Mail clients for windows 10 in Russian. Email programs

The fact that we have to use e-mail almost every day is not discussed. In addition to the fact that email boxes are intended for their direct functions of receiving and sending letters, the mail address is very often used to confirm registrations on some sites or Internet services. Accordingly, each user needs to have quick access to their correspondence. But what email programs should you use? Further, it is proposed to consider several tools, after describing the functionality of which any user will be able to choose the most suitable application or service for themselves.

Mail programs for Windows: main varieties

So let's get started. To begin, let's figure out what characteristics or customizable parameters applications of this kind should have and what they are in general.

It is clear that the main purpose of any such program or service in the Internet space is to conveniently work with electronic correspondence. In addition, when choosing a mail program for Windows 7 or for any other modification of the system, one of the most important criteria is the presence in applications of the notification system, most often associated with incoming messages. The simplest example is the well-known Mail.Ru Agent applet, which is both a messenger and a tool for working with the Internet mail service of the same name. When launched, the client checks the mail and signals that the mailbox has received correspondence (the program uses a flashing envelope in the system tray for this).

On the other hand, mail programs can be conditionally divided into stationary and portable applications, and Internet mail services can also be included in the list. After all, in a sense, they are also software applets. And for all types of mail programs, you should immediately take into account some restrictions set by developers. This applies to the maximum size of sent and received messages. Additionally, it is worth checking whether the application has the ability to quickly save a message not only on the incoming message server of the provider or third-party software developer, but also in cloud storage, if preference is given to Internet mail services.

Setting up mailers built into Windows: basic steps

And first, let's look at the tools that can be used on Windows systems without installing third-party programs. Apparently, many have already guessed that we are talking about the Outlook Express mail clients, which is built into the software shell of Windows systems below the eighth, the Outlook application and the Mail client (sometimes Windows Live Mail). Previously, the first two programs recognized and configured mailboxes only for those addresses that corresponded to the provider's server. It was impossible to use boxes of mail services like Gmail, Yandex or Mail.Ru. Over time, applications have received much more features, and now you can connect any mail server.

As for the basic settings, all procedures come down to correctly specifying the types of servers for incoming (POP3 IMAP, HTTP) and outgoing messages (SMTP), as well as selecting the necessary ports, the numbers of which correspond to the services used (usually 110 and 25).

Let's take a look at the basic settings in Windows Live Mail. If this software product is not on your system, you can download it directly from Windows Live. We note right away that the options used are the same for all applications and can be used for installation in third-party utilities.

So, the first thing to do is to add a registration entry. As a rule, when you start any application, the “Wizard” automatically starts, which allows you to set the necessary parameters extremely quickly and simply.

The first step is to enter the email address and password to the box. The example shows the Yandex service (mail programs, as already mentioned, now work with Internet mail services without problems).

In the next step, the server addresses are entered, as well as the required ports, as shown in the image above. It is worth noting that their numbers are standard for all services (with rare exceptions). When setup is complete, an incoming welcome message usually appears in the mail. As additional options, you can set options for saving copies of letters on the server in order to be able to view accidentally deleted correspondence.

Internet mail services

As for Internet services, it is not necessary to use Windows programs or third-party clients. Actually, each such service offers owners of registered mailboxes to download special utilities for quick access (take the same “Mail.Ru Agent”).

When using such applications, client setup is even more simplified, since the user only needs to provide an email address, and all other options will be set automatically.

Most Popular Email Clients

Now let's look at the most popular mail programs that occupy the top lines in the ratings. There are quite a lot of such applications developed today, and it is impossible to describe them all simply physically. Therefore, we will focus on the five most frequently downloaded utilities:

  • Opera Mail;
  • Mozilla Thunderbird;
  • eM Client;
  • seamonkey;
  • The Bat!

Opera Mail

This email client is an integral part of the Internet browser of the same name and shows quite good test results.

