Why linoleum. Which linoleum is better for home: on what basis is linoleum better

Unlike commercial and semi-commercial, linoleum used in everyday life is presented in a large range of colors and prints. However, the "reverse side of the coin" is the relatively low strength of this material. Normal movement of furniture can sometimes cause damage to the coating. Besides, many types of linoleum poorly restore their shape after prolonged mechanical stress. This is noticeable after rearranging heavy objects - characteristic dents remain on the linoleum for a long time, and sometimes forever.

User comments:

“I really don’t like the fact that pits remain from furniture on linoleum. And the cheap one also breaks easily.

"... now linoleums are not as strong as they used to be - if something sharp or heavy falls, then immediately cut, scratch or dent."

Imaginary and real harmfulness

Based only on the fact of the artificial origin of linoleum, it is rather difficult to talk about its harmfulness, since all modern floor coverings undergo strict certification. Much depends on the product class, manufacturer, characteristics and other nuances. However under the influence of elevated temperature, such a material can theoretically release harmful substances, so the installation of a "warm floor" system with PVC linoleum is not always desirable.

User comments:

“We read about all sorts of toxins and other hazards emitted by linoleum, and decided to lay floors from cork.”

“I heard that linoleum emits poisons during the entire period of operation and shortens life by 20 years. Chinese can shorten life for all 40 years.

"Chemical" smell

Like many synthetic materials, linoleum has a peculiar "chemical" smell, which can sometimes cause headaches or allergic reactions. Therefore, it is recommended not to stay too long in a room where linoleum has recently been laid for 1-2 weeks. As a rule, during this time the smell disappears.

User comments:

“Linoleum does have a characteristic smell, but it begins to weather immediately after unpacking the roll in the store.”

“I laid commercial linoleum in all rooms. Everything seems to be fine, but the smell of chemistry is a nightmare ... ".

Unnatural and cheap appearance

Some users note the conspicuous "official" look of PVC linoleum, especially its inexpensive varieties. Despite the abundance of colors with which the range of household flooring of this type is rich, it is not always possible to avoid turning an apartment into a kind of domesticated branch of an office or public space. To create the illusion of naturalness, a potential buyer will have to fork out - a PVC floor covering that realistically copies the pattern and texture of natural material is not cheap. However, even in this case, it is not always possible to hide a fake.

User comments:

“In appearance, linoleum is inferior to laminate, not to mention parquet.”

“I don’t like linoleum at all outwardly. Last century…".

Difficulties of care

Improving the production of linoleum made it possible to launch the production of models that not only repeat the decorative pattern (texture) of natural material, but also almost perfectly imitate its texture - they recreate embossed fibers and other three-dimensional constituent elements. Initially, from an aesthetic and tactile-visual point of view, this seems to be quite justified. However, not all housewives begin to adhere to this opinion over time. After all, they have to remove dust and dirt that have clogged into miniature grooves. This disadvantage is especially noticeable on dark linoleum.

It is impossible not to mention another problem that linoleum owners face - the stripes and marks left by shoes with black soles. These marks are often difficult to remove. Also, one should not forget that PVC floor coverings are not resistant to solvents, aggressive alkaline substances and fats.

User comments:

“It is not very convenient to wash a floor with embossed linoleum, especially if the pattern is directed across the movement of a rag or brush.”

“My linoleum is so embossed that a rag clings to it, and after washing, the villi remain.”

Exposure to temperature

Unfortunately, linoleum is also very sensitive to a relatively acceptable temperature range for humans. So, in rooms with sub-zero temperatures, linoleum can lose its elasticity and crack over time, and with prolonged exposure to heat (near a fireplace, heater) it can deform.

User comments:

“Domestic linoleum near the radiators began to “wrap flippers” after the first heating season. And this is at a rather low temperature - 50-60ºC».

“In my country house, the so-called frost-resistant linoleum cracked during the season.”

Difficult transportation issues

The difficulty of moving huge rolls of linoleum from the building materials store to the repair site can entail unexpected costs, as in some cases you have to resort to delivery services. This is especially true when the roll needs to be delivered to the top floor, and the width of the package reaches 4 m. Another thing is when compact packs of parquet or laminate are transported.

