When is the best time to plant eggplant seedlings? The best time to sow eggplant seedlings

Eggplants are distinguished by high palatability, and their pulp contains many useful substances. But at the same time, this vegetable is considered quite capricious, and it is difficult to grow it in open ground. It is important to remember that eggplant can only be cultivated by seedlings. Sowing seeds directly in open ground will not bring positive results.

In this article, we will tell you when and how to plant eggplant for seedlings, how to properly care for seedlings, and what nuances should be taken into account when growing them.

Planting eggplant for seedlings in 2018

The lunar calendar will help determine the optimal time for planting eggplant seedlings, which indicates favorable and unfavorable days for this procedure.

It is important to consider that sowing should be carried out in February, so that the seedlings have time to fully grow stronger before transplanting into open ground. In the southern regions, sowing can be carried out in March, and if you plan to grow a crop for long-term storage, sowing dates can be postponed to April.

The following days are considered favorable for sowing:

  • In February - the 19th, 20th, 27th and 28th;
  • In March - 18, 19, 27 and 28;
  • April 23rd and 24th.

When planning the sowing time, it should be borne in mind that the period of seed germination takes about two weeks, and for the full development of seedlings, another 60 days are required. Accordingly, at least 75 days must pass before landing in open ground.

Seed planting dates

There are no clear terms for planting seeds for growing seedlings, since they directly depend on the climatic conditions of the region where you live.

Figure 1. Lunar calendar for planting flower and vegetable crops

The sowing time is determined individually, on the basis that 75 days are needed for the full development of seedlings. If the crop is planted too early, it will overgrow by the time it is transplanted into open ground, and if it is too late, it will not be sufficiently developed and the optimal moment for transplantation will be missed (Figure 1).

That is why you should decide in advance when you will plant plants in open ground. Next, you need to count 75 days from this moment and you will get the exact date for sowing seeds for growing seedlings.

Growing eggplant

As mentioned above, eggplant is considered a rather capricious crop, and in the process of growing it requires a lot of attention. This applies not only to adult plants, but also to seedlings that will be transplanted into open ground.

The success of growing a crop depends not only on how you take care of the seedlings themselves, but also on how well the pre-sowing seed treatment is carried out.

Seed preparation

The key to successful cultivation is proper pre-sowing seed treatment. Without this, young plants may become sick, or seedlings will appear too slowly.

Note: Before sowing, it is recommended to carry out a disinfecting treatment that will eliminate all pathogens and fungi that may be on the surface of the planting material.

It is not necessary to buy a special solution for processing. For this purpose, improvised means can also be used, for example, ordinary hydrogen peroxide (Figure 2). To do this, add 3 ml of peroxide to 100 ml of water and heat the mixture to 40 degrees. Next, the seeds are soaked in it for 10 minutes, and this procedure is best done immediately before sowing.

Figure 2. Seed treatment before sowing

Processing can also be carried out with a solution of potassium permanganate, or special stimulating preparations can be used for this purpose, which will saturate the seeds with the necessary nutrients and guarantee the rapid emergence of seedlings.


Seeds of culture can be sown immediately in separate containers or cups. In this case, the seedlings will not have to dive, as they will have enough space for full growth.

If you are planting in a large box, picking will become one of the mandatory steps in caring for seedlings. It is carried out when the plants have 2-3 true leaves. This procedure is necessary so that the seedlings get stronger and develop a full-fledged root system before transplanting into open ground.

For picking, use small pots or cups with drainage holes in the bottom. They should be filled with light nutrient substrate, which passes water and air well. Before picking, the soil should be watered with water mixed with wood ash or complex mineral dressing (a teaspoon of the substance per 10 liters of water). Immediately before the procedure, it is recommended to water the seedlings as well, so that they are easier to remove from the ground without damaging the delicate roots (Figure 3).

Figure 3. The main stages of picking seedlings

Plants must be taken out carefully so as not to accidentally damage the root system and destroy the earthen ball. They should be planted in special recesses in the substrate along the cotyledon leaves. You can water the dived seedlings only on the sixth day after the procedure, and the seedlings themselves should be protected from sunlight.

It should be borne in mind that after picking, seedlings slow down in growth for a while. This is absolutely normal, as they need time to adapt and develop the root system.

top dressing

Top dressing is also considered an obligatory step in the care of seedlings. As a rule, they are aimed at accelerating the growth of seedlings and stimulating the formation of the root system.

The amount and timing of fertilization depends on how you planted. For example, for plants planted in separate containers and not requiring picking, top dressing is carried out 7-10 days after germination. If you dive seedlings, fertilizers are applied 10-12 days after the procedure. For this purpose, it is better to use phosphate fertilizers, which have a beneficial effect on the state of the root system.

In the future, feeding is carried out at intervals of 7-10 days. For this, it is recommended to use the Kristallon Special fertilizer, which stimulates the vegetation of the crop.

In the process of fertilizing, plants must be watered so that nutrients are absorbed into the soil and penetrate faster to the roots.

It is difficult to grow seedlings of this vegetable crop, since this crop is very sensitive to growing conditions. But there are practical recommendations that will help grow strong and healthy seedlings.

When caring for eggplant, follow these tips:

  1. Temperature: The optimum temperature for germination is + 20 + 25 degrees. Under these conditions, the first shoots will appear in 5-10 days. If the temperature drops below +13 degrees, crops will completely stop growing and may die.
  2. Lighting: immediately after sowing the seeds, it is advisable to cover the bed with glass or captivity so that a stable temperature and humidity are maintained inside. When the first shoots appear, the shelter is removed, and the plants themselves are transferred to a well-lit place and kept at a temperature of +18 degrees. Under such conditions, the development of the root system is stimulated. if the temperature is higher, the leaves will begin to actively grow, which is undesirable, since the root system is still too weak and will not be able to properly nourish the aerial parts.
  3. Illumination: these vegetables belong to plants of a short daylight hours, therefore, with a lack of sunlight, they must be supplemented artificially. In general, there will be enough lighting for 10-12 hours a day. However, it should be borne in mind that additional illumination should begin no earlier than three weeks after germination.

