She is a lion, he is a Sagittarius, the beginning of a love relationship. Sagittarius and Leo Love Compatibility

It is not often possible to see a lion and an archer peacefully communicating. Representatives of these zodiac signs argue all the time, quarrel from scratch, interrupt each other in mid-sentence. There are, of course, exceptions, but in cases where circumstances oblige each of this pair to behave respectfully towards the other. Sagittarius and Leo can get along in a working environment, but on condition that there is no competition between them.

Sagittarius man and Leo woman

A Leo woman has a fairly high self-esteem, and for a Sagittarius there are neither ideals nor authorities. If the lioness does not cross his path, the man may well not show the manners of a rude and tyrant, but if this happens, condescension will not follow from either side. A woman will be offended not so much by the intransigence of the archer, but by his dismissive attitude. Neither a high rank, nor public recognition, will in any way elevate her in his eyes, for him everyone is equal, he does not single out anyone. In order to prevent conflict, the lioness should behave less arrogantly, and the archer should try to restrain his emotions.

♐ + ♌: In love

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- It is more difficult for a Sagittarius guy and a Leo girl to pair up than to maintain an existing relationship. The fact is that even if this young man is attractive to the lioness, his signs of attention will seem to her less expressive than she expected. The Sagittarius guy does not like to care for a long time, if the lady of the heart does not reciprocate in a short time, he can easily switch to another. The situation is such that the lion girl from the very beginning of the relationship will have to give in to him.

Free time lovers will spend together. Representatives of the fire signs of the zodiac need outdoor activities, noisy campaigns and fun. Unfortunately, instead of having a pleasant time, such outings often turn into quarrels. Both strive for leadership and public recognition, but it is common for a lioness to behave as if she came unaccompanied. Only she will speak, the young man will be left completely unattended, so he will be forced to occupy himself. Sagittarius loves flirting, and taking advantage of the situation, he will not miss such a chance. His beloved, of course, it will infuriate. The Leo girl does not like public quarrels, but the Sagittarius guy can force her to abandon her old principles. If young people do not begin to listen to each other in time, they are unlikely to be able to avoid a break in relations.

♐ + ♌: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- If the marriage of a lion and an archer was not hasty, then the spouses have more chances for a peaceful life. Having managed to study each other's character traits, they have probably already learned how to get around sharp corners, so they do not quarrel once again.

The domestic side of life is not important to both. The lioness considers chores around the house to be boring, and the Sagittarius in general hardly pays attention to the lack of order in the house. On trifles, the husband and wife do not find fault with each other, they live with emotions, therefore the reasons for their quarrels are of a corresponding nature.

Sagittarius tends to be jealous of a bright and sociable spouse, despite the fact that he allows himself both flirting and intrigues on the side. A lion woman is very angry if her husband continues to bend his line even where it is inappropriate. Very often, sensible proposals are received from her side regarding joint acquisitions, cash investments, and the establishment of profitable relationships. The husband does not refuse to be useful, but when it comes down to it, he may change his mind, or maybe take part in the request of his wife, but do it in such a way that all plans go downhill.

To keep the peace in the family, spouses should not rely on each other, because individually they are doing much better. It would be nice for both of them to take control of their emotions, to exclude harsh behavior and sharp phrases addressed to each other.

♐ + ♌: In friendship

GOOD COMPATIBILITY- A Sagittarius guy and a Leo girl can be friends. Both love fun, communication and outdoor activities. Very often they are united by a common campaign in which they enjoy spending their free time. Their conversations are secular, without unnecessary revelations and complaints about life. In difficult situations, the lioness and the archer readily help each other. in this case, it can last a long time, but the distance between them, in any case, remains.

Leo man and Sagittarius woman

Leo man and Sagittarius woman can easily find a common language. The personal relationship of this couple is developing successfully, there is no struggle for leadership. The representative of the Sagittarius sign is in many ways inferior to the lion, and he treats her with due respect and listens to her opinion.

If an archer and a lion are connected by common affairs, they will become reliable partners and helpers for each other. Thanks to the fresh ideas of the Sagittarius and the unconventional approach of the Leo to solving current problems, this couple acts quickly and smoothly. Mutual respect and keen interest in each other's points of view contribute to long-term and productive cooperation.

♌ + ♐: In a love relationship

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY- The Leo guy loves sociable and relaxed girls, so he will immediately notice the representative of the Sagittarius sign. The lion will not have to seek reciprocal sympathy for a long time, most likely, the girl noticed him even earlier, but did not want to act first.

Leadership in the relationship will go to the guy, and this will suit both. Although the Sagittarius girl has a strong character, she respects the masculine qualities of the lion, his self-confidence, lack of fear of responsibility. The young man dreamed of just such a chosen one. She allows him to dominate, but at the same time is completely independent, leaves the last word for him, but also has her own opinion.

The only danger to the relationship is the incontinence of the girl. She must understand that even in the most controversial and conflict situations it is unacceptable to criticize a lion, make fun of his shortcomings, and speak rudely to him. It is enough for her to allow herself such behavior only once to lose her lover forever.

♌ + ♐: Married

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY- The marriage of a Sagittarius woman and a Leo man promises to be strong. It is impossible to call their life completely cloudless, from time to time the spouses will not agree with each other, and each of them proves his case with special zeal. On the other hand, representatives of fiery signs do not tolerate pretense, so each other's frankness will be appreciated. In any case, it is better to refrain from harsh criticism for both, especially for the wife. In the heat of a quarrel, she can say too much to her husband, after which reconciliation will not be quick.

