What is space sand made of? What is kinetic sand, is it worth buying

Kinetic sand is a fun for adults and children, which is rapidly gaining popularity. This widespread use is due to the safety of the product and the variety of entertainment that can be played using it. Why is it needed, and is it really so good? Let us dwell in more detail on the composition, types, advantages and disadvantages of this product. Also pay attention to the photo of goods from various manufacturers.

Kinetic sand is a unique material for developing the creative abilities of a child

Composition of kinetic sand

The composition of kinetic sand is absolutely safe. 98% of the substance is ordinary quartz sand, and the remaining 2% is silicone polymer, which is not harmful and is often used as a food additive. Due to the high content of quartz, the final product has a sandy color and a porous viscous consistency, different from natural sand. This consistency allows you to form a variety of crafts from it.

Advantages and disadvantages of kinetic sand

The main advantage of kinetic sand is that it is plastic, hypoallergenic and absolutely safe for the child. The consistency is pleasant to the touch and allows you to make a wide variety of figures from the product. After studying it in more detail and monitoring the reviews of the wonderful game, you can find many other advantages. Check out some of the benefits noted by parents who have already participated in children's sand activities:

  • The sand doesn't dry out. The composition of the substance allows it to retain ductility for a long time. The declared shelf life is 3 years, but in reality, the operation of kinetic sand may be longer.
  • Kinetic sand does not require special storage conditions. Being in the air, it will not lose its properties.
  • The environment of the substance is unfavorable for the development of bacteria.
  • If necessary, the sand is easy to clean: under the influence of moisture, it does not lose its integrity.
  • With this toy, the child will never be bored. You can at least come up with new games and activities every day.
  • There are no difficulties in cleaning. Scattered grains of sand can be collected by moving a sand lump over a contaminated surface - it has an effect on the substance, akin to a magnet.

The disadvantages of the composition are due to some of its physical properties:

  • Smell. You will come across this quality as soon as you unpack the product. Chemical polymers have a specific smell, similar to vinegar or glue. Don't worry - it will fade soon.
  • Density. The product is not too loose. This quality does not allow playing with it like with ordinary sand (building mills, sifting, etc.).
  • The inability of a substance to keep its shape for a long time. The larger the figure fashioned from sand, the faster it will spread.

What age is this toy for?

The manufacturer indicates only the lower limit for the age when using the product - three years. However, this is more a way to insure than a warning about a real threat. Small particles of sand entering the esophagus are not dangerous. Under the supervision of parents, you can play with kinetic sand from a year and a half. You only need to make sure that large pieces of the product do not get into the baby's respiratory tract.

The upper age limit for the use of kinetic sand by the manufacturer is not defined - everyone can play. The toy is suitable for both children and adults.

Games for teenagers will help in self-expression and development of fantasy. For adults, this is an anti-stress option. A bright, moldable substance helps to get rid of depression, as well as relieve fatigue at home after a working day.

What is the toy for?

The main useful functions of such a product for children are:

  • development of tactile sensitivity;
  • development of fine motor skills;
  • the acquisition by the baby of communication skills during collective games;
  • accustoming the child to creativity;
  • harmonization of the internal emotional state of the baby.

In addition, the toy is also needed for the peace of mind of parents. As already noted, unlike ordinary sand, pathogenic microflora does not develop in kinetic sand. Compared to a regular sandbox, playing at home is absolutely safe. If you do not want to deprive your child of the creative joys of sculpting figures, but you are worried about his health, non-scattering kinetic sand is what you need.

Children do not get tired of playing with kinetic sand, the kid can turn his creative ideas into reality for hours

What games can you come up with with sand?

Kinetic sand games are distinguished by a variety of methods and goals. Interactive leisure will help both physical and mental health. The substance is often used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of fine motor disorders or psychosomatic diseases. Sand is also ideal as an educational game - it can help, for example, learn colors or animals. Here are some game options for you:

  • Invite your child to sprinkle the product, crumple it or pass it between the fingers. This activity will especially appeal to younger children. The game contributes to the harmonization of the internal state.
  • The mixture can be laid out in molds, and then back into a common container. This not only develops fine motor skills, but also teaches the child to clean up after themselves.
  • From the substance you can get a variety of small objects (preferably bright ones). Choosing them from the sand, the baby develops attention, perseverance and fine motor skills.
  • Traditional creation of figurines (kulichikov, towers, etc.).
  • You can teach your baby to imitate the tracks of various animals in the sand.

Ordinary sand sets (pail and sand) are also suitable for playing with kinetic material

Which sand to choose and which is better for the child?

