How to grow healthy flower seedlings. Flower seedlings in February and early March what to plant

Flowers decorate our lives, and there is no need to prove how important it is for flowers to bloom in the garden. The timing of planting flowers for seedlings depends on which plant you are planting. Cold-resistant perennials can be planted at different times, but for bulbous and flower bed plants, planting dates are limited. Be sure to take into account favorable planting days so that planting flowers for seedlings in 2020 is effective and blooming.

What flowers are sown for seedlings in January

  1. Aquilegia (catchment)
  2. Delphinium perennial
  3. Carpathian bell
  4. Pelargonium
  5. Begonia evergreen
  6. Verbena beautiful
  7. lobelia heliotrope
  8. Primrose
  9. Petunia
  10. Turkish carnation

The best days for sowing flowers for seedlings in January 2020 are January 11, 14, 17 and 18, with an important condition: you can sow flower seeds only if it is possible to illuminate the seedlings.

There is one secret in how to plant flowers for seedlings, if the seeds are very small, such as, for example, then they are laid out on top of compacted moist soil and covered with plastic wrap or glass. As soon as the seeds germinate, the glass is removed.

Larger flower seeds, when planted on seedlings, are deepened.

What flowers to sow in February for seedlings

In February we start planting flowers and usually plant flowers with a long growing season and perennials.

Planting flowers in February for seedlings:

  1. Petunia
  2. Lobelia
  3. Carnation Shabo
  4. Begonia evergreen
  5. lavender angustifolia
  6. Salvia (sparkling sage)
  7. Viola (Wittrock violet)
  8. Heliotrope

Favorable days for planting flowers in February 2020

The timing of sowing flowers for seedlings from seeds is 7, 8, 12, 14.

Flowers are bulbous, tuberous, rhizomatous - 22 - 25.

Unfavorable days for planting flowers in February 2020 - 5, 17 - 19, 27.

The best days in February for planting any plants are 13-16, 28.

Viola or pansies

What flowers to sow in March for seedlings

March is the month when we plant a lot of different seedlings. These are vegetables, herbs, and flowers. To decide which flowers to plant in the country, we provide a list for planting flowers in March.

What flowers are planted in March for seedlings

  1. Echinacea (Rudbeckia)
  2. Fragrant tobacco
  3. Lobularia (Alyssum annual)
  4. Verbena
  5. Azarina climbing
  6. Iberis
  7. Cleoma
  8. Kobe climbing
  9. Coleus
  10. carnation grass
  11. Brachycoma iberisoloista
  12. Snapdragon
  13. Phlox annual
  14. Summer Levkoy (mattiola)
  15. Petunia is an annual, terry and ampelous.

Planting days in March 2020 for flowers

When to plant flowers for seedlings in 2020 when growing from seeds - 1, 2 (until 22.00), 15, 16, 23, 28.

Auspicious days 2020 for planting bulbous, tuberous, rhizome flowers - 23, 24, 28, 29.

The best planting days for flowers in March 2020, they are also suitable for planting any plants - 8–9, 12 (after 19:00) - 14, 17–20.

Also in the flower garden in March, the following work is carried out:

  • purchase of flower seeds and equipment: 8, 21
  • sowing drought-resistant crops and picking: 17–18
  • sowing flowers for seedlings: 8-9, 12 (after 19:00) - 14, 17-20
  • seedling picking: 3-4, 17-18, 21-22, 25-26, 30-31
  • unfavorable days in March 2020: 2 (after 22:00), 3–7, 23–26, 29–31
  • watering any day except: 5–7, 12 (after 22:00), 13–14, 21–22
  • top dressing with watering: 1, 2–4, 8–11, 12 (until 22:00), 19–20, 23–28, 30–31
  • top dressing with dry fertilizers: 5–7, 12 (after 22:00), 13–14, 21–22
  • laying beds and working with soil: 1–4, 8–9, 15–20, 27–28
  • treatment for diseases and pests: 1, 2–4, 8–11, 12 (until 19:00), 17–20, 25–28

Fragrant tobacco

Planting flowers for seedlings in April

April is a warmer month, and some cold hardy flower seeds can be planted outdoors, but it is safer to grow through seedlings. Here, the timing of planting flowers for seedlings can be guessed before leaving for the country and sow them on a favorable day in 2 weeks. Or simply, if you do not have time to do seedlings, and planting days have already arrived. So it will be possible to do it according to the idea and guess what are the best days for planting flowers in April 2020 to start growing flowers.

Names of flowers for planting seedlings in April:

  1. Aster annual
  2. Ageratum
  3. Kochia (summer cypress)
  4. Aquilegia (catchment)
  5. Amaranth
  6. Limonium Suvorov
  7. Venidium
  8. Dahlias annuals
  9. (perennial)
  10. Daisy
  11. Scabious
  12. Tritoma berry (knifofiya)
  13. Celosia
  14. Zinnia graceful

Planting days in April 2020 for flowers

The best days to plant marigolds for seedlings in 2020 and sow flower seeds for seedlings in April 2020 are April 6 - 17.

The best days for planting flowers in April 2020 - bulbous, tuberous, rhizomatous flowers are best planted on April 25, 26, 29.

Flower work in April:

  • purchase of seeds of annuals and seedlings of perennials: 7
  • planting drought-resistant crops in the ground (purslane, young, katran, etc.): 13–14
  • sowing of annual and biennial crops: 7–8, 13–18
  • unfavorable planting days in April 2020 for flower work (planting, dividing, transplanting): 19–23, 26–28
  • watering any day except: 1 (after 19:00), 2–3, 29–30
  • top dressing with watering: 4, 6-8, 17-18, 20-27
  • treatment for diseases and pests: 4, 6–8, 13–14, 21–25

Dahlia annual

What flowers to plant in May

May is a rather capricious month in terms of weather. It can be very hot, but it can also be cold. Therefore, you can plant seeds with annuals that have a short growing season. In addition, until the moment of germination, they lie for 5-7 days in the soil, so they are not afraid of frost. In May, with peace of mind, you can plant seeds in the ground, under the film:

  1. gypsophila
  2. Nasturtium
  3. Marigold
  4. daisies
  5. Nivyanik

When to plant flowers in May 2020

Flowers from seeds - 8, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18.

Flowers bulbous, tuberous, rhizomatous - 23, 28, 29.

