Unhappy house. "Unhappy House" or how to make the management company work? It was bad - it became good

Home plants and flowers can have negative energy or even be vampires. That is why it is not recommended to keep some flowers in the house.

Of course, the energy in the house should be positive. After all, it is she who attracts good luck to all its residents. Earlier we wrote about what plants bring happiness to the house. This article will help you find the perfect energy companion for you. And today we will talk about which of the flowers at home should not be kept at all.

10 unlucky flowers

Rose. At first glance, this is a beautiful flower that is the king of all flowers. However, the rose is not only beautiful. She perfectly absorbs energy, thus being not a donor, but a vampire. At the same time, the rose gives almost nothing in return, so it is advisable to keep roses at home only for those who are sure that they have something to give.

Orchid. With its name alone, this flower is able to win your love, but don't be naive. They say that the orchid takes away energy, feeding on the shortcomings of people. This is the purest water vampire, which is not characterized by any restrictions. The orchid rarely takes root in homes, but if it does, then those who experience self-confidence problems will be even more unhappy. The flower also provokes insomnia. If you are ready to start an orchid against all odds, do not put it next to your bed.

begonias. These flowers are known for their popularity, but they can easily steal energy from people. True, they attract both positive and negative energy to themselves, which can partly do good service. Moreover, when the plant shares what it took away, it keeps the negative, giving back a small part of the positive. But you should not keep more than one such flower at home, so as not to disturb the energy exchange.

Lilies. These seemingly harmless flowers can provoke scandals. They are dangerous because of their unexpectedness, because for a long time they can give peace and order to the house, and then dramatically change their energy. Keep lilies where you rarely visit - for example, in the country.

Lilac. Everyone experiences pleasure when passing by a lilac bush in summer. You should not cut these flowers home: many folk signs say that lilacs bring only trouble. Earlier we wrote about the magical properties of lilac and the signs associated with it. This article will help you not only learn more about lilacs, but also do the right thing when they bloom.

Tulips. There is a sign that these flowers provoke hair loss, deterioration of the skin and increase nervousness. Of course, many people love tulips, and you should not completely abandon them. Just do not plant them close to the house, for example, under the windows of the dacha.

ferns. These flowers are good in front gardens and garden plots. They can beautifully arrange a flower garden, you can decorate a fern with flowers on Ivan Kupala. But experts do not recommend keeping it at home: it absorbs oxygen, releasing carbon dioxide, which means it can very well reward you with a headache.

Tuberose. This flower smells very delicious, it is even used in perfumery, but this advantage cannot be compared with its disadvantage. He instigates betrayal. If you are married and do not want problems, it is better to give up this flower once and for all.

Hippeastrum. This representative of the world of flora does not like it very much when someone scandalizes in his presence, pouring out negativity. This flower takes everything to the last drop, giving it back later. If you often have someone quarreling at home, you risk never getting rid of the constant influx of negative energy.

Oleander. In some cases, the smell of this incredibly beautiful flower can cause dizziness. If you have small children at home, then in no case do not buy oleander as a decoration.

Steller's dwarf. From this Japanese flower comes one big danger to small children and animals. The sap of the plant can cause health problems, which can be very dangerous for children.

Remember that many plants and flowers should not be kept in the bedroom. This is the most important recommendation from the Feng Shui sages. The bedroom should be neutral in its energy and not carry any negativity. Earlier we wrote about which feng shui indoor flowers will be the most useful. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.07.2016 07:00

Each flower has a unique energy. Some of them have a positive effect on the homely atmosphere, while others ...