Planting seedlings is carried out when its age reaches 65-70 days, but it should be borne in mind that by the time of transplanting into open ground, the threat of night frosts should completely pass. Cultivation seedlings are very sensitive to temperature changes, and can die even with slight frosts.

You will find more useful information about growing strong and healthy eggplant seedlings at home in the video.

B aplants, unlike most cultivated plants from Solanaceae family , come from the tropics of the Old World. There are several subspecies of eggplant, we use two in our culture: East Asian and West Asian. Of all known related plants: tomato , pepper ,potato and eggplant, the latter is the most thermophilic and demanding. In the open ground in a temperate climate, eggplant cultivation is possible only through seedlings.

It depends on the climatic conditions of the region when to plant eggplant seedlings. The colder the climate, the longer the seedlings can not be planted in open ground. On the other hand, keeping eggplant seedlings for a long time is also bad. Seedlings that have already thrown out buds do not take root well, usually drop flowers and die more often.
The dates when eggplants can be planted for seedlings are indicated on the seed bag, for each variety they may differ. It is important to consider that the variety has been zoned for your area.
Depending on the variety (early or late) and the method of cultivation (greenhouse or open ground), seedlings are planted 9-11 weeks after sowing the seeds. In central Russia, you can plant eggplant for seedlings according to the following scheme:
- if it is planned to grow eggplants in open ground without shelter, planting of seedlings is carried out after the threat of frost in early June, therefore, it is necessary to plant eggplants for seedlings in mid-late March;
- growing eggplants in a home greenhouse or under temporary shelter requires early sowing in February, plants are planted in the ground in mid-May.

5 rules for growing eggplant seedlings

To get healthy viable seedlings, follow 5 basic rules:

Rule 1: Seeds for better germination should be stimulated before planting

Eggplant seeds are considered difficult to germinate. To improve germination and to reduce the period of seedling development, it is necessary to carry out pre-planting treatment of seed material: bubbling, stimulation, calibration (sorting by size), preventive disinfection.
The use of bubbling will accelerate the germination of eggplant seeds by 2-2.5 times. At home, treat the seeds dissolved in water can be oxygenated using an aquarium compressor. The water temperature should be +19 - 21 °. The duration of the procedure is 24-30 hours (depending on the size of the seeds). Soluble trace elements, as well as disinfectants, can be added to the water. This will allow to combine bubbling and disinfection.
Can be used as a stimulus scarification - damage to the seed coat. To do this, the seeds are mixed with coarse sand.
Soaking is another way when you can plant eggplant seedlings with prepared seeds. There are several options for soaking:
- for 2-3 days in a damp warm cloth;
- for 15 minutes in hydrogen peroxide t + 37-40 ° C, then rinse with warm water;
- in warm water until they settle to the bottom, after - in a weak warm solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water;
- for a day in aloe juice, diluted by half with water;
- in a warm infusion of onion peel and ash for 6 hours, combine two infusions: (a handful of peel per 1 liter of boiling water, leave to cool) + (2 tablespoons of ash per liter of water).
An effective modern method of pre-sowing treatment is the use of preparations Zircon, Baikal EM-1, Reacom, Kendal, Rost concentrate, MS cream, Ivin, Emistim C, Succinic acid, etc. according to the instructions.
Important! Seeds can be already prepared for sowing by the manufacturer (primed, encrusted, coated, processed). These seeds are not soaked.

Rule 2: The substrate must be rich in organic components

Eggplants are not the kind of plants whose seedlings will grow well on sawdust or perlite. The composition of the substrate, in addition to peat, must necessarily include compost or humus, you can add perlite or sand. As a percentage, part of the sand should be no more than 13%.
For growing eggplant seedlings, purchased soil with an acidity of 6.0-7.0 (that is, from slightly acidic to neutral) is suitable.
When preparing the substrate yourself, you can use lowland peat (about 50%) and compost (37-40%). Microelements are added to the prepared soil, for this you can use ash (200 g per 8-9 liters of substrate).

Rule 3: Seeds need high temperatures to germinate and seedlings to grow.

Eggplant seeds germinate at a temperature of + 22-26 ° in 7-15 days after sowing. After that, they are transferred for a week to a cool (+17 °) and bright place (for example, closer to the window frame) so that the sprouts do not stretch, but roots form. A week later, the seedlings will again need a high temperature of + 25-30 °. During the entire period of growing seedlings at night, it is desirable to provide a temperature of +13 ° C. A cool temperature prevents the appearance of a black leg, pulling seedlings, promotes its hardening, and increases the stress resistance of plants.

Rule 4: Sprouts love good lighting

When seeds germinate in February, additional illumination can be used. In March, provided that the seedlings grow on the sunny side near the window, additional lighting is not required.
Eggplants are light-loving plants with short daylight hours. Lighting more than 12-14 hours a day is not good for plants, nor is growing eggplant seedlings on a north window or in the shade.

Rule 5: Avoid Overfilling

Seeds are planted in a moist but not wet substrate. To avoid waterlogging, the soil is well watered and left for several hours. Experts say that it is better to moisten the substrate with rain or snow water.
Before planting, you need to check the soil for excess moisture. To do this, take a handful of earth and squeeze it tightly in a fist. If the substrate sticks together into a dense lump from which water does not flow, the soil is ready for planting. And if, when squeezed, water begins to drip from it, then such soil should be given time to dry out more.
Seedlings do not like high humidity, especially when the temperature drops. Various fungal infections (rot, powdery mildew) immediately appear on them. The soil should not be allowed to dry out either, eggplant is a moisture-loving plant. For irrigation use warm settled water t + 20-22 °.

