Arrangement of a literary evening. "Journey through the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky"

Literary drawing room "Charm of the eyes - the poetry of autumn"

To acquaint students with the works of Russian poets.
- Study the works of Russian poets;
- To develop students' interest in studying the works of Russian poets;
- Develop communication skills of students;
- To develop expressive reading of students;
- Raise students' interest in the study of poetry;
- To instill in students a love for their native nature;
- To cultivate love for Russian literature, for Russia, for the small Motherland.
Preparatory work:
Read and learn poems by Russian poets dedicated to autumn
organize an exhibition of books and portraits of Russian poets.
Material Description:
I propose a script for a literary living room based on the works of Russian poets “Charm of the Eyes - Poetry of Autumn” for students in grades 7-8. This material will be useful for teachers of the Russian language and literature during subject weeks traditional for many schools.

Reproductions: Levitan "Golden Autumn", S. Zhukovsky "On the Veranda. Autumn”, I. O. Ostroukhov “Golden Canopy”, V. Kuznetsov “Autumn Landscape”, Y. Klever “Autumn Park” musical accompaniment, projector, computer, presentation

Event progress

Hello dear friends! On this autumn day, we gathered in the literary living room to listen and read poems about one of the most beautiful and beloved by many poets season - autumn.

The work of Tchaikovsky from the cycle "The Seasons" - "Autumn Song" sounds.

Presenter 1:
The autumn queen approached with inaudible steps. She embraced nature, slowly picking up a canvas and brushes, so that with the trepidation of an artist she began to paint everything around in variegated colors. Nature never looks so delightful and touching as nature in autumn.

A. V. Kuznetsov "Autumn Landscape"

Host 2:
Autumn in Russia has always been a time that many writers sang about,
poets, artists and musicians. They saw in it the unique beauties of Russian nature, which dresses in a golden dress in autumn, shimmering with its lush multicolor, and dull landscapes, the autumn dying of nature and sadness for the passing summer as a symbol of life.

Presenter 1:
"A dull time! Eyes charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me," - so said A.S. Pushkin. Pushkin's poetry penetrates into our hearts and remains there forever, possessing some kind of mysterious power.

Reader 2:
Sad time! Oh charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold,
In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,
And the heavens are covered with mist,
And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.

Presenter 1:
Autumn in the works of Russian poets is many-sided and multicolored. In the poem "There is in the original autumn" Tyutchev gives autumn silence a special solemnity and charm, and at the same time affirms the naturalness of what is happening, admiring the autumn silence, the emptiness of the fields, the fleeting beauty of autumn nature.

V. Polenov "Golden Autumn"

Reader 1:
Is in the autumn of the original
Short but wonderful time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...
The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms,
And pure and warm azure pours
To the resting field...

Host 2:
The singer of autumn sadness is I. Bunin in Russian poetry. With bright and even dapper picturesqueness, he describes all the colors of the autumn forest - from crimson and purple to dark and colorless. But this beauty is fleeting, it will soon be replaced by gloomy and gloomy tones. The illusory nature of things in nature and life - such are the feelings of the poet.

A. Schilder "The Ravine"

Reader 2:
The autumn wind rises in the forests,
It goes noisily through the thickets,
Dead leaves pluck and fun
In a frenzied dance carries.

Just freeze, fall down and listen,
Waving again, and after him
The forest will buzz, tremble - and pour
Leaves rain golden.

It blows in winter, frosty blizzards,
Clouds float in the sky...
Let all the dead, the weak perish
And return to dust!

Winter blizzards - forerunners of spring,
Winter blizzards must
Bury under cold snow
Dead by the coming of spring.

In the dark autumn the earth takes cover
Yellow foliage, and under it
Dormant shoots and vegetation vegetation,
Juice of life-giving roots.

Life is born in mysterious darkness.
Joy and death
Serve the imperishable and unchanging -
Eternal beauty of Being!

"On the veranda. Autumn" Stanislav Zhukovsky

The melody Anna German "Autumn Song" sounds

Host 2:
Autumn! You are the most lyrical of all seasons! Rose hips, hawthorn, mountain ash blaze with ripe berries. And the trees are a solid ocean of gold. A cobweb flies in the air, and there is a spicy smell of the passing summer. How I want this beauty to be eternal.
Autumn makes you want to wander in the forest, to feel its spaciousness. It makes you remember the summer days. Maykov's autumn is a recollection of the summer that has just passed, of its colors. The poet uses words like an artist paints. It is no coincidence that one of Apollon Nikolaevich Maikov's poems is called "Landscape".

Painting "Golden Autumn" Ilya Ostroukhov

Reader 2:
I love the forest path
Not knowing where, wander;
double deep gauge
You go - and there is no end of the road ...
Green forest is all around;
Autumn maples are already blushing,
And the spruce forest is green and shady;
Aspen yellow sounds the alarm;
A leaf fell off a birch
And, like a carpet, covered the road ...

You walk like you're on water
The leg makes noise ... but the ear listens
The slightest rustle in the thicket,
Where is the lush fern
And a row of red fly agarics,
That the dwarfs are fabulous, they are sleeping ...
Already the sun's ray falls obliquely ...
The river peeped in the distance...
On the shaking mill wheels
Already making noise from afar...

Presenter 1:
Autumn makes a person feel something majestic and solemn. And at the same time, “autumn breathes with longing, autumn breathes with separation” (I. Bunin)

The work of A. Vivaldi "Autumn" sounds.

Reader 3:
Forest, like a painted tower,
Purple, gold, crimson,
Cheerful, colorful wall
It stands over a bright meadow.
Birches with yellow carving
Shine in blue azure,
Like towers, Christmas trees darken,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there in the foliage through
Clearances in the sky, that windows.
The forest smells of oak and pine,
During the summer it dried up from the sun,
And Autumn is a quiet widow
He enters his motley tower ...

Host 2:
Speaking of Autumn, one cannot but recall the amazingly beautiful poetry of the Silver Age poet Sergei Yesenin. In his poems, he creates a special artistic world in which the main images are earth and sky. Yesenin's nature is a divine temple. The poet dreamed of harmony in the world and in the human soul, therefore he wanted to see him beautiful, strong, gentle, kind, walking in the world along a wide clean road. Therefore, in his poems, the image of the path is most important. Let's listen to the poem "The road thought about the red evening ..."

Reader 4:
The road thought about the red evening,
Bushes of mountain ash are more foggy than depth.
Hut-old woman jaw threshold
Chews the odorous crumb of silence.
Autumn cold gently and meekly
Creeps in the darkness to the oat yard;
Through the blue glass yellow-haired boy
He shines his eyes on the checkbox game.
Embracing the pipe, sparkles along the tale
Green ash from a pink stove.
There is no one, and the thin-lipped wind
About someone whispers, who disappeared into the night.
Someone's heels no longer crush the groves
Cracked leaf and gold grass.
A lingering sigh, diving with a skinny ringing,
Kisses the beak of a fluffy owl.
The darkness is getting thicker, in the barn there is peace and slumber,
The white road patterns the slippery ditch...
And the barley straw gently groans,
Hanging from the lips of nodding cows.

Presenter 1:
The beauty of life, the beauty of Nature was the meaning, purpose and pathos of another poet of the "Silver Age" - Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont. Alexander Blok in his article "On Lyrics" (1907) wrote: "When you listen to Balmont, you always listen to spring." This is true even when you listen to his poems about Autumn.

Reader 5:
In the morning, prematurely cold
July noon at noon September.
Tree dawn blooms in the forests
ruby-topaz chime.