  • purchase of seeds, perennial flowers, inventory: 5–6
  • sowing drought-resistant and picking: 10–11
  • sowing letniki in the ground (calendula, nasturtium, etc.): 6–7, 15–16, 21–22
  • planting bulbous and corms (crocosmia, gladiolus,
  • freesia, acidantera, etc.): 5, 12–14, 26
  • picking seedlings of biennials: 17–18, 24–25
  • division and planting of perennials (phloxes, astilbe, geraniums, primroses, etc.): 6–7, 12–14
  • sowing climbers (sweet peas and beans): 15–16
  • unfavorable planting days in May 2020: 24–25, 27–28
  • watering any day except: 6-7, 15-16, 26-28
  • top dressing with watering: 1-4, 19-22, 24-25, 29-31
  • weeding: 21–22, 29–30
  • top dressing with dry fertilizers: 6–7
  • cannot be fed: 12-13
  • treatment for diseases and pests: 1–5, 10–11, 19–22, 29–31


What to plant in June in a flower bed

In the first half of June, seedlings of heat-loving ornamental plants can be planted in open ground:

    • amaranth,
    • balsam,
    • begonia,
  • coleus.

You can also start sowing biennial seeds for seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground. This is:

  • viola,
  • forget-me-not,
  • daisies,
  • turkish cloves,
  • hesperis.

In the second half of June, you can transplant all the remaining late flower seedlings, germinated dahlias, and tuberous begonias into a flower bed and into open ground.

Days for planting flowers in June 2020

Flowers from seeds - 1, 6, 9 - 15.

Flowers are bulbous, tuberous, rhizomatous - 18, 22, 23.

Unfavorable planting days in June are 24–25, 27–28.


Planting flowers in the country

After the question of when to plant seedlings of flowers in 2020 is resolved, you need to decide on the correct planting of flowers. Plants are planted in mature soil. Squeeze a handful of soil in your hand - it should be moist enough to form a lump, but at the same time it should crumble if you throw a lump on a hard surface.

Most often, we plant flowers in the spring at home, and then transplant the flower seedlings into the garden, to the flower bed. Compared to buying seedlings, growing summer and biennials has two advantages: it is cheaper, and the choice of seed species and varieties is much wider.

Try to get flower varieties labeled as F1 hybrids - these are first generation hybrids with more vitality than regular varieties and more attractive flowers. Some perennials can also be grown from seeds, but this requires a lot of time and certain skills.

When planting small plants, the planting hole is covered with soil removed from the same hole. To powder the roots of larger plants, it is better to prepare a planting mixture of 1 part soddy soil, 1 part wet peat and 3 handfuls of bone meal per wheelbarrow.

Two methods of growing flowers in a flower bed are used: planting flower seeds directly in open ground, and growing seedlings of flowers at home.

Two methods are used to grow flowers in a flower bed: planting flower seeds directly in open ground, and growing seedlings of flowers at home, followed by transplanting into a flower garden.

Both methods are suitable for flower growers, they will be able to provide your flower bed with continuous flowering.

Basic rules for planting flower seedlings

For growing seedlings of flowers for your flower garden, if it is not large, a light and warm window sill is enough.

  • in the bottom of a container or cup intended for planting flowers for seedlings before sowing, it is necessary to make holes for water to drain;
  • seeds of large-seeded flowers are best sown in individual containers so as not to damage their roots during transplantation;
  • it is not recommended to add mineral fertilizers to the soil for seedlings of flowers when sowing;
  • the container or cup for sowing should be filled with soil almost to the brim so that the walls of the containers do not block the light needed by the seedlings;
  • when planting flower seeds for seedlings, do not thicken the crops, it will be difficult to separate them when picking;
  • remember that dense seedlings are more likely to suffer from black leg disease;
  • avoid pulling seedlings, put them in a bright and cool place.

What flowers can be planted seedlings

Any wooden boxes, plastic trays with a height of 8 cm or more can serve as containers for crops.

Take the earth fresh, well-permeable to moisture. Before filling the sowing containers, be sure to pass the soil through a sieve with small holes.

Soak the seeds of aster, levkoy, Shabo cloves, sweet peas, then keep them in a room at a temperature of +18 + 20 ° C for 12 hours, then place them in a refrigerator with a temperature close to 0 ° C for the same time, this will increase the cold resistance of plants.

Flower crops such as: aster, ageratum, amaranth, antirrinum, balsam, verbena, Chinese carnation, dahlia, godetia, levkoy, lobelia, nasturtium, purslane, fragrant tobacco, zinnia, etc.

When to plant seedlings and flower seeds in the ground?

Annual flowers that you plan to grow through seedlings can be planted in a permanent place already in bloom.

This gives an undeniable advantage to the seedling method, which allows you to constantly keep the flower garden in a decorative state: tagetes, aster, antirrinum, zinnia, fragrant tobacco, lobelia and many others.

After planting, the plants must be well watered and sprinkled with humus, peat or sawdust on the soil surface, which prevents the formation of a crust.

There are flowers that tolerate transplanting seedlings into the ground poorly - these are poppy, nasturtium, levkoy, morning glory. Such flowers can be successfully grown in a seedless way.

You can plant seeds of cold-resistant plants, for example, asters, calendula, and some heat-loving plants (tagetes, ageratum), directly into the ground.

Cold-resistant annual flowers can be sown in the ground as early as early March.

Seedlings bloom a little later than planted seedlings, but the plants are more powerful, healthy, with a large number of flowers.

Planting flowers in open ground with seeds

Flower seeds are sown in the ground 2 times thicker than when planting seedlings, covering the top with humus soil

Thick shoots of seed flowers should be thinned out as early as possible. They are thinned out again when the plants reach 8-10 cm in height. During the summer, flower care consists of loosening, watering, weeding, and mulching.

Before winter, you can sow asters, antirrinum, cornflowers, etc. They are sown late in the fall, after the first frost, so that the seeds do not have time to germinate. Crops are covered with peat or humus.

From the very beginning of the calendar year, the long-awaited time of activity starts in the life of gardeners. Despite the fact that the summer season is still far away, preparations for it must begin now, and specifically, the seedling growing period has begun, which will last the second half of winter and spring. This is a responsible, pleasant and unusually interesting time. After all, from tiny seeds, with careful care and minimal cost, you can grow healthy, strong seedlings of both garden and ornamental plants, which in the future will become an adornment of the backyard. In the seedling season, the main thing is not to forget about anything, since many important little things affect the development of plants that are completely dependent on their owners.