How to plant eggplant seedlings

Seeds are sown in pallets or boxes with earth. If several varieties of eggplant are planted, the crops are signed, or each variety is sown in different containers. When the first real, and not cotyledonous, leaves appear, the seedlings are transplanted into separate containers.
Eggplant seedlings have a very delicate root system, so they are sensitive to transplants. In order to avoid injury, seeds can be planted immediately in hotel containers. In this case, the dates when eggplants can be planted for seedlings are shifted by one to two weeks, since the plants do not need time to take root after picking. For growing eggplant seedlings, special peat or paper cups are suitable - in this case, the plants are not taken out, but planted immediately in the ground.
Special seedling trays with cells are also a good option, plants can be easily removed from them without damaging the roots. You can use plastic glasses of medium or large size (0.3 and 0.5 l). Before pouring soil into them, a couple of holes must be made in the bottom to avoid stagnant water.
Seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm, moistened with a sprayer. With its help, in the future, crops and young seedlings are carefully watered so as not to erode the soil. Crops are covered with cellophane to create a greenhouse effect. Ventilate daily for 10 minutes, moisturize if necessary. After the emergence of shoots, the cellophane is removed.
If there are a lot of seeds (or inexpensive), practice sowing 3 seeds in 1 cup. The strongest seedling is left, and weak sprouts are pinched off at the base, without disturbing the roots.

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How to care for seedlings

When growing eggplant seedlings, top dressing is carried out. The signal for this will be the leaves losing their brightness. Feed the plant with a soluble fertilizer for seedlings after watering, so as not to burn the roots. The worse the soil was prepared for planting, the more often fertilizers are applied, but not more than 1 time in ten days.
As eggplants grow, they may need to be moved to larger pots. It is believed that for a 25-centimeter seedling with a stem half a centimeter in diameter and seven leaves (this is exactly what is planted in the ground), a 5x5 cm container is enough. At the same time, the containers should be placed at a sufficient distance from each other so that the seedlings do not stretch. If conditions permit, at the last stage it is possible to grow seedlings in larger containers.
Before planting in the ground, the seedlings are hardened. With the onset of warm days in April, they are moved to a glazed balcony or taken out for a short time outside.

Planting seedlings in the ground

Landing in the ground is carried out when warm weather is established. The air temperature should not be lower than + 20 ° during the day, the soil is warmed up to at least + 12 °. At an air temperature below +12 °, the eggplant will stop growing.
In central Russia, seedlings are planted in film greenhouses or tunnels in mid-May, in open ground - in early June. Often eggplant grown in greenhouses . Depending on the variety, a distance is observed during planting, usually 30 cm between plants and 70 cm between rows.
Landing is carried out without disturbing the earthen clod, so as not to damage the roots, in well-filled soil and in holes spilled with warm water, preferably in the evening or in cloudy weather.
When planting, the seedlings are deepened so that the soil level in the soil is 3 cm higher than the soil level in the container. After watering, the plantings are mulched (compost, humus, dry grass or black spunbond ), the seedlings are temporarily shaded. If there is a threat of frost, a non-woven covering material is additionally used. Growing eggplant in greenhouses and greenhouses

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The first step to getting a rich eggplant crop is growing seedlings. This culture is considered one of the most demanding for care, therefore, gardeners treat the cultivation of seedlings with all responsibility.

To grow strong sprouts, it is necessary not only to select high-quality seeds and soil, but also to correctly determine the timing of planting. Usually summer residents begin to sow, since this period is considered optimal for obtaining seedlings by the first heat.

When to plant seeds for seedlings in February

The exact dates when planting eggplants for seedlings in February are determined by each gardener independently, based on the desired date for planting sprouts on the beds and the climatic features of a particular region. However, there are several general rules that should be followed when calculating the time for sowing seeds.

So, first you need to set a date for the transfer of seedlings to a permanent place of cultivation. At this time, stable warm weather should already be established without the threat of cold snaps or night frosts. From this date it is necessary to subtract 45-60 days - the period during which the seedlings reach maturity and they can be transplanted into the garden.

As a rule, the dates for planting seeds fall in the second half of February.

Many gardeners use the lunar calendar when determining sowing time. In this case, favorable days for planting eggplant seedlings in February fall on the 12th, 14th, 23rd and 28th of the month.

Preparing for planting eggplant seedlings

In order to achieve a good result and grow strong seedlings, it is necessary to responsibly treat the preparatory work, which includes the selection and preparation of the soil mixture and the selection and processing of containers.

Buying and preparing seeds

Buying eggplant seeds, like any other crops, should be in trusted specialized stores that sell quality products. Give preference to better zoned varieties that are adapted to growing in certain regions. Before you make a purchase, be sure to check the expiration dates on the package.

Eggplant seeds must be processed before sowing in order to kill all pathogens in them and speed up the appearance of sprouts. To disinfect the seed material, it can be soaked for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Another way to disinfect the seeds: place them for 20 minutes in water heated to +50 degrees, then lower them for 1 minute in cold water, then pour the microelement solution for 12 hours. Next, the grains need to be washed, dried a little and kept in the refrigerator for another day.

Pre-sowing preparation is necessary for seeds that have not been processed in production. Granulated, coated, encrusted and other specially coated seeds can be sown directly into the soil.

Soil preparation

The soil for should be light, fertile and with a neutral level of acidity. It is best to purchase a special soil mixture (substrate) in a gardening store - such soil is saturated with nutrients and has good water and air permeability, moreover, it is disinfected during production.

If it is not possible to buy a ready-made substrate, then you can prepare it yourself, for which you should mix soddy soil, peat and river sand in equal proportions. Such a mixture must be decontaminated before planting seeds in it, since it may contain disease vectors. The substrate must be shed with a solution of potassium permanganate or treated with hot steam.

