How to choose a water heater for a bathroom. Which water heater to choose for the bathroom - Top tips for the right purchase! (76 photos)

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With the question of where to install a water heater, modern people do not have to rack their brains for a long time, since in our apartments there are only two more or less acceptable places for their installation - a bathroom or a toilet. But the question of which water heater is better to choose for the bathroom is faced by many people, and it is very difficult to get an answer to it. We will deal with the solution of this issue in this article together with the site site - we will consider all household water heaters that exist today for their installation in the bathroom. Along the way, we will find the most suitable places for them.

Which water heater is better to choose a photo

It's no secret that almost all modern water heaters can be divided into two large groups - storage and flow. To be more precise, there is also a third group - the so-called alternative water heating systems, but we will leave them for a snack, since most people simply cannot afford them. Let's start with the most common - storage water heaters.

Which water heater is better to choose: storage tanks

It's no secret that storage water heaters are the most common today - they are also called. Round or flattened containers can be found in almost every second apartment or house, and they are used for hot water supply as an apartment as a whole, and for supplying heated water to a single plumbing fixture. The main advantage of such devices for heating water is their relatively low energy consumption and the constant availability of a supply of heated liquid. As for their shortcomings, then, undoubtedly, these are the dimensions - in order to provide a family of three with hot water, you will need to hang a hundred-liter container on the wall.

A storage water heater for a bathroom can have a different design and differ from each other both in its technical characteristics (the main one is energy consumption) and in appearance. If in terms of electrical energy consumption they are almost all the same (1.5-2.5 kW), then in terms of design and appearance, the differences can be very significant. As for the design features of such devices, the most important of them, affecting the durability of the water heater, is the type of heating element. In this regard, they can be divided into two types - boilers with a dry heating element (the heating element does not have contact with water) and a wet heating element. The latter serve much less, since salts and other water impurities quickly disable them.

Now for the installation location. Standard instantaneous storage water heaters are installed on the wall of the bathroom or. The disadvantage of this approach to business is two points: firstly, it significantly reduces the volume of the room (in most cases these are large capacities) and secondly, it is not pleasant that such a weighty structure hangs over your head. In this regard, you need to pay attention to flat water-heating tanks - they take up much less space and, we can say that they practically do not hang over your head. Moreover, they are much easier to install in a niche. The most interesting place in which I had to meet this type of boiler is under the bathroom - the solution is very interesting in that it allows you to use the wasted space for good use. The thickness of such a tank is 300 mm - in its pure form, it will not fit under the bath. But if you make a niche to the depth, then it fits completely. The niche should be made as close as possible to the front side of the bath - in this case, there will be no problems when pulling it out from there, if necessary, during repair or maintenance of the tank.

To the question of which storage water heater is better for the bathroom, you can safely answer - flat. It can be easily placed both on and in the niche prepared for it, and at the same time it will not clutter up the room.

How to choose the right water heater: flow devices

In most cases, people's decisions in favor of choosing a storage water heater are influenced by the high energy consumption of flow-through devices of this type - in order to fill half a bath of water with their help, you will need to burn several kilowatts of energy. In addition, due to their design, they are not able to provide a supply of hot water. At this point, you need to look a little from the other side - despite the fact that the storage tank makes this reserve, you will not be able to use it. If there is no pressure in the water supply, then there is no water supply from the tank. In all other respects the bathroom is the most attractive. Among its advantages it is possible to note compactness and almost instantaneous heating of water.

In this video you can see how a tankless water heater works.

Approaching the issue of how to choose a flowing electric water heater, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the views. And there may be three.

It should also be noted that all instantaneous water heaters can be divided according to the type of fuel (energy) used - there are both electrical devices of this type and gas ones. The latter are better known as columns, and their efficiency is much greater - such water heaters can heat up to 15 or more liters of water per minute. Naturally, if possible, it is better to choose a water heater of this type - it is fully capable of providing hot water to all consumers in a house or apartment. Another thing is that such devices cannot be installed everywhere - for example, in some apartment buildings, chimneys are not provided for them. No matter how hard you try, no state authority will issue permission to install them.