RELATED ARTICLE: When to plant vegetables for seedlings and in open ground

Flowers are a real decoration of the garden, which is why flowerbeds of various colors and shapes can be seen in almost any summer cottage. Growing these crops is no more difficult, and sometimes even easier, than cultivating fruit-bearing plants. But flowers make it possible to get aesthetic pleasure from being at their summer cottage. How to grow flowers from seeds? When to plant flowers for seedlings and transplant in open ground? How to make seedlings grow healthy and strong? We will try to answer these questions in our article.

Planting dates by month:

Terms of planting flowers by type:

Flowers for seedlings in January

The first month of the calendar year, despite the short daylight hours, is considered the start of the seedling growing season. Ornamental plants with the longest growing season should be sown as early as possible so that they bloom at the usual time.

What flowers are planted for seedlings in January:

Carnation Shabo


Perennials, the seeds of which are laid in January
for preliminary stratification:

  • Clematis
  • Gentian
  • Aquilegia
  • perennial viola
  • bells
  • irises
  • spring bulbous
  • Lavender
  • Delphinium
  • primroses
  • bathing suit
  • Rutovnik
  • jeffersonia
  • Breaker

This month is also worth sowing perennials, which prefer a later sowing, but at the same time need to be scarified. It is better to have time to sow coleus in January if you want to decorate your flower beds and flower beds with bright leaves.

Additional lighting in January is desirable to provide for any seedlings. It is necessary to carefully monitor the seedlings and, at the slightest sign of a lack of light, immediately take action.

Seedling care in January:

  1. Daily ventilation of crops - temporary removal of film or glass.
  2. Very accurate moistening: spray young shoots carefully, only when the soil dries up, control that the soil moisture is light but constant.
  3. Do not feed this month.
  4. Take your time with the dive: stick to the deadlines, but watch the plants themselves, let them get stronger and adapt.

What is important not to forget in January:

  1. Continue to prepare the substrate for sowing seeds and diving seedlings.
  2. Disinfect the soil - calcine, spill with boiling water - in advance.
  3. Take the time to prepare containers for seedlings.
  4. Keep the area where you expose the containers with seedlings clean.
  5. Organize tools and equipment for sowing to make it easier to work.

In February, active planting for seedlings starts. And while most summer growers are still waiting for more daylight hours, this month you should not forget to sow one of the main favorites among the beautifully flowering crops. High-quality preparation in February guarantees a reduction in your workload in March.

What flowers are planted for seedlings in February:







Sage brilliant (Salvia)

In February, lavender and other perennials can be sown for seedlings, the seeds of which have completed stratification or do not need it.

During the whole month, you can continue sowing "January" plants - carnations Shabo, coleus and flowering begonias.

Lighting in February is desirable for any seedlings. It is advisable to compensate for the still insufficient amount of natural light by installing additional lamps, extending daylight hours or increasing the intensity of lighting. You need to continue to observe the seedlings and adjust the lighting for signs of stretching.

Seedling care in February:

  1. Daily airing of containers with sown seeds.
  2. Accurate adaptation of seedlings to non-greenhouse conditions or temperature changes (it is better to stretch the process of removing glass or film for several days).
  3. Sprinkling the substrate to the elongated shoots (along with supplementary lighting will help to avoid many problems).
  4. Gentle wetting by spraying for seedlings. For strong January seedlings that have passed a dive, you can switch to gentle drip or classic watering.
  5. Apply the first dressings for seedlings that have passed the dive no earlier than a week after the dive procedure.
  6. Pinch off shoots to thicken flyers after releasing 5-6 leaves.

What is important not to forget in February:

  1. Take care of the timely replenishment of the stock of the substrate and its pre-treatment.
  2. Continue to prepare containers and dive equipment in advance.
  3. Prepare a place for exhibiting seedlings after a dive, consider its placement and methods for rational use of window sill area.
  4. Make time for a diary of crops, do not be lazy to write down information, because in the rush of spring you can easily forget about something important.
  5. Prepare tags, labels, or other means of identifying the variety and type of plants in advance so that you do not lose sight of anything in the following months and do not waste precious time later.

Flowers for seedlings in March

The first calendar month of spring is, of course, the main month for sowing almost all ornamental plants. There is so much to do in March that it is easy to forget the little things. Active crops should not distract from seedling care and constant monitoring of its condition.

Flowers that are sown for seedlings in March

castor oil

seed processing soaking for 1 day
Sowing dates all March
Seeding depth 1-6 cm, immediately into large pots
The soil standard
Lighting standard bright
Temperature from 12°C, standard room
seedlings from 8-14 days
Dive if necessary, transfer to large pots
hardening in two weeks
Landing in the soil third decade of May - first decade of June
landing distance 1-3 m
Difficulties susceptible to "sulphuric leg", very fast growth


seed processing soak for 10 min. in a solution of fungicide or potassium permanganate
Sowing dates all March
Seeding depth 3-5 mm
The soil standard
Lighting standard bright
Temperature room, for germination preferably above 25°C
seedlings from 5 days
Dive after 1.5-2 weeks, preferably in peat pots
hardening in two weeks
Landing in the soil the beginning of June
landing distance from 30 cm
Difficulties prone to disease

Flowers that are sown in March without seed treatment:

Violets (Viola, Pansies)

Phlox Drummond

decorative cabbage






Fragrant tobacco

Also in March, snapdragons, levkoy, coleus, kobe, carnation-grass, venidium, alissum, azarin, brachicoma, cleoma, penstemon are sown for seedlings.

Flowers that can continue to be sown in March:

  • Lobelia (first decade)
  • Petunia (first and second decade)
  • Pelargonium
  • Letniki of February sowing, the flowering of which they want to postpone to a later date.

Perennials that prefer March sowing: Iberis, Nivyanik, Echinacea and all plants in which the stratification period ends in March.

In the southern regions in April, you can start planting seedlings of annuals and perennials in the soil, with the exception of the most heat-loving species.

Lighting in March is desirable, but not required. If the weather does not indulge in sunny days, and the seedlings show signs of insufficient lighting, then it is better to start lighting the plants in a timely manner. It is advisable to pay special attention to this issue at the beginning of the month.