Tank preparation

When planning to grow eggplant seedlings, it should be borne in mind that this crop does not tolerate transplants well and takes root in a new place for a long time. Because of this, many gardeners prefer to breed seedlings without picking, planting seeds immediately in separate and fairly spacious containers.

For growing seedlings, you can use special cassettes with individual cells, pots, disposable cups, cut plastic bottles, etc. Popular peat tablets are less suitable: eggplant sprouts need to be watered frequently, so peat briquettes can simply get wet.

Having chosen the necessary containers, they should also be disinfected by washing with a solution of potassium permanganate. In addition, several small holes must be drilled in the bottom of each pot (cup, cell, etc.) to remove excess moisture. This is necessary so that the water does not stagnate in the lower layers of the soil and does not turn sour.

How to plant eggplant seedlings

Having determined the days of planting eggplants in February, and having prepared everything you need, you can start sowing. To do this, seedling containers must be filled with soil mixture and spilled with warm water. Next, you need to place the seeds in the soil to a depth of 1-1.5 cm, lightly sprinkle with earth and water again not very abundantly. It is not necessary to deeply deepen the grains, because this way they will take longer to sprout, or even not be able to germinate at all.

Containers with crops must be covered with foil and placed in a warm room with an air temperature of at least +25 degrees. Under such conditions, the first shoots should appear in 10-14 days. After seed germination, the film can be removed, and the temperature in the room can be reduced to + 16-18 degrees for 1-1.5 weeks: this will somewhat slow down the growth of seedlings, preventing them from stretching too much, and harden the plants a little.

Having withstood the seedlings in such conditions for the right time, the temperature regime can be set at a constant level - + 25-27 degrees during the day and + 16-17 degrees at night.

seedling care

In addition to observing the optimal temperature regime, which is described in the previous paragraph, seedlings require regular watering, supplementary lighting and top dressing.


Eggplant seedlings should be watered regularly, while avoiding waterlogging of the soil. It is recommended to moisten the soil only when its top layer dries, spraying moisture through a spray bottle.

Seedlings should be watered with settled water at room temperature. Some gardeners use collected rainwater, but this is not always convenient, so tap water is also suitable.


Eggplants need a fairly long daylight hours (at least 12 hours), so the seedlings have to be illuminated. For this, it is best to use special phytolamps, but in the absence of such, conventional fluorescent lamps can be used. You need to install a light source at a distance of 50 cm from the sprouts.

top dressing

In the process of development, seedlings actively absorb nutrients from the soil, so at a certain stage they need to be fed. It is recommended to apply fertilizer twice: in the phase of the first true leaves and before transferring the sprouts to a permanent place of cultivation. All other top dressing is carried out as needed if the eggplant looks very weak.

As nutrients, you can use special complex fertilizers, which are sold in gardening stores. You need to feed the seedlings in strict accordance with the instructions on the fertilizer package so as not to harm the plants.

Having planted eggplants for seedlings in February, by the end of May, healthy sprouts can be planted on the beds, which will give a good harvest in the future. The main thing is to correctly calculate the time for sowing seeds and adhere to the rules for caring for seedlings.

Good afternoon!! I hope you have already sown seeds for seedlings for and, now it's time for eggplants. Of all the vegetable crops that are grown in Russia, it is the “blue ones” that are considered the most difficult. After all, this vegetable is quite picky, as it loves a lot of light, high air temperature, humidity, friability and nutritional value of the soil.

Therefore, for the growth of eggplant, it is necessary to create favorable conditions. And if you grow good seedlings on your own, then the harvest will definitely be fruitful. So today we will analyze in detail all the intricacies of growing seedlings of this vegetable.

When to plant (sow) eggplant seedlings according to the lunar calendar

So, according to the established tradition, we will first analyze the timing of planting eggplant for seedlings this year. Experienced gardeners and gardeners recommend doing this at the end of February, after or simultaneously with it. Also, sowing seeds can be left in the second half of March.

Now I propose to open the lunar calendar and specifically find out the favorable days for planting eggplant seedlings.

The best days in February are: 18, 21, 22, 25, 26, and in March - 1, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30.

Remember that before the planting of the finished eggplant seedlings in open ground, the plants will need about 2 months.

When choosing a landing day, adhere not only to the phases of the moon, but also to the following rules:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to provide the optimum temperature for seed germination.
  2. Sowing should not be too superficial.
  3. Seedlings with hats should be plucked if it is not a rare variety.
  4. Planting seedlings should be carried out at least 65 days later.
  5. The soil should definitely warm up, and the threat of frost has passed.

It turns out that the optimal age for planting eggplant seedlings in the ground is 60-70 days from the start of sowing seeds, plus we add about 10 days for germination and take into account the favorable planting dates applicable to your region. And following the countdown, it turns out that the sowing of seeds falls on mid-February to the very beginning of March.

It is very interesting that, according to popular signs, eggplants are sown on men's day, that is, February 23, but in tomatoes - on women's, respectively, on March 8th.

Preparation and sowing of seeds for seedlings

And since eggplant is a rather capricious crop, let's take a closer look at all the stages of cooking and sowing seeds.

First you need to select the seed material.

How to choose seed for eggplant seedlings?

  1. Choose seeds depending on the area in which you are going to grow a vegetable. So the seeds must be zoned. After all, choosing a variety for a certain climatic zone, you predict a good harvest.
  2. It is best to use hybrids. Such seed is characterized by accelerated germination, and can also resist diseases and pests.
  3. Consider packaging and expiration dates. Expired seeds should be thrown away, as the seedlings are unlikely to be successful.
  4. If you choose seed pelleted, granulated, glazed, encrusted, then such seeds do not need to be prepared for sowing. Just plant and water them.

