National parks of Russia (5 photos). National parks

National Park "Yugyd Va"

This national park, created in 1994, is under the protection of UNESCO. The Yugyd Va National Park is located on the western slopes of the Northern Urals, on the border between two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. The total area of ​​the territory is 1.8 million hectares. It is the largest national park in Russia. On its territory there is the largest natural forest in Europe, which is practically not affected by human influence.

More than 50% of the territory of the national park is occupied by forest. There are about 30 species of mammals in the national park, including: reindeer, elk, bear, wolf, wolverine and fox. More than 120 species of birds also live in the park. The most common are capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse and partridge. Some species of birds (for example, gyrfalcon and white-tailed eagle) are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. In the sources of the rivers located on the territory of the reserve, salmon breeds.

Elk Island National Park

The Losiny Ostrov National Park was organized on August 24, 1983 on the basis of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR “On the Establishment of the Losiny Ostrov State Natural National Park”. Along with the Sochi National Park, it is the oldest in Russia.

The area of ​​the Losiny Ostrov National Park is 128 sq. km, of which 30 sq. km is located within Moscow. Forests occupy 83% of the park area, swamps - 5%, water bodies - 2%.

Settlements on the territory of Losiny Island: the village of Mosvodokanal, Suponevo, Balashikha (microdistrict Abramtsevo), Novy Svet, Dolgoye Ledovo, Korolev (microdistrict Peat enterprise, Pogonny, 12th Switch, Oboldino).

There are three functional zones in the national park:
- specially protected, closed to the public, where natural complexes are preserved in their natural form. It serves as a refuge for large mammals, a nesting place for birds;
- educational and excursion, open to the public, accompanied by a guide on ecological routes;
- recreational, designed for mass recreation.

The uniqueness of Losiny Ostrov is that on its territory, surrounded by a metropolis, a natural forest has been preserved, which is distinguished by exceptional natural diversity. Some of the forests of Losiny Ostrov are classified as primary forests, a special type of ancient virgin forest that has been preserved for a long period of time and has not been affected by human activity.

The main feature of the nature of Losiny Ostrov is the great diversity and mosaic distribution of plant communities in its relatively small area.

More than 600 species of higher plants, 36 species of lichens, about 90 species of fungi, and about 150 species of algae are found on the territory of Losiny Ostrov. Species listed in the Red Books of Moscow and the Moscow Region are presented.

In the forest, surrounded on all sides by cities with a population of many millions, about 180 species of birds live or appear during migration, up to 40 species of mammals (including elks, wild boars, spotted deer), at least 13 species of amphibians and reptiles. About 15 species of fish live in the reservoirs of the park.

Sochi National Park

Sochi State Natural National Park is one of the first national parks in Russia. The area is 191 thousand hectares. Created by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR in May 1983 with the aim of preserving and restoring unique natural complexes on the territory along the Black Sea coast from the Shepsi River to the Psou River. But in the northeast, the border of the park runs along the watershed of the Main Caucasian Range. The territory of the national park is served by about 200 people of the state forest guard in 15 forestries.

All settlements and cities of Greater Sochi are located within the territory of the national park.

According to forest zoning, the territory of the park is included in the Colchis province of subtropical forests.
The most common stands are dominated by beech - 41%. Beech forests, the only ones in Russia, amaze with their beauty and grandeur, silver-gray columns of trunks rise 50 meters into the sky.
Oak plantations occupy 25% of the forested area and are located mainly on the dry and warm southern slopes of the mountains.
But the share of chestnut trees falls to 13% of the forested area. Sowing chestnut is a representative of the tertiary flora and is classified as a relict breed. This is the only place in Russia where the sowing chestnut (European) grows in natural conditions.
Hornbeam plantations occupy an area of ​​about 7%, alder - 3%, fir - 5%, boxwood - 1%.
The rest of the territory is occupied by plantations of maple, ash, aspen, linden, walnut, yew, pine, Himalayan cedar, and other species.

In total, 165 species of wild woody plants grow here.

Of great scientific, educational and aesthetic interest are boxwood plantations - newcomers of the Tertiary period. A delicate "lace" of small, black-green, glossy foliage of boxwood and fluffy moss hanging from trunks and branches everywhere, like the beards of fairy-tale heroes, gives the forest a fantastic look of a green kingdom.

