pickles from them are a real delicacy, which is distinguished by a rich taste and a pleasant forest aroma. Many chefs are interested in how to salt mushrooms correctly. The process is simple and anyone can master it.

General description of the species

Ryzhiki (in Latin Lactarius deliciosus, i.e. "milky delicacy") are edible mushrooms of the lactic genus, russula family.

Usually ginger grows in groups in spruce and pine forests. The cap of the mushroom, initially convex, straightens as it grows and becomes funnel-shaped with rolled edges, shiny, smooth, from four to fifteen centimeters in diameter. The color is orange with darker concentric circles. The plates are thin, forked, frequent. The leg is even, cylindrical in shape, slightly tapering towards the base. The pulp is elastic, dense, yellow-orange in color. Harvest season - from mid-July to late September.

Recipes for salting mushrooms

Exist several preparation methods mushrooms for the winter The main ones are hot, cold and fast methods. Regardless of the method, mushrooms need preliminary preparation. To do this, mushrooms should be sorted out, wormy and rotten specimens should be thrown out. Clean the rest, freeing from forest debris, earth, dust. Large mushrooms are cut into two or more parts, small ones can be salted whole.

How to salt oyster mushrooms: recipes for harvesting mushrooms for the winter

Cold salting method

Young housewives often wonder how to properly salt mushrooms in a cold way. This is quite easy. The method is good for harvesting small, strong mushrooms. Salting mushrooms in a cold way will allow you to get a product that will retain the benefits and vitamin composition. The workpiece will be stored for quite a long time. You will need the following ingredients:

  • mushrooms - 2 kg;
  • table salt - 100 g;
  • currant leaf - 50 g;
  • allspice peas - 30 pcs.;
  • bay leaves - 20 pcs.

You can start cooking:

  1. Rinse the peeled mushrooms with water and put on a towel.
  2. Prepare a container for salting. It can be a wooden barrel, an enamel pot or a glass jar.
  3. Put spices on the bottom, sprinkle with salt. Put the mushrooms on top with legs down, sprinkle with salt. Repeat the whole process until the mushrooms run out.
  4. Close the container with clean gauze, press down with a load and leave for 6 hours. After this time, the mushrooms will settle and you can add a new portion.
  5. Put the container in a cool room for 2 weeks. Every 3 days the layer of gauze should be replaced.
  6. After 14 days, the workpiece is ready. Mushrooms can be decomposed into pre-pasteurized convenient jars and sent for storage.

Mushroom lovers will be pleased with the natural taste and aroma of spices. Preservation is stored for about two years.

Hot cooking technology

This method is more time consuming because it involves heat treatment. But in salting, you can use mushrooms of any size. You will need the following products:

  • fresh mushrooms - 5 kg;
  • food salt - 250 g;
  • black pepper, laurel and cloves (spice) - 10 pcs.;
  • currant leaves - 50 g.

Features of recipes how to deliciously salt mushrooms at home

Cooking steps:

  1. Sort the mushrooms, cut large specimens into circles.
  2. Place a large pot of water on the stove and heat.
  3. Send the prepared mushrooms to the container, wait for the boil.
  4. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes, skimming off the foam.
  5. Throw mushrooms in a colander, cool.
  6. Wash the dishes for salting thoroughly, put the mushrooms in it upside down. Place salt, currant and laurel leaves, pepper between the layers.
  7. Put a plate or a wooden circle on top, cover with gauze, press down with oppression.
  8. Put the container in the cellar, refrigerator, pantry, basement or other cool place.
  9. The color of the brine should be checked regularly. A brown tint indicates that the process is proceeding correctly. If the brine turns black, then the product has deteriorated.

The pickle will be ready in a month and a half after preparation. Hot-salted mushrooms are good in combination with mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, cereals. And they are also delicious simply with onions and vegetable oil.