User comments:

“When transporting a long roll of linoleum in a passenger car, it is advisable to put a wooden pole or pipe of suitable length inside so that there is no sagging edges.”

slippery surface

The slipperiness of cheap linoleum is best told by those who happened to walk on this floor covering in snowy or wet shoes. The consequences of such a lack of household PVC coating (it is this category that is most susceptible to such a “disease”) can be sprains, fractures and other injuries. Many varieties of linoleum, mostly commercial and semi-commercial grade, have a non-slip grained or grooved finish, but they are more expensive and generally more difficult to maintain.

Linoleum and laminate are materials that are approximately in the same price category. Both serve the same purpose, and each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In order to determine which is better, it is necessary to compare their characteristics and properties.

Linoleum - disadvantages and advantages

The floor covering, which sellers present as linoleum, in 80% of cases is not. In fact, it is a synthetic material made from PVC. Real linoleum should consist exclusively of natural materials:

  • Linseed oil;
  • limestone powder;
  • wood resin;
  • jute fabric;
  • Wood flour.

Finding natural flooring on store shelves is extremely difficult, and the reason for this is its high cost. The domestic buyer will not agree to overpay for material that can be bought much cheaper. However, it would be illogical to compare natural linoleum with laminate, which is a completely artificial surface, because they are in completely different price categories. However, if the choice is as follows: natural linoleum or laminate, then the choice must be made in favor of the first without any comparisons. In the case of PVC coating, it is necessary to reason.

There are 3 types of synthetic linoleums:

  • Commercial. It is used in rooms with high traffic, because it has a high density. It also has the property of anti-slip, therefore it is the safest. It can be seen in public institutions: hospitals, educational institutions, etc.
  • Domestic. Ideal for residential areas. It is not as durable as a commercial one, but residential traffic is also lower.
  • Semi-commercial. Unlike household, this type is more durable and wear-resistant. It is used in residential premises and in public buildings.

Speaking about the advantages of this material, the following should be highlighted:

  • Small cost;
  • Ease of installation. Laying can be done even by a person who does not have specialized knowledge;
  • A wide range of colors, thanks to which you can choose a coating that would "fit" into the interior of the room;
  • Low thermal conductivity - the surface will almost always be warm;
  • Long service life. This material is not subject to decay, as it is made of synthetic substances. The shelf life of the material is approximately 30-50 years.

There are also disadvantages:

  • Inferior in quality and environmental friendliness to a wooden floor;
  • Under the weight of furniture, this coating can be pressed through;
  • Frankly cheap linoleum will be deformed under the influence of high or low temperatures;
  • Appearance. A very controversial drawback, which, however, can be compensated by imitation of a natural floor, tiles, etc.

Disadvantages and advantages of laminate

For some reason, laminate is called laminated parquet, but this is completely wrong. This flooring has nothing to do with parquet, because parquet is wood, and laminate is a synthetic multilayer finishing material. It has 6 wear resistance classes that determine its quality. High wear resistance classes (31-33) are used in offices, gyms, cafes, as well as in other areas with high foot traffic. Classes 21-23 apply to residential areas. Like linoleum, laminate "knows how" to imitate different materials - stone, wood, sand, etc.

It has specific benefits:

  • Small cost;
  • Large range of colors, many colors, it is possible to imitate an expensive wooden floor;
  • Simple installation - the material does not need to be glued, it is mounted in a "lock" way.

There are also disadvantages:

  • Short service life. If the laminate is not moisture resistant, then its service life will not exceed 5 years;
  • Since it is a synthetic material, it is much inferior to natural coatings;
  • If a heavy or sharp object falls on the floor, the coating (its top layer) is damaged;
  • Laminate requires very careful maintenance. Also, excessive washing can have a bad effect on its appearance;
  • Even with proper installation, the seams remain leaky, as a result of which sand, dust and moisture can enter the joints.
  • Gradually, the condition of the edge will deteriorate, and the floor will begin to creak;
  • In the event of a small flood in the apartment, the laminate will have to be completely changed.

So what's better

Both materials are inexpensive, non-natural, are in approximately the same price category, have an attractive appearance, are fairly simple to install and have good stability. There are no more similarities, but there are differences, and there are many more:

  • Life time. Linoleum "lives" 2-3 times longer than laminate;
  • The washing up. Care must be taken when washing the laminate, while linoleum can be washed safely and with plenty of water;
  • Strength. Laminate is more resistant to external influences (shoes with heels, animal claws, etc.);
  • Extraordinary situations. In case of flooding, linoleum will not suffer, but the laminate will have to be completely changed;
  • Transportation. Carrying laminate in boxes is much more convenient than dragging a large roll to the floor;
  • Environmental friendliness. Laminate is more environmentally friendly due to the fact that it contains less "chemistry";
  • The level of sound insulation of linoleum is much higher.