The fauna of the national park includes about 70 species of mammals: brown bear, badger, deer, lynx, Caucasian and European roe deer, marten, otter, jackal, wild cat, wild boar, hare, squirrel, etc.
From a large variety (about 120 species) of birds, there are red-headed kinglet, black-headed nuthatch, eagle owl, jay. Migratory birds appear in the forest, on water bodies in spring and autumn (great spotted woodpecker, geese, swans, pigeons, common quail). There are also 11 species of reptiles and 7 species of amphibians.

About 40 rivers and streams of the Black Sea basin flow through the territory of the national park, three of them are over 50 km long - Mzymta, Shakhe, Psou.

Rivers and streams have a large number of waterfalls and canyons. The waterfalls are mainly located in the upper reaches of large rivers, on rivers of the second order and their tributaries: Bezymyanny (72 m) on the Psou River, Orekhovsky (33 m) on the right tributary of the river. Sochi at the confluence of the stream. Madness. Agur waterfalls and Eagle rocks are a single natural complex, located to the west of Mount Akhun. This complex, located next to the sea, is striking in its grandeur. River bed Agur, cutting through the western slope of the Akhun mountain, has formed a canyon-like gorge with a depth of over 200 m. A picturesque Agur trail is laid along the river.

There are 48 republican routes on the territory of the national park that pass through numerous places of interest: the Vorontsov caves, the Dzykhrinsky gorge, the Atskhu gorge, Krasnaya Polyana, Akhshtyrskaya cave and much more.
The safety of mineral resources is largely determined by the state of the Black Sea mountain forests. Being unique natural formations, they perform water and soil protection functions. Matsesta waters, sources of Lazarevskaya and Sochi mineral waters, iodine-bromine waters of Kudepsta and many others originate in the depths of the national park.

The economic activity of the national park is aimed at protecting green spaces from forest violations, fires and pests, and combating poaching.

National park workers annually take care of the forest on an area of ​​1.5 thousand hectares, create recreational centers for tourists to visit, put in order tourist routes, take care of 7 forest parks on an area of ​​about 5 thousand hectares.

The wood processed in the workshops of the national park is used for own needs in forest parks, in the construction and maintenance of forest guard offices and cordons, and for the production of consumer goods.

Workers created plantations of hazelnuts - 150 hectares, cork and variable oak on an area of ​​120 hectares, plantations of noble laurel and mimosa. In the national park there are bee apiaries, plantings of horticultural and wild fruit crops.

Alania National Park

Alania State Park in North Ossetia is surrounded by mountain ranges, at an altitude of 800 to 4645 m (Wilpata) in the Urukh River basin. Glaciers, mountains and scree make up a large part of the entire park area. The main water artery of the park is the Urukh River, created by the confluence of the two rivers Kharesidon and Karaugomdon. About 70 solid streams and rivers flow in the park. In the lower part of the slopes of the Vodorazdelny and Bokovoy ridges and at their foot, one can see areas of the community of upland xerophytes and mountain steppes, subalpine meadows occupy the upper areas. The vegetation of Alania Park is quite diverse. On its terrain, pine-birch forests, mountain pine forests, broad-leaved beech-hornbeam forests, juniper woodlands, as well as alpine and subalpine meadows are shown. Forests in the park cover a fifth of its entire area. The area of ​​the state park is rich in medicinal, edible, melliferous and ornamental plants. Among these types of plants here you can see the large-flowered drop cap, the larkspur bract, the valley saffron, the monofraternal lily, the narrow-leaved snowdrop, the Caucasian scabiosa, the Olympic catchment, and so on. The distinctive agents of the animal world that live in the park are the pine marten, stone marten, forest pussycat, chamois boar, roe deer, ermine and others. Many historical monuments have been preserved on the territory of the park. There are quite a few caves, rocky grottoes and sheds on the Rocky Range, which have been used by man as parking lots since the bottomless antiquity. The Alanian catacomb burial grounds in Kumbulta and Donifars are very famous. In addition, the park organizes trips to the Tana glacier and to the largest mountain swamp in the Main Caucasus, Chifandzar. Unforgettable memories can be obtained from visiting the waterfalls of Galdoridon, medieval towers, old crypts, tombs and shrines.

Shushensky Bor National Park

The foundation of the national park took place in 1995. Its location is the South of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the territory of the Shushensky District, the junction of the Western Sayan mountain system and the Minusinsk foothill basin. This is the center of the Asian continent. This park includes two allotments, the area of ​​which is 34.8 thousand hectares and 4.4 thousand hectares, these allotments directly belong to the national park.
The motive that prompted the creation of the park was the need for an agreement between some parties of the activity. These are: preservation of the unusual landscape of the area; current economic work; use of this nature for recreation. All these aspects have to be balanced with each other. It was also necessary to preserve the exclusivity of natural ecological systems that have one specific zone.