Recipe "Quick and Easy"

There are times when there is no time for long wait finished product. In this case, a quick recipe for pickling mushrooms will help out. Required Ingredients:

  • mushrooms - 5 kg;
  • food salt - 150 g;
  • black peppercorns and bay leaves - 20 pcs.;
  • dill stalks and vegetable oil - to taste.


Fans of "quiet hunting" are always happy to see mushrooms in their baskets. These, at first glance, unsightly mushrooms are not only distinguished by a pleasant taste, but they stand out significantly in their usefulness and a huge amount of vitamins and minerals among other mushroom counterparts. And mushrooms can also be eaten raw, boiled, fried, salted and marinated for the winter! In general, not mushrooms, but a universal product for culinary experiments. From our article today, you will learn how to cook delicious mushrooms for the winter, which will delight you and your guests with their amazing taste.

The recipe for salted mushrooms for the winter in a hot way

The hot method means marinating mushrooms in hot brine. Heat treatment significantly speeds up the process of preparing mushrooms and allows them to be stored for a long time, for example, in jars for the winter. Our first recipe for making mushrooms for the winter in a hot way is quite simple to perform, and the ingredients for the brine are available.

Ingredients for cooking mushrooms in a hot way for the winter

  • mushrooms - 2 kg
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.
  • cloves - 5-6 pcs.
  • small onion - 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • fresh dill - 30 gr.
  • allspice
  • vinegar

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for salting mushrooms in a hot way for winter

  1. Pour clean mushrooms with cold water and send to the fire until boiling. Then carefully drain the hot water and pour cold water again, add onion, peppercorns and salt.

    On a note! The first boiled water is drained in order to get rid of the very intense smell of mushrooms. Therefore, if the sharp mushroom aroma does not bother you, you can immediately cook mushrooms with spices.

  2. Bring to a boil again and reduce heat as soon as plentiful foam appears. Be sure to remove the foam with a spoon. Add dill and remaining spices. Cook over medium heat for about 20-25 minutes.

  3. In the meantime, let's prepare the jars. Glass containers must be thoroughly washed and poured over with boiling water. At the bottom of each jar we lay out a couple of peppercorns, pour a spoonful of oil and a little vinegar.

  4. Using a slotted spoon, pack the mushrooms in jars and then pour hot brine.

    Important! The brine must cover the mushrooms completely. Otherwise, the workpiece may deteriorate during storage.

  5. While still hot, turn the jars upside down and let them cool in this state. Then we store the blanks in the basement or refrigerator.

Salted mushrooms for the winter: a recipe for dry cooking

Experienced mushroom pickers know that mushrooms for the winter can be prepared in different ways: dry, pickle, pickle. But one of the easiest options is the recipe for dry cooking. First, this is a very simple and fast option. And secondly, mushrooms for the winter, the dry-cooking recipe of which awaits you further, are very tender, with a rich taste and aroma.

Ingredients for making salted mushrooms for the winter in a dry way

  • mushrooms - 2 kg
  • salt - 100 gr.
  • Dill seeds

Instructions for the recipe for the preparation of salted mushrooms in a dry way

  1. We wash the mushrooms under a stream of warm water and recline in a colander.
  2. We will salt the mushrooms in a large container: a bucket, bowl or tub. We spread the mushroom layer on the bottom of the container with the hats down. Sprinkle with dill seeds and salt.
  3. Lay out all the mushrooms layer by layer. Cover with a lid or a large plate on top and put oppression.

    On a note! In the role of oppression, there can be a bottle of water, a heavy can, a cobblestone. The main thing is that after a couple of hours the mushrooms give juice.

  4. We leave under oppression for a couple of days at room temperature. Be sure to make sure that the juice covers the mushrooms. After about 3-4 days, a characteristic sour smell will appear, signaling that the workpiece is ready.
  5. We take out the mushrooms and lay them out in clean, sterilized jars and pour the marinade over. Close with lids and store in a cool place.

    Important! The brine must be sure to completely cover the mushrooms in the jar. Otherwise, they will get moldy.