The high demand for the product caused an increase in supply. There is now a wide range of products on the market. It is very easy to get confused in the choice. We will advise you on the best product to buy. We present to your attention the TOP-3 manufacturers with the best price-quality ratio and received the most positive feedback from parents:

  1. Smart sand Kinetic sand (Switzerland);
  2. Space sand (Russia);
  3. Living sand Living Sands (South Korea).

Kinetic sand of a Swiss company

The Swiss Kinetic sand won the greatest popularity. The product can be found in any store for children's art. The price is 1000-1500 rubles. The cost depends on the individual quality of the goods: color palette, size and weight of the package. On sale you can find sand complete with sets for children's creativity, including shovels, figures, etc. As you can see, the product is quite expensive, which is explained by the presence of export costs, as well as the popularity of the brand.

Russian-made space sand

Cosmic (magic, magical) sand is, in fact, an analogue of the Swiss kinetic sand. The product is inferior to the original only in price. Space sand can be found at a cost of 500 rubles. Often there are names “cybernetic”, “telescopic”, “polymer” – in fact, these are one and the same product. The remaining qualities completely repeat their Swiss prototype.

Plasticity, brightness - everything is at the proper level, there are no differences from the Western brand. As in the first example, there are large sculpting kits. How much the gift will cost depends on the volume and number of figures (1000-1500 rubles).

Living Sands

Korean synthetic play sand is the most expensive in the category of these products for children. In addition to quartz and polymer, it contains aromatic oils, crushed shell rock and other non-toxic substances. The lower limit of the cost of living sand is 1500 rubles. It differs from its "colleagues" in its light fluffy texture and the ability to aromatherapy. The color of the sand is white, it is pleasant and soft to the touch. Storage conditions are specified in the instructions.

Plasticine (mass for modeling) Play Doh

Our hit parade did not include another version of the toy from Play Doh, which deserves attention. The fact is that the manufacturer presents the product not as kinetic sand, but as a mass for modeling (plasticine), although the difference is not great. The composition is simple and safe: flour, water and salt. Some enthusiastic parents even try to make such clay at home.

“Ice Cream Factory” from Play doh (mass for modeling and themed molds for the game)

Plasticine has many advantages:

  • non-sticky - does not remain on hands, nails, home surfaces);
  • economical consumption - a couple of small jars can be used for continuous games for 2-3 months;
  • does not mix well - if the child blinded all the colors in a large lump, you can easily separate them back;
  • does not crumble - fallen plasticine dries quickly and is easily collected with a vacuum cleaner.

All the pros and cons of colored sand for children

So, if everything became clear with the manufacturer, it's time to talk about colors. Artificial playing sand is produced both in a single color range and in sets of 5 or more colors. With plain sand, everything is clear: this is a practical and cheap option. If for your child you wanted to buy multi-colored sand, then it would be useful for you to learn about the pros and cons of such an acquisition. Let's start with the pros:

  • Brightness and beauty. A rich color palette, as they say, pleases the eye.
  • Helps the child to find interesting color schemes. Who knows, maybe your kid will become an artist or designer in the future.
  • The bright palette will immediately win and hold the attention of the child. Colored kinetic sand will not get bored soon.

There is only one serious drawback of colored sand: the possibility of children mixing all shades into a homogeneous mass of dirty color. Children are very curious, so they love to sculpt from all shades at once.

If your child likes to mix all the shades, and you don’t have time to follow him, you can buy colored sand, but give it out in portions: one or two colors.

How to store a toy and take care of it?

Kinetic sand is not subject to rapid drying in the open air. Sand also perceives the impact of direct sunlight calmly. During the entire period of operation, it retains moisture and ductility. To extend the time of its use will help the simple rules prescribed in the official instructions for the product. So, you need to store and use sand, observing the following rules:

  • If the kinetic sand is rough, play with it with wet hands. Wetting the product is not worth it, the necessary moisture will be transferred through touch.
  • If liquid gets on the sand, let it dry on its own. Do not expose the substance to thermal stress - it can dry out quite well at room temperature.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before handling sand. Silicone polymer absorbs odors well.
  • After use, put the sand in a special tightly closed container. This will help prevent exposure to moisture, fine dust particles and other foreign objects.
  • Do not add coloring matter to the sand. You will get a mass that will be ugly and lose its original properties.
  • Keep the kinetic sand in a place where pets cannot enter.
  • In order to remove spilled sand from a carpet or any other surface, you can use your hands or a vacuum cleaner. Kinetic particles do not stick to surfaces. Spilled sand on the floor is stored in a compact mass that is easy to collect and reuse.
  • The shelf life of the goods with proper operation is unlimited.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

Modeling is considered the most common option for developing activities for a child. Modern mothers use all kinds of compositions to develop the motor skills of their child. Kinetic sand has gained wide popularity, many people prefer to prepare it on their own. The main components are starch (potato, rice, corn), boric acid, flour, soda, water. Many have adapted to add shaving foam or balm to the composition.

