Narine where. What is narine

Sta-tya is not pre-ten-du-et on na-uch-ness. Rather, it can be regarded as a short summary of the practical experience of this given-no-go product-that qua-li -fi-tsi-ro-van-nym pol-zo-va-te-lem.

So. Before you co-bi-ra-e-thread at least something for le-che-niya or health-ditch-le-niya, not-about-ho-di-mo by -be-to-chit about this means not-something-swarm representation.

Kul-tu-ru sour-lo-mo-loch-nyh bak-te-ri you-de-li-li in the 60s of the 20th century in the USSR in Armenia. .

From the 80s of the 20th century, this pre-para-rat was a re-ko-men-to-van-ny by the Ministry of Health of the USSR a means to fight intestinal us-mi in-fek-qi-i-mi and dis-bak-te-ri-o-zom.

Pra-vi-la p-e-ma, someone I’m from-lo-zhu, ob-word-le-we act pre-pa-ra-ta and pro-ve-re-us many-years-nim experience of using-pol-zo-va-nia.

1. Take it inside.

(to facilitate you-health-le-niya with pro-stud-nyh for-bo-le-va-ni-yah, bak-te-ri-al-nyh and vi-rus- nyh in-fek-qi-yah, and for le-che-niya dis-bak-te-ri-o-za)

The best thing for these purposes is sub-ho-dit pre-pa-rat “Na-ri-ne” in the form of lio-fi-li-zi-ro-van-no-go-rosh -ka in bottles produced by NPO "Ferment", or "BioPharma" (Ukraine-and-na). It is also going to be liquid sour-kvass in flasks of production from No-sibir-ska.

The effect of the eye-zy-va-yut is only living bacteria, therefore it is necessary to be attentive to the conditions of their storage and be able to from-li-chat the living culture-tu-ru from the dead-howl.

Living su-haya cul-tu-ra you-look like one-but-native light-lo-cre-my-mas-sa, spres-so-vav-sha-i-sya down -her parts of the fla-co-on. She is fast-ro and without a trace of ras-tvo-re-et-sya and has a ha-rak-ter-smell -tyh seeds of wheat-ni-tsy, or fresh bread. The dead cul-tu-ra is darker and has a cri-became-li-che-structure-tu-ru (due to-mo-ra-zhi-va-nia in ho-lo-dil -no-kah, usually in an ap-te-ke), badly ras-tvo-rya-is-sya, almost has no for-pa-ha. Such a kul-tu-ra and mo-lo-ko are not for-qua-sit, and you are not-le-chit.

Like all living organisms on earth, bak-te-rii have their own bio-rhythms. Therefore, their activity will be different in different phases of the moon. Under-me-che-but on the practice-tee-ke, that the max-si-mal-no-go effect-ta can be beaten, with-no-may pre-para-rat in the morning, on something, until the sunrise. Under the phase of the moon, which is suitable for you, you determine the de-li-te sa-mi, observing the sa-mo-feeling and the lunar ka-len- yes-rem.

Bak-te-ri to-a-hundred-point-but-stay-chi-you to the same-lu-doch-no-mu so-ku, but in-gi-ba-yut, when you contact with bile and under the same-lu-daughter co-com. Therefore, we accept them should be pro-is-ho-dit outside the pi-sche-va-ri-tel-no-go cycle - 30 minutes before meals, or after 2 hour after, if you eat according to the general-che-lo-ve-che-nor-me (1). I re-ko-men-blow not ex-pe-ri-men-ti-ro-vat and p-no-mother “Na-ri-ne” in the morning, as described above.

Dry kul-tu-ru ras-tvo-ri-te right in the bottle, filling it “up to the shoulder” with pure water of the dark room per-ra-tu-ry. In-yes, it can be ki-pya-che-noy, but I re-ko-men-blow kind-no-ko-vuyu, or filter-tro-van-nuyu. Fil-tro-van-nuyu water to “from-stand-yat” in a clay or crystal-steel jug-shi-not.

Bak-te-rii on-bi-ra-yut water and come to life. To restore the functions, they need some time and energy. In this way, hold the bottle for five minutes in your hand, warming it with your warmth.

If you don’t-ma-e-those at once not how many fla-co-news, I heat the liquid in my hand from the first fla-co-on you can re-pour into the second swarm, and after waiting a little, into the third, and so on.

