One of the Indian tribes of America. wild tribes

Long before the foot of a native of Europe set foot on the American continent, people lived on this land. wild tribes Indians dominated the steppes and forests of a vast region. There were quite a few of them - some remained only in the annals, the descendants of others still live on the land of their ancestors. Who inhabited the huge continents before they were discovered?


One of the largest tribes living on the North American continent. There is a legend among the Cherokee that they once lived in a beautiful place in the Valley of the Lakes, but were expelled from there by warlike neighbors - the Iroquois. The latter deny this fact - there are no such legends in their history.

However, when Europeans entered the continent, the Cherokee lived in the mountains. At first, the two peoples fought among themselves, but later the Indians made peace with the colonialists and even adopted their faith and some traditions.


The most famous representative of the Cherokee is Chief Sequoyah, who developed his own kind of writing, which served as an impetus for the rapid development of the tribe. One of the plants, outwardly resembling a cypress, is named in his honor.

Currently, the number of descendants of the Cherokee Indians, who used to inhabit the slopes of the Appalachians, reaches 310 thousand people. Modern redskins are quite big businessmen, they own six large gambling houses, and every year they multiply their fortune.

Representatives of this nationality have always had an entrepreneurial vein. In the 19th century, some representatives of the tribe owned their own plantations and were even the largest slave owners. They got their wealth in a rather interesting way - the Cherokee sold part of the land owned by the tribe to the US government.


Until the middle of the 19th century, relations between the indigenous population and emigrants from the Old World were fairly even. But the rich lands owned by the Indians became more and more attractive to the new authorities. In the end, the US government decided to remove the Cherokee from their lands and send them to live on the Great Plains.

The hike to the destination was long and difficult, according to official figures, about 6-15 thousand representatives of the tribe died during the transition. The path along which the Cherokee passed, received the telling name "Road of Tears".


A nomadic tribe that is constantly at war with its neighbors - this is how the Apache Indians can be characterized. Skillful and courageous warriors, who most often use ordinary bone or wooden weapons (they began to use metal for its manufacture only after the appearance of Europeans), instilled fear in neighboring tribes.

The Apaches were especially cruel to the captives - all members of the tribe, from young to old, including women, took part in the torture. It is better to die on the battlefield than to be captured - all their opponents thought so. It was impossible to run away or hide from the warriors of this tribe: if you do not see them, this does not mean at all that they do not see you.


The most famous leader of the tribe was Geronimo, who terrified the European colonialists. When he approached, people shouted his name and tried to run away as far as possible, sometimes even jumping out of the windows of houses. The U.S. Airborne troops still have a tradition of shouting "Geronimo!" before skydiving.

In the wars with the Spanish conquistadors, almost all Apaches were exterminated. Only a few managed to survive - their few descendants now live in New York.


"Those who are always ready to fight with me" - this is the approximate translation of the name of this tribe of Indians. And no wonder: the Comanches were indeed considered a warlike people, and they fought both with the Europeans who arrived on the continent and with representatives of neighboring nationalities.

Neighboring tribes called them "snakes". Because of what such a strange name appeared, it is not known for certain, however, there are several legends. The most famous one says that during the migration, the path of the Indians belonging to this tribe was blocked by a mountain, and instead of valiantly overcoming the obstacle, the wars cowardly turned back. For which they were criticized by their leader, who noted that they looked like "snakes crawling in their wake."


But such cowardice was rarely shown by the Comanches. On the contrary, in combat, such warriors were unmatched, especially after they learned to ride. The Comanches were a real disaster for neighboring peoples, and the Europeans were afraid to approach their territory. The Indians took only women and children into captivity, and if the latter were very small, they could be accepted into the tribe and raised in accordance with traditions.

The Comanches were also cruel to fellow tribesmen who violated the laws of the tribe. A woman convicted of treason was killed on the spot, in rare cases she remained alive, but at the same time her nose was cut off.


The Iroquois are not one specific tribe, but an alliance of several, dubbed the "League of Five Nations". The main occupation was the war - at the expense of rich trophies, the Indians fed their families. Their other occupation, the trade in beaver fur, also brought substantial profits.

Within each tribe included in the union, several clans were distinguished. It is noteworthy that they were usually led by women. Men were warriors and advisers, but it was the fair sex that had the decisive vote.