Benefits of Kinetic Sand

  • develops fine motor skills of the hands;
  • causes perseverance, patience;
  • normalizes the psycho-emotional background;
  • has a relaxing effect;
  • does not dry out in the sun;
  • does not mold at high humidity;
  • easy to use;
  • perfectly retains its shape, cut;
  • quickly collects when spilled, unlike ordinary sand;
  • develops the imagination of the child;
  • does not need scrupulous storage;
  • environmentally friendly composition does not cause irritation;
  • helps to feel small details.

Disadvantages of Kinetic Sand

  • when rubbed on the surface, it begins to stick to the shoe;
  • due to the high density, it is necessary to prepare a lot of the composition.

Kinetic Sand: Traditional Recipe

  1. In most cases, the mass for modeling is prepared from corn (rarely potato) starch and refined crushed sand.
  2. Buy the second ingredient at the pet store, choose products marked "For rabbits" or "For chinchillas." You will need sand, starch and filtered water. The proportions are approximately 3:2:1.
  3. Prepare a plastic bowl, sift starch and sand into it, mix the ingredients with a dry spoon. Start slowly pouring in drinking water while stirring the mass. In the end, you should get a viscous composition that does not stick to the skin.
  4. If the kinetic sand is a little dry, pour water into a spray bottle, spray some liquid into a bowl. This way you will prevent the formation of lumps.
  5. To get a colored mass for modeling, take one or more food coloring. The preparation technology is identical, but the paint is mixed with water, then injected through a spray gun into a mixture of sand and starch.
  6. It is important to bring the mass to uniformity, kneading lumps with a spatula or fork. You can divide the dry composition into several parts, then add water of different colors to each of them. The child will sculpt with even greater admiration.
  7. Experienced mothers are advised to introduce liquid soap for children or shampoo into kinetic sand. The result is a composition that is more airy, viscous and not sticky to hands.

Kinetic sand "Original"

  1. The name of the modeling mass came from the fact that the incoming components are as close as possible to the original purchased composition. The Swedish manufacturing company produces products "Kinetic Sand", quartz sand acts as a fundamental component.
  2. Additional ingredients are boric acid at a concentration of 3% and ordinary glue for cardboard and paper (stationery). Be sure to use a thick adhesive base, a liquid mass will not work.
  3. To start cooking, combine in one mass 20 gr. glue, 40 ml. boric acid. Mix the composition with a wooden spatula to obtain a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Pour 300 gr. quartz sand, protect your skin with gloves. Now mix the mass with your hands, passing it between your fingers. Go through the composition until there are no dry grains left at all.
  5. In the end, you will get a loose paste that forms beautifully into figures, does not stick to the skin, and does not leave marks. Do not worry about the health of the child, such kinetic sand is completely safe.
  6. The composition quickly loses its properties, winds and dries. As soon as this happens, the mass becomes unsuitable for modeling. No need to prepare large portions, kinetic sand is stored in a tightly sealed container.

Kinetic sand made from baking soda and liquid soap

  1. This method is rightfully considered the most popular due to the availability of the main ingredients. You will need 1 part baking powder, 2 parts baking soda, 1 part liquid soap or dishwashing gel (you can use shampoo). Water is not added.
  2. First you need to combine the bulk components, and then introduce the gel or soap into the mixture in small portions. Kinetic sand should be kneaded with gloved hands.
  3. Pass the mass between your fingers until no dry granules remain. If you see that the composition turned out to be liquid, adjust the consistency with baking powder or corn starch.
  4. From the ingredients obtained, an airy and pasty kinetic sand is obtained. Store it in a closed food container, replace the old composition with a new one as it dries.
  5. The recipe allows you to make snow-white sand. You can color it with food coloring. The pigment is mixed with soap, then added to soda and baking powder.
  6. The composition is characterized by poor compliance, figures from it often crumble. Start by experimenting with a small amount. Make sure that the child does not play with his hands, but with molds.

  1. You can prepare a mass suitable for modeling using a regular hair conditioner and cornstarch. Optionally, the last element is replaced by a potato or rice composition.
  2. To color the kinetic sand, use gouache or food coloring. Choose the most natural ingredients that do not stain your hands and do not harm the skin.
  3. Pour the conditioner into a glass bowl, add food coloring. The pigment is introduced in drops until you achieve the desired shade.
  4. Next, you need to mix 750 gr. starch with colored balm (8-9 tablespoons). Introduce the liquid ingredient gradually, at the same time knead the mass with gloved hands.
  5. You should get viscous kinetic sand. A good composition does not stick to the skin, does not stain. It is advisable to play in such sand with molds, but it will not harm your hands either.