Recipe for mushrooms for the winter of cold pickling

Mushrooms are among those mushrooms that do not require long soaking before cooking, including in recipes for the winter. But if your mushroom “catch” is diverse and other varieties are found in it, then you can use cold salting with preliminary soaking. The recipe for mushrooms for the winter of cold salting is also good because you can add a new batch of mushrooms already in the process of salting. On average, salting takes from 1 to 1.5 months.

Ingredients for the recipe for cold pickled mushrooms

  • mushrooms
  • honey mushrooms
  • russula
  • currant leaves
  • horseradish leaves
  • Bay leaf

Important! Take the amount of salt at the rate of 50 gr. per 1 kg of mushrooms. Add additional spices and herbs to your liking.

Step-by-step instructions for harvesting mushrooms for the winter (cold pickling)

  1. First of all, mushrooms should be washed several times, removing all sand, dust and insects. Then the mushrooms should be poured with cold clean water and left for 2-3 days.
  2. Choose a container for salting. For example, a wooden barrel or can is well suited. Lay the soaked mushrooms in layers on the bottom of the container. Salt each layer and alternate with herbs and spices.
  3. We put oppression on top. Mushrooms will immediately give a lot of liquid, which will become a brine for them. Leave for marinating time. Ready mushrooms will give a characteristic sour smell and completely sink to the bottom.

Frozen mushrooms for the winter, a recipe for harvesting

Mushrooms can also be stored frozen for a long time. Frozen mushrooms for the winter, the recipe of which you will find below, are well suited for making mushroom soup or a side dish. The freezing recipe itself is simple, and the taste of such frozen mushrooms remains rich and bright.

The most delicious grandmother's recipe for pickling mushrooms

Mushrooms salted in this way are very tasty, they retain their red color and the aroma of mushrooms.
We sort out the saffron milk caps, remove the wormholes, cut off the legs, leaving only the hats. I usually divide mushrooms into fractions, large medium and small.

With this method of salting, we wash the mushrooms. We spread it in an enamel bowl and pour boiling water over it, so that the mushrooms are all in the water. Close the lid and let stand for 2-3 minutes.

We take it out of boiling water or pour it into a colander, let the water drain and dump the mushrooms back into the dish. When the mushrooms have cooled to room temperature, salt them directly in the dish. I take a look at the salt. On a full three-liter dish of mushrooms, I put two handfuls of salt (regular salt, not extra). If you want saltier, add three handfuls.

Stir and let stand for 20 minutes, mix again and lay out in sterilized jars.

We lay it tightly so that the liquid closes, pour 1 tablespoon of salt on the very top, put a leaf of horseradish or a circle cut out of a plastic cover.

Do not fill the jar to the top, do not report 1 cm, close it with a boiled polyethylene lid.
We take half-liter jars, it’s very convenient, I took it out and ate it.

I make several options, just salt, without adding spices and with garlic (it turns out so yummy!).
If you want with garlic, use garlic chives. I tear it from the garden, wash it and put it on the bottom of the jar, in the middle and on top. There are no garlic feathers at hand, put garlic cloves, no need to chop, just clean and put in a jar of mushrooms. For a half-liter jar - 3 small cloves of garlic.

When salting mushrooms, I do not recommend adding other spices, you will kill the taste of mushrooms.
You need to store jars of mushrooms in the refrigerator, on a shelf where it is colder. You can eat after 3 days, they are the most delicious during this period!
This recipe has one drawback, these mushrooms are stored only until the New Year, and if with salt ..., you guessed it, 2 months, no more.

Helpful Hints:

If the mushrooms are too salty, rinse them with running water and soak a little in cold water or milk.

If the mushrooms begin to turn sour (lactic fermentation occurs, fermentation of mushrooms is not harmful, but the mushrooms acquire a sour taste, which not everyone likes), rinse thoroughly with water and salt, put back in jars.

