Fulbright program. Fulbright Scholarship: How to Open Doors to American Universities

The academic exchange program, named after its founder, US Senator W. Fulbright, began its work in the Russian Federation in 1973, when six Soviet and six American scientists became Fulbrights, receiving a grant from the Program for research and lecturing, thus laying the foundation for a solid foundation for bilateral academic cooperation.

For thirty-nine years of continuous work, the Fulbright Program has provided an opportunity to establish new scientific contacts, continue their education and undergo internships for hundreds of Russian professors, teachers, and young professionals. Under the auspices of the Association, international, all-Russian and regional conferences, meetings and discussions are held annually in Russian cities, periodicals and other publications are published.

The Fulbright programs are very popular among the faculty of the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

English Teaching Assistant Program was first announced in Russia in 2006. As part of this program, about 25 American scholarship holders are sent to Russia every year as assistant teachers of English.

In the 2010-2011 academic year, she trained at the faculty as an assistant teacher of English Cathy Diyard. Her duties included 15 (classroom hours per week) teaching hours per week and up to 6 (six) hours per week of consultations/extracurricular work with Russian colleagues, not counting class preparation work. In addition, another 6 hours per week were devoted to working on their individual study or research project. Katie took an active part in the life of the faculty. She helped organize the English Club, was involved with the English Teachers' Association, and volunteered at local schools.

I spent the 2010-2011 academic year working in the Foreign Language Faculty as a Fulbright ETA. My main role was to hold conversation classes about issues that would not necessarily be covered in the students" main English classes. We discussed a variety of topics, including important holidays, American and British slang, stereotypes and important issues in our societies. In addition , I introduced students to music and television shows that are not popular outside the United States. I was the "native speaker" and answered students" questions about English and life in America

I spent the 2010-2011 academic year at the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Faculty as a Fulbright student. My main task was to conduct classes in communicative English on various topics that were not always covered in the classes. We talked about various topics such as holidays, American and British slang, stereotypes and important social issues. In addition, I showed students music and television shows that are unknown outside of the United States. The purpose of these classes was to use English in an informal, real environment to help students overcome the language barrier and provide a more comfortable professional growth. I was a native English speaker and answered students' questions about life in America as well.

Also, at the invitation of the faculty, lecturers from US universities regularly come to the university to give lectures and conduct seminars.

Professors were among the first to arrive at the faculty. Ben and Christine Fuller from the University of Pennsylvania. They spent 3 weeks at the faculty, which everyone remembered for the high quality of teaching. Specialization prof. Ben Fuller - American Literature. However, the cooperation of the faculty did not end after their departure. The professor regularly sends books and magazines on classical and modern American literature and regional studies to the faculty. At the moment, the faculty has already formed a library, which is very popular not only among faculty teachers, but also graduate students and students.

Professor Fuller: I "m glad the literary journals and books prove useful. Unlike fifty years ago there"s little consensus on who are the best ones, these days we have so many people writing prose fiction, poetry, film, theater, and tv scripts that it "s hard to get a grasp on the subject. I" ve sent you several booked published by Tin House which is one of many worthwhile publishers of contemporary American literature by living writers. I know you the Department of Foreign languages ​​are actively involved in international projects. It make me especially happy that students have so many opportunities to host foreign visitors and present festivals of foreign works as well as to travel all over the globe. Only twenty years ago this development seemed so difficult to achieve and now it "s part of every day life at the university

I am glad that my magazines and books are useful. Unlike the situation fifty years ago, there are now many different opinions about what constitutes good literature. these days we have so many writers writing fiction, poetry, film and theater scripts, and getting a general idea of ​​the situation is not easy. I have sent you several books published by Teen House, which is one of the best publishers of contemporary American literature. I know that the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​is actively involved in international projects. What makes me especially happy is that students have many opportunities to receive foreign guests and participate in various events, including holidays, and also travel a lot around the world. Twenty years ago, such a development was difficult to implement, but now it is part of the daily life of the university.

But the Program for Young Teachers of English (FLTA) is especially popular. The main goal of this program is to strengthen cultural and academic ties between the peoples of the United States and Russia, to improve mutual understanding between our countries.