Chu! The hounds run along the wooded slope,
By pouring barking to the hare, saying,
What an indirect jump to rush about in vain,
That death passed over the green cache.

A small emerald is sprinkled with ocher.
The saffron carpets fluttered,
And the distances were dyed with fox fur.

The break of all lines in the network of branches is steep,
"There! There! From everything that's here"_
Departing, the birds cried out.

Y. Clover "Autumn Park"

Host 2:
Listen to the poem "Golden Autumn" by Boris Pasternak. In it we see a leisurely admiration for the beauty of the coming autumn, a philosophical reflection on life, on the change of seasons, on the eternity of nature. Pasternak's autumn has many faces: either these are exhibition halls of paintings, or young newlyweds - a linden in a crown and a birch "under a bridal and transparent veil."

Reader 1:
Autumn. Fairy tale,
All open for review.
clearings of forest roads,
Looking into the lakes

Like in an art exhibition:
Halls, halls, halls, halls
Elm, ash, aspen
Unprecedented in gilding.

Linden hoop gold -
Like a crown on a newlywed.
Birch face - under the veil
Wedding and transparent.

buried earth
Under foliage in ditches, pits.
In the yellow maples of the wing,
As if in gilded frames.

Where are the trees in September
At dawn they stand in pairs,
And sunset on their bark
Leaves an amber trail.

Where you can not step into the ravine,
So that everyone does not know:
So raging that not a step
A tree leaf underfoot.

Where it sounds at the end of the alleys
Echoes at the steep slope
And dawn cherry glue
Freezes in the form of a clot.

Autumn. ancient corner
Old books, clothes, weapons,
Where is the treasure catalog
Flips through the cold.

Guys, I suggest you listen to a poem about autumn by our Belgorod poet Nikolai Nikolaevich Grishchenko.
Loving A. A. Fet, N. N. Grishchenko sometimes imitated him (poems about nature), but at the same time he was individual, figuratively realistic, and avoided cold and natural aestheticism.
Nature itself is indifferent, but thanks to the pen of N. N. Grishchenko, it comes to life! Nature is likened to man: deprived of the halo of eternity, she suffers.
The poem "Autumn lays monotonous glare ..." reflects the state of the poet's soul. The lyrical hero suffers along with nature, the heart comes to life only when the lyre spoke: “Carefully I touch the strings with my hand, And dear words quietly, but powerfully Begin to circle over the hushed river ...”. It is no coincidence that the image of the lyre is used in the poem, because it is a symbol of poetic inspiration, creativity.

Reader 3:
Autumn puts monotonous highlights
On the veil of the faded summer.
The world is silent ... Great sadness
The tired edge of dawn breathes.
The sun rises, and they appear to the eye -
The grass is dry, the district is empty.
Autumn came unexpectedly soon
And, flying like a web in the sky,
All permeated with invisible sadness,
Everything was soaked with warmth leaving ...
Only lonely geese scream,
A thread torn off to the south flying.

Reader 2:
On the burnt grass, in the forest clearing
I'm standing in the middle of the autumn world
And the tired sun hangs over me
Like forgotten in the sky
a long silent lyre.
Carefully I touch the strings with my hand,
And the words are dear softly, but powerfully
start circling
over the silent river
Continuing the melody of clear autumn ...

Belgorod poetess Svetlana Taplinskaya wrote a wonderful poem "White Autumn". It is dedicated to late autumn. Listen to him.

Literary holidays, as it were, consolidate and generalize the diverse artistic impressions, knowledge and skills of children, they include various types of children's activities (reading and storytelling, singing and dancing, listening, viewing and staging). They are the result of the work of the educator, its result, "the crown of the cause."

What is the best way to prepare a literary holiday - a matinee or an evening of entertainment?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the theme of the evening very precisely, its specific purpose. Quite often, educators organize "Book's Name Day", "Book Holidays" in kindergarten. Despite the great effort of educators, children, parents to prepare and decorate the holiday, it sometimes does not bring the expected pleasure, it turns out to be too tiring, long, chaotic. What is the reason for the failure? First of all, in the inconsistency of the topic with the capabilities of preschool children. The theme, formulated as "The Holiday of the Book", turned out to be too broad. At such a holiday, they talked, played, sang about everything: about folk tales and Pushkin's tales, about Tolstoy and Gorky, Marshak and Chukovsky. This kaleidoscope of big names and wonderful works stunned the children, did not give them the opportunity to focus on the content of the works, enjoy their perception and performance.

The best holiday in kindergarten will be a holiday with one plot (for example, "Tales of A.S. Pushkin", "Books about animals", "Tales of K.I. Chukovsky", etc.). Such a theme will make it possible to accurately determine the purpose of the matinee (to give children the joy of meeting their favorite works, to expand their understanding of the writer's work, to arouse interest in the topic, etc.), to focus children's attention on the content side of the festive action.

To conduct a literary evening, it is necessary to develop a script - the basis of the holiday, its plan. The script is most often written in the form of direct speech, it determines the sequence of changing actions (reading, games, performances, etc.).

Another of the most important conditions for the success of the evening is the right choice of host or hosts. The host of the children's evening is not an entertainer, announcing certain numbers, but a kind host, creating an atmosphere of festivity. From his artistry, culture, charm, ability to easily communicate, see and involve all those present in the action, the success of the meeting of children with the art of the word depends.

Often the hosts and other characters at the evening act in some way. At an evening dedicated to oral folk art, it can be a storyteller and fairy-tale characters, at an evening dedicated to the work of S.Ya. Marshak, - postman, fireman, Distracted man, to the work of K.I. Chukovsky - Dr. Aibolit, Moidodyr, etc. Meeting with the hero of the book, his recognition, direct contact with him, necessarily provided for by the script, give children aesthetic pleasure, encourage active "communication" with a literary work.

When developing a script for a literary evening, it must be remembered that it should be built on the maximum creative activity of all children participating in the matinee. The host is certainly the owner of the holiday, but he should not overshadow the children. They are the main characters of any holiday.

It is important that the script intelligently combines different types of children's activities: physical activity (actions, dancing, games, attractions, reading poetry, etc.) and internal mental activity (listening, viewing, solving literary problems, guessing riddles, etc.) . At the same time, a sense of proportion is necessary: ​​a large number of design elements, a variety of external activities can divert attention from the most important thing in a literary evening - a meeting with a book. The artistic word, the work of the writer must be at the center of the plot of the holiday.

A literary evening may include various surprise moments, for example, the fulfillment of the desires of children (according to the program) with the help of the petals of a semi-flower; in advance, secretly from the children, a prepared performance by parents with the reading of Pushkin's favorite poems (at the Pushkin holiday), watching a puppet or shadow theater, etc. The main thing is that the literary evening should in no way resemble a speech lesson. Bright festivity combined with simplicity, naturalness, ease in the behavior of each of the participants - these are the necessary conditions for creating the right atmosphere at a children's holiday. To bring joy to children, to give them the opportunity to actively participate in a holiday dedicated to a fairy tale, to a favorite poet or writer, means to give them a long memory of meeting with a book.

The literary development of children is facilitated by matinees, leisure evenings dedicated to the work of a writer or poet, evenings of fairy tales, riddles, literary quizzes (based on folk tales, based on the works of one author, based on well-known books by different writers). The combination of different types of arts - music, fiction, fine arts creates a festive atmosphere.

All forms of work to introduce children to fiction outside of class bring up interest and love for the book, form future readers.

Leisure evenings, also called entertainment evenings, are held in the kindergarten once a week. Their subject matter can be very different. It can be a performance, a musical evening, sports competitions, watching cartoons and much more. It all depends on the age of the children, the direction of the kindergarten, technical conditions.