The domestic side of life is lame, but both spouses are of little concern. Leo is busy with work, and prefers to spend his free time outside the home. The Sagittarius woman does not like household chores, but she also does not allow a complete mess. The husband does not find fault with her over trifles, so quarrels do not arise from scratch.

The sexual compatibility of this couple is high. Husband and wife remain interesting to each other for many years, mutual passion does not leave them. The only problem may be the excessive criticality of the Sagittarius woman, which can manifest itself even in such a delicate area. If the lion does not feel at his best, he will begin to seek recognition on the side, and this is dangerous for marriage.

♌ + ♐: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- Leo guy and Sagittarius girl can communicate, but not too closely. When everything in life goes well for each of them, they are open, kind and sociable. Representatives of the fire signs of the zodiac are not inclined to make tragedies out of ordinary troubles, but at such moments they focus on solving them and behave differently. If a lion has problems, he will not turn to his friend for help, pride will not allow him to. At such moments, it is better not to touch the guy at all, because he is not in the mood for communication.

If a trouble happens to a Sagittarius girl, she becomes nervous, so people who happen to be nearby, including friends, can also get under the distribution. The lion guy, after such an incident, will stop communicating with her immediately. Friends are connected only by a fun vacation, they do not take part in each other's life. Too close connection in this case is not related to, but speaks of mutual interest.

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

Video: LEO ♌ Zodiac sign

Maria Svetlaya

Leo and Sagittarius - an imperfect combination in terms of the horoscope. However, this does not prevent them from being happy with mutual desire. Due to the desire for leadership in both, achieving family comfort can be a daunting task. To do this, they will have to learn to compromise and give in. But if the signs cope with this dilemma, they can build a cozy family nest and live a happy long life in it.

Leo and Sagittarius Compatibility Chart

Compatibility Leo Man and Sagittarius Woman: Pros and Cons in a Relationship

When you see such a couple together, it is difficult to resist doubts about the fragility of their union. After all, when two equally temperamental and complex personalities converge, after a while it becomes difficult for them to get along and put up with the partner’s shortcomings. Especially if both are naturally strong leaders. However, a big plus in the relationship between Leo and Sagittarius - indifference to trifles. It is the latter that often become the last straw in the relationship between a man and a woman - small events and grievances accumulate and crush with their mass feelings that were strong not so long ago.

With mutual respect, these two can be a great motivation for each other.

Sagittarius will motivate Leo to new achievements, and the latter will make the archer look more positively at the world around him.

Lions themselves often pay attention to Sagittarius. The fact is that the latter only in exceptional cases adjoin the army of admirers of the king of the animal world. And it is precisely this coldness that forces the Lion to take the path of the hunter, arousing his predatory instincts. True, in the end it may turn out that Sagittarius' detachment is nothing more than a fear of relationship responsibility.

The coldness of Sagittarius arouses the interest of Leo and makes him take the path of the hunter

Are they compatible in love?

In a pair of two fire signs, vivid feelings and sexual attraction can become the foundation of a relationship. Leo is always ready for sensual exploits and the manifestation of passion. But if the Sagittarius woman gets tired of this, the king of beasts can easily find a replacement for her. At least in bed. But at the same time, he will not lose warm feelings for his wife in everyone else.

Not a single lady, especially with a fiery temperament, can please this. But if the relationship is valuable, if this particular man is needed, it is worth trying to change the situation in the house. Understand what pushes Leo to spend leisure time on the side. Scandals and quarrels will definitely not help to improve the situation.

Leo and Sagittarius can test each other's feelings for a long time

The most important thing is not to play too much. Otherwise, in this competition, you can lose something for the sake of testing which everything was started.

Leo guy and Sagittarius girl in sex

He is Leo and she is Sagittarius. What awaits them in bed? With mutual feelings, exciting love adventures and unusual experiments await them. The fact is that both are open to everything new, ready to completely surrender to passion and take their partner with them. The coincidence of temperaments allows them to enjoy every second of intimacy, at will introducing diversity into it in all its manifestations. In such a couple, the intimate sphere is an integral and most pleasant part of their relationship. In bed, each of them is ready to give pleasure to the chosen one and receive it himself, without boundaries and modesty that is unnecessary here.

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

Is there a happy future for a marriage in which the husband is Leo and the wife is Sagittarius? Of course have. And most importantly, family The life of these two will definitely not be boring. There will always be passion, quarrels and reconciliations, heated debates, joint hobbies and active leisure in it. Such whole individuals with a strong will and fixed views cannot be amorphous. Therefore, their marriage is a constant movement forward. Both Leo and Sagittarius can become an incentive for a partner to discover new talents or develop old ones, for full self-expression.

The family life of Leo and Sagittarius will definitely not be boring

Often such unions are very creative, since it is the combination of two fiery elements that can give rise to art in all its manifestations.

The undoubted advantage of both signs is the neglect of trifles. This allows them to calmly go towards the future, without quarreling over things that mean nothing to them.

The main thing in marriage for such a couple is trust, respect for the partner’s right to personal space, sincerity and honesty.

Is there friendship if he is Leo and she is Sagittarius?

Friendship for Leo and Sagittarius is an infrequent phenomenon

Because once they are close, they immediately begin to feel mutual attraction. However, if each of them already has chosen ones, then they may well become best friends. They are not bored with each other, because these signs have common interests, outlooks on life, aspirations and desires. Such a deep mutual understanding will become a solid foundation for many years of comradely relations.