The program provides young English teachers with the opportunity to improve their teaching skills, improve their English proficiency, and become more familiar with American culture and traditions. Participants in this Program are assigned to US universities and colleges to work as teachers or teaching assistants in the Russian language. The responsibilities of the Program participants include teaching the Russian language/culture of their country up to 20 hours a week. Also, program participants must study at least 2 subjects per semester, one of which relates to American Studies, and the other must be related to the teaching of the English language.

American universities greatly benefit from the presence of a native speaker on their campus, since, in addition to classes with students, participants in the Program will have to actively interact with representatives of the local community, organizing groups for the study of colloquial speech, holding extracurricular activities, language clubs, round tables with the purpose of familiarizing the audience with the culture and traditions of their country. Direct communication allows teachers and American students to learn more about the cultures and traditions of the countries they represent, as well as to better understand each other.

Ryabova Elena Nikolaevna, a graduate of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Moscow State University. N.P. Ogareva, Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages ​​for the Humanities, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Lomonosov Moscow State University N.P. Ogaryov.

Chubarova Yulia Evgenievna, a graduate of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Moscow State University. N.P. Ogareva, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of English, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Lomonosov Moscow State University N.P. Ogaryova,

I won a Fulbright Foundation grant under the FLTA (Foreign Language Teaching Assistant) program for an internship in the USA in 2010-2011. During the year she taught Russian (Russian I, Russian II, Russian Intermediate, Russian Conversation) at Juniata College (Pennsylvania) and was the organizer of the Russian Club and Language Tables. The responsibilities included teaching the Russian language/culture of their country up to 20 hours a week. It was also necessary to study 2 subjects per semester of their own choice. As part of the college program, participation in the Language in Motion program was mandatory, which made it possible to get acquainted with education in a US high school and give presentations about Russia in Pelsylvania schools.

The program began in August with a mandatory week-long orientation in Austin, Texas. After that, all the participants went to their universities. After the first semester, FLTA participants from all over the world, about 400 people, came to the conference in Washington. During the conference, participants shared their experience with each other, as well as got acquainted with the most relevant and effective methods of teaching foreign languages.

The program is unique because it allowed me to study and work in the country, understand the specifics of the US education system, expand professional contacts, improve my English language skills and gain a true understanding of the US, the spiritual and cultural values ​​of Americans. A large number of holidays and vacations made it possible to look at the country and appreciate its beauty in all its scale and abundance!

Good knowledge of English is a mandatory requirement for participation in the program, so it was studying and working at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​that allowed me not only to receive this grant, but also to travel to such an interesting country as the USA!

Studying at American universities, for which the student does not pay a penny, is precisely such an opportunity that the Fulbright Academic Exchange Program provides. Participants from 155 countries can apply for the scholarship, including Ukraine and Russia. The selection system is rather complicated, and all its stages take about a year. Moreover, there is also an additional list of conditions. ForumDaily found students and graduates of the program who assure that it is quite possible to win a grant, and for this it is absolutely not necessary to be a genius. The main thing is to have time to submit documents on time: until May 15 for Russians, and until May 17 for Ukrainians.

Artur Denisenko is studying alternative energy under the Fulbright program. Photo: their personal archive

For almost a year, Artur Denisenko, a resident of Kiev, has been living in the state of Delaware. At a local university, he studies alternative energy and can talk for hours about his student days. The guy says that he has never studied so much in his life. And I've never enjoyed it so much.

“The workload is just huge, I have, in fact, only half of Friday and Saturday are free, and I study the rest of the time. Due to lack of time, I even recently deactivated Facebook, ”says Artur.

He is currently completing the first year of his two-year Fulbright master's degree. The grant, which is financed from the American budget, covers everything for the guy: studies, accommodation, insurance, flights from Ukraine and back, plus there is a scholarship, which, as Arthur assures, is more than enough for him.

What is the Fulbright Program

A unique opportunity for students, researchers, scientists and teachers from all over the world has existed since 1946. Then Arkansas Senator James Fulbright proposed the creation of an international scientific exchange program. Congress supported the initiative and agreed to fund it. The scholarship was named after Fulbright himself, and since then more than 300,000 participants from all over the world have taken advantage of it. The most popular category is the undergraduate and graduate program, which allows you to complete a master's degree in the United States.