Seedling care in March:

  1. Daily ventilation of seedlings under glass or film.
  2. Accurate watering with soil moisture control. If you accidentally overflow, do not hesitate and immediately take measures to sand the substrate, reduce soil moisture.
  3. Top dressing to strengthen seedlings and stimulate growth (carry out only after the full adaptation of the picked plants).
  4. Pinching and other shaping methods for bushy plants.
  5. Sprinkling of soil when pulling seedlings or signs of its compaction.
  6. Carefully inspecting plants and responding to the slightest signs of problems found.

What is important not to forget in March:

  1. Continue preparing the substrate and containers in your spare time.
  2. Do not forget to systematize the information and carefully note the procedures performed.
  3. Prepare a place on the balcony or where you plan to take the seedlings out on warm days for stabbing.
  4. Start preparing containers and means of transporting seedlings to the site, think about what and how you will transport it.

April is considered the month of active care for ornamental plants and the start of hardening, but you should not forget about crops either. It is in April that the seeds of plants with a short growing season and crops designed for the second half of the season are sown.

Flowers that sow seedlings in April
with seed pretreatment:


seed processing soaking until pecking (in a damp cloth)
Sowing dates first half of April
Seeding depth 1 cm, directly into peat pots or individual cells
The soil standard
Lighting standard bright
Temperature 22-24°C
seedlings from 2-3 days when soaking
Dive do not carry out, when pulling seedlings, they deepen it
hardening at the end of May, at least 10 days
Landing in the soil first half of June
landing distance 30-35 cm
Difficulties does not like transplants, adventitious roots are easily injured


seed processing like pre-sprouting on wet tissue
Sowing dates beginning of April
Seeding depth 0.5-1 cm, not thick
The soil standard, drainage is laid at the bottom of the containers
Lighting standard bright, shade before emergence
Temperature 22-25°C for seedlings and 18-22°C for seedlings
seedlings from 3-7 days
Dive only thickened seedlings, buried to the cotyledons
hardening 10 days before departure
Landing in the soil end of May - beginning of June, with a depth of 5 centimeters
landing distance from 20 to 40 cm
Difficulties when thickened, suffers from black leg



Flowers that are sown for seedlings in April
without pre-treatment of seeds:









Flowers that can continue to be sown in April:

  • Asters (first decade)
  • Dahlias (beginning of the month)
  • Letniki, whose flowering they want to delay for the second half of the season

As a rule, seedlings of ornamental plants do not need additional lighting in April. An exception is extremely unfavorable cloudy weather, from which young shoots may suffer. For them, when pulling out, it is better to organize additional lighting.

Seedling care in April:

  1. Daily removal of film or glass from crops.
  2. The start of active watering for growing seedlings (but you still need to control the soil moisture and focus on the rate of its drying). Careful moisturizing of young shoots continues this month.
  3. Top dressing for picked plants and weakened seedlings.
  4. Careful ventilation of the premises and an increase in the access of seedlings to fresh air.
  5. The first hardening procedures, taking the seedlings of the first sown plants to fresh air on warm days (start with a few hours, and then leave the plants for an increasing period until nighttime temperatures allow the plants to remain outdoors permanently).
  6. Continued formation for plants with a bushy form of growth and a large number of shoots.

What is important not to forget in April:

  1. Maintain cleanliness in places where seedlings are located.
  2. Make sure there is enough soil and containers to pick up all the plants.
  3. Organize convenient ways to carry seedlings to fresh air, think about its movement and placement.
  4. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and temperature readings so that you don't miss the opportunity to start hardening early.

Flowers for seedlings in May

May is the month when most plants go through the hardening process and finally get the opportunity to take their place in the garden. True, active planting for most plants is possible only in the second half of May. In many ways, the work this month depends on the weather and its vagaries. An individual approach is the best guarantee that you will not lose seedlings as a result of negligence.

Flowers that are planted in open ground in May in the middle lane:

  • Carnation Shabo, levkoy, cineraria, sweet peas, all types of violets, as well as other annuals that are cold-resistant crops.
  • Seedlings of herbaceous perennials, grasses and other perennials.
  • Seedlings of herbs and ground covers.
  • Plants for potted gardens, containers, ampels.

Flowers that are planted in open ground in May in the southern regions:

  • All decorative annuals
  • All ornamental perennials

Seedling care in May:

  1. Reduce watering, do not apply fertilizer to prepare plants for planting (but do not deviate from individual recommendations for plants).
  2. Start or continue hardening seedlings by taking them out into the open air, and in warm weather, leaving them there even overnight about 10-12 days before planting in the soil. In the third decade of the month, start hardening seedlings of heat-loving ornamental plants that you plan to plant in June. By this time they should be in the open air. Watch for return frosts and bring plants indoors on cold nights.
  3. Provide shading and stable soil moisture for planted ornamental plants.

Since the seedlings of most plants must be transported to the site this month, do not ignore the organizational chores and think about transportation and carrying in advance. Make sure you have enough pallets and crates for transport, study how many plants you can transport at a time and make a schedule. The better prepared you are, the easier it will be to deal with any problems.

Do not forget that the seedling planting sites must be prepared in advance. Improve the soil in a timely manner, apply organic and mineral fertilizers, take care of the preparation of drainage materials. Store tools and utensils so that at a convenient moment you do not waste extra time and energy searching.

Flowers for seedlings in June

For seedlings in June, biennials begin to be sown (on seedling beds and in greenhouses). But the main scope of work in the first month of summer is associated with the transfer of the most heat-loving plants to the garden.

Flowers that are planted in open ground in June:

  • The most thermophilic flyers.
  • Plants with lush flowering for a quick decoration of the site.

The care that seedlings and planted plants will need in June should be enhanced. After transferring to a permanent place for adaptation of the plant, it is necessary to provide additional watering and monitor soil moisture. The most sensitive and capricious cultures may need short-term shading. Don't start top dressing right away, even for lush summers: let the plants adapt and use the soil resources. Do not forget to install supports in a timely manner and tie up plants that need it.

Already from the beginning of the new calendar year, the long-awaited time of activity starts in the life of every gardener. And although the actual garden season is still very far away, you won’t be bored anymore: the seedling growing period begins, which will take the entire second half of winter and spring. He is responsible, and pleasant, and unusually interesting. Indeed, from tiny seeds, with proper care and careful care (and minimal cost), you can grow healthy, strong seedlings of ornamental plants that will become a true decoration of the garden. In the seedling season, the main thing is not to forget about anything, since a lot of important little things affect the development of plants that are completely dependent on their owners.

