Build a bathhouse and a summer kitchen. Summer kitchen with a bath - an unusual redevelopment solution

Recently, among the owners of summer cottages, the project of a bath with a summer kitchen has been very popular. The original extension in the form of a kitchen has several advantages. The main ones are saving space in the summer cottage and reducing construction costs, since the volume of building material will decrease significantly.

A bathhouse with a summer kitchen under one roof will help save space on the site and the cost of building materials.

A summer kitchen with a sauna will be an ideal place for a family weekend in the country. In addition, there will be where to invite friends to spend time together. This layout allows you to cook and steam in almost the same room, which is very convenient. Most often, combined projects suggest that kitchens are dressing rooms, and stoves are heaters in a bath. Both rooms are under the same roof. Very often, a bath is combined with a summer kitchen and a bathroom. All that is needed for this is to provide a single drain into the sewer. The shower room should be designed in such a way that water does not linger. To avoid the appearance of unpleasant odors, you need to equip a water seal.

We evaluate the site

An important point is the choice of a place for a bath. However, building a bath near the garage is not a very good option. The pond will help solve the problem with water supply, but it is worth considering the possible spring spill and taking additional measures to waterproof the bath.

Bath project with a summer kitchen

The first steps in developing a summer kitchen project with a bath are choosing a place to build and a list of necessary building materials. Decide on the dimensions of the structure, layout and internal equipment that are optimal for your site. A kitchen in a bathhouse is not an easy project, so some aspects should be discussed with a specialist when agreeing on project stages.

Far from being a secondary issue is the location of the entrance. According to the building rules, the entrance should be on the south side (it is sunny and, accordingly, warm). You can make an entrance in the form of a veranda or a summer terrace - it all depends on the size of the structure.

The smoky bath should not be located near the living quarters. The minimum distance is about 10-15 meters, and it would be better to place the building on the side of neighboring houses.

If you have made a choice in favor of a smokeless bath, then the minimum distance from the residential building is 5 meters. If this rule is not followed, a fire may occur. Along with this, the combination of summer kitchens with baths is not prohibited.

Combining the stove's water tank with pipes allows excess heat to heat the entire room. To avoid shading the site, a shed roof should be made without an attic. Thrifty summer residents place a barrel under the slope of the roof into which rainwater flows, which is used later for washing or watering.

For good lighting and energy savings, the windows of the room should be moved to the north side.

When developing a project, sometimes a completely logical question arises about the appearance of high humidity and, as a result, moldiness in the kitchen. However, this is only possible with improper planning and operation of the bath. The key points are compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements and the arrangement of reliable ventilation and sewerage.

Since the air temperature in the bath exceeds 100 degrees, the walls of the interior dry quickly, and rotting does not occur.

A properly equipped sewerage system will ensure that water is quickly drained from the sink into a sewer well equipped outdoors.

An obligatory element is a water seal, which prevents the appearance of unpleasant odors in the bath.

List of tools

Since the construction of a building is not an easy task, many tools will be required:

  • concrete mixer or concrete mixer;
  • level;
  • chainsaw;
  • drill, screwdriver, jigsaw;
  • axe;
  • plane;
  • a hammer;
  • stapler;
  • other support materials.

Three in one design

An interesting option is the layout, when a bathhouse, a summer kitchen and a greenhouse are located under one roof. This type of construction implies that the kitchen stove functions as a heater, the kitchen replaces the dressing room, and the pipes of the water tank are connected to the greenhouses. That is, the room is heated by means of warm water from the bath or kitchen.

A flat roof with a wide canopy can act as a summer kitchen, terrace or gazebo, as well as a bath.

In fact, the structure will consist of two zones - a place for recreation (kitchen, dining room and stove) and a bathhouse (which can be supplemented with a pool). There is a veranda under a canopy. When decorating a room, it is better to use only natural materials. Stone, wood and metal have proven themselves as materials for interior decoration. The outer side of the structure can be sheathed with ordinary clapboard.

Many people want a bathhouse, a wide veranda, a large house, a gazebo, a summer kitchen, a garage and much more to be located on the territory of their household. However, firstly, the area of ​​the land plot does not always allow you to build whatever you want, and secondly, it is financially expensive to build a separate bathhouse, summer kitchen, garage, etc. There is a solution, you can combine outbuildings under one roof, for example, a bathhouse with a summer kitchen are well adjacent to each other. Let's talk about projects of such buildings.

What should be in a bath with a kitchen?

Everyone sees the project of a bath, connected with a kitchen under one roof, in their own way. One can be content with a combined building with an area of ​​​​30 square meters. m, where there will be a small steam room, a small dressing room and a terrace with a barbecue and a table. For another, a combined building is unthinkable without a large steam room, heating room, rest room, eating area, font and kitchen. In general, the basic requirements for a bath combined with a kitchen are moderate for people and boil down to the fact that such a building should have:

  • a steam room, preferably spacious, so that at least one person can freely lie on the shelves;
  • a shower room where one could rinse after visiting the steam room;
  • dressing room, where one could freely put a sofa and chairs with a table;
  • a closed dressing room, at least a small one, so that one person can go in and change clothes calmly;

Note! A small closed changing cabin located in the dressing room will make your life much easier if you plan to visit the steam room with a heterosexual company.

  • a cooking zone, in other words, a place where one could put a barbecue, oven, barbecue, countertop, sink, in general, everything that is needed for cooking;
  • dining area, that is, a place where this food could be consumed. The dining area should be spacious enough to accommodate a large table and chairs.

The above list already allows you to get an idea of ​​​​the future summer kitchen with a bath. To reinforce this idea, we will consider ready-made projects of such buildings and perhaps you are still ripe for the construction of something similar on your site. If you are interested in the question, you can read the article of the same name on our website.

Examples of buildings up to 40 m 2

We found a free corner on our land, you can build on it a small but very functional summer kitchen, combined with a bath area of ​​​​up to 40 square meters. m. We present to your attention ready-made projects of such buildings, you will probably “take into service” some of this.

In this case, in the figure above you see a summer kitchen project combined with a bathhouse and a terrace. The total building area is 32.34 m 2 . Despite its small size, this facility has everything you need for a full wash, rest and cooking.

There is a small steam room, the project contains its exact dimensions of 2400x2450 mm. A shower room of the same size adjoins the steam room. There is a summer kitchen 4200x3400 mm, divided into two functional areas: cooking and recreation. And of course, there is a small terrace 4200x1500 mm, where you can go out, get some air or have a smoke break.

And this is a project of a super small bath with a summer kitchen, which will occupy an area of ​​​​only 22.08 square meters. m., a very good option for giving and material for construction will take a little. The dimensions of the entire building are 4800x4600 mm. A structure is being erected from a bar, a wooden board and a slat. There are quite a few similar kitchens with baths, since everything you need can be placed in such a limited space:

  • steam room or sauna;
  • dressing room or dressing room;
  • kitchen area and living room;
  • veranda.

Note! The sketch shown in the figure above clearly shows that in one small room there was a living room with a corner sofa and a dining table, and a gas stove, a sink and a work surface were successfully located in the corner.