In the northern half of the park there is a very beautiful landscape, consisting of a pine forest, colorful meadows, a grassy plain. The southern half is characterized by mountainous terrain and taiga landscape, and coniferous forests grow in front of the mountains. In addition to conifers, there are also forests with different types of trees: cedar, pine, aspen. Black taiga - fir occupies most of the area, dark coniferous taiga - spruce and fir. At the highest point of the area stretch subalpine meadows with perennial herbaceous plants.

Such parks can cover vast areas with impenetrable forests, islands, coastal waters, and even mountain ranges and volcanoes. Unlike nature reserves and reserves, the protection regime in natural parks is the least strict. And these parks are a great opportunity for tourists to get acquainted with the natural resources of the country or region. And here is a list of the most beautiful and impressive national parks in the world.

Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park, Japan

The park, located southwest of Tokyo, is one of Japan's most popular parks. On the territory of the park there is an active Fuji volcano with its five lakes, the Izu Peninsula and islands near it, as well as waterfalls, hot springs and ancient temples. Especially beautiful is the volcano of the most symmetrical shape, wrapped in clouds in spring and summer - its greatness is immortalized in the works of many poets and artists.

Grand Canyon National Park, USA

This is probably the most famous national park in the world, and, as a result, the most photographed. The Grand Canyon in Arizona achieved national park status in 1919, three years after the founding of the US National Park Service. About five million people visit this park every year to see with their own eyes the amazing beauty of the canyon, which the Colorado River has carved for millions of years. The southern edge of the canyon is the most visited, the most numerous observation platforms are located here. On the northern edge of the canyon, located 300 meters higher, there are much fewer people, but it is good for its wild flowering meadows, spruce forests and aspen groves. The rest of the canyon is remote and difficult to access, although some areas can be reached via hiking trails and back roads.

Guilin National Park, China

Located in southeast China, the park is famous for its karst and limestone natural formations and beautiful hills with colorful names like "Elephant's Trunk" and "Dragon's Head". The nature of the park inspired many Chinese poets and artists, and some parts of the park were even depicted on local banknotes. To see all the beauty of Guilin, it is best to take a 50-kilometer cruise on the Lijiang River, from Guilin to Yangshuo.

Banff National Park, Canada

This is Canada's oldest national park, established in 1885 in the Canadian Rockies. Lonely Planet describes Banff like this: “Mountains, high mountains, mountains everywhere. Fast rivers carry their waters between beautiful hills. Huge glaciers slide down from the peaks and practically touch the ground. Lakes with turquoise water shimmer in the sun - so saturated that it seems as if the water has been tinted.

Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

The oldest and most popular national park in Tanzania is a World Heritage Site. The Serengeti is world famous for its annual migration of hundreds of thousands of wildebeests, zebras and gazelles, and buffaloes, elephants, giraffes, swamps, impalas, lions and leopards run between amazing acacias. And here, probably, the most enchanting sunsets in the world.

Torres del Paine National Park, Chile

It is considered by many to be the most spectacular national park in South America. Located on the edge of the continent, the park is known for its granite peaks and emerald forests, shining blue glaciers and azure lakes. Many tourists come here for walks and hikes.

Swiss National Park, Switzerland

Founded in 1914, the Swiss National Park is the oldest national park in the Alps and central Europe, and the only national park in the country. It is famous for its unique alpine plants - in particular, edelweiss, which grows only high in the mountains. And in this park there are alpine animals - chamois, deer and marmots. Through the park, an 80-kilometer network of trails is laid, which turns these areas into a paradise for hikers.

Lake District National Park, England

The land that inspired artist William Turner and writer Beatrix Potter became a national park in 1951. The park is a valley with granite boulders and 16 amazingly beautiful lakes resting in the lowlands. These places are chosen by cyclists and lovers of water sports - windsurfing, kayaking and fishing.

Fiordland National Park, New Zealand

Located on the South Island, the park is the largest national park in the country. It spans rugged mountain ranges, 14 magnificent fjords and world famous waterfalls. The park's two most famous attractions are Milford Sound Fjord, which Rudyard Kipling called "the eighth wonder of the world" and Doubtful Sound Fjord, which can only be reached by water. People come to the national park for bird watching, boating, kayaking, mountain biking and hiking.

Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

The first national park in the world today is one of the smallest national parks in Costa Rica. But, despite its size, it shows the world a chic nature - lush rainforests, beaches and rocky headlands. There are sloths, iguanas and squirrel monkeys in the jungle, colorful fish swim in the waters, bright butterflies flutter in the air - a real idyll!

National parks of the world Prepared by:

Project goal: Learn about the national parks of the world

The objectives of the project: to collect materials about the national parks of the world, using additional literature and Internet resources; prepare a message and presentation of the project; draw conclusions; Tell your classmates about your results.

Relevance of the project There are many interesting places in the world that attract us with their beauty and uniqueness. Often we do not think about the wealth that nature has given us. We are mindlessly destroying natural resources. Many natural objects are on the verge of extinction. In order to protect such objects, national parks and reserves have been created around the world. I want to talk about some of them in my work.

Work plan: What are the national parks of the world? For what purpose are they created? Famous national parks of the world.

What is a national park? A national park is an area where human activities are restricted for the purpose of protecting the environment. Unlike nature reserves, where human activity is practically prohibited, tourists are allowed into the territory of national parks, economic activities are allowed on a limited scale.

The purpose of the creation of national parks The main purpose of the creation of national parks and reserves is the protection of living organisms, balancing on the verge of extinction.

Serengeti National Park The Serengeti National Park is a famous wildlife sanctuary in the world. The Serengeti is located in East Africa and stretches from northern Tanzania to southern Kenya east of Lake Victoria.

The name comes from the Masai word "siringet" meaning "endless plains". The Serengeti ecosystem is one of the oldest and best preserved on Earth. The climate of the Serengeti is usually dry and warm. The main rainy season is from March to May, with light showers from October to November.

Serengeti National Park is famous for the huge number of animals living in this area. According to scientists, about five hundred species of birds and three million large animals live here. The largest population of lions on the planet lives here. The Serengeti is also home to thousands of elephants, gazelles, hyenas, hippos and rhinos.

Marine National Park The Great Barrier Reef Marine National Park, founded in 1979, is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest coral reef, stretches along the northeast coast of Australia for 2,500 km and covers an area of ​​about 344,400 square kilometers.

Up to 400 species of corals and 500 species of marine plants, about 4 thousand species of mollusks, numerous worms, sponges, crustaceans and starfish are known in the water area of ​​the park.

The fish fauna includes approximately 1500 species. Particularly noteworthy are butterfly fish, parrot fish, giant wrasse, grouper, reef shark, moray eels and others.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" is located in the south-west of Belarus, 340 kilometers from Minsk, within the Grodno and Brest regions. The first mention of Pushcha dates back to 983 (Ipatiev Chronicle), and a regime close to the reserve was established here at the beginning of the 15th century. Since 1957, Pushcha has had the status of the State Preserved Hunting Economy, on the basis of which the National Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" was founded in 1991. This large forest area is one of the oldest forest reserves in Europe. Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a national park.

The National Park Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a large and unique array of ancient forests, which is typical for the Central European plains. Forest covers about 86% of the territory. Pine forests predominate.

On the territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha there are 227 species of birds, 11 species of amphibians, 7 species of reptiles, more than 11 thousand invertebrates, 59 species of mammals and 24 species of fish. In the park you can see bison - their largest population in the world lives here.

Conclusion: As a result of working on the project, I learned about the national parks of the world. I liked this work. I did not talk about all the national parks, but only about some of them. Therefore, I would like to continue working on the study of this topic in the future.

The term "national park" appeared not so long ago. So today they call the territory in which the environment is protected, but at the same time human activity, although permitted, is limited.

Prerequisites for creation

In our country, the nationalization of parks is a relative innovation that was introduced quite recently. In the Soviet period, the system of nature protection and reserves was rather narrow, so there were practically no reserves in the western part of the country, and practically no one knew what a national park was. Today, natural parks are dominant, because here nature is not only protected, but also demonstrated to people around. Tourists can visit the national park and see everything clearly. This allows you to enjoy nature, communicate with wild animals, and also financially help save the environment. What is a national park and what is the history of its creation in Russia? These and other questions can be answered in this article.

One of such facilities, which was organized in the United States, became a kind of model for the nationalization of parks. Already the first visitors of this park, it became obvious that such a model is unique, and gives incredible pleasure to a person who contemplates the beauty of the surrounding nature. The idea to preserve nature in this way was made public in 1872, thus the decree on the nationalization of parks was signed.

National park and reserve. What's the Difference?