Of course, most gardeners and gardeners use their seeds, so they require special treatment.

Seed calibration

Eggplant seeds are relatively average in size and they are quite similar to the eye. But calibration still needs to be carried out, nevertheless, selecting seeds of the same size, since if they are planted in one container, they will give friendly shoots and will develop well, and not drown out each other.

Do not throw away small seeds, they can also be sown.

It's just that seeds of different sizes are always sown in three different containers. But if you come across deformed seeds, or painted in a different color, with spots, then it is better to get rid of them.

Seed suitability check

If you have read my previous articles about tomatoes and peppers, then you already know how to check the seeds for validity. We do the same with eggplants.

So, after sizing, soak the seeds in a 3% saline solution. For one glass, take 1 tsp. with a slide, stir well so that there is no sediment, and then lower the seeds. Those seeds that have surfaced are empty, which means they are not suitable. Rinse the rest with water and dry.

If all the seeds have surfaced, do not rush to throw them away. This happens if the storage conditions were not met. So first germinate such material.


This method can be skipped for eggplants, since the “blue” ones are not tight seeds, but germination can also be used for large seed sizes.

If you wish, you can germinate all the seeds. So, place the selected seeds on gauze and place in a flat container, for example, in a pan and moisten with plenty of water. The seeds should be inside the gauze, and make sure that the fabric does not dry out. Germination temperature should be high, but not higher than 45 degrees.


This stage is necessary if the seeds are not processed from the manufacturer and do not have a special shell.

The most traditional and popular method of seed disinfection is soaking in potassium permanganate. The solution should be 1% and have a fairly saturated, but not dark purple color. Eggplant seeds dipped in such a liquid should be no more than 20 minutes.

By the way, if the soil in which you will sow the seeds is disinfected, then the seeds themselves do not need to be disinfected.

seed stimulation

The stage is optional and is optional, but contributes to the accumulation of nutrients for better seed germination. It does not harm any plants. But the benefit is great.

I will list what are stimulants and growth regulators:

  • Heteroauxin
  • Kornevin
  • Zircon

There are two ways to treat plants with stimulants. So, if the drug is in powder, then the roots, bulbs and cuttings are dipped in water, and then in powder. The seeds are sprinkled with powder. Or you can prepare a solution (from tablets or powder) and immerse plants, seeds in it for the time indicated in the instructions.


This step must be performed if you will grow eggplant in open ground or are going to sow seeds when it is still cold.

To harden, place the seeds in cheesecloth and moisten, then keep for two days in the cold. The most optimal temperature is 0 degrees.

If you grow seedlings at home, then the seedlings themselves will need to be hardened immediately before planting in holes in open ground.

Most gardeners do not advise growing eggplants by sowing in open ground, since we do not have a very long summer, and the vegetables simply do not have time to fully ripen. It is best to grow seedlings in an apartment, and then transplant them into protected ground.

Dive of eggplant seedlings. Cultivation and care

Once you have sized the seeds and prepared them for planting, it's time to start planting and growing them.

To start sowing, you must first prepare soil for seedlings. To do this, the soil must first be disinfected, so you can simply ignite it in the oven.

Since the root system of eggplants is very sensitive, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil mixture. Therefore, it is better not to buy the soil, but make it yourself. Here are a couple of good soil options:

  • Humus (8 parts), mullein with the addition of urea, potassium salts and superphosphate (1 part), soddy land (2 parts).
  • Peat (3 parts) + sawdust (1 part) - since the mixture does not contain nutrients, any solution for growing seedlings should be added.
  • Humus (2 parts) + sod land (1 part).
  • Humus (2 parts) + peat (1 part).

When choosing the option that suits you best, do not forget to mix the mixture until smooth.

What can you grow eggplant seedlings in? In principle, any containers are suitable: boxes, pots, cups.

But remember that eggplants are finicky and have a very capricious root system, so it is better to sow the seeds in separate containers to avoid seedlings diving.

If you choose to sow in cups or pots, then fill them with the prepared mixture by 3/4, and sow the seed in the center, slightly moisten with water and sprinkle with a thin layer of soil. After the cups or pots need to be covered with a film.

Do not compact the soil so that the earth is saturated with oxygen.

If you choose a box, then fill it with soil mixture 7-8 cm and sow the seeds in the furrows, which should be 5 cm apart. Then repeat all the steps, as with sowing in cups.

So, if you plant seeds for seedlings in a box, then in the future the seedlings will need to dive.

When two true leaves appear on your seedlings, the plants can be dive, that is, planted in pots or cups measuring 10 by 10 cm.

Pay attention to the fact that the containers must have holes at the bottom. This is necessary in order to avoid stagnant water. Fill the pots with the same mixture that was sown. And before diving, pour the soil with a solution of wood ash, potassium sulfate or complex fertilizer. Usually, 1 teaspoon of any of the fertilizers is taken for 10 liters of water.

Seedlings themselves need to be watered about 2-3 hours before picking. Carefully and very carefully select the seedling along with the clod of earth, being careful not to damage the roots. Transfer the plant to a new container and sprinkle with soil on the cotyledon leaves. Be careful: there should not be an uncovered section of the stem between the cotyledon leaves and the soil.

After diving, seedlings will slow down growth, as they will form a powerful root system. Therefore, the first days, protect the seedlings from the sun.

Watering is carried out on the sixth day after picking. And then abundantly watered every 5-6 days.

And now we will analyze the issues of caring for eggplant seedlings.

Under the film, the containers in which the seeds are sown must be kept at a temperature of 25-30 degrees Celsius and until the first shoots appear. Usually shoots appear no later than a week later.