Which electric water heater to choose is a serious question. And in most cases, it depends on many factors - this is the number of people living in a house or apartment, their personal preferences (if you are not going to swim in the bathroom, then the simplest of heaters will do) and even condition. Old communications simply cannot withstand such loads, therefore, when installing flow-through, and, in principle, storage electric water heaters, you will have to think about new wiring.

solar water heater photo

In conclusion, I will add only one thing - it would be wrong to deprive the attention of innovative technologies, which are also called alternative methods of heating water. Residents of the private sector have a unique opportunity to keep up with the times and use free natural energy. Agree, tempting! For them, the answer to the question of which water heater is better to choose can be a solar collector - modern devices of this type can not only provide the house with hot water, but also heat it in the winter.

Every person has a problem with hot water from time to time, and therefore, in order not to rely on centralized water supply and constantly have hot water in the bathroom, you should think about installing a water heater. Which water heater to choose for the bathroom, we will tell you right now.

Today we decided to slightly change the format of the article and not just talk about the advantages of certain water heaters and consider instantaneous and storage water heaters for the bathroom, but immediately move on to readers' questions, which we will answer. So, questions and answers that will quickly guide you when choosing a water heater for the bathroom.

Which water heater to choose?

We suggest you consider only two types of water heaters - flow and storage. We want to say right away that instantaneous water heaters are more suitable for a kitchen or bathroom for summer use, since you will not be able to get a standard strong pressure of hot water with their help. But, on the other hand, you can consistently get warm enough water that you can rinse in, in which you can wash, and so on. If you are more interested in a relaxing bath or a large amount of hot water for other needs, we recommend you a storage water heater, but remember that there is one definite disadvantage - storage water heaters heat water for a rather long time.

Which instantaneous water heater to choose?

If you opted for a instantaneous water heater, then we recommend that you purchase a device according to the following criteria:

  • Sufficient power for heating water;
  • Easy-to-install shape and size of the water heater;
  • Compulsory quality assurance of internal manufacturing materials, certified production;
  • Nice design of the water heater, because most often, it is in plain sight.

Which storage water heater to choose?

When choosing a storage water heater, we advise you to pay attention to the following:

  • Water heater power, water heating time, electricity costs;
  • The volume of the tank, the possibility of reheating water and maintaining the temperature;
  • Automatic control - on / off when a certain temperature is reached;
  • The quality of the internal equipment - the tank, the heating element, and so on;
  • Protective functions of the water heater - automatic shutdown, check valve operation, etc.;
  • Warranties and documentation for the water heater;
  • Appearance, shape, dimensions.

What brand of water heater is better to choose?

Many of us are interested in which water heater company is better to choose? This is the right and timely question, because we need quality and durability, practicality and ease of use, and therefore, we need to focus on brands that have earned consumer trust.

So which brand of water heater should you choose? We offer you the following options: Ariston, Atlantic, Delfa, Electrolux, Ferroli, Fregia, Garanterm, Combustion, Nord, Nova tech, Round, Termex, Thermo.

Naturally, this is only a small part of the bathroom and kitchen water heater manufacturers that you can choose from.

How to choose a water heater by type?

If we are thinking about which water heater to choose for an apartment, for using hot water in the bathroom and in the kitchen, then it is necessary to dwell not only on the external parameters and power of the devices, but also on their types. Of all the currently available, we decided to choose only those that can be placed at home.

Choosing a gas water heater

It is good if the house has the opportunity to connect a gas water heater, because in many houses this is not allowed. If the permit system passes, then you can always get hot water at an affordable price.

The installation of a gas heater takes place immediately near the source of gas, that is, if you need hot water in the bathroom, then it will come from the kitchen. Installation of a gas water heater is carried out only by specialists, in no case independently.