Let's now turn our attention to the opposite side of the street. There are several non-existent addresses on the Arbat. House number 14 stood in place of the brick wall. It was destroyed in 1942 by a German bomb dropped on the Arbat, and has not yet been restored. However, you can get an idea of ​​the appearance of this building, since it was actively replicated in print, first in the form of sketches, and then in photographs. This was explained not only by its attractive appearance, but also by the legends with which it was surrounded. The fact is that house No. 14 was considered the abode of evil spirits, and although it did not cause much trouble, Muscovites still preferred to bypass it at night. Indeed, once one of the Obolensky princes committed suicide here, however, the strange noises and sounds coming from here were explained much more simply - the house was chosen by criminal elements and, probably, they organized drunken parties at night. So there were numerous legends about the ghosts of house number 14, which excited Muscovites and were passed from mouth to mouth.
However, this place has seen many wonderful people. First of all, the great commander of Russia, the future Generalissimo Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, was born here.
There is no need to talk about his legendary crossing of the Alps, that his hand belongs to the most famous work on the intricacies of military science "The Science of Victory", about mutual hostility with her son Paul I, who ascended the throne after Catherine the Great, or that he was one of the most educated people of his time.
In the 19th century, Prince Mikhail Aleksandrovich Obolensky was the owner of house No. 14. In his possession was the famous portrait of Pushkin by Vasily Andreevich Tropinin, which later became the pearl of the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery. This portrait was painted in 1827, when Alexander Sergeevich was 28 years old, and was kept secret here until 1860, when its owner, Prince Obolensky, allowed him to photograph the precious relic. There is an interesting legend associated with this portrait. The fact is that in the 19th century, the hallmark of every freemason was a long nail on the little finger. When Tropinin came to paint a portrait of Pushkin, he recognized him as a freemason by such a nail. The artist made a sign to Pushkin, to which the poet did not answer him, but shook his finger - a gesture both confirming and warning.
At the end of the 19th century, another Russian prince, Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn, rented the house. The figure is in many ways remarkable: a graduate of Moscow University and the Sorbonne, Golitsyn preferred a peasant Armenian to tailcoats and tuxedos, and on all papers he certainly added “winemaker” to the title “prince”. Golitsyn really had a large estate in the Crimea, not far from Sudak, where he was engaged in winemaking for his own pleasure.
He carefully studied all varieties of grapes and their behavior in the Russian climate, examined cellars dug at different depths and established which variety was suitable for which depth. Golitsyn was especially interested in sparkling wines, the production of which he put on an industrial basis and brought to the international level. His successes were so great that in 1900 champagne from the vineyards of Golitsyn "New World" (later renamed "Coronation") was awarded the highest award - the Grand Prix of the exhibition. Golitsyn's technology is now considered classical. Its main secret is the secondary fermentation of the wine in the bottle and subsequent aging for at least 3 years. Experiencing a shortage of funds, but wanting to keep the technology in Russia, he sold his vineyards to Emperor Nicholas II, remaining the manager of his own estates for life.
To the right of the "devil's nest", as superstitious Muscovites called house number 14, until the 1920s there was the Church of St. Nicholas the Appeared - the same one where the French commander Murat stood waiting for messengers from the Kremlin.
The temple was erected at the beginning of the 17th century and was considered one of the richest in Moscow. He was surrounded by a large parish - i.e. territories and houses belonging to the church. Among the houses were not only residential, but also reserved for shops, which gave a good income. House number 16 now houses a restaurant, but until recently, the Tsvety shop has existed here for several decades.
In the place where we are, two lanes adjoin the Arbat. On the left - Starokonyushenny, on the right - Silver. Let's turn into Starokonyushenny Lane to head to the next stop at Sivtsev Vrazhek.
The names of the lanes speak for themselves: in the 17th century in Starokonyushenny there was a settlement of grooms serving the royal court, in Serebryany - a mint. A century later, the grooms were supplanted by wealthy nobles, and for a long time living in Starokonyushenny among the aristocracy was considered a sign of nobility and prosperity.
On the left side of Starokonyushenny, we almost immediately come across an interesting landmark, a monument of wooden architecture of the late 19th century - the house of the entrepreneur Alexander Aleksandrovich Porokhovshchikov, belonging to the same land holding as house number 25. The model of this house, which looks so unusual in the city center, received an award at the World Exhibition in Paris as the embodiment of a truly Russian style. In fact, we have before us a charming offspring of the neo-Russian style, characteristic of the end of the 19th century. Interest in the roots of the Russian people was experienced not only by architects, but also, for example, by artists. Let's remember how Viktor Vasnetsov embodied him in painting, and if you look at his "Three Heroes" or "Alyonushka", then it is likely that you will find many similarities with the Arbat "hut". Now the house of the Gunpowder Man is carefully preserved by his descendant, a famous Russian artist.
While we are approaching Sivtsev Vrazhek, a few words about another interesting phenomenon: the name of Nikola, which is often found in the names of the lost Arbat churches.
Nikola Appeared, Nikola in Carpenters, Nikola on the Sands - all these are churches dedicated to St. Nicholas the Pleasant. They are located in those areas where numerous streltsy settlements were once located. First of all, one never ceases to be amazed at how "worldly" names were given to Orthodox churches in Moscow - Nikola on the Sands, or the Trinity, on the Muds, the Holy Trinity, on the Drops, or in general Nicholas the Wonderworker, on Chicken legs. The treatment of St. Nicholas was no less free and completely personal - which other saint could be called so simply, in a neighborly way, Nicholas? And the point here is not disrespect for the saint, but quite the opposite - in sincere people's love. Nikola the Pleasant, as he was often called in Russia, was one of the most revered saints, standing immediately after Jesus and the Mother of God in the unofficial hierarchy of veneration. His kindness was comparable only to the kindness of the Blessed Virgin, but only he stood closest to the people. Nicholas was a protector and patron, a savior from all troubles. A child fell ill, a crop failure occurred, a landowner demanded money, or cattle fell ill - in all cases they turned to the saint. He was also considered the patron of prisoners and innocently convicted, the poor, wanderers, travelers. Sailors have long revered him, and now car drivers resort to his help. What, if not the icons with the image of St. Nicholas on the front panel of cars, best of all speaks of the strength of the tradition of honoring St. Nicholas in our country?
Nevertheless, despite the great popularity of this saint, few people now know his historical fate and the fact that St. Nicholas and Santa Claus are one and the same person. The prototype for the Christmas tale was the story of a bishop from the city of Myra, who lived during the time of the Roman Empire. Now this city is located on the territory of modern Turkey. According to legend, when a ruined city dweller was about to give his daughters to "fornication", Nicholas secretly threw him three purses of gold and thus saved the family from hunger and sin. Purses were thrown over the chimney, money fell into stockings that were dried by the fireplace, and since then it has been a tradition to hang fancy socks by the fireplace at Christmas in anticipation of gifts.

