How to properly install a sandwich chimney with your own hands: step-by-step instructions on how to do it correctly, so as not to redo it later. We install a sandwich chimney with our own hands: assembly rules, installation and operation Installation of a sandwich chimney

A chimney is an essential part of the heating system of a private home. It ensures the proper functioning of the stove or boiler and organizes the removal of harmful combustion products outside the home.

We will try to figure out how to install a chimney with our own hands so that heating communications are safe for both people and the home.

The installation of heating devices is subject to the requirements set out in the regulatory documentation.

Installation of devices is regulated by the provisions SNiP 2.04.05–91 And DBN V.2.5-20-2001. Also, before drawing up a project, it is advisable to study materials about heating systems ( SNiP 41-01-2003), about heat generation devices ( NPB 252–98), on technical conditions for the operation of thermal devices ( GOST 9817–95), on the rules and regulations for the operation of smoke ducts (VDPO).

The design of the chimney and installation features must fully comply with the requirements specified in SNiP, otherwise you will not receive a construction inspection certificate, which is issued after commissioning

Some of the requirements are addressed specifically to the installation of chimneys. The design of the structure can be anything, but the material must be non-flammable.

The materials used for the construction of chimneys can be:

  • steel;
  • ceramics;
  • brick.

Without exception, all structures are prefabricated, and the installation itself is fragmentary, since the chimney passes through several rooms (for example, a room and an attic).

In order for a structure to meet fire safety requirements, its parameters must be correctly calculated, and all component parts must be sized accordingly. When installing factory equipment, you must follow all the recommendations set out in the instructions, including the assembly procedure and methods for installing parts.

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Transitions through floors and roofs require the use of fire-retardant thermal insulation materials, such as mineral wool, and the installation of protective blocks, which can be called a “sandwich within a sandwich”

Construction of a chimney for a gas boiler, stove or fireplace is a responsible task that requires special permission, design and professional skills. If you are not confident in your abilities, entrust the installation of the pipe to specialists who will carry out the work taking into account all norms and requirements.

If you have already built a chimney yourself or are an expert in this matter, please share your experience and knowledge with our readers. Tell us about the nuances of building a chimney in the block below.

Before starting the assembly and installation of a chimney made of stainless steel, experienced specialists carry out preparatory installation work. To do this, experts suggest using a special type of sealant that can withstand temperatures up to 100 0 C. It is with this substance that all seams and subsequent joints in the internal cavity of the chimney pipes will need to be treated.

In addition, the sealant serves as an additional guarantee of the tightness of the product, because in some cases even welding can “retreat”. There is no need to use sealant on the outer surface of a stainless steel chimney. You can find a review of stainless steel sandwich chimneys here.

The photo shows stainless steel chimneys.

How to assemble?

The main rule to remember when assembling is to treat the connecting elements of the stainless steel chimney pipe with special care and precision. The entire structure must be strengthened with additional elements in the form of clamps. If the chimney is purchased, then all elements must be included. Clamps are placed at each joint of the product - this is approximately every 1.5-2 meters.

Only if the assembly of the device is done correctly will it be possible to obtain a sealed and reliable chimney.

How to install?

In accordance with the general rules for installing stainless steel chimneys, installation should be done from bottom to top. This means that first they fix the part of the chimney that is attached to the heating device and only then move on to the remaining elements of the structure.

Then each pipe is fixed. They are mounted as follows: the side with a smaller diameter is attached to a pipe with a larger diameter. This method of forming the structure will prevent moisture and dirt from entering the internal cavity of the chimney. Read an overview of the characteristics of a galvanized steel chimney on this page.

The maximum size of one element of the “highway” cannot exceed one and a half meters.

At the joints of the product, clamps made of brass or stainless steel should be used. In order to fix the device, you should use special brackets and bolts marked M10 and M8.

To care for a stainless steel chimney, you need to install a small door at the very bottom of the device.

In order to simplify the entire process of installing a stainless steel chimney as much as possible, you should prepare a design diagram in advance. In addition, such a drawing will allow the owner of the building to orient himself regarding the overall dimensions of the entire structure and determine the number of all component parts of the device.

Advice: you should purchase 30% more material, because during the installation process it will be difficult to be distracted from work. It requires composure and attentiveness. If some elements are a little taller or longer, they can be shortened a little. If the fastening element fails for some reason, you will not need to run to the store “for more.” Read the review of stainless steel chimneys.

According to experienced specialists, if even after studying the material and the advice of the experts, confidence in your own abilities has not increased, it is worth using the services of specialists. This is the only way to save your own time and money.


As mentioned above, in order to seal the system, you need to use a special heat-resistant type of sealant. It is used to coat the inside of stainless steel pipes, but some experts argue that for maximum effect the external part of the system should also be coated. It should also be taken into account that the clamps are installed at maximum “pressure”. This is the only way to guarantee absolute tightness of the entire surface of the device as a whole.

How to clean?

Any device requires good treatment and care, the same goes for a stainless steel chimney. It is in order to be able to clean the device that a small door or so-called glass is installed in its lower part. This element can be removed and the inner surface of the pipes can be cleaned. Read an overview of the types of chimneys for a fireplace.

Dirt in a system is the formation of a space with a high level of roughness, and this has a direct impact on the functionality of the device and the operation of the entire system.

An ash pan is also specially installed for comfortable maintenance of a stainless steel chimney. Solid combustion elements will collect in it.

The picture shows the installation of a stainless steel chimney.

A stainless steel chimney burned out, what should I do?

The service life of a stainless steel chimney can last several decades. But, troubles also happen. For example, one of the parts of the device may burn out. Repairs can be carried out in two ways:

  • complete replacement of the element,
  • local repairs.

The first option involves replacing the entire section of pipe, but the second option involves the use of additional construction equipment. The damaged area is repaired using welding. It should be reinforced with stronger metal.