Recipe for salting mushrooms in a dry way

We carefully sort the mushrooms, remove the needles and leaves. Separate the caps from the legs (the legs are good to fry, and the caps are great for salting).
With the dry method of salting, the mushrooms are not washed, but wiped with a soft cloth.

We dump the sorted mushrooms into an enamel bowl and sprinkle with salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon with a slide of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms. If you are afraid that they will turn sour, put a little more salt.

But I warn you that salted mushrooms retain less useful properties.
We mix the mushrooms with salt gently, they can be wrinkled, leave for salting for a day, stirring occasionally. Mushrooms will give a brine and shrinkage will occur.

We lay it out in sterile jars, carefully seal it so that the brine is above the mushrooms, not to the very top of the jar, put a sheet of horseradish on top and pour a tablespoon of salt, it is advised to pour 1 tablespoon of dry mustard, but I have not tried, they say such mushrooms are well preserved.

Before closing the jar with a plastic lid, put a wooden or plastic circle on top.
Those who love with spices can put washed greens, dill, horseradish leaves, currant leaves, lavrushka, garlic leaves in jars, or better put the greens directly in an enamel bowl where the mushrooms will be salted.

Ryzhik salted in this way will darken, this is normal. If the top layer does get moldy, just carefully remove and discard, the rest of the mushrooms are edible. You can eat such mushrooms in 7-10 days. Store blanks in a cool place at 4-5 degrees Celsius.

Recipe for salting milk mushrooms

We sort the milk mushrooms, clean them of needles and debris, rinse and soak in cold water, placing them in an enamel bowl. In order for the bitterness of the mushrooms to come out, you need to soak for 2-3 days. Water must be changed, otherwise sour, the color will be gray.

When the milk mushrooms are ready for salting, they will become elastic and will not crumble. Feel free to drain the water and rinse well. Salt in the same bowl.

Salt consumption 60g per 1 kg of milk mushrooms.
Salt and mix, put oppression on top and let it salt.

In no case do not use iron, aluminum things, bricks and stones of unknown origin for oppression.

In milk mushrooms, you can add dill umbrellas, currant leaves, horseradish.
Salted milk mushrooms are laid out in jars, I advise you to put them in liter jars.
I pour a little salt on the bottom, in the middle and on top, this is for insurance against souring. I lay the mushrooms tightly, pressing down. I sort by diameter, small in one jar, large, medium in others.

We close with a plastic lid, store in a cold place at a temperature of + 4-5 degrees. Milk mushrooms are stored for a very long time, up to 3 years. But it is recommended to store up to one year, and there at your discretion.

You can eat such milk mushrooms in 20-30 days.

It is very laborious to salt milk mushrooms, but they turn out to be very crispy and tasty.
If the mushrooms get moldy or dark on top, just take it out and throw it away, and the rest can be eaten.

My grandmother salted mushrooms in such ways, as she gets out of the cellar, and with boiled potatoes, just a miracle! Picking mushrooms is a pleasure and eating too, it turns out a solid positive!

The methods are tested, you can salt! There are still a huge number of ways to prepare mushrooms for the winter, I tried many, but returned to my grandmother's recipes, they are more reliable.

I love recipes from the piggy bank of the old generation! When pickling mushrooms, my grandmother always added horseradish and currant leaves to the brine. This is how cucumbers are usually salted to make them crunchy. The mushrooms also turn out crispy and do not deteriorate if simply stored in the refrigerator under nylon lids. It is not necessary to clog them with seaming.

Grandma's way of salting mushrooms is one of my favorites. It has a lot of fragrant spices, dill, when you open a jar - the aroma is unusual. Salted mushrooms are delicious as an independent snack, they can also be added to Olivier and other salads.

Salted mushrooms according to grandma's recipe


1 kg of fresh mushrooms;
1 liter of water;
2 tbsp. l. rock salt;
2.5 tsp spoons of sugar;
1 tsp peppercorns;
2 small sheets of horseradish;
2 bay leaves;
4-5 black currant leaves;
1 large dill umbrella.