There are more pluses in favor of linoleum, respectively, as a conclusion, we can recommend using this particular floor covering. However, the number of pluses here is relatively small and the choice must be made based on your own considerations.

The article analyzes the ways of laying linoleum with practical advice. You will learn about the most popular misconceptions and mistakes regarding the flooring process, about the differences in the style of linoleum "dry" and adhesive method. The price table will give information on the availability of different types of glue.

Linoleum is the undisputed leader in flooring over the past forty years. The floors of apartments and country houses, corridors of hospitals and classrooms of schools are lined with this material. It is believed that anyone can lay linoleum on their own, since there is nothing complicated in this. Whether this is so, we will analyze in our article.

Stereotype number 1. Linoleum can be laid anywhere and everywhere

PVC sheet material - linoleum, relin, marmoleum - has become a "lifesaver", which they try to use in all cases.

Reality. The material is demanding on the quality of the base. An unforgivable mistake would be laying it on a contaminated surface or an unreliable base that exfoliates or crumbles. The material will respond to such negligence with coating defects within a year.

How to be? If the base is defective, for example, a floor with old paint, a “dusty” or poor-quality screed, and there is no way to level it, it is better to abandon linoleum in favor of laminate. Laminated fiberboard panels themselves serve as a leveling layer and "swallow" minor defects in the base.

Stereotype number 2. Laying linoleum is fast

The people even have a sort of "term" for this process: "throw linoleum." Mentally, the procedure is simple - roll out, cut and press with a plinth.

Reality.“Quick laying” and urgent installation of the skirting board are the culprits of 80% of cases of bubbles, waves and wrinkles on the floor.

How to be? If you are dealing with a hasty master who is trying to sell you his work, it is unlikely that you will learn from him that the linoleum should be aged. This means that after laying and trimming it to size, you need to withstand 5-7 days. During this time, PVC will take its stable shape, react to humidity and temperature changes. Only after this, the material will not change its linear dimensions and it can be fixed with a plinth and furniture can be placed.

Stereotype #3: “Dry” laying without glue is a significant time and money saver

It is logical that gluing the material has to spend time and effort. But is it really that important?

Reality. The process of applying and dispersing glue is quite simple and you can master it by reading the instructions. After a few square meters, you will find that it is not so difficult and difficult. The main advantage of adhesive flooring is that you can not withstand linoleum so that it rests.

How to be? If you have the opportunity to stick linoleum - stick it! Laying through glue strengthens the coating material and makes the whole cake much more resistant to mechanical damage. The most difficult thing here will be the rolling process - you will need a special device in the form of a board wrapped in rags.

Stereotype No. 4. Linoleum laid without glue is easy to replace

We often hear: “I’ll get tired and take it off, throw it away, put a new one on.”

Reality. The floor is repaired every 10-15 years, and practice has shown that the replacement of the coating has nothing to do with the mood or momentary desire of the owner. The result is a situation where the customer all these years has an inferior coating, which, moreover, wears out faster.

What to do? See Stereotype No. 3. In fact, after the declared service life of the adhesive (15-20 years), it is not so difficult to remove the glued linoleum. Another thing - you have to clean the base for new material. In the arsenal of masters there are special machines that clean off linoleum - you can resort to their services.

Stereotype number 5. Linoleum can be laid on a cement-sand screed

Reality. Yes, you can, only with a leveling mixture - it does not leave pores. And if you apply glue, it will hold well. But from a practical point of view, this is justified only if heating is provided by the "warm floor" system. In other cases, the screed is unpredictable. Since concrete and mortar do not hold heat well, the floor will cool uncontrollably, requiring additional carpeting.

What to do? Ideally - to create an additional layer of base - to fix sheets of plywood or OSB. These are tangible costs, but in the long run they pay off. The floor will not be cold, even if it is an outdoor vestibule.

At this stage, a mistake is often made. On top of the screed, fiberboard 3-4 mm thick is sometimes “dry” laid in order to make the surface smooth and even. And then glue the linoleum to the fiberboard. This is the most undesirable combination of actions, because with changes in humidity, which will undoubtedly follow in the off-season, fiberboard will deform along with linoleum.

How to inexpensively prepare the basis for linoleum

As you know, the cheapest layer material for leveling is fiberboard. Price for 1 sq. m - from 1.5 to 2 y. e. It can be effectively applied in two ways. Each of them provides for the preparatory stages - dedusting, priming the base with glue and filling the seams with silicone sealant.