Kinetic sand made from flour and water

  1. The basis of the composition for creating a variety of figures is quartz sand (6 parts), filtered or boiled water (1.5 parts), wheat flour or corn starch (3 parts). If desired, you can decorate the sand with food coloring, the color is chosen at your discretion.
  2. Pour the sifted starch / flour into a dry basin, add quartz sand, mix the ingredients. In a separate bowl, combine purified water and food coloring (can be replaced with gouache).
  3. Now begin to introduce the liquid mixture into the dry composition in small parts, while stirring. Avoid lumps, knead them with your hands or a fork.
  4. You can divide the mixture of flour and quartz sand into 2-4 portions, after which each section should be painted in a separate shade. The result is a mass for modeling different shades.

Kinetic sand made from shaving foam and starch

  1. It is easy to prepare a composition for modeling using improvised ingredients. You will spend 5-10 minutes and delight your child with homemade kinetic sand.
  2. Take 450-470 gr. corn, potato or rice starch. Sift the composition into a dry bowl, add 140-200 gr. shaving foam.
  3. You can use the gel, but it must first be rubbed between the palms. Enter the foam until the starch begins to roll into balls.
  4. Next, break them with your hands, put on gloves, enter food coloring or gouache. If desired, the kneading of kinetic sand can be entrusted to children, having previously protected their hands with gloves.
  5. The modeling mass is similar to wet river or sea sand. It perfectly retains its shape, does not stick, it is painted only at the beginning of manipulations.

The main component of homemade kinetic sand is starch or quartz sand. The second ingredient can be replaced with ordinary river sand, after boiling and drying it. Consider cooking methods with the addition of balm, shaving foam, wheat flour, soda.

Video: how to make kinetic sand

Kinetic sand is a practical and safe home play base that helps develop a child's creativity, perseverance and imagination. The material is attractive to children due to its brightness and plasticity, parents appreciate the ease of use and ease of cleaning after it.

Kinetics was developed by Swiss scientists, it has become widespread as a plastic mass for children's games. 98% of the material is quartz sand, the rest is E900 (silicone additive responsible for useful properties - ductility, viscosity, ability to maintain a given shape).

Visually, this product is similar to ordinary sand, but it is not so crumbly in consistency. The material has such a characteristic as fluidity, it is saturated with pores, and easily takes the required shape. The polymer bonds present due to the E900 additive are responsible for holding the grains of sand in the total mass.

During the game, kinetic sand does not scatter, it forms a homogeneous mass, it can be collected by hand and stored in a container. The substance does not leave greasy and dirty marks on the surfaces and palms. This silicone additive is in demand in the food industry, it is absolutely safe if it does not serve as a personal allergen.

Purpose and application features

The toy performs the following useful functions:

  • stimulation of tactile sensitivity;
  • instilling communication skills in children in the framework of collective leisure;
  • calming, balancing the emotional background;
  • teaching creativity and self-expression;
  • stimulation of fine motor skills.

Parents prefer kinetic sand because of its safety compared to playing in a regular sandbox. Kinetic does not create conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, while in the yard a fenced area often becomes the subject of attention of animals and birds, which threatens to become infected with pathogenic microflora. Moreover, games at home are in no way inferior to street games: the child enjoys modeling, colored sand allows you to realize any fantasy, does not crumble on a table or carpet.

Pros and cons of kinetic sand

The main advantages of a children's toy are hypoallergenicity, plasticity and safety for health. Homogeneous consistency and texture, pleasant to the touch, create an opportunity to create figures and compositions of any complexity. Parents, mentioning the kinetic mass, note the following advantages:

  • the material retains fluidity for a long time, does not dry out. Manufacturers promise a 3-year service life, but in practice this period increases significantly;
  • the initial components form an environment unsuitable for the development of microflora;
  • the toy is multifunctional, on its basis you can come up with various interesting games and activities;
  • the material does not need specific storage conditions, it retains its qualities, remaining open in the air;
  • if necessary, the substance can be washed with water, the kinetic will not lose its original properties;
  • the toy does not create difficulties when cleaning: in order to collect individual crumbled grains, you just need to run a lump of material over the contaminated area several times, it will attract grains of sand like a magnet.

Product disadvantages:

  • the product does not have a flowability similar to the original source. Therefore, it will not be possible to use the substance, like ordinary sand - to sift, to build mills;
  • the substance cannot hold a given shape for a long time: if you sculpt large figures, they will quickly spread.