Seedling of flowers. © The Garden of Eaden

Planting calendar by month:

Planting dates for plants:

What to plant for seedlings in January?

The first month of the year, despite the short daylight hours, is usually considered the start of the seedling growing season. Ornamental plants with the longest growing season should be sown as early as possible so that they have time to bloom at the usual time.

Crops that are sown for seedlings in January:

Carnation Shabo


Perennials, the seeds of which are laid in January for preliminary stratification:

  • clematis;
  • gentian;
  • aquilegia;
  • perennial violas;
  • bells;
  • irises;
  • spring bulbous;
  • lavender;
  • delphinium;
  • primrose;
  • swimsuit;
  • rutovnik;
  • jeffersonia;
  • breaker

This month is also worth sowing perennials, which prefer a later sowing, but at the same time need to be scarified. It is better to have time to sow coleus in January if you want to decorate your flower beds and flower beds with bright leaves.

Additional lighting in January is desirable to provide for any seedlings. It is necessary to carefully monitor the seedlings and, at the slightest sign of a lack of light, immediately take action.

Care that seedlings will need in January:

  1. Daily ventilation of crops - temporary removal of film or glass.
  2. Very accurate moistening: spray young shoots carefully, only when the soil dries up, control that the soil moisture is light but constant.
  3. Do not feed this month.
  4. Take your time with the dive: stick to the deadlines, but watch the plants themselves, let them get stronger and adapt.
  1. Continue to prepare the substrate for sowing seeds and diving seedlings.
  2. Disinfect the soil - calcinate, spill with boiling water - in advance.
  3. Take the time to prepare containers for seedlings.
  4. Keep the area where you expose the containers with seedlings clean.
  5. Organize tools and equipment for sowing to make it easier to work.

What to plant for seedlings in February

In February, active planting for seedlings starts. And while most summer growers are still waiting for more daylight hours, this month you should not forget to sow one of the main favorites among the beautifully flowering crops. High-quality preparation in February guarantees a reduction in your workload in March.

Crops that are sown for seedlings in February:







sage brilliant

In February, lavender and other perennials can be sown for seedlings, the seeds of which have completed stratification or do not need it.

Throughout the month, you can continue sowing "January" plants - carnations Shabo, coleus and flowering begonias.

Lighting in February is desirable for any seedlings. It is advisable to compensate for the still insufficient amount of natural light by installing additional lamps, extending daylight hours or increasing the intensity of lighting. You need to continue to observe the seedlings and adjust the lighting for signs of stretching.

  1. Daily airing of containers with sown seeds.
  2. Accurate adaptation of seedlings to non-greenhouse conditions or temperature changes (it is better to stretch the process of removing glass or film for several days).
  3. Sprinkling the substrate to the elongated shoots (along with supplementary lighting will help to avoid many problems).
  4. Gentle wetting by spraying for seedlings. For strong January seedlings that have passed a dive, you can switch to gentle drip or classic watering.
  5. Apply the first dressings for seedlings that have passed the dive no earlier than a week after the dive procedure.
  6. Pinch off shoots to thicken flyers after releasing 5-6 leaves.

Other things to keep in mind:

  1. Take care of the timely replenishment of the stock of the substrate and its pre-treatment.
  2. Continue to prepare containers and dive equipment in advance.
  3. Prepare a place for exhibiting seedlings after a dive, consider its placement and methods for rational use of window sill area.
  4. Make time for a diary of crops, do not be lazy to write down information, because in the rush of spring you can easily forget about something important.
  5. Prepare tags, labels, or other means of identifying the variety and type of plants in advance so that you do not lose sight of anything in the following months and do not waste precious time later.

Seedlings of annual and perennial flowers. © Anya

What to plant for seedlings in March

The first calendar month of spring is, of course, the main month for sowing almost all ornamental plants. There is so much to do in March that it is easy to forget the little things. Active crops should not distract from seedling care and constant monitoring of its condition.

Crops that are sown for seedlings in March with preliminary seed treatment:

castor oil


Crops that are sown this month without seed treatment:


Phlox Drummond

decorative cabbage






Fragrant tobacco

Also in March, snapdragons, levkoy, coleus, kobeya, carnation-grass, venidium, alissum, azarin, brachicoma, cleoma, penstemon are sown for seedlings.

Plants that can continue to be sown in March:

  • lobelia (first decade);
  • petunia (first and second decade);
  • pelargonium;
  • other annuals of February sowing, whose flowering they want to postpone to a later date.

Perennials that prefer March sowing: iberis, leucanthemum, echinacea and all plants in which the stratification period ends in March.

In the southern regions in April, you can start planting seedlings of annuals and perennials in the soil, with the exception of the most heat-loving species.

Lighting in March is desirable, but not required. If the weather does not indulge in sunny days, and the seedlings show signs of insufficient lighting, then it is better to start lighting the plants in a timely manner. It is advisable to pay special attention to this issue at the beginning of the month.

Care that seedlings sown in January will need:

  1. Daily ventilation of seedlings under glass or film.
  2. Accurate watering with soil moisture control. If you accidentally overflow, do not hesitate and immediately take measures to sand the substrate, reduce soil moisture.
  3. Top dressing to strengthen seedlings and stimulate growth (carry out only after the full adaptation of the picked plants).
  4. Pinching and other shaping methods for bushy plants.
  5. Sprinkling of soil when pulling seedlings or signs of its compaction.
  6. Carefully inspecting plants and responding to the slightest signs of problems found.

Other things to keep in mind:

  1. Continue preparing the substrate and containers in your spare time.
  2. Do not forget to systematize the information and carefully note the procedures performed.
  3. Prepare a place on the balcony or where you plan to take the seedlings out on warm days for stabbing.
  4. Start preparing containers and means of transporting seedlings to the site, think about what and how you will transport it.

Seedlings of marigolds. © pegplant

What to plant for seedlings in April

April is considered the month of active care for ornamental plants and the start of hardening, but you should not forget about crops either. It is in April that the seeds of plants with a short growing season and crops designed for the second half of the season are sown.

