Tracking postal items by ID 17. Russian Post track the parcel

Enter the tracking number of the parcel or cargo in the field below and click the button track

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Tracking parcels from China

Most of the inhabitants of our country used Chinese online stores to buy goods. There are several reasons for this, but the main one is the low cost of the purchased product. On the territory of our country, you can buy a mobile phone for 10,000 rubles, and Chinese online stores sell it 20-50% cheaper. Every year, new stores appear that operate online and have a Russian-language interface. AliExpress continues to be the most popular, but over the past few years, Joom, Pandao, Asos, GearBest, etc. have appeared.

How to track a parcel from China

Low cost is not the only advantage of shopping in online stores in China, it is worth highlighting a number of other advantages of online shopping:

  • Free delivery to the nearest post office or courier service;
  • Frequent sales, allowing you to make a purchase with additional discounts;
  • Store promotions that give the right to receive discount coupons;
  • Ability to communicate with the seller using an online translator or similar service;
  • A huge number of reviews from users who have already purchased this product, about its quality and characteristics. Often reviews are accompanied by photographs and even videos. It is possible to decide in advance whether it is worth making a purchase from this seller or looking for a product you like from competitors;
  • A wide range of goods for various purposes from a small USB flash drive to large household appliances.

The main problem when ordering goods from the Middle Kingdom is the difficulty in tracking parcels. Almost all stores provide incomplete information, especially if the order costs less than 10 US dollars.

You will only see information that the order left the country of origin and arrived in the country of destination. Sometimes a track number is provided that can be used on Chinese sites, which causes a number of inconveniences. It is not always possible to figure out exactly where to insert this number on a page with a bunch of hieroglyphs.

Arriving on the territory of our country, the order falls under the jurisdiction of the postal service. Many are aware that the Russian Post is not famous for the speed and quality of delivery, so there may be problems with the loss of the order. Sometimes it just lies in the post office, and the notice does not arrive at the address or is lost before reaching the mailbox. You do not know that the parcel is already in place, because it is not possible to track it. By law, it will be in the post office for 30 days, after which it will be returned to the sender.

It is worth noting that when ordering several products from different sellers, they can be sent by different delivery services. Then you will have to look for the official websites of these services, drive in your number there and follow the movements of the order. All this takes time and nerves.

Tracking parcels on the site

As you can see, the inconvenience with tracking packages is quite common. Some buyers do not risk placing an order because of this. The ideal option would be a project that will allow you to track the ordered goods from any seller.

This project is a Russian-language platform with the ability to track the delivery of more than 250 courier services. These include all popular postal services around the world, logistics companies, courier services and other carriers.

The project works with the Post of Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. As for online stores, the site supports:

  • Amazon;
  • Ebay;
  • Aliexpress;
  • TMALL, and other popular online portals.

How to track the package

The project has a simple and user-friendly interface. All that is needed for work is a valid track number, which the customer must provide. The package tracking process looks like this:

  1. Open the site page using a browser on a computer or using a mobile phone;
  2. The received tracking number must be entered in a special field;
  3. After that, click on the "Track" button (translated from English - "track");
  4. The system will automatically determine which transport company or other service sent this package;
  5. The user's screen will display all information about the movement of the cargo and its current location;
  6. The information is presented in English. For the convenience of users, it is possible to translate the page. Scroll down the page, the "Translate Language" button will be located in the right corner. When you click on the button, a drop-down menu will open where you can select the desired language, including Russian.
  7. Now all information on the page will be displayed in Russian. You will be able to see where your order is now, when it was shipped and how long it has been on the way.

In order not to lose the page, you can bookmark it on social networks. To do this, use one of the buttons in the right corner of the site. Thus, the link to our service will be saved and you will not lose it.

China Tracking

Small and medium business owners do not always have their representatives in other countries of the world. However, thanks to modern logistics, you can track the cargo from any country. Making bulk purchases abroad can be several times more profitable than in the territory of the Russian Federation or the CIS countries.

The only problem that such orders may have is information about the cargo. Chinese sellers do not always meet and use a single delivery service. But what if you buy dozens of consignments of goods from different sellers?

It does not matter which company will make the delivery - you can track it on the pages of our website. It should be borne in mind that the transportation of large cargo takes more time, due to customs clearance and shipping time.

We can also find for you any necessary product in China, more details can be found on the page.



In this section you will find a modern and convenient service for fast and accurate tracking of parcels and postal items delivered by the Russian postal operator FSUE Russian Post. The Russian Post enterprise consists of 87 branches, which employ more than 350,000 employees. Russian Post is a large enterprise that is constantly improving and providing the population with a wide range of postal and financial services. The main direction of his work is the reception, dispatch, transportation and delivery of parcels and postal items on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as abroad.