Instructions on how to assemble and install a stainless steel chimney
An article on how to assemble and install a stainless steel chimney, describes the design and connection, installation rules and installation diagram, there is a video, instructions for sealing, how to clean and what to do if the chimney burns out

Whatever fuel is put into the heating equipment, a good chimney is needed to remove combustion products. A practical option for a channel through which the stove gets rid of smoke is a stainless steel pipe.

Advantages of a stainless steel chimney

Stainless steel chimneys have been approved by stove owners due to such advantages as:

  • long-term operation,
  • impeccable wall strength,
  • ease of installation,
  • safety and increased strength,
  • acceptable price.

A stainless steel chimney is much stronger than its brick counterpart. If sharp temperature changes are not reflected in any way on the metal surface, then brick is especially sensitive to them and can crumble.

A stainless steel chimney has many advantages, the main one of which is a durable body

What is most impressive is the resistance of the stainless steel chimney to moisture. A pipe made of this metal remains impervious to corrosion, regardless of the degree of air humidity in the room.

The stainless steel chimney is a structure of separate modules, which is why it can be repaired without any problems by replacing the damaged part with a new one. The installation of this smoke channel is carried out using special bends. With them, engineering systems and architectural structures cease to be barriers to installing pipes on heating equipment.

Tees and elbows made of stainless steel simplify the work of assembling the smoke channel

By installing a stainless steel smoke duct, you can direct it in any direction without much hassle. This operation will not require moving the stove or fireplace.

A stainless steel chimney can be assembled from horizontal, vertical and curved elements

The round shape of the stainless steel pipe prevents contamination of the internal walls with fuel combustion products. It follows that a chimney made of this metal does not require frequent cleaning.

Description of stainless steel chimney

A smoke duct made of stainless metal can be equipped in different ways, so it is advisable to consider all types of the structure under discussion.

Types of stainless steel pipes

To equip a stove with a stainless steel chimney, you will need to choose between three options:

    single-layer steel product,

The simplest chimney consists of several single-wall pipes

Corrugated stainless steel pipe has spiral-shaped flexible walls

A stainless steel sandwich pipe consists of two pipes of different diameters, between which insulation is placed

The thickness of single-layer chimneys can range from 0.6 to 2 mm. Purchasing a product will not break your pocket, but you must keep in mind that the use of such products is not permissible in all cases.

You will have to refuse to purchase a single-layer stainless steel pipe if the building with the furnace is not insulated from cold air. Due to the difference in temperatures inside and outside the room, there will be excessive energy consumption. And the formation of large amounts of condensate can significantly reduce the service life of equipment.

A chimney made of single-layer stainless steel requires careful insulation of the house

The double-circuit stainless steel pipe is said to be the most reliable design. The sandwich system can function well when installed both inside and outside the home. This is due to the intermediate layer of the product - a non-flammable material that retains heat. It can be ordinary mineral wool.

The sandwich pipe retains heat well and can therefore be installed outside the house

Corrugated stainless steel pipe

A corrugated pipe is used if you need to create a smoke channel with curved transitions. The product, made of corrugated stainless steel, works without problems, even when heated to 900 degrees. It removes gases resulting from fuel combustion well and is therefore in great demand.

A corrugated pipe is taken knowing that an ordinary steel product will not be able to provide the necessary bending of the channel

A corrugated stainless steel pipe is actively used when installing heating equipment, including gas boilers.

The flexibility of the corrugation provides a unique opportunity to install the pipe in a room with beams. Even the slopes of the ceilings will not become an obstacle to carrying this product through the roof.

A corrugated stainless steel pipe can be bent in any way and therefore becomes indispensable in a number of cases.

Multifunctional product: stainless steel chimney
Chimneys made of stainless steel. Advantages, types and characteristics of a steel chimney. DIY installation instructions.

With the onset of spring comes the summer season. In public transport, conversations about upcoming “exploits” at the dachas began to be heard. If the fair half mainly talks about what flowers and berries are planned for sowing, then the strong and skillful half usually talks about tools, building materials and, of course, about baths. What is a bathhouse without a stove, and what is a stove without a chimney? More and more often it is being discussed how to properly assemble a chimney, what kind of pipe to take, how to install it, will it be made of stainless steel or galvanized, what will be right and wrong?
Currently, the so-called Buleryanov stoves are widely used. This name has long become a household word - many people habitually call any long-burning steel stoves this way, although this is fundamentally incorrect. But the people, not very knowledgeable about brands, quite correctly noticed that no matter the size and shape of the stove, if it burns for a long time, it should be called a Buleryanovskaya. The operating principle of these stoves is very similar to each other, and most importantly, it is quite easy to make a chimney for them, because the requirements for it are somewhat simpler than for a conventional stove. In newfangled stoves, the combustion temperature is somewhat lower, and accordingly the chimney is simpler.

We use a sandwich pipe for the chimney

Technology does not stand still; now there are many different ways to build chimneys. Today we will discuss how to assemble a chimney from sandwich pipes for long-burning stoves. Let's say a few words about what a sandwich pipe is? This is a two-pipe stainless steel chimney design. A smaller diameter pipe is inserted into a larger diameter pipe.

Between them is laid a non-flammable material that performs three functions:

  • sharply lowers the temperature of the air spreading from the inner pipe
  • fireproof non-combustible protection
  • no sudden cooling of the pipe in cold weather

The advantage of a chimney made from sandwich pipes is that it is fairly easy to install, accessible to almost anyone who is not afraid of heights and can work with a screwdriver and pliers. You will not need any other tool for installing a sandwich chimney (unless, of course, the builders left holes for the pipe in the ceiling or wall in accordance with the design). In any case, you will have virtually no questions about how to properly assemble a sandwich chimney.