Buy a tour for 49.5 rubles.

The house on Brivibas, 46, stands in the very center of the capital, and at this time serious passions flare up around it.

One of the former owners of this building, I. Badenov, is sure that businessman Dmitry Stadnyuk, helping to get a loan for the purchase, deceived him. In turn, Dmitry Stadnyuk has no doubt that he was the victim of the real extortion. Residents are not satisfied with the living conditions in the house and they file lawsuits against the owner with a request to compensate for moral damage.

Don't talk to strangers

According to I. Badenov, this story began in 2005, when he, together with his business partners Viktor Kulish and Igor Konno, decided to buy a house at Brivibas 46 - then it belonged to the Synod of the Latvian Orthodox Church. The value of real estate at that time was more than 2 million lats. In order to make the payment, the buyers needed a loan. “At that time, I met Dmitry Stadnyuk and Anna Afanasyeva (D. Stadnyuk’s wife), they offered their services in obtaining a loan. I agreed, because they seemed to me very respectable people,” recalls I. Badenov.

Speed ​​up the process

However, more than two months have passed, and the issuance of the loan was delayed. "The excuses were of a different nature, but I patiently waited, I believed that everything would work out with the loan," says I. Badenov. On September 30, 2005, I. Badenov concluded a cooperation agreement with A. Afanasyeva and D. Stadnyuk.