As soon as the seedlings appeared, the seedlings should be transferred to a bright place and the temperature should be reduced to 14-16 degrees. Otherwise, the plants will stretch, and their root system will develop worse. Adhere to this temperature for the first week after germination, and only then set the day temperature - 16-26 degrees, and the night temperature - 10-14 degrees.

The humidity in the room should be high enough, if it is low, then periodically cover the plants with a film.

Seedlings should be watered moderately so as not to erode the soil. It is best to water in the morning, while the water temperature should be in the range of 26-28 degrees.

During growth, seedlings should be rotated 2 times a week so that the seedlings do not stretch.

Also, when growing seedlings, you need to alternate watering and top dressing. But, if you initially chose a soil rich in nutrients, and the seedlings themselves are developing well, then carry out light feeding. So, one glass of tea leaves pour 3 liters of boiling water, let it brew for 6 days, and then pour this infusion.

If the land for growing seedlings was chosen, containing a large amount of peat and sand, or the plants do not develop well, and the leaves are light green, then top dressing must be carried out with high quality. Therefore, you can use complex fertilizer for seedlings or cook it yourself.

You need to mix superphosphate (1 teaspoon), potassium sulfate (1 teaspoon), complex fertilizer (2 teaspoons) and dissolve the mixture in 10 liters of water.

You can also use regular wood ash. It must be carefully scattered in a thin layer on the surface of the soil, while trying not to get on the leaves and stems.

Sowing seeds in open ground

As I said above, sowing eggplant for seedlings immediately in open ground is not recommended, but if you still choose this method, then let's look at the features of such sowing.

So, you will need the following materials:

  • eggplant seeds;
  • shovel;
  • humus;
  • bird droppings;
  • mineral fertilizers;
  • film;
  • urea;
  • capacity;
  • gauze;
  • water;
  • mullein solution;
  • peat;
  • manure.

Work process:

1. First of all, you need to choose a suitable place for sowing. It should be sunny and protected from the wind. The soil needs to be dug up and add humus and peat to it. Plus, you can add more manure if your soil is not loamy and not fertile. But the manure should not be rotted.

2. Now you need to form the beds. Their height should be about 30 cm. But the width should not be more than 1 meter. Do the length at your discretion. The bed needs to be leveled and poured abundantly with a hot solution of mullein.

3. Next, take the eggplant seeds and transfer them to a container, fill with water and cover with gauze. Leave it like this for a few days. Wait for them to sprout. Gauze, if necessary, needs to be moistened, so you will maintain the greenhouse effect.

4. After all this, proceed directly to planting seeds in open ground, on prepared beds.

Be sure to check the temperature of the topsoil, it should be at least 15 degrees.

5. Plant the seeds at a shallow depth (2-3 cm), and then water well.

6. Remember that eggplants are afraid of the night cold, so be sure to cover them. To do this, stretch a plastic film over the wire arcs. You can remove it only by mid-July. But if there are cold snaps in the summer, then also cover the plants with a film.

7. For the first weeks, loosen the beds shallowly, as more air will begin to flow to the roots and this will enhance the growth of seedlings.

8. Watering is not frequent. But be sure to spray the plants using a urea-based composition. The soil is moistened 3-4 times a week, and top dressing is carried out every month using bird droppings and mineral fertilizers.

9. If there is a lack of moisture, then the ovaries and “blue” buds will begin to fall off, and the fruits will take on an ugly shape.

In no case should eggplants be planted after nightshade. It is better to choose beds where cucumbers, carrots, onions, cabbage or legumes previously grew.

But it is best to grow eggplant seedlings at home, and only then transplant them into open ground. Since this method allows you to get an early and large harvest.

Video on how to transplant eggplant seedlings into a greenhouse

I think that the majority, after all, eggplants grow seedlings. Therefore, as soon as our seedlings are ready, they will need to be transplanted into open ground or into a greenhouse, that is, to the place where the plant will continue to grow and bear fruit.

I found a very good story for you on how to plant eggplant seedlings in a greenhouse. Look, I think questions and difficulties will not arise.

If you plant eggplants in open ground, then a month before planting, you need to harden the plants. To do this, open the window during the day or take the seedlings to fresh air. And for 2 weeks, spray the plants with a 0.5% solution of copper sulfate. This will help protect the culture from fungal diseases.

Remember that at the time of planting, the plants should have 8-12 leaves.

Usually, eggplants are planted in the greenhouse in the second half of May, and in the ground - not earlier than the beginning of June.

Eggplant is always associated with a purple color and an oblong fruit. But recently, breeders have been offering such an abundance of varieties and hybrids that are unusual in external color and structure, which makes it difficult for the buyer to choose: round, white, striped, black, delight and alarm. Unknown taste, yield, technology of growing seedlings and adult plants. To grow a large crop, and an eggplant bush can form up to 25 fruits, you need to know some of the biological features of these Indian aliens. By fulfilling the requirements for growing (by creating familiar conditions), you will always have a high quality yield, regardless of the variety or hybrid growing in your garden.

Eggplant seedling. © Joel Ignacio

The main requirement of eggplant is the duration of daylight hours (no more than 12-14 hours). Eggplants are plants with a short daylight hours and elongation even by 1-2 hours leads to the fact that in the main warm period (June, July) there is no formation of ovaries. With a decrease in the length of the day (August, September), eggplants intensively form a crop, but much smaller, since 2 main summer months are missed, when there is enough heat and other necessary conditions.

Eggplant varieties, especially old ones, are tied to the length of the day, and this feature is invariable in old varieties. At present, new generations of plants have been created - hybrids and varieties that are insensitive to the length of the day. They can grow in any latitude. Therefore, before going to the market, look at the calendar, which clearly shows the length of the day in your area. Check out the varieties and hybrids of eggplant that experts recommend for your area and go for the purchase of seeds or ready-made seedlings.