It is quite simple to set up, it has special anti-spam functions, custom filters for distributing incoming messages by subject, allows you to configure for several mailboxes, significantly saves traffic and shows a fairly high speed. The disadvantages include only the addition of advertising information at the end of the letter and problems with registering some types of accounts. But in general, the program looks very good.

Mozilla Thunderbird

Among mail programs, this application is perhaps one of the best. First of all, in this client, it should be noted a reliable system of protection against spam and third-party interference, ease of settings, which should please ordinary users, support for multiple mailboxes, user-friendly interface, support for working with Windows clients, personalization when setting up visual effects and themes, the presence structured address book, spell checking and full HTML support.

Separately, it is worth noting the fact that received messages in different mailboxes can be configured so that they will all be stored in one folder. The disadvantages include too zealous protection, which can sometimes create problems with the speed of receiving or opening incoming emails. But in general, there are no complaints about the operation of the application.

eM Client

If we talk about mail programs for Windows 10 and systems below, this application cannot be ignored.

The program has almost the same capabilities as the clients described above, and allows you to use not only mail, but also view news with the activation of the RSS feed, but also connect additional modules for synchronization with accounts of popular messengers like Jabber, IRC, ICQ, QIP, etc. d.

True, the fact that the completely free version of the program has a limit on connected mailboxes is somewhat upsetting - only two.


This application can be called one of the most stable in operation. The main advantage of this applet is that it is completely optional to install it on your hard drive - you just need to download the portable version, make the initial settings and use it like a regular application.

Distinctive features of this program are: the presence of advanced tools for developers (DOM, JavaScript), as well as a built-in Internet browser, which, however, is not always recognized by Windows systems as the default one.

The Bat!

Finally, before us is the most popular client. Despite the fact that the program is paid, the overwhelming majority of users give preference to it.

Not to mention the main features, which are practically no different from previous programs, it is worth noting separately the security system that uses SSL / TLS encryption, which allows you to save correspondence not in the cloud on a remote server, but directly on your computer's hard drive.

Application for making envelopes

Finally, a few words about the Postal Envelopes program. For the most part, it is designed to quickly create envelopes with automatic filling of all required fields based on templates and in full compliance with accepted rules and standards. Of course, the application does not deal with e-mailing, but it allows you to prepare correspondence for sending, so to speak, in the classical way through post offices. A huge plus of this application is the ability to record sent letters, for which the application has a special toolkit. In addition, this software package allows you to import information data from XLS and CSV formats with automatic address recognition.

Which email client to download for Windows 10

If you choose an email client, then first of all find out which email clients are supported by your email address. As a rule, large international services are supported by all modern clients. For example, mail on Yandex, Gmail, Mail and most other major services, supports: These three mail programs are the best. They have significant differences, but there are also many similarities. You can download any email client for free. We recommend choosing one that includes antivirus and antispam. Just remember how much spam you receive. And if you switch your mail account to a mail program, then your service's antispam will have to be replaced with an antispam built into the client. But do not be afraid of this, sometimes email clients do a better job than your email service. And they also provide the ability to fine-tune anti-spam so that the necessary letters do not get there.

Some email clients for Windows 10 allow you to work even without an Internet connection. This is the best option, since devices on the new OS are very mobile and you do not always have access to the network. For example, you can open mail on the train from your Windows 10 32/64 bit tablet. You won't be able to send a new email or receive an email from someone. But you can view the history of correspondence and view old messages. In addition, some email clients support a convenient and structured view of attachments to old emails. This is in the mail client from the office suite, and we offer you to download it for free as an email client for Windows 10.

There are a lot of mail programs, they differ among themselves by manufacturers, cost, functions and much more. What is a mail program?

mail program(e-mail client, mail client, mail client, mailer) - software installed on the user's computer and designed to receive, write, send and store e-mail messages of one or more users (in the case of, for example, several accounts on one computer) or multiple accounts of the same user.