You-beer ras-creative, drink it with a hundred-ka-nom slightly in-to-great-that water. In 30 minutes you can eat. If you yourself go-to-vi-te se-be pi-schu, then na-chi-nay-te go-to-twist in 30 minutes after the pri-e-ma " Na-ri-ne, "because with the first for-pa-hah, pi-schi and even thoughts about food, pi-sche-va-ri-tel-nye so-ki is already on-chi-na -yut you-ra-ba-you-vat-sya.

The number of bubbles for the daily-th-th-e-ma ras-count-you-wa-et-by the weight of the body. For every 10 kilo-grams - 1 bottle of su-hoy culture or a hundred spoonful of liquid kvass.

For pro-fi-lac-ti-ki and in the complex of oz-ro-vi-tel-ny pro-tsed-fools, they usually come-no-ma-yut Na-ri-not 10 days -we-mi chickens-sa-mi. The first three courses are held once a month, the next times a quarter. After 2-3 years, you for-me-ti-those that your micro-ro-flo-ra is stable, and accepting “Na-ri-ne” is already nothing th not me-nya-et. In this case, it can be stopped.

With the treatment of dis-bak-te-ri-o-for the first 3 courses, they pro-vo-dyat-sya in those months with a monthly pe- re-ry-vom. After this, more often, everything can be re-re-ho-dit on a pro-fi-lac-ti-che-scheme.

With bak-te-ri-al-nyh and virus-nyh in-fek-qi-yah in those 10 days, doubly-en-ny or morning-en-ny before -zu pre-pa-ra-ta, in case of pri-yo-ma an-ti-bio-ti-kov.

At the time of pri-yo-ma “Na-ri-ne” from ra-qi-o-na is-key-cha-yut-sya: yeast products, sa-har in lu -bom vi-de, black and green tea, strong al-ko-gol, ta-bak, po-lu-fab-ri-ka-you and con-ser-you (including number of products in va-ku-smart package), not-on-tu-ral-nye-pit-ki (everything that is sold in ma -ga-zi-nah), pro-duk-you with so-der-zha-ni-em pi-sche-beautiful-si-te-lei, pi-sche-supplements, ma-ga -zin-nye with-right-ki-poison-ki. I also re-ko-men-blow from-ka-zat-sya from the meat of the milk-to-pi-ta-yu-shchih.

Sooner than all, after several courses, you can easily dis-stand with these products with all of them. In ordinary life, ru-ko-water-study the principle: there is always only what you want, exactly, but then, when for- ho-te-moose and in that quantity, someone satisfies you, that is, not more, but not less. If la-e-mine is not accessible, don’t try to replace it, just drink a glass of warm water.

2. External application.

Personally, I use “Na-ri-ne” when on-smor-ke, for-ka-py-vaya it in but-co-moves instead of a hundred naf-ti-zi-nov -gla-zo-li-new. In this case, in the po-zy-rek, I pour six full pi-pe-currents of water, I warm it in ku-la-ke for 10 minutes, and then I by pi-pet-ke in each no-co-howl. In each nostril, a person has three but-with-out moves: upper, middle and lower.

Effek-ta "pro-bi-va-niya" you can't wait. More than that, it’s better to put “Na-ri-ne” in the nose when it is free. For this, don’t-oh-ho-di-mo, gre-e-those bottle in your hand, hold your breath according to the “inhale-you- doh-for-hold", for-hold-ka should be pre-del-but possible and repeat after each (!) you-until -Ha. But co-moves for a while from-kro-ut-sya, and you can pour “Na-ri-ne” into them. Make it easier on the second day, while you don’t hurt yourself, someone is not-from-be-wives when -me-not-nii le-kar-stven-nyh pre-pa-ra-tov.

Well, and, of course, all the other folk-methods, usually with-me-ny-e-my when pro-stu-de pro-vo-di-te for your pleasure.

With le-che-nii kon-yunk-ti-vi-ta on-half-no-te vial-on-on-lo-vi-well, drop-pay-te drop-le into each eye in those days before the disappearance of symptoms. If on the third day you don’t get well, most likely you have a foreign body in your eye and you need to “eye grass-mu” in a way that bak-te-ri-al-ny and virus-rus-ny ko-newk-ti-vi-you treat with the help of “On -ri-not "one-but pleasure.