First of all, the main difference is the fact that almost the entire territory of the national park is open to the human eye. Naturally, the stay of visitors is regulated by rather strict rules. The main function of the national park is to provide all the conditions for familiarization of people and partial communication with wildlife. Here, for this purpose, special sidewalks are being built, campsites are being built, routes are being laid, and even recreation centers are being created. A good example of the creation of such areas for recreation are other national parks in the world. The strategy of their development gives a really noticeable economic effect and allows you to fully pay for the living of animals and provide them with everything they need, while preserving nature. An interesting fact is that such establishments are visited by a huge number of people, as well as tourists who specially come to see some certain types of animals.

The secret of success

What is a national park and why is it so attractive to visitors? It is quite simple to explain this, because it is here that you can observe amazing landscapes of nature. Usually national parks are built on areas with unusually beautiful nature. Such places can be majestic rocks, divinely beautiful waterfalls, picturesque lakes and forests, and thermal springs are no exception. Any tourist can come to the national park and be absolutely sure that they will see incredibly beautiful nature, get acquainted with animals and spend their time with great benefit.

Communication with animals

Another important criterion for visiting national parks is touching communication directly with wildlife, as well as with its prominent representatives. Naturally, hunting for smaller brothers is strictly prohibited in the national park, but there are also places where hunting is allowed according to certain regulations (meaning photo hunting). In this case, given the fact of being on the territory of people, animals begin to get used to them and pay their attention to people. For example, a deer can calmly approach a person without being afraid of a photo shoot, and even eat something from their hands. Under these conditions, the administration necessarily warns people not to be too intrusive with animals, to be extremely careful, the animal still poses a potential danger. This rule primarily applies to large individuals (bears, wild boars), bison are no less dangerous. In every national park, you can see a huge number of animals that can amaze a person in just a few days. For this purpose, special routes have been created along which you can observe representatives of the fauna.


Despite all of the above about national parks, there are also certain types of problems that need to be addressed. One of them is poaching, which has long been a serious threat to the conservation of wildlife. To combat this phenomenon, special staffs of guards are formed who monitor the territory of the entire reserve. If the shooting of animals has occurred, then certain sanctions are applied to a person, first of all, these are fines that must be paid without fail. Staying on the territory of the park with weapons is already a violation of the rules, and only for this the administration can be held accountable.

Land use issues

Incredibly often, national parks and reserves are faced with such a problem as a certain kind of land claims, for example, in 2009, one of the coastal national parks had to lose almost half of the territory, which significantly affected its further development.

Pernicious consciousness

Such establishments also face other problems. Usually they are based on the consciousness of the people themselves, which does not always accept the very idea that nature needs to be preserved and developed by ecological tourism. Some people have the barbaric notion that forests are meant for felling and harvesting timber, and that the animals that live there are created for shooting and cooking. Such thinking hinders the creation of new parks and the conservation of animal populations. One of the American legendary national parks was no exception, which over the years began to bring huge incomes, animals were preserved and bred, the park was opened in 1870. It is surprising that for the first years and even decades, poachers ruled here, annually killing tens of thousands of defenseless bison and deer. As a result of such barbarism, the government decided to protect the territory and the adoption of certain sanctions against poachers.

The state of national parks in Russia

If we talk about Russia in this situation, then we can draw a rather sad conclusion that now such a situation is at the level, most likely, of the 19th century. A huge number of mistakes are repeated, especially when it comes to poaching. Most local leaders cannot understand the purpose of developing such parks, as well as their economic benefits. As a result, certain rules are not observed, trees are cut down, and poachers constantly enter the territory. But initially the territory has a clear definition. A national park is a place where human activity is severely restricted. So, we can conclude that there are no fundamental differences between the national park and the reserve. What is a national park? This is the place that is available for vacationers, a person can communicate with nature, and also do something useful for her, even financially. Visiting the reserves is strictly limited to some specific excursion programs, so it is not always possible to fully enjoy the beauty.

The definition of a natural national park also carries with it the noble idea of ​​preserving the fragile surrounding nature. And it is they that enable a person to take part in this difficult process and feel important for nature, to preserve its small particle.

Everyone knows what a reserve and national parks are. Perhaps, they just do not quite understand the difference between one concept and another. Let's try to figure this out.

What are national parks

To understand what a reserve and national parks are, you need to know the exact definition of these concepts. So, national parks are special natural areas on land or water, where human activity is completely or partially prohibited. The main goal is environmental protection, i.e., the preservation of valuable natural complexes, flora and fauna. These places are open for free visits by nature lovers and tourists.