Around the same time, the IPSO S enterprise was created, in which 60% of the fixed capital was to belong to I. Badenov and his partners, and A. Afanasyeva and D. Stadnyuk - 40%.

“Stadnyuk told me that in order to speed up the process of obtaining a loan, it is necessary that it be registered with an enterprise, and for this, in turn, it is necessary to transfer the house to IPSO S. I completely trusted Stadnyuk and agreed to this,” says Badenov.

However, during the re-registration, I. Badenov did not receive his 60% stake in IPSO S. Moreover, Stadnyuk and Afanasyeva became the sole owners of IPSO S, and D. Stadnyuk became the only member of its board. The house ended up in the possession of the IPSO S company, to which neither Badenov nor his partners had any relation.

Didn't inspire confidence

The story that Business & Baltia heard from Dmitry Stadnyuk differs from the story of his opponent. D. Stadnyuk explained that he had known I. Badenov since 1997. “Badenov himself came to me with an offer to jointly buy a house. I refused. At that time, the deal seemed unlikely to me. trust".

However, when Badenov, Konno and Kulish brought documents to D. Stadnyuk stating that they were legally the owners of the house, and asked for help in obtaining a loan, because. they had to fully pay for the house before October 21, 2005 - Stadnyuk changed his attitude towards the purchase.

According to Stadnyuk, a loan of 3.7 million euros was needed. They applied for a loan to Rietumu banka, which put forward a condition - to make a purchase for a legal entity. For this, a cooperation agreement was concluded, according to which Badenov, Konno and Kulish were to enter IPSO S (60% of the company's profits). Rietumu banka refused a loan. Then they decided to use another option, and Dmitry Stadnyuk bought the house, and all the participants in the enterprise agreed to this.

Talk differently

The cooperation agreement was withdrawn and another sales scheme came into force. "According to Igor Badenov, I forged the documents revoking the contract, according to which the "three comrades" were to enter the firm IPSO S," says D. Stadnyuk. In the conclusion of the Economic Police Department on the termination of the criminal case against Stadnyuk, which was initiated by Badenov, Kulish and Konno (documents were provided by Business & Baltic Dmitry Stadnyuk), it is said that during the investigation, the version of the forgery of the withdrawals of the cooperation agreement did not find evidence.

After buying the house, Stadnyuk suggested that Badenov, Konno and Kulish take up management and receive a reward for this. However, according to him, "the three gentlemen did not succeed, everything had to be done by my team." After some time, they again turned to me and said that they still want to work at home. "I offered them to draw up a contract, but I refused to draw it up myself. They returned without a contract, but with the words that now they will talk differently."

Rights through the court

I. Badenov told Business & Baltic that he is currently trying to defend his rights through the courts. In one of the lawsuits, Badenov challenged an agreement concluded in September 2005 with IPSO S on the sale of a house at 46 Brivibas Street. In the statement of claim, Badenov wrote that the purchase price of 1.02 million euros was indicated in the agreement. Of the amount specified in the contract, Badenov did not receive 270 thousand euros.

In his opinion, IPSO S did not intend and does not intend to pay this amount. That is why this contract must be canceled, because due to delays in payments, I. Badenov himself, who acted as a seller, is no longer interested in this sale. In addition, it turned out that the property was also burdened. In his opinion, IPSO S did not have the right to burden the property with mortgages, since the full price requested by the seller had not yet been paid for it. IPSO S indicated that on 21 October 2005 1,470,000 euros were transferred to the account of the Synod of the Latvian Orthodox Church. 300,000 euros were paid before the conclusion of the contract.

June 30, 2006 and the Supreme Court denied Badenov, but he intends to challenge this decision in a higher instance - the Senate.

And other lawsuits

Another claim by Badenov, Kulish and Konno regarding the house at 46 Brivibas Street was considered by the Jurmala Court. D. Stadnyuk, A. Afanasyeva and Viktor Smirnov acted as defendants in this case (the latter, according to Lursoft, wholly owns Silk Road Baltija, the sole owner of IPSO S). The plaintiffs asked the court to seize IPSO S.