The selection process for this grant can be roughly divided into four stages. First you need to fill out an application on the site and submit a set of documents. Next, the applicant is waiting for an interview, then passing the TOEFL and GRE exams, after them - admission to the university. In general, the procedure stretches for almost a year.

“When I applied, I had the feeling that it was simply unrealistic - so many conditions, and such a long process,” Arthur admits. But in reality, he says, everything turned out to be much simpler: if you clearly know what exactly you want and follow all the instructions. They can be found on the official Fulbright website in your country, which is easy to access through the main page of the program.

Stage one: application form, collection of documents and selection of universities

Arthur says: you need to fill out the questionnaire online, and you don’t have to do it all at once - you can just save the results and continue, for example, the next day. In addition to personal data, two essays are required here, which should convince the commission that you are the one who deserves a scholarship.

“It is important not just to have a desire - they say, I want to go to study and let it be the States, because there is a cool and good education. No, that will not do. You really need to understand why this particular direction, specifically the USA, and this particular university, ”says Lyudmila Lompas, a resident of Kiev, who graduated from Fulbright two years ago.

She studied at the same university as Arthur, majoring in economics. The girl assures: if the collection of documents is a technical process, then the essay needs to be thoroughly worked on. She even went to a special seminar organized by Fulbright's Ukrainian office, where they explained in detail all the requirements for applicants. However, you can find requirements for an essay on the Internet.

“In the first essay, you describe yourself and your so-called life path. You also explain why you need a Fulbright. The volume is no more than two pages, ”Arthur clarifies .

In the second, you need to provide a research topic and explain how the acquired knowledge will help your professional development. “In Ukraine, I studied banking and definitely chose the direction - monetary economics. My whole essay was about this, ”adds Lyudmila.

Also in the questionnaire you will need to indicate three universities and programs that are of interest to you. And this, according to Lyudmila, is the most difficult thing to do, because there are hundreds of colleges in America.

“We were told not to look at the Ivy League right away. (an association of eight private American universities, which are considered one of the most prestigious in the country - ForumDaily) and choose more modest universities. At first I had a list of a hundred, then of twenty, as a result, I narrowed it down to three. It took two weeks, ”the girl continues.

Another important item is letters of recommendation. There should be three of them, and always in English. Your reviewers themselves register on the site and give you a description, so you won’t be able to write flattering words about yourself. “I had letters from the university, from the employer, and one from an external organization with which I collaborated on work,” says Artur.

The deadline for submitting the entire package of documents is May 15 for Russians and May 17 for Ukrainians.

Interview: “show your wild interest”

If a candidate passes to the second level, in the summer he receives a letter with an invitation to an interview. You need to come to it in person at the Fulbright office in your country. Arthur knew in advance that the interview would be in English. “I didn’t sleep half the night before that, thinking about how everything would go. But in fact, when you enter the audience, time flies by unnoticed, ”the guy continues. There were 10 people in the commission, and everyone asked questions that were only on the topic of the study, so Artur gave answers easily.

“They want to see that you are really sick of it, they are sharpened by looking at the real motivation of a person, so you have to show your “wild” interest,” the guy explains.

TOEFL and GRE exams: there are several attempts and the program pays for the exams

This is the third stage, the semi-finals. Those who have passed through the previous two tests will have to pass an English language test - TOEFL and a mandatory exam for admission to a master's program - GRE from the end of December.

“They tell you what the minimum score you must score in order to pass on. But even if you gain it, then, most likely, you will be sent to take the exam again to improve the result, ”says Artur. And, importantly, all attempts are paid from the program budget, and not from the candidate's pocket.

Arthur passed TOEFL three times, GRE two times, each attempt turned out to be better than the previous one. During the exams, he took all his vacation and prepared intensively. He says that it was easier with the English language test, but he had to work hard on the GRE. “It consists of both a mathematical part and a linguistic part. I myself am a humanist and was sure that the first one would be very difficult for me. But it turned out the opposite. The most difficult part, and for everyone, is vocabulary, where knowledge of 4,000 thousand words is checked, which even English-speaking people do not always know and use, ”says the guy. Arthur sent the scores to Fulbright's office each time, and when they were finally satisfied with the scores, the exams were over for him.