You will need

  • - toy theater;
  • - picture theater;
  • - shadow theater;
  • - finger theater;
  • - theater of glove puppets;
  • - screen;
  • - table;
  • - a computer;
  • - multimedia equipment;
  • - backing tracks of children's songs and musical performances;
  • - sound equipment;
  • - suits;
  • - Scenery;
  • - scripts for entertainment evenings and performances based on fairy tales.

Conducting instruction:

  • 1. For children of early and younger preschool age, prepare a performance. Children of this age are mostly spectators, they themselves can do little more. Their visual-figurative and visual-effective types of thinking prevail over the others, so they need to be shown everything. Toy theater is a show of a fairy tale on the table. There is no screen, the characters move on the surface. Children see it. As a decoration, you can use building material. For picture theater, find suitable illustrations, print them on a color printer and stick them on flannel or velvet paper. Such pictures appear on the flannelograph during the story, and the kids really like it. If you have a computer, you can pick up cartoons and arrange a movie screening. It should not be too long, a quarter of an hour is enough.
  • 2. Opportunities for children of middle and older preschool age are already quite large. Different types of theater can still be used, but children from the senior and preparatory groups can already show fairy tales themselves. This usually generates a lot of interest. In addition, modern technical means allow us to do a lot. For example, you can put on a real musical if the kindergarten has suitable sound equipment. This is done in many kindergartens. Preschool children really like such “professional” performances.
  • 3. Go beyond theater. Prepare, for example, an evening dedicated to the work of your favorite writer. In this case, there must be a lot of preliminary work. Read books to children, tell about the life of the writer, show his portrait. You can give the task to draw illustrations or make crafts on the topic. Available to preschoolers and computer presentation. Many preschool children are already familiar with modern information technologies. You can entrust one of the parents to pick up the necessary photos, drawings and musical works. Do not forget that children do not have to sit all the time, so you need to combine different activities. For example, give a presentation at the beginning, then after the dance or physical activity, ask one of the children to read poetry. You can end the evening of entertainment with drama or an outdoor game.
  • 4. Sometimes spend leisure evenings with your parents. You can offer, for example, to prepare a story about your family. Ask parents to select interesting photos and videos. Have each family prepare a short story. Such a “presentation” can be divided into several evenings or timed, say, for the birthday.
  • 5. Take a virtual tour. Children can be invited to ask their grandparents in advance about the most interesting places in your city, about famous people who lived here. Pick up a video or make a flash animation. In the same way, you can arrange an excursion to the museum.

Considered at the meeting Agreed: I approve:

ShMO Social and Humanitarian Deputy. Director of VR School Director

cycle _____ Petrova L.G. ____ (Chernysheva N.V.)

Head ____Gorbunova N.A.

Protocol No. _____

The script of the literary evening

"Favorite books familiar pages"

(closing of the Year of Literature)

for students in grades 5-10

Developed by the teacher

Russian language and literature

MBOU Chuvashskomainskaya secondary school

Gorbunova N.A.

Short description: the evening closes a series of events held at the school in the Year of Literature.

Purpose of the event: the formation and development of a person who has knowledge of literature and is able to understand the beautiful.


    to cultivate a sense of respect for the cultural heritage of their country and other peoples;

    generalize children's knowledge about the main types and genres of literature;

    develop the desire to assimilate universal norms of morality (kindness, justice, tolerance, truthfulness, faith in the creative possibilities of man, honor and conscience);

    to create a situation of success for children who are deeply engaged in the study of literature, to help them reveal their creative abilities.

Registration: the hall is decorated with portraits of poets and writers of different times and peoples, statements about the benefits of reading, children perform in specially prepared costumes.

Conduct form: literary evening.

Members: uch-Xia 5-10 classes.

Event progress


Hello dear adults and children! We all know that 2015 was declared the Year of Literature in Russia. “In order to attract public attention to literature and reading, I decide to hold the Year of Literature in the Russian Federation in 2015,” the text of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin No. 426 of June 13, 2014.

The purpose of holding the Year of Literature in the Russian Federation is to revive the interest of Russian citizens in classical and modern literature and reading in general.

Across the country, including our school, there were many interesting, educational events and promotions related to the Year of Literature. And today we have gathered with you to solemnly end this wonderful year. We bring to your attention several pages from Russian literature, creatively presented by students of the school.

Lead 1. We are glad to welcome you, dear children, dear teachers, to the literary festival dedicated to Russian literature.

Lead 2. Russian literature is distinguished by the living warmth of feelings and the depth of human thought. The world significance of our literature begins with Pushkin, “the sun of Russian poetry.” Pushkin's traditions were continued by Lermontov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Bulgakov and many other great names who glorified Russia.

Lead 1.

Not in reality and not in a dream,
Without fear and without timidity
We roam the country again
Which is not on the globe.
Not marked on the map
But you and I know
What is she, what is she
Country of Chitalia.
Lead 2.

You are here to hear now
About what worries you so much.
Will give you in leisure hours,
A unique moment of happiness.
A date with a book - a good friend,
After all, you can't live without books.

(A student dressed as a huge Book comes out)

Book. Oh oh oh! How bad and sad I am. Nobody needs me. Oh!

Presenter 1. Who are you? And why are you sighing so sadly?
Book. I am the Book, I am the custodian of literature. They dropped me, painted on me, and then they completely forgot and left me in the library for a long time. (With a sigh) Forgot. That's why I'm so sad, no one wants to read, no one wants to be friends with me.

(The book limps along, sits down on a chair, groans and sighs.)

Lead 2. Oh, what a pity! And we wanted to invite you to the holiday.
Book. On which holiday?
Presenter 1. We invite you to the school literary evening.
Book. Oh no, no, no. I'm all exhausted. It's time for me to go on vacation.
Lead 2. We invite you as a guest. The children will show how they know and how much they love Russian literature.
Book. Well then, I guess I'll stay.

Lead 1. Just flip a few pages

A fable and a story will pass before us,

Poems and wonderful songs of the line

Today we will hear many times!

Lead 2. We have a difficult task - to cheer up our guest of the Book.

Lead 1. I think we can all do this together. After all, each page of this evening will allow us to touch the amazing secret of the Russian word and the pages of our esteemed Book will come to life.

Lead 1. So let's get started!

Lead 2. And the first page of our book is fairy tales. They have known us since childhood.

Lead 1. Fairy tales are different: folk and literary, magical and everyday, serious and crafty. (Question to the audience)

Lead 2. How to distinguish a fairy tale from a story? (Students' answers) (in fairy tales, inanimate beings can speak, a fairy tale has its own attributes - a triple repetition, a fabulous beginning and end, etc.)

Lead 1. Guys, what fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin do you know? (Answers from the audience)

Lead 2. Grade 5 students will show a fragment of "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"

Page “Fable”

Lead 1. More than two hundred years have passed since the birth of the great fabulist “grandfather Krylov”, as the people lovingly call him, but his fables are not outdated, they teach us to understand true moral values, folk wisdom, and expand life experience.

Lead 2. Krylov wrote 205 fables. From the folk language, from proverbs and sayings, the writer drew many of his plots. According to Gogol's definition, Krylov's fables are "the book of the wisdom of the people themselves." Today, Krylov's fables have been translated into 60 languages ​​​​of the world.

Presenter 1:

Who has not heard his living word?
Who in life has not met his own?
Immortal creations of Krylov
We love each year more and more.
He knew everything and saw the inquisitive mind of the singer,
Just wanting one thing the most,
To live a free and happy life
His people and his homeland.