Crops that are sown for seedlings in April with preliminary seed treatment:


seed processing soaking until pecking (in a damp cloth)
Sowing dates first half of April
Seeding depth 1 cm, directly into peat pots or individual cells
The soil standard
Lighting standard bright
Temperature 22-24 degrees
seedlings from 2-3 days when soaking
Dive do not carry out, when pulling seedlings, they deepen it
hardening at the end of May, at least 10 days
Landing in the soil first half of June
landing distance 30-35 cm
Difficulties does not like transplants, adventitious roots are easily injured


seed processing like pre-sprouting on wet tissue
Sowing dates beginning of April
Seeding depth 0.5-1 cm, not thick
The soil standard, drainage is laid at the bottom of the containers
Lighting standard bright, shade before emergence
Temperature 22-25 degrees before shoots and 18-22 degrees for seedlings
seedlings from 3-7 days
Dive only thickened seedlings, buried to the cotyledons
hardening 10 days before departure
Landing in the soil end of May - beginning of June, with a depth of several centimeters
landing distance from 20 to 40 cm
Difficulties when thickened, suffers from black leg



Crops that are sown for seedlings in April without pre-treatment of seeds:









Plants that can continue to be sown in April:

  • asters (first decade);
  • dahlias (beginning of the month);
  • letniki, whose flowering they want to delay for the second half of the season.

As a rule, seedlings of ornamental plants do not need additional lighting in April. An exception is extremely unfavorable cloudy weather, from which young shoots may suffer. For them, when pulling out, it is better to organize additional lighting.

Care that seedlings will need in April:

  1. Daily removal of film or glass from crops.
  2. The start of active watering for growing seedlings (but you still need to control the soil moisture and focus on the rate of its drying). Careful moisturizing of young shoots continues this month.
  3. Top dressing for picked plants and weakened seedlings.
  4. Careful ventilation of the premises and an increase in the access of seedlings to fresh air.
  5. The first hardening procedures, taking the seedlings of the first sown plants to fresh air on warm days (start with a few hours, and then leave the plants for an increasing period until nighttime temperatures allow the plants to remain outdoors permanently).
  6. Continued formation for plants with a bushy form of growth and a large number of shoots.

Other things to keep in mind:

  1. Maintain cleanliness in places where seedlings are located.
  2. Make sure there is enough soil and containers to pick up all the plants.
  3. Organize convenient ways to carry seedlings to fresh air, think about its movement and placement.
  4. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and temperature readings so that you don't miss the opportunity to start hardening early.

What to plant for seedlings in May

May is the month when most plants go through the hardening process and finally get the opportunity to take their place in the garden. True, active planting for most plants is possible only in the second half of May. In many ways, the work this month depends on the weather and its vagaries. An individual approach is the best guarantee that you will not lose seedlings as a result of negligence.

Crops that are planted in open soil in May in the middle lane:

  • carnation Shabo, levkoy, cineraria, sweet peas, all types of violets, as well as other annuals that are cold-resistant crops;
  • seedlings of herbaceous perennials, cereals and other perennial plants;
  • seedlings of herbs and ground covers;
  • plants for potted gardens, containers, ampels.

Crops that are planted in open soil in May in the southern regions:

  • all decorative annuals;
  • all ornamental perennials.

Care that seedlings will need in May:

  1. Reduce watering, do not apply fertilizer to prepare plants for planting (but do not deviate from individual recommendations for plants).
  2. Start or continue hardening seedlings by taking them out into the open air, and in warm weather, leaving them there even overnight about 10-12 days before planting in the soil. In the third decade of the month, start hardening seedlings of heat-loving ornamental plants that you plan to plant in June. By this time they should be in the open air. Watch for return frosts and bring plants indoors on cold nights.
  3. Provide shading and stable soil moisture for planted ornamental plants.

Since the seedlings of most plants must be transported to the site this month, do not ignore the organizational chores and think about transportation and carrying in advance. Make sure you have enough pallets and crates for transport, study how many plants you can transport at a time and make a schedule. The more prepared you are, the easier it will be to deal with any problems.

Do not forget that the seedling planting sites must be prepared in advance. Improve the soil in a timely manner, apply organic and mineral fertilizers, take care of the preparation of drainage materials. Store tools and utensils so that at a convenient moment you do not waste extra time and energy searching.

Seedling asters. © Crazy Gardner

What to plant for seedlings in June

For seedlings in June, biennials begin to be sown (on seedling beds and in greenhouses). But the main scope of work in the first month of summer is associated with the transfer of the most heat-loving plants to the garden.

Crops that are planted in open soil in June:

  • the most thermophilic letniki;
  • plants with lush flowering for a quick decoration of the site.

The care that seedlings and planted plants will need this month should be enhanced. After transferring to a permanent place for adaptation of the plant, it is necessary to provide additional watering and monitor soil moisture. The most sensitive and capricious cultures may need short-term shading. Don't start top dressing right away, even for lush summers: let the plants adapt and use the soil resources. Do not forget to install supports in a timely manner and tie up plants that need it.

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What flowers are sown for seedlings

First you need to figure out for yourself which flowers can be propagated by seedlings. These include annuals, biennials, and perennials. Of the annual flowers for seedlings, those that have a long growing season, or if you want the flowers to bloom early, are most often sown. In principle, you can grow seedlings of any flowers, except for those that do not tolerate transplanting.

Most often, seeds of the following flowers are sown for seedlings: Shabo carnation, lobelia, petunia, cineraria, snapdragons, sweet peas, zinnia, marigolds, nasturtium, kosmeya, calendula, mignonette, geranium, gerbera, gaillardia, viola, pansies, primrose, balsam , begonia, verbena, ageratum, aster, clarkia, phlox, levkoy, salvia, godetia, lupine, lavatera and many others.

When to plant flower seedlings

Sowing flower seeds for seedlings in January

Before all other flowers, we sow seedlings of Shabo carnation, in which flowering occurs 5-6 months after sowing, and tuberous begonia, which needs 5.5-6.5 months to bloom. In begonias sown in December-January, tubers form better and are stored longer than those sown in March. The seed bag usually indicates how long it should take from sowing the seeds to the start of flowering, and the longer the time period, the earlier the seeds should be sown. During this period, seedlings of flowers are sown, the seeds of which must undergo mandatory stratification - stimulation with low temperature.

These include aquilegia, spring and stemless gentian, arizema, clematis, princes, bathing suit, rutovnik, jeffersonia, perennial violet, breakwort, alpine bellflower, irises, many bulbous, backache, lavender, primrose. In January, you need to sow tight-growing perennial seeds with a thick or dense shell, if for some reason you do not want to scarify them - mechanically damage or remove the seed coat.