Technology for growing eggplant seedlings

Seed preparation

Novice gardeners often buy ready-made seed material on the market or from private traders. This is the first mistake. It is not known what quality and variety the seeds will sell you. Always purchase seed in specialized stores and centers. They are already processed and prepared for sowing. Home-harvested seeds must be varietal; hybrids of the desired crop will not form. In this case, it is better to purchase ready-made seedlings in specialized shopping centers.

Choice of eggplant seeds when buying

When buying seeds, carefully read the instructions on the bag:

  • the name of the variety or hybrid must be clearly indicated, legal information about the producer (telephone, physical address, etc.),
  • when buying a hybrid, give preference to the first generation (label F1). The seeds of this generation are the most resistant to temperature conditions, diseases and pests,
  • the number of seeds in a bag,
  • seed collection date
  • readiness of seeds for sowing (processing).

Self-preparation of seeds for sowing eggplant seedlings

  • To awaken the seeds from biological dormancy and speed up the emergence of eggplant shoots, we warm them in a thermos or hot water. At a water temperature of +45 .. +50 ° C, we lower the seeds in a gauze bundle into hot water for 3-5 minutes (be careful not to boil them).
  • After warming, we pickle (disinfect) eggplant seeds in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate to protect against diseases. We lower the seeds in a gauze bag into the solution for 15-20 minutes and rinse under running water. Instead of potassium permanganate, it is possible to pickle seeds from bacteria and fungi in a solution of one of the biofungicides phytosporin-M, alirin-B, hamair SP, trichodermin, albite according to the recommendations. In this case, the seeds are not washed, but immediately dried to flowability.

Eggplant seeds germinate slowly and need sufficient nutrients in the initial stages. Therefore, they still need to be treated with growth stimulants and nutrients. To reduce the number of seed treatments, it is possible to combine disinfection with biofungicides, growth stimulants (epin, ideal, zircon, and others) and microfertilizers (microvit, cytovit) in the tank mixture.

When preparing the tank mixture, we dissolve each preparation separately according to the recommendations, and then pour it into one container and mix. After warming up, we lower the seed material into the solution for 10-12 hours. Then, without washing, dry at room temperature until flowability.

Eggplant seedling. © Hey! Sam!

The last stage of preparing eggplant seeds for sowing is hardening

Prepared dry eggplant seeds are kept indoors during the day at a temperature of +18..+22 °C, and at night we transfer them to the lower shelf of the refrigerator with a temperature of +2..+3 °C. We repeat this procedure for a week (5-6 days).

After hardening, the seeds are almost ready for sowing. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, eggplant seeds are germinated 2-3 days before sowing. To do this, they are scattered on a damp napkin in a saucer, covered with the same damp cloth on top and placed in a warm, dark place. As soon as the seeds accumulate, they are transferred to a dry litter, dried and started to sow.

Soil preparation for sowing eggplant seeds

The soil mixture for sowing eggplant seeds should be neutral in acidity, light, air and water permeable, moisture-intensive, saturated with nutrients, disinfected from fungi, viruses, bacteria and pests.

  • mature humus 2 parts,
  • soddy land 1-2 parts or 1 part of riding peat (neutral),
  • 1 part sand or semi-rotted sawdust (not coniferous).

You can use another combination:

  • 1 part of humus (biohumus) or 2 parts of high-moor peat,
  • 2 parts of sod or leaf land,
  • you can add 0.5-1.0 part of the sand.

We must disinfect the prepared mixture in the way that is most convenient for you (by heating, calcining, scalding, freezing, or otherwise). After drying the disinfected soil mixture, we revive it by mixing it with Baikal EM-1 biological products, trichodermin, planriz and others. They promote the rapid multiplication of beneficial or effective microflora (EM preparations) and at the same time destroy microbial and fungal pathogens.

If the tillage was carried out in a wet way (solutions), then again we dry the substrate and fill with fertilizers for 1 bucket of soil mixture 30-40 g of nitrophoska and a glass of wood ash. You can make a mixture of fertilizers: 15-20 g of urea, 30-40 g of granular superphosphate, 15-20 g of potassium sulfate or a glass of wood ash. Mix the mixture thoroughly and fill the prepared container with soil.

Eggplant seedling. © Chris Traweek

Sowing dates for eggplant seeds

Eggplants are characterized by a long growing season and slow development. Depending on the duration of the period from germination to technical maturity, eggplants are divided into 3 groups:

  • early,
  • medium
  • later.

In early eggplants, the technical ripeness of the fruit occurs on the 85-90th day from germination, in the middle 90-120 and in the late 120-150 days.

In the southern regions of Russia and other regions, eggplant seeds are sown for seedlings in late February - the first decade of March. Seedlings are planted in open ground from mid-May to the first decade of June. Depending on the timing of fruit ripening, sowing for seedlings is shifted in relation to the first term by 10-12 days.

You can simultaneously sow early, middle and late varieties of eggplant for seedlings, but the timing of transfer to open ground will be different: early eggplant at the age of 45-55 days, medium 55-70 days and late 70-80 days. It is possible to plant seedlings at an earlier date for a permanent basis if it outgrows (stretches) and the weather conditions are suitable.

In the central zone and northern regions of Russia, when planting seedlings in open ground or unheated greenhouses, under temporary shelters, eggplant seedlings are planted at the age of 60-70 days, that is, seedlings are sown on seedlings on the 15th of March. Landing on a permanent basis is extended until the first decade of June, when stable warm weather sets in. Late varieties can also be grown in these regions, but heated greenhouses, additional lighting and other additional conditions are needed (which is unprofitable).

Eggplant. © Brittany Hotard

Technology of sowing eggplant seeds for seedlings

Eggplants do not tolerate transplants well, so it is better to grow seedlings without picking. In the prepared container, moderately moisten the soil mixture. In waterlogged soil, the seeds may suffocate and not sprout. I impose a special lattice with nests 6x6 or 8x8 cm (depending on the habitus of the future bush). In the middle of each nest, I sow 1-2 seeds to a depth of 1-2 cm. With such schemes, from 1 square. m of the total area, the output of seedlings will average 250-150 seedlings.