Choosing material

I would like to advise: the chimney should be assembled exclusively from stainless steel pipes. Although the price for galvanizing is almost one and a half times lower, keep in mind that condensation always forms in pipes of this type. Its amount can only be reduced by properly assembling a sandwich chimney, but it cannot be completely removed. If condensation appears, rust will also appear. On the outer chimney pipe you will notice the oxidation process (rust) and you will be able to replace the outer pipe in time, but on the inner pipe you will not be able to. This can lead to the most unpleasant consequences.

Assembly Rules

Many people wonder how to properly assemble chimney pipes, how and what to insert? Should the narrow corrugated end of the pipe be inserted from above into the wide pipe or vice versa? The reality of life is that both cases are correct, you just need to clearly imagine what you want. So, if we insert the corrugated end into a wide pipe from above, we get a “condensate” diagram, vice versa – “smoke”.

Already from the names it becomes clear that the second circuit needs to be assembled when you are sure of a large amount of condensate. Several cases are possible:

  • burning with raw wood (this is normal if you rarely visit the hacienda)
  • kindling after complete cooling in cold weather
  • insufficient insulation of the external street chimney pipe

Scheme "for condensate"

Don’t skimp on the last meter; insulate the pipe completely up to the very top. This will be the correct way to assemble a sandwich chimney.

Smoke diagram

The “smoke diagram” needs to be assembled first when a significant part of your chimney passes through residential premises. The smoke does not encounter any obstacles in its path, does not seep into the cracks (which will inevitably arise due to temperature changes, any physical influences, etc.), and is completely discharged to the street. This scheme is better suited for houses with permanent residence, with daily firing of the stove, when the pipe does not have time to cool down to the point of abundant condensation. Condensation flowing into the thermal insulation layer leads to its damage. Then it “falls over”, rotting with the release of unpleasant odors, and further burning. Therefore, if you do not plan to permanently live in the room where the stove is installed, it would be more correct to lead the chimney horizontally through the wall to the street, as shown in the figure.

Note the presence of a T-shaped element at the bottom on the street part. A container is attached to it from below to collect condensate and tar formed during combustion in long-burning furnaces.

How to assemble a chimney for the “smoke” scheme is shown in the figure.

Please note that when assembled, the optimal height of such a chimney should be at least five meters from the level of the grate. At this height, the necessary traction is provided.

Passing floors

I would like to focus on the passage of walls, ceilings and the roof itself. Be sure to install walk-through wells. The walk-through well is clearly visible in the previous photo, fragment number 4. The same one is installed when crossing the floors.

In ceilings, it is advisable to fill the well with expanded clay or fill it tightly with non-combustible thermal insulation. When crossing walls, filling the well with thermal insulation is mandatory.

To waterproof the roof, use a special roof trim.

The height of the chimney pipe above the roof

When thinking about how high to raise the chimney pipe above the roof, let’s use the drawing

If the height of the pipe above the roof exceeds 1 meter, be sure to use guy ropes to secure it. Remember that the pipe is subject to quite a lot of wind load at this height. In winter, on a flat roof, the pipe will experience serious shear loads under the pressure of melting snow that slides down the roof during the thaw.

It is ideal if the chimney does not have many bends and turns, but sometimes it is impossible to do without it. Use only special corner transitions, of which there are a great variety: 30, 45, 90 degrees.

When starting to purchase components for installing a chimney made from sandwich pipes, take time to plan. Sit down with a piece of paper and a pencil, be sure to thoughtfully draw all the elements, curves, and sizes. Remember that standard pipes are produced in half-meter and meter sizes. Provide sealing clamps, clamps for fastening the guy rope, and a location for installing a gate valve (some furnaces are equipped with them by default).

How to properly assemble a chimney
Today we will discuss how to properly assemble a chimney from sandwich pipes, what is a sandwich pipe? This is a two-pipe stainless steel chimney design. Smaller pipe

Stainless steel chimneys differ from brick chimneys in their ease of installation, low cost, ease of maintenance and durability. For the production of chimney pipes, only materials that are resistant to the external environment are used. Read on to learn how to make a chimney yourself.

Chimneys made of stainless steel pipes

Chimney design

The initial stage of manufacturing a chimney is the development of a project, according to which in the future it will be possible to determine the amount of materials required to assemble the structure.

When designing a structure, the following are determined:

  • the type of pipes that will be used for construction,
  • chimney dimensions,
  • quantity of materials.

What kind of pipes can a chimney be made from?

The following stainless steel chimney pipes are used for construction:

  • standard or monotubes. Single-wall chimney can withstand temperatures up to 450ºС and are mainly used for buildings located in warm regions,

Standard stainless pipes

  • sandwich pipes. They are made of several layers of metal, between which a layer of insulation is laid. Sandwich pipes can be used in various regions, including the Far North.

Pipes with additional insulation

Determining the dimensions of the chimney

After choosing the type of pipes, the dimensions of the chimney are determined. At this stage you need to calculate:

  • the length of the smoke exhaust pipe,
  • chimney diameter.

When calculating the length of the structure, you must be guided by the following rules:

  • for normal draft and complete removal of harmful substances from the living space, the total length of the chimney should not be less than 5 m,
  • the minimum height to which the chimney must be installed on the roof of the house is 0.5 m,
  • When installing the pipe away from the roof ridge, it is necessary to take into account the permissible deviations from the horizon.

Permissible chimney deflection angles

To independently determine the diameter of the chimney pipes for a boiler, fireplace, stove or other heating equipment, you need to know the power of the heating device.

To calculate the cross section you can use:

  • formulas. This calculation is considered the most difficult, since the formulas take into account the amount of fuel burned, the rate of passage of gases in the pipe, the thrust indicator, and so on,

Independent cross-section calculation

  • special programs. On the Internet you can find many programs developed by specialists that simplify the calculation process as much as possible,
  • standard parameters calculated by experts earlier.

