Personal life by date of birth. Numerology of lucky numbers: calculate online for free

According to numerology and the theory of Pythagoras, the life of every person has a seven-year cycle of ups and downs of vitality, which depends on the date of birth and represents Graph of Life (Life Forces). Each year has its own indicator of the 7-year cycle, which is calculated using a special formula.

For Calculating Life Chart the numbers of the day, month and year of birth are multiplied together. If the result is a number less than seven-digit, then its first digits are sequentially added to it. For example, a person was born on February 10, 1970. We multiply 10x2x1970=39400. The resulting number is less than seven-digit, so we sequentially add the first two digits to it and get a seven-digit code: 3940039.

To build a Graph of Vital Forces, years (7 years) are set aside along the X axis, starting from the year of birth. On the Y-axis, a digit (from 0 to 9) of a seven-digit code is plotted above each year, obtained by multiplying the numbers of the day, month and year of birth (with digits added if necessary). Above the point of the year of birth - the first digit of the number, above the second year of life - the second digit of the number, etc.). For our example, it will be: 1970 - 3, 1971 - 9, 1972 - 4, 1973 - 0, 1974 - 0, 1975 - 3, 1976 - 9. The resulting points are connected by lines. Since this schedule has a 7-year periodicity, in each subsequent 7 years of life, the schedule will be repeated.

Do not confuse the Vitality Graph with , which is calculated using a different algorithm.

Online calculation and construction of a Life Graph

To build a Life Graph, enter the date of birth and click "Build Graph", to clear the fields, click "Reset". Below is a decoding of the meanings of the Life Chart.

Enter the correct date of birth

Day Month Year
Build Graph Reset
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0

Deciphering the meanings of the Life Graph

0 It symbolizes a difficult period in life and the need for support from loved ones. During this period, painful conditions, apathy, frequent bouts of melancholy, failures and loss of strength are possible. This is always a period of life when there is a streak of failures, there are pessimistic thoughts. Zero means working off karmic debts, in order to avoid its harmful influence, you need to reconsider your life, realize your actions and draw the necessary conclusions.

1 Indicates a period of recovery after a difficult situation, at this time you need to rely mainly on yourself. At this time, dissatisfaction with oneself, irritability and imbalance are manifested. You have to fight for your rights, and also work hard. People whose unit falls in their childhood years of life most often grow up in single-parent families or in difficult conditions.

2 He speaks of the beginning of a difficult but confident ascent. At this time, there is an alternation of ups and downs in activity. However, this period is perceived, as a rule, with philosophical calmness - the deuce gives the ability to control and “extinguish” any negative manifestations in advance.

3 The difficult period continues, but the outlines of a better life can already be seen. This period is characterized by instability of views and beliefs. The precariousness of the situation teaches flexibility in communication and makes you show maximum ingenuity. As a rule, many new friends appear at this time and business activity increases.

4 Symbolizes constancy in habits and outlook on life. Indicates a period when a person has taken his place in society and does not want any changes. Stability and strength of position both in personal life and at work. If the four occurs after a larger number (the graph is declining), this indicates self-doubt, a loss of faith in one's strength, which is why an energy decline occurs.

5 Symbolizes risk. This time is both the happiest and the most unpredictable period. At this time, there may be a desire to take risks, to go for broke. You should prepare for the fact that life will resemble a lottery with its winnings and unpredictable losses. If the five appears after smaller numbers (the graph is on the rise), you can expect a gift from fate in the form of true love. At the same time, the five after large numbers (the graph is declining) indicates a possible discord in the family and relationships with a partner.

6 Indicates a period of reliability, harmony with nature and oneself. This is an ideal number that combines the harmonious balance of personality traits and movement towards the goal. Life will be characterized by sociability and balance. A person sets himself such goals that do not run counter to his moral principles. If the six is ​​the decline point of the graph, then you should be more attentive to the financial side of life, but if this number rises (comes after the smaller numbers), this indicates an increase in well-being.