Saunas with a kitchen more than 40 m 2

Those who like to relax in comfort will have to allocate a larger area for a bath with a summer kitchen. In this case, there are no restrictions. There are projects with an area of ​​45, 50, 60 or even 80 and 100 m2. Such dimensions are worthy of a spacious residential building, not like a bathhouse with a summer kitchen. Here are examples of spacious buildings that combine a bath or sauna with a summer kitchen.

In the figure above, a bath with a kitchen area of ​​​​45.19 m 2. The whole building is divided into two parts: closed and open. In the closed part there is a steam room, a washing room, a toilet, a rest room and a vestibule, but the open part consists of a spacious terrace and a kitchen area. It is noteworthy that in this unique sauna combined with a kitchen, the cooking zone and the firebox are located nearby. The fact is that the stove in this case is used for cooking and at the same time for heating the heater located in the steam room - very convenient and economical.

Well, this spacious bath with a kitchen area has the size of a small residential building of 51.7 square meters. m. In the closed part of the building there is a fairly spacious shower room, a steam room, a spacious dressing room, it is also a rest room, a bathroom and a vestibule. Under the open shed there is a stove, barbecue, barbecue and a large table with chairs. The structure is made of glued laminated timber - this is an environmentally friendly material that perfectly retains heat, which is very valuable for a bath.

This project features a huge sauna with a swimming pool and a summer kitchen. The largest room with a pool is 32.3 m 2 , and the entire building has an area of ​​94.5 m 2 . The second largest is the rest room, combined with the kitchen. The latter is given a small corner, and the rest of the space is reserved for the sofa and dining table. The steam room in this case is wonderful, spacious and conveniently located next to the rest room. There is also a shower room, toilet, pump room, vestibule and a fairly large terrace.

Note! There are two entrances to this room at once, one from the side of the pool, and the other from the side of the terrace.

You can see a much less grandiose bath in the figure above. Its area is 66.24 sq. m. In the corner of the building there is a steam room, next to a shower room, a rest room and a vestibule. The vestibule opens onto a terrace of 15 sq. m. It has a brazier and a round dining table, where you can eat freshly cooked shish kebab right in the fresh air. The bathhouse was built entirely from calibrated logs and looks just great.

So, no matter what project you choose, remember that a bathhouse with a summer kitchen is filled not with chic furnishings, but with the warmth of the hearts of your friends and relatives. Arrange holidays for yourself and your loved ones more often, and a spacious sauna is just a means to make yourself and others a little happier!

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Kitchen in the bath: 3 stages of arrangement and planning

A country house is a place of attraction for friends and relatives of its owners. And the owners themselves always try to make it comfortable for themselves and for guests. Why are they also building a bathhouse, a guest house, a summer kitchen, a gazebo on the site. Separately, these buildings take up a lot of space. But a bathhouse, a summer kitchen and a veranda under one roof allow you to save both space and money.

Other combinations are also possible. Let's talk about them, as well as how to equip the kitchen with a bath.

Stage 1. How to make a bath with a kitchen

If you are going to build or rebuild a bath, equipping it with a kitchen, you need to think about the following nuances:

  • Location on site. It is necessary to comply with fire regulations by placing the building at a certain distance from the residential building and the neighbor's fence. At the same time trying to choose a convenient place.

  • Built-up area. If there is not much space, you will have to choose a compact project, abandoning not the most necessary functional areas.
  • Intensity and seasonality of operation. A bathhouse with a terrace and a summer kitchen on it requires less construction costs than a capital soapbox for year-round use. No need to build a vestibule, engage in insulation and carry out winter plumbing.

Depending on this, a finished project is selected or an individual one is created.

A set of rooms in the bath with a kitchen

It would seem, why, in the presence of a well-maintained house and a kitchen, does it need another one in the bathhouse? Some don't need to.

But if you like to take a steam bath in comfort, if you often have soulful companies, or you just like to cook and eat outdoors, a summer kitchen is a must. And its combination with a bath is an optimization of space and a reduction in the cost of construction.

What premises should or can be in such a complex?

  • Steam and washing departments. Better isolated from each other. Although the option is possible and one steam room with the opportunity to wash right there.
  • Dressing room or vestibule. It is necessary if the bath is operated in winter, so as not to let cold air into it from the street and leave outerwear.
  • Restroom. It usually houses the kitchen, and the room itself is divided into two zones - a dining area and a cooking area. Its size is determined by the number of guests. If you have large companies, most of it should be allocated to a dining area with a large table.
  • bathroom. Like the vestibule, it is very desirable when operating the bath all year round. But in the summer building you can do without it if there is a toilet on the site.

Rooms such as a bedroom, a billiard room or a swimming pool are not mandatory. But if there is a place and an opportunity, they definitely will not be superfluous.

Kitchen functionality

How and what the rest room with a kitchen will be equipped with depends on the number of people resting in it at the same time, and on the seasonality of use, and on your culinary preferences.

The following options are possible:

  • With minimal functionality. If the kitchen is needed only to relax between water procedures, after drinking a cup of tea, an electric kettle or a samovar and one or two cabinets for storing dishes and tea accessories will be enough.

  • With extended functionality. In order not to carry dirty dishes into the house and be able to cook or heat food, it is advisable to supplement the kitchen with a sink and hob. If the room is not heated in winter, the water will have to be drained and blocked.

  • Full kitchen. Beer lovers and a cheerful company, in addition to the stove and sink in the bath kitchen, a refrigerator and a large table with enough seats will be very useful. It will also be convenient to process fruits and vegetables into winter preparations here.

  • Kitchen with oven. An oven with a hob, a brazier and a barbecue is an excellent solution for a kitchen located on a terrace attached to the bathhouse. At any time of the year, regardless of the availability of gas or electricity, you can cook many delicious dishes for a large company. In summer, such a kitchen can be used as a place for daily rest and without visiting the bathhouse.

These are the most common options. You may have your own requirements for dimensions and equipment. It is desirable to take them all into account when choosing a bath project with a living room and a kitchen.

Stage 2. Heating and communications

A bathhouse will not be a bathhouse if there are no sources of heat and water in it. Yes, and without electricity and a system for removing wastewater is indispensable. All this is necessary in the kitchen.


The choice of a sauna stove is a very important point. It is influenced by many factors:

  • Thermal energy source- firewood, gas or electricity;
  • Presence of other rooms that need to be heated;
  • Your financial and technical capabilities.

A wood-burning stove can become a link between the kitchen and the steam room. It will simultaneously heat the steam room and serve as a stove for cooking. And if you have planned a bath with a kitchen and a bedroom on the attic floor, the latter will be heated from a chimney passing through the bedroom to the roof.

But you can install a stove only for a bath, and heat the rest of the rooms, including the kitchen, in a different way - with heaters, a floor heating system, etc. In the case of an electric sauna or a metal “potbelly stove” instead of a heater, this is a completely acceptable solution.

Network engineering

If the bath complex is operated only in the warm season, there are no problems with providing it with water, provided that there is a source near the source. It is quite another thing when it is used for its intended purpose all year round.

And a full-fledged kitchen and a bathroom, which are part of the complex, dictate special requirements for the installation of a wastewater disposal system.

Even a non-specialist can make wiring for water supply and sanitation from plastic pipes. It is much more difficult to ensure its performance in the winter.