The following standards have been developed for the cross-section of the smoke duct:

  • for a device with a power of less than 3.5 kW, pipes measuring 0.14x0.14 m are suitable,
  • if the power of heating equipment for a bathhouse or home is more than 3.5 kW, but less than 5.2 kW, then it is necessary to use pipes measuring 0.14x0.20 m,
  • if a gas boiler or other equipment with a power of more than 5.2 kW is installed, then pipes of 0.14x0.27 m are optimal.

Preparing materials and tools for assembly

To assemble the chimney you will need to purchase:

  • pipes of a certain diameter and length,
  • brackets for attaching the pipeline to the roof and ceiling to give the system additional strength,
  • crimp clamps that allow you to connect individual elements of a stainless steel chimney into a solid structure,
  • revision. A special element is installed for the convenience of monitoring the condition of the smoke exhaust system and timely cleaning,
  • unloading platform for correct passage of the chimney through the ceiling,
  • a unit for connecting the system to the roof, which includes components such as an apron and a canopy,
  • cone and head (fungus). Additionally, you can install a deflector or spark arrester.

The main design elements of the smoke exhaust duct

Chimney assembly

The stainless steel chimney is installed upwards from the heating device. With the reverse assembly scheme, the pipes are filled with condensate, which prevents the normal operation of the system.

So, the diagram for assembling a chimney with your own hands is as follows:

  1. The first straight pipe is connected to the outlet from the heating device. If the diameters of the outlet and the chimney pipe do not match, then the installation of an additional adapter is required,

Device for joining pipes of different diameters

  1. the revision and the next pipe are fixed, which extends the smoke exhaust system to the ceiling of the room,
  2. a chimney passage through the ceiling is arranged. For this:
    • a hole is formed in the ceiling, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the diameter of the pipes,
    • the passage of the smoke exhaust system in the ceiling is reinforced with beams, beams or any other elements. This is necessary for the reliability of the ceiling and to protect it from destruction,
    • a bracket for attaching the chimney is installed in the hole,
    • an insulated tee is attached to the bracket, to which the lower and upper pipes will be connected in the future,
    • the passage opening is insulated with any non-combustible material. The finishing material is covered with asbestos sheet and stainless steel plate,

Arranging a passage through the ceiling

  1. the chimney is extended to reach the roof,
  2. the pipe outlet to the roof is being arranged. The work is carried out according to the following scheme:
    • a hole of the required diameter is also cut in the roof, the area around which is strengthened,
    • a mounting bracket, a hood (special cutting) and an apron are installed in the hole,
    • a metal sheet is fixed on the inside of the roof to prevent fire,
    • pipes are brought out,

Arranging a passage through the roof

  1. the remaining chimney elements are installed. All joints, especially when passing through the ceiling and roof, are sealed for strength.

A stainless steel chimney is an inexpensive and stylish solution for creating a smoke channel in any room. Modern systems do not require specific knowledge or special tools during assembly. The finished structure is as safe, strong and durable as possible.

How to make a chimney from stainless steel pipes
A chimney is installed to remove harmful combustion products from the stove or fireplace. Currently, chimneys made of stainless steel are widely popular.

It is well known that for the operation of any type of heat source, with the possible exception of an electric boiler, a system for removing fuel combustion products is required. You can arrange a chimney in the form of a traditional brick pipe; it is also possible to use modern composite materials to solve this problem.

Currently, metal sandwich chimneys are widely used among professional builders and owners of private houses. They are distinguished by excellent performance and long service life. Installing a sandwich chimney with your own hands does not present any significant difficulties and can be completed much faster than building a conventional brick chimney if the correct assembly technology is followed.

A chimney made from sandwich pipes can be elegant

Advantages and disadvantages of a chimney made from a sandwich pipe

The use of metal pipes to remove fuel combustion products has been practiced since ancient times. This is due to the fact that their shape is optimal for the flow of hot gases; less soot buildup forms on the smooth inner surface. In addition, compared to brickwork, installation work is significantly simplified.

Chimneys made of metal pipes are exposed to aggressive hot gases. This leads to the development of corrosion processes and, ultimately, to burnout of the exhaust system. The use of corrosion-resistant metal alloys for its manufacture solves the problem only partially, while the following negative factors remain:

  • Reduced draft in the chimney due to the high thermal conductivity of the metal. This is due to the rapid cooling of hot gases in the external parts of the structure in contact with the environment.
  • Condensation of moisture vapor on the internal surfaces of pipes due to temperature differences. This leads to a decrease in their permeability and contributes to the formation of soot deposits.
  • A hot metal chimney poses a fire hazard. Elements of a building structure may catch fire, touching the surface of which results in a burn for a person.

The design of sandwich chimneys, which consists of coaxially located pipes separated by a heat-insulating gasket, allows you to get rid of such unpleasant phenomena. The inner pipe is made of a metal alloy that is resistant to corrosion, and the outer pipe is often made too. Thermal insulation gasket is most often made of dense mineral wool. Sandwich pipes for installing a chimney allow you to protect the smoke removal channel from temperature fluctuations in the external environment. Sandwich chimney pipes have the following advantages:

  • minimal condensation formation;
  • good traction;
  • fire safety;
  • possibility of installation outside the building;
  • long service life.

You can make a sandwich pipe yourself

The disadvantages of sandwich chimney elements include possible depressurization of the structure during long-term operation. If there are sharp temperature fluctuations in the external environment, the mechanical integrity of the product may be compromised. In addition, they have a fairly high cost. Of course, a sandwich pipe installed by yourself reduces material costs.

The quality of pipe materials is critical

The performance and service life of a sandwich chimney largely depends on the quality of the material from which its pipes are made. Popularity among consumers gives rise to a large number of counterfeit products, so you should pay special attention to the properties of the metal from which sandwich pipes are made.

If it burns out, there is a high probability of a fire and carbon monoxide poisoning of residents.