With le-che-ni ko-newk-ti-vi-tov na-do remember the thread that if in your family it happens often-a-hundred and na-chi-na -there is at the children, but then pe-re-ki-dy-va-et-sya on all the rest, it means that the root of pro-ble-we lies not in me- di-qing-sky sphere.

At-me-nim dis-creation Na-ri-not in uro-lo-gi-che-sky and gi-not-ko-lo-gi-che-practice-ti-ke, but I’m ready for this go-to-rit only with for-in-te-re-so-van-ny-mi sp-tsi-a-li-hundred-mi. There is a big-thy-lo-zhi-tel-ny experience of application.

3. Pi-ta-nie.

Pri-go-tov-len-naya on the basis-no-ve for-kvass-ki "Na-ri-ne" just-sto-kva-sha is-la-et-sya ve-li-to-stucco-nym pro-duk-tom pi-ta-niya.

General-of-the-west-but that ko-ro-vie mo-lo-ko, about-la-daya invaluable to us with a hundred, all-m-t-same-lo for pe -re-va-ri-va-nia. Namely, in this way, from ancient times, from the West, you pro-duk-you pi-ta-niya, p-go-tov-la-e-mye from mo-lo-ka pu- that his for-kva-shi-va-niya. “Na-ri-ne”, being-la-being before-hundred-vi-te-lem sa-pro-fit-noy flora of a person-lo-ve-ka, “pe-re-va-ri-va -et ”or more-vil-nee“ fer-men-ti-ru-et ”mo-lo-ko is much better than others, tra-di-qi-on-but is- useful for this culture.

In addition to that, it is also in-di-ka-tor of your health. If you are a kind-hearted person, and fi-zi-che-ski is healthy-ro-you, just-sto-kva-sha in-lu-chit-sya is tender, sweet -va-to-sour-bark tastes like ro-zo-va-to-cre-mo-vo-go from-ten-ka, and with a pleasant after-pa-hom.

In spiteful and sick people, it’s just a hundred-kva-sha in-lu-cha-et-s-fool-smell-well-schey, terribly sour and with sick-but-creative- nym for-pa-hom. For such people, I re-ko-men-blow sleep-cha-la go through le-cheb-ny and pro-fi-lak-ti-che-courses, and then step to the pri-go-tov-le-niyu pro-sto-kva-shi.


1) Che-lo-ve-che-zhe-lu-doc pe-re-va-ri-va-et 330 milli-li-liters of the total volume of solid and liquid -koy pee in 30 minutes.

The sourdough "Narine" is on everyone's lips. It is produced in different forms - tableted (drink as a drug), ready-made (drink on a spoon) or in powder form - especially for making a fermented milk product at home. The latter option is considered the most effective - within a day after the preparation of the product, the concentration of bacteria in it is especially high. The product itself is usable for a week.

The composition of the starter culture Narine

live lactobacilli Lactobacillus acidophilus (acidophilic lactobacilli).

These same bacteria are part of the starter culture.

Indications for use Narine

In favor of the safety and high efficiency of the starter "Narine" is the fact that the fermented milk product prepared on its basis can be used by babies from birth as a substitute for breast milk.

"Narine" refers to children's and dietary nutrition, and those who have been friends with this sourdough for a long time confirm that it is indeed capable of solving a wide range of gastrointestinal problems, in particular, it is observed:

  • normalization of intestinal microflora;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • improving the condition of the liver;
  • normalization of the pancreas;
  • treatment of dysbacteriosis; suppression of intestinal infections;
  • significant assistance in eliminating disorders of the hematopoietic system;
  • elimination of the negative consequences of the use of antibiotics and their removal from the body;
  • improvement in condition after operations on the digestive tract;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • general improvement in well-being in stressful situations.

Also, "Narine" can be used as a cosmetic and therapeutic agent for wounds on the skin or mucous membranes. Cosmetic masks from "Narine" can significantly improve the condition of the skin, refresh and rejuvenate it.

Disadvantages of sourdough Narine

At first, it may be difficult to prepare a fermented milk product from the “Narine” starter - it is difficult for many to choose the “right” milk, others are not satisfied with the too sharp sour taste of the finished dish. If you cook sour milk in, you will have to adapt to its features - different devices heat the sourdough in different ways, and a qualitative result is achieved for different devices for different time intervals. One device prepares sour milk in 4 hours, and the other in 7-8. Therefore, tips for preparing "Narine" will have to be adapted to your conditions.