Instructions for the water supply of premises that are not constantly operated may be different. The most commonly used solutions are:

  • Draining water from the system after each visit to the bath in winter. Why is a drain valve installed at the very bottom of the wiring. However, in severe frosts, even a small amount of water left in taps and faucets can break them when frozen. Therefore, it is desirable to provide a method for purging the system.

  • Insulation and heating of pipes. To prevent the liquid in the pipeline from freezing, the main line from the water supply source is laid below the freezing level of the soil. All pipes above this level, including internal wiring, are electrically heated with a special heating cable. It automatically maintains the temperature of the water in the system at a given level.

  • Constant heating of the bath complex. It is enough to maintain positive temperature in the bath so that the water in the system does not freeze.

The last two options require a constant power supply. With frequent power outages, there is a risk of freezing the water supply. In addition, the price of electricity is now quite high, which makes it unprofitable to use these schemes with infrequent use of the bath.

As for the sewerage system, if there is a kitchen, a simple drain hole made of car tires is indispensable. Fat and food waste contained in the drains will quickly clog the soil and interfere with natural filtration.

Therefore, it is better to direct drains from a bathhouse with a kitchen to a centralized sewerage system or to think over a system with an autonomous septic tank.

Another important point is the ventilation of the premises. So that smells from the kitchen do not penetrate into the steam room, and moisture does not stagnate in the washing department, it is necessary to foresee in the project a system of natural or forced ventilation.

Stage 3. Projects of baths with a kitchen

For those who find it difficult to decide on the layout of the bath and provide for all the nuances of its construction, it is better to use ready-made projects or order an individual one from specialists. But it won’t be superfluous to first familiarize yourself with the possible options.

Look at the plans below. Perhaps one of them will suit you by itself or with minor changes.

Summer kitchen with stove on the sauna terrace


Baths can be different. Someone makes a simple small bath, and someone builds a large building with many rooms. If a steam room, a washing room and a rest room (tambour) are mandatory in any bath, then other rooms are at the discretion of the owner.

Among the additional amenities in the bathhouse, which can take your vacation to a new level, you can highlight the kitchen.

Bath projects with a kitchen and a room are popular, because at a low cost they make it possible to get a full-fledged place to relax, where you can relax in the fresh air, go to the bathhouse and have a picnic.

Bath project with kitchen: advantages

As already mentioned, the main advantage of having a kitchen is the ability to have a picnic. If there is no full-fledged kitchen, then you have to cut salads, lay out food right in the rest room, which is far from always convenient. Between trips to the steam room, of course, you want to drink tea. But for this you need a kettle, and here the kitchen will come in handy.

In addition, a bathhouse with a kitchen can replace a guest house or even a country house. Of course, this is true if you do not have a small building, but, for example, a comfortable one with a bathroom, a rest room, or even several. Guests or even the owners themselves can stay overnight in it if there is no house on the site.

Another advantage follows from this - saving space. If you have a bathhouse with all the premises necessary for rest and overnight stay, then there is no need to build a separate house, which allows you to significantly save money, because, obviously, building a house is an expensive process, and you also do not occupy additional space on the site, which is especially true if it is small.

Some prefer the summer kitchen, i.e. located on the terrace. It also has a number of advantages. In particular, such a building is economically beneficial, since fewer materials are required for its construction.

Savings are provided due to the fact that one oven will be used simultaneously for heating the steam room and cooking - this significantly reduces fuel consumption.

With a summer kitchen, there are fewer difficulties with organizing the hood. Since it will be in the fresh air, it is obvious that the smells will instantly disappear, so there is no need to do additional in the bath itself.

In addition, agree that it is more pleasant to relax on a warm day in the fresh air, and not in a stuffy room. Of course, you can have a picnic directly on the street, but in this case you need to make sure that there is no rain. If your kitchen is located on the terrace, then the roof will protect from rain and eliminate the need to hide in the rest room.

Kitchen with a bath: projects, photos

As already mentioned, the projects of baths with a relaxation room and a kitchen can be different - their choice is unlimited. When choosing a project, you need to take into account the size of the site, the size of the company you plan to go to the bath, as well as the size of the budget.

A more complex option is the location of the kitchen in a separate room. In this case, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building will be larger, but all the smells that appear during the cooking process will not enter the rest room.

Summer kitchen projects with a bath are popular. Photos of such buildings are presented below:

As mentioned earlier, a convenient option would be to position the stove so that it passes through the terrace and the steam room at the same time. In this case, during its operation, a smaller amount of raw materials will be spent, which will save.

If you have a large budget and a spacious plot, you can do it. The kitchen can be located from the edge of the building or use it to connect the gazebo and the bath. Lots of options!

If the terrace is spacious, then you can install a pool in it, then you can not only have a snack between trips to the steam room, but also cool off in the cool water of the pool.

When building a spacious and expensive bath, be sure to provide for the presence of a bathroom. It will not take up much space (it is enough to allocate about 1.5-2 square meters), but the level of comfort will rise significantly. This is especially true for a year-round bath, because in winter running to the toilet in a neighboring building, and even more so on the street, is an unpleasant and dangerous occupation.

If there is already a full-fledged country house on the territory, but you are forced to park the cars right on the street, then we suggest considering a garage project with a bathhouse and a kitchen. This option will be more convenient and cheaper than building a separate garage and bath.

Combining these two buildings with different functionality is not so difficult, only it will be necessary to seriously approach the issue of waterproofing, since there is always a high level of humidity in the bath, and this is unacceptable for a garage.

You can make a garage for one or two cars, depending on your needs. You can connect the bathhouse and the garage with a door or limit yourself to exits to the street. If you are going to go to the steam room not only in summer, but also in winter, then the first option will be preferable.

Bath project with a summer kitchen

Despite the fact that the bath is quite compact (5x6 m), everything you need fits in it. There is a steam room, a washing room, a rest room, a bathroom and a small terrace with a summer kitchen.

Of course, the project is not designed for a large company, but for a family it is a great option. If you put not benches and chairs in the rest room, but, for example, a folding sofa or chairs, then you can stay overnight in the bathhouse.

Kitchen project with sauna and terrace

This project provides for a closed kitchen located in a separate room. Such a project is suitable for those who want to have not only a bathhouse on the site, but also a guest house.

The presence of a vestibule makes it possible to go to the bathhouse not only in warm weather, but also in cold weather. A small steam room is provided here, while the shower room is spacious, so you can put a font or even a compact pool in it.

Garage project with sauna and summer kitchen

This option is optimal for those who already have a separate house on the site, but do not have a garage and a bathhouse. The combination of these two buildings of different purposes makes it possible to save the area of ​​​​the site by rationally using every meter.

The advantage of the garage with a sauna project presented below is that here the sauna and the garage are located at a distance from each other, they are separated by a summer kitchen and a terrace, so there is no need to make reinforced waterproofing to protect the garage from the high humidity inherent in the steam room and washing.

Corner bath project with kitchen

A corner bath is a compact option that allows you to place a spacious building even in a small area. This project provides for a small steam room (sauna), a shower, while a spacious relaxation room and a terrace are made.

The kitchen is built in as a niche in the rest room, which is quite convenient, because it does not take up much space, while everything you need for cooking can easily fit in it.