It is not possible to visually determine the quality of the metal, so you need to understand its grades. Stainless steel grades have the following characteristics:

  • The cheapest steel is AISI 430. It can be used for the manufacture of an external pipe; atmospheric influences will not cause harm, but for the construction of an internal chimney duct the durability of this material is clearly not enough.
  • In the AISI 439 metal grade, corrosion resistance and mechanical strength are increased by the titanium additives included in its composition. This steel can be used to remove combustion products in gas furnaces and small boilers.
  • High resistance to aggressive chemical environments and high temperatures is ensured by the addition of molybdenum and nickel to AISI 316 steel. Its use is possible in smoke removal systems of any boiler equipment.
  • Stainless steel grades AISI 316i and AISI 321 are distinguished by their universal performance characteristics. They can withstand heating to very high temperatures and have high corrosion resistance.
  • AISI 310S stainless steel has the highest price and performance characteristics. It can withstand heating up to a thousand degrees Celsius, therefore it is used in any thermal energy generators.

The result of using low-quality pipes

In the technical documentation of quality products, the grade of steel from which they are made must be indicated. You should be wary if this information is missing, in which case it is easy to run into counterfeit products.

Note that the magnet is not attracted to stainless steel with alloying additives, so you can check the metal in this simple way.

The influence of fuel type on the choice of chimney

The choice of chimney is greatly influenced by the type of fuel burned in the thermal energy generator. The chemical composition of combustion products is very important. When burning natural gas, water, carbon dioxide and some soot are formed, and when burning wood, coal or liquid fuel, many chemically aggressive components are formed.

In any case, the internal surface of the chimney must have low adhesion and chemical inertness to the effects of acidic components. Solid or liquid fuels place increased demands on the quality of the materials from which chimney pipes are made.

The temperature of the generated smoke is of great practical importance. The exhaust of gas-fueled boilers can be connected to the smoke duct through a corrugated aluminum hose, but it is no longer suitable for solid fuel. This will require the use of materials more resistant to high temperatures, especially near the exit of combustion products.

List of structural elements of sandwich chimneys

A sandwich chimney is a structure assembled from individual segments. Sandwich chimney segments: inside a pipe of a larger diameter a pipe of a smaller cross-section is placed, between them there is a dense thermal insulating material, most often basalt wool. It is not afraid of chemical and physical influences and easily tolerates significant temperature changes.

The materials used to make pipes are stainless steel, copper, brass or aluminum. Copper and brass pipes are expensive. Aluminum is much cheaper, but it greatly changes its geometric dimensions when heated and cooled, so the seal of a chimney made from it may be compromised.

List of elements of a chimney made of sandwich pipes

Setting up a smoke removal system requires the use of many elements for its installation. The main parts of the exhaust duct for removing combustion products are:

  • straight pipe sections;
  • tees and knee joints;
  • pipes for passages through interfloor ceilings;
  • seal for a pipe passing through the roof.

Along with these elements, there are many other installation devices that make it easier to carry out the work and further operate the exhaust system. The chimney pipes are secured to the building elements using brackets, which are placed every two meters of the gas exhaust channel. The clamps used for installation are fixed on the wall with fasteners corresponding to the building material from which the wall is made.

You need to assemble sandwich chimneys with your own hands, following the connection diagram of the structural parts. For reliable operation of the system, the installation of sandwich chimney pipes must be done carefully and carefully.

Selecting the pipe diameter for specific conditions

The diameter of the double-circuit pipe must correspond to the outlet pipe of the boiler equipment; the internal casing of the sandwich should in no case be smaller in size. The lumen of the pipeline should not be allowed to narrow at the junction; this may reduce the draft of the chimney. The pipe diameter required for specific conditions is selected depending on the power of the boiler equipment.

Sandwich pipe device

A pipe cross-section of eight centimeters is used for installations with a power of less than three and a half kilowatts. Pipes with a diameter of nine and a half centimeters are used for boilers with a power of no more than 5.2 kilowatts; for larger values ​​of this parameter, pipes with a cross-section of eleven centimeters will be required. During the installation of the chimney, it should not be allowed to narrow, but it is quite possible to expand it.

DIY sandwich pipe installation

To properly install sandwich pipes, you must follow the following recommendations. Before installing a sandwich chimney with your own hands, you need to calculate the required quantity of all elements, taking into account the design features of the house. You should carefully study the technical documentation for the product and familiarize yourself with the safety recommendations when installing a chimney pipe through a wall or ceiling.

Everything necessary should be done to prevent the possibility of fire in nearby parts of the building structure during operation of the chimney. When installing a chimney through a wall, sandwich pipes are reliably strengthened.

Arrangement of a sandwich chimney inside a building

There are two placement options: internal installation with wiring through the attic floor and installation of a sandwich pipe with exit through the wall and fastening to it from the outside. When installed internally, the pipeline does not experience the negative influence of the external environment, and the formation of condensate on the internal surface is minimized. To complete the work you will need the following tools:

  • perforator for making holes in ceilings;
  • electric drill for attaching brackets;
  • slotted and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • building level and stairs.

Assembly of system elements

The assembly of chimney system elements always starts from the bottom and then moves to the top. The sandwich chimney cannot be connected directly to the source of thermal energy. First, an adapter coated with a sealant resistant to high temperatures is put on the outlet pipe of the furnace or boiler, then the main pipe is installed. The connection point is securely fixed with a metal clamp.

Sandwich pipe installation options

There are two ways to install sandwich pipes: “by smoke” or “by condensate”. In the first case, each previous pipe is inserted inside the next one. This is how both the internal and external parts are assembled. This chimney connection option is used for stoves with high fuel combustion temperatures.

For condensate, the pipes are connected as follows: the inner pipe is assembled by sequentially inserting the upper section into the lower one, the outer pipe is assembled in the opposite way, that is, by inserting the previous element into the next one. With this installation of the chimney, the resulting condensate flows down the outer casing into the drainage, and therefore it is used in the following cases:

  • at low temperatures of combustion products;
  • if the chimney is located outside the building;
  • in long-term or smoldering combustion systems.