Choosing an electric water heater

An electric water heater is convenient in that it is installed in any convenient place where you can arrange the supply of water to the tank and its intake. The distance can always be adjusted by the length of the pipes. Naturally, maintenance of an electric water heater in the bathroom will be more expensive than maintenance of a gas one, since appliances with high power consume quite a serious amount of expensive electricity.

Installation of an electric water heater (flow or storage) can be done independently if you have already encountered the installation of such equipment and connection work.

Today we dealt with many issues and found out which company's water heater to choose, which water heater to determine for the home - electric or gas, storage or instantaneous. It remains only to talk about the installation and connection of water heaters, which we will do in one of our next articles.

How to choose a water heater for the bathroom (video)

When choosing a water heater for a bathroom by type, be sure to make sure that it can be connected at home.

Which is better to choose a water heater: we draw conclusions

We believe that for use in the bathroom, where you wash and rinse, take baths and do light laundry by hand, an electric storage water heater is most suitable. He can always give a certain amount of hot water, which is necessary for use. If the hot water in the tank is over, then it seems to us that waiting for it to heat up for a couple of hours will not be a particular problem. Of course, you may have a different opinion, and we do not forbid you to think subjectively and do not impose your own opinion, but simply give good advice.

Before buying a boiler, each owner determines its future location. Water heaters differ significantly in size and weight, shape, installation method, so you need to decide on the placement in advance. In the bathroom, it is better to hang the heater on the wall. This installation method is suitable for both flow-through models and storage tanks with a capacity of 5-150 liters. Larger tanks are recommended to be installed on the floor, as the wall may not withstand the load.

Water heater - installation features

Features of the placement of the boiler depend on its type. The most popular bathroom models are:

  • flowing electric;
  • storage electric;
  • storage gas.

Gas models are rarely installed in the bathroom, as they require connection to the gas supply system, which is usually located in the kitchen. If the project provides for a place for a geyser in the bathroom, then you do not have to choose a suitable corner.

Requirements for the placement of a flowing electric boiler are minimal, since it has a small weight and dimensions. It is hung on the wall above the bath so that hot water flows there immediately from the shower and faucet.

Storage boiler - installation

The storage type water heater does not have to be located above the bathtub. It is connected to the central water supply system and can provide water to several points. For its installation, you will need special fasteners and a fairly strong wall.

It is dangerous to hang such a structure on a plasterboard wall; it is imperative to install the boiler on a load-bearing wall. There should be enough free space around for installation work and subsequent maintenance of equipment.

Every person strives for independence, whether it be independence from other people or from circumstances.

In order not to look back at climatic conditions or not rely on utilities, more and more people began to install a water heater in the bathroom.

But which of the two types to choose?

A flowing water heater is convenient in that it makes it possible to obtain an unlimited amount of warm or hot water and at the same time it does not require special care.

Its disadvantage is the additional wiring from the electrical panel and the provision of heated water to only one point in the house.

But ease of installation, low price and energy efficiency have made it very popular for owners of country houses and small kitchens.

But such a boiler is not suitable for you if there are interruptions in the water supply in the apartment.

But the storage water heater will give you hot water in several places at once (bath, kitchen, washstand).

But the amount of heated water will be limited and it is heated for a certain time. In addition, such a unit requires mandatory care: descaling, washing the tank or replacing the anode as it wears out (1-2 years).

The flow heater constantly heats the water flow, and the storage heater heats when the tank is filled. In both types, it is desirable to have an automation system for switching on and off, so as not to monitor the temperature yourself. A non-return valve is required for protection.

When choosing, use the following indicators for flowing:

  • sufficient heating power of the water pressure;
  • size and shape;
  • ease of installation;
  • obligatory certificate and guarantee coupon;
  • aesthetics when reviewing a room.

For storage:

  • good power for the desired heating;
  • heating time;
  • tank volume for a family;
  • the possibility of heating water;
  • maintenance of water temperature;
  • material costs for maintenance.