The main functions of mail clients are receiving messages, providing them with viewing, sorting messages, automating the creation of response messages, and maintaining an address book.

Large email programs, so-called. "all in one", such as Mozilla Thunderbird, The Bat! and Microsoft Outlook, today combine the work of MSA, MDA and MRA in one application. Simpler mail user agents (eng. mail user agent, MUA), such as Mutt, are also mail programs.

Unlike a mail server, an email client usually sends a message not directly to the corresponding recipient's server, but to the same mail server, which acts as a relay. This is usually the ISP's or company's mail server. Sending mail is most often carried out using the SMTP protocol.

The email client accepts mail from one or more mail servers, often the same server that sends it. Mail is usually received via POP or IMAP protocols.

Also, the functions of an e-mail client may include: sorting, storing messages, searching through the archive of messages, maintaining an address book, filtering received messages according to various criteria, converting formats, encryption, organizing interfaces with office programs and other functions.

The most common email programs used under different operating systems in 2014:

1 Microsoft Outlook-- a personal information manager with the functions of an email client and Microsoft's Groupware.

In addition to the functions of an email client for working with e-mail, Microsoft Outlook is a full-fledged organizer that provides the functions of a calendar, task scheduler, notebook and contact manager. In addition, Outlook allows you to track your work with Microsoft Office documents to automatically create a work diary.

Outlook can be used as a standalone application or act as a client for the Microsoft Exchange Server mail server, which provides additional features for collaboration between users of the same organization: shared mailboxes, task folders, calendars, conferences, scheduling and booking common meetings, coordination documents. Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Server are a platform for organizing workflow, as they are provided with a system for developing custom plug-ins and scripts that make it possible to program additional workflow functions (and not only workflow) that are not provided in the standard package.

2 The Bat! is an e-mail program for Windows OS. Developed by the Moldovan company Ritlabs. The Bat! popular among Russian users, users from the former Soviet republics and some European countries. The main task of the program is to protect correspondence from monitoring by third parties.

It has many options for sorting messages, and also has a system for connecting additional extension modules (plugins) designed to protect against spam and viruses. As a rule, plugins can be downloaded from the site of developers of similar modules. The program has a built-in mail manager for POP3 servers.

The program has many tools to ensure the security of correspondence. Among them:

  • - mailbox password protection
  • - mail database encryption
  • - Encrypt and sign emails with S/MIME and OpenPGP
  • - blocking suspicious images
  • - ignoring scripts and executable codes

In The Bat! you can configure automatic sorting of letters according to the specified parameters. The program is able to sort letters by sender, addressee, subject, letter text, tags, letter size, priority, date and other parameters. Among the available actions are moving, copying, exporting, printing letters, deleting, auto-reply, creating a reminder, launching an external application. It is possible to create general sort rules that are valid for multiple mailboxes.

Virtual folders make it easier to work with email flow. In The Bat! it is possible to create virtual folders and use filters to customize the display of the necessary letters. Virtual folders do not contain letters, but links to them. Thus, using them allows you not to waste space by creating copies of letters.

Three levels of letter design templates are available: for an individual contact, for letters created in a specific folder, and for letters created in a specific mailbox. In The Bat! there are also quick templates that allow you to insert fragments of pre-typed text into a letter. Quick templates can be shared across all mailboxes.

Also in The Bat! it is possible to back up letters (in a common backup file or in a separate one for each mailbox) or folder, address book and settings at the user's request or automatically according to a schedule. It is possible to protect the backup with a password and add comments.

For each mailbox, you can set administrator and user access rights. The administrator can restrict the rights of a standard user in setting up the program and accessing mailboxes.

3 Mozilla Thunderbird-- a free cross-platform open source program for working with e-mail and newsgroups, and with the installation of the Lightning extension, and with a calendar. It is part of the Mozilla project. Supports protocols: SMTP, POP3, IMAP, NNTP, RSS. Official builds for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux (i386) are provided, and the set of features is the same on all platforms. There are also third party builds for FreeBSD, Solaris, OpenSolaris, OS/2.