Method 1. By screed

Working process:

  1. Stick the sheets on the screed. Withstand 12 hours.
  2. Stick linoleum on sheets. Withstand 12 hours.

Thus, you will not only level, but also insulate the floor. For mounting fiberboard to the floor, ordinary building glue is suitable. It is also suitable for flooring, but there are special adhesives for these works. Consumption - about 0.5 kg per 1 sq. m with a thickness of 1 mm in one layer.

Method 2. On a wooden base

If the base has small defects - pits, shells, chips - you can save energy and use fiberboard as a wooden screed.

Working process:

  1. Remove bumps and steps from the old solid base. Fill gaps with sealant.
  2. Cut the sheets with a smooth part up the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room with a gap of 5 mm. Spread out and leave for 12-24 hours.
  3. Apply glue liberally to each sheet separately and lay in the design position. Then, from the center of the sheet, nail small ("shoe") nails 1x10, gradually pressing, fixing the sheet and dispersing excess glue. After laying, withstand 12 hours.
  4. Fill the seams with sealant.
  5. Cut the linoleum and stick it according to the instructions from the video.

Video - how to stick linoleum

Both methods are suitable not only for any type of PVC coating, but also for piece materials - laminate, parquet board, slab marmoleum, etc.

Table. Prices for construction adhesive for linoleum

Name Manufacturer Release form Unit price, c.u. e. Price 1 kg, c.u. e.
Homakoll 248 Russia Bucket 10 kg 60 6
Bucket 14 kg 70 5
Kiilto UKI Finland Bucket 3 kg 21 7
Ceresit Thomsit K 112 (conductive) Germany Bucket 12 kg 90 7,5
KS Russia Bucket 18 kg 130 7,2
"Hercules" Russia Bucket 7 kg 60 8,7
Kiilto PLUS Adhesive for linoleum and carpet Finland Bucket 15 kg 75 5
Bucket18 kg 85 4,7
PUFAS Bodenkleber 525 Germany Bucket 7 kg 21 3

If we talk about the price of linoleum itself, then its spread is great. The price always depends on two parameters - quality and volume of the order. For example, IVC Greenline Berlin 506 linoleum 4 mm thick on a felt base retails for 12 USD. e. per 1 sq. m. If you decide to purchase this linoleum in bulk - from 100 sq. m - it will cost you about 10 y. e. per 1 sq. m. Savings on flooring - almost 20%. You can also save on other materials by purchasing them in bulk. This became possible thanks to the market economy and the competition of suppliers.

The two pillars on which all the problems of home repair “hold” are the desire for unhealthy savings and philistine delusions. Remember that timely consultation with a professional will save your budget and nerves, and whether it is worth saving once again is up to you.

The debate about whether linoleum is harmful to human health and the environment does not subside. Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

Varieties of linoleums

Let's start with the fact that linoleums are a large group of floor materials. Different types differ in the chemical composition of individual components, the number of layers, and the purpose. So, the varieties of linoleums:

  • Domestic;
  • semi-commercial;
  • Commercial.

The presented types are designed for service in different conditions, respectively, have characteristics adapted for operation:

  • Household is intended for laying in residential premises - in houses and apartments. Harm from linoleum should be absent;
  • Semi-commercial has a higher wear resistance than household. It is intended for service in small commercial premises with medium traffic - in offices, in offices;
  • Commercial designed for use in areas with high traffic - in the corridors of public buildings, in reception areas, in conference rooms, in classrooms, etc.

Another criterion for dividing into groups is the composition:

  • Synthetic linoleums;
  • Natural flooring.

The composition of natural linoleum includes:

  1. Linseed oil;
  2. wood flour;
  3. cork bark;
  4. Resins of trees, more often conifers;
  5. Jute fabric and other natural ingredients.

Natural linoleum is not harmful to health, its components do not emit hazardous substances and fumes. Experts and users note that the quality of natural material is much superior to artificial turf. However, not every family can afford to cover the floor with cork linoleum - the material costs like a good parquet.

Artificial linoleum canvases are much cheaper than natural ones, therefore they are widely used in mass construction.