With the help of this service, in just a couple of minutes you can track the exact location of a parcel or postal item delivered by Russian Post.

How to track by parcel number?

Tracking the transportation and delivery of a parcel by Russian Post is quite simple: for this you need to enter a barcode identifier in the “# Tracking number” box. It can contain 13 or 14 characters, including letters and numbers. You can find this identifier or the alphanumeric number of the postal item on your payment document or receipt. When entering, pay attention to the fact that capital Latin letters should be used. After entering it, click on the "Track" button or press the "Enter" key.

What are the tracking numbers?

In order to track by the parcel number, you need to know the unique track number. Such a number is assigned to each parcel in accordance with the S10 standard of the Universal Postal Union. It can contain 14 digits if the shipment is within Russia, or contain a combination of 13 alphanumeric characters when it is an international shipment. When sending internationally, the track number consists of 13 characters. The first are the letters of the Latin alphabet, meaning the marking of the departure. Only numbers starting with the letters R, C, E, V, L are subject to tracking. The second character will be any letter of the Latin alphabet that ensures the uniqueness of the number. The next nine characters are numbers. The last two characters are Latin letters denoting the country code in the S10 format, for example, for Russia these are the letters RU.

Examples of track numbers:

  • CE098765432RU - for international shipment.
  • 13243564758695 - for shipment within the Russian Federation.

What statuses can be

When tracking parcels and postal items delivered by Russian Post, there may be the following status options:

    Reception. - This status means that the mail item arrived at the foreign post office, where it was assigned the specified track number.

    Arrival at MMPO. - This status means that the postal item has arrived at the place of international postal exchange for customs clearance and preparation for shipment from the sender's country (export).

    Export. - This means that the shipment has been transferred to the carrier for delivery to the territory of the Russian Federation. Between the Export and Import statuses, it is impossible to track the postal item of the Russian Post.

    Import. - This status means that the postal item has arrived at the sorting point of the Russian Post, and has also been registered in Russia. Postal items arrive in Russia through places of international exchange (IMO), which are located in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Orenburg, Samara, Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Bryansk.

    handed over to customs. - This status means that the postal item was transferred to the Federal Customs Service. There, all parcels and shipments undergo X-ray control.

    Customs clearance completed. - This status means that the postal item has successfully passed the customs check and returned to the Russian Post.

    Delayed by customs. - This means that the postal item was detained by customs. The reason may be in exceeding the monthly limit for the import of goods to one postal address (1000 euros or 31 kg). If there is this excess, then the goods are subject to customs duty in the amount of 30% of the value of the goods, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg.

    Left MMPO. - This status means that the parcel has left the MMPO and is sent to the sorting center. From this moment on, regulated delivery times across the territory of Russia apply. Delivery times depend on the type of shipment and range from 7-11 days for parcels delivered to Russia by airmail, 8-20 days for parcels received by land.

    Arrived at the sorting center. - In this center, parcels are distributed along the main routes of Russia, sealed, packed and sent to their destination.

    Left the sorting center. — This means that the package has been sorted and left the sorting center.

    Arrived at the sorting center. - This status means that the package has arrived at the next regional sorting center.

    Left the sorting center. — The parcel left the regional sorting center.

    Came to the place of delivery. - This status means that the parcel has arrived at the recipient's post office. According to the rules of the Russian Post, a notice is issued on the same day that the parcel is in the post office. Not later than the next day, the postman must deliver the notice to the recipient.

    Delivery to the addressee. - This is the final status, which means that the postal item was delivered to the addressee against signature.

How to receive a parcel or postal item?

In order to receive a parcel or postal item, you need to come to the Russian Post office indicated in the appointment and present a document proving your identity. This may be a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a foreign passport, a military ID, a certificate of release or other identification card that temporarily replaces a passport.

"My Parcel" tracks not only the postal, but also the leading courier services of the PRC. Whoever delivers, with our help, you can easily find out the location of the shipment.

China Postal Services
  • China Post (China Post) is the postal operator of the PRC, delivering domestic and international shipments. The national company has 200 sorting centers located in all provinces of the country. Large terminals are located in Shanghai and Beijing. They are equipped with equipment that automates work processes, so sending international parcels through the sorting centers of these cities does not take much time.
  • EMS China Post (EMS China Post) is a division of the national postal operator of China. The company provides express delivery services for shipments in China and beyond. On average, the delivery time for orders to Russia using this operator is 10-15 days, which is 3-4 times faster compared to China Post. However, the cost of express delivery services is higher.
China Courier Services
  • FeDex is an international shipping company that delivers goods from China. An important advantage of the courier service is that it takes care of all the formalities associated with the customs clearance of the shipment. And the downside is that FeDex specializes in the transportation of large consignments. This increases the delivery time, as you have to wait until the complex shipment is formed.
  • TNT Express is a Chinese transport company that provides express delivery to Russia, the CIS countries, and Europe. The best option for the delivery of large consignments, since in this case the service is relatively inexpensive (often cheaper than EMS shipments). But TNT Express also has a drawback - a low threshold for duty-free import. In practice, this means that even for an inexpensive product, you will have to pay customs duties.