Representatives of the people who gave the name to the famous hairstyle, in fact, rarely used this method of hair styling. Moreover, almost all Indians shaved their heads, leaving only a small strand on the top of their head - “scalp”, which told the enemies that the warriors were absolutely not afraid of them and even gave them an advantage in battle. If you can grab a strand, you will defeat the Iroquois warrior. But it's not as easy as it seems at first glance.

To protect themselves from various misfortunes - primarily from diseases, the Indians wore special masks, on which the most remarkable element was a hooked nose. Who knows - maybe such a device really prevented the spread of infections. The number of Indians, at least, did not decrease due to the epidemic - the wars that the Iroquois constantly waged are to blame for this.


The most sworn enemy of the Iroquois was the Hurons - an Indian tribe, whose number in its heyday reached 40 thousand people. Most of them died during bloody wars, but several thousand still managed to survive. Although the Huron language was lost forever and is now considered dead.

Ceremonies occupied a special place in the life of the Indians. In addition to worshiping animals and the elements, the Hurons showed great respect to the spirits of their ancestors. They also performed various rituals: ritual torture of captive people was considered the most popular. Such a ceremony ended with not the most personal action - since the Hurons were cannibals, the exhausted captives were killed and eaten.


A tribe that disappeared forever from the face of the Earth and whose descendants disappeared among other Indians is a sad fate for a nation that was once considered one of the greatest civilizations of its time. The lands of this tribe were lost in the 18th century. This was the beginning of the end - the Mohicans gradually disappeared among other Indians, their language and cultural achievements were forgotten forever.

An important role in the disappearance, oddly enough, was played by the rapid adaptation of the Mohicans to new living conditions. A peaceful tribe that accepted the faith of the colonizers and their cultural customs quickly became part of the New World and finally lost its identity. There are practically no direct descendants of the Mohicans today - only 150 people living in Connecticut can be attributed to them.


The Aztecs are not a tribe. This is a whole empire that left behind a rich architectural heritage and a well-structured mythology. On the site of the main city of the Aztecs, Tenochtitlan, is now the capital of one of the most developed countries in South America - Mexico.


The Indians left many mysteries. Among them, the most famous are:

  • The Sun Stone is a strange monolith that looks like a calendar. He personifies all the ideas of the Aztecs about the world order, the past and future of mankind. Some researchers suggest that this stone was also used in making sacrifices;
  • Pyramids of Teotihuacan. In the oldest city that scientists managed to discover on the territory of the Western Hemisphere, mysterious objects were built - stone pyramids. They are oriented on one side of the world, and their location completely copies the structure of the solar system. Moreover, the distance between objects is the same as between the planets, unless, of course, it is proportionally increased by 100 million times;
  • obsidian tools. The Aztecs practically did not use metal - it was replaced by obsidian. Weapons were made from this material, as well as high-precision surgical instruments that made it possible to carry out complex operations. The unique properties of obsidian made it possible not to be afraid of infections - it is a natural antiseptic. Another question is exactly how the Indians made tools - now such a tool can only be machined using diamond cutters.

Despite all the mystery, the Aztecs left a legacy of one thing that is understandable and loved by modern people - chocolate.


The legendary treasures of the Incas have been pushing desperate treasure hunters to search for several centuries. But not only this tribe became famous for gold - their cultural achievements deserve much more attention.

The first thing the territory where the Incas lived is famous for is the beautiful roads. The Indians built not only wide highways of excellent quality, but also suspension bridges, so strong that they could withstand a rider in heavy armor. And no wonder - the Inca empire for the most part was located in a mountainous area, where turbulent rivers flowed, which during a flood could easily break a fragile structure. In order not to carry out construction work again, it was necessary to build for centuries.


The Incas were one of the few Indian tribes that had their own written language and wrote a chronicle of the people. Unfortunately, it has not survived to this day - the Spaniards burned the canvases, seizing the Inca cities, which are cultural centers.

The Indians left behind a lot of secrets, the most famous is the fabulously beautiful mountain town of Machu Picchu, whose inhabitants seemed to have simply disappeared.


A highly developed civilization that made great discoveries in the field of astronomy, mathematics and medicine long before the Europeans built the first major city. Majestic pyramids and temples, one of the most accurate calendars, a unique counting system - these are just a few of the achievements of the Mayan empire.