7 Symbolizes the exploration of the unknown. During this period, passion for spiritual practice, meditation, research work is possible. If the seven is a recession point (after it the graph goes down), it is probably necessary to reconsider your views on family relationships. If the seven becomes a point of ascent (after it the graph goes up), this indicates the strengthening of relations not only with relatives, but also with colleagues, friends and others in general.

8 It is the number of material success and means reliability, success in commercial activities. During this period, money seems to go into the hands of a person. If at the same time the figure eight is also a point of ascent, then you can continue to confidently go towards your goals. If the figure eight appeared after the nine (the chart is declining), you should not take too many risks and tempt fate, hoping to get even more from it.

9 The number of full self-realization and reaching the limits of one's dreams. It symbolizes complete success, the greatest achievements. This is the pinnacle of human mental and physical abilities in the current 7-year life cycle.

Mathematicians claim that numbers are the language of the universe. Numerologists have gone even further and stated that it is the numbers in your life that define you and your actions. With simple calculations, you will be able to identify five key numbers with which you can discover the essence of your life.


Finding a Life Path Number

    The value of the number. The Life Path number is considered the most important key number. It describes the potential events in your life, the path you will take in life, and the things that will shape that path. This number will outline the lessons you will learn, the challenges you will face, and the opportunities you will receive. Of course, you have the right not to listen to the instructions of this number, but in numerology they believe that a brighter future awaits you if you follow the number of your Life Path.

    • Any positive character traits associated with this number will manifest as unique skills and abilities that will help you in all aspects of your life.
    • The negative character traits associated with each number will appear as your shortcomings. Although, rather, they will point to points in your inner and outer life that you should pay attention to in order to find balance.
  1. Calculate your Life Path number. Basically, you need to add together each number in your date of birth until there is one digit left. However, we will use a rather specific summation method. Let's take December 17, 1986 as an example. (Note: Check the section at the bottom of the page for more information on each number you calculate).

    • Sum the month, day, and year separately until one digit remains. One summation may not be enough. In this case, keep adding up the numbers until one digit or master number remains.
      1. Month: 12 = 1+2 = 3
      2. Day: 17 = 1+7 = 8
      3. Year: 1986 = 1+9+8+6 = 28 = 2+8 = 10 = 1+0 = 1
    • After that, take the resulting three digits (or master number) and add them too: 3+8+1 = 12 = 1+2 = 3 .
    • As a result, we determined that for December 17, 1986, the life path number is the number "3".
  2. Take note of the master numbers. Containing many stable meanings - often about great purpose and power - the numbers 11, 22 and 33 are considered master numbers. In numerology, it is customary to convert November (month 11), as well as the 11th and 22nd days in each month, into the numbers 2, 2 and 4, respectively. But when calculating life path and birth numbers, there are exceptions.

    • For example, if the date in the previous example is changed to November 17, 1986, we end up with the following expression: 11+8+1 = 20 = 2+0 = 2 when the number of the life path will be the number "2".
  3. Please note that we do not sum the numbers in one fell swoop (1+2+1+7+1+9+8+6). Instead, the month, day, and year are first summed individually, and only then - with each other. This is done for a reason and is associated with life cycles that divide your life into three branches of growth, core value and challenge.

    Finding a Number Expressions

    1. Reveal your innate talents and flaws. Also known as the number of Destiny, the number of Expression emphasizes what talents and imperfections you have brought into this world. If the Life Path shows the road you are walking, then the Expression number reveals the peculiarity and nature of your steps. From the point of view of reincarnation, the Life Path number is akin to a lesson that you have to learn on this earth, while the Expression number reflects your nature, including the personal history of all your previous reincarnations that you brought to earth with you. To calculate this number, the name is used, since it represents an innate property of the individual, as well as what was bestowed on you at birth.

    2. Add together the letter sizes of your full name using the table below. Similar to calculating the Life Path number, you first need to separately sum up the meanings of the letters in each name, and only then add the results together. This honors the individuality of the various facets of your name (and personality) before revealing their combined meaning.