Sowing flower seeds for seedlings in February

In the second month of winter, we continue to sow flowers with a long germination period. It is not too late to sow the seeds of Shabo carnation and flowering begonia. In addition, it is time to plant those plants that feel good both in the garden and at home - fuchsias, balsams, pelargoniums, as well as early flowering summers for hanging baskets that decorate loggias, balconies and glazed terraces - petunia and lobelia, For example.

Seeds of narrow-leaved lavender, sparkling salvia, Wittrock's viola and heliotrope are sown in February. However, it should be borne in mind that the seedlings of some flowers will need a long daylight hours, and you will have to arrange additional lighting for them.

Sowing flower seeds for seedlings in March

In March, you can plan the cultivation of seedlings of echinacea, fragrant tobacco, verbena, iberis, lobularia, climbing kobe, cleoma, bluebells, grass carnations, annual phlox, snapdragons, matthiola (levkoy), brachykoma iberisoloist and climbing azarina, as well as those flowers, which you for some reason did not sow in February.

In the first half of March, you can sow flower seeds that grow well both in the garden and at home - pelargonium, coleus, kufei.

In the second half of March, we sow the seeds of seedlings of such annuals: Drummond's phlox, celosia, helichrysum, alyssum, venidium, ageratum, arctotis, annual aster, penstemona, castor bean.

Sowing flower seeds for seedlings in April

In April, elegant zinnia, tritoma berry (or knifofiya), scabiosa, daisy, perennial delphinium, annual dahlia, cornflower, milkweed, gatsania, helipterum, godetia, morning glory, calendula, xerantenum, fragrant mignonette, scabiosa, Suvorov's limonium, amaranth are sown on seedlings , aquilegia, kochia (summer cypress), marigolds, as well as those flowers that you did not have time to sow in March - annual aster, venidium, ageratum, lobularia.

How to grow flower seedlings

flower seedling pots

Readers often ask: What is better to grow seedlings - in boxes or in pots? Of course, it’s better in pots - you sow in a separate container, and then you don’t have to deal with picking seedlings. The seedling is not injured, the risk of infection with rot is minimized. However, seedlings at home are usually kept in loggias and on window sills, and there is not much space there. If you are not a fan of the seedling method, and you only need three or four containers for seedlings, then, of course, it is better to use pots for seedlings.

But if you have big plans, then it is better to use plastic trays for seedlings with pallets, cups or boxes. Do not get carried away with cardboard containers, especially from under dairy products - now they are treated with some substances that, evaporating, oppress the barely hatched shoots, which is why they freeze and do not develop. The container must be environmentally friendly so that the flower seedlings do not experience discomfort.

The best containers for seedlings are peat pots. Their porous walls provide moisture and air exchange of the root layer of the soil, grown seedlings can be planted in open ground directly in them, without injuring the roots of young plants by extracting them from the container. These pots do not contain any toxic substances or disease-causing organisms, they are quite durable both dry and wet.

A good container for growing medium-sized plants are peat seedling tablets, which swell when soaked and form a kind of cup filled with peat substrate. This is an ideal utensil for seedlings, but small plastic disposable cups for food liquid, and large seedling boxes are suitable as utensils for crops. The main thing is that there are drainage holes in the bottom, and under the bottom there is a tray for excess water.

Soil for flower seedlings

Land for seedlings should be distinguished by such qualities: looseness, lightness and porosity of consistency, it should pass air well and retain moisture, and also meet the requirements of the crop that you intend to grow in it.

The following components are unsuitable for soil preparation: composts of any kind, leafy soil (rotted leaves), rotted manure, wood shavings, low-lying unprocessed peat, untreated sod land, chopped straw, hay dust, sawdust of wood impregnated with creosote or treated with varnish, unwashed sea sand , quarry sand, unwashed from clay.

Used for soil preparation: high-moor peat, frozen or weathered lowland peat, meadow sand or sandy loam, but not garden sand, soddy land after heat treatment, sphagnum moss, crushed coniferous bark, dry needles, grain husks, crushed peanut shells, river and quartz sand , perlite, vermiculite, agroperlite, granulated polystyrene, crushed pumice and expanded clay. A classic example of a seedling substrate: 65-70% sawdust, 25-40% sand.

You can buy potting mix for seedlings in the store - now there is a huge selection of soils for seedlings. For example, Flower soil from the Living Earth series, Flora, Garden Earth, Violet, Universal soils, and so on. In order to choose the soil you need, you need to know exactly in which substrate your seedlings will grow best, as well as study the composition of the soils offered in the store.

Pay attention to the composition of fertilizers in ready-made soil mixtures - their excess can prevent you from seeing your plants bloom. If the amount of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen in the soil is in the range of 300-400 mg / l, it can only be used as a component for a seedling mixture or for picking adult seedlings into it, but it is undesirable to sow seeds in such soil, since the seedlings will be lush green, but buds will not form.

Do not use garden soil as a substrate for seedlings, as it is unbalanced in mineral composition and contains pathogenic microflora and pest larvae. But the soil for cacti for growing seedlings is suitable, but before sowing, its acidity should be corrected by adding dolomite flour, if necessary. Soil for seedlings, purchased or compiled by you, it is advisable to sterilize in the oven or microwave before sowing.

Well, remember about peat tablets - in many cases this is really the best solution.

Flower seedling lamps

At the end of winter or the beginning of spring, the days are still short, and the growing seedlings do not have enough daylight to develop, so sometimes you have to create artificial lighting for them. What lamps are better to use for this, and how to properly organize the backlight? Immediately exclude incandescent lamps from the list, as they emit an excessive amount of heat, but do not emit the rays the plants need. The choice must be made between energy-saving lamps and phytolamps.

From energy-saving lamps for seed germination, induction should be chosen. Lamps with a warm spectrum will be needed to illuminate seedlings that have entered the flowering phase, and energy-saving daylight spectrum lamps are suitable for highlighting seedlings throughout the entire growing cycle. Install these lamps perpendicular to the seedling boxes.

Among the huge number of phytolamps, LED, halogen, sodium and fluorescent lamps are most often used to illuminate seedlings. Florists usually choose fluorescent lamps because they produce almost no heat, consume little electricity and offer a full spectrum of colors. The advantage of LED lamps is their durability and low power consumption, in addition, they can emit red and blue colors, which stimulates the rapid growth of seedlings.