Heater type

The boiler can be electric or gas.

To install a gas boiler from any manufacturer, you must have a permit from the gas service, and only a specialist from this company should perform the installation. It is desirable to place such a unit closer to the gas source.

But it is quite possible to install an electric heater yourself, you decide where to place it - in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

If you have a large family, then the device needs good power, which means that electricity consumption will be increased. This must also be taken into account.

Heater installation

First, turn off the water in the pipes!

Consider in advance the installation location of the device and outline it.

You may want to hide the heater out of sight. It can be a cabinet, a niche above the bathroom, a mezzanine.

The wall for fasteners must be necessarily strong, solid, withstanding a lot of weight.

Pay attention to the wiring so that there is no overload on it.

Pipes and risers must also be in good condition. If necessary, they should be freely accessible.

Mounting sequence

You will need the following tools: wrenches, screwdriver, wire cutters, tape measure, puncher.

From materials - tow, fum, hoses or metal-plastic pipe, tees, three stopcocks for the storage heater and two for the flow heater.

If you need to change the wiring, you will need a three-wire wire, socket or machine.

For temporary installation, you will need a shower hose. The tee must be inserted into the "cold" pipe, put a stopcock and connected to the heater.

For a stationary installation, you need to embed one tee into the “cold” pipe, the second into the “hot” pipe, put hermetically taps.

Connect the boiler inlet to the “cold” pipe, the outlet to the hot water shut-off valve.

This is done using a pipe made of metal plastic or a hose. Check all taps for leaks. Plug in the water heater. And use it to your health!

Buying a water heater will please you during its operation. This will be especially reflected in the summer, when you want to swim more often.

Financial costs will be forgotten after you experience the full range of convenience and comfort during long-term use of this compact household appliance.

Photo for choosing a water heater for the bathroom

In the summer, when hot water is turned off, we think about how to get it back at our disposal. Then the question arises before us: which device for heating water is best suited for an apartment or a country house? In other words, how to choose a boiler.

Moreover, in addition to choosing the water heater itself, you will have to look for answers to such questions:

In the article, we will consider in detail each of these nuances, so that it is easier for you to make the right choice among a large range of appliances for heating water.


First, let's understand what a boiler is. This is a water heater that is used to heat water. In this case, boilers are divided into the following types:

  1. Cumulative. Such water heaters have a large metal tank, with a heating element (tubular heating element) installed inside. The heating element consists of a copper pipe, inside of which a nichrome heating coil is pressed.
  2. Flowing. It has a smaller capacity than that of a storage device, and the water inside it passes through a pipe with a heating element.
  3. indirect heating. They are a metal container covered with a layer of enamel or glass-ceramic or a stainless steel tank covered with a casing of very effective thermal insulation.

According to the types of fastening, boilers are divided:

  • wall-mounted, represented by models with a capacity of 10-100 liters.
  • floor, with capacities on 120-1000 liters.

The fact is that flow-through boilers allow you to immediately have hot water at your disposal, and storage systems will take from 30 minutes to several hours to heat the water. It all depends on the volume of the tank and the power of the heating element.

  • electricity;
  • heating water from the boiler (indirect heating boilers).

Advantages and disadvantages

Having understood the types of water heaters, let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Of course, everyone is interested in whether to install a storage or flow type boiler in their apartment. Each of the experts has his own point of view on this issue, arguing in favor of a particular model. Boilers are divided depending on what is used to heat water:

Advantages of a storage boiler:

  • installation without the use of additional wiring;
  • low power consumption (economy);
  • tank for large volumes of water.
  • large sizes for which you will have to specially allocate space for installing the device;
  • You need to turn on the heater in advance so that the water has time to heat up.

Advantages of a flow boiler:

  • convenient dimensions that allow you to mount the heater in any room;
  • water heats up immediately.
  • uses a lot of electricity;
  • you will have to make a circuit breaker on the electrical panel and run a separate electrical cable.