Kinetic has a specific smell, which will be especially noticeable immediately after unpacking. Chemical additives do not always smell pleasant, they can resemble glue, vinegar. Over time, the smell will fade.

Varieties of material and additional accessories

The original version is sold under the Waba Fun brand, retail packaging weighs 1, 2.5 and 5 kg. The new product range includes products of red, blue, pink, yellow, green, purple shades, such packages weigh 2.27 kg, moreover, products of different scales can be included in one package.

The "Precious Stones" lineup includes an unusual palette of kinetics imitating gems - onyx, amethyst, emerald, sapphire. The composition includes iridescent particles.

Additionally, sandboxes of different sizes, molds and scoops are purchased. For children under 1.5 years old, 1 kg of sand is enough for a full-fledged game, three-year-olds will need from 2.5 kg, for small companies they purchase packages of 5 kg.

Age restrictions

Under parental control, sand can be played from the age of one, it is only important to ensure that the child does not inhale the particles.

Accidental ingestion is not dangerous: the substance does not react with gastric juice, it is excreted from the body naturally in its original form.

There is no upper age limit: everyone will like the toy. It will help teenagers develop their imagination and stimulate a creative flight of thought, adults with its help relieve stress, get rid of tension. Pleasant tactile sensations are effective in combating depression and depression.

Instructions for use

In order not to complicate further cleaning, you need to prepare a place for the child: build or buy a sandbox, allocate a flat area. The presence of bumpers reduces the likelihood of spillage of the material.

Kinetics does not dry out in the air, the coloring pigment is immune to ultraviolet radiation. The entire operational period of the substance retains its softness and ductility. In order for the toy not to lose its attractiveness for as long as possible, you should follow the manufacturer's recommendations:

  • if the sand has become rough, you need to knead the lump with wet hands. It is not necessary to specially spray the substance, the required moisture will pass through the touch;
  • before use, it is advisable to wash your hands with soap and water, as silicone additives quickly absorb surrounding odors;
  • it is not necessary to introduce coloring substances into the substance, there is a high risk of the formation of an inhomogeneous instantly crumbling mass;
  • if the sand is accidentally wet, you need to leave it open at room temperature until completely dry, it must not be subjected to intense thermal stress;
  • after the game, you need to remove the substance in a tightly closed container, it should be stored in such conditions as to exclude the ingress of foreign objects, dust, moisture, and prevent contact with pets.

Scattered particles do not stick to surfaces, they are easy to collect with a vacuum cleaner or a lump of kinetics. In the second case, you need to make sure that hair, wool, debris do not get into it.

Young children are advised to pour the material, passing between the fingers. The use of molds contributes to the development of fine motor skills, along the way, the child is taught to always clean up after himself. In a crumbly mass, you can hide several bright small objects and invite the baby to find them. The sand layer will help in learning, for example, it can be used to learn the tracks of animals.

TOP 3 best manufacturers

In conditions of high demand, the profile market offers a wide range of items that need to be studied not only in terms of aesthetics, but also safety. The products of the following brands have earned confidence due to their high quality and attractive design.

Kinetic sand

The Swiss brand is sold through chain stores for children's art, the cost of products is determined by individual properties: package dimensions, color palette. Such sand is usually included in kits, including figures, shovels, containers. High prices do not prevent the manufacturer from leading the niche of color kinetics.

space sand

This is a Russian analogue of a foreign brand, it is offered in the budget price segment. The product may also have the names "telescopic", "cybernetic", "polymer". In terms of brightness and plasticity, the product is not inferior to the Swiss series, large sets and books with games are also available.

living sands

Korean "live" synthetic sand is the most expensive in its category, it includes not only polymer additives and quartz, but also non-toxic additives in the form of crushed shell rock, aromatic oils, for example. The product attracts with a fluffy light texture, it is used for aromatherapy. Game sand is produced in white color, it is soft, pleasant to the touch.

How to make DIY kinetic sand

When choosing recipes for making toys at home, it is important to rely on safe ingredients: in particular, a common technique based on stationery glue and boric acid involves the use of gloves during play. Against this background, food options are more rational.

Necessary materials

The list of non-aggressive components will help to obtain a non-toxic mass:

  • clean sand - 4 cups. The material can be purchased at a hardware or zoological store. It must be scattered on a baking sheet and calcined in the oven to disinfect;
  • potato or corn starch, flour - 2 cups;
  • boiled cooled water;
  • food colorings.

You can knead the mass in a plastic basin, a strong spatula will also come in handy.

Cooking kinetics

First way:

  1. Mix starch and quartz sand in a container.
  2. Introduce water into the mixture in small portions, stirring the mass, you need to achieve a semi-crumbly consistency.