How to win a Leo man?

Leo is a man of extremes. If he has a great mood, you will find an interesting and charismatic interlocutor. If he is offended or angry, you will immediately feel how thunderclouds are gathering over your head.

How to win a Leo man and build a relationship with him? In fact, for Sagittarius this is not such a problem. As a fiery sign and a person with a similar temperament, an archer girl will attract attention to herself with her fortitude, striving for new horizons, optimism and interest in the world around her.

Show your good mood to Leo more often. Being near you should be a way for him to receive only pleasant emotions.

Communication with Leo is like walking through a minefield.

Sagittarians also need to watch what they say. Some tactlessness of this sign can put him in an awkward position. Sometimes communication with Leo is like walking through a minefield - a careless joke and irony can deeply hurt him. And then forgive the plans to conquer the formidable Lion.

How to get the attention of a Sagittarius woman?

It cannot be said that the Sagittarius girl is too demanding and pretentious in choosing her chosen one.

She is quite capable of putting up with shortcomings if she finds for herself a quality that overshadows them.

Is it possible to fall in love with a Sagittarius woman? Can. But only an interesting man can do this, with whom a woman will not be bored or sad. Sagittarians appreciate sparkling humor, erudition, attractive appearance. But at the same time, this fire sign does not like extremes - there should not be something “too much”. Too beautiful, too bright, too cheerful - this combination is not for her. But honesty, reliability and loyalty are always in the price.

Do not limit the freedom of the sun sign or suppress it. Such pressure can only lead to a break. Sagittarians value men who leave them the right to their own opinion on any issue.

Also, the girls of this sign like people who are active, easy-going and with a simple character, who look at the world realistically, but not without humor.

Compatibility Horoscope for Leo Woman and Sagittarius Man

Unlike the previous couple, in the reverse version of the relationship between Leo and Sagittarius, everything can turn out very well. They are similar in almost everything: from character to hobbies and outlook on the future. Of course, no relationship is without challenges. But here, thanks to good compatibility, both signs will be able to resolve conflict situations without much loss. Both are able to change for the better for the sake of the family, reducing or completely getting rid of some of their shortcomings.

Sagittarius men are able to change for the sake of family well-being

But there are also some pitfalls. Sagittarians like to be in control, to take control. But the freedom-loving and strong Lioness is not always ready to give the reins of government into the wrong hands, even if it is her beloved man. Both are jealous, so that a quarrel can break out even without much reason.

However, Sagittarians are able to change for the sake of family well-being and their beloved, direct their attention inside the relationship, surround the chosen one with care and love. In turn, the ambitious Lionesses, having entrusted their future to the Sagittarius man, can leave their career plans and focus on the hearth.

Love relationship

It is in such a pair that a feeling can arise that has been sung for centuries in poems, sonnets and ballads.

When fire meets fire, there is a real explosion and a storm of emotions. Bright, temperamental, impetuous and invariably eye-catching - this is exactly what Leo and Sagittarius are. If their love is stronger than the innate selfishness of each of the partners, such a relationship will be long and joyful for both.

A pair of Leo and Sagittarius can always be distinguished in the crowd. Both radiate some special magnetism, strength and energy. And thanks to this similarity, together they are able to move mountains. The most important thing is that in these relations there should be mutual respect, lightness, freedom and devotion.

couple sexual attraction

How do fire signs feel in bed with each other? In this area, they have complete harmony. They are equally liberated, ardent, completely surrendered to passion. Both Leo and Sagittarius know how to give their partner sensual pleasure and do it with joy. The only thing that can overshadow the intimate life of such a couple is the lack of sincere love on the part of the Lioness. In this case a woman is able to behave selfishly in sex.

However, if both partners are interested in each other, this is not worth worrying about. They go on experiments with the same enthusiasm, try to diversify their intimate life, find new ways of knowing each other.

In bed with Sagittarius and Leo, complete harmony reigns


A marriage where the husband is a Sagittarius and the wife is a Lioness can become winning from all sides. But only if both spouses, with their strong characters and innate egoism, can learn to compromise and make concessions. In this case, each of them will motivate the other for constant growth, improvement and success in any field.

What can cause the fading of feelings? Boredom. Oddly enough, this is what can destroy such a seemingly strong relationship. Therefore, such families most often try to periodically introduce variety and changes into their measured life. For example:

  • moving to another city or even a country,
  • overhaul with a change in the interior,
  • moving to another place,
  • change of activity / new projects,
  • hobby change.

This approach allows you to keep relationships in good shape and direct the energy of solar signs in a peaceful creative direction. Compared to the gray life, any exciting event will be moral relaxation and entertainment for them.

How are Leo girl and Sagittarius guy friends?

The friendship between these two can develop strong, warm and bright.

They are very similar: with a fiery temperament, similar tastes and passions, similar views on life and the world around them.

The lioness may be offended if the Sagittarius meets or calls only on business. Sagittarius, in turn, may be offended by Leo's strange grievances.. In any case, they will reconcile, and this will add spice to their already quite vivid emotional relationship. But the chosen ones of these signs should remember that the warm fire of friendship between them is quite capable of quickly flaring up into a passionate romance.

How to win a Sagittarius man and build a relationship with him

Sagittarius men are very loving. Sometimes it seems that they are able to conquer the whole world with their gallant manners, the ability to keep up the conversation and screw, where necessary, a suitable compliment. And this, on the one hand, attracts girls, and on the other hand, it can cause constant conflicts in relationships. After all, not everyone is ready to share her man with others.