Method for preparing salted mushrooms

1. Prepare the mushrooms: cut off the lower parts at the legs with a knife, remove the wormy and spoiled places. Pour selected mushrooms into a large basin with slightly salted water and “rinse” well for about 5 minutes. Drain the water, repeat the manipulation a couple more times.

2. Now the mushrooms can be boiled - throw in boiling water, cook for 15 minutes, drain into a colander and rinse under a cold tap.

3. Banks with a volume of 0.5-0.7 liters (optional) should be clean, you can sterilize if you wish, but my grandmother only poured boiling water over it - that was enough. Fill them with mushrooms, not reaching the "shoulders" half a centimeter.

4. Engage in brine: boil a liter of water, put salt, dill, sugar, peppercorns and lavrushka in it. As it boils again, throw in the washed leaves of horseradish and currant. After 30 seconds, remove from heat and immediately pour the mushrooms in jars.

5. Leave the snack on the table until it cools completely, then close it with plastic or nylon lids and put it on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator.

Catherine A.'s recipe

Mushroom lovers always stock up on mushrooms and chanterelles collected with their own hands during the season. But after that, the question often arises of preserving the product for a long time, with which not only freezing, but also salting copes. This method allows you to instantly "preserve" all the useful substances, and also makes it possible to get a ready-to-eat product that becomes an excellent snack or addition to a number of dishes.

Home conservation has several common algorithms, but does not imply any set of rules that must be followed relentlessly. Depending on your taste preferences, the list of what is put in the container with mushrooms and the amount of these components will vary. And even to say exactly how many days to salt the mushrooms, no one can: here again you need to decide what kind of initial product you want to receive.

However, experienced hostesses distinguish as many as 3 methods, each of which is capable of having up to 10 variations in its technology. This is a quick salting, the so-called express, cold salting and hot.

The express salting method is suitable for those who want to try the finished product on the same day, and not wait until it reaches the desired condition. The disadvantage of this method, of course, is that it is not focused on subsequent storage. The mushrooms salted in this way should be consumed 2-3 days in advance, during which they will be kept in the refrigerator. But this is an ideal option if guests are expected, and you want to surprise them with salted mushrooms. In 2-3 hours, the mushrooms will be salted and will be ready to serve.

To do this, you need to collect a small amount of mushrooms, preferably medium-sized ones. They are carefully washed, cleaned and placed in a jar with their legs up. As soon as the bottom is tightly covered with mushrooms, they must be sprinkled with salt, and then a new layer is formed, which is also covered with salt. Its amount depends on your taste preferences: the classic recipe involves a thin white coating on which a new layer of mushrooms will fit. They should be left until a dark brine appears, after which they should be kept for another 1 hour in a cold place, and the salted mushrooms are ready to eat.

It should also be noted here that such an express pickling method is only suitable for mushrooms, since other mushrooms require mandatory cooking. Soak the mushrooms thoroughly enough in water, keeping them in it for 0.5-1 hour, rinse with running water to remove debris from the plates. Some recipes even offer to sprinkle the mushrooms with salt, cover them with a press and keep for only 30-40 minutes. After this period, the mushrooms will give juice and will be suitable for serving. But in this case, young and small mushrooms are needed. An approximate calculation of salt per 1 kg of product is 30-35 g.

How to salt mushrooms in a hot way

Hot salting is the most common method of harvesting mushrooms for the winter. The attractiveness of this method is that it is not necessary to select mushrooms by size. In addition, due to heat treatment, the waiting period is reduced, which is given to mushrooms for complete impregnation with salt and brine extraction. But still, it is required to cut large hats into 2-3 parts, in order to facilitate their packing into a common container.