Second way:

  1. Dissolve starch in water so that a creamy mixture is formed.
  2. Add quartz sand.
  3. Thoroughly mix the ingredients until uniform.

To make colored play sand, you will need food coloring, safe children's paints will serve as an alternative. The dye is diluted in a small amount of water and combined with a sand-starch blank before the bulk of the liquid is introduced. If the homemade mass hardens during the process, it should be slightly moistened.


Today, not only various children's computer games are being improved, updated, but also traditional fun. So, a great alternative to leisure in an ordinary sandbox has now appeared - creative activities with kinetic sand. Check out the review of such a product from different manufacturers and decide which product is better to buy for your child.

What is kinetic sand

This material is a great development for home children's games right in the apartment. The substance consists almost entirely of fine sand, but thanks to the addition of a special synthetic material to it, individual grains are connected by polymer fibers. Kinetic plasticine for children acquires plastic properties, does not dry out, does not stick to hands and does not get dirty. Because of these improved qualities, he deservedly received the name "plasticine-sand" for children, because from it you can mold a wide variety of crafts that only a child can come up with.

Many parents, when they first see such a toy, are confused by the considerable price for the product in comparison with an ordinary natural mineral. These buyers, before buying a product for a child, it will be useful to read the description of the possibilities of its use and a list of important differences from traditional material. Kinetic play sand for modeling has the following main properties:

  • does not contain components harmful to health, as well as all kinds of garbage that can be found in a conventional sandbox;
  • always has the consistency of wet sand, making it easy to sculpt the most bizarre figures from it, which retain their shape well;
  • it is possible to work with it both with plastic and as with friable material;
  • it is convenient to use it at home (sculpt in a special sandbox tray or directly on the table) - its composition will not leave sticky marks, and individual grains of sand, like magnetic ones, will easily gather to the main lump;
  • multi-colored: may have a natural shade or have blue, pink, green or other bright colors;
  • does not lose its properties when wet - after it dries, it is ready for use again;
  • used in children's leisure activities, but at the same time brings practical benefits for the child: develops finger motor skills, relieves excitability;
  • suitable for children aged 3 years and older (you can play with this material earlier if the child does not put it in his mouth);
  • does not have an expiration date - it retains its dynamic properties for a long time.


In the sale of material can be found under different names. Smart sand for children, liquid, telescopic, cybernetic, space, lunar - these are synonyms for mass. You need to know that the production of different brands is based on a similar technological process. A polymer and a dye are added to the natural ceramic mineral, which is carefully sieved and calcined to remove all harmful impurities. The ratio of sand and additive is often 98% and 2%, but sometimes for higher viscosity it is 90% and 10%.

Kinetic sand

This product for children's creativity is presented in a wide range - on sale you can find packages of different weights, with a huge variety of colors. Not only kids, but also adults like to feel its soft, airy texture on their palms. From a variety of products, you can choose the material in its pure form or purchase a whole set for creativity along with a sandbox and a variety of figures:

  • Name: Kinetic Sand brown;
  • Price: 916 rubles;
  • Characteristics: 910 g package, the color of the material is similar to sea sand;
  • Pros: causes a pleasant tactile sensation; flows easily, but does not crumble around; does not dry out, which allows you to play with it for a long time; does not stick to hands;
  • Cons: you need to buy a sandbox and accessories separately.

Another excellent material for children's creativity is presented complete with molds. With him, the baby will be interested in learning new colors, mastering the shapes:

  • Name: Kinetic Sand colored with molds;
  • Price: 1243 rubles;
  • Characteristics: packing weighing 340 g; the material is presented in 2 sets - "Dog Kennel" (a combination of purple and green) and "Paleontological excavations" (blue and brown);
  • Pros: with the help of molds you can make expressive, multi-colored figures, the material is non-toxic;
  • Cons: when mixing different colors, they can no longer be separated; the presence of accessories affected the cost of the goods.

Waba Fun

The product of this Swedish company has rightfully earned the love of children. The product line includes a variety of bright colors, and the ability to additionally choose the necessary accessories only adds to the positive feedback from grateful customers.

  • Name: Waba Fun color;
  • Price: 1598 - 2324 rubles;
  • Characteristics: packaging material of the same color (blue, yellow, pink, etc.) weighing 2.270 kg, the product is sold with a sandbox;
  • Pros: with a large amount of material, many toy crafts can be made at the same time; safe, non-toxic;
  • Cons: for a full-fledged creative process, you need to buy molds.