Becoming a Sagittarius girlfriend is very simple, but it is much more difficult to become the only one for him. And such a bright personality as the Lioness can handle this task. But it is important not to overdo it and not try to suppress a man, he will not tolerate this.

Sagittarius men are too loving

Girls invariably like his optimism and striving for new heights, but at the same time they often baffle and offend the almost complete lack of tact. However, Sagittarius invariably comes to the rescue in a difficult situation and is not able to leave loved ones in trouble.

The ideal for this sign is a girl who successfully combines independence and the ability to submit, cheerfulness, intelligence and sense of humor.

Is it possible to fall in love with a Leo woman?

Lionesses are strong, strong-willed and unusual natures. They will stand out in any company. The Leo woman is easily recognizable by her bright appearance and the group of admirers surrounding her. It is always interesting with her, but at the same time difficult. This fire sign will not tolerate a gray and nondescript man next to him who has not achieved anything and has no clear plans for the future.

On the other hand, an overly self-confident chosen one who will begin to suppress her, limit her personal freedom and interfere with self-expression will not suit her either. The ideal option for her is a strong and ambitious person who will allow her to be herself and become her reliable support.

It is desirable that sometimes he let her at the helm of the family ship.

She will not tolerate disparaging reviews in her direction from the series "A woman's place in the kitchen." But she is able to sacrifice her career if she sees the full return and devotion from her man.

June 27, 2018, 04:47 PM

Understanding helps more accurately. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each of them allows you to avoid many relationship problems.


Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac. His is fire. The dominant qualities are a tendency to explore, activity, the search for new sensations. Sagittarius cannot sit still and is constantly looking for adventure.

Even when he finds himself in an incomprehensible environment, he easily finds friends and support. This is an extremely sociable sign. His openness makes it easy to overcome life's obstacles. A person under the sign of Sagittarius has an extreme degree of honesty.

He cannot remain silent and hide his opinion. He says everything directly, and sometimes even too much. Because of this, others are often offended by Sagittarius. They really do not want to offend someone, but they cannot but express their point of view. Monotony and routine for Sagittarius is a real torment.

He grasps everything new and unknown. Sagittarians are easy to learn languages ​​and education in general. They are fickle, easily find new things and just as easily leave them. They are very sad if someone restricts their freedom. Sagittarius constantly generates new ideas and thus is the engine of progress.


Powerful and independent personality. It is impossible for her to impose her own rules or opinions. He has a fair amount of creativity, easily "infects" others with his ideas. Such a woman prefers to be a leader in her profession.

The Sagittarius woman is a perfectionist and really works hard. Can't stand flattery. Prefers honesty, both with himself and with others. Easily admits his mistakes and corrects their consequences.

In a relationship, Sagittarius will not tolerate the dominance of a partner. Prefers to be with him on an equal footing. Sympathy is manifested openly, without much flirting and coquetry. Sagittarius will suit a bright and charismatic partner who will not suppress her.


have openness and immediacy. They cannot live without new emotions and impressions. They hate banality and boredom. Sagittarius is a great speaker, as he loves to tell interesting stories. Prefers to always be the center of attention.

Due to his penchant for everything new and the ability to "get into" rather strange stories, Sagittarius is not a particularly reliable companion.

He is constantly looking for new experiences. Therefore, Sagittarians are very amorous. The partner will have to be resourceful so as not to bore him. People born under the sign of Sagittarius value freedom and do not tolerate the limitation of their space.

The Sagittarius man is active and assertive. Often this manifests itself in a strong obsession. Nevertheless, relations with him will be filled with vivid emotions. It is not so easy to bind him with obligations.


- the fifth sign of the Zodiac. His element is fire, and the patron planet is the Sun. People born under this sign are interesting and bright personalities. They are characterized by ambition and pride.

Leos are much more than other signs, they want power, and recognition. These desires border on excellent leadership abilities. Sometimes this leads them to vanity, so they easily succumb to flattery. Leo people are very generous and passionate.

They prefer to live in a big way. They especially like to emphasize and flaunt their position in society and status. Lions rarely “bend” and serve in front of anyone. Rather, on the contrary - they prefer to receive honors and all kinds of signs of respect.

One of the obvious problems of Leo is inattention to the people around him. Leo can easily confuse the desire to please with devotion, and agreement in everything with unconditional love. It is really important for a Leo to be a leader. He looks great and natural in leadership positions.

The worst thing for him is to become socially unsuccessful. We can say that Leo lives in order to receive recognition and praise. He wants to be the best in his field.

Men and women under the sign of Leo profess hedonism, which is manifested in their clear sympathy for expensive things, comfort (sometimes even excessive) and the desire to enjoy. A quality brand is really important to them. They want the very best. Of the shortcomings of Leo, egoism is especially worth highlighting.

Even in the sphere of relationships, he evaluates a partner based on his love for him. When it comes to choosing a partner, there are two options. First - Leo will choose a person who will agree and obey him in everything. Second - he will choose a personality that others admire, which will perfectly complement him. The desire for fame and selfishness have a positive aspect for Leo.

These qualities are a kind of "fuel" for his life achievements and realization. Thanks to this feature, Leo is considered one of the most energetic signs. He has a pronounced creative potential, which requires its materialization. When he does not get results in love or work, he can easily lose interest and his “fuse”.