Bath project with kitchen, terrace and bathroom

A spacious building 15.2x6.9 m can easily replace a full-fledged country house. It has everything you need for a comfortable life: a spacious kitchen, dining-living room, bathroom. The project also provides for everything for relaxation: a steam room, a washing room, a locker room, a vestibule and a terrace with a summer kitchen.

This project, of course, is expensive to implement, but it is worth it. In summer, you can have a picnic in the summer kitchen, even in rainy weather, because the terrace has a roof. In winter, you can hide in the house, which also has its own kitchen.

Convenient is the presence of two separate entrances: one from the side of the bath, and the other through the terrace into the dining room-living room.


Among the buildings united under one roof, in Russia the most popular project is a bathhouse with a kitchen. The fact is that in our country summer cottages are usually small in size, so their owners have to save literally every meter. The option of combining a bath and a kitchen allows you not to equip them in a living room, which dramatically increases the level of comfort in it.

Pros of bath projects with a kitchen

A bath with a kitchen, as well as its project, have many advantages, which determine the high popularity of this type of building among Russians. The first positive aspect of the construction of such a building is the fact that in this way you move out of the living area those premises in which unpleasant odors are formed, large volumes of wastewater are generated, and household work is also performed.

The second plus is the possibility of saving land on the site. The fact is that summer cottages in Russia usually do not exceed six acres, and if buildings are erected on them separately, the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site will be occupied. Using the option of a combined building, you can significantly save land, and use the saved space for other purposes. If you need to expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building, you can always choose a bath project with a summer kitchen.

The third plus is savings on building materials and engineering communications. So, building a bathhouse and a kitchen in the same building, you can save up to 20% of the amount allocated for construction. At the same time, it is much easier to comply with fire safety rules and building codes in combined construction. This is also important, as it allows you to avoid subsequently large fines from the control and supervisory authorities.

And another advantage of combining a bath and a kitchen is the fact that the projects of combined buildings are much cheaper than stand-alone ones. This is due to the fact that not always homeowners who own large land plots erect combined buildings on them, preferring to build separate buildings.

Options for combining different buildings

There are several options for combining buildings for different purposes on one roof. So, for example, the most popular is the project of a kitchen combined with a bath. This is due to the fact that in rural areas and outside the city at their summer cottage, the issues of cooking and hygiene are paramount.

The direct expression of this combination occurs in the form of building premises with different entrances, arranging a summer kitchen on the veranda, placing part of the utility rooms in the attic or on the second floor. Also, sometimes they are limited to arranging a cooking zone during the bath, which is used in the warm season. A brazier is usually installed here, sometimes a hearth is folded, tables and chairs are placed.

In addition, bath projects with a relaxation room and a kitchen are very popular. This is already a whole architectural complex, which is built according to its own laws. So, for example, if you choose this project, you will have to take care of arranging good ventilation and waterproofing. These systems will allow you to timely remove excess moisture and unpleasant odors from the room, which will positively affect the level of comfort in the guest room.

Well, the last option for combining premises, which is very popular with Russians, is the project of a garage, a summer kitchen, a bathhouse. This construction option allows you to create protection for the car, while building a steam room. The downside here is the unpleasant smells of gasoline and engine oil, which can penetrate into the bathhouse. In addition, the State Fire Supervision may not give permission for such construction, since such a "tandem" is extremely dangerous in terms of the possibility of a fire.

Selection of material for the construction of a combined bath

As for the materials from which you can build a bath, combined with another building, it is usually:

  • wood;
  • brick;
  • foam blocks.

A bath with a summer kitchen, projects built of wood are good because they are relatively inexpensive. In addition, wood is a good thermal insulator, and therefore you will spend a small amount of fuel in order to heat your sauna. Wooden buildings look great from the outside, and the traditional Russian banya has always been built of wood.

As for the disadvantages of wooden construction, there are two of them. The first minus is that the tree is very afraid of moisture. So, due to high humidity, pockets of decay can occur in it, so all wooden buildings need good waterproofing. The second disadvantage is susceptibility to fire. In this regard, wooden buildings must be built at a distance from residential buildings, as well as treated with flame retardant compounds that prevent the fire of wooden structures.

If you choose a brick bath-kitchen project, then you should remember that for this building you will have to prepare a lot of fuel, since brick buildings are heated for a long time. In addition, the construction of a brick bath is much more expensive than all other construction options, since the brick itself is more expensive than both wood and foam concrete. Of the pluses, we can mention the absolute incombustibility of a brick structure, as well as the fact that they are not afraid of moisture.

Remember also that brick baths require the construction of a sufficiently powerful foundation, as they have serious weight. This is especially true for buildings with 2 floors. At the same time, such a foundation must be adapted for the organization of a good sewer system.

If you need a bathhouse with a kitchen and a terrace and their foam concrete projects, then you need to remember that this construction option is one of the most popular lately. Its advantages:

  • good level of thermal insulation comparable to timber;
  • blocks made of aerated concrete do not emit harmful substances when heated, while they do not rot and are not afraid of exposure to aggressive chemicals, rodents do not settle in them, and microorganisms do not develop;
  • walls made of foam blocks are assembled an order of magnitude faster than walls made of brick and wood;
  • due to the fact that this material is very light, you do not need to build a massive foundation, a strip foundation buried in the ground below its freezing point is quite suitable.

In addition, the bath project and its photo with a summer kitchen built of foam concrete are very easy to find on the Internet. But there is only one minus of such construction - a high degree of moisture permeability of foamed concrete. As a result, you will have to fork out additionally for the arrangement of good ventilation and waterproofing.

Placement of a combined bath on the site

Another aspect of choosing a project for a bath is to determine its location on the land. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the location of several heterogeneous buildings under one roof requires an appropriate organization on the land. So the project of a bathhouse with a kitchen and a relaxation room requires additional space in front of the building to organize a recreation area, and a garage-bath will need to be built near the exit to the street.

In addition, building codes and regulations establish special requirements for the placement of a bath, depending on how far it is from other buildings. For example, from a residential building it can be erected no closer than 5 meters. This should also be taken into account in joint construction, since, for example, not all housewives will like the fact that they have to go to a room far enough from a residential building to cook food.

At the same time, construction will need to be carried out exclusively from the leeward side, since in this case, in case of a possible fire, the fire will not turn blue on residential buildings. As for the placement of windows, in the bath they should be installed on the western side of the building, since there is more sun here. It also makes sense to put a bathhouse on the shore of a reservoir, if possible. By doing this, you will make it easier for yourself to supply it with water, and during the bath procedures you will be very pleased to take a cold bath after the steam room.

In this case, it will be necessary to place it so that it stands on some hill. This is done in order to ensure the possibility of water runoff during the spring flood, thereby preventing its possible flooding during the spring flood. In addition, there is such a trick as installing the front door on the south side. In this case, a small amount of snow will be swept near it, as a result of which it will be possible to open it easily.

However, there are also restricted areas where the construction of a bath is in no case impossible. These are places near neighbors' plots and the street. The fact is that this will require obtaining a special permit, and neighbors are far from always able to give it. In addition, it is worth avoiding the construction of baths on weak soils, since the wastewater flowing from the bath can wash them away, as a result of which the building can crack and even collapse.