But at one fine moment, the inhabitants left the cities and went ... where? Unknown. But when the Europeans reached the habitats of the Maya, a few tribes appeared to their eyes, who were clearly unable to build all the majestic structures found in the jungle.


There are many versions explaining the disappearance of one of the most developed civilizations: an epidemic, internecine wars, drought. Some scholars suggest that the Maya simply degenerated and degraded.

However, this mystery has not yet been solved, like the many mysteries that the great civilization left behind.

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The natives of America are the Indians. They have a unique and tragic fate. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that this people managed to survive the period of settlement of the mainland by Europeans. The tragedy is connected with the conflict between the Indians and the white race. Where do Indians live today? How is their life going? Let's consider in more detail.

Excursion into history

In order to plunge into the life of the Indians, you must first realize who they are. For the first time in Europe, they heard about them only at the turn of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, even from the school history course, many remember the famous journey of Christopher Columbus, when, in search of India, he reached the coast of America.

Sailors immediately dubbed the local population redskins, and by the name of the area - Indians. Although it was a completely different continent, different from the one they wanted to find. So the name was fixed and became common for a huge number of peoples inhabiting two continents. Then, to the question of where the Indians live, any educated European would answer that in India.

For the inhabitants of Europe, of course, the found mainland was a valuable find, the road to the New World. However, for many Indian tribes living on these lands for about forty thousand years, such an acquaintance was not necessary at all. The arriving Europeans did not want to consolidate relations or bring something new to the life of the indigenous population - they only treacherously took away the lands, thereby pushing the legitimate inhabitants far into the interior of the state, occupying and equipping territories suitable for European life.

Over time, the Indian tribes were completely pushed beyond the edge of their original habitat, and their territories were settled by Europeans who arrived from across the ocean in search of India.

Nineteenth century Indian history

By the middle of the 19th century, Novaya Zemlya was so colonized by Europeans that there were practically no free lands suitable for the habitation of the Redskins. Where did the Indians live during this period of time? It was then that the concept of land reservation appeared. Reserved lands were areas ill-suited for agriculture. Europeans did not need such lands, so they were given to local tribes.

Conflicts have always arisen between two different cultures and mentalities, which sometimes escalate into open clashes with victims and the wounded. According to an oral agreement between the Europeans and the Indian tribes, it was decided that the Indians have every right to live on the reservation and can receive food and everything they need from the whites. But such charity was extremely rare.

The agreement also included a division of the land so that each Indian would be given 180 acres. It is worth recalling that this land was very bad for agriculture. The nineteenth century was a turning point in the fate of the Indians - they lost their rights and almost half of their mainland.

New history: a changed attitude towards the Indians

In the first half of the twentieth century, United States legislation made North American Indians citizens of the state. A few decades later, such an action on the part of the authorities was a huge step towards reconciliation between the warring peoples. The attitude towards this people was radically revised.

The places where the American Redskins live, like themselves, began to interest Americans not on the basis of profit, but because it is part of the cultural heritage of their own country. In the United States, a spirit of pride in resilient natives emerged. Most citizens began to have ideas of encouraging the Indians for their tolerance, the Americans were eager to correct the unfair treatment that their ancestors bestowed on the indigenous population of America.

Where do Indians live today?

Currently, the red-skinned population of America lives in two main geographical areas of the mainland - these are North and Latin America. It should be noted here that Latin America does not represent only South America - it also includes Mexico and a number of islands.

It is worth analyzing the geographical features of the settlement of the Indians separately.

North American Indians

Where do the Indians of North America live today? Recall that this territorial region consists of two large-scale states, namely the United States and Canada.

Indian habitats:

  • subtropics in the presented territory;
  • coastal regions of the northwestern part of the mainland;
  • California is a famous Indian state;
  • southeastern United States;
  • territory of the Great Plains.

The main activities of the Indians are hunting, fishing, gathering and harvesting of valuable fur. More than 60% of modern Indians live in major states and rural areas throughout the United States. The rest, as a rule, live on the territories of the state reservation.

California is a famous Indian area

Western cinema and popular fiction very often paint a picture of the Indians living here - in California. This does not mean that country music and films are deceiving: the same facts are provided by statistics.

American censuses over the past decades confirm that the majority of modern Indians live in California. It is worth noting that the representatives of this race in this metropolis have long been mixed with the rest of the population. Over the years, most of them have lost the knowledge of their native language. For example, more than 68% of Indians today do not know any language other than English. Only 20% speak perfectly the dialect of their own people, as well as the state language.