A good basis for children's creativity can be articles and the following product of the same company:

  • Name: Waba Fun bicolor;
  • Price: 1598 - 2324 rubles;
  • Characteristics: the set contains 2 packages of sand in two colors (each 1.135 kg) and a sandbox;
  • Pros: when mixing different colors, you can get new shades; safe, non-toxic material;
  • Cons: no moulds.

  • Lepa

    Products of this brand are found under the trade name "touching sand" - this is how the domestic manufacturer emphasizes that you will want to touch this magical toy again and again! In the Lepa line you can find an innovative development - a thermochromic pigment.

    • Name: Modeling kit Lepa Touching sand;
    • Price: 350 r.
    • Specifications: 500 g package, without accessories.
    • Pros: completely repeats the color and texture of wet sea sand, but at the same time dry and non-greasy to the touch; does not get dirty, is not afraid of moisture; safe, non-toxic; a noticeable difference in price compared to a foreign product.
    • Cons: no variety of colors.

    A very interesting feature - changing color - has the following product of the same manufacturer:

    • Modeling kit Lepa Thermochromic sand;
    • Price: 610 rubles;
    • Pros: has the ability to magically change colors when exposed to the heat of the palms; safe to use;
    • Cons: thermochromic property affects the price.

    Space Kinetic Sand

    Such a wonderful educational toy is also made in Russia. On the packages with the goods there is the word "plastic" - this indicates that the figures will mold well and keep their shape:

    • Name: Space plastic sand for children;
    • Price: 295 rubles;
    • Features: 500g package, without accessories;
    • Pros: a wide choice of material colors - natural or bright, juicy shades; safe to use; low price;
    • Cons: if the child has wet palms, it can stick; crumbles during play.

    Pay attention to the following product, which can be an excellent thematic preparation for a variety of interesting games:

    • Name: Space sand Sea world;
    • Price: 1630 rubles;
    • Characteristics: packing of a base of blue color weighing 3 kg, a sandbox, molds, a book with a description of games;
    • Pros: absolutely safe for the child;
    • Cons: it is inconvenient to play with it in the hot season - it sticks to the palms; it is afraid of direct sunlight and getting wet.

    Angel Sand

    This item is made in South Korea. Along with many properties that are traditionally inherent in this type of material, the difference between Angel Sand is its finer fraction and a higher percentage of polymer in the composition.

    • Name: Angel Sand art kit;
    • Price: 1320 rubles;
    • Characteristics: packaging weighing 700 g, the product is offered in different colors, including white;
    • Pros: airy, almost weightless to the touch; calm, pastel colors; thanks to the fine fraction, more dense figures are obtained; does not stick to hands;
    • Cons: dissolves in water.

    The following option will especially appeal to girls who will certainly like to cook different types of ice cream from the base:

    • Name: Set for creativity Angel Sand Ice cream;
    • Price: 3795 rubles;
    • Product specifications: 4 packs of colored sand, sandbox, molds;
    • Main advantages: crumbly, during active play, the volume increases almost 2 times; does not harden; does not stick to hands; non-toxic;
    • Cons: dissolves when wet.

    Spin Master

    This product of a Canadian company is a very popular brand. Different colors, very pleasant, silky structure, the ability to buy material separately or a ready-made set is very attractive to buyers.

    • Name: Spin Master Kinetic Sand two-tone;
    • Price: 1939 rubles;
    • Specifications: 454 g package with base in two colors;
    • Pros: does not crumble, easy to clean, does not stick to hands, safe for the child;
    • Cons: high price.

    A wonderful gift for a baby can be this product of the same manufacturer. It keeps its shape perfectly, allows you to create any figures:

    • Name: Spin Master Kinetic Sand;
    • Price: 1480 rubles;
    • Characteristics: 454 g package with one color base;
    • Pros: pleasant texture; does not crumble, easy to clean; not sticky; safe for the child.
    • Cons: high cost.


    Another inexpensive representative of the domestic brand in this category. The buyer will find different thematic sets in this product line, and then he will be able to additionally purchase new colors that the child likes.

    • Name: Kinetic sand LORI;
    • Price: 316 rubles;
    • Characteristics: 1 kg package with one color base, sandbox;
    • Main advantages: packed in a plastic bucket; you can choose different shades; holds its shape well; safe and non-toxic.
    • Cons: the dye is a little dirty.

    If your kid loves to spend time modeling plasticine, pay attention to the following product. It keeps its shape perfectly, practically does not dry out:

    • Name: rainbow sand LORI;
    • Price: 228 p.
    • Characteristics: 4 packages of different colors with a total weight of 600 g, sandbox, molds.
    • Pros: each type is packed in a separate plastic container; keeps its shape well, does not dry out; inexpensive.
    • Cons: the dye gets dirty, so the base leaves marks on the hands and furniture.