Lead 2. A fable is never boring, intrusive. She teaches imperceptibly, wisely, slyly, cheerfully.

Lead 1. Do you know what a quartet is? (possible answers from the audience)

Lead 2. K A vartet is a musical ensemble of 4 musicians.

Lead 1. Right . 6th grade students are invited to the stage. They will show a staging of Ivan Andreevich Krylov's fable "The Quartet".

6th grade - byshows a staging of the fable "Quartet"

Humorous Stories Page

Lead 2. In his short life, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov managed to display in his works almost all aspects of Russian reality at the end of the 19th century.

This property of his work is amazing. In terms of the abundance of topics that he touched upon, Chekhov has no equal among the most famous Russian writers.

Lead 1. And the “small form”, that is, a short story, with an outwardly unpretentious plot, but with very deep content. Chekhov was especially successful. He is a recognized master of this genre, still unsurpassed in the world.

Lead 2. Chekhov's humor and satire are amazing. They appear both in a separate, “pure” form, and in combination with reflections on the meaning of life. It strikes with a reliable reproduction of the everyday life of ordinary people.

Lead 1.7th grade - show a dramatization of the story “Horse Name”

Page "Tales of War"

Lead 1. War - there is no crueler word.

War - there is no sadder word.

War - there is no sacred word.

Lead 2. In the anguish and glory of these years

And on our lips is different

It can’t be and isn’t yet .... (Tvardovsky)

Lead 1. The Great Patriotic War ... Then many poets and writers of the country took up arms instead of a pen. They took part in the army press, were commanders, political workers and ordinary soldiers. The pen was equated with a bayonet, prose put on a front-line overcoat and stepped into battle.

Lead 2. Few people in our literature raised the topic of captivity (for well-known reasons). Konstantin Vorobyov is one of the few who found the courage to "say a word" for people who undeservedly dropped out of the list of war heroes, in conditions much more difficult than the conditions of life at the front, who demonstrated devotion to the Motherland.

Lead 1. Performed by students in grade 8, you will see an excerpt from the story of K.D. Vorobyov "German in felt boots".

Page "Poetic"

Presenter 1: One of the most ancient arts in human history is poetry. When she was born, no one knows. But people have a desire to express their feelings not in ordinary speech. Thus the first poems were born.

Host 2: Poets were called prophets. They tried to discover the secret of the future with the help of only their own language, artistic images. This is how great names were born - Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Pushkin, Lermontov, Akhmatova, Yesenin ...

Presenter 1: As we have already said, the world significance of our literature begins with Pushkin, “the sun of Russian poetry.” Therefore, in the "Poetic" page, we would like to once again recall Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Host 2:

Grade 9 - introduces the main motives of the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin

Lead 1. So, 2015 is over - the Year of Literature. Our holiday is coming to an end. Let's ask our book, what is its mood now?

Book:(Goes up on stage) Guys, I am very glad that I visited your wonderful holiday! You are so smart, talented and love literature so much. I think that I have found loyal and true friends here, with whom we will be friends for a long, long time!

Lead 1. Guys, look, our Book has recovered and changed. Let's promise her we'll never hurt her again, okay?

Lead 2. Our literary evening has come to an end. We hope that each of you loves the book and will not get tired of traveling through the amazing land of Literature along with the wonderful heroes of fairy tales, short stories, novels and novels.

To the music "Pick up a book, children!" a multimedia presentation “Photo with your favorite book” is being shown

Everyone take the stage

Lead 1. A book is a teacher, a book is a mentor.

Lead 2.The book is a close comrade and friend.

Book: The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old,

If you let go of the book.

Presenter 1: The book is an adviser, the book is a scout,

The book is an active fighter and fighter.

Presenter2: The book is an imperishable memory and eternity,

Satellite of the planet earth, finally.

Book. The book is not just beautiful furniture,

Not an application of oak cabinets,

Lead 1. The book is a magician who knows how to tell stories

Turn into a reality and into the basis of the foundations.

Teacher: The state, universities, schools, writers' organizations, libraries and the media want to draw society's attention to literature and remind them that reading is necessary, useful and fashionable.

Literature is of great importance in the life of every person. After all, a person in the highest sense of the word becomes a person thanks to literature. All values ​​are a person h e rips from books. The book is the source of all knowledge. Books make a person think, bring up their own opinion, develop their imagination.

In Russia, a large number of events were held during the Year of Literature. Our school is no exception: there were book presentations, meetings with writers, quizzes, reading competitions. We took part in various essay competitions, competitions, festivals and other events. But our main task is to draw attention to reading. After all, a modern person cannot consider himself educated if he does not read. To keep abreast of all the news, discoveries, keep up with the latest in literature, a modern student needs to read at least a hundred pages a day. Unfortunately, we cannot boast of this. Many guys are not even enrolled in the library. You will say that everything can be found on the Internet. But a computer cannot replace a real book, with real binding and real pages.

In my closet crowded to that

And each volume on the shelf is like a house...

You will open the cover-door in a hurry -

And you entered, and you are already a guest.

Like an alley - every book row.

And my whole closet is a wonderful bookstore...

I think, despite the fact that the Year of Literature has ended, we will turn to the treasury of world art - literature, learn to read, love a book and understand it. I hope that each of you will have a so-called "golden shelf" with favorite books of our classics: A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, N.A. Nekrasov, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy.

And at the end of our holiday, we want to turn to the statement of K. G. Paustovsky: “Read! May there not be a single day in your life when you would not read at least one page from a new book.

Appendix 1


“My light, mirror! tell
Yes, tell the whole truth:
45 Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter?

75 What is the mirror in response to?
“You are beautiful, no doubt;
But the princess is sweeter than all,
All blush and whiter.
How the queen jumps
80 Yes, as he waved the handle,
Yes, as it slams on the mirror,
With a heel, how it will stomp! ..
“Oh, you vile glass!
You're lying to spite me.
85 How can she compete with me?
I will calm the foolishness in it.
Look how grown up!
And it's no wonder that it's white:
Mother belly sat
90 Yes, I only looked at the snow!
But tell me how can she
To be nicer to me in everything?
Admit it: I'm more beautiful than everyone.
Go around our whole kingdom,
95 Though the whole world; I don't have an even one.
Is not it?" Mirror in response:
“And the princess is still nicer,
Everything is blusher and whiter.

Appendix 2

Krylov I.A. "Quartet"

naughty monkey,
Yes, clubfoot Mishka
They decided to play a quartet.
Got notes, bass, viola, two violins
And they sat down on the meadow under the limes, -
Captivate the world with your art.
They hit the bows, they tear, but there is no sense.
“Stop, brothers, stop! - shouts Monkey. -
How does the music go? You don't sit like that.
You are with the bass, Mishenka, sit down against the viola,
I, prima, will sit against the second;
Then the music will go wrong:
We will dance the forest and mountains!”
They sat down, began the Quartet;
He still doesn't fit.
“Wait, did I find a secret? -
The Donkey shouts, - we, surely, will get along,
Let's sit next to each other."
They obeyed the Donkey: they sat down decorously in a row;
And yet the Quartet is not going well.
Here, more than ever, their analysis went
And disputes
Who and how to sit.
It happened to the Nightingale to fly to their noise.
Here with a request all to him, to solve their doubts.
“Perhaps,” they say, “take patience for an hour,
To put our Quartet in order:
And we have notes, and we have instruments,
Just tell us how to sit down! -
“To be a musician, you need the ability
And your ears are softer, -
The Nightingale answers them, -
And you, friends, no matter how you sit down;
You're not good at being musicians."