It should be noted that the Californian Redskins have certain benefits, for example, for education and admission to higher educational institutions. But the majority of Indians do not use the benefits provided. Today, about 65% of children from Indian families receive secondary education, and only 10% receive a bachelor's degree.

Indian settlements in Latin America

There are Indian settlements in South America:

  1. The terrain of almost all of Latin America is inhabited by the heirs of the Mayan tribes, the Aztecs and those who lived in the geographical area of ​​Central America before the European invasion.
  2. A separate unity is the Indians of the Amazon basin, the main difference of which lies in their peculiar behavior, the preservation of traditions and indigenous laws.
  3. Such communities as the Indians of Patagonia and the Pampas also live in this territory.
  4. Indigenous inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego.

Peruvian Indians

Peru is one of the Latin American countries located on the Pacific Northwest coast of South America. Why is this area important to the Indians? It was on the territory of the state that the capital of one of the most influential countries of the indigenous Indians, the Inca Empire, was located. The Indians of South America still consider the country their homeland.

That is why enchanting festivities are held annually in Peru in honor of the day of the Peruvian Indians. This day is a date for the memory and preservation of the cultural traditions of bygone days. Indian Memorial Day is one of the most colorful and significant holidays for city residents. A large fair, a demonstration of national cuisine, an interesting festival and live music in every corner of Peru awaits guests and the local population.

In our time, it is quite difficult to single out certain geographical areas where the Indians live. Most of the representatives of the people live together on their pushed back lands, preserving cultural traditions, religion and valuable life guidelines. Others have firmly assimilated with the European population, began to fully adhere to American traditions and legislation, and live in megacities. Most of the latter have forgotten their native language and the history of the great people.

The Native Americans got their name from Christopher Columbus. The famous navigator called all the natives of America in one word - the Indians. In fact, the territory of the modern United States was inhabited by many tribes speaking more than 300 languages. Currently, no more than a hundred dialects have been preserved. This article will focus on the indigenous people of America who lived and live directly on the territory of the modern United States of America.

The number of indigenous people in the United States, before the advent of Columbus, is not possible to determine. at the initial stage, no one was involved in counting the Indians. In this regard, the range of numbers mentioned is huge, from 8 million to 75 million people. Now, according to the US census, the number of Indians is just over 5 million people, which is equal to 1.6% of the country's population.

The Indians differed not only in language and occupation, but also in their way of life.

tribal indians pueblo occupied the territory of the modern states Arizona and New Mexico. Until now, this nation has retained its traditions. They live in adobe or stone houses, built like apartment buildings, often with several floors. Traditionally, the Pueblos are engaged in agriculture, growing beans and corn. Also, representatives of this tribe are excellent at creating ceramics, the secrets of making which are passed down from generation to generation. The population of the Pueblo today is about 32 thousand people.

Navajo- among the Indian tribes the most numerous group. Today it numbers, according to various estimates, from 100,000 to 200,000 people. The Navajo occupied the territories of the southwestern United States, lived in the neighborhood of the pueblo. They were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding, hunting and fishing. Subsequently, they took up weaving, which to this day remains one of their most important crafts.

Interestingly, during the Second World War, a special Navajo cipher was created, which was used to send and receive messages. 29 Indians who served in the US Navy, taking their language as a basis, received a unique code that was successfully used in the army and in the post-war years.

Iroquois- warlike people. He united several Iroquois-speaking tribes: Cayuga, Mohawk, Onondaga, Oneida. Occupied the central part of the USA: the states Pennsylvania , Ohio , Indiana , Illinois. Farming was done mainly by women. Men went hunting, fishing, fighting. The Iroquois lived in villages with up to 3 thousand people. Quite often, the whole village moved to a new place with more fertile land. In the United States at the moment there are about 35 thousand representatives of the Iroquois.

Huron- the northern neighbors of the Iroquois and their closest relatives. Representatives of this tribe were the first to start trade relations with Europeans. The number of Hurons was reduced from 40 thousand to 4 thousand people.

Cherokee- an Iroquois-speaking tribe that lived apart, with its own way of life, with a population of about 50 thousand people. Initially, the Cherokee tribes were scattered throughout the states. Northern and South Carolina , Virginia , Alabama and Georgia. Now the Cherokee live mainly in Oklahoma, there are about 15 thousand people. The chief of the Sequoyah tribe became the founder of the Cherokee syllabary in 1826. Two years later, he began publishing the Cherokee Phoenix newspaper in the language of his people.