In halogen lamps, the level of heat transfer decreases over time, so they are used much less frequently. Sodium lamps are installed to illuminate seedlings of small volumes. For example, one 100 W lamp is enough to illuminate seedlings located on a one and a half meter windowsill. When choosing a phytolamp, consider which lamps suit you best - wall, ceiling or compact, giving a directional beam.

flower seedling care

Watering flower seedlings

The first watering of the soil is carried out even before sowing, since the seeds are sown in moist soil, but then, until the very emergence of seedlings, the soil is not watered - as a rule, under glass or under a film, the soil remains wet for a long time. Sprouted seedlings after removing the film are watered regularly so that the soil is always moist, but not wet. With prolonged waterlogging of the soil, there is a danger of rotting of the roots. It is desirable to moisten the soil with seedlings in the first half of the day, since evening watering leads to the fact that the plants are stretched and grow painful and weak.

Water for watering seedlings should be defended for 2-3 days. Good results are obtained by watering seedlings with melt water, especially before planting in open ground. Dahlias, fragrant tobacco and nasturtium require frequent watering. And petunia, phlox, purslane, asters, snapdragons, marigolds and zinnia need to be watered only when the topsoil dries. Water temperature for irrigation should be at least 21 ºC. Watering is carried out in different ways: under the root, spraying from a sprayer, the bottom watering method is also used - it all depends on what kind of seedlings you grow.

Temperature for flower seedlings

After you bought and sterilized the seedling substrate, put it in a container, kept the seeds in Zircon or Epin (this does not apply to purchased seeds that are already prepared for sowing), spread the seeds on the surface, slightly pressed into the substrate, sprinkle them with a layer of soil , the thickness of which depends on the size of the seed - the depth of placement should be three times. In some cases, the seeds are not covered at all, but only pressed against the surface of the soil.

If you sowed in dry soil, moisten the crop, but only with a spray bottle. Now it's time to build a greenhouse for seedlings. Usually for this it is enough to cover the container with a film or glass. Sometimes, in order to accelerate the germination of hard-to-see seeds, it is necessary to arrange the bottom heating of the container with sowing to a temperature 2-3 ºC higher than in the room. In any case, you should not keep the container on a cold windowsill, because in addition to good lighting, seeds need warmth to grow. Therefore, place the seeds on a piece of foam or other support so that there is a gap between the windowsill and the sowing box.

The ideal temperature for seed germination of heat-loving crops can be considered 25-30 ºC, and for cold-resistant crops 18-15 ºC. When shoots appear, and the greenhouse for seedlings is no longer needed, the glass or film is removed, and further development of the seedlings occurs at a temperature of 20 ºC. Of course, these are general recommendations - each plant has its own requirements for both lighting and temperature.

If you purchased the seeds in a store, the factory packaging should have instructions or recommendations on how to sow the seeds of this particular plant. But if there are no instructions or recommendations on the package with seeds, our site will always be happy to provide you with the information you need, remember this.

Transplanting flower seedlings

Seedling picking should be carried out on time when the seedlings develop the first two true (not cotyledon) leaves. If you delay the transplant, the seedlings will take root much worse. Why do seedlings dive? In order to increase the area of ​​​​their nutrition, because the growing roots of seedlings take up more and more space. In addition, seedlings become crowded above the ground surface.

It is best to dive seedlings into peat pots, because when the time comes for planting plants in open ground, they can be planted in holes without removing them from pots, which subsequently do not interfere with the growth and development of roots. Some flowers do not need picking at all, and plants with long taproots, in order not to injure them during picking and transplanting, should be immediately sown in peat pots one at a time.

If you dive seedlings into a common box, then plant the seedlings of large plants at the very cotyledons at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other, and small ones - with an interval of 2.5-3 cm. When transplanting, take the seedling not by the stem, but by cotyledon leaves, and at the end of the procedure, rearrange the seedling box for a couple of days in a dark place.

Feeding flower seedlings

Two weeks after picking, you need to make the first top dressing, which is a 1:10 solution of mullein at the rate of one glass of fertilizer for 8-10 seedlings. After half a month, the seedlings are fertilized with the same composition, but one and a half grams of ammonium nitrate and three grams of superphosphate per liter are added to it at the rate of one glass for 4-5 seedlings. Instead of mullein, you can use bird droppings, and do the second dressing with an ash solution or Agricola for flowers.

Fertilizing the soil is preceded by watering the plants so that the fertilizers do not burn the tender roots of the seedlings. And keep an eye on the concentration of the solutions that you prepare to apply to the seedling soil: the instructions for preparing the solutions on the fertilizer package are designed for top dressing of adult plants, and you will have to make the solutions half as weak.

Two weeks before planting seedlings in open ground or moving them to a cold greenhouse, you need to gradually accustom the seedlings to the temperature in which they will be. To do this, seedlings are taken out daily to the yard or to an open balcony. Cold-resistant plants such as cineraria and antirrinum begin to be taken out into the fresh air in the shade at an air temperature of 8-10 ºC, for other plants it is too cold, you need to wait until the temperature is 10-12 ºC outside, and only after that start hardening .

The first time outdoors should last no more than 2 hours, in addition, the plants must be protected from drafts and direct sunlight. Then the plants begin to briefly open to the sun, daily increasing the length of time the seedlings stay in the open air and under the sun's rays. How long your seedlings can tolerate direct rays depends on the characteristics of the crop you are growing. Hardening is a very important procedure, it depends on how successful the seedlings will be transplanted into open ground, and what their further development will be.

When to plant flower seedlings in open ground

Seedlings of many flowers are planted in the ground when the threat of spring return frosts has passed - in May or early June. This applies primarily to heat-loving perennials. Planting seedlings is carried out on a cloudy day or in the evening, when the sun's rays cannot damage seedlings weakened by transplanting to a new place. If we are talking about cold-resistant plants that are not afraid of spring cold snaps, then you can plant them as soon as the earth warms up: firmly squeeze a handful of dry earth in your hand, and then sharply open your hand. If the earth breaks into pieces, then it is ready for the growing season.

Before planting seedlings, tidy up the site: dig up the ground, fertilize it, loosen and level the surface. Manure and compost are introduced into the soil in the fall, and humus and mineral fertilizers can be applied in the spring. Sowing dates and planting rates for each plant are individual, however, the plant nutrition area should allow them to develop well, that is, they should not grow in crowded areas. The distance between seedlings during planting is determined by the size, diameter and branching of adult plants.

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