Thunderbird's interface, like the Mozilla Firefox web browser, is based on XUL technology developed by the Mozilla Foundation. As a result, the user interface on all platforms looks the same as applications designed for that particular platform. Like Firefox, Thunderbird supports visual themes. By default, the program interface is similar to the interface of the Outlook Express mail client familiar to Windows users.

Thunderbird automatically recognizes unwanted mail. You can also manually specify which emails are spam by "training" the program in this way. In addition, Thunderbird can store mail both in separate folders for each mailbox, and in a common one for everyone.

The letter can be displayed in several folders specified by the user based on filters. In this case, in reality, the letter remains the only one and does not take up extra space, as if copies of one letter were stored in different folders.

4 Opera Mail(formerly known as M2) is an email and news client formerly built into the Opera browser and now a standalone email program. Its interface is slightly different from other email clients in order to better integrate with Opera. It has spam filters (automatic and trained - Bayesian (English Bayesian, by the name of the author of the theorem named after Thomas Bayes)), support for POP3, IMAP, SMTP and ESMTP protocols, newsgroups, news feeds RSS, Atom and NNTP.

Opera Mail uses a single database that stores the contents of all emails and sorts them automatically by several parameters, such as type: simple emails and emails with attachments. This provides quick access to emails. The content of the letter can be viewed below the list of inboxes and in a separate window. Also, the Bayesian filter is used to automatically sort messages by various parameters. All messages located in the database are available under the menu item Read mail/Received view. Opera Mail has a traffic minimization feature that gives the user access to only the first lines of an email, rather than the entire email, thereby reducing data usage. Also, one of the main innovations with the release of the Opera 9.64 browser is the preview of news feeds. With its help, a page is generated containing the current information in the newsletter, and the user can read or subscribe to the newsletter using a special button. One of the disadvantages of the mail client since its inception has been the inability to use formatting when writing a letter. This shortcoming has been fixed in Opera 10. Also in version 10 of the browser there was a built-in spell checker.

Opera Mail also has a contact manager and a simple IRC client that allows the user to connect to multiple servers at the same time. Private communication and file transfer between users is possible. In chats, it is possible to change the appearance by editing the CSS file (examples).

Opera 12.17 is the latest version of the browser with a built-in email client. Now Opera Mail has been moved to a separate application.

5 Windows Mail(eng. Windows Mail) is a program for working with e-mail and newsgroups that comes with the Windows Vista operating system.

Unlike its predecessor, Outlook Express, Windows Mail is not treated as a component of Internet Explorer. As such, the program will not be available for previous operating systems in the same way that Internet Explorer 7 was made available for Windows XP.

Privacy and security features are represented by support for SSL / TLS standards for traffic protection, as well as S / MIME for encrypting and signing letters, third-party software can also be used for this. Spam protection uses Microsoft SmartScreen technology, as well as third-party programs. Windows Mail also contains built-in anti-phishing tools and the ability to integrate external anti-virus modules.

  • On May 30, 2007, Microsoft first released a beta version of a new email client - Windows Live Mail - something like an improved version of Windows Mail, for Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems, which is intended to replace it. The Windows Live Mail client was later included in the Windows Live Essentials software package.
  • 6 IBM Notes(also IBM Notes / Domino, the old name is Lotus Notes) is a software product, a platform for automating the collaboration of workgroups (Groupware), containing e-mail, personal and group electronic calendars, instant messaging services and an application runtime business interaction.

The product was first released in 1989 by the American company Lotus Development, which was taken over by IBM in 1995.

Beginning with version 9.0.0, IBM rebranded the IBM Lotus Notes/Domino platform by changing the system logo and removing the term "Lotus" from the name.