If you want to install the boiler on the wall, then pay attention to IP - the international protection class, which is expressed in two numbers on the packaging or in the boiler passport, for example, IP31. Each of the numbers has its own meaning:

  • the first shows the protection of the device from the penetration of foreign objects into it:
  • 1 - protection against large bodies, but not more than a hand;
  • 2 - from objects no more than a finger;
  • 3 - from objects no more than 1 square millimeter;
  • 4 - even dust will not get there.
  • the second indicates whether water will get inside the body:
  • 0 - no protection;
  • 1 - from drops of water falling from above on the device;
  • 2 - from rain, in which the spray will fall at an angle of up to 60 degrees;
  • 3 - from splashes, which can be in any direction;
  • 4 - protection against any water, even a jet.

The most widely used models are IP24 and IP25. The boiler is IP24 splash resistant, but in bathrooms it is still better to install it away from the shower or sink.

The IP25 heater is not afraid of even jets of water, so you can mount it anywhere.

Although in most cases it is placed inside a decorative locker.

Boiler in the toilet

indirect heating. These boilers consist of a metal tank coated inside with a layer of glass-ceramic or enamel. There are also stainless steel appliances in a casing with good thermal insulation. In addition to floor models, there are also wall-mounted options, but they are limited in capacity to 200 liters. All indirect heating boilers have a safety system that will not allow the device to overheat or protect against excessive pressure.

In general, indirect heating boilers are installed next to the heating boiler, although a heat pump or solar installation can be used to heat the water. Additionally, a temperature indicator is mounted in indirect heating boilers so that you can switch the device from heating mode to water heating.

To determine the volume of the storage tank, you need to make simple calculations of water consumption and the number of water intake points. Here are the average water consumption per person:

In this case, you need to keep in mind whether you plan to use water at an acceptable temperature for you or dilute hot water with cold water. For example, having bought a 50-liter boiler with water heating of 75 degrees, you can turn on hot and cold water at the same time, thereby not installing a 100-liter tank.


In order for your boiler to work for you for a long time and reliably, it must be made of good anti-corrosion materials. The inner tank of small water heaters is made of copper or polypropylene. Often the tank is made of metal, and a layer of enamel or glass porcelain is applied to the inner surface. The disadvantage of this coating is that under the influence of different temperatures, microcracks form in them and after a year of operation, it is better to change them. Tanks made of stainless steel or titanium-coated serve from 7 to 10 years, but are more expensive.

To increase the service life, an anti-corrosion anode is installed in the tank, which works up to 7 years. When the anode is completely destroyed, you will have a light on a special indicator so that you can change it.

Another problem that has to be dealt with during the operation of storage boilers is limescale (scale). It forms on the inside walls of any water heater, especially if you use hard water. To prevent this process, it is better to run purified water into the boiler using special filtering devices. Or periodically clean the heating element. This is a simple procedure, but before dismantling, drain the water. If you are using ordinary running water, then instantaneous water heaters are more suitable for you, which are less prone to scale formation.

The boiler must have good anti-corrosion properties

Price and manufacturers

Basically, tankless water heaters start at $170 and go up to $645. For example, for a small storage device you will pay around $120, and for $645 you can buy a boiler with a capacity of 150 liters.

Although the price of boilers is based on how your model will be stuffed with electronics. For example, a water heater, which will have a minimum set of functions, will cost you $50. A heater equipped with digital electronics and displays (timer, hot water day or night) will start at $200.

Regarding manufacturers, the following companies can be distinguished here:

Gas boilers are manufactured by companies such as Ariston (Italy), American Water Heater Company (USA) Vaillant (Germany). At the same time, there are no significant differences between German and Italian firms, although buyers still prefer the former, considering them to be of better quality. For example, in German boilers, more space is allocated for thermal insulation, as a result of which the water will become colder by only 5 degrees per day, and you can save more on electricity.