In June 2007, the Jurmala court provided for the claim of Badenov, Kulish and Konno, placing an arrest on the enterprise. The Respondents did not agree with this. On September 1 of this year, the Jurmala Court partially satisfied the request of the defendants to cancel the arrest.

D. Stadnyuk has no doubts that the only goal of I. Badenov and his associates was to seize property. "They have achieved this - the house is arrested, the company is arrested. Their plan is simple - wait until November. That is when the loan agreement for this house expires - more than 4 million euros. If the house is seized, I will not be able to extend the mortgage in the Land Register "Now I have a choice - to find the amount that I owe the bank by November, or turn to Badenov, Kulish and Konno to solve the problem. They want 2 million euros for the removal of arrests," Stadnyuk says.

"In January of this year, 240 grams of TNT was attached to the gates of my house. This house is starting to remind me of Bulgakov's novel," D. Stadnyuk shared. Igor Badenov, in a conversation with the newspaper, also mentioned TNT, but explained that Stadnyuk's suspicions about his involvement were unjustified.

Why was the city administration on the side of the minority?

07/02/2016 01:36


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Those who regularly visit the site probably remember my investigations into the activities of Respekt-SP Management Company. Among other things, there was a story about how, at the end of last year, the company seduced the elders at home in the Northern Village. As a result of the agitation, several minutes of meetings came to light, allegedly confirming the decision of the residents to refuse the services of the Mosoblekspluatatsiya management company and go under the wing of Respect.

The GZhI suspected the organizers of violations and promised to conduct checks. As a result, both homeowners and competing management companies have been living in conditions of complete “misunderstanding” for almost half a year. Until now, the case has not reached court decisions clarifying someone's rightness. Therefore, almost half of the residents of the disputed houses stopped paying for housing and communal services. And those who pay, carry money to two different companies, which now have an ironclad excuse for doing nothing.

According to deputy Nikita Smirnov, who has commented on this situation more than once, the cause of the mess that has arisen is the behavior of Mosobleksplutsiya. Like, if the company handed over the houses to Respect and stopped billing the residents, the scandals would have subsided long ago. However, Konstantin Nozhkin, deputy director of Mosobleksplutsiya, whom I met the other day at 13 Tchaikovsky Street, says that things are not so simple. Here are his almost verbatim explanations, which I did not have time to capture on video:

- I won't lie: the loss of two or three very old houses is not a serious problem for us. As they say, it is still unknown who is lucky. And all the same, we were offended when information about re-elections in our housing stock went out. Last year, Mosobleksplutatsiya was just getting on its feet, and it was not easy to immediately set up work on such a vast territory. Competitors took advantage of this to discredit us - they fooled people's heads. Yes, and not everyone was fooled! Otherwise, the organizers of the meetings would have presented us with evidence of their success, and would not have begun to hide the register of tenants who voted to terminate the contract. Actually, we rested precisely because we did not want to look like "suckers" who are being fooled. Well, okay, house 17 on Glinka Street or house 16 on Druzhby Street, where the tenants practically stopped paying our bills shortly after the meetings! We know that there were violations, but why cling to this if people have already voted against us with their ruble? Happy swimming, as they say! Well, what if only 30% of the residents out of the entire building at 13 Chaikovsky Street still pay Respect? Are we supposed to believe that the majority voted for Respect there?

Whether I myself wanted to believe Nozhkin needs to be discussed in more detail. But that's next time. In the meantime - a small fragment of the meeting at building 13, where the so-called council of the house is trying to prove to its residents that the vote for "Respect" was fair.

I was interested in this piece of video recording for a simple reason. According to the data voiced by the chairman of the council of the house, Marina Nikolaeva, the owners who own 2,350 meters of housing, which is 58.4% of the total living area of ​​the house, voted for the Respect-SP company. Thus, even according to the information of the council, "Respect" overcame the bar of 50% of the votes "very tightly" - with a margin of only 338 meters. And the city administration provided this reserve! It was she, as the owner of municipal housing, who put more than 500 square meters in the Respect piggy bank.