Annex 3

Anton Chekhov

Horse surname

The retired Major General Buldeev had a toothache. He rinsed his mouth with vodka, cognac, applied tobacco soot, opium, turpentine, kerosene to a sick tooth, smeared iodine on his cheek, he had cotton wool soaked in alcohol in his ears, but all this either did not help or caused nausea. The doctor came. He picked his teeth, prescribed quinine, but that didn't help either. On the proposal to pull out a bad tooth, the general refused. Everyone at home - wife, children, servants, even the cook Petka, each offered his own remedy. By the way, Buldeev's clerk Ivan Evseich came to him and advised him to undergo treatment with a conspiracy.

Here, in our county, Your Excellency, - he said, - about ten years ago, exciseman Yakov Vasilyich served. He spoke teeth - the first grade. It used to turn away to the window, whisper, spit - and as if by hand! He has such power...

Where is he now?

And after he was fired from the excise, he lives with his mother-in-law in Saratov. Now it only feeds on teeth. If a person has a toothache, then they go to him, help ... Local, Saratov at home uses, and if they are from other cities, then by telegraph. Send him, Your Excellency, a dispatch that this is so, they say, that's it ... the servant of God Alexy has a toothache, please use it. Send money for treatment by mail.

Nonsense! Quackery!

And you try, Your Excellency. He is very much a fan of vodka, lives not with his wife, but with a German woman, a scolder, but, one might say, a miraculous gentleman!

Come on, Alyosha! the general pleaded. You don't believe in conspiracies, but I experienced it myself. Although you do not believe, why not send? Your hands won't fall off of it.

Well, okay, - agreed Buldeev. - Here not only to the excise, but also to hell with a dispatch ... Oh! No urine! Well, where does your exciseman live? How to write to him?

The general sat down at the table and took a pen in his hands.

Every dog ​​in Saratov knows him, - said the clerk. - If you please, your Excellency, write to the city of Saratov, therefore ... His Honor, Mr. Yakov Vasilyich ... Vasilyich ...

Vasilyich ... Yakov Vasilyich ... but by his last name ... But I forgot his last name! .. Vasilyich ... Damn it ... What is his last name? Just now, how I came here, I remembered... Excuse me, sir...

Ivan Evseich raised his eyes to the ceiling and moved his lips. Buldeev and the general's wife waited impatiently.

Well, what? Think quickly!

Now... Vasilyich... Yakov Vasilyich... I forgot! Such a simple surname ... as if like a horse ... Kobylin? No, not Kobylin. Wait... Are there any stallions? No, and not Zherebtsov. I remember the name of the horse, and which one - knocked out of my head ...


Not at all. Wait... Kobylitsyn... Kobylyatnikov... Kobelev...

It's a dog, not a horse. stallions?

No, and not Zherebchikov... Loshadinin... Loshakov... Zherebkpn... It's not the same!

Well, how am I going to write to him? Think about it!

Now. Loshadkin... Kobylkin... Root...

Korennikov? asked the general.

Not at all. Pristyazhkin... No, that's not it! Forgot!

So why the hell are you climbing with advice if you forgot? the general got angry. - Get out of here!

Ivan Yevseich slowly left, and the general grabbed his cheek and went into the rooms.

Oh, fathers! he yelled. - Oh, mothers! Oh, I don't see white light!

The clerk went out into the garden and, raising his eyes to the sky, began to recall the name of the exciseman:

Zherebchikov... Zherebkovsky... Zherebenko... No, that's not it! Loshadinsky... Loshadevich... Zherebkovich... Kobylyansky...

A little later he was called to the masters.

Remembered? the general asked.

Not at all, Your Excellency.

Maybe Konyavsky? Horsemen? Not?

And in the house, everyone vied with each other, they began to invent surnames. They went through all the ages, sexes and breeds of horses, remembered the mane, hooves, harness ... In the house, in the garden, in the servants' room and in the kitchen, people walked from corner to corner and, scratching their foreheads, looked for a surname ...

The clerk was constantly demanded to the house.

Tabunov? they asked him. - Kopytin? Zherebovsky?

No, no," answered Ivan Evseich, and, raising his eyes, went on thinking aloud. - Konenko... Konchenko... Zherebeev... Kobyleev...

Dad! - shouted from the nursery. - Troykin! Uzdechkin!

The entire estate was in a state of shock. The impatient, tortured general promised to give five rubles to anyone who remembered his real name, and whole crowds began to follow Ivan Evseich ...

Gnedov! they told him. - Trotting! Horse!

But evening came, and the surname was still not found. So they went to bed without sending a telegram.

The general did not sleep all night, walked from corner to corner and moaned ... At three o'clock in the morning he left the house and knocked on the window to the clerk.

No, not Merinov, Your Excellency," answered Ivan Evseich, and sighed guiltily.

Yes, maybe the surname is not horse, but some other!

The word is true, Your Excellency, horse ... I remember this very well.

What you are, brother, forgetful ... For me now this name is more precious, it seems, than everything in the world. Tormented!

In the morning the general again sent for the doctor.

Let it vomit! he decided. - No more patience...

The doctor came and pulled out a bad tooth. The pain subsided immediately, and the general calmed down. Having done his job and having received what follows for his work, the doctor got into his britzka and drove home. Outside the gate in the field, he met Ivan Yevseich... The clerk was standing on the edge of the road and, looking intently at his feet, was thinking about something. Judging by the wrinkles that furrowed his forehead, and by the expression of his eyes, his thoughts were intense, painful...

Bulanov ... Cheressedelnikov ... - he muttered. - Zasuponin... Horse...

Ivan Evseich! the doctor turned to him. - Can't I, my dear, buy five quarters of oats from you? Our peasants sell me oats, but it’s painfully bad ...

Ivan Yevseich looked blankly at the doctor, smiled somehow wildly, and, without saying a single word in answer, clasping his hands, ran towards the estate with such speed as if a mad dog was chasing him.

Thought, Your Excellency! he shouted joyfully, not in his own voice, flying into the general's office. - Thought up, God bless the doctor! Ovsov! Ovsov is the surname of the excise tax! Ovsov, Your Excellency! Send a dispatch to Ovsov!

On-mow! - said the general with contempt and raised two figs to his face. “I don’t need your horse surname now!” On-mow!

Appendix 4

Captured: Alexander; Ivan; Volodya; Fedor.

German - escort - Bauer.

2 German escorts.

We are against war!!But that's how it was...

(A prisoner camp in the Baltic, occupied by the Germans, the wounded, exhausted by hunger, are sitting, a German is walking around them, carefully examining them ...).

Ivan- Spring, and the German is so warmly shod?

Volodya- And I noticed.

Alexander- It looks like he got frostbite near Moscow, you see, he's lame?

Volodya- It serves him right! How thirsty I am.

Alexander- And from hunger, my mind becomes cloudy, the 3rd day without food

(groans in pain, takes and unwinds rags on frostbitten legs ...)

Volodya- (looks at Alexander's legs), I sympathize with you brother (hugs him), you are severely frostbitten, now you would not be in captivity, but in the medical sambat for treatment! Your fingers are turning black, you need an operation.

Alexander - S-s-s-s-s! the German guard stomped.

Ivan - Look, is he limping?

Alexander - It looks like he also has frostbite on his legs, which means ...

Volodya - And this means that we fought against each other near Moscow!

German - Shteit auf! (in broken Russian) you-with-tat - shnel - ho-dee-te!

Fritz, damned ... speak faster (helps Alexander get up).

Alexander - Well, now it will begin ...! Choose someone to shoot.

(the German put down a chair, sat opposite, crossed his legs).

Volodya - Yes, he is clearly up to something, do not look him in the eyes, I say, do not look him in the eyes!