In a situation where the chimney goes vertically upward, as in a sauna stove, a single-wall pipe is installed at its outlet and a sandwich pipe is connected to it. If the latter is connected directly to the furnace, the layer of insulating material between the walls of the two pipes will sinter and cease to perform its functions. In the case when it is necessary to obtain more heat from the chimney, the length of the single pipe increases, and a tank for heating water can be placed on it. At the same time, the nearby walls of the room are protected from exposure to high temperatures by a screen.

How to properly route a sandwich pipe through the ceiling and wall

It is possible to remove and secure the pipes using a box with a hole made inside it. The height of the box should be approximately seven centimeters greater than the thickness of the ceiling to prevent it from catching fire. It must be taken into account that, despite the presence of a thermal insulation gasket, the outer surface of the chimney can warm up to fairly high temperatures. As a result, it is necessary to carry out additional insulation in places of contact with flammable materials, such as wood, plastic, and so on.

Options for arranging a chimney outlet through the ceiling

Inside the box there is a special piece of pipe that should not have joints, and this is an important requirement when performing installation. You must first make precise markings with a marker. After installing a piece of pipe in the box, the joints must be carefully insulated.

The size of the hole cut for the passage of the pipe must exceed its cross-section by at least two hundred and fifty millimeters. A heat-resistant material is placed in the resulting gap, most often basalt wool. In addition to providing thermal insulation, this prevents damage to the chimney due to shrinkage of building structure elements or their deformation under the influence of temperature or humidity.

Installation of a sandwich chimney through a wall

To lay a chimney through ceilings made of materials susceptible to combustion, special units with an air gap between the outer part and the inner surface are used. In cases where the material is not flammable, instead of the passage element it is possible to install an unloading platform, which will serve as additional support for the structure.

How to make a chimney system pass through the roof

To exit the chimney system through the roof, the opening must be properly equipped. On the attic side, around the pipe you need to fasten a sheet of metal or a specially prepared panel with a hole. The structure is strengthened with bars or lathing.

The chimney, when passing through the roof, breaks its tightness. To prevent leaks, an insulating material called roof penetration is used. The latter is a pyramid, which consists of several steps placed on a flexible round or square flange. The material of such a product is silicone or weather-resistant types of rubber.

Installation of sandwich pipes through the roof

Thanks to the elasticity of these materials, the penetration is reliably compatible with any type of roof and resists the aggressive influence of the external environment. This part is selected depending on the diameter of the pipe and the angle of the roof. A penetration made of metal has excellent performance properties, but its installation is only possible on a roof without a relief pattern or a soft roof. At the same time, for high-quality sealing, it is necessary to accurately match the location of the flange to the slope of the coating.

Attaching the chimney to the wall

When placed outdoors, every two meters of the assembly the chimney is mounted to the wall with reliable brackets. If the installation diagram includes tees or bends, then each such element is also mounted to the wall. This makes it possible to maintain the chimney in a vertical position, reduce the load on the butt joints and make it impossible for destruction as a result of heavy gusts of wind.

Installing a sandwich chimney outside the building

Butt joints are tightened with metal clamps. Bends and tees are fixed using individual brackets. A gap is necessarily left between the wall and the chimney, which is called a setback; its size depends on the degree of flammability of the finishing materials, the thickness of the partition of the boiler equipment, and so on.

Options for mounting the chimney on the wall

It is recommended to purchase fasteners with a margin of about thirty percent, since in this case you will not have to be distracted from work if parts are damaged. You must strictly follow the instructions for assembling the product and use only high quality fasteners. The brackets must match the building material from which the wall is made.

How to install a chimney on the roof

When installing a chimney on the roof, it is necessary to take into account its appearance and the location of buildings in the neighborhood. The pipe should not be located in an area where natural draft will deteriorate. The height of the location above the roof is determined by the distance between the pipe and the ridge, above which it should rise no less than fifty centimeters. Above a flat roof, the elevation should be at least one hundred and twenty centimeters, if the roof is combined - at least two hundred centimeters.

In the case where the ridge is located from the pipe at a distance of one and a half to three meters, the chimney can be located on a common level with it. At a greater distance from the ridge, a horizontal line is drawn with a decline angle of ten degrees, and the chimney is placed no lower than this line. If these rules are not followed, reverse draft may form in the system for removing fuel combustion products.

Roof pipe installation height

A spark catcher is installed in the chimney pipe if flammable materials were used in the manufacture of the roof. A cone-shaped head is mounted above the outlet hole. To protect against atmospheric influences, fungi or deflectors are used.

Operating the system and solving problems of poor traction

To do this, a door is provided at the bottom of the structure or a special glass is installed, which provides access to the internal parts of the sandwich pipe. Following these simple rules will help reduce the formation of soot deposits or even prevent its occurrence.

Not a single boiler installation or furnace that burns any type of fuel can do without a chimney. At the moment, there is a large selection of different materials for the construction of chimneys. Of these, the most preferred are modular products supplied in sets, the so-called sandwiches. This material will cover issues related to the design of such pipes and their choice in each specific case. We will also look at how to properly install a sandwich chimney with your own hands.

Sandwich chimney device

Modular kits get their name because they consist of separate finished parts - modules of fixed sizes (usually 1 m long).

Each module is a sandwich pipe consisting of 3 layers:

  • internal circuit for combustion products: made of heat-resistant stainless steel;
  • insulation layer: usually basalt fiber with a density of up to 200 kg/m3, less often polyurethane foam;
  • outer contour: serves as protection for the thermal insulation material. The circuit material is stainless or galvanized steel.

The design is cylindrical because it is considered optimal from an aerodynamic point of view. The layers are bonded together with a special adhesive; the thickness of the thermal insulation may vary depending on the specific operating conditions. The modules are connected to each other using the sewer pipe method, so one end is made in the form of a socket, and the second has a narrowing.