Now we need to remember that the city authorities are usually guided by an iron rule: to stand on the side of the majority when choosing the Criminal Code. In this case, this rule was violated: the representative of the administration supported the minority. Who gave him this command, I seem to know.But for what reason?

9 Alex 14 03.07.2016 20:12

Quoting Kthrby Kthrby:

and yes. any owner (including the administration) has the right to vote for whomever he wants, regardless of who said what when in the summer in the hayloft.

In fact, it is in any way wrong when the government abandons the principles declared earlier.
But formally you are right. So let's continue to approach the issue formally.

The decision of the administration must be formalized in a timely manner by a resolution of the head of the city.
I wouldn't be surprised if there is no mention of this decree. And even if it was released, it probably wasn't published, so as not to disturb the dissenting majority of residents. This is also a reason to challenge the protocol.

But the main thing is still not the point. And why GZhI has been shaking people's nerves for months. It is possible to establish whether the owners made a decision or there was a falsification in a week.

5 vlad66 03.07.2016 22:01

Quoting Ekaterina Davydova:

The 205V is driven by a person of such a level that, with all his desire, according to the law, he is unlikely to succeed ..
Look for fun Trofimov's note two years ago
There is a story about how Belenkova fell out of love with Posad Energo and fell in love with SPMR Management Company. Under the note is my comment.
Here is a verbatim quote:
"And Belenkova recently said about Radonezh that all as one residents of her house gathered for a face-to-face meeting and voted for SPMR. Lol! The journalist pretended to believe."

Guys, well, if a person, without blinking an eye, tells the camera about a 100% attendance at a face-to-face meeting, then what can we talk about? And notice, no GZHI did not check anything. Is it because the falshak was created in favor of the municipal Criminal Code?

Today, however, the situation is somewhat different. The other day I was told that Ekaterina Mikhailovna, having learned about the trial, rushes around the house, trying to retroactively collect copies of certificates from the owners and remake a deliberate mess. But people don't seem to be doing it anymore.

4 Nikita Smirnov 04.07.2016 00:44

Quoting Ekaterina Davydova:

PKA 205v .... everything is the same ... receipts are brought from two Criminal Codes, the elder in the house, foaming at the mouth, proves the correctness of "Respect" ... an answer came from the administration that they keep everything under control, the case was referred to the arbitration court , pending a court decision, the house is served by Mosoblekspluatatsiya.

To date, the OSS protocol on the house is in force and all residents are required to comply with it. As far as I know, Respect has concluded agreements with the RSO for this house. Let the exploiters show such contracts for resources, where we will see this address. For RSO enters into an agreement with only 1 company.

8 #10 vlad66 04.07.2016 09:54

Quoting Nikita Smirnov:

Why are you lying? Until the court decides, according to the law, the house is served by "Respect". Read the laws.

3 #11 Attentive 06.07.2016 11:51

Quoting vlad66:
Quoting Nikita Smirnov:

Why are you lying? Until the court decides, according to the law, the house is served by "Respect". Read the laws.

No need to offend people in vain.
Yes, not all residents read the laws. And of those who read, not everyone knows how to interpret them correctly. Therefore, people, as a rule, form their opinion, focusing on an authoritative position. In this case, the opinion of the authorities. This is the opinion of the lady in this case and published.

By the way, you are power too. And you are saying exactly the opposite. So sort it out there in your "White House" before accusing your voters of lying.

Gold words!!! According to the principle that some laws are not read, while others are not able to interpret them, at one time, with a light stroke of Mr. Persianov, the houses of your beloved Posad Energo were given. And now Mosoblekspluatants operate on the same principle.

When Ellery entered Pettigrew's office, J.S. was dozing with his feet in his well-sized boots on the table. He had just returned from the weekly luncheon hosted by the Chamber of Commerce in « Apem House » , and his stomach was stuffed with Mother Apem's fried chicken. Quinn woke him up and introduced himself:

My last name is Smith. I have just arrived in Wrightsville and am looking for a small, furnished house with a monthly fee.