German - Du!

Volodya - “Du” is “you” in German. I won't let...! Let them shoot me...

(rushes forward, covers a friend).

German - Niht! (points to Volodya), Nat! Doo! (Pokes a finger at Alexander, Alexander pushes his friend away)

Volodya - When they lead you to execution, try to run away, maybe you'll be lucky?

Alexander - Many tried, no one ran away.

Volodya - When you run straight, run, the shot catches up after 10 steps, and if you run to the left, and not straight, you will live 10 steps more

Alexander - Thank you friend!

German - Beckoned Alexander with his finger (conspiratorially)

Alexander - (went straight at the German, could not resist, buried himself in the German)

German - Pleho, Schlecht, Pleho! (he moved back in his chair, Alexander straightened up, the German points to his feet ...). Ba-l-it?

Alexander - No! (German jumps up)

Volodya - Now he will hit him?!

German - Are you a liar? (reaches into pocket)

Ivan - Look, he reached into his pocket, right here and shoots.

Alexander - (closed his eyes, staggers)

Ivan - Well, that's it, now he will pull out a gun! (trying to get up, gets up, goes to the German) Me, better than me ..!

Alexander - (strongly stood up)

German - What does this madman want?

Alexander - He's thirsty.

German - Don't you get water?

Alexander - Nine, that is, it means - no!

German - Schlecht, very bad! (to Ivan, waving his hand) - Leave!

German - (turns to Alexander) Schmerzen? Bo-o-lit?

Alexander - Well, it hurts, it hurts, I can’t stand it from pain, but what joy is there for you, damned sadist.

German - Their bin Bauer, forshtein? Wee highs doo?

Alexander - Me? Alexander. Ah, I'm a driver (shows how the steering wheel is spinning)

German - Alesh-and

Volodya - He says that he is a peasant and that we should be happy about this?

German - (takes off shoes)

Volodya - Well, it all seems that he is going to beat him with his boot now ?!

German - Moscow, Moscow, ho-lo-d (unwinds footcloths and shows bandaged fingers, points to Alexander's fingers) It hurts! (points to his fingers)

Ivan, as if he fought against us near Moscow and froze his fingers.

Now, he will avenge us for this!

German - Bo-l-but autumn, more-l-but! Loise, loise!

Alexander - You say you've eaten lice? Well, think about it, lice! (shows) And I have lice!

Volodya - Tell him something to get him off.

Alexander - Your black fingers are rotting - they will chop them off for you!

Kaput means!

German - Kaput?

Alexander - Yes, yes, and your kaput and my kaput!

German - huh? Gut! Both you and me, they will bite (patted on the shoulder and left)

Alexander - They will cut it off like that, cut it off, but for now, he remained alive.

German - (enters) A-leh-an-dr ?!

(Alexander gets up and wanders to the German, the German holds out, unfolds bread in a rag) Eat!

Alexander - (takes bread and begins to pinch off a piece, slowly!)

German - Schnell, Essen! Eat-with-tray!

Alexander - (While the German turned away, put bread in his bosom, the German leaves)

Ivan - Sasha, give me some bread?!

Alexander - (divides bread among everyone, when he serves Fedor, he abruptly jumps up and screams)

Fedor - You are a traitor, you are all traitors, you need to be court martialed, you feed from the hands of a German! (and pops up)

Volodya - Now he will betray us!

Ivan - exactly! Germans!

(first Fedor comes in, sat down, lay down, then a group of Germans: they lead the 2nd, bauer)

1st German - To whom did you give bread? (shaking the beaten German), speak! To whom did they give bread?

Alexander - Well, now they will definitely shoot! Farewell, comrades, hugs Ivan and Volodya.

German - (points to Fedor)

Fedor - (He gets up, the German takes him at gunpoint and they all go to the door, Fedor looks around ...). Farewell, comrades!

Ivan - What a comrade you are to us, you are a traitor!

Alexander - (jumps) Me, he gave me bread! (but the German pushes him away, he falls, beats the ground with his hands and cries ..., automatic burst is heard).

Appendix 5

Poetry, drama, prose, critical articles, notes, letters - all types of literature touched by A.S. Pushkin bear the stamp of his genius. The poet left unfading images of freedom-loving, philosophical, love, landscape lyrics.

Kuznetsova Maria. The theme of friendship runs through the entire lyrics of AS. Pushkin. Not a single Russian poet paid so much attention to this side of human relations. Friendship for Pushkin is the generosity of the soul, nobility, kindness. According to A.S. Pushkin, friendship unites people into a strong union for life. A sense of camaraderie, devotion to friends - all these qualities were brought up in Pushkin by the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, because it was there that he found faithful, sincere and real friends.

Reads the poem "Feasting Students"

Egorova Angela. One of the most important themes of Pushkin's lyrics is the theme of freedom. Freedom for Pushkin is the highest value of life, without it, almost in his youth, he could not imagine his existence. Freedom is the basis of friendship. Freedom is the basis of creativity. Life without freedom is painted in gloomy and ominous tones.

The word “freedom” and the words “liberty”, “freedom”, “freedom”, which are close in meaning, are the key words of Pushkin's “dictionary”.

Reads the poem "To Chaadaev"

Petrova Maria. Pushkin's love lyrics are sincerity, nobility, delight, admiration, but not windiness. With each of his poems about love, Pushkin seems to say that love, even unrequited, unrequited, is a great happiness that ennobles a person.

Reads the poem "I remember a wonderful moment"

Skvortsov Vitaly. Pushkin was the first Russian poet who not only knew and fell in love with the beautiful world of nature, but also revealed its beauty to readers. Nature in Pushkin's poetry comes to life before us in all its captivating beauty. Pushkin's all seasons are beautiful, but still, his favorite time was autumn. In it, the poet is especially touched by the picture of the withering of nature, filled with sadness. The best works of Alexander Sergeevich about autumn include the poem "Autumn", in which he most vividly and fully expressed his attitude to all seasons.

Reads an excerpt from the poem "Autumn"

Eromolayeva Augustina. A.S. Pushkin considered poetry to be a “comforter angel”. She saved the poet more than once, gave him strength for life and struggle, reviving his incinerated soul. The theme of the poet and poetry runs through all of Pushkin's work.
In his work, Pushkin built a whole concept about the place of the poet in the world, about the interaction of the poet and society, about the creative process. The main milestones of this concept, the main pillars of Pushkin's "miraculous monument" are poetic manifestos: poems: "A conversation between a bookseller and a poet" (1824), "The Prophet" (1826), "The Poet" (1827), "The Poet and the Crowd" (1828) , "To the Poet" (1830). "Echo" (1831), "I erected a monument to myself not made by hands ..." (1836).

For the poet, the main thing is serving eternal values: goodness, freedom, mercy, and not the whims of the “crowd” and “mob”.

It is about this that he will write in a verse. –i “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands…”

Reads the poem “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands ...”

Extracurricular work (extracurricular) in literature, like any other school discipline, is an integral part of the educational process and is an indispensable element of the normally organized work of the school.

The topic “Extracurricular work in literature” is becoming increasingly relevant in our time, the time of the greatest socio-political and cultural life of the country. Extracurricular work increases interest in the study of literature, enhances the feeling of love, respect for it, the will to overcome shortcomings in one's speech. Extracurricular activities contribute to the formation in children of the correct concepts of literature, expand the ideas obtained in the process of training sessions.

Methodists L.P. Bessonov, L.K. Golubev, V.V. Golubkov, Z.Ya. Rez in their writings considered general issues of organizing extracurricular work, paid special attention to the practical material of extracurricular activities, but only in Russian literature.