Mohicans- the most peaceful tribe that lived in the states New York and Vermont. Presumably at the beginning XVII century there were about 4 thousand. Currently, the descendants of the Mohicans live in the territory Connecticut with only 150 people.

The Sioux or Dakota peoples roamed mainly through the territories of the states Northern and South Dakota , Montana and wyoming hunting bison. This nationality includes several tribes speaking the languages ​​of the Siouan family. Now representatives of the people live in the north of the United States and number about 103 thousand people.

Russell Means is an American film actor, the most famous of the Sioux people. The role of the leader Chingachgook is the most famous of those played by him. Means was actively involved in social activities, and also advocated for the rights of the Indians.

Quanah Parker is a famous Comanche chief. Actively engaged in political activities, defended the rights of the Indians.

Today, the natives of the United States have practically lost their language, they use it only at home, within the family. Most Indians completely adopted the way of white people. However, despite this, the indigenous people of America love their land, honor the traditions of their ancestors, passing them on from generation to generation.

What kind of torture did the Iroquois love? Which tribe in North America was the most developed? How did an Apache partisan leader become a showman? Is it true that Obama and Johnny Depp's ancestors were Cherokee Indians? We'll cover all of this and more.


The Iroquois themselves call themselves "hodinonkhsoni", and the word "Iroquois" is taken from the language of the neighboring Algonquin and means "vipers". As you might guess, these tribes were at enmity and hated each other. The Iroquois are interesting in that by the time the Europeans arrived, they were the most developed tribe in the territory of the modern United States: they were engaged in simple slash-and-burn agriculture, knew various crafts, and at the same time were not fools when it comes to politics.

In a sense, the Iroquois created the prototype of the modern States: their confederation of five tribes had a complex, developed, and at the same time democratic system of government. And the most interesting thing is that the Iroquois had a matriarchy, and this is really unusual for the Indians. After the wedding, the man went to his wife's family and took her last name; women sat on the council of the confederation and generally, without any exaggeration, decided the fate of the tribe.

Modern grandfather mohawk

At the same time, by the time the Europeans arrived, the matriarchy was already in crisis: the warriors and the military elite were rapidly gaining strength and power. By the end of the 17th century, the Iroquois, who were not pacifists anyway and fought with everyone in a row, went on a powerful offensive. Initially, they lived in the east of the Great Lakes, but after a series of successful campaigns, they occupied all the surrounding territories. The Iroquois wanted to become a monopoly in the fur trade and acted very harshly.

Iroquois before the conquests (marked in pink) and after (marked in orange)

In aggressive warriors, they actively used genocide and simply killed everyone who occupied neighboring lands. A favorite tactic of the Iroquois is to break into enemy territory during the harvest, start killing women, and when the men of the tribe rush to the rescue, ambush.

The Iroquois also became famous for their active use of torture and "captive entertainment". Their favorite execution game looked like this: the head of a still living person was tied to a tightly stretched branch, and then his throat was sharply cut. The branch worked like a sling and threw its head quite far. If the Olympic sports were invented by the Iroquois, then this would be the crown discipline.

Interesting Facts:

    The Iroquois did not wear the appropriate hairstyle - it was generic to only one tribe of the confederacy, the Mohawks.

    The name "Canada" comes from the language of the Northern Iroquois and means "Village".

    The Iroquois always bet on the wrong guys: their allies were always the nation that was destined to lose the war. First the Dutch, then the French, and during the American War of Independence, the British. Being an ally of the Iroquois is bad luck.


The Hurons are the closest neighbors and relatives of the Iroquois and, as a result, are their most important enemies. The Hurons did not lag behind the Iroquois: they had a confederation of tribes, and they also dreamed of becoming monopolists in the fur trade. The Hurons were not fools to fight, but against the background of their enemies they looked like hippies: they were practically vegetarians, they ate mainly maize and beans, and on holidays - the meat of ritually cooked dogs.

The Hurons relied on the French, and at first this gave them advantages, but as a result turned into a disaster. Firstly, the French were reluctant to give firearms to the Indians, and secondly, in the course of active missionary work, they brought diseases.