We have not listed all courier and postal services in China. Their number is so great that it is impossible to do it within one section. Therefore, if you did not find the company delivering your order in this list, do not be upset. Enter the track number in the form on the My Parcel website - we will almost certainly help you find out where the shipment is.

The site site will help you find out where your package is. On this page we will talk about our service - parcel tracking.

How it works

If you ordered a parcel from a foreign online store, you will be provided with a track number.

Usually it is sent by e-mail, phone or as a comment to the order in your account on the site. The track code allows you to track an international parcel at all stages of its journey. Starting with sending from the post office and ending with its receipt by the addressee. If you want to know which country the parcel is flying over or which control path it has passed, then the tracking number is designed for you.

Site mechanics

In order to find out where your package is, you need to enter the tracking number and the country in which it arrives.

The country in which the seller is located will be determined by the system. Copy the code and paste it into the top box on the page. After that, select your country from the drop-down list and click on the green button below. Your request has been accepted. Now it's up to our search core.

How long does it take to check the track number
Processing the process will take from 30 seconds to two minutes, depending on the send parameters. This will include the following criteria: search for the sender's country, finding the sending postal company and loading all stages of the journey.
What to do if the parcel is not found
According to the rules of the Russian Post, information about the movement of the parcel arrives within 3-5 days. If the tracking number does not arrive even after 5 days, then you should contact our forum. In it, other users will help you deal with the problem, share their experience and tell you who to contact in a similar situation. If nothing is found on your track code, then enter your e-mail and we will send you an e-mail notification at the first change in the status of the shipment.

The choice of members of the forum
Under the form to fill out, you will find the rating of the service and the number of voters.

As you can see, our service helps people. This is the main thing for us, so it's free. Compare email systems, recommend them to others and enjoy shopping with us!

Tracking parcels from China and other countries

4.4 (87.91%) 1651 ratings.

Don't know where your package is? We offer you a list of the best tracking tools for packages from any stores, including Aliexpress standard shipping and Ebay.
Modern postal services provide tracking number postal item so that the recipient can self track where is the package. Let's look at how this can be done using the example of tracking mail by ID from China.

How to find out where the package is online:

Enter the track code, click "track" and find where your package is.

Where is my parcel? Manual package tracking option

If you want to check tracking numbers with maximum convenience, and find out where your parcel is now, then universal online trackers will help you to search for mail items:

Advanced package tracking option

In principle, it makes little sense to update the status of parcels more than once a day. But if you want to track the package as accurately as possible, then you can do the following:
1. If sent by Airmail (China post Registered Airmail) then first track the package before import:
China Post (China Post) -
Hongkong Post (Hong Kong Post) -
Singapore Post (Singapore Post) -
and after import, continue to track (up to receipt) here:
Post office -
2.If sent via EMS (EMS China Post Express Mail Service), we also divide the procedure into two stages.
Track before import (check if sent from China or not):

after import:

In addition, if the package is delivered by the EMS service, you can always call their operators and clarify the current data on the package by calling 8-800-200-50-55 (around the clock, a call from anywhere in Russia is free)

Shipping time statistics

Information on the timing of the passage of parcels can be viewed on the statistics server

Bonus! Programs for tracking parcels

Do you want to know where your package is without going to the sites? You can install a package tracking program on your computer that will automatically check the status of an unlimited number of track codes!

This option (it seems a little inefficient to me, but oh well) suggests installing a special program on your computer (connected to the Internet).
I will not describe this option in detail, I will just give links and screenshots:


Tracking postal items via mobile devices:

Track the parcel using mobile devices.
The official application of the Russian Post is available for devices and.

Frequently asked Questions

What does the NULL status mean (response from the user with the nickname CTRL-F)
As China Post explains to its customers, the introduction of new statuses in tracking international shipments is intended to remove the accusation from China Post of unreasonably increasing the time it takes for parcels to reach Russia, etc. NULL status - the absence of a parcel in China (it has already passed customs and is interpreted as an airplane flight departure). The next entries after NULL are information about transit movement at airports along the route of the parcel (airport coding according to IATA). Example PEK - Beijing, PVG - Shanghai, FRA - Frankfurt. And the last entry is the destination country code. This info was sent to me by my regular supplier from China.
And with the help of this tool (), you can check the correctness of the track number, as well as calculate the verification code using the known track number of your package.