      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
      BUT B AT G D E Yo F W
      And Y To L M H O P R
      With T At F X C H W SCH
      Kommersant S b E YU I

For example, your birthday is 27, the month of April is the 4th in a row and the year is 1978, we add all the numbers together: 2 + 7 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 38, we perform this operation until we get single-digit number: 3+8=11, 1+1=2 – life path number.

The meaning of the life path number

  • Life path number 1
    You are active, enterprising and very energetic. A spontaneous desire to create and an extraordinary approach to business make you a pioneer. Your abilities are limitless. Opportunities to turn to the future and visions of the future will surely lead you to success. You would be suitable for activities that require clear leadership qualities, which you possess in full.
  • Life path number 2
    You are a very versatile person. Many activities will be acceptable to you. You could easily find yourself in both creative and technical activities, for example, you could easily cope with the repair of intricate clock mechanisms. Your ability to tune in to the same wavelength with absolutely anyone could contribute to a good career prospects for a lawyer or politician.
  • Life path number 3
    You have plenty of creative talents to devote yourself to art. You can fully reveal and develop your artistic gift by showing indulgence and perseverance. In order not to miss the opportunity to develop your abilities, concentrate on one thing, on what you want to achieve more.
  • Life path number 4
    Diligence and diligence in work even in the early stages of your life will allow you to occupy a worthy niche in society. Your excessive punctuality and method can sometimes make people think of you as a tough person. Often these qualities do not allow you to achieve the desired results of your activities. You are able to succeed in organizational activities, management, construction and much more if you change your character and treat others with loyalty.
  • Life path number 5
    You are an unsurpassed speaker, you know how to win over absolutely any interlocutor and motivate him for any action. You are characterized by flexibility in contact with people, openness and goodwill. A job in the service industry, show business, trade, tourism, finance or medicine is ideal for you.
  • Life path number 6
    You see your purpose in helping other people. You clearly feel the situation where you could need help, in no case interfering in other people's affairs for no reason. Your ability to find new opportunities for success could help you achieve good business results. You are a truthful and trustworthy person, this will contribute to the productive conduct of business.
  • Life path number 7
    A person with a life path number of "seven" is endowed with qualities that allow him to play the role of a researcher. You are able to identify and correctly formulate problems, analyze them and find methods for solving them. In the field of science, innovation, religion, insurance or invention, you will find something to your liking.
  • Life path number 8
    You are the owner of an active life position, you are ready to take the initiative in your own hands, you know how to motivate yourself and those around you. Everything, no matter what a person who owns the number of life path 8, undertakes, is subject to him. Would you be able to handle absolutely any kind of activity. The qualities of a confident leader will especially help you cope with running a big business. Life will test you for stamina every now and then, from which you will only become stronger and be able to achieve the most ambitious goals.
  • Life path number 9
    You have the ability to think creatively, presenting the world around you in an original way. You can turn your ideas into reality as a designer or architect. People whose life path is connected with the number 9 are socially active individuals, you are fair, honest, open-minded and able to represent common interests. You have every chance to become an excellent politician, lawyer, teacher or doctor.

The Life Path Number is the base and most important number of your Numerology Chart. This is the number with which you are born, which constantly guides you through life and never changes. This is a conscious goal towards which you are going, your nature and talents presented to the world. It contains your essence, meaning and value of your life.

The Life Path number offers us certain opportunities, but does not order us to move in the indicated direction. It presents an outline of the challenges and lessons we may face. Focusing on the values ​​​​given by this number, you are able to maximize your potential and gain the experience you need, that is, to fulfill yourself, and this is the most important spiritual need of a person.

This number is your main characteristic. Your personal history began long before you visited this world. She brought you to the point where you are now. You will continue your personal evolution with the possibilities and limitations that human life offers. The number of the Life Path, one way or another, reflects all the features of your development.

Knowing your You can go to the Compatibility page and analyze the general trend in your relationship.