Leos love to be the center of attention. Therefore, you rarely see them in companies where they are not paid attention. They want to be in demand, to be approached for advice. Leo wants to be an expert and confidant in difficult matters.


Leo is a masculine sign, as it is characterized by leadership, power and dominance. We can say that Leo men are alpha males who seek their woman and prove love not in word, but in deed.

In doing so, they expect praise and admiration. Leo men are extremely jealous, sometimes even for no particular reason. They can be despotic towards their women.

This manifests itself when Leo imposes on a woman the social behavior that is appropriate for her, the style of dress, and even the daily routine. However, Leo makes up for with this care and protection. Yes, and he does not really hide the fact that he is looking for a submissive partner without special ambitions. Leo is the owner, so he is ready for many, sometimes even crazy deeds, for the sake of his soul mate.

He tends to act actively and even aggressively to achieve his goal. Leo will definitely not regret the lost opportunities and quietly be sad. He is passionate and prone to going to extremes. Leo is a real hard worker who sometimes works until he is completely exhausted.

The Leo man is a great choice for women who prefer to be "housekeepers".


Lionesses are really difficult people. They are proud and strong, but at the same time they have a developed emotional sphere. They have a strong need for love and understanding. A woman under the sign of Leo dreams of a dizzying relationship.

However, she is quite ambitious. This leads her into a rather strange and incomprehensible relationship. In a relationship, the Lioness can show excessive authority, which leads to a quick fiasco.

For this reason, she has to pretend to be weak and submissive, but she does this very rarely. Most often, a Leo woman manifests herself as a charismatic and strong personality. Therefore, weak men avoid her and prefer not to get involved. Lionesses perfectly organize their life, parties and meetings. In this way they emphasize their status and aspect of power.


Leo Woman and Sagittarius Man

The relationship of this couple should add up smoothly and without any problems. They can understand each other well and therefore do not invent anything superfluous. These are two active signs, so they will not let themselves get bored.

The Leo woman supports the interest of Sagittarius. And the man - does not allow the Lioness to dominate. Together they can "move mountains" and achieve any goals.

Such partners complement each other, which helps them not to notice some of their inconsistencies. In general, there is a high probability of building healthy relationships.

Leo man and Sagittarius woman

The Sagittarius woman and the Leo man really look alike. Their feelings flare up brightly. Both Sagittarius and Leo are extremely idealistic personalities.

The main obstacle between partners will be Leo's egoism and his desire to dominate. They should honestly share their thoughts with each other.

If the couple understands their differences, then the relationship will be easier to harmonize. Sagittarius loves new experiences, Leo - when they admire him and his partner.

Often they will have to restrain their fiery temperaments and listen to each other. In general, good relations between them are possible.

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About the compatibility of a Sagittarius man and a Leo woman in a love relationship in a video:

Given the characteristics of each sign, it is much easier to build harmonious relationships. Sagittarius and Leo signs are highly compatible with each other. The only condition for a good relationship between them is a sincere interest and desire to change for the sake of another.

The marriage of Leo and Sagittarius is permeated with optimism. It's hard to find another similar example of self-confidence. Leo is unwaveringly committed to the fulfillment of its tasks. Sagittarius yearns to travel to unexplored areas of our planet and the human spirit. He needs to constantly grow and mature.

Leo - Sagittarius: is there any compatibility?

The tenacity of Leo, in alliance with the boundless enthusiasm of Sagittarius, forces both to play out their performance to the end. You need a huge stage in order to demonstrate the versatility of your roles.

Leo and Sagittarius are lovers gifted with a big heart. Only in a wide expanse will you find yourself. Both signs are bold and daring in every way.

Leo does not lose the opportunity to once again convince the self-confident Sagittarius of the favorable outcome of the enterprise. Sagittarius inspires Leo, who is ready to take risks every minute, with the desire for new conquests.

Both signs are constantly on the hunting trail. Leo and Sagittarius pour energy into each other. One encourages the other to look for other unknown paths. They are endowed with a bright and colorful fantasy.

There are no dull episodes in their life. The very word "boredom" is not in their vocabulary. Leo and Sagittarius seem to have made an alliance to the grave. They are not content with little.

In the drama of life, they play the same role. Marriage compatibility Leo and Sagittarius is excellent, they can be friends and lovers.

How Compatible are Leo Man and Sagittarius Woman?

The Leo man is subdued by the charms of the Sagittarius woman. She has a sharp philosophical mind. She is constantly cheerful. It seems that at any moment she is ready to celebrate some solemn event.

She is playful, but at the same time she thinks: is he sincere or just being polite? He finds her mischievous but simple-minded. It seems to him that she looks at the world with surprise. She looks carefree.

Leo notes that she values ​​her independence (she transparently hints: "Do not encroach on my freedom"). The Leo man seeks to win her love.

He opens his heart to her, ignoring the burning pain. The Sagittarius woman is able to slip away from a serious conversation faster than lightning. She prefers to give up gradually.

The lion purrs, listening to the clever flattery of an affectionate woman. But when she begins to test his life principles, he is instantly alert.

He doesn't particularly care when she, like an inquisitor, explores his essence. After all, he likes to be the object of increased attention. He enjoys listening to her dramatic speeches.

Leo and Sagittarius Marriage Compatibility. The Sagittarius woman understands that the Leo man is fixated on himself. It's not that hard to figure it out. He has something to say. He seeks to express himself in his deeds.