The main features included in the base distribution of IBM Notes/Domino version 9 (when using IBM Notes Client Standard type):

  • - execution environment for group activity automation applications (program code is executed on the client, server and in a web browser);
  • - cryptoprotection (encryption and electronic signature);
  • - email client;
  • - mail server;
  • - personal and group calendars, task scheduler;
  • - a set of office applications IBM Lotus Symphony (text editor, spreadsheets, preparation of presentations - only in versions 8.0 and 8.5);
  • - IBM Sametime instant messenger client (IBM Sametime server is a standalone product);
  • - built-in web server;
  • - built-in web browser (does not support modern standards, it is recommended to use external applications to view web pages);
  • - LDAP directory server;
  • - IBM Notes application server;
  • - replication - synchronization between remotely remote database instances;
  • - data integration services DECS (Domino Enterprise connection services);
  • - means of storing attached files outside of DAOS (Domino attachment and object services) databases;
  • - Support for remote debugging of IBM Domino server applications.
  • 7 The Bee- a universal mail client from the domestic group of software developers AV(T) Lab. The program is free. The main advantage of this program is its size and ability to work without installation from any media. The Bee executable file weighs only 450 kilobytes. If you need to use the SSL protocol, you will need two more library files, but even in this case, the application will not take more than 750 kilobytes of disk space. Despite such a modest size, to put it mildly, The Bee, in addition to working with e-mail, provides the ability to communicate via ICQ, as well as read the news.

As a tool for working with e-mail, The Bee provides the most necessary standard features, without frills and any "bells and whistles". When creating messages for sending by e-mail, the program supports only file attachment from additional functions. You will not see any emoticons, sound effects and other nice additions here. However, The Bee does not pretend to be the main mail client in your system. Its main task is to provide fast and convenient access to e-mail, news conferences and ICQ services in any suitable place, when needed. And The Bee copes with this task perfectly.

The standard Windows 10 mail client is a modified evolutionary continuation of the application "Mail" Metro-Windows 8.1 predecessor system interface. The mail app in Windows 10 received a little more customization than its counterpart in Windows 8.1. In particular, this is the ability to choose the color design of the interface and the background image in the options section.

At the same time, regular "Mail" has not gone beyond the specifics of Metro applications: it mini mailer, providing only basic features for the needs of the average user, and the emphasis in the application is on a modern usable interface and ease of use with a touch screen.

Below we will take a closer look at how to set up a regular mail client in Windows 10.

  1. Quick mail account setup

When you first enter the Mail application, we will see a button, after clicking which the wizard for adding a mail account will follow.

The Mail app in Windows 10 allows you to work with multiple mail accounts, each of which must be added to the mailer in a separate step. We press.

The form for adding accounts offers at the beginning of the list a quick addition of e-mail of individual mail services, such as:, corporate mail service Microsoft Exchange , gmail from Google , Yahoo Mail, as well as iCloud. For these mail services, you do not need to enter mail server connection data, you just need to log in. Let's consider a quick connection of a mail account using an example gmail.

After selection gmail we will see the standard window for connecting to the service from Google. - Gmail email address - and click "Further".

In the next window, click the button, respectively, allowing access to account data gmail from the application "Mail" Windows 10.

Ready: account connected, emails are synced.

  1. Advanced mail account setup

To add another mail account, go to the mailer settings section. It is there that the form for connecting mail accounts is located. We press the parameters button at the bottom of the left panel of the application, and in the section list that appears in the ribbon on the right "Options" choose .

Then we click .

We will see the same form for adding mail accounts. For mail services not included in the quick setup list, the application "Mail" also optionally provides the ability to quickly configure without having to enter detailed server data, but only by entering a login and password from the mailbox. This is the point "Other account POP, IMAP". However, for most mail services, such a quick setup will not work, and messages will not be synchronized with the mail server. For mail services not listed in the quick setup list, you need to advanced setting. This, respectively, is the last item in the form for adding mail accounts.

For example, let's add to the application Mail Windows 10 mailbox of a popular mail service Yandex Mail. In the next window, select the option.