Pleased to meet you, Mr. Smith," J.S. « office » blazer. - Terribly hot! Furnished house? It is clear that you are not a local. There are no furnished houses in Wrightsville, Mr. Smith.

Then maybe a furnished apartment…

The same. J.S. yawned. - I apologize. It's getting hotter, isn't it?

Of course, Ellery agreed.

Mr. Pettigrew leaned back in his swivel chair, pulled out a piece of chicken stuck in his teeth with an ivory toothpick, and examined it carefully.

We have a problem with housing. Yes, sir. People are pouring into the city like grain in a truck. Especially for work in the machine shop. One minute!

Mr Quinn waited obediently until J.S. flicked a piece of meat off the toothpick.

Mr Smith, are you superstitious?

Ellery was surprised at the question, but answered:


J.S. beamed.

In that case ... - he began, but cut off the phrase. - What business are you here for? Not that it matters, but...

Ellery hesitated.

I am a writer.

The Realtor opened his mouth.

Do you write stories?

Including Mr. Pettigrew. I write books.

J.S. beamed even more.

I'm honored to meet you, Mr. Smith! Smith... Strange! I read a lot, but I don't remember an author with that last name... What did you say your name was, Mr. Smith?

I didn't say it, but my name is Ellery. Ellery Smith.

Ellery Smith ... - J.S. repeated thoughtfully.

Ellery Queen smiled.

I write under a pseudonym.

Aha! Under a pseudonym ... - Seeing that Mr. « Smith » still smiling silently, J.S. rubbed his chin and asked, "I suppose you have any recommendations?"

Will paying three months in advance make me a good reference in Wrightsville, Mr. Pettigrew?

Now I have to smile! J.S. chuckled. “Come with me, Mr. Smith.” I have just the kind of house you are looking for.

What did you mean when you asked if I was superstitious? Ellery inquired as they got into J.S.'s poisonous green two-seater and pulled away from the sidewalk. - Is this a haunted house?

Not really, J.S. replied. Although there is a strange story connected with him - perhaps it will give you an idea for the next book, huh?

Mister « Smith » agreed that this was not out of the question.

The house stands on the Hill next to the home of John F. Wright, president of the Wrightsville National Bank.

This is the oldest family in the city. Three years ago, sir, one of his three daughters, the middle one, Nora, got engaged to Jim Haight. Jim was a senior teller at JF's bank. He's not a local - he'd come to Wrightsville from New York a couple of years before with great references. He started as an assistant cashier and showed himself well. Jim is a reliable guy. He avoided bad company, often went to the library, did not play much - I think he only went to the cinema « Bijou » Louis Kayhana or stood with other guys at brass band concerts, watching the girls, chewing popcorn and teasing them. Jim worked hard and stood firmly on his feet. We all liked him. - Mr. Pettigrew sighed, and Ellery wondered to himself why such a rosy characterization had such a depressing effect on his interlocutor.

Apparently Miss Nora Wright liked him more than the others,” he remarked to grease the wheels of the story.

Right,” J.S. nodded. “She was crazy about him. Prior to Jim, Nora had a reputation for being quiet - she wore glasses and probably considered herself unattractive because she sat at home reading, sewing, or helping her mother with her organizational work while Lola and Patty walked with the guys. But Jim changed all that, sir. He was not one of those who are stopped by glasses. Nora is a pretty girl, and when Jim started courting her, she immediately changed ... - J.S. frowned. “Obviously I talk too much. But you get the point. When Jim and Nora got engaged, the whole town thought they were the perfect couple - especially after what happened to John's eldest daughter, Lola.

What happened to her, Mr. Pettigrew? Ellery asked quickly.

J.S. turned onto a wide country road. They had already left the city, and Ellery's eyes were full of greenery.