Attention to classification

To minimize the harm to health of linoleum, when choosing a material, you should pay attention to the class designation:

  • Class 21, 22, 23 - completely safe material without harmful components. It must be used in living quarters, in bedrooms and children's rooms;
  • Class 31, 32, 33, 34 - linoleum for offices, premises for public stay of a periodic nature (semi-commercial);
  • Class 41, 42, 43 - coating, acceptable only for industrial premises. This material can emit toxic fumes under certain conditions, so its use in administrative and residential buildings is excluded.

Composition of synthetic linoleum

Suppose, with a household coating of classes 21-23, it is clear that the material is harmless, but it is not cheap either. Is semi-commercial linoleum harmful? What will happen if you lay it in an apartment as a less expensive finishing material?
To determine the essence of the problem, consider the composition of a standard PVC product in layers:

  1. Polyacrylic or polyurethane protective layer;
  2. Protective PVC layer up to 0.8 mm thick;
  3. Picture;
  4. Foamed PVC;
  5. Fiberglass;
  6. Backing - foamed PVC, felt or jute;
  7. The bottom layer is protective.

Is PVC linoleum harmful or not? Polyvinyl chloride itself is safe, because many of the objects around us are made of this material. However, the layer is placed under a protective layer of polyacrylic or polyurethane. If the integrity of the layer is violated and at the same time heated, PVC is able to evaporate, volatilize in small quantities. However, this is rather a matter of comfort and the danger from the smell is highly questionable.

The most harmful linoleums

In addition to natural and PVC linoleum coatings, budget materials are sometimes found in stores:

  • Alkyd with polyester resins. These components, when evaporated, cause diseases of the eyes, skin, and central nervous system.
  • Rubber synthetic rubber is also dangerous when releasing substances - vapors provoke respiratory diseases and allergic reactions.
  • Nitrocellulose is still a dangerous thing.

Until recently, linoleums on these components were used everywhere due to their low cost. How harmful linoleum is, we can judge even by the fact that it was banned for use in public places. And yet, to this day, this is found in construction supermarkets and buyers prefer it because of the low price, not knowing about the other side of the coin.

What is to be feared?

The main danger is fraught with plasticizers and stabilizers, which are part of the adhesive layers. If you ask the question: can linoleum emit harmful substances, then these components will be the answer. They are released when the layers are abraded and heated by sunlight or warm floors. In cheap coatings, manufacturers often use low-quality raw materials. To eliminate the risk of acquiring this, you should ask the seller for safety certificates.


The main problem today is the production and disposal of linoleum. For these reasons, artificial turf is banned in Europe to save the environment. In the manufacture of the main danger are plasticizers and polymers, evaporating heavy vapors into the air.

Recycling is not easier - burning old material is officially prohibited. When burning, it emits black acrid fumes, which are dangerous for both humans and the environment. Under natural conditions, the canvas is processed for more than one hundred years. So kilometers of old linoleum lie in landfills and exude harmful substances during decomposition and solar heating. This is really a problem of our state, where the use of linoleum is not thought through to the end.

What is more harmful laminate or linoleum

If we compare the popular and affordable linoleum with laminate, we get the following:

  • Security. Laminate is a material based on fiberboard, but polyester toxic resins are also included. The only way to protect yourself from their harmful effects is to purchase certified products from responsible manufacturers.
  • Thermal insulation. Linoleum retains heat well, while its safety is guaranteed only at room temperature. Laminate should be laid on warm floors, which does not soar with harmful substances even after abrasion of the upper protective layers.

If you choose between linoleum and laminate, you must take into account other points: wear resistance, installation, cost, specifics of the room. Therefore, it is difficult to accurately determine the winner in this case.

Fire safety will become a key feature: linoleum, as they said, emits toxic gases, and laminate does not support combustion, does not smoke. Let's give him the lead.


Linoleum in our houses and apartments has a place to be, but the choice of floor material should be approached consciously:

  • You should not buy very cheap canvases;
  • You should always ask for certificates for products;
  • Know the safety classes of linoleum;
  • Do not lay material in children's and bedrooms, as well as in rooms where there is often sun.

Under proper operating conditions, the coating will last more than 10 years without harm to the health of others.

Before answering how to smooth linoleum, let's see why this question arises in principle.

Linoleum is a rolled material produced in widths from 0.5 to 5 meters, which makes it possible to lay a coating without seams in most domestic premises. This quality, as well as the ease of laying the coating and its relatively low cost, attracts many buyers.

Linoleum - material features

To use the material correctly, you need to know its qualities and features. What is linoleum?