Next, you need to fill in the fields of the form for adding a mail account, and we will need to enter the addresses of the incoming and outgoing mail servers, as well as decide on the mail protocol - POP or IMAP. Therefore, we will break away from the application for a couple of minutes "Mail" and first of all, let's check if the mail service provides access to mail from any mail client installed in the operating system. So, not all mail services are configured for this by default, in some of them, it is necessary to activate the permission to manage mail through mail clients. For example, in the mail service Yandex Mail access to mail from client programs is provided in the mailbox settings, in the section.

The next step is to select the POP or IMAP mail protocol. The protocol will then determine the details of the incoming and outgoing mail servers.

POP protocol works, as a rule, on the principle of unloading letters from the mail server to the user's computer. Letters after some time are deleted from the mail server.

IMAP is a modern and more secure protocol that provides access from a software mail client to mail on a server. Mail on the server will be securely stored, waiting for manual cleaning by the user.

Having decided on the choice of protocol, the next step is to find out the addresses of the servers of incoming and outgoing mail. To do this, you need to enter a query in the browser search engine by type "mail service + protocol". In our case, this will be a search query.

Articles on such a key request will provide information on the specifics of connecting mail using the selected protocol.

Returning to the form for adding an application mail account "Mail" and enter data: account name, username, incoming mail server address. Choose the type of account, i.e. protocol POP or IMAP.

Fill out the bottom of the form: enter Username (essentially an email address) , password, outgoing mail server address. Do not remove the preset checkboxes below. We press.

Ready: mail account set up, emails are being synchronized.

  1. Deleting a mail account

Deleting a mail account occurs, as well as adding it, in a subsection of the application settings section "Mail".

When clicking on the selected account, we will get options for possible actions, including - removal .

  1. Changing mail account settings

Another option when clicking on a mail account in the settings section is to change the preset mail synchronization settings and some settings of the account itself.

Here you can set the time intervals for downloading letters, the format of letters, the statute of limitations for letters for synchronization. Mailbox synchronization can be completely disabled.

Clicking at the bottom "Additional mailbox options", we will get access to the form for changing the addresses and settings of the incoming and outgoing mail servers.

The flow of emails never stops, and it requires a reliable and easy-to-use application to process it. There are several hundred different email clients on the market, but only a few deserve your attention. If you prefer a local client to a web interface, we suggest you check out the following selection of mail apps for Windows 10.

Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook is included in the Microsoft Office suite of office tools, available with an Office 365 subscription (from RUB 339.00 per month), but can be purchased as a standalone Office 2019 application (RUB 6,699).

To work with the program, it is not necessary to use an address on the domain - Microsoft Outlook supports almost all mail services. The user can add all his accounts to the application and conveniently manage them from one workspace. Outlook has calendar and task scheduling integration and offers a rich set of customizable rules for handling incoming mail flow. Set sound alerts when a certain person sends you a message containing certain keywords, or automatically move an email to the appropriate folder if it comes from a specific recipient - ideal for separating work and personal streams.

Outlook offers an incredible number of different tools that can confuse novice users. Fortunately, the product has received an updated interface in recent years, which allows you to organize various functions in a very convenient way. As you get more comfortable with the program, you can also start using the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) development environment, which allows you to create macros for your application. A large number of ready-made scripts are available on the network, which are designed to automate the workflow.


This application has received a very apt name Mailbird (mail bird), which perfectly characterizes it - the program is lightweight, undemanding to resources, easy to use and visually attractive. Mailbird provides flexible customization of a huge number of interface options - from account icons to text color schemes. Every time you launch the application will please the eye.

The Mailbird developers did a great job of removing unnecessary intermediate steps when performing various actions, which ultimately leads to increased productivity. Create quick reply templates, add attachments with drag and drop, and search messages with a simple tap on your profile picture.

Received an email from an unknown contact? In two clicks, you can view a person's profile on the LinkedIn social network. Integration with other applications is also supported: Dropbox, Facebook, Google Docs, Twitter and WhatsApp.