    How to choose kinetic sand

    When purchasing material for creativity, pay attention to a number of recommendations. Kinetic sand for modeling can be bought in the online store, but it is better to order in the catalog through the official website of the manufacturer - you will protect yourself from the risk of buying a cheap fake made in China. Weigh the benefits of buying one color and a set. It will be more convenient to store live sand for children in a special tray with a lid and use thematic forms, rather than purchase inexpensively only the base, and then look for accessories. It will cost less as a set.

One of the most popular educational activities and games with a child is modeling. Modern mothers use different materials for her, among which kinetic sand is especially different. It attracts by the fact that it does not stick to hands and does not crumble, it is well molded, does not dry out and is easy to assemble. However, the cost of such sand is quite high, so the issue of preparing kinetics at home is very relevant.

Popular recipes with sand

Kinetic sand, practically no different from the original, can be made from 300 gr. sand, 1 tsp stationery silicate glue and 2 tsp. boric acid. First, boric acid and office silicate glue are mixed, and then sand is added. After thorough mixing, you can already play.

But its disadvantage compared to the purchased one is drying, and the presence of boric acid in the composition can have negative consequences for the health of the child, so it should be played with gloves.


Consider other popular manufacturing methods from sand, starch and water. To make an analogue of Swedish kinetic sand at home, you will need:

  • Quartz sand- small and clean. You can purchase it at a pet store (sold for rabbits, birds, and chinchillas) or a hardware store. Before preparing a homemade kinetics, many mothers advise calcining it in the oven. Take 4 glasses.
  • Starch - corn or potato. It will need half as much sand, that is, 2 cups. If necessary, starch can be replaced with cornmeal.
  • Water. You will need 1 glass.
  • Dye.
  • A container in which you will mix the ingredients, as well as a spatula for mixing.


Method one:

  1. Combine the sand and starch in the prepared container, mixing the ingredients well.
  2. Add water in small portions and mix thoroughly until the mixture reaches the desired consistency. An analogue of kinetic sand is ready.

You can clearly see the process of making kinetic sand with your own hands in the next video.

Method two:

  1. Mix starch and water to make a non-Newtonian fluid.
  2. Add sand to this liquid and mix everything well.

Recipe without sand

If for some reason you cannot use sand, it is quite possible to make an analogue of kinetics without it according to the following recipes:

  1. Grind children's drawing crayons and mix them with semolina until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Stir 250 g of starch into 100 ml of water, and if the mass is very dry, add a little more water.

And another less popular method due to its composition: mix 2 cups of baking soda with 1 cup of baking powder and 1 cup of dishwashing liquid (or liquid soap). Stir the mixture until smooth. If the mass is too wet, add more baking powder. The sand should be doughy and fluffy. After playing, store it in a container.

According to this recipe, the sand turns out to be snow-white and very soft, but not very pliable: the figures from it are fuzzy. We advise you to first try on a small amount: take 2 tbsp. soda, 1 tbsp. baking powder and 1 tbsp. liquid soap. It is better to play it with spoons and molds, and not with your hands.

How to color?

To color homemade kinetic sand, you can use food coloring, which you can find in any supermarket. They can also be successfully replaced by watercolor paint or gouache. The desired dye is diluted in water and added to a mixture of sand and starch before pouring water into the mass. Next, you just need to bring the sand to the desired consistency.

Is it different from the purchased one?

Of course, it will not be possible to cook at home a material completely identical to the Swedish kinetics, but the sand will be very similar to the store. The consistency of the home version will be almost the same and the child will be able to sculpt a variety of figures from it.

Also keep in mind that homemade sand on starch will dry out over time and you will have to add a little water to it. However, you know for sure that you put in the material created by yourself, saved money and can play a variety of games with your child with might and main.

Benefits of playing with kinetic sand

  • Working with this type of sand, the child will develop tactile sensitivity, fine motor skills, concentration and imagination.
  • Games with kinetics soothe, help relieve stress and emotionally relax.
  • With such sand you can play in the rain and in winter. This is a safer material than the sand from the sandbox in the yard.
  • During the games, you can learn the score, shape, colors, size, letters and much more.

How to play?

With homemade kinetic sand, you can:

  • Sculpt different cakes.
  • Cut out shapes with cookie cutters.
  • Roll sausages and then cut them.
  • Sculpt a cake and cut into portions.
  • Play construction using cars.
  • Play hide and seek, burying small objects in the sand.
  • Play with stamps, leaving different marks on the surface of the sand.
  • Sculpt and cut letters or numbers.
  • Play "excavations", getting buttons and tiny toys out of the sand.
  • Draw with a sharp stick.