The science of numbers is not only mathematics, algebra and arithmetic. People became interested in the magic of numbers and their energy more than 4000 years ago. Numerology will help you calculate your luck.

The main starting point in any numerological calculations is your date of birth. It can be used to predict the future, find out karma or calculate the cycle of luck. This is very important for those who prefer not to waste time, but to act.

First cycle of luck

First you need to know what your first cycle is, as there are several. The first cycle is considered by many to be the most important. This is the time that determines your luck for one year. It is given to each of us in order to determine the direction of our development, to solve internal problems.

The first cycle of luck does not require calculations, as it is yours month of birth. If you were born in December, then your cycle is 12 years. If in March, then 3 years and so on. What does this cycle mean? First, he tells you how long it takes for a good year to come. The first or, as it is also called, the main cycle gives you a chance to plan things in advance. At the end of this cycle, a year begins when good luck will be with you at all costs. You just can't waste that kind of time.

The countdown begins not from the first, but from the second year of birth. You are born with luck in your pocket, then you count your cycle: for example, 7 years. It turns out that at the age of 8 you will be lucky. The year that is successful for you is not taken into account. Don't get confused.

It may seem unfair to many that someone needs to wait only a year before the arrival of good luck, and someone - 12 years. Do not be discouraged, because the lower the number, the weaker your luck. If you have a small number of the first cycle, then life is dynamic and it seems that luck comes and goes. As you can see, that's the way it is. If the number is large, then every few years you can expect that the situation will seriously change for the better. This applies to love, affairs, work, finances and so on. Wait for this time, but remember to act always, not just once a decade.

Second cycle of luck

The second cycle of luck is the time when you can influence the world around you. Usually numerologists advise you to help people during these years, so that later they will help you.

To calculate the number of the second level, you need to know first life cycle number.

  • If your number is greater than 9, then the second cycle is 3 years.
  • If your number is between 4 and 8, then your second cycle is 5 years.
  • If your number is less than 4, then the second cycle is 7 years.

As mentioned above, nothing happens in these years. During these years, the greatest influence on your part on the world around you is carried out. At such a time, it is necessary not only to make repairs, change the environment, image, work, hobby, but also bring light to loved ones. Numerologists say that help will return to you in double size during the next period.

The countdown begins not from birth, but from 15 years. At the age of 15, we all have a period when we need to somehow learn how to interact with the world. Then you add your number in the same way, but already by the age of 16, because the whole previous year you had a second numerological cycle.

Third cycle

The third cycle of luck is a turning point in life when something very important is about to happen. At such moments, the worldview usually changes, a person finds his happiness or loses something, changing his path forever. You should not treat this as a gift of fate or its punishment. Everyone just has that moment. Someone suddenly becomes rich, someone leaves home, someone becomes a monk, someone becomes enlightened. We are all individual and unique, so it is impossible to predict what awaits you in the third cycle.

In most cases, this is not even a cycle, but rather one moment that changes everything around you and within you forever. Often people don't even notice it. An idea starts to grow in their head. The third date is the approximate moment of its inception. Let's calculate your important date.

You will need add up all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, you were born on 09/01/1970. 1+9+1+9+7=27. In this case, at about 27 years old, a big upheaval in life awaits you. It may be that your personal number of the third step will be small. If it is less than 20, then the third cycle is calculated somewhat differently.

  • Let's say your number is 10. In this case, you should expect big changes every 10 years.
  • If your number is 5, then changes will occur at 15, 25, 35, 45 years. At one of these moments you will find yourself.
  • If your number is greater than 10 but less than 20, then add another 10 to it. This will be your desired age.

Thus, you will get only three numbers that you need to remember. Do not wait until that very moment comes, but act right now, because only in this way it will be possible to live a life that can only be envied. Lucky cycles are not beacons in pitch darkness, but beacons of hope in a dimly lit room. Live in the present and wait for your time to come.

Numerology can help you, fate, luck, but not fix it. This science is purely informative, so the construction of your life depends only on desires, thoughts and actions. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and