If you like a bathhouse with a summer kitchen and a terrace, its project may involve 2 construction options: on your own or with the involvement of professional builders.

The advantage of attracting professionals is that they will build you a turnkey building as soon as possible, but if you build a bath yourself, you can save quite a lot on construction.

Features of the construction of foam concrete baths

If you decide to build a combined bath on your own, then we advise you to choose foam concrete. The fact is that this material is light enough to make walls out of it without the use of heavy construction equipment. At the same time, the laying of aerated benton blocks can be carried out at temperatures from +5 ºС to +25 ºС. When the temperature reaches the upper bar, the surface of the aerated concrete blocks will need to be moistened with water. In winter, an antifreeze additive will have to be added to the concrete solution in order to be able to build at low temperatures.

When building premises from aerated concrete, horizontal waterproofing is mandatory between the foundation and the masonry, the main purpose of which is to ensure its protection from moisture. For this, roofing material or other materials based on bitumen are used. In addition, the industry produces special polymer-cement mortars in the form of dry mixes.

Usually, before starting the laying of foam concrete blocks, the foundation is leveled. After that, you can start laying out the first row. For this, a flat horizontal surface is set, which can facilitate the laying of subsequent rows as much as possible. When laying concrete, constantly check the surface for horizontal evenness and correct cornering. If you find minor irregularities, you can straighten them with a standard planer.

You can prepare the masonry mixture yourself or order it from a construction company. At the same time, during the laying process, the block must be installed on the applied mixture within 15 minutes, if you install it later, it will not seize with it. It is worth paying special attention to the blocks of the tongue-and-groove form. The fact is that here the building mixture must be applied both in the groove and on the crest of the block. In this case, the laying of blocks is usually carried out with dressing in half a block.

Masonry is usually reinforced with reinforcement. To do this, use a special reinforcing mesh. Reinforcement protects the walls of the building from deformation in case of shrinkage of the building.

As for the operation of a combined foam concrete bath, during its use it is necessary to periodically check the walls and other elements of the building for signs of decay. In addition, it is also worth periodically checking the hydro and vapor barrier for its integrity. Such measures will allow you to operate your bath with virtually no repairs for 50 years.

Projects of baths with a gazebo: how to combine under one roof?

Bathhouses with gazebos under one roof are comfortable and functional. A small extension plays a decorative role, allowing you to take the rest room outside. And if you also plan a barbecue, then the place for taking bath procedures can be retrained into a full-fledged place to relax.

Let's see what modern projects of baths with gazebos offer in this regard, they are presented in the photo below.

Typical solution with a gazebo 9x6 meters

Rounded or skinned logs, a gable roof and a small veranda in front of the entrance.

Inside the premises are not replete with the presence of rooms for various purposes, but for bath procedures there is everything you need: a relaxation room, a shower room and a steam room.

In this project, more interior spaces are laid, although the terrace also has good dimensions. Large lounge, vestibule and corridor. Convenient location of the furnace. Entrance to it from the terrace.

All rooms in this project have proportional dimensions.

A chic bath project with a gazebo and a barbecue.

The project of a bathhouse with a gazebo and an open-type barbecue

Above are three projects of baths with a gazebo and a barbecue. Each version has different variations in the ratio of rooms. In general, a barbecue in the bathhouse and a gazebo under the roof are a convenient combination of the usefulness of procedures and comfort.

Designers in all three layouts made various biases in terms of delimiting rooms. In one, more space is allocated for a gazebo and a barbecue than for a washing department, in others, on the contrary, there is more emphasis on increasing the dimensions of the main rooms.

This project successfully combines an aesthetic appearance: a covered veranda and a convenient location of the interior.

Japanese style.

Oriental motifs allow you to imagine the location of the premises in your own way. Large comfortable gazebo, sauna and washing rooms.

Another interesting solution.

Another original project. Bathhouse with a gazebo built in several transitions. Comfortable and original in its own way. From the main premises, after taking the procedures, you can go to the gazebo with a barbecue, and then there is another resting place with benches and tables.

The project of a reliable and beautiful summer kitchen with a bath

Profitable project

Table gatherings after the bath are an integral part of the tradition. Having a glass of fragrant tea with your best friends after a steam room is a real pleasure. That is why recently the construction of baths with a summer kitchen has been very popular.

This combination has many advantages. Firstly, it allows you to relax comfortably and not to run far after the bath procedures. Secondly, the summer kitchen can serve as a terrace or veranda, providing an opportunity to enjoy the fresh air.

Choosing a bathhouse project with a summer kitchen

There are a lot of projects of such buildings today. A summer kitchen can simply mean a small shed or a spacious room with a barbecue area, a bar counter and many more attributes. Very popular are projects with a second floor or attic, where the bedrooms and guest rooms are located. In this case, you don’t even need to build the main country house, because in a bathhouse with living rooms, you can live quite well all summer. An extensive cellar is often placed under the summer kitchen, where you can store inventory and all kinds of useful utensils. By the way, if the kitchen looks like a terrace and is not glazed, then the cellar usually remains untouched by intruders, because they simply do not know about the presence of such a room.

Bath projects with a summer veranda should be selected based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. Considering that the place for construction will be non-standard for many, the project can be made individual. In any case, it is not too difficult to build such a structure, therefore, when designing, it is possible to realize almost any fantasy. At the same time, it is much easier to remake a finished project to fit your needs.

Almost all modern designs of baths with an open kitchen include a bathroom. Its equipment, of course, requires additional effort and costs during construction, but, as practice shows, a toilet near the kitchen is necessary. This is especially true if feasts are held frequently and include drinking alcohol and cooking barbecue.

Advice from the master!

It is better to place a bathroom in the far part of the building, away from the steam room, so that unpleasant odors do not penetrate into it.

Foundation for a bath with a kitchen

The foundation of the bath can be tape or columnar. The latter is preferable, since it is recommended to install the house on a certain elevation - this will contribute to the removal of moisture, as well as eliminate problems in the maintenance of communications. If a strip foundation is being constructed, then at least vents should be made to ventilate the underground space. For small projects, a foundation slab will also work, but you need to do it on a solid and stable ground. But if the soil is weak, and even the site can be flooded in the spring, then the only possibility for construction is to use screw piles. Some people install buildings on screw piles right in the middle of the reservoir - it turns out very effectively and conveniently, especially if you make a roof near the summer kitchen that can be moved to sunbathe.

The main requirement for the foundation is that it must be durable and not be afraid of moisture. Even if the plumbing is very reliable, there will always be high humidity in the bath area. Therefore, it is better to additionally protect any material, including concrete, with special impregnation. And when using screw piles, choose modifications with polymer corrosion protection.

Despite the fact that the mass of the building will be small, it is necessary to lay the foundation below the depth of soil freezing. Otherwise, after the first winter, the structure may warp, and even a major overhaul will not save from further destruction. At the same time, at the location of the summer kitchen, the foundation must be as strong as under the main building, then the load on the house will be distributed evenly. If the structure is stone, the foundation must be made more solid.

Laying the strip foundation

Advice from the master!