Import mailboxes from mail services to Mailbird for easy viewing and management. The free version has limited functionality, while the paid version costs 12 euros per year, or 39 euros for a lifetime license.

eM Client

This email client has all the basic features you need: calendar, contacts and task manager, as well as live chat between users. The program allows you to import settings and content from many other email clients, so the transition process is a breeze. Keep in mind that the free version only allows you to import 2 profiles, while the Pro version costs 1795 rubles. has no import restrictions.

As for the built-in tools, eM Client will surely offer useful features for you: spell checking, translation into other languages ​​using Bing translator, easy sharing of calendar events and tasks with other users, flexible configuration of the contact list for better organization when using multiple mail profiles. The built-in live chat even allows you to quickly share files.

Claws Mail

Longtime Windows users will probably sink into nostalgia when they first see Claws Mail's interface. Admittedly, the application is intended for advanced users who are not afraid to set everything up manually. The application allows you to import an unlimited number of accounts, but you need to do it yourself, there is no automatic import function or at least a step-by-step wizard.

Claws Mail has an active bug tracker that keeps an eye on app updates and potential issues. This is an ideal application for older computers - it consumes a minimum amount of memory and does not load the processor. What you pay for is the lack of HTML support and advanced application connectivity features. However, Claws Mail has several built-in plugins, most notably SpamAssassin, which helps fight spam.

If you're not intimidated by the need to manually adjust settings, and you're looking for an undemanding, lightweight solution for an older machine, the free, retro-styled Claws Mail client is a good choice.

Zimbra Desktop

Zimbra Desktop is a free and open source email client that has gone through several major changes. The work on the program has never stopped and now we have one of the best email apps for Windows 10.

A built-in calendar, contacts, and organizer help you maximize your day's productivity, while a tabbed messaging system keeps your workspace clutter-free.

Want to work offline? No problem! Zimbra allows you to work anywhere, and the results of your work will be saved to your local drive. When connected to the network, you can import Gmail, Yahoo! and Outlook for easy organization of emails in one place.

Zimbra is a cross-platform solution for Windows, Linux and Mac OS and is distributed free of charge.

touch mail

TouchMail is a convenient email client for owners of tablets or convertible laptops. Import email accounts other than POP3 accounts and enjoy a touch-optimized interface.

The interface is colorful, which makes TouchMail stand out from other similar applications. At the disposal of the user is a rich set of useful tools. The application allows you to organize several messages from different accounts into one folder for quick access, and a powerful filtering system is able to effectively handle large message flows.

TouchMail will be especially useful for touchscreen devices. The application is distributed for 1,949 rubles. and also contains several built-in purchases, which looks strange against the background of free analogues.


Thunderbird by Mozilla is unique because of its built-in extension system, which allows you to extend the functionality of the client with numerous tools created by the Thunderbird community. The product offers extensions for almost any task and for any automation scenario.

The client setup wizard will help you import email accounts, and a powerful search engine will help you quickly find the information you need. If you work with huge volumes of emails, then the built-in activity manager that tracks all activity in Thunderbird will be a useful tool. Don't remember which folder you sent the message to? Check the log and find the desired action.

To avoid confusion when writing multiple messages, Thunderbird uses a tab system to display all messages in one window. Naturally, the product contains standard mail tools: address book, attachment handler, spam filter and other features that make Thunderbird one of the best mail clients for Windows 10.

The Bat!

We think many users will agree with us, The Bat! - it is also one of the best email clients. It stands out not only for its functionality, but also for its attitude towards the security of data transmitted by e-mail. After all, the main task of the program is to protect correspondence from monitoring by third parties.

The Bat! can protect your information in various ways. In addition to encrypting traffic using SSL / TLS protocols (which most email clients and services can do today), the program allows you to encrypt user data on your hard drive. The price for a license starts from 2,000 rubles.

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