After sowing, I sprinkle eggplant seeds with the same soil mixture with a layer of 1-2 cm. If sowing is carried out in separate containers (cups, peat-humus pots, special cassettes), I place them in a common box and place them in a warm, dark place. If sowing is carried out in greenhouse soil, I cover the sowing with lutrasil. Seedlings appear in 1.5-2.0 weeks.

If you decide to grow eggplant seedlings through a pick, then it is carried out in the phase of 2-3 true leaves. 2-3 days before picking, they are watered in order to less injure the root system. They are transplanted into containers or containers with a larger feeding area, deepening the plants to the cotyledon leaves. The pick is shaded, the soil is kept moist. Watering is carried out with warm settled water.

Temperature conditions for eggplant seedlings

The temperature regime plays a significant role in growing healthy seedlings. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the recommended temperatures:

  • soil temperature from sowing to germination should be maintained within +20..+28 °C.
  • During the first 2 weeks after germination, the soil temperature drops to +17..+18 °C at night, and is maintained within +20..+22 °C during the day.
  • In the subsequent time, up to the hardening of seedlings, the temperature of the soil at night and during the day is maintained within the post-emergence temperatures.
  • The air temperature in the first week after germination drops to +8..+10 °C at night, and is maintained within +14..+16 °C during the day.
  • In the subsequent time (from hardening of seedlings to hardening of adult seedlings), the air temperature is +11..+14 °C, and during the day it depends on the lighting. On sunny days, you can raise the temperature to +25..+27 °C, and on cloudy days, lower it to +18..+20 °C. A change in air temperature is necessary so that the seedlings do not stretch.
Eggplant seedlings on day 43. © Janetho88

Caring for eggplant seedlings

During the period of growth and development of eggplant seedlings, in addition to the temperature regime, it is necessary to monitor the humidity of the soil and air, feed the seedlings in a timely manner, protect them from pests and diseases, and harden them. Unhardened seedlings when planted in changed environmental conditions become ill and may even die.

When pests (aphids, caterpillars, whiteflies) appear, eggplant seedlings are sprayed with bioinsecticides according to the recommendations (fitoverm, bitoxibacillin, lepidocide and others).

Watering eggplant seedlings

Watering is carried out after 2-3 days with moderate norms of settled water, heated to +20 .. + 25 ° C. After watering, I mulch the soil with dry sand to prevent root rot.

When watering twice a month, I add antifungal biological preparations (Trichodermin, Planriz and other biofungicides) to the irrigation water. They are harmless to humans, which is especially important when growing seedlings in a residential area. Air humidity is reduced by ventilation without drafts.

Feeding eggplant seedlings

I carry out the first dressing in the phase of 2-3 leaves or 1.5-2.0 weeks after picking. I am fertilizing with irrigation water. I am preparing a nutrient solution based on a bucket of water: 5-10 g of urea and 30 g of water-soluble superphosphate. You can prepare a solution from a complete mineral fertilizer by dissolving 30-35 g of nitrophoska in 10 liters of water. After feeding, I wash the leaves with a spray bottle with clean water to prevent chemical burns of young plants.

I spend the second top dressing with the same composition 7-10 days before landing on a permanent basis, but without nitrogen. It is better to carry out the second top dressing with Kemira fertilizer, intended for complex plant care. This fertilizer contains, in addition to the main nutrients, microelements boron, manganese, molybdenum, iron, which will give plants additional energy.

Eggplant seedling. © jesse keen

Seedling hardening

Before landing on a permanent basis (for 2 weeks), I accustom the plants to new environmental conditions. I gradually reduce the frequency of watering, reduce the temperature in the room, for which I take out the container with eggplant seedlings into the corridor or onto the glazed balcony, loggia. At first, I stand the seedlings for 2-3 hours, gradually leaving them for a longer period in a cool room. If there is not enough lighting in the corridor, I turn on additional lighting.

Hardened seedlings prepared for planting should be 16-25 cm high, with 7-9 dark green leaves, 1-3 buds, a well-developed fibrous root system, and a straight stem.

Varieties and hybrids of eggplant

Early ripe eggplant

  • Bibo F1 (87-93 days);
  • Black handsome (60 days);
  • Fabina F1 (40-50 days);
  • Mileda F1 (66-75 days).

Early eggplant

  • Alekseevsky (from germination to harvest 90-100 days);
  • Valentine F1 (90-95 days);
  • Hippo F1 (100-105 days);
  • Quartet (107-122 days);
  • Max F1(90-100 days);
  • Nancy F1 (75-85 days);
  • Lilac fog (102-105 days);
  • Purple miracle (95-100 days).

Eggplant medium

  • Diamond (109-150 days);
  • Comet (118-125 days);
  • Swan (100-130 days);
  • Sailor (104-110 days);
  • Surprise (116-120 days);
  • Ping pong F1 (116-117 days);
  • Pelican F1 (116-117 days).

Eggplant late

  • Mishutka (133-145 days);
  • Sophia (134-147 days).

Early ripe and early eggplants can also be grown through seedlings in the northern regions of Russia. When creating appropriate conditions for protected ground. Medium and especially late ones are suitable only for the southern regions and temperate warm zones of the Russian Federation. When choosing planting material, select zoned varieties and hybrids. They are close to the climatic conditions of the region, the longitude of daylight, and are more resistant to damage by diseases and pests.

Attention! As usual, we ask you to write in the comments to this article about your methods and tricks for growing eggplant seedlings. Please do not forget to indicate in which region you grow them and in what terms you sow and plant them permanently. Thank you!