As a result, an epidemic of plague or smallpox claimed the lives of half of the Hurons, a total collapse and mass starvation began. The Iroquois took advantage of this - they cut out the remnants of their neighbors, occupying their lands. The Hurons practically disappeared from the face of the earth, the confederation of the once largest tribe was destroyed, and they were forced to flee, some to Canada, some far south, to the prairies.

Engraving: Huron fortified settlement

Interesting fact:

The Hurons were famous as masters of defense, they built quite seriously fortified fortresses with towers and galleries and quickly realized the use of the arquebus in the defense of the fort.


Cherokee war paint

The Cherokee Indians were part of the group of the so-called "five civilized tribes": they fought the Europeans for a very long time and stubbornly, but as a result they adopted Christianity, adopted their culture and succeeded in farming and handicrafts. Unfortunately, the US government, until recently loyal to this tribe, forcibly evicted them to badlands.

During the migration, many Cherokee died, and upon arrival they found themselves in the wastelands with almost no means of subsistence. This story was called by the Indians "Road of Tears".

Modern Cherokee

The Cherokee created their own unique script, taking the idea from the Europeans. Chief Sequoyah, who understood the power of the written word, but was not literate, developed his own literally from scratch. Moreover, he led a campaign to spread his writing, and already in his lifetime, about 90% of all Cherokee adults could read and write.

Interesting Facts:

    Most of Sequoyah's notes have not survived, as they were burned by his wife, sincerely convinced that her husband was possessed by evil spirits.

    Famous people who have Cherokee blood: Barack Obama, Johnny Depp, Quentin Tarantino, Elvis Presley and even Jimi Hendrix.


The modern Pueblos are descendants of the ancient and declining Anasazi people, who are especially interesting because they were quite civilized, unlike most North American Indians. Having begun a settled life in the 8th century, by the 10th-12th centuries they experienced a cultural take-off, building amazing fortresses and settlements in the rocks and showing themselves as excellent merchants and farmers.

However, the golden age of the Anasazi passed, and it turned out that their culture arose at a very unfortunate time: after the climatic peak, there was a sharp decline, and the area turned from flourishing to desert. The ancient pueblos fell into decay, were attacked by nomadic tribes and were almost destroyed. Judging by the excavations, hunger led to mass cannibalism, and there were so many dead that there was no one to bury them.

Interesting Facts:

    The Pueblos built well-defended stone towers. The Navajo Indians adopted this technique and began to build such towers themselves, which are now called "pueblito". Destroying them is problematic even with cannons, as the Spaniards were convinced.

    In the American Conquest strategy (from the creators of those same "Cossacks"), the pueblos do not build separate buildings - instead they have one five-story well-fortified city-fortress, which, in general, is historically reliable.


Apaches are typical Indians of the Great Plains. With the advent of Europeans, they very quickly realized the advantages of riding and actively used it to hunt bison. By the way, the irony is that horses originate precisely from America, but by the time humans arrived there, they had already disappeared in this part of the world. So the Europeans, without knowing it, brought horses to their historical homeland.

The Apaches were irreconcilable fighters with the Europeans and spoiled a lot of blood for the colonialists. Suffice it to say that it was the Apache leader Geronimo who became the symbol of all Indian resistance. Even after the resistance of the Indians was broken, he continued to wage a guerrilla war and did so for a long 25 years. In the end, he had to surrender to the US authorities, but they did not execute him, but made him something of a brand. Geronimo was taken to exhibitions, he handed out his photographs, posed for photographers a lot and even got his own biographer.


Interesting fact:

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, a criminal subculture existed in France, "Apache", named after the Apaches. In addition to the standard robbery, hooliganism and debauchery, they differed in that they created their own recognizable style. The Apaches wore special clothes - red belts, chewed shirts and yellow boots - they had their own gestures, special tattoos and so on.

They also created their own signature weapon: brass knuckles combined with a knife and a revolver, which actually turned out to be rare trash. Their other invention is their own dance, named after them. The dance "Apash" was notable for its violence and metaphorically depicted both intercourse and a fight between a man and a woman.

Apache Indians Apache French Gopniks

Of course, we have not mentioned a lot of interesting tribes and stories. For example, I had to miss the whole of Central and South America, the Indian uprising led by Pontiac, as well as many facts about the religion and the current state of the Indians, and much, much more. The topic is too vast for one article, but we promise someday to return to it and tell no less amazing.