University choice and admission: we dream about Harvard, but we look at colleges more modestly

Each candidate indicates the list of desirable universities in the questionnaire. But only at this stage they begin to look at them in more detail in order to select several to which documents will be sent. “The fact that you won at Fulbright does not mean anything at this stage, because you have not yet been accepted to the university,” says Arthur. Representatives of the Fulbright office, together with the candidate, decide where it is better to do. And it may happen that the list of colleges, in the end, will be completely different than in the profile of a future student. So, for example, it was with Lyudmila.

“There is already a process of discussion going on - what the applicant agrees to, and what the program can offer. With all the power of a simple Google search, I certainly knew less about education in the US than the Fulbright experts. They clearly recommended to me those universities and programs that might be of interest to me, ”says the girl.

In addition, she was immediately warned that the likelihood of getting into Ivy League universities is very small, since studying at Harvard or Stanford is expensive, and for this money the program can send two students to study at more modest colleges.

In any case, the list of universities is agreed with the candidate. And often the college itself can offer a scholarship to its potential student. So, for example, it happened with Arthur - he entered all three universities where he applied, and two of them offered to partially cover the cost of education. “For the program, this means savings on which they can send another candidate to study.”

Everything for the student, scientist, researcher

“Paradise for those who love to study,” is how Ludmila briefly describes her master's program in America. She says that in two years she learned not only what she was driving for, but also much more. The opportunity to go to lectures as a “free listener”, the availability of materials and university life - the girl recalls all this with nostalgia.

Tatyana Yaroshenko, vice-president of one of the best universities in Ukraine, the Kiev-Mohyla Academy, absolutely agrees with her. She twice went to the States as a scientist through the Fulbright program: she wrote a dissertation at Yale and a scientific monograph at Columbia University.

“It's not just research in good libraries. It turns a person 360 degrees. It gives you the opportunity to understand your level, compare it with the level of colleagues, ”she says.

Now Tatyana is the head of the Ukrainian Fulbright Circle, a charitable organization that brings together all the graduates of the country's program - more than 900 people.

“There are no former Fulbright students,” we repeat this all the time, because whoever became a fellow at least once, did research, worked with colleagues, studied at the best American universities, will certainly remain faithful to this program forever, ” she continues. The purpose of their organization is to support graduates and common projects. For example, now they are organizing a summer school for students from universities transferred from the East of Ukraine, who were located where the hostilities are now taking place.

Tatyana says: last year they conducted a survey on how satisfied the graduates are with the Fulbright program. 87% answered absolutely in the affirmative, while only one percent of the respondents were categorically dissatisfied. The teacher assures that there are no unemployed among the Fulbrights, and this scholarship, without exaggeration, changes lives. At the same time, she insists: the program is not for geniuses, but for people who clearly know what and where they want to learn.

“I am an absolutely ordinary average person and I can say without exaggeration that this is a very transparent and fair competition. Getting a scholarship is real, it all depends on the ambitions of the person. There is no need to be afraid,” she says.

Arthur agrees with her. He says he never had a red diploma, and he applied for a Fulbright master's program not in his main university specialty. By first education, he is a political scientist, which is very far from alternative energy, which he is currently studying. Nevertheless, everything worked out. He has already found himself a summer internship at an American company and says that the university gives him exactly the knowledge he was counting on.

A Fulbright Scholar for English Teachers talks about her internship in America.

About study

I came to study and work in the USA on the Fulbright Scholarship Program for English Teachers (Foreign Language Teaching Assistant).

The program involves teaching the Russian language and culture of their country in an American college in the amount of 20 hours a week, as well as teaching at least two subjects per semester. The program covers all expenses during all stages of participation in the competition and the year of study in the United States.

All scholarship holders of the program are distributed to different colleges. I received a placement at Grinnell College in Iowa.Grinnell is one of the private liberal arts colleges called Liberal Arts colleges in America.

The college is very wealthy and can afford to provide financial assistance to about 85% of its students, who study here in 26 areas.

Grinnell has a chic campus with two excellent libraries, 12 academic buildings, 19 residence halls and 7 student houses, a canteen, a grill bar, an arts center, and one of my favorite places on campus - a sports center.