As for the sour taste, it can be provoked by overexposed sourdough. If even a properly prepared product is sour for you, you can always improve the taste by adding pureed fruits, honey or syrup, etc. It will turn out quite a pleasant "yogurt".

For opponents of sweet drinks, there is another option: dilute the finished product with a small amount of tepid water. For many, it is this drink based on Narine that becomes a favorite.

If you don’t get a fermented milk product of the desired consistency and taste, it’s quite possible that the matter is in the sourdough itself. It is best to purchase it at a pharmacy, but be sure to pay attention to the storage conditions. If the bag is taken out of the window - refuse to buy. The sourdough should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator, and good pharmacies put a piece of ice in the bag, which will help keep the sourdough viable until you get home and transfer Narine to the refrigerator.

How to cook Narine in a thermos and yogurt maker: instructions for use

A bag of Narine is diluted in a small amount of milk heated to 38-40 degrees and poured into 0.5 liters of milk at the same temperature. It is better to take fatter milk, at least 3.2% fat. Choose a manufacturer you trust; in the liquid, which is restored from milk powder, the bacteria feel uncomfortable, and it will be problematic to obtain a thick, pleasant-tasting product.

One of the main principles in the preparation of sour milk at home is the sterility of all dishes. Jars of yogurt makers must be washed well and steam sterilized (or poured over with boiling water).

Pour 200 ml of milk into a saucepan, boil for about five minutes. Pour milk into a jar, cool to 40 degrees.

Then mix with 0.5 milk. Milk from Narine is poured into a thermos and left to ferment for 12 hours. This is our starter for the subsequent preparation of sour milk.

We heat a liter of milk to 38-40 degrees and stir 2 tablespoons in it. starter from a thermos. We leave to ferment either in a yogurt maker or in a thermos, on average for 8 hours, after which we rearrange the finished product in the refrigerator.

A wonderful sour-milk dessert from the “Narine” sourdough is ready.

Julia Omelchenko specially for the site

2014, . All materials posted on this site belong to their owners and are protected by copyright and related rights. Copying, in whole or in part, is prohibited.

The intestinal microflora is essential for the proper functioning of this organ and the health of the human body. Violation of the microflora can occur for various reasons: due to past gastrointestinal diseases, taking antibiotics, changing the diet, etc.

For the treatment of dysbiosis of various origins, probiotics and prebiotics are prescribed, which, according to the assurances of pharmaceutical companies, contribute to the restoration of normal intestinal microflora. Among the probiotic preparations is the biologically active additive Narine. It is sold in most pharmacies and is freely available.

1. Instructions for use

pharmachologic effect

The drug Narine is characterized by an action that normalizes and maintains the natural intestinal microflora. The product is available in powder, capsules, tablets and is a dietary supplement intended for the treatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis and their negative consequences. The drug is allowed to be used by patients of all ages.

Narine powder contains a live culture of microorganisms (acidophilic lactic acid bacteria) Lactobacillus acidophilus, intended for the preparation of sourdough. Medicinal fermented milk product, which is obtained from this starter, is used for children's and medical nutrition. The intake of starter in its final form helps to restore the number of anaerobic microorganisms (bifidobacteria / lactobacilli), increase the activity of natural Escherichia coli, inhibit the growth of potentially pathogenic flora and establish a balance in the intestinal microbial biocenosis.

Lactobacilli, which are part of the prepared product, take root well in the intestines, are resistant to most antibacterial and chemotherapeutic drugs. Lactobacilli are natural microorganisms that live in the intestines. Their task is to produce a number of vital amino acids, enzymes and vitamins (vitamins B and C, folic acid, etc.), as well as to promote the process of digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Another useful ability of bacteria lies in their antagonistic action, which is directed against pathogenic and potentially pathogenic microorganisms that cause dysentery, typhoid fever, salmonellosis and other similar diseases (E. coli (pathogenic), Proteus, staphylococci, streptococci, etc.). The mechanism of this action is due to the displacement of pathogenic microflora from the intestines and the restoration of the correct bacterial balance.

It is interesting that taking a dietary supplement improves the absorption of iron, calcium and other trace elements, increases the body's resistance to infectious, toxic and other agents. When using the drug, adaptogenic and radioprotective effects are observed.