When building a basement or cellar, it is best to make several large holes around the perimeter of the site using a drilling rig, insert reinforcement into them and pour concrete. When everything hardens, dig a hole, tie the space between the columns and the floor with reinforcement and also pour concrete, thus obtaining a stone box. Then you can install a monolithic concrete or metal frame on the columns - it is difficult to imagine a more durable structure.

Bath walls

The walls of the baths are usually made of wood. It is an excellent material, lightweight and environmentally friendly. Most often, a bar or a rounded log is used. The only drawback of wood is that it is quickly destroyed by fire, so you need to carefully monitor the stove in the bathhouse, and also smokers during feasts.

When building walls, insulation will definitely be required. Given that the bath is built from environmentally friendly wood, the insulation should also be harmless. Jute and moss would be great options.

Assembling the log cabin

When building stone walls, it is very important to remember about vapor barrier. If foam concrete was chosen as the material, then you will also have to perform an external finish that will protect the blocks from moisture from the outside.

To finish the baths from the inside, a lining made of wood is usually used. It is best to sheathe the inner walls of the summer kitchen with it. But living quarters can be trimmed with plasterboard and wallpapered or painted.

With independent construction, it is very important to observe the geometry of the walls, monitor their horizontal and vertical deviations, and also observe the construction technology. Two-story stone buildings must at least have a seismic belt and be stable.

When a summer kitchen is being built, the walls can not be made large, but concentrated on glazing. The ideal option is to use sliding or removable windows. Very often, when finishing a summer kitchen with a bath, they forget about wall insulation or consider this operation inappropriate. Meanwhile, the presence of warm walls and high-quality windows allows you to make the veranda heated and use it for your pleasure even in winter. By the way, if you equip a steam room next to the entrance to the kitchen, you don’t even need heating in winter - all the heat will come from there.

Advice from the master!

If desired, you can think over the heating system from the stove. Some build a single stove, from which heat not only enters the heater, but can also be used for cooking. In a word, there can be many different kinds of unusual ideas in such a design.

Bath roof

If the bath implies the presence of an upper floor with bedrooms or a residential attic, then the roof must be insulated. If the attic is empty, only the ceiling of the upper floor will need to be insulated.

It is best to use the standard rafter system. The more precipitation falls in the region, the steeper the roof slopes should be. Flat roof projects are rarely used, except that a heavy-duty reinforced concrete monolithic structure is being erected, and a stone ceiling is used as a roof. In this case, the bath can even be covered with a soft roof.

Assembling the truss system

The wooden truss system lasts a long time, weighs little and can be used for most modern coatings. As a rule, soft or metal tiles are used to cover the roof. It is undesirable to use the second material if the attic is residential, because during rain it creates a lot of noise. When erecting a roof, one should not forget that a space made of roofing iron must be equipped around the pipe for the stove so that it does not melt the coating. Although the pipe can be launched on the outside of the building. And when using electric stoves, a pipe is not needed at all.

The roof can be made from different materials. For example, install a metal tile over the bath, and lay a soft coating over the kitchen. If you want to create a bright kitchen, you can use a roof made of polycarbonate or some other transparent material. Features of the construction of the roof of such buildings are to choose the right balance of design and strength. Therefore, summer kitchen projects are not always successful. Many buildings that look very beautiful are short-lived.

Bath project with a veranda under one roof

A bath with a veranda has its own unique charm. Currently, projects with open and closed terraces are used, depending on the size.

The main requirements that the terrace must fulfill:

  • comfortable wide porch;
  • spacious outdoor space.

The veranda is a great place to relax, so it is important to think about the style of its design. In addition, at the stage of designing a bath with a veranda, you need to consider the option of entering the terrace: in the form of a rigid structure, or by attaching it to the wall of the bath. The bath and the terrace are built from the same material. Using the professional advice of a designer, you can choose a finished project, supplement it with the design of house terraces. Projects of a closed bath with a veranda under one roof solve the following tasks:

  • the use of free space (for organizing tea parties);
  • use of the veranda for relaxing outside the bathhouse;
  • creation of additional space for domestic purposes.

Choosing a bath project with a veranda

The project can be searched on the Internet, studying numerous construction sites. There are certain subtleties that need to be considered when choosing a bath project with an attic and a veranda:

  • bath size;
  • allowable cost of construction work;
  • territory for construction;
  • number of interior spaces;
  • time frame for the construction of the object.

The project of a bath with a log terrace

Among the "favorites" we highlight the projects of baths with verandas made of timber. A closed veranda leads directly to the bathhouse. The railings on the porch are made by hand, amaze with their beauty. The bath corridor has three doors:

  • to the rest room;
  • in a steam room;
  • shower room with pool.
  1. At the first stage of the construction of a bathhouse with a terrace, a log house is erected from profiled timber. The technology of its manufacture is similar to the construction of walls for the house. They fold the frame from the crowns, the strapping is done on the foundation. The lower side of the salary is treated with an antiseptic, covered with a special waterproof mastic.
  2. In the bath, internal frame-panel partitions are made. For their assembly, bars 50 by 50 mm are used, they are laid with heat-insulating material, then the partition is sheathed with wooden clapboard. Doors for the bath room are selected durable, resistant to temperature extremes - doors - an array.
  3. Aspen is used as the material used for cladding the ceiling and walls in the steam room. A special heat-reflecting foil is attached under the aspen lining. Pine and spruce are used to decorate the rest of the bath rooms. A finishing floor made of grooved boards (thickness 34-36 mm) is used in the rest room.

When building an overall bath with a small veranda (2 by 4 m), intended for household needs, you can significantly save money (there is no need to draw up a veranda).

Of interest is the project of a bath with a spacious veranda with 2-3 windows on one side, a blank wall with a bath on the other side. Such a space of the veranda can be divided into two zones: for relaxation and tea drinking.

Construction companies specializing in the construction of baths offer summer houses with baths and verandas, ideal for summer cottages. The house has an impressive size, a wide veranda, a steam room. The bath according to the project is being built on the ground floor, equipped with a bathroom, there is a rest room, as well as a washing room. On the attic (second floor) there is a living room and two bedrooms.

Advice! Such a combined bath project is suitable for a comfortable summer holiday.

Designing a bath with an attic

The construction of the attic is carried out in conjunction with the construction of the bath itself. Otherwise, there will be no strong fixation; in winter, the veranda will “move away” from the main frame. To eliminate the gap between the house and the veranda, a plinth is used.

At the cottage and the veranda itself, they make the same foundation. It is important to carefully calculate it so that cracks and distortions do not appear on the veranda. Recently, in the bath project, it is planned to build a terrace with sliding walls. You can stop the bath with a traditional veranda into an open terrace.

For problematic terrain, multi-level baths with terraces attached to them are suitable.

Bath plan 6x4 with a veranda

The construction of a separate bath with a rest room will be a costly undertaking. The most common is the 4 by 4 bath project with a veranda, designed for a family of 4-6 people.

Construction materials

Attention! Before starting construction work, you need to decide on the material.

You can purchase a ready-made bath frame, build it on your own, using several bars. If desired, you can build a 6x6 bath with an attic, making a washing, steam room.