In addition, there is also a stadium, football and baseball fields, 6 indoor tennis courts, an indoor athletics track, a swimming pool and much more. At the beginning of the semester, the teacher introduces students to the plan (Syllabus) and deadlines for the submission of written work, which follows throughout the semester.

When I tell my American friends which college I work and study at, most speak of our college as an educational institution with a very high educational standard.

And I boldly assert that my classmates and students to whom I teach Russian are real stars and intellectuals. Great attention is paid to the independent work of the student.

The teacher acts as a coordinator, curator, leading the lesson in the form of a discussion on the materials that students should familiarize themselves with before the lesson.

The guys are engaged not only in studies, which, believe me, "takes" the lion's share of our time, but actively spend time outside of school: there are about 250 student organizations in Grinnell for every taste and 20 sports that you can get involved in.

Almost 1/3 of Grinnell students are athletes and participate in competitions in various sports, or play music, sing in a choir, put on performances, work, “volunteer”.

For example, two female students I know volunteer to help inmates prepare for a test to get a high school diploma.

Preparation and admission

The Fulbright Grant competition lasts a whole year. For me, the most important step was the process of preparing and collecting documents. I believe that this stage is the most responsible, since many people are eliminated at it.

At this stage, it is important to write a convincing and original motivation letter, back up your application with letters of recommendation. The main thing here is to show your uniqueness, to prove that it was you who was so lacking in the international Fulbright family.

At the second stage of the competition, all semi-finalists take the TOEFL language test, as well as interviews with representatives of the Fulbright program in Russia, a participant in the program of previous years and a representative of the US State Department.

In winter, the finalists are informed about the successful completion of the competition, after which it is necessary to collect the next package of documents and prepare a medical card. Fulbright assists in obtaining visas and other documents.

The most exciting stage is the distribution to colleges. After distribution, fellows are in direct contact with their college supervisor.

Before leaving in Moscow, there is a meeting with representatives of the American embassy for the so-called pre-departure orientation, at which the fellows are told about the main points related to culture, life and study in America so that they can better adapt to the new environment.

Upon arrival in the United States, before entering their college, fellows from all over the world are distributed to the largest American universities already for summer orientation. I was among the lucky ones who got to Stanford for a few days.


At the beginning of the year, all new students and language assistants go through an orientation, during which you can complete all the necessary documents, open a bank account, get a tax number, etc.

Under the terms of my grant, I receive funding from the Fulbright program and from Grinnell. The college provided me with housing in one of the student houses called "Russian House".

Here I live with students studying Russian. The college also provides me with a full meal-plan, which includes three meals a day in the student cafeteria.

You can also cook in the kitchen at the Russian House, as most of the guys who don't eat in the canteen do: it's cheaper for them. Life in Iowa is not expensive.

The main expenses while living in the USA are travel and endless online shopping. Since the college is located in a very small town, there are no special frills.

We drive to the neighboring major cities, Des Moines or Iowa City, in a car that we bought with friends at the beginning of the semester. You can also rent a car right on campus.

In free time

Grinnell has very long holidays. As the students explained to me, they are much longer here than in many other colleges, since the study is very intense. So, during the holidays I travel. In the fall, I spent a week in Chicago.

I went to visit friends in Iowa for Thanksgiving. In mid-December, a conference for Fulbright Scholars was held in Washington, where we attended many trainings, received certificates, and shared our impressions after the first semester of work.

After the conference, we went with friends to celebrate Christmas and New Year in Philadelphia, New York, Miami Beach and Key West in Florida. I'm still making plans for spring break. In my free time, I meet friends - other language assistants or students.

Of course, every weekend we go to parties. It will be very difficult for me to convey on paper the impressions and atmosphere that prevails at student parties. Guys, you need to be in an American college to appreciate this! I love to watch the competitions of our "Pioneers" - Grinnell Pioneers, when they play at home.

An interesting fact about my college for basketball fans. Last semester, our team's defenseman Jack Taylor scored 138 points in 36 minutes of playing time, setting a new NCAA record! Sure enough, the Grinnell Pioneers beat Faith Baptist Bible 179-104. I also go to the gym and pool or sleep.