  • Mushrooms should be washed without soaking in water, as in the fast method, passed through a flowing stream and lowered into a saucepan. Water is poured there in such an amount that it completely covers the mushroom caps. It must be brought to a boil, and for the next 2-3 minutes, allow to boil at maximum heat. During this time, it is necessary to constantly remove the emerging foam with a slotted spoon, and at the 5th minute, discard the scalded mushrooms in a colander.
  • As soon as they cool down to room temperature, you need to prepare a container for pickling and start putting pieces of mushrooms into it with the legs down, separating each layer with a thin layer of salt and spices that you can choose to your taste. In the classic recipe, for 40 g of salt, there are 2 chopped garlic cloves, a torn dill sprig, 2 currant leaves and a bay leaf. If you wish, you can put a few black peppercorns and ground horseradish here: this will add piquancy to the taste, making mushrooms salted in this way an excellent addition to meat or boiled potatoes. The volumes of each component are indicated for the standard number of mushrooms in 1 kg.
  • Separately, it is worth mentioning the oppression that is imposed on the container with mushrooms: it is most convenient to cover it with a gauze or cotton napkin, and place a plate on top, which is gently pressed into the salted mass. Therefore, a plate or other flat round object is selected so that its diameter is flush with the inner diameter of the neck of the salting container. You don’t need to put any weights on top: the plate’s own gravity will be enough, otherwise there is a risk of starting to displace the liquid protruding from the mushrooms.

How to salt mushrooms in a cold way

The cold salting method does not greatly affect the taste of the final product, however, for most housewives it is attractive because there is no stage of heat treatment of mushrooms. According to experts, any exposure to boiling water on a product destroys the bulk of its useful properties, so an increase in temperature inside is undesirable for almost any product. But due to the fact that the technology will be different from that used in hot salting, more time will be required to wait.

In addition, the amount of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms depends on the conditions in which the container with mushrooms will be stored. If they are kept in a cold place (2-5 degrees, but without a minus sign), a standard volume of 40 g is enough, but if stored in a room where the temperature is 16-20 degrees, you need to double the amount - up to 80-100 g .

Salting mushrooms in a cold way according to the algorithm of action is similar to salting with an express method. Mushrooms need to be washed and cleaned, the lower parts of the legs removed from them, put in a suitable container, sprinkling each layer with salt. Optionally, you can add your favorite spices: for example, currant leaves, black pepper and onion rings. Oppression is necessarily imposed on the mushrooms from above, and 4-5 hours are expected. After that, the mass settles a little, and 1-2 more layers of fresh mushrooms can be added to it, not forgetting to cover the container again with oppression.

How many days to salt mushrooms

The period that will be spent on salting these mushrooms depends on the characteristics of the product taken into work and the method of its preparation. As already mentioned, express methods allow you to get a finished dish in 2-4 hours, and with cold or hot, you may need to wait for 3-5 weeks. At the same time, the larger mushrooms you choose, the longer they will salt out, so it is recommended to give preference to young and small options.

It is also important to know that 2 types of these mushrooms are eaten: spruce and pine forest. Small sizes are characteristic of spruce members of the family, as well as bright orange-brown flesh, lowered cap edges and a very short stem. Such mushrooms are ideal for cold salting, while upland mushrooms can be used for hot salting, where mushrooms of any size and age can cook equally well.

At the same time, we must not forget that salted mushrooms must be completely covered with brine during their storage. If the liquid that came out of the mushrooms during the salting process is not enough, boiled hot water should be added.

Salting mushrooms, like other mushrooms, is carried out in enameled, glass or wooden dishes: it is not allowed to place them in metal or plastic. Otherwise, as you can see, the algorithm for salting mushrooms at home is the simplest of all home preservation schemes.

by the materials

How to salt mushrooms. How many days to salt mushrooms 2015-10-13T09:15:28+00:00 adminhomemade preparationshomemade preparations, salads and snacks

Mushroom lovers always stock up on mushrooms and chanterelles collected with their own hands during the season. But after that, the question often arises of preserving the product for a long time, with which not only freezing, but also salting copes. This method allows you to instantly "preserve" all the useful substances, and also makes it possible to get a ready-to-use product, ...

[email protected] Administrator Feast-online

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