Did I say something about Lola? - Confusedly asked the realtor. - Well... she ran away from home with an actor from a touring troupe and after a while returned to Wrightsville divorced. J.S. pursed his lips, and Mr. Queen realized that he would not hear from Miss Lola Wright again. - John and Hermione Wright decided to give Jim and their Nora a furnished house for their wedding. John carved out part of his estate and built a house there next to his, as Hermione wanted Nora to live as close to them as possible, since they ... had already lost one of their girls.

Lola," Mr. Quinn nodded. - You said she got divorced and came back here. So Lola Wright doesn't live with her parents anymore?

No,” J.S. snapped curtly. “So John built a six-room house next door for Jim and Nora. Hermione had already brought in carpets, furniture, drapes, linens, silverware, when all of this suddenly happened.

What exactly? Ellery asked.

To tell the truth, Mr. Smith, no one knows, - the realtor admitted. - Nobody but Nora Wright and Jim Haight. Everything was fine with them, but the day before the wedding, Jim unexpectedly left. Escaped! It happened three years ago and no one has heard from him since. They were driving up a winding road. Ellery saw old houses on green lawns and elms, maples, cypresses, weeping willows that were much taller than them. - The next morning, John F. found Jim's resignation letter on his desk at the bank, which did not say anything about the reason. And Nora did not say a word either - she simply closed herself in the bedroom, crying there and did not go out to either her father, or her mother, or her sister Patricia, or even the old maid Ludy, who practically raised the three Wright girls. My daughter Carmel and Patty Wright are good friends, and Pat told Carmel everything. Pat shed many tears herself that day. I think the others do too.

And the house? Quinn inquired.

J.S. pulled up to the curb and turned off the engine.

The wedding was cancelled. We all thought it was just a couple's fight and Jim was about to reappear, but that didn't happen. Obviously, the gap was serious. The realtor shook his head. - The new house was completed, but it turned out that there was no one to live in it. A terrible blow for Hermione. She started spreading the rumor that Nora had fired Jim, but...

Yes? Ellery encouraged him.

People soon began to say that Nora ... was mentally damaged and that the six-room house was bad luck.


J.S. smiled sourly.

It's funny, isn't it? Of course, the house has nothing to do with Jim and Nora's breakup. And Nora is not crazy at all. He snorted contemptuously. - But that is not all. When it became clear that Jim would not return, John F. decided to sell the house he had built for his daughter. A buyer was soon found - a relative of Judge Martin's wife, Clarice, named Hunter, from the Boston branch of the family. I made a deal. - J. S. lowered his voice: - I give you my word, Mr. Smith, when I took this Mr. Hunter into the house for the last inspection before signing the contract and we went into the living room, he said: « I don't like this sofa » , then looked around the room with a frightened look, clutched his heart and fell dead in front of me! I didn't sleep for a whole week after that. The realtor wiped his forehead. - Doc Willoughby said it was a heart attack, but the city said it was all about the house. First Jim ran away, then the buyer died on the spot. And to top it all off, some reporter from « Archive » Frank Lloyd wrote a note on Hunter's death and named the scene « Unhappy home » . Frank fired him - he's friends with the Wrights.

What nonsense! Quinn chuckled.

However, there were no more buyers. Then John offered a house for rent, but also to no avail. Do you still want to take it off?

Of course, Ellery said cheerfully. J.S. started the car again. - It seems that the family is unhappy, not the house. One daughter ran away, the other had a broken heart ... Is the youngest daughter even normal?

Patricia? J.S. beamed. - The prettiest and smartest girl in town after my Carmel! She is the fiancee of Carter Bradford. Kart is our new DA... Here we are!

The realtor turned into the driveway of a colonial-style house on the side of the Hill, away from the road. The house and the trees on the lawn near it were the largest Ellery had ever seen on the Hill. Nestled nearby was a small white frame building with shuttered windows.

Mr. Queen glanced at him as he walked up to the wide porch of the Wright house. J.S. pressed the bell, and old Ludi, in one of her famous starched aprons, opened the door and asked what the hell they wanted.