Indications for use

Narine remains effective both in dry and fermented milk or dissolved form. The product can be used alone or as an additional drug in complex therapy with other drugs.

  • intestinal dysfunction that developed against the background of hormonal treatment, antibiotic therapy, chemotherapy and radiation therapy;
  • therapy / prevention of intestinal dysbacteriosisacquired for one reason or another;
  • treatment (complex) or prevention of enterocolitis, dysentery, salmonellosis, staphylococcal infections;
  • complex therapy of neurodermatitis, eczema, exudative diathesis, atopic dermatitis;
  • restoration of intestinal microflora in people who were exposed to ionizing radiation in small doses;
  • complex treatment of gynecological pathologies, diabetes mellitus and periodontitis.

The drug can be administered to adult patients employed in hazardous/harmful working conditions. Sometimes Narine in the form of a fermented milk product is prescribed to nursing mothers (as a milk substitute) or infants (as an additional component of nutrition).

The product can be prescribed to premature and weakened babies, as well as babies born to women with a low content of hemoglobin in plasma or with a negative Rh factor.

Mode of application

Tablets and capsule forms of the drug are prescribed to patients older than three years.

The drug, regardless of the form of its release, is taken orally. Do this 20-30 minutes before a meal or during a meal.

For therapeutic purposes, 200-300 mg of the drug is taken twice or thrice a day for 20-30 days. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to take 200-300 mg of Narine per day for a month.

To take Narine in dissolved form, boiled water is added inside the vial with the powder, the temperature of which is from 37 to 40 ° C.

According to the instructions, the powder dissolved in water can be used as a topical preparation for instillation into the nose, gargling and mouthwash, baths, douching, applications on the gums, etc. Local application of the product is desirable to combine with the intake of a similar product inside.

Video on the topic: Cooking homemade NARINE yogurt in the MOULINEX yogurt maker. Probiotic

Release form, composition

Narine powder, tablets and capsules contain elements of the medium and a lyophilized culture of microorganisms Lactobacillus acidophilus.

The probiotic is sold as a powder, capsules, or tablets.

Interaction with other drugs

Narine preparations can be used in parallel with other products and therapeutic agents.

2. Side effects

Side effects associated with taking Narine are practically absent. In some cases (especially in infants) during the first two days of using Narine, there is a rapid stool. In most cases, this symptom disappears on its own.

To date, there is no information on other adverse reactions provoked by taking the drug in one form or another.


Information about the development of negative reactions caused by taking excessive doses of Narine has not been reported until today.


Before prescribing a probiotic to a patient, the doctor must make sure that the patient does not have hypersensitivity to lactic acid or other ingredients of the product.

During pregnancy

Narine is not forbidden to be taken either during lactation or during pregnancy. In addition, doctors often recommend this drug to their nursing and pregnant patients.

3. Terms and conditions of storage

So that the product does not lose its medicinal properties, it must be stored at a temperature not exceeding +5 degrees. Moreover, this applies to all forms of the drug.

Narine can be used within two years from the release date printed on the package.

It is important to know! Obvious Causes of Gastrointestinal Diseases

4. Price

Average price in Russia

It is quite difficult to buy Narine sourdough in Russian pharmacies. The problem of searching for a line of these products is familiar to many people living, for example, in St. Petersburg or Chelyabinsk. In order not to run around pharmacies in search of a drug, it is better to order it on the Internet. You can do this on an Internet resource that you trust, or on the official website that sells all forms of Narine.

To date, the cost of sourdough in online pharmacies is about 150 rubles. for ten packets of 300 mg. As for tablets and capsules, they can be bought for 200-300 rubles. The cost is determined by the number of tablets / capsules in the package, dosage and markups of specific pharmacies.

Average cost in Ukraine

Narine in Ukrainian pharmacies can cost differently. You can buy a product, depending on the form of release, at a price of 20 to 65 hryvnia.

5. Analogues

The list of Narine analogues includes such drugs as Bifiform, Normobact, Bifilar, Algibif, Ecoflor, Narine F Balance, Evitalia, Santa Rus-B, Narine Raduzhny,

Narine is a rare fermented milk product. Until recently, I didn’t even know about its existence, until I realized that kefir and fermented baked milk were pretty fed up. Narine appeared on the supermarket shelves, in my opinion, relatively recently. Therefore, buyers are not particularly actively buying it. I will tell you what narine is and what makes it unique.