She notes that he is interested in her hopes and desires. She is counting on him to help her make some of her dreams come true. She pays tribute to his courage. His passion wins her heart.

From time to time he is prone to melancholy. She tells him sad episodes from her life and notes that he cares. This savage is made of the same combustible material as she.

He is unable to hide anything. You can see from his face that his intentions are much more serious than his playful words suggest. She likes his playfulness, a quality that makes their love fun.

In love, he is not eager to command her. After all, in response, she knows how to retire. She believes that he can penetrate the innermost corners of her heart. Their mentality is not so different.

Everyone strives to take from life everything that it offers. When analyzing the marriage of Leo and Sagittarius, keep in mind that the Sagittarius woman is fascinated by the unquestioning determination of the Leo man.

She will definitely force him to build a common house for them - at least for a while!

How Compatible are Leo Woman and Sagittarius Man?

The Leo woman is ready to see herself next to the Sagittarius man. He is attractive, although he is arrogant and thinks only of himself. This is not a big problem, since the Leo woman knows how to fend for herself.

She is independent and appreciates her ideas as highly as he appreciates his own. Considering the marriage of Leo and Sagittarius, keep in mind that the Leo woman anticipates the approach of passionate love.

She is sure that they both want the same thing, but go to this in different ways. His eloquence makes her laugh. Does he think that the world was created exclusively for him?

Such a thought repeatedly crossed her mind, but she shared it with few people. He kindled a fire in her soul, but she herself accumulated combustible material. She yearns for love.

It doesn't matter if their relationship is short or long, she knows she has nothing to lose. You can only win. A Sagittarius man falls in love with a Leo woman at first sight.

It's hard to get her out of your head. Everything happens at lightning speed. Sagittarius wants to impress her. He understands that he needs to be courteous and careful. It requires persistence.

"Am I doing the right thing?" he asks himself all the time. Sagittarius gets drunk when she allows him to please herself. This strong self-confident woman is looking for a hero.

She needs a man on whom she could completely rely. When analyzing the marriage of Leo and Sagittarius, keep in mind that the Sagittarius man hopes to win her over. He seeks help from those who believe in him.

He knows that frivolity is alien to her. He longs to give her all the blessings of the world. Doesn't she deserve them?

Leo and Sagittarius are able to create an exciting scenario for a romantic relationship. You can’t limit yourself to roles that you outgrew yesterday. Strive for the legendary boldness of your signs.

Follow without hesitation the courageous impulses that make you love one another. These are the roads prepared for you.

The Leo-Sagittarius pair is unpredictable. Unpredictability makes your life more colorful. There are no rules for you to follow, like religious dogmas.

Be faithful to your partner. After all, you opened your heart to him. You will find your best form by relying on the support of a partner. By generously giving him, you hand him your destiny.

Astrologers - about the compatibility of Leo with Sagittarius

From the book of Olshevskaya N. "Astrology for Women":

You are a Leo, he is a Sagittarius: it is very likely that you met on vacation, since both are passionate about traveling (he is even more than you).

Sagittarius excites you a lot, and you will soon feel very young next to him.

If you have ever had to adapt to a man by suppressing your high spiritual aspirations, you will be happy to find that this does not threaten you with Sagittarius.

You can break up (temporarily or permanently), most likely because he takes your attitude towards him for granted or because of his flippant hurtful remarks.

But, treat it with humor, you can defuse tension.

You are a Sagittarius, he is a Leo: his love of the game makes your life excitingly dramatic, although sometimes your sense of humor and proportion pierces the balloons of his narcissism.

It's hard for you to stop: he's so funny when he pouts!

When you are alone, others admire you - because you are generous and magnanimous! - but if he allows himself a remark, like - "a woman must obey", they will hear the thunderous peals of your laughter.

He will not immediately forgive you this humiliation. But you can't help him.

From the book Wolinsky S. "Astrolove":

You can joke as much as you like, but - no jokes! - you should get married (if Leo manages to lure Sagittarius to the altar). The combination of Leo and Sagittarius is a union of similar minds and bodies, and most importantly - with a shared sense of humor.

Add to this a healthy respect for the independence of a partner and an endless supply of proposals aimed at ensuring that love does not become boring.

In the relationship Leo - Sagittarius, both, becoming furious, say things that they later regret - when it's too late.

Sagittarius is able to take criticism, agreeing that everyone makes mistakes. Leo believes that everyone makes mistakes, with the exception of Leo ...

There may be competition for the right to make decisions, but in the end, doesn't all this make life more interesting?

Sexual Compatibility for Leo and Sagittarius

From the book Novoselova G. "Your love signs":

What do you usually do on Saturday and Sunday when you want a change of scenery? Take a bucket and a shovel and go to the seaside if the weather is fine; or climb the mountains and return only in the evening?

Learn from Sagittarius and Leo. On Friday after work, when it's foggy outside, and everything is tired at home, they will quickly pack their things and go for the weekend wherever their eyes look, for example, to Rome.

As for the passion for travel, it is in their blood! Their eyes are always directed somewhere far away, and when they meet, they begin to dangle around the world like gypsies.

Fire signs appear before each other in the best possible way. (At any latitude and longitude, wherever they go.) They stimulate each other perfectly.

Leo is always excited, he dramatizes everything, and Sagittarius likes it very much. In turn, Sagittarius is able to charm Leo with his courage and fearlessness.

Both have their own style, both want to see everything that is the best in the world.

That will really be something to tell your friends over a glass of beer! There is only one negative side to all this. If you yourself are a cautious Capricorn or a cunning Taurus, then you have already guessed what will be discussed!