The topic of this study is “Literary evening as one of the forms of extracurricular work”. The purpose of the work: to consider the theoretical issues of organizing extracurricular activities, in particular, literary evenings, and on their basis to develop a literary evening for middle-level students.

The set goal: required the solution of the following tasks:

  • establish the difference between extracurricular work from a literature lesson and an elective;
  • to determine the general and specific principles for organizing extracurricular work in literature;
  • reveal the content of extracurricular work in literature;
  • consider the types and forms of extracurricular work, types of literary evenings;
  • develop a literary evening.

Chapter 1. Extracurricular work, its types

Teaching and educational work is not limited to what is done in the classroom. The correct formulation of the educational business also presupposes widely deployed extracurricular and extracurricular activities (classes).

Extracurricular work is called specially organized extracurricular activities that contribute to the deepening of knowledge, the development of skills and abilities, the satisfaction and development of interests, abilities and the provision of reasonable rest for students. It is carried out, as a rule, by teachers of the relevant subjects, parents, as well as an asset of students prepared for its implementation.

The purpose and objectives of extra-curricular activities differ significantly from the goals and objectives of lessons and extracurricular activities.

The lesson is the main form of educational work, its content is determined by the curriculum and regulated by the school schedule. In the classroom, students receive basic information about writers and analyze works.

The optional course is chosen by the student at will, independently. After the student has chosen a particular course, he must attend it without fail. Extracurricular activities are held at the same time as the lessons. The grade for this course is put in the journal. In addition, an optional course is conducted according to the program and is regulated by the schedule.

Extracurricular work in literature has its own content, its own specifics of organization and conduct, its own forms and types, and has the following goals: to instill a love for literature, improve language culture, and develop interest in literature as an academic subject.

These goals determine the tasks of extracurricular work, namely: to expand, supplement and deepen knowledge about the writer, the skills and abilities acquired in the classroom; teach children to work independently with additional aids; ensure that students love the book as a source of knowledge; develop students' creativity.

When organizing extracurricular activities, as well as when conducting lessons, the teacher relies on general didactic principles that represent their main starting points that determine pedagogical practice in teaching the basic sciences. In extracurricular work in literature, all these principles are applied:

  • scientific principle;
  • the principle of consistency and consistency in the presentation of the material;
  • the principle of continuity in the assimilation of knowledge;
  • the principle of connection between theory and practice;
  • the principle of the availability of the proposed material.

In addition to general didactic principles, extracurricular work has its own, for example:

  • the principle of close connection of extracurricular activities with the classroom;
  • the principle of voluntary participation of schoolchildren in classes;
  • the principle of equal right of all students to participate in extracurricular activities;
  • the principle of borrowing;
  • the principle of an individual approach to each student;
  • the principle of development of abilities, speech of students.

There are several classifications of types and forms of extracurricular work in literature.

Zotov Yu.B. (8, 35) divides all types of extracurricular work into two large groups: regular and episodic.

The first type includes: homework, which includes doing homework for the lesson, home experiments and observations, extracurricular activities, various circles, television programs, additional classes on the subject, etc.

Episodic types include thematic conferences and evenings on the subject, olympiads, abstract papers on the subject (in high school), home compositions, educational excursions, etc.

V.V. Golubev (7, 410 - 431) adheres to the following classification:

1) extracurricular reading; 2) mugs; 3) magazine and wall newspaper; 4) literary exhibitions; 5) literary excursions.

Z.Ya. Rez (11, pp. 366-382) distinguishes the following types:

a) extracurricular reading; b) readers' conferences and debates; c) mornings and evenings; d) literary circle; e) club; f) literary local history; g) a museum.

Golubev L.K. (6, 10 - 25) you can find the following classification of types: extracurricular reading; 2) literary circle; 3) various episodic events.

All species are closely related. Extracurricular reading is divided into individual and collective.

A literary circle can also be:

1) reader; 2) expressive reading; 3) artistic storytelling; 4) dramatic; 5) creative.

He divides episodic events into:

  • meetings with writers and heroes of literary works; 2) literary disputes; 3) literary exhibitions; 4) literary quizzes; 5) literary excursions; 6) literary evenings.

In our opinion, this classification is universal.

Thus, the problem of organizing extracurricular activities is relevant in our time. Its significance is great. It is a logical consequence and continuation of the work in the lesson and thus contributes to the maximum development of the creative activity of schoolchildren, which can largely compensate for the natural shortcomings of the lesson. In addition, all types of extracurricular activities, if properly organized, perform an educational function.

Any extracurricular work of students, like classroom work, requires careful guidance and control by the teacher. The methodology here is simple - good knowledge of students and the desire of the teacher to captivate them with the subject. For this, one does not have to spare either time or effort.

Chapter 2. Literary evening as one of the forms of extracurricular work. Types of literary evenings.

Literary evening is one of the most effective forms of extracurricular activities at school. But sometimes evenings are treated as just another event, and even an entertaining event, the choice of the theme of the evening is thoughtlessly approached, and only talented children are involved in its preparation.

Literary evenings are held infrequently - 2-3 times a year. Usually they are caused by the anniversary of the writer or the special interest of the children in his work, they are a kind of result of long work - class and extracurricular. All classes are preparing, teachers of literature, fine arts, music, class teachers.

Literary evenings bring some special festive mood into the life of the school, introduce them into the world of poetry, music, painting, excite them with a meeting with literary heroes.

The evening expands and deepens the acquaintance of schoolchildren with the life and work of the writer (poet), his literary environment, era, creates in them a more complete and emotionally colored idea of ​​the writer's personality, the meaning of his work.

They are carefully prepared for them, long before the preparation began, the wordsmith strictly purged the selection of material for the evening; excerpts from the writer's works of art for staging, individual acts or scenes from plays for expressive reading, romances and songs to the words of the poet to whom the literary evening is dedicated, musical numbers.

Then the program of the evening was discussed with the students, and in the final selection of the material, the accessibility of the work to the forces of the performers, the possibility of stage resolution with the modest means of the school theater, were necessarily taken into account. Music teachers help in choosing solo and choral numbers.

When organizing an evening, attention should be focused on its content, on what educational and educational purposes it serves, and not just on the outside.

No less attention than the choice of topic deserves the question of the program of the evening. The structure of the program largely determines whether the evening will be massive. It also depends on the program how we will connect the evening with a class lesson.

Depending on the program, Petropavlovskaya N.D. (13, 22) distinguishes several types of literary evenings: games, a wide program, reading, questions and answers. Each type has its own specifics.

Game evenings

Literary games are the main component of this kind of evenings. The children are very willing to participate. But keep in mind that not every game will be received with pleasure. Clumsily built, poorly organized games will not cause any enthusiasm among the guys and will not bring any benefits.

You need to think over the theme of the game evening. Literary games can be used as a means of testing and consolidating knowledge, as an incentive for attentive, thoughtful reading. The game evening can be held as a final at a certain stage of the study of the program. The material is selected on the basis of a number of works of one writer or on the work of several. Games can also be built according to the text of one work. The more diverse the games, the greater the chances of success. If we limit ourselves to one quiz, then after a while the guys will get tired of answering questions. It is necessary to use quizzes, and crossword puzzles, and literary loto, and literary dominoes. You can also use ready-made literary games, for example: the game “Who is this?” - name the hero according to portrait characteristics.

The game “answer the question”: a question is read out from the text or biography of the writer.