The ancestor of linoleum, which gave it its name, is oiled linen. The word "linoleum" comes from the Latin "flax" and "oil". The fabric was impregnated with a melted mixture of resin, vegetable oils, and beeswax. Later, cork powder and natural rubber were added to the composition. This material was called kamptulikon - from the Greek word for "bend, bend".

Over time, natural materials were replaced by synthetic ones: now the most common type of linoleum is made of polyvinyl chloride. But polymer linoleum coatings have retained the properties of their ancestors - this is still the basis - woven or non-woven fabric, with a flexible polymer coating.

How to deal with waves on the floor surface?

Technological features of the material, primarily flexibility, must be taken into account when laying. Linoleum can be laid without glue and glued to the base. Without fixing to the adhesive, the coating can only be laid in small areas with low traffic. Manufacturers advise gluing linoleum when laying on an area of ​​\u200b\u200bmore than twenty meters.

If you are not going to glue linoleum to the base, you will not need any special tools for linoleum, except for a good knife. A heavy linoleum roller is needed in order to carefully press the coating to the adhesive layer and remove air bubbles.

There are several subtleties, given that you can put the flooring efficiently and without problems:

  • Prepare the base. You need to start, as always, with the preparation of the foundation. Do not forget that linoleum is a flexible material, so it will reveal the slightest irregularities, and pebbles, pieces of knocked down plaster and other similar debris left on the floor under the linoleum can damage it. The best way to prepare the base is to use a leveler - it will not only level the subfloor, but also make the surface smooth, which will facilitate the laying of the coating.
  • Store linoleum properly. A common mistake that linoleum buyers make is to purchase the material in advance. And then, throughout the entire repair, the roll lies in the apartment, it is dragged from place to place, something heavy is placed on it. Pay attention to how linoleum rolls are stored in stores: it is wound on a reel fixed horizontally on a stand. When buying, a cut piece is usually rolled up without a base. In this case, the edge may break. And when this roll lies for a long time, the creases only intensify.

The polymer coating can break so much that it will no longer be possible to straighten the creases and the deformation will remain forever. Therefore, you should not buy the remnants of the material that are stored in the store rolled up in a vertical position.

  • Let the coating straighten out. One of the prerequisites for laying is to allow the coating to straighten itself. If this is not done, waves will remain on the floor surface. Purchased linoleum should lie down: do not rush with installation. When a roll of linoleum is delivered to you, leave it in the room where it will fit for a day or two. This is especially important if the purchase is made in the winter. After the material has warmed to room temperature, the roll can be unrolled.
  • Do not hurry. After unrolling the roll, spread it in the room on the floor. Now you need to cut the cover to size. If you are sure of the exact geometry of your room, you can cut it to size. The size of the coating sheet should be less than a centimeter around the entire perimeter. If there is any doubt that the walls are perpendicular to each other, it is better to cut in place. Cut a piece with a margin of 5-10 centimeters around the perimeter. Lay the linoleum on the floor and make cuts in the corners along the allowance. The prepared coating should be left in this state for a few more days. After the linoleum is completely straightened, you should cut the edges along the walls with a sharp knife.
  • Give the coating room to straighten out. Check that around the entire perimeter of the room the coating does not rest against the wall - the sheet should be less than the floor by a centimeter on each side. In order for the coating to straighten, it must have room for this.

Additional actions

What to do if after a few days the coating has not straightened completely? If the apartment has cold concrete floors, then linoleum may not straighten up - in the cold it loses its flexibility. In this case, you need to substitute stands under the sides along the walls, on which to rest the linoleum. Chairs can be used as stands.

It is important that the sheet bent along a large radius, without creases. In the center of the room, for example, on a hook for a chandelier, you need to hang a heat gun turned on at a minimum, or a heater. The heat source should not heat much and be placed high - it is important to heat not the material itself, but the air in the room. After some time, the heated air will warm up, and the floor material itself and gradually the waves on the surface will stretch.

What NOT to do to straighten linoleum

In no case should you try to straighten the waviness of the linoleum coating by local heating of the linoleum itself. By doing this, you will only make it worse - you will get not waves, but bubbles. The coating will stretch out like the knees on the "training shoes".

And if the waves are the result of mechanical deformation, the material stretched from heating can change its structure. You should not heat the surface of the linoleum with a building hair dryer or try to smooth out irregularities with an iron.

When buying a finishing material, pay attention not only to how the linoleum that you want to purchase is stored and its design. Ask the seller what is the residual deformation of linoleum - a value that shows the resistance to indentation.