Where will the money come from? The trouble is, these children of Fire can't count them. “Money is there to be spent,” they say.

And they will add: “And if there is no money, we will take a loan!” They are able to spend more money than all the banks in the UK have.

They will not suffer so much from a lack of money if there was not much from the very beginning, because they can easily do without what they have not yet tried.

But they need to try everything in order not to miss anything. And when you get used to show off and then suddenly find yourself without money, it will be difficult.

When the agile Sagittarius takes Leo by the paw and leads them along the happy road of love (and I already said that they are always on the way), it doesn’t matter which of them is which, because in any case it will be great.

And when they get into bed (they took the linen when they went to the South Seas together), they will simply be drunk with passionate pleasures.

It's not that the flame of their love is all that hot, but these two Fire signs are very hotheads (and lovers). Divine!

From the book by Rowan D. "Love Compatibility":

Fire signs, which are Leo and Sagittarius, tend to act impulsively. The trick here is to ensure that your energy work doesn't end up working against you.

If you focus your attention on the right targets, you will achieve your goal. You are a happy couple. Do not tempt fate by believing that you will be victorious under any circumstances. There is no chance.

How to avoid problems in a pair of Leo - Sagittarius?

It is better to assume a long distance run.

Leo is a good entrepreneur and knows how to make money. He has real business sense.

Sagittarius flies into the target faster than a bullet - good luck. He is capable of sound reasoning, but he needs to slow down his run a little and choose his target carefully.

Often the haste of fire signs leads to unjustified risk. If you are a little late, it does not mean at all that you will miss your happiness.

Of course, sometimes it is necessary to act as quickly as possible in order not to lose the initiative. But more often than not, patience is your best ally to keep you from repeating old mistakes.

  • The best policy in a Leo-Sagittarius relationship is reality testing.
  • You must correctly determine your place in your union. Remember that you will definitely win if you value each other correctly.
  • Your life together should not be reduced to just an attempt at genuine intimacy. Clearly presenting the goals of a partner, you are more likely to rise to the podium.
  • Applaud each other whenever possible. Satisfying your deepest ambitions, you will be happy together.
  • The fiery sign will cause the partner’s anger if it attracts the increased attention of others. Leo and Sagittarius love to be seen. There's nothing you can do about it.
  • Leo - Sagittarius - lovers who find it easier to live when they feel on an equal footing. Why the internecine war on the stage, if the lights of the ramp illuminate you the same way?
  • Leo and Sagittarius expect each other that each will keep his word. You are not always able to repay your partner for his kindness.
  • Let Leo and Sagittarius have the right intentions - if one of you tries to rob a partner, he will break the whole plan.
  • Constantly discuss your actions to stay on the crest of the wave. It may seem to you that such a conversation is in vain if the partner does not want to follow a common strategy.

Think about how to fix the situation. Reliability is built on trust. Passion grows when your hearts are full of concern for each other. May each of you achieve what you want!

Psychological games for compatibility in a pair of Leo and Sagittarius

Adventure Compatibility Game

The games of Leo and Sagittarius are determined by impulsive decision-making and neglect of the partner's advice.

The game "Adventure" encourages you to act on a whim, and not according to a deliberate plan. If you do not feel the echo of your actions, you will feel uncomfortable.

What separates you from those around you is your constant willingness to take risks. Using favorable moments, you achieve more and more success.

Both of you recognize no limits. However, if you do not calculate your capabilities and act blindly, most likely, disaster awaits you and the marriage of Leo and Sagittarius will be in jeopardy.

Trying to break the bank in the blink of an eye, you risk losing both time and money. Fire signs are impatient. When you become lovers, you lose the natural rhythm.

Feeling the danger, you become careless. If you understand that the partner is wrong, then strive to subdue him. It's useless.

Despite the fact that Leo and Sagittarius marriage compatibility is almost perfect, do not tempt fate. Think again. In pursuit of the small, you can lose everything that is dear to you, without a trace.

Compatibility game "Me and me again"

Fire signs love to feel like they're in the middle of the action. You try your best to attract the attention of others. What can happen if you have entered into a relationship with another sign?

It is not difficult to understand why the game "To me and again to me" is possible. You both want your partner to look at you as something special. For this you are ready for anything.

Here are the main driving forces of the game. If your partner feels that you neglect him, you will never make him love you.

For a fire sign, there is nothing good in a one-way relationship. Leo needs the sensitivity of a partner. Leo is proud of his achievements and demands universal recognition.

Sagittarius, on the other hand, needs both his high intelligence and the peculiarities of his ideas to be properly appreciated. If Leo and Sagittarius do not sing praises to each other, war breaks out.

Both combatants face each other. You strive to push each other away from the light of the ramp. You push your partner off the stage. You both get too little applause from the public. Or does it just seem to you?

Compatibility game "One word"

When analyzing the marriage of Leo and Sagittarius, keep in mind that fire signs love to rant about themselves. In extreme cases, they agree to be the subject of conversation around.

If you reason about what to do - and at the same time do not lift a finger - the game "Some words" begins - a game that does not lead to mutual admiration.

Fire signs ignite with ideas, but obstacles that arise on the way make them stop working.

Although Leo is able to tightly tie the ends of the rope, he does not get anything like this together with another fire sign. It is in this regard that marriage compatibility between Leo and Sagittarius is not the best.