Narine is a fermented milk product prepared from milk and acidophilic lactic acid bacteria Lactobacterium acidophilum N.V. Ep. 317/402.

Interesting historical fact! Narine is a rather strange name, isn't it? It turns out that the strain of these lactobacilli was bred by the Armenian microbiologist L. A. Erzinkyan. His granddaughter was seriously ill, and a strain of bacteria bred by a scientist helped her recover. The granddaughter's name was Narine. It was in her honor that this name was given.

Narine was sold in pharmacies in dry form, in ampoules. The drug was considered a full-fledged medicine and it was necessary to prepare narine yogurt on your own, strictly according to the instructions. Now the product is sold ready-made in ordinary supermarkets.

Beneficial features

Like any fermented milk product, narine has many beneficial properties for the body:

  • Normalization of intestinal microflora (restoration of bifidus and lactobacilli in a short time; increased activity of normal E. coli; suppression of opportunistic flora and putrefactive microprocesses in the intestine);
  • Stimulation of intestinal motility;
  • Complex anti-inflammatory action;
  • Neutralization of a number of toxins and side effects from taking medications;
  • Narine has a high vitamin-forming ability;
  • Increased hemoglobin in the blood;
  • Stimulation of the production of interferon and increased immunity;
  • Acceptable for consumption along with any medications.

It is important to know! Narine is prescribed for premature, weakened newborns, children with low hemoglobin. After drinking the drink, they grow faster, develop, are less susceptible to gastrointestinal diseases, and have a healthy digestive physiology.

In what cases will narine be an excellent medicine?

This fermented milk product can be consumed with dysbacteriosis, gastritis, cholecystitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, hepatitis, allergies, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, poisoning, chemotherapy, diabetes mellitus, during hormone therapy.

But the consumption of narine should not be associated only with the presence of any disease. This is an excellent tool for the prevention of diseases of the digestive system and improve its work, enhance the immune system, normalize the microflora of the body.

Composition of narine

When choosing a fermented milk product, pay attention to its composition. Only natural ingredients are welcome: milk, sourdough and fruit juices / purees - if it is yogurt. The composition usually contains whole milk, powdered milk and acidophilic ferment "Narine". There should be no other ingredients, such as thickeners, flavors, additives!

Calorie content is usually about 45-50 kcal, fat content is 1.5%.

How to consume narine?

I did not develop a strictly consumption plan. I eat (or drink?) Narine for breakfast with porridge, for snacks - as an alternative to yogurt or kefir.

By the way! Kefir, despite all its usefulness, is a rather “active” product. Of all the milk substances, it is, in my opinion, the most sour and "nuclear". I don't drink it very often at night because it can cause heartburn and discomfort. And for a weak stomach, kefir is generally contraindicated. Narine is a wonderful substitute for it - the effect is stronger and the taste is more pleasant.

Smell, taste and texture

The smell is gentle, pleasant. Something between yogurt and kefir. The taste of narine is more pleasant than that of kefir. It is slightly sour and very similar to yogurt. The consistency is interesting, thicker than kefir and yogurt, soft, similar to yogurt. If beaten a little (with a fork or whisk) it looks like soft cottage cheese.

On a note!Narine goes great with pancakes! It's almost the perfect substitute for sour cream. If yogurt or soft cottage cheese is easy to identify, then everything is not so simple. My family at first assumed that it was low-fat sour cream. The consistency is a little off.

Use in cooking

Narine, I "introduced" wherever possible. Where kefir is applicable, narine can also be used. Pancakes, pancakes, muffins, pies, cottage cheese casseroles, sauces, meat marinades.

You can replace milk or yogurt in breakfast. For example, I made lazy oatmeal on such sour milk (I left it all night), mixed it with homemade granola, bran. It turns out good pastries with narine.

Attention recipe! Super remedy for increasing hemoglobin: pour boiling water over buckwheat for 5 minutes. Drain the water, mix the steamed groats with narine, sahzam salt / honey and put it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning - for 20 seconds in the microwave and you have a healthy, delicious breakfast ready.