Country and culture

This is my first visit to the USA, but, oddly enough, I did not experience the slightest culture shock. Probably, this is all very individual. I travel a lot and meet all kinds of people.

Previously, I often heard that it is very difficult to make friends with the Americans, they say, they do not let them into their souls. I would like to debunk this myth. Here I met charming and kind people whom I can call my friends, and I know that this relationship will not end when I return to Russia.

You may consider this a lyric, but I believe that if a person is open to the world and people, accepts every day and every new meeting as a gift, remaining an optimist in any situation and trying to see only good in any person, everything returns to him a hundredfold.

With such an attitude towards the world, it will be all yours, since both your eyes and your whole being will shine with goodness. How not to make friends with such a person?! I fell in love with America, and I will definitely return here: after all, I have not yet walked around Central Park in warm weather.

After study

How I love this college, students, teachers, colleagues and how good it is that I will be in my dear Grinnell for another four months! The fact that I came to the USA under the Fulbright program is very valuable and honorable.

This is a big plus for my "resume" and professional growth. Here my vision of the dissertation, which I am writing in Russia, has changed, new development prospects have appeared.

  • An interesting section is "Tips". Can I give at least one? I think no. I can only share my thoughts. Do what your heart is in. If you want to study, look for competitions and grants, participate in them. Believe in yourself and know that there is no one like you. If you are writing a motivation letter, be sure to tell about it.
  • I believe that nothing is impossible for us. As a 3rd year student, I accompanied the delegation of the executive committee of my city in Hong Kong as an interpreter. Then I studied for a year in China on a grant from the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan and was a volunteer at the World Universiade in Shenzhen, and I hope that I will be one at the Universiade in Kazan this year.
  • A year ago, I sailed on a huge ship from Tokyo to Colombo and Chennai and back as part of the international program "Ship of the World's Youth" and now I am vice-president of the association of its graduates from Russia. Finally, I became a Fulbright Scholar.
  • I just believe in myself, and I hope that those comrades who conduct competitive selection will believe in me. Prove to them that they need to believe in you too!
  • And finally: when traveling, use couchsurfing. This is a unique opportunity to feel not like a tourist, but a traveler.

For a number of reasons, I have not written anything here for a long time, but I will correct it! And as a moral compensation, today I will tell you about the cool Fulbright program, which allows you to cover the cost of studying in a master's or graduate school in the United States. I’ll make a reservation right away: I was given a Fulbright scholarship a year ago to study under the LL.M program. (Master of Laws) at the American University of Washington, and I refused. But first things first.

A moment of history

In general, this same Fulbright was a senator and an efficient uncle (not counting the fact that he voted for the entry of troops into Vietnam). In 1945, he introduced a bill to Congress to use the proceeds from the sale of surplus military property of the US government in the fund "Promotion of international goodwill through the exchange of students in the field of education, culture and science." After the Second World War, the Fulbright Program was created, which was supposed to serve to strengthen peace and understanding between peoples. A plan was developed for the bill to abandon the debts of foreign states accumulated during the war in exchange for funding for international educational programs. On August 1, 1946, President Harry Truman signed the bill, and in the last days of the 79th session of the US Congress, it was passed.

About the program

The Fulbright Master's/PhD program provides travel grants to US universities to study or conduct research in all subject disciplines for graduates of Russian universities and graduate students. The main goal of the program is to strengthen cultural and academic ties between the peoples of the United States and Russia, to improve mutual understanding between our countries. The program is fully funded by the US State Department.

Grants on a competitive basis are issued to:

· university graduates (i.e. persons studying in their last year of university or have already graduated from a university) - to study at a master's program at one of the US universities in order to obtain a master's degree (Master's, except for MBA); duration of stay in the USA under these grants - from 1 to 2 years, depending on the duration of the master's program;

· graduate students - to conduct research work at a US university and/or archive and collect materials for a PhD thesis OR to study at a US university for one academic year without obtaining a degree, the duration of such a program - 1 academic year

ATTENTION-ATTENSION: Postgraduate programs - without obtaining a degree (non-degree). Not all specialties can study for one year without obtaining a degree, make inquiries in advance about the existence of such programs (on the websites of US universities where there are programs of interest to you).