In addition to environmental purposes, they are research institutions, and also perform an environmental education role. It is important to understand that the territories and individual real estate objects that belong to these natural complexes are of particular ecological, aesthetic and historical value for the state. In addition, these are excellent places for organizing international regulated tourism.

All national parks of our country are the property of the Russian Federation. Historical and cultural real estate objects are assigned to them on the basis of the right of operational management. The territory of national parks is limited to a buffer zone with an orderly regime of nature management and visits.

What are nature reserves

The nature reserves are distinguished by the fact that not only any economic activity is strictly prohibited on their territories, but also the presence of people there. According to the law of the Russian Federation, these territories are transferred to reserves for unlimited use. It is our country that is famous for a large number of state protected areas, while there are only a few of them in the world.

There are reserves and national parks in Russia in almost all regions, therefore they are distinguished by a specific landscape, unique representatives of flora and fauna, most of which are listed in the Red Book and carefully protected by the state.

Tasks of the reserve

Reserves are objects of federal significance, therefore, funds are allocated annually from the country's budget for their maintenance. and national parks can be understood in terms of the main tasks they perform. So, the tasks of the reserve are:

  • taking all necessary measures to preserve and enhance the biological diversity of protected natural complexes, maintaining them in their natural state in protected areas;
  • conducting research work;
  • carrying out environmental monitoring, as well as the implementation of environmental education of the population;
  • assistance in the training of specialists on environmental protection issues;
  • participation in environmental state expertise when designing the placement of objects of economic and other activities.

The territories of Russian natural reserves exclude the use of subsoil, water, plants and hunting for animals, since they are of particular value to world science. They are examples of wildlife, typical of a particular region, and contribute to the conservation of the genetic fund of rare representatives of flora and fauna.

The main tasks of national parks

The main tasks of the national parks are:

  • preservation of the integrity and uniqueness of natural sites and historical and cultural sites located within them;
  • restoration of disturbed historical, cultural and natural objects;
  • creation of optimal conditions for regulated tourism and cultural recreation of citizens;
  • practical use of new in the field of nature protection;
  • environmental education.

Reserves and national parks are objects of federal significance financed by funds allocated from the federal budget.

natural parks

What is a nature reserve and national parks is understandable. And what is the difference between the so-called natural parks? The fact is that in their status and tasks they are similar to national ones. The main difference is that they do not have the status of federal significance and are under the jurisdiction of the republic, territory or region in which they are located. Accordingly, funding is provided from the local budget. So, for example, in the Urals "Taganai" is a national park, and the "Chusovaya River" and "Deer Streams" are already unique natural parks.

National parks of Russia

Currently, there are more than 40 national parks in Russia, each of which is distinguished by its own natural attractions, whether animals, birds, unique plants or historical properties.

The championship in the number of national parks rightfully belongs to the Northwestern Federal District of Russia, especially Karelia and the Arkhangelsk region. There are unique parks here: Vodlozersky, Kenozersky, Kalevalsky, "Russian Arctic", Valdai and many others.

Reserves and national parks of the world

More than 38 nature reserves occupy vast, many kilometers long territories of Russia. These include: Altai, Baikal, Bashkir, Barguzinsky, Darvinsky, Zavidovsky, Kandalaksha, Ilmensky, Komsomolsky, "Kedrovaya Pad", Kronotsky, Pechoro-Ilychsky, Sayano-Shushensky, Caucasian and many others.

Of these, the reserves and national parks of the tundra: Kandalaksha, Pechoro-Ilychsky, Taimyr, Great Arctic, "Yugyd Va", Lapland. Scientists are studying typical tundra ecological systems, as well as observing rare birds (polar partridge, peregrine falcon), a unique population of wild reindeer, arctic fox and representatives of aquatic fauna (whitefish, salmon, etc.).

In Siberia, the tundra stretches along a narrow coastal strip and reaches a maximum width of 500 km (from the northeast of Russia to the south, to the northern part of Kamchatka). Most of the northern part of Sweden is also occupied by the tundra strip of Swedish Lapland. Small patches of tundra are found in Finland, Norway, and Iceland. Therefore, controlled environmental facilities were also created here.

Famous reserves and national parks of the world that protect the flora and fauna of tundra ecosystems: Urho-Kekkonen and Lemmenjoki, belonging to Finland; "Abisko", referring to Sweden; Norwegian "Hardangervidda".