Conclusion: narine is another super-healthy product from the sour-milk arsenal. It will help the digestive system work like clockwork. Accordingly, there will be no problems with digestion (which means that the weight is normal, and help in losing weight, and excellent health). If you are tired of kefir, buy other fermented milk products, because they are also useful!

Narine forte is a drug that eliminates the disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, restoring the normal intestinal microflora. According to the instructions for use, it can be used at any age for children and adults.

Narine forte is a new generation drug obtained by breeding bacteria beneficial to humans on the basis of cow's milk. The action of this drug is primarily aimed at the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal disorders.

Narine forte contains a complex of live cultures of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. It also contains vitamins and acids. These components are necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines, the restoration of its natural microflora and immunity. If you comply with all the conditions specified in the instructions for use, the drug also contributes to the overall improvement of the body.

The medicine is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

Advantages over analogues

The drug has a number of unique features that distinguishes it from similar drugs.

These benefits include:

  1. High level of survival and resistance of bacteria under the influence of gastric and intestinal juice.
  2. The presence of bacterial metabolites that stimulate the work of the whole organism.
  3. Acceleration of processes such as detoxification, breakdown of milk protein, digestion of lactose.
  4. Efficacy in cow's milk intolerance and secondary lactose intolerance.
  5. Creation in a short period of time of ideal conditions for the restoration of one's own microflora.
  6. Preventive effect in the outbreak of infectious diseases.

Release forms

The drug is available in the form:

Depending on the type, the method of application and the shelf life of the drug vary. That is why the instructions must be carefully studied before each course of treatment. Thanks to a wide choice of forms of the drug, you can choose a convenient option, taking into account age and personal preferences.

Pharmacological properties

B.longum, B.bifidum, B.infantis and L.acidophilus are among the fundamental bacteria of the intestinal flora. They are found in every person around the world and help protect the lining of the stomach and intestines. Lactobacilli have a high acid tolerance, which allows the cells to pass through the acidic gastric barrier.

Lactic acid bacteria have the following properties:

  • protect and restore the balance of intestinal microflora (participate in the restoration of protective biological films on mucous membranes);
  • favorably affect the absorption of proteins, carbohydrates and minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, iron.
  • involved in the synthesis of B vitamins.
  • promote the removal of toxic metabolic products.

Indications for use

Narine forte (instruction for use gives detailed instructions for use) is recommended for:

  • prevention of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • prevention of violations of metabolic processes, energy and protein metabolism.
  • prevention of immunodeficiency states;
  • maintaining the balance of the microflora of the stomach and intestines;
  • increase resistance to viruses and bacterial infections;
  • protection from intoxication of the body during the period of dysbacteriosis and being in adverse environmental conditions;
  • reducing the risk of oncology.

For medicinal purposes, the drug is used for:

Use during pregnancy

Pregnant women, due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the intestines during this period, often suffer from diarrhea or, conversely, constipation. These symptoms signal a violation of the intestinal microflora.

Narine forte is the best option for normalizing the condition, as it will help restore the natural balance of the intestinal microflora without affecting the course of pregnancy. After childbirth, during the period of feeding, taking this drug is also not contraindicated, since it is universal and suitable for people of all ages.

The drug is also used to prevent nipple cracks in puerperas. They need to be processed before and after feeding the baby (about 6 times a day). If cracks have already formed, then it is recommended to leave the gauze pad until the next feeding.

In childhood

Depending on age, it is necessary to choose certain forms of release of the drug.


  • fermented milk biological product - from 5 days from the birth of the baby;
  • tablets - from 6 years;
  • capsules - from 3 years.

Narine forte should be given to the baby in the following cases:

How to take Narine


The powder should be consumed 18-25 minutes before a meal.

Dosage varies according to age:

The duration of treatment is on average 5-6 weeks, taking into account the type of disease:

  • at least 5 weeks for acute intestinal infections;
  • 6-8 weeks for ulcerative or chronic colitis;
  • 3-4 weeks for dysbacteriosis;
  • 11-15 days after the end of the main treatment, it is recommended to use 1 more package of the drug to maintain the result.


Tablets should be taken 18-25 minutes before meals three times a day. But a child can be given this type of drug only from the age of 6 years. Dosage:


Similar to powder and tablets, capsules are taken before meals (18-25 minutes).