In addition to straight sections, sandwich chimneys are equipped with a tee for inserting into a vertical section, a unit for condensate drainage and fasteners. If necessary, the kit can be supplemented with the same insulated bends at an angle of 90 or 45 degrees in order to make turns of the channel, and even ready-made units for passing through the ceilings (cuts) and the roof (roofs). The advantages of three-layer systems over other chimneys are as follows:

  • speed and ease of installation: the construction of any other pipe with insulation will take much more time;
  • excellent performance and durability;
  • the outside of the chimney sandwich pipes have a low temperature and are therefore fireproof;
  • The products are distinguished by their aesthetic appearance.

Note. Many manufacturers offer sandwich kits with exterior powder coating in almost any color.

Before choosing three-layer pipes, a chimney installation diagram must be drawn. Ideally, such important parameters as the diameter and height of the chimney are calculated by specialists, but homeowners rarely turn to them for help, trying to save money and solve all the issues themselves. To make their task as easy as possible, we will give some recommendations in this regard.

The diameter of the chimney pipe can be selected according to the outlet pipe of the boiler installation. The rule is simple: the flow area of ​​the sandwich should not be less than that of this pipe. More is allowed. As for the height, you can get a guaranteed result if you take its value to be at least 6 m. Moreover, the height is measured from the grate of the solid fuel boiler to the upper cut of the pipe.

If the boiler is gas, diesel or pellet, then the height of the chimney must be measured from the burner device. In this case, it is necessary that the chimney, or rather its cut, does not fall into the zone of wind support, otherwise the natural draft will be very weak. To avoid this, the following scheme is used in calculations:

In order to reduce the resistance of smoke channels, it is not recommended to make a large number of turns, a maximum of 3. And then, we must strive to use bends everywhere at an angle of 45º, and not 90. The length of the horizontal section before the tie-in is no more than 1 m. Observing these recommendations, you need to draw an installation diagram and mark on it the places where the flue duct is attached to building structures.

When the diagram is ready, you can safely select sandwich chimneys. There are several caveats here related to the quality of the products and the presence of a large number of fakes on the market. Point one: high-quality stainless steel alloyed with chromium does not attract a magnet at all. This fact should always be checked by taking with you a magnet wrapped in matter. The latter is needed so that during inspection you do not scratch the shiny surface of the metal and do not create a reason for a conflict with the seller. If the magnet is even slightly attracted, then you have a low-quality product.

Pay attention to the thickness of the steel from which the chimney sandwich is made. For example, high-quality Russian-made products sold under the VULCAN brand are made from metal 0.5 mm thick. When you come across a thinner stainless steel, know that it will burn out just as quickly; when choosing, be guided by a thickness of at least 0.5 mm.

Well, one last thing. Carefully examine the tee where the horizontal section cuts into. For convenience, ask the seller to attach a condensate collection unit to it. Then the opposite end of the tee, where the sandwich pipe for the chimney is connected, should have a socket and not a narrowing. If this is not the case, you should refuse such a purchase.

Note. When connecting three-layer flue modules, the inner contour of the upper section fits into the socket of the lower section, and the outer, on the contrary, is put on the lower pipe. Therefore, the socket on the tee must be observed from above, in the internal contour. You will get more information about choosing sandwich chimneys by watching the video:

How to assemble a sandwich chimney

First, a little about the scheme according to which the installation of a chimney from sandwich pipes is correctly carried out. There are two of them: for smoke and for condensate, and the first one is incorrect. This is easy to figure out by looking at the picture:

On the left, the red arrow shows how, when assembled “through the smoke,” condensate flowing down the walls safely gets inside the sandwich through the gap if the connection is incorrect. The worst thing is that during operation you will not see these drips, like on a regular single-wall chimney. All condensate will go into the insulation, and then when it freezes it will gradually rupture the pipe, separating the upper circuit. That is why it is so important to pay attention to this fact when choosing pipes, as we said above.

The figure on the right shows the correct assembly of sandwich chimneys - “according to condensate”. The latter in this case successfully flows along the joint and rushes down into the condensate collector. The same thing happens outside, precipitation flows down the pipe without flowing inside and without soaking the insulation.

There are two types of pipes for removing combustion products: internal and attached. The first is connected to the boiler and goes outside inside the house, bypassing the floors and roofing.

Such chimneys are often used for baths. The second type differs in that the pipe from the boiler immediately goes outside and then rises to the required height. This method is preferable because:

  • does not take up space inside the house;
  • does not require additional passage units through the floors;
  • much easier to install and cheaper;
  • more convenient to maintain.

External chimney

In any case, the installation of a sandwich chimney starts from the boiler. First, a horizontal section is connected, whose length cannot exceed 1 m. During installation, a slight slope is maintained away from the boiler installation to the vertical channel. The goal is to prevent condensation from entering the heating unit.

The next step is to go through the outer wall. If it is made of fireproof material, then three-layer chimney pipes are passed through a sleeve made of asbestos or metal. The easiest way is to make a sleeve from a pipe of larger diameter, and the gap between it and the flue must be sealed with asbestos cord or basalt fiber. The insert into the tee is located outside, and a condensate drainage unit is connected to its lower branch pipe.

When making a passage through the wall, you need to make sure that there is no junction of two sections in this place.

If the wall is wooden, then you will need to provide a gap between it and the pipe of at least 200 mm. Usually, to do this, a square opening of the required size is cut out in the wall, into which a special metal passage unit is inserted, shown in the photo below. The gas duct is laid through it, and the gap is filled with basalt fiber.

The vertical channel is installed from the bottom up, using clamps and heat-resistant sealant to seal the joints. At the same time, the chimney is attached to building structures using steel brackets. The latter are placed in such a way that the fastening clamp does not fall on the junction of two sections of the pipe. A nozzle or umbrella is installed on the cut of the sandwich pipe.

Chimney inside the house

By and large, there is no particular difference in the sequence of work. There are only additional operations when it is necessary to install additional elements of the chimney in places where it intersects the ceiling and roof.

These places must be chosen so as to maintain the distance from the walls and at the same time not lay the pipe in the middle of the room. The passage of the ceiling is similar to the intersection of the outer wall described above, but the passage through the roof is more difficult to arrange.

It's good when the roof is flat. Then you can use a simple galvanized element, part of which should be placed under the coating to prevent water from flowing in. But most often the roof is covered with corrugated sheeting, metal tiles or slate. Then installing the pipe and sealing the passage is done using a special elastic element called a cap.


It should be noted that the process of assembling a modular sandwich kit is not very difficult. Installing a chimney with your own hands is entirely within the power of homeowners with their head and hands. It is important to calculate everything correctly, draw a diagram and prepare materials. The rest is just painstaking work that requires attention and patience.

Understanding such a design is quite simple. It consists of several modules that are folded together to form a pipe. Thus, sandwich pipes are combined into modules, including three layers:

  • The interior is made of fire and rust resistant steel.
  • Insulation for pipes made of basalt fiber or polyurethane foam.
  • The outer part covering the thermal insulation. To form it, stainless or galvanized steel is used.

In a chimney, sandwich pipes are held together with a special compound similar to sewer pipes, so one part of the pipe must have the shape of a bell, the other must taper.

If it is necessary to rotate the channel, insulated bends at angles of 45 and 90 degrees are also added to the structure. In addition to these basic elements, for the construction of a sandwich chimney you will need tees, units for condensate drainage and materials for fastening.

Tip: When creating a sandwich chimney with your own hands, you can purchase ready-made units for passing the structure through the floors and roof.

As you can see, the device of this type of chimney is quite simple and contains high-quality materials, which allows us to highlight several advantages:

  • Speed ​​of construction.
  • Durability and efficient operation.
  • Safety due to the low temperature of the external part of the pipe.
  • Possibility of giving an aesthetic appearance.

Preparation for installation of sandwich pipe

When installing, you should keep in mind a number of basic recommendations:

  • The sandwich pipe should not be in close contact with the combustion unit, so another material, for example, stainless steel, should be chosen as the first section.
  • In addition, flammable parts of the house - beams, ceilings, roofing and walls made of wood - must be protected from contact with the sandwich pipe. Therefore, before insulating the chimney, in such places it is necessary to take into account the need to cover the pipe with an additional layer of thermal insulation.
  • After connecting the sandwich pipes, it is necessary to seal the seams with fireproof sealant, which will increase the strength and safety of the fastening.

Important: If this type of chimney is chosen, it must consist entirely of sandwich pipes, with the exception of the first bend. It is not recommended to insert simple ones between them, as this can lead to malfunction and depressurization.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling a sandwich chimney

Before starting any construction work, you need to draw up a plan and make calculations, and the construction of a pipe is no exception. Since it is necessary to assemble a sandwich chimney for a specific stove or boiler, you need to determine the cross-section and length depending on the power of the device.

Selecting the section size

The basic rule is that the greater the power of the furnace, the larger the cross-section should be. For marking, two parameters are usually determined - the outer and inner diameters of the pipe. Most often, the first indicator of a sandwich chimney is 180 mm. The internal cross-section for a unit that is not too powerful can be chosen to be 120 mm, and for a more productive one, a pipe of 150 mm.

Determining the length of the chimney pipe

The height is determined not only by the full measurement of the structure, but also by its part rising above the roof:

  • The total size of the sandwich chimney pipe must be 5 m or more. If you select a lower setting, the oven will not function properly and may even be unsafe.
  • When choosing the height of the part of the pipe that rises above the roof for roofs covered with fire-resistant coating, you can stop at a height of half a meter. However, if the coating is likely to ignite, this setting should be increased.

Important: If the pipe must change its direction from vertical, it would be best to organize an angle of up to 90 degrees with a pipe length of no more than a meter.

Installation of a vertical sandwich chimney

It is produced by sequentially putting one element of a sandwich pipe on another:

  • The first stainless steel element is installed on the boiler or stove and secured with clamps.
  • Sandwich elements are put on from bottom to top and the seams are sealed.

  • A hole is created in the roof along the diameter of the pipe, into which a pipe is mounted using self-tapping screws. The seams are sealed.
  • A new part of the riser and a “skirt” for waterproofing are installed on the outlet part of the pipe.
  • A cap is mounted on top of the last sandwich pipe.

Video: installation of a sandwich chimney

During work and upon completion, it is necessary to check the correct installation using a level.

Forming a chimney exiting through a wall from a sandwich pipe

If you decide to bring the chimney through the wall, you must:

  • Using bars or other special elements, strengthen the space around the pipe outlet.
  • Finish the wall around with plywood, add asbestos sheet and galvanized metal.
  • Install a bracket with skids that will help guide the pipe through the wall.
  • Mount a tee onto the bracket to connect the pipe.

  • The end of the pipe brought out is equipped with a condenser.
  • The assembly of parts - sandwich pipes - continues. In this case, they must be firmly screwed to the wall using a supporting truss and anchor screws.
  • The upper part, as in the case of a chimney exiting through the roof, is equipped with a cap.

Possible errors and their elimination

By external assessment, all parts may be securely fastened, and the angle may show an even direction of the pipe, but the chimney may still not work correctly. You can find the cause and fix the problem as follows:

  • If thick black smoke comes out of the chimney of a sandwich pipe, the reason may be the insufficient height of the structure or stagnation of soot inside it (We advise you to read more).

Tip: The pipe should be cleaned once every year, or twice if a preventive inspection at the beginning of the heating season shows that a lot of substances released during combustion have accumulated inside.

  • If, despite the presence of insulation, condensation still forms inside the pipe, additional insulation should be performed.

Attentive attention to all details during drawing up drawings and carrying out work will ensure long-term use of the heating system without failures or problems.