  1. The beam is a common material for the construction of baths. Its ecological characteristics fully allow you to feel the pleasure of visiting the bath. The tightness of a wooden frame is ensured by linen gaskets, they are made between each row of timber. A log cabin does not require special additional decoration. The thermal insulation characteristics of wood do not require the use of special insulating materials, you can save a lot.
  2. Before drawing up a plan for a 6x4 bath with a veranda, it is important to consider some of the nuances:
    • the number of those who will use the bath room;
    • analyze the need for a special place for swimming;
    • provide a place to accommodate a steam room, washing room, dressing room;
    • the bath area should not be less than 10 m2.

A complete plan for a 6x4 bath with a veranda involves a sewer channel, a system for hot and cold water, a ventilation duct, and electrical wiring. All systems must fully comply with fire safety regulations. A distinctive feature of the 6 by 6 project is the arrangement of an additional terrace.

Building layout

Any bath 6 by 3 with a veranda involves the construction of a dressing room or vestibule.

It allows you to keep warm in the cold weather in the steam room. In addition, you can adjust the body to warm bath air using the vestibule.

Advice! It is advisable to make a shower room with a pool between the dressing room and the steam room.

Before starting construction work, check with the professionals for the usefulness of your project for baths with an attic and a veranda, put all the necessary seals in various departments.

Construction of a log house 4x4 or 6x4

In the steam room, you can put wooden stools, mount shelves. The best option for professionals is the installation of a sauna stove - a heater, completely ready for operation. The bath project provides for the arrangement of ventilation, sewerage, electricity after all construction work is completed.

It is not for nothing that they say that before starting construction, it never hurts to consult a good architect. After all, we are used to thinking in a stereotyped, simple way, and therefore we also see the future bathhouse on our own site quite simply - a steam room as a steam room. But it turns out that this building is being built today according to the most unimaginable projects - what are the photos of a bathhouse with a gazebo or a built-in pool, not to mention the second floor. This is how the projects of baths with a gazebo are becoming more popular day by day, especially since there is nothing tricky in the construction of such steam rooms - one sheer savings.

  • 3 Detailed consideration of all stages of construction
  • 4 Bathhouses-houses-arbors - whether to combine everything together?

What are the advantages of the location of the gazebo, coupled with the bath?

In fact, a bathhouse with a gazebo has a lot of significant advantages:

  • Such a structure is much cheaper than a separate bathhouse and a gazebo. After all, in this case everything is built on the same foundation, common piping and under one roof.
  • Thanks to such a project, once and for all, the problem of a style combination of a gazebo and a bath disappears.
  • From the gazebo to the bath, you no longer need to make a blind area or paths - they are already together.
  • In the summertime, a sauna gazebo can be safely used as a guest house or as a summer kitchen.

Construction features and examples of projects

Photos of a bathhouse with a gazebo are always especially beautiful and bewitching - you just want to dial the company number under them and order this architectural miracle for the whole weekend. But its design is quite simple - the “envelope” roof combines a full-fledged bathhouse and a spacious terrace, and the whole building seems to be one chic large gazebo.

Sauna and gazebo under one roof - ready project for construction

Another option is a bathhouse with a gazebo and barbecue

Experts advise making the floors of the gazebo of the bath not slab-concrete, but wooden, and raised in level - so that none of the vacationers' feet freeze. For this purpose, a special terrace board is well suited, which must be laid with small gaps. It is only important that it does not have sharp edges.

Project number 3 - with an impressive gazebo

The best modern solution for a bathhouse with a gazebo is lockable light original frames on an aluminum profile. They will perfectly protect from bad weather, and even in winter, with a flooded barbecue oven, you can sit with friends over a cup of aromatic coffee. And on summer evenings, transparent shutters will save you from annoying mosquitoes.

Why is it not surprising that many owners of such baths even spend the night with their families in such pavilions at the bath, waking up every morning to the songs of nightingales.

Option for building a building combined with a summer kitchen

Detailed consideration of all stages of construction

For example, consider a project for a bath project with a gazebo, which involves the use of a 3x3 log house. It is only important that the timber be impregnated with mining and bitumen. As the foundation of the bath, old columns are suitable.

And the construction scheme is as follows:

  • Step 1. For a log house, a strapping is made, roofing material is placed on top.
  • Step 2. Now you need to lay the most difficult first rows - preferably on moss that has been proven for centuries.
  • Step 3. During the laying of the log house, you can do the strapping of the dressing room - from the same impregnated timber.
  • Step 4. And now you can switch to tying the gazebo, simultaneously making the frame of the dressing room. By the way, only hewn logs can be allowed on the gazebo. Racks are made from a bar 10x15 cm in diameter.
  • Step 5. In this project, the roof of the bath is planned to be hip, and therefore, after erecting the frame of the gazebo, you can immediately nail the rafters. To do this, it is important to bring out the corner braces of the hip as accurately as possible - so that the rafters themselves lie as they should.
  • Step 6. All corners should be cut into a single tooth, all joints should be punched onto a perforated tape, and the floors should be completely covered.

Steps one through six - we lay the first crowns for the building, we fasten the rafters for the gazebo

  • Step 7. Now you need to fill the crate with such a step that later on it can be installed metal tiles. In the meantime, the roof is covered with roofing material.
  • Step 8. Now it's time to start sheathing the dressing room, like an "American".
  • Step 9. It is better to insert windows into the gazebo bath beforehand, but the doors can be made later. All railings and balusters need to be repaired, leaving only the exit to the place where the brick barbecue will stand.
  • Step 10. And, finally, you can move on to painting the bath - the color in the project was chosen as walnut.
  • Step 11 Doors are inserted, the bath is finished with clapboard.
  • Step 12. Now you can deal with the interior of the bathhouse and gazebo - where and how the seats and the table will stand.

Steps 7 to 12 - Finishing the Construction and Roofing

You can, of course, build a gazebo to an existing bathhouse. A good option is to order a project and material from one of the construction companies, because. It’s quite difficult to pick everything up to the centimeter on your own. And in this case, the work on its construction will go easier and more interesting.

Bathhouses-houses-arbors - whether to combine everything together?

Today, architects are increasingly offering their customers an interesting project - a bathhouse combined with a gazebo with a house. And this is instead of three different objects on the site, which do not always look harmoniously with each other. But together they form a fairly beautiful and functional structure, which takes much less money than if you build it all separately.

Here, for example, how you can combine a bathhouse, a gazebo and a residential building together:

What are the advantages of such a project? The fact that all three buildings:

  • One monolithic foundation - at the same height, of the same quality.
  • One heating system, and, therefore, one boiler room.
  • One perfectly seasoned style, down to the smallest detail.
  • Rational use of the area of ​​the site, i.e. significant savings.
  • Modern cozy and aesthetic appearance of the whole building.

When the bathhouse, the gazebo and the house are located in this way, the landscape design of the site is planned much easier and more rationally. Indeed, in fact, all architectural objects such as a garage, a steam room or a shed are not elements of the exterior of the house, but its real stop accents. And the garden, under which a lot of free land has been given, without any extra buildings, only wins. On the other hand, even a fence is not particularly needed from the back wall of the house - such a line of objects perfectly closes the site from prying neighbors' eyes.

The gazebo itself in this regard will be much more stable and durable than just attaching it to the bath - because now it, as an intermediate element, is also static. Just she is not afraid of either the movement of the soil or its swelling. And even the roofs of all three buildings can be connected together - as is known from the laws of physics, everything that is monolithic is always stronger and more reliable than assembled from separate elements. And you can equip anything in it yourself: a party with an artificial pond, a swimming pool, a winter garden, and a barbecue - everything your heart desires.

Bathhouse-gazebo-house built by one of our readers

And, finally, such an arbor can be of a completely open type, i.e. summer, or have glass walls and sliding aluminum profiles. In the first case, then it is necessary to think carefully in advance how to protect all materials from the aggressive effects of the environment and nature - from debris, dust, rain, hail, wind and snow. For example, even the floor must be strong and wear-resistant - today, for this, Russians most often purchase a special decking board, which once first appeared in America, but burst from frost, but is now famous for its special strength. Also, the fireplace itself and the barbecue countertops should be made of a material that is not afraid of either temperature changes or the effects of precipitation - yes, they will still be driven by the wind, even under the roof.

But it’s much more rational and easier if the gazebo can be closed, at least with transparent glass walls and compartment doors - you can go from home to the bathhouse without dressing, make barbecue in winter and take a steam bath in your favorite bathhouse with friends, especially since only one a fireplace will be quite enough to heat this small but cozy area.

Options for building a garage and a bath under one roof

Often, owners of private households think about building a bathhouse and a garage in their backyard. To save money, time and square meters of territory, you can build all these buildings under a common roof.

Advantages of building a garage combined with a bath

There are two options for implementing the project of the future building, when a garage and a bathhouse are equipped under one roof:

  1. Extension to an earlier building. In this case, the work will cost less than the construction of a separately located structure from scratch.
  2. The construction of a stand-alone utility block, which will unite under its roof several rooms that differ in their functional purpose. According to the calculations of experts, such construction is more financially profitable than arranging a garage and a bath separately.

The positive aspects of combining outbuildings under one roof:

  1. Possibility to equip a hozblok for storing solid fuel for a sauna stove, it can also be delivered directly to the garage, where it can be unloaded.
  2. Unification of engineering communications into a single network.
  3. The device of the general heating system.

A garage combined with a bathhouse will create a passage to the washing room, where the owner of the vehicle can clean up after work related to car repair, and an amateur gardener will take a shower after a hard day on the plot.

If the final decision regarding the construction is made, they begin to design the future building.

Design work

Bath projects with a garage under one roof are made in stages:

Stage one. Determine the type of future construction. It will be either an extension to an already finished building, or a new building structure in which the bathhouse is combined with a garage or vice versa.

Stage two. They choose a contractor for design work using the Internet or by contacting one of the architectural workshops. You can also complete the project yourself, especially if you have the appropriate knowledge and skills.

Project documentation should contain several chapters and sections:

  • planning on a personal plot;
  • foundation scheme;
  • building plan with the internal arrangement of enclosing structures and premises;
  • roof drawings;
  • scheme for laying engineering communications.

The layout of the building on the site

The location and design features of the building depend on a number of factors.

When constructing a new building, consider:

  1. The area and layout of the site (more: "The correct location of the bath on the site - the distance from the borders and other objects").
  2. The presence of other buildings on the territory.
  3. Arrangement of trees and other green spaces.
  4. Location of a well, a drain pit, a water intake column, central communications, an entrance from an external road.
  5. How convenient will it be to enter the house from the utility block with a garage and a bathhouse.

When the building is already built, take into account:

  1. The above information.
  2. On which side will the extension be located.

With a shortage of free space on the land plot, the possibility of arranging a bath room on the top floor is evaluated. See also: "Do I need to register a bath and how to do it right."

Foundation device

When the hozblok with a garage and a bath will be built from scratch, the base for the building is chosen taking into account:

  • groundwater depths;
  • soil features;
  • the total weight of the building;
  • ease of laying one or another type of foundation.

One of the most frequently chosen options is a reinforced strip foundation, for the manufacture of which a concrete mixture is used. See also: "Which project of a house with a bath under one roof to choose - options and opportunities."

Choosing the type of walls and building materials

The main determining factor in choosing the type of walls and building materials is the presence of bath rooms (steam rooms, washing rooms, etc.), which means the need to equip high-quality thermal insulation of enclosing structures (walls).

If a one-story building is being designed, then materials that have a gaseous structure, such as slag, foam, and gas blocks, will be the best purchase. When choosing the option of building a bath in the form of an extension, you can give preference to a log structure or a building made of glued laminated timber.

Depending on the materials purchased for the walls, a list of additional works related to waterproofing and protection from the negative effects of atmospheric influences is determined.

The list of such types of work may include:

  • facade painting;
  • application of decorative and protective plaster;
  • installation of facade structures from siding.


Regardless of whether a new building will be built or an extension will be made, a roof will need to be erected. Its design on the extension must be calculated taking into account the interface between existing and future walls. For a newly constructed structure, the roof device must be designed.

For both roof structures, provision should be made for the installation of rain gutters and their connection to the storm sewer available on the plot.

Location of premises in the building

If the project provides that there will be a garage-summer kitchen-bath under one roof, the location of the premises should be taken into account in the layout of the premises:

  • viewing hole;
  • entrance gate;
  • passage from the garage to the bath;
  • cellars for storing home canned food and vegetables;
  • utility block for tools and various inventory, solid fuel for the stove;
  • heating unit or boiler;
  • steam rooms, recreation areas, washing, dressing room, pool;
  • sewer system and toilet room.

Engineering communications design

Usually, the construction of a “bath-hozblok-garage” under one roof is carried out on a site where communication systems were previously installed, which means that the connection to the following objects should be reflected in the project documentation:

  • water supply network;
  • electricity supply;
  • sewerage;
  • gas pipeline, subject to the heat supply of the main part of the building from a gas heating unit. See also: "How to build a bath with a summer kitchen - what you need to consider."

Execution of construction works

After the development of the project and the required calculations, construction begins.

You can build a building:

  • ordering services from a company specializing in this type of work;
  • turning to the brigade of the so-called "shabashniki";
  • on their own.

Anyone who has ever hired workers to perform construction or repair services knows how difficult it is to find conscientious and highly professional contractors.

Tips for finding a team of craftsmen and organizing their work:

  1. It is necessary to use the services of construction organizations that have proven themselves on the positive side.
  2. When hiring employees, contracts should be concluded with them.
  3. It is advisable not to prepay. It is better to break the entire scope of work into stages and, upon completion of each of them, pay the money earned.

The procedure for drawing up an estimate

It is necessary to purchase all the necessary materials for the construction of a utility block with a garage and a bath in accordance with the estimate, which contains a list of works. It is advisable to do it yourself.

It is most profitable to buy building materials and tools in large specialized shopping centers where promotions, sales are held, discounts, bonuses, services for free delivery and unloading and loading of goods can be provided.

Organization of the construction process

The annex to the contract must contain a work schedule and it is necessary that the contractor strictly follow it.

In the case when the contractor constantly allows a delay in terms, it is necessary to terminate the contract and look for new employees.

At incomplete stages, advances should not be given, since this will not end in anything good.

Upon completion of construction, it is necessary to issue acceptance documentation and fill out an act of work performed.

It is necessary to exercise careful control over the progress of the construction of the building, not letting everything take its course.