Evenings of the wide program

An evening of this type includes both a report and a concert, united by a text - a commentary by the presenter. Petropavlovskaya N.D. (13, 26) believes that the evening can be supplemented with an exhibition, literary games, and dramatic performances. “This evening is of great benefit,” she says. (13, 22). It distinguishes the following components: literary composition, exhibition, literary games, wall newspaper.

  1. The literary composition sounds in the first part, is the center of the evening. Instead of one speaker, as is customary in most evenings, you can make several presenters, and this is more of the participants in the evening.
  2. It is necessary to build a composition in such a way as to emphasize the connection between literature and life, between the theme of the evening and the problems that are currently worrying the students.

    The second part is a dramatic department that continues the literary composition. The content of the performance corresponds to the general theme of the evening.

  3. An exhibition with which the guys get acquainted before the start of the literary composition, during the intermission between the first and second parts. You can ask the guys to draw drawings, layouts, make embroidery, crafts. The main condition for creativity is compliance with the theme of the evening.
  4. The evening begins with literary games, and their content is determined by the theme and general task of the evening.

The design of the evening includes the production of invitation cards, posters, programs. To do this, you need to attract guys who can perfectly draw, design, fantasize. Students who are good at computers and technology can help in compiling a presentation, a film, decorating the evening with music, preparing booklets, evening programs.

A greater number of students participate in the literary evening, who are both actors, and readers, and artists, and dancers, and decorators. Thus, the evening of the wide program allows more children to participate.

Reading Evenings

The program of these evenings is reduced to artistic reading of works. This evening is rarely held. It should be organized by philologists with specific goals, namely, to better acquaint the writer with the work, to feel more deeply the power of his talent. The teacher should “be attentive to the selection of material, engage in work on expressive reading” (2, 55)

An evening of reading, including the favorite works of students in the program, is the surest means of promoting fiction. This is very important now, because the students do not want to read. They spend more and more time in front of TV screens, computer monitors. Therefore, there is absolutely no time left for reading works. Students write essays according to those manuals that include “works of medalists”. But there are no interesting works in these books, they are written according to the template. Therefore, reading evenings are necessary to attract children to books. The only remark is a small number of participants who would show the audience how to read poetry, excerpts from works.

Q&A evenings

Practice shows that students like to answer questions. The program of this type of evenings can be built from the answers to the questions asked earlier. You can also ask about the biography of the author, about the problems of the works, about the history of the creation of the works.

Preparation for the evening of questions and answers should begin with a discussion of the topic. Having determined it, they hang out a poster, which indicates the date of the work of the evening, the topic is reported. Pupils write questions taken out as they come. Each participant of the evening from all the questions chooses those that he can handle. The most difficult takes on the teacher.

Comparing the different types of literary evenings according to the program, we can conclude that their possibilities are unequal. Some have a very broad meaning, while others have a much narrower meaning.

Game evenings do not help to mobilize either fiction or games for the promotion of literature. They do not require long-term work of a large team to prepare.

Evenings of reading and evenings of questions and answers have the same disadvantages: the number of participants is rather small.

The greatest scope for solving educational problems is opened wide program evenings, since a large team is involved in the work: singers, actors, and readers ... The guys who like to take pictures and look for material from additional sources are involved.

AT wide program evenings participants demonstrate various skills and abilities: work with a book, with a computer, the ability to navigate in the collection and systematization of material for a report and an exhibition. This type of evening gives the practice of expressive reading.

The evening should be the result of a great work of the team, a comprehensive test of its qualities, a review of the organization of the guys and the responsibility of each for his share in the common cause.

The main thing is not only in holding the literary evening itself, but in that interesting collective work in preparation for it, which schoolchildren live for some time, that the evening evokes deep emotions, leaves vivid impressions: a well-played role, a well-read poem are remembered for a long time, sometimes for life. “In addition, students get acquainted with literary sources new to them, collect material, publish a literary wall newspaper, a special issue of a literary and art magazine, compose albums, make sketches of scenery, learn musical numbers, make their proposals for the design of the hall, make drawings on invitation cards” (10, 80)

Sometimes lectures are given for the participants of the evening on literature, music, painting with a demonstration of paintings, films. There were cases when evenings were preceded by literary disputes, literary trials of heroes” (2, 58)

If the evenings become a system, will be held for several years two or three times a year, by the time they finish school, students will have gained very useful and interesting experience in various types of amateur performances.

Chapter 3

See Literary Evening based on A.A. Milna “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”


The problem of organizing extracurricular work in literature is relevant in our time. The following scientists L.P. tried to solve it. Bessonov, L.K. Golubev, V.V. Golubkov, Z.Ya. Res. Based on their work, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. In their works, methodologists emphasize the need for extracurricular activities, namely: literary evenings;
  2. Extracurricular work in literature is built on the basis of general didactic principles;
  3. The more diverse the forms of extracurricular work, the more alive the interest of students in it;
  4. Literary evening as one of the forms of extracurricular activities is not often held. Usually it is dedicated to the anniversary of the poet, writer. Both the teacher and the children participate in the preparation of the evening;
  5. The evening deepens and expands the acquaintance of children with the life and work of the writer, his literary environment, era, creates a more complete and emotionally colored idea of ​​​​the personality, the meaning of the work of the writer, poet;
  6. There are several types of literary evenings: games, a wide program, reading, questions and answers, each of the types has its own specifics. In addition, an evening of a wide program has serious advantages over evenings of other types: it is the result of a great work of the team, a comprehensive test of its qualities, a review of the organization of the guys and the responsibility of each for his share in the common cause.
  7. Literary games can be used as a means of testing and consolidating knowledge, as an incentive for attentive, thoughtful reading. Game evening can be held as a final at a certain stage of the study of the program;
  8. Reading evenings and Q&A evenings have the same disadvantages: quite a few students can participate. They do not require preparation, long-term work of a large team;
  9. If evenings are held regularly for several years, then by the time they leave school, students will gain useful experience in various types of amateur performances;
  10. Students can be actors, and readers, and artists, and dancers, and decorators. Each of them chooses the area in which he feels confident;
  11. Those participating in the evenings of a wide program develop various skills and abilities: working with a book, additional sources of knowledge, with a computer, the ability to navigate in the collection and systematization of material for a report and an exhibition, gives the practice of expressive reading.


  1. Milne, A.A. Winnie the Pooh and all
  2. Bessonov, L.P. Literary circles and literary and musical evenings in high school. - L., 1960. - 199 p.
  3. Extracurricular and extracurricular work in literature: a collection of articles / Ed. prof. Ya.A. Rotkevich. - M., 1970. - 224 p.
  4. Extracurricular work in literature (from the experience of teachers in the Rostov region). - M., - 1964. - 184 p.
  5. Golubev, L.K., Polukhina, V.P. Extracurricular work in literature: (
IV - VIII cl). - M., 1975. - 192 p.
  • Golubev, L.K. Types and forms of extracurricular work in literature, - M., 1952. - 78 p.
  • Golubkov, V.V. Methods of teaching literature. - M., 1952. - 464 p.
  • Zotov, Yu.B. Organization of the modern lesson. - M., 1984. - 144 p.
  • From the experience of extracurricular work in literature. - M., 1980. - 100 p.
  • Kuleshova, S.P. When the lessons end ... - Minsk, 1968, - 160 p.
  • Methods of teaching literature / Pod. Ed. Z.Ya. Rez - M., 1977. - 384 p.
  • Moldavskaya, N.D. Literary development of schoolchildren in the learning process. - M., 1976. - 109 p.
  • Petropavlovskaya, N.D. Literary evenings at school. - M., 1952. - 100 p.
  • Svischenkova, N.S. Extracurricular work in literature. - M., 1963. - 80 p.
  • Internet resources