But this is not a vice of Sagittarius. An irresistible desire to strive forward and forward is the engine of his fiery fantasy.

Both of you are ready to disperse your forces in different directions, without adhering to a pre-planned plan.

Are you annoyed and wonder why your great ideas are not being implemented? The road to the final goal is long and full of obstacles.

It is difficult to say that the union of Leo and Sagittarius is included in the astrological rating of the best, but the partners in it can be very satisfied with the relationship. Leo and Sagittarius are zodiac signs that have enough similarities to understand each other.

Any Leo or Lioness has leadership tendencies that are visible to the naked eye. They love to conquer everything that comes their way. The process of conquest is not distinguished by romantic impulses and direct actions. Lions and Lionesses try to behave in such a way as to attract maximum attention.

Leo takes love very seriously. The purpose of his novels is to find a person to whom you can open your soul. Showing himself "in all its glory" such a person will not be for everyone. Only the chosen one will be entrusted to consider it closer.

A big problem in relationships where Leo is involved is his desire to rule. Love unions involving this person may also be overly dramatic. Leos are often bored with routine, and they are ready to do things that are unpleasant for their partner just to diversify relationships.

Here is a list of character traits inherent in Lions:

  • pride;
  • vanity;
  • irascibility;
  • intolerance of criticism;
  • generosity.

Like a Sagittarius loves

Love that makes you lose your head and provokes thoughts about marriage is something that Sagittarius rarely encounters. There may be about a hundred novels in the life of such a person, but the feelings that influence their creation can be called superficial.

The fault of such an attitude to amorous affairs is an easy perception of everything that surrounds. Sagittarius hates to complicate things. The meaning of the existence of this person is the enjoyment of life.

Deprivation of liberty is the fear of Sagittarius. This is especially true in the love sphere. Even Sagittarius women try to delay entering into a legal marriage. Representatives of this sign are prone to betrayal in cases where they are bored with relationships.

Here are a number of striking qualities of Sagittarius:

  • optimism;
  • inconstancy;
  • independence;
  • artistry.

If Sagittarius is a man and Leo is a woman

In this union, both will want to dominate, but at first there will be no frank conflicts about this. Although the Lioness is a "predator", she will always remember her feminine essence. Sagittarius will not win the title of "master in the house", as he will be embarrassed to demonstrate the significance of the relationship for him. After the partners live together for a while, scandals due to the desire to dominate are almost inevitable, especially if the Leo woman is young and temperamental.

In this union, both will want to dominate, but at first there will be no frank conflicts about this

A huge plus of such a union is that it will change both. Sagittarius will become much calmer, and his lady's pride will gradually begin to disappear. But, it is better to expect changes after several years of barracks or relationships, because at first both partners will try to bend their line.

This couple will not seem boring, if only because they instantly feel approaching a routine lifestyle. The Leo woman and the Sagittarius man will go to great lengths to change him. If suddenly such a couple wishes to suddenly move to another country or go to college at the age of forty, you should not be surprised. They are just trying to bring new notes to their life together.

Both signs are extremely jealous, but a woman will experience this feeling to a greater extent. She perfectly remembers how windy her man used to be, so she will often worry in her soul, even if he has not looked at cute girls for a long time.

In the intimate sphere, such partners will not have problems. The considerable experience of Sagittarius and the temperament of the Lioness is a great combination, which is the key to a trouble-free sex life.

Video - Sagittarius and Leo: Compatibility

Leo man plus Sagittarius woman - what will be the love union?

As a rule, the same situation becomes the reason for this union. Leo is bored with a crowd of admirers, and he pays attention to the Sagittarius woman, who does not let him get close to her. The result is banal - a gentleman wishes to conquer an impregnable mountain in the form of a beautiful lady. A Sagittarius woman can “play” with a dangerous predator for a very long time, but will soon give in.

It is difficult to say that such partners will immediately reveal all their cards to each other, but they will not be secretive towards each other either. This balance is maintained due to the huge number of topics for conversation between them. They have many common interests and views of the world, so they have no time to discuss themselves and their partner.

Family life between a Sagittarius woman and a Leo man can be enviable. There are almost no domestic troubles in this pair, because such trifles as dirty dishes and scattered things are alien to them. And this is a big plus for the Sagittarius woman, because her active lifestyle rarely allows her to cope even with a large number of household chores.

There are almost no domestic troubles in this pair.

There will be jealousy in this couple. It often comes from Leo, because his lady's sociability and tendency to flirt is often perceived by him as an alarm signal.

Surprisingly, betrayal in the union of a Leo man and a Sagittarius woman is a rare phenomenon. All this because they give each other an ample amount of freedom. The Leo man is not a fully disclosed secret for his companion, and the Sagittarius woman is a peak that is not destined to be conquered completely. Partners consider themselves independent and are not at all disappointed by this.

In the family of a Sagittarius woman and a Leo man, material problems are not excluded. Leo likes to surround himself and his woman with excessive luxury, and Sagittarius needs a lot of finances to ensure an active and interesting lifestyle.

Sexual life will bring pleasure to both of them, but only if the representative of the Leo sign is not upset by the Sagittarius woman. His emotional background greatly influences the behavior in the act of love.

Advantages and disadvantages of a love relationship between Leo and Sagittarius

There are many positive aspects in the union of representatives of these signs, so it is pleasant to look at it from the outside. It also has many negative features, even if it seems that the relationship between partners is ideal. This table of features of a love relationship between Sagittarius and Leo indicates its strengths and weaknesses.