Fellows of the program receive a J-1 visa and after the end of the grant are required to return to Russia.

The grant covers the cost of tuition, accommodation, monthly stipend, insurance, as well as the participant's flight from the place of residence to the place of study in the United States and back. At the beginning of the year, they still give out money “for the arrangement” and for the purchase of a new computer.

Requirements for applicants


Russian citizenship and permanent residence on the territory of the Russian Federation, starting from January 2014 ( relevant for this year).

Higher education diploma (specialist or equivalent Russian diploma, bachelor's or master's degree) by May 2014 ( was relevant for this year).

English language proficiency to the extent required for teaching or research project. (Internet Based TOEFL - minimum 80 (for technical, natural and a number of humanitarian and creative specialties) or at least 100 (for disciplines Journalism, Political Science, Public administration, law, Sociology, Economics and some others) points. There is no need to take the test in advance, those who successfully pass the first round of the competition will be paid for by the Fulbright program.

Age of applicants: date of birth - not earlier than May 1984 ( was relevant for this year).

For applicants who previously received a J-1 visa, the time period from the date of return to Russia until the date of submission of documents for the competition must be at least 2 years (This requirement does not apply to those J-1 visas in which there is a comment that that the two-year rule does not apply to visa holders, such as Work and Travel participants, see the commentary on the visa itself).

Applicants who are permanent residents of the United States or who have permanent residency in the United States are not eligible to compete.

A grant may be suspended if:

  • The fellow stops work on the study program or research project before the end of the grant period;
  • The fellow leaves the United States for more than 2 weeks without the permission of the program representative or sponsoring organization.

Stages of the competition

The Fulbright competition is held in 3 rounds.

First tour:

To participate in the competition, you must fill out an online application before the due date (usually mid-May). All applications are reviewed and evaluated by Russian and American experts in their respective subject areas. The results of the first round are announced by e-mail after August 20-25.

Filling out an application - is clearly not the right time to be modest. Describe your best qualities and achievements. In addition to what is indicated in your application, at this stage the selection committee will not know anything about you! Read more about the program, its goals and alumni, and try to get an idea of ​​what qualities organizers are looking for in candidates.

Second round:

Participants of the second round are invited to an oral interview in English. The interview is conducted by a Russian-American English-speaking commission, consisting of 4 people. It lasts about 20 minutes, any questions can be asked, both related to the topic of the application, and not related. Interviews are held in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and if there are enough participants, then in Vladivostok and Yekaterinburg in September. As part of the second round, all participants of the competition will take an Internet-based TOEFL test in English, and in most specialties, also a mathematical GRE (I don’t know anything about it).

Information about the tests can be found on the Internet, for example here: http://www.toefl.org and http://www.gre.org .

You should not be afraid of the interview: everything is extremely friendly. But try to have a clear idea of ​​where and why you want to go, as well as how studying in the USA will help you achieve your global goals. Important: even if you think you speak English like a native, buy a book to prepare for TOEFL (or find preparation materials on the net, since there are a lot of them). Often the score is reduced precisely because of ignorance of the test format, even with a good command of English, and this is a shame. Get yourself a quiet 100 points!

Tests within the competition are paid by the Fulbright program. Competitors not from Moscow are also paid the cost of travel to Moscow and back, as well as accommodation in Moscow during the second round of the program.

Third round:

The third round is held at the end of September by the Russian-American commission, which also includes employees of the Department of Culture of the US Embassy in Moscow. According to the results of the first and second rounds, those who are recommended for a grant are selected. Following the results of the third round, in October, all contestants will be notified of the results by e-mail. Application forms for recommended candidates are sent to the Institute of International Education (IIE) in New York, which distributes them to US universities. The Institute of International Education reserves the right to choose the university for each scholarship recipient, even if the applicant has his/her own preferences or he/she is already enrolled in a US university.

Actually, this is the main catch of the program: you cannot choose a university on your own. I was assigned to such a place that I decided not to go. Nevertheless, many are sent to quite decent universities, and indeed, who ever bothered with an American university degree? ;) So go ahead and make the American dream come true!

And the Fulbright program also has an official website http://www.fulbright.ru, where you can find out everything that I did not have time to describe here☺