How to prepare a liquid mixture from Narine's sourdough

Milk must first be brought to a boil, then cooled to 38-42 degrees and actively mixed with the drug. For 1 liter of milk, 2 tablespoons are used. leaven. The liquid mixture is poured into a thermos and left for 6-8 hours at a temperature not exceeding 42 degrees.

After the specified time has elapsed, the resulting composition is left to cool for 1.5-2 hours. The consistency should be smooth and viscous, white or light cream in color.

The instructions for use of the drug clearly state that Narine forte is not recommended to ferment again, and a freshly prepared preparation will be valid for no more than 2 days, provided it is stored in a refrigerator, where the temperature should be from 2 to 6 degrees.

How to use fermented milk mixture

This form of the drug is primarily used for feeding infants, starting from 5 days from birth. The liquid mixture should be given at each feeding at 15-30 mg, followed by an increase in the amount.

When the baby's age reaches 30 days, the dosage by this time should increase to 110-140 mg. It is also better to alternate the fermented milk mixture of the drug with infant formula or complementary foods. m. A mixture of Narine forte is used for 15-30 days, no more.

Narine forte can also be applied locally:

Instructions for use Narine forte

With the help of a medical pipette, children under one year old are recommended to give 7-18 drops of the drug 2 times a day.

Dosage depending on age is:

The drug can be taken both before and after meals. However, if the level of acidity in the stomach is disturbed, then it is recommended to take the medicine before meals. The duration of the medication should be at least 11 days.

If alcohol poisoning occurs, then 4 dl are needed. drug mixed with ¾ tbsp. mineral sparkling water, stir and drink. This will help reduce the symptoms of intoxication.

Precautionary measures

If in the process of taking the drug there is a feeling of discomfort, then the reception should be stopped and immediately consult a specialist.

You should carefully consider the expiration date, since some varieties of Narine forte cannot be stored for a long time (in particular, this applies to a fermented milk biological product).

This drug has no age restrictions for use and does not contain allergens. However, a slight risk of allergic reactions to the components, due to individual intolerance to dairy products, exists. If, after taking, redness, rash, swelling is found, then the drug should be stopped.

Side effects

Usually, no side effects occur in patients, since this drug is absorbed by the body without problems. The only moment that is a kind of norm is that infants in the first 2 days may experience an increase in stool.

But then the chair is normalized, so there is no need to cancel the drug. Also, taking the drug can lead to increased gas formation., but this is also a temporary effect.

Poisoning can occur only due to the use of an expired drug. First of all, this concerns Narine forte in the form of a starter for kefir. You need to keep track of how much time has passed since its preparation. If you carefully review all expiration dates, then side effects should not occur during application.


Narine forte (instruction for use has a list of main contraindications) is not recommended for:

In general, the main problem is precisely the individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Otherwise, there are no contraindications, since this drug is suitable even for infants.

Interaction with other drugs

Narine forte interacts with any other drugs without harming the body. This allows you to take the drug in the complex therapy of diseases.

Shelf life and storage

Such forms of Narine forte as tablets, capsules and powders are recommended to be stored at a temperature not exceeding 6 degrees. The instructions for use indicate the expiration date, which is 1-2 years from the date of manufacture (each form of the drug has a different expiration date). For cooked starter cultures, the shelf life is much shorter. It is from 2 to 5 days. They must be stored in the refrigerator.

Narine and Narine Forte must be stored exclusively in the refrigerator

If a vial is used, shake it before each use after opening. Its shelf life is 12 days after opening. When unopened, the shelf life is 3 months from the date of manufacture.


The price of the drug varies depending on the form of release and the volume of the product in the package:

  • A bottle of Narine Forte 300/450 ml will cost 350-500 rubles, depending on the region.
  • The price of Narine in tablets and capsules (20 pieces each) will be about 200 rubles.
  • Narine in powder (10 packs of 200 mg) will cost about 180 rubles.


Since the drug has many patented features, there is no direct analogue to this drug. When choosing alternative options, it is initially necessary to focus on the constituent components of the drug, since the effectiveness of treatment depends on this.

The following medicines are similar to Narine forte for use with detailed instructions:

Due to the unique composition and the almost complete absence of contraindications, Narine forte is an affordable and effective remedy for combating dysbacteriosis. But for each form of the drug, according to the instructions for use, an individual dosage and dosage regimen is determined.

Video about Narine Forte

How to make sourdough from narine:

Issue "About the most important" about Narine:
