How to properly dress a dog with a zipper. Details on how to insert a dog into a zipper

Vaporizing and replacing a zipper is a laborious process that requires time and the use of a sewing machine. At the same time, there are no guarantees that in the end the thing will look as aesthetically pleasing as before the start of work. That is why girls try by all available means to avoid the procedure. And they succeed. At least in those cases when a slider malfunction pushes active manipulations with the clasp. How do you fix it if it's broken?

Quite often, such a decision is made when the dog breaks or falls out. However, the situation with a worn runner can be solved in a less drastic way. You just need purchase another slider in a sewing store, but not the first one that comes across, but completely identical to the previous one. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, find out the type of dog used in the jacket.

Types of runners on the jacket and their marking

To buy the right doggy, look at the back of the old one. It has a number and a letter engraved on it. Useful notes regarding the number:

The letter component of the marking is also indicative. Its meanings:

  • X - cast and one-piece zipper, number of locks: 2;
  • L - the clasp does not unfasten, the number of locks: 1;
  • H - one-piece zipper, number of locks: 2;
  • D - the zipper opens completely, there are 2 locks with 2 connectors;
  • A - the design of the lock does not provide a connector;
  • B - there is a connector, the number of locks: 2;
  • C - there is a connector, the number of locks: 1.

Peculiar the dog itself serves as a guide, or rather, its shape. On it you can find out the type of lock. For a twisted zipper, the traditional slider has the shape of an oval, for an iron one it has a triangle, for a tractor one it has an oval or shamrock shape. There are also products of other forms, but they are less common on the market than the classic versions.

Important! If the old dog is not preserved, then just take the jacket with you to the store. An experienced seller will be able to “by eye” select the right type of slider. In extreme cases, he will do it empirically.

What is needed to replace the dog?

In the course of the work, you will need the following items and tools:

  • needle;
  • threads;
  • new slider;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers or pliers;
  • nail scissors.

In some cases, the list is updated with new limiters (metal staples are better) and glue (universal, colorless, strong, without acetone and vinegar-based additives). In other situations, it is possible to cope with the task without scissors, a screwdriver and a thread with a needle, only with the help of a dog, pliers and a latch.

Step-by-step do-it-yourself replacement process

Method one:

Important! Changing the latch on the second side of the jacket, which, at first glance, has nothing to do with the slider, is mandatory, since contact between the dog and this limiter still takes place. This happens when the zipper is fully closed. And if there is a small limiter on one half, and a large one on the other, then this can later cause the lock to diverge or the slider to fly out.

Method two:

  1. remove the clamp-lock and the old slider;
  2. with scissors, slightly cut the upper edge of the zipper (quite a bit and as close as possible to the beginning of the teeth);
  3. put on a dog
  4. put a new clamp-retainer;
  5. change the limiter on the 2nd side of the jacket;
  6. with looped seams, sew up the incision that was previously made with a zipper.

This method is good because facilitates the process of stringing the slider on the zipper. Its disadvantages are also obvious: you will have to make an incision, then sew it together, which in the future may cause premature failure of the zipper (it will begin to tear further, spread along the previously planned cut and holes from the needle).

The subtleties of replacing the slider with a jacket zipper

Useful notes and tips:

Is it possible to make a doggie yourself and install it?

If the tongue of the dog fell out, and the slider itself remained in place, then the replacement of the slider can be postponed until later. You just need to find an object that, after a few manipulations, will become suitable for use as a tongue. It can be a paper clip, invisible or hairpin.

The sequence of steps for self-made dogs:

The use of thread is caused by the need to soften the impromptu tongue, decorate it in the color of lightning and provide hands with additional protection. If the listed nuances are not on the agenda or there is simply no time, then it is quite possible to do without winding, that is, simply insert a paper clip or stealth into the hole in the slider.

Important! If the slider broke down on the street and there is no stationery or hairpin at hand, then remove the keys from the ringlet and use it together with the tongue of the dog.

With large dogs, it will be possible to do without a metal blank - paper clips or stealth. Enough to purchase lace the same color as the zipper. In addition to it, you will need: side cutter tongs, decor (optional) and a lighter. Beads, key chains and metal balls with holes are suitable for the role of decoration.


  1. thread the lace into the hole of the dog;
  2. cut off the excess;
  3. string decor on a rope;
  4. tie the ends in a knot;
  5. burn the ends with a lighter so that they do not bloom.

Additionally, you can form a decorative knot that does not carry a practical load approximately in the middle of the threaded lace, and then put on the beads. The option also looks aesthetically pleasing, in which decor is not used at all, provided that a contrasting rope is used for the jacket.

When should you repair rather than replace?

The problem requires drastic measures in the event that part of the teeth fell out or bent. The first failure usually haunts the owners of plastic zippers, the second - iron ones. By the way, a plastic lock is generally a very unreliable design. Especially if it is planted on a children's jacket.

In this case, parents will have to deal with both the torn pins and the appearance of a broken bend, which will prevent the dog from working normally (the row of teeth itself bends). Therefore, if possible, do not purchase things with this type of lock, or immediately after purchase, change it to a more practical metal version.

Important! You can’t do without sewing in a new zipper even if the fabric part of the lock breaks (its correct name in case of going to the store: textile tape), but broken latches are not the basis for immediate drastic measures. Almost all lightning elements are replaceable.

Also it is necessary to take into account the root cause of what is happening. If the situation arose due to the fact that the lock on the jacket began to diverge, and you pressed the dog over and over again with the tool, but after a period of time it stopped working normally again, and when you next tried to solve the problem, you squeezed the slider too hard with pliers, which is why it cracked, it's not the dog's fault. Even having installed a new one, you will soon again encounter a discrepancy in the lock. Therefore, for the normal wear of outerwear, the old zipper will have to be flogged and replaced with another one.

Obviously, the zipper is known to everyone and very popular in all its applications and manifestations.

These are clothes and shoes, bags and covers, a lot of other equally useful things. Do you know what underlies its principle of action?

Few people know that an ordinary bird gave the world the idea for its implementation. More precisely - a feather of a bird. Even more precisely - the principle of connecting the elements of the pen into a single plane. This is an alternating engagement of the feather villi, which ultimately forms a single whole.
The same thing happens in the usual "lightning". When it is fastened, the elements of one edge engage with the elements of the other edge with the help of a lock or, in other words, a “runner”.

So before you start ripping out the old zipper, let's assess the problem. The slider just can't align the teeth properly. The slider doesn't slide up and down smoothly. Issues #1 and #2 mean, without a shadow of a doubt, the replacement of the zipper. However, with #3, #4, and #5, there is hope for saving the old zipper. If your slider feels loose or doesn't align your teeth properly, it could mean that the slider is bent. To fix the slider, use long nose pliers and lightly pinch the slider to reduce the gap. Remember, make the gap smaller rather than larger. So pinch and test, pinch and test.

  • The cause of dysfunctional lightning varies.
  • Zip teeth missing or serrated.
  • The zipper is broken or missing.
  • The zipper is loose and seems to be moving away from the teeth.
Now about the #5 slider doesn't slide up and down smoothly.

The elements can be plastic or metal staples or teeth fixed at one end to a strip of fabric. The plastic version can be cast (which is called "tractor") or twisted ("spiral").

The weakest link in this whole fastening device is usually the lock, or “slider”. Its malfunction can manifest itself in the breakdown of the "tongue" - a device that we clamp with our fingers. The mechanism that holds the slider closed may break, and then it will unfasten. In addition, a malfunction can manifest itself in the divergence of the halves of the zipper when you try to fasten it. In the latter case, many advise to tighten the halves of the castle to each other.

There might be some minor flaw on the zipper, but the chances of a zipper, especially a metal or brass one, just call for a lubricant. Have you heard of lightning soap? This is a number of good brands in the market. Take your time from the very beginning and end of the zipper, because this is where the manufacturer made a lot of fasteners. There are so many layers to deal with and don't forget those annoying snaps, velcro or windmills that get in the way. This is the surest way to keep your zipper straight and avoid bubbles. There is a little trick to spread the second zipper tape over to the other side. The trick is to zip up the zipper and start attaching the second tape at the very top. Once a few pins are in place, you can unzip the zipper and continue pinning the entire length. Attaching at the top when the zipper is closed will ensure proper zipper placement. Once you're done pinning, zip up again and see if everything lines up and check if everything is lying down. I like to sew with a size 100 needle, zipper foot and all purpose thread, preferably 100% polyester. This is difficult to do, saving time spent on manual work and dealing with such bulky materials. Just go to your nearest closet and pull out your dusty winter clothes and crack open!

  • Hey, before you reach the seam ripper, grab a camera.
  • Take pictures of the clothes first so you know how you need to get them all back.
  • Take a new zipper and unzip it so you'll be working with one tape.
  • With the basting done it's time for the actual sewing!
  • Hand basting has done most of the work here.
Here is the jacket with the broken zipper.

Zipper repair by pressing the slider

First you can try to tighten the lock without removing the slider.

Find pliers, you can use wire cutters, or even a hammer

The zippered teeth did not clench when the jacket was zipped up. Before you begin, make sure you choose a zipper that is long enough to open the jacket. Try to buy a zipper that is the same length as your current zipper. If that's not possible, get one that's longer.

You can always shorten the top of the zipper. Here are two different types of jacket zippers. The zipper on the left is a silver metal zipper. The one on the right is made of durable nylon. A metal zipper was chosen for this jacket.

Find a place near the fastener where the inner space is empty, and not where the partition is. This is the part closer to the bottom of the jacket, as a rule.

Try to squeeze this edge with pliers to such an extent that the upper and lower walls touch each other with an edge.

Before you buy a zipper, zip it up and down a few times to make sure it doesn't stick and that it actually works. You wouldn't want to sew it on and find out it was defective. If your zipper tape is wrinkled, you can iron it, but be careful not to hit the nylon zippers with your teeth with a hot iron.

I don't usually have this problem with jackets. But sometimes, the zipper dress or pants are wrinkled. They are better for a jacket than for all purposes. Seams on the stitching line where the original zipper was, being careful not to run over your pins.

When you release the pliers, you will see that the edges will again move a certain distance, but already less.

Try to check the fastening of the zipper, if it starts to fasten, then everything is fine ...

Take them out right before you get to them. When you get there, just stay on course. You shouldn't have any problems staying on the original line. You might think in the photo above that there will be a small wrinkle. Let's see how this stitch line approaches the anchor.

Zipper repair by pressing the slider

When you reach the bottom of the zipper, you will notice that the zipper tape has a thick, stiff area about one inch long. You may have noticed that the original zipper ended a few inches above the bottom of the jacket. The new zipper was longer and fitted perfectly into the bottom of the jacket.

If the zipper still does not close very well, then you will have to remove the slider ...

To remove a faulty lock, it is necessary to remove the limiter on one or both halves of the fasteners. On one - if the lightning has a detachable connection at the bottom. The limiter is most often a metal bracket that prevents the “dog” from jumping out of the band with teeth.

If your zip is too long, just fold the excess down at the top. If it's a few inches too long, leave about an inch or more so you can fold it up at the top. Some people don't like any volume from lightning so they turned it off.

If you do, just make sure you have extras so you don't have a raw edge at the top. You may need to knock out a stitch on the top zippers to keep the zipper from coming off. You don't have to worry about that second stitch that was next to the zipper tape.

This bracket will need to be carefully unbent with an awl or a thin screwdriver and completely removed from the strip of fabric-base of the "zipper".

After the limiter is removed, the slider is taken out through the zippers upwards. We see that it is really distorted and therefore the lightning does not work...

What is needed to replace the dog?

This one row holds your zipper tight. Different types of sliders are available depending on usage. When the left and right side teeth are engaged, they are called a chain. It is usually made of polyester, but synthetic fiber tape, vinyl tape, and cotton tape are also available depending on usage.

Unsmooth opening and closing of the slider. The engagement of the elements can be damaged by causing a slider that does not open or close smoothly. Loss of elements Attempting to force close the zipper of an overfilled bag will result in excessive stress on the elements. This stress can cause the element to come out of the tape. This is a dangerous problem with a zipper, so the zipper should only be closed after bringing the sides of the two elements together so that the slider can move more easily.

We clamp the slider with pliers, correct its curvature

Pressing on one side and the other

We put the corrected slider on a zipper

Slider caught in fabric. The slider may catch on the thread or fabric when opening or closing. Trying to release the slider by force will only exacerbate the problem. Pull the slider back to remove any trapped thread or fabric. When the slider bites deep into the fabric, do not push back, but gently fold back. When sewing zippers on clothing, take care to avoid zippers getting stuck.

Inserting or removing clothing Clothing should only be put on or taken off after the zipper is fully open. When closing the zipper, the slider will move smoothly if the hook or top button is secured in advance. If the slider is left halfway, excessive stress is placed on the elements, the bottom stop, or the slider itself and can cause damage. The same attention given to boots, gloves, and zippered accessories is kept to a minimum.

Putting the limiter in place

And we clamp it with pliers.

Checking if the zipper is closed...

Proper ironing with appropriate heat depending on the material. The use of proper heat for ironing material is not limited to clothing, but also applies to zippers. Zippers can be strong and beautiful, given the material they are made from, and ironed with the proper warmth. The zipper should always be closed before ironing, the slider is fixed in the correct position, and the zipper is covered with a piece of fabric, no matter what material it is. The retractable slider tongue should never be ironed when it is straight or vice versa.

It happens that there is no limiter on the zipper, and the fold of the fastener fabric with subsequent firmware serves as the limiter. In this case, the edge must be cut.. If this is difficult to do, then you can proceed as follows:

We will need small pliers (or nail clippers, or a flathead screwdriver) and large pliers

To the left, the tip of the slider may damage the fabric, or the tape may stretch or shrink. Strong alkaline cleaners or chlorine bleaches used to remove oil or stains will dissolve the paraffin or oil film and should be used with care. Zippers have changed a lot since they were first invented and they don't have the problems that we all have. From stuck zippers to just won teeth, here's how to solve all the problems you'll run into with anything that zips up.

When your zipper gets stuck, it looks like it's caught on something. The zipper may not go down at all, and until you fix it, you are stuck inside the jacket. Take a graphite pencil and rub the tip of the pencil on your teeth. Try again and it should work. If that doesn't work, it's time to move on to lubrication. Start by zipping all the way and slowly apply the lubricant to your teeth.

We introduce the flat end of the tool (screwdriver, for example) under the clamp of the slider and squeeze it slightly,

So that it can be easily removed from the zipper.

Insert the pliers into the slider as shown here to widen it a bit.

Then tighten the zipper a little more, try again and keep doing this until the zipper is all the way down.

One of the most frustrating problems with a zipper is that the teeth don't close. The problem stems from several different causes. Sometimes the aforementioned pencil trick will flatten your teeth so they work again.

If this does not work, the slider may not work correctly. First, double check that a piece of fabric or thread is not caught in the zipper. Then look at individual teeth. If any of them are sticking out, take a pair of pliers and put them back in place so they're all straight.

Just don't overdo it or you'll break it.

Then we insert the zipper slider again ...

If your teeth are straight and clean, take a look at the slider itself. Over time, the slider starts to fall apart and when it does, it stops the teeth of the zipper together. Take a few pliers and try to close the slider until it catches the teeth again.

As for jeans, the decision is a little more complicated. If you can, you'll need to remove the metal bumper at the bottom and replace it with stitches, or just tie it down the middle if the bottom is missing teeth. Unfortunately, this only really works with pants, where you can actually get to the bottom bumper.

After such manipulations, the lock simply has to work: o)

Replacing the slider with a zipper

Pressing the lock, of course, is a useful thing ...
But such resuscitation can be carried out only once, the castle will no longer withstand and will fall apart completely. Therefore, if you managed to save your lightning once, then try to prepare a spare slider - just in case of a fire.

If that fails, or you're working with pants where you can't get to the entire zipper run, you may need to completely replace the zipper. A common problem with trouser closures is a zipper that won't stay in place. This can lead to all types of embarrassing situations. Unfortunately, you can't really fix this problem permanently unless you completely replace the zipper.

However, you have two simple temporary fixes. This simplifies the zipper. If you prefer a little more flexibility, you can also try a rubber band. So you don't have to replace the whole zipper, just the slider? Replacing a zipper slider—sometimes called a pop-out tab or zipper head—is usually much easier than a complete zipper replacement. However, there are still a few questions that need to be answered in order to determine the correct part to use.

It is possible to qualitatively repair such a fastener on clothes or shoes without completely replacing it, only by replacing the entire lock. Even on a high-quality fastener, it fails first of all, since a constant physical effort is applied to it, and its area is relatively small compared to the area of ​​​​all the teeth.

To determine which lock you need to purchase, you need to know several parameters. Sliders have different sizes - most often they are applied to the back of the clip.

  • For metal, sizes range from 3 to 10 or more. On the reverse side, the slider is shaped like a triangle.
  • The slider of tractor lightning from the inside has the shape of a trefoil or oval, and are designated No. 3 and beyond.
  • For twisted zippers, the slider shape is only oval, numbers from 3 onwards.

The letter designations that are embossed next to the numbers indicate the following:

  • X - one-piece zipper, cast, 2 locks;
  • L - the clasp does not unfasten, lock 1;
  • H - one-piece lightning, lock 2;
  • D - fully open clasp, 2 locks with 2 slots;
  • A - lock without connector;
  • B - connector with 1 lock;
  • C - connector, 2 locks.

How to distinguish runners:

Also determine the type of lock: it happens

  • automatic - the mechanism inside the dog does not allow the teeth to diverge at any position of its tongue;
  • semi-automatic - unfastening is possible only with the “tongue” raised - after the zipper is fastened, you need to fix a special stopper, when the puller is raised, the lock will disperse;
  • haberdashery - when the teeth of the lightning are not blocked, and there is no stopper in the mechanism.

It must be remembered that sliders change on metal and plastic zippers of outerwear. On trousers and skirts, the replacement of the dog is impossible due to the specifics.
The zipper unzips and the slider remains on one half of the zipper. The upper limiter is carefully removed with a screwdriver and pliers. If the edge of the zipper next to the stopper is very close to the fabric, then it will need to be slightly undercut (this is rare).
The zipper itself needs to be fastened. After that, without much effort, completely remove the lock from the side of the removed limiters. Install the new lock in place of the old one, tucking the edges of the guide tape into the “dog” grooves. After the lock is installed, use pliers to clamp, putting in place, metal stops or sew on the ripped fabric.


The best way to get the correct slider is when buying a new one is to have a sample of the old one. Side cutters are required for its installation. As well as “limiters” for the slider, so that it does not fly off at the top of the lightning. They are also sold in sewing stores. If you are unlucky enough to get "limiters", then you can remove them from an old metal zipper, for example, from jeans.

With side cutters, “bite” the plastic limiter at the top of the zipper (remove the metal one with a screwdriver)

And take it off. On the other hand, do the same.

Now gently put the slider on slightly swinging up and down.

And carefully clamp with side cutters. On the other hand, do the same.

Replacing the slider without effort and at home is made.

Workshop of Alena Maslova

Everyone faced a problem when the zipper “diverges” on a jacket or sweater or the slider broke (popularly called “dog”). Do not immediately change the zipper, make an revision if all the teeth are in order, then slider replacement will cost less.

But let's look at what sliders are, because a slider for a metal zipper is not suitable for a plastic zipper. And I recommend buying a new one, rather than taking it off things you don't wear.

Before you is a slider for a zipper with plastic teeth, “tractor” No. 5. It is widened and rounded at the top.

This is a #5 metal prong zipper slider.

This one is for the #7 “twisted” zipper, which has spiral-shaped teeth.

The number of zippers depends on the thickness of the zipper itself.

The best way to get the correct slider is when buying a new one is to have a sample of the old one.

Let's assume that you have purchased the desired slider. Side cutters are required for its installation. As well as “limiters” for the slider, so that it does not fly off at the top of the lightning. They are also sold in sewing stores. If you are unlucky enough to get "limiters", then you can remove them from an old metal zipper, for example, from jeans. I cut out these limiters with scissors and put them in a matchbox.

Side cutters “bite” the plastic limiter at the top of the zipper

and take it off. On the other hand, do the same.

This shows that the sliders have one shape. Colored runners are not sold in our sewing stores, so we will limit ourselves to what we have.

Now gently put the slider on slightly swinging up and down. Too bad it doesn't show in the photo.

Replace the plastic stopper with a metal one.

And carefully clamp with side cutters. On the other hand, do the same.

made effortlessly and at home. Wear with pleasure.

How to replace a zipper slider: video

Photo Shutterstock

You will need:

  • dog (runner);
  • pliers;
  • screwdriver;
  • needle;
  • threads;
  • household oil;

Sliders are made of soft metals or plastics and usually wear out before zipper teeth.

If the zipper is in good condition, that is, its teeth are not damaged, there are no fallen ones and the slider is outwardly intact, but when fastening the lock diverges, try slightly pressing the slider with pliers in the unbuttoned state. This is enough to return the lightning to working condition.

But if this did not help or the slider was broken, you will have to change it. It is better to purchase a new slider in a sewing store or remove it from the old lock. On a broken dog, look at the markings indicating its size, or take it to the store for an example.

Detachable zipper

Outerwear has a detachable zipper, which means that every time you put on a thing, you need to put one side of the zipper into the slider. To replace the dog with such a zipper or return a flown one to its place, it is enough to remove the limiter. The limiter is a metal bracket, it is unclenched with the help of pliers and a screwdriver, you can also handle it with nail tweezers. It is located at the top of the part of the zipper that is permanently connected to the slider. Then slide the pawl through its bottom flat side. Put the stopper back in place by tightening it with pliers, or put in a new one. Also, instead of the limiter, you can make several stitches with threads in the color of the lightning. Sometimes, in order to insert the slider, you have to open the seam a little where the top edge of the zipper is sewn. But before that, try first to bend a small section of the zipper from the top edge so that the teeth of the zipper diverge as much as possible, and thread the slider.

On a detachable zipper, after removing the limiter, the old slider is removed through the top

One-piece zipper

If you have a problem with a one-piece zipper, for example in a bag, then you will have to rip the seams a bit to release both ends of the zipper. Pass the slider through them evenly and without jerking, so as not to damage the teeth. Then fasten the lock to its full length several times. Make sure that the pawl holds the zipper well and that both parts of the zipper are evenly connected without creating creases. Sew in the ends. If the new slider, corresponding to the size of the zipper, is very tight, do not rush to change it, much less open it with a screwdriver to loosen its compression. Lightly lubricate the lock with household oil at the base, and the move will become freer.

It is very disappointing to put on a thing and find that the lock is broken. Change clothes and carry a thing in the studio? But changing the lock is not cheap. In most cases, it is enough to replace the dog and wear the item again. But not everyone knows how to quickly fix a dog with a zipper. To change the slider, you need to know what sliders are and what to do in case of a breakdown.

Zip slider

How to change a broken dog with a zipper? First you need to determine the type of failure.

If the teeth crumble on the zipper, then the lock itself needs to be changed completely. The dog is changed when, when fastening or unfastening the fastener, it diverges or jams.

When do you have to think about how to replace a dog with a zipper?

  1. The type of fastener does not fit the item - the textile tape is too thin for this product. Under load, even if it was long, the cheeks of the slider move apart. It is impossible to constantly press them with pliers - they will break. Especially often breakages occur if the slider is made of plastic;
  2. When the slider is worn, cracks form on its jumper. In this case, it crumbles, it needs to be replaced.

According to the material from which the teeth are made, fasteners can be divided into the following types:

  • tractor - most often the teeth are made of plastic;
  • metal;
  • twisted.

It is impossible to solve the problem of how to make a zipper if the lock does not fit under it. Sliders have different sizes - most often they are applied to the back of the clip.For metal, sizes range from 3 to 10 or more. On the reverse side, the slider is shaped like a triangle.

The slider of tractor lightning from the inside has the shape of a trefoil or oval, and are designated No. 3 and beyond. For twisted zippers, the slider shape is only oval, numbers from 3 onwards.

The letter designations that are embossed next to the numbers indicate the following:

  • X - one-piece zipper, cast, 2 locks;
  • L - the clasp does not unfasten, lock 1;
  • H - one-piece lightning, lock 2;
  • D - the clasp opens completely, 2 locks with 2 slots;
  • A - lock without connector;
  • B - connector with 1 lock;
  • C - connector, 2 locks.

To cope with the task of how to quickly fix a zipper dog, you also need to know the types of sliders:

Replacement sliders for different types of zippers

In order not to be distracted from work, you should prepare in advance:

  • pliers or pliers;
  • screwdriver
  • nail scissors;
  • threads;
  • a needle;
  • new slider.

Sometimes it may be necessary, in addition to the dog, to purchase a limiter, and add universal glue to the necessary materials.

How to put the dog on a metal detachable zipper:

  1. First you need to remove the limiter on one side. To do this, you need to bite it off with a side cutter. If the limiter enters the fabric, then carefully pry it off with a screwdriver or nail scissors;
  2. The same scissors make a cut, cutting the thickening of the braid of the lock. This must be done in order to remove the old slider and put on a new one freely. The slider needs to be wiggled slightly if it goes tight. It is advisable to grease the teeth with oil. Applying force is undesirable - you can damage the teeth or a new fastener;
  3. To insert the slider, you need to hold it slightly at an angle;
  4. Both halves of the zipper are connected, inserted into the slider, they check how it works;
  5. A buttonhole seam - it is also called overcast - tightens the edges of the cut.

How to put a dog on a tractor zipper:

  • First you need to look at the type of limiter. Is it soldered or just fixed. The plastic stopper can only be removed once. Only with the limiter removed can you solve the problem of how to remove a broken dog from a zipper;
  • In order for the slider to fall into place, it needs to be slightly unclenched. After installation, it is pressed;
  • They put the second half of the lock into the slider, check how it closes the teeth, then install the limiter, tightening it with pliers.

The teeth of plastic tractor zippers, so that the dog moves more easily, are lubricated with dry soap.

How to put a dog on a twisted zipper?

The work algorithm is no different from the already proposed options.

But over other types of fasteners, screw fasteners have some advantage - it does not have a specific direction for fastening. Instead of a limiter, you can put 2 runners that can freely ride in both directions.

Nuances of the technical process

How to insert a dog into a one-piece zipper? The technology of work is the same, but without a sewing machine it will be impossible to repair a thing.

Each of us has come across a situation when a clasp breaks on a good thing. The most common malfunction is a jumping dog. If the zipper chain is in good condition, there are no damages and missing teeth, you can fix the clasp by replacing the old slider yourself.

Only on high-quality zippers from YKK, RiRi, runners made of good metal. They can be reused by inserting the working part of the lightning into the connector of the slider. A dog made of less quality metal needs to be replaced. The fastener must be carefully examined to identify shortcomings that are incompatible with the subsequent long service life:

  • Chain links must be intact, missing teeth will make further use, even with a new slider impossible.
  • The braid on which the teeth are located must be intact.
  • In a detachable fastener, the reinforcing tape and the nest are not subject to repair. The lock will have to be flogged and replaced completely.

Important! When buying a new dog, the seller is informed of the number of the broken one. This is usually the number engraved on the back. Zippers from different manufacturers may differ even if the slider number matches. Going to the store, it is better to take the product with you.

Look at the number on the dog - this is the easiest way to choose the right option for replacement

For work, the following tools and materials must be prepared:

  • pliers or pliers;
  • a slider suitable for fastener links;
  • flat screwdriver;
  • limiter (you can carefully remove the old one);
  • needle and thread of the right color.

Changing the dog should be done in good light. The item must be laid out on the table.

Replacing the pawl with a one-piece zipper

The one-piece fastener is used in such types of clothing as trousers, skirts, dresses. The clasp is also used in leather goods - in bags, backpacks, wallets. You can try to insert a jumped-out dog in a plastic zipper from above by tucking both parts of the braid with links into the connectors of the slider and carefully move the slider down until the lower limiter. If this cannot be done without damaging the plastic teeth of the zipper, the pawl is mounted in the same order as for the metal fastener:

  1. Removing the lower limiter. Unlike the upper limiter, the lower one on quality products is made of durable and hard metal. It takes some effort to take it off. For work, pliers and a flat screwdriver are used.
  2. The slider is positioned flat side down. From above, both parts of the braid with links are inserted into the connectors at the same time.
  3. The dog carefully moves up. The teeth of the chain are closed, the zipper is fastened.
  4. The removed bracket of the lower limiter is installed in its old place.

Installation of the lower limiter is only necessary on the leather goods clasp, where it is visible. A one-piece zipper in clothing, such as trousers or a skirt, is partially hidden under a seam allowance. It is allowed to fix the link chain by making a bartack from several stitches of a strong thread.

Similarly to a regular zipper, a dog is inserted on a hidden clasp in a women's dress or skirt. Such lightning is performed without a lower limiter. In the lower part, the teeth are fused into a single whole, in order to separate them, it is enough to pull the ends of the zipper with an effort in different directions. The slider is inserted from below. This is possible, since the machine stitch does not reach the bottom of the chain by 3 cm. After the links are closed, the zipper is fixed with a needle and thread.

Replacing the pawl with a detachable zipper

The detachable lock is used in most types of top demi-season clothing. Leather jackets, windbreakers, sports trowels - they use a detachable clasp.

The slider is replaced in the following order:

  1. On the side of the fastener, in the lower part of which the nest is located, you need to remove the upper limiter. First, from the wrong side, the limiter bracket is pryed off with a flat screwdriver, then it is unbent with the help of pliers.
  2. The dog with the flat side is put on the zipper braid and moves down.
  3. Using pliers, the upper limiter is installed back.

Some detachable fasteners in the upper part go into the seam with links, there is no stopper. In this case, on the plastic chain, the pawl is pressed by the connector to the braid. And on a metal zipper, several cloves are removed, a dog is threaded in, and a limiter is installed in place of the removed links.

Reference! Sometimes an outwardly serviceable slider does not close the links in the chain - this means that the connectors are loose, they must be carefully pressed with pliers or pliers.

The zipper is very convenient to use. It is useful to learn how to repair it yourself and set it up by tightening the slider connectors. The ability to carry out minor repairs to clothing and leather goods will subsequently save time and effort spent searching for a master or new clothes more than once.

Dog replacement and repair video

How to insert a slider - step by step

If the dog, when fastening the bag, accidentally came off the fastener, but the zipper was closed, then proceed as follows:

Important! Pulling the dog down the fastener is not always convenient. Use a safety pin that can be inserted into the lock, and the work will go faster.

If the slider is removed from an open zipper, then it must first be connected. This is done with calm movements from side to side. The connection of the teeth must be carried out without gaps, otherwise all the work will have to be redone. Having finished the connection, take the dog and put it on the clasp. Proceed according to the steps above.

Important! In this way, you can restore the integrity of a spiral or tractor lightning. It is impossible to manually connect a metal snake, so the clasp will need to be replaced.

Sometimes the slider flies out of the fastener not at the end, but in the middle, when the clove flies out. In this case, it is possible to put the lock in place only temporarily; in the very near future, the clasp will need to be completely replaced.

If for some reason it was not possible to put the dog in place, or simply there is no desire to do it yourself, in any workshop for repairing bags or shoes, this procedure will be easily carried out for you by professionals in a matter of minutes.

How to insert a zipper into boots with your own hands

We will try to replace the zipper on boots manually, and we will also tell you how to sew a zipper into boots with and without a machine. Our method will help to expand the tops of the boots on their own, at home.

Perhaps the most common problem that happens to our shoes after a broken heel is a broken zipper. Given that such a popular type of fastener is used in both women's and men's shoes (and even children's). This trouble can be attributed to the scale of a universal character. As a result, everyone at least once faced with a breakage of the dog (runner) in boots, or with a zipper that had broken, bent or deformed teeth in it.

It's good if you can fix the damage yourself. But in most cases, the only way out is a replacement. We will try to suggest how to get out of the created problem on our own. Insert (replace) the zipper in the boots with your own hands.

To begin with, we need a lock similar to the one that broke. You can buy another, the main thing is that it is strong enough and suitable in length. To do this, we measure the length of the old broken lock with a small margin (1 cm) and go to the store for a new one. It is clear that we need two identical fasteners. They will have to be sewn into two boots.

If your shoes have a broken dog (slider), then you will first have to unfasten both of them before sewing in a new lock. In our case, the slider did not fall off and we left both as a decorative element, moving them to the bottom position on the clasp.

We make the upper part of the new castle with the old one and fasten our zipper parallel to the old one with the help of pins.

Aligning the upper part and securing it with pins on both sides, parallel to the old zipper, we close the lock. So we can easily check if there are any distortions. We attach the new clasp to the fabric backing of the old clasp.

We do not have to pierce thick leather or leatherette with a needle. We just use the old lock - to attach a new one to it (in parallel).

This will give us the opportunity not only to sew (attach) a new lock, but also to expand the top to the width of the new zipper with our own hands. If you don't want to screw up your shoes by ripping out a faulty zipper, you just add volume with a new insert and you don't have to stretch the shaft to increase its girth. There are many options for using this approach.

If you still decide to insert the clasp into the boots yourself, then most likely you will have to do it manually. In our case, since the shaft was made of fabric, we were able to sew our fastener using an old manual sewing machine.

This task is quite feasible manually, since we sew the zipper not to the skin, but to the fabric (fabric underlay) of the old castle.

As you have seen, sewing a lock into boots with your own hands is not such an impossible task.

Another question is whether you want to do this job or not? If our experience does not inspire you to take up handicraft, then leave your shoes in the hands of a specialist. You can even suggest sewing in a new zipper parallel to the old one if you need to expand the shaft (as an option). The choice, as always, is yours.

How to insert a slider into a zipper without anyone's help? Sometimes it happens that the zipper slider pops out and it is very difficult to carefully insert it back. But we have found an easy and quick way that will help you to neatly fasten the dog on the two halves of the zipper without much difficulty. This method can be used on jacket zippers, on jeans, on boots, and even on a bag. Also, this method will help to insert the slider in situations where the zipper needs to be shortened. Sometimes you need to pull out the slider and split the clasp into two halves in order to carefully sew the zipper into the product. Here, too, this simple method will help return the slider to its place.

To insert the slider into the zipper, we need a regular fork. Lock the fork so that it does not move to the side. You can put something heavy on top. Slide the slider over the center tines of the fork with the tongue down.

Turn the halves of the zipper inside out. Insert the two ends of the zipper into the slider and gently pull on both ends.

As soon as the slider enters at least the middle of the zipper, you can remove it from the plug.

That's it! Runner in place! If necessary, make a new latch so that the slider does not pop out again. The latch can be made by simply sewing a dense thread on the edges of the zipper.

If something remains unclear, then watch this minute video on how to insert a slider into a zipper using a fork:

How to replace the slider on the jacket with your own hands

It happens that not so long ago you bought a jacket, you just got used to it, but the zipper does not fasten ... Or the trigger is no longer new, but you don’t want to part with it.

Before you go to the shop and pay half the price of the jacket to replace the zipper, do a diagnostic. It is quite possible that you can solve this problem yourself and fix the jacket with your own hands.

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Take a close look at the lightning. If the braid is torn, the teeth are broken out, or the lower edge of the braid is “swung”, alas ... the zipper must be changed completely. And if you are not friends with a sewing machine and do not own the technology, it is very problematic to do it yourself.
If everything is visually in order with the lightning, we check the slider. Most of the time it's about him.
If the zipper fastens and then “disperses”, the problem is easily fixed. You just need to “tighten” the slider. The market is filled with accessories, but its quality leaves much to be desired. Most likely, the slider simply weakened, as they are made of soft alloys. If the slider is plastic, alas. So, with the help of round-nose pliers, we slightly press the bottom edge of the slider on both sides without removing the slider.

So you extend the life of the lightning, although not for long.
If this measure did not help, we prepare the workplace, arm ourselves with the necessary tools and turn into homemade craftsmen!
A slider of a suitable size can be removed from any unnecessary zipper, if there is one in your household. If there is none, we go to the sewing accessories store and select the slider. Zippers are spiral, tractor, metal, runners for them are appropriate. The seller will help you with the choice. The most common number is 5. It is better to take a jacket or an old runner with you. How to remove the slider from the zipper, we will tell further. It is important that the number of the new slider matches the number of the old one. The number is usually written on the back. If there is no number, carefully select the slider in width, simply applying the old one to the new one.

Let's prepare the workplace. On a well-lit table, put a small non-slippery napkin, it can be homemade or bought in a store. This is in order not to lose small details. Of the tools we need: a small screwdriver, round nose pliers, pliers.

From materials: a slider bought in advance and any old zipper from which we use stoppers. Stoppers are retainers that prevent the slider from popping out. By the way, if the stoppers are metal, we just take them off and then put them back in place. We will consider a more complex option, when the zipper is plastic, and the stoppers, too. If you do not have an old zipper, you need to buy an inexpensive one with metal stoppers.

So, we started. Here is our current client. The lock is plastic, looks intact, but diverges. Tried to push - no result. We will change the slider. We lower the old one down so as not to lose it, and so that it does not interfere with us.

We prepare the stoppers by simply removing them with a small screwdriver from the old zipper. Be careful, the metal is usually very soft. Do not strongly deform them, try to keep the given shape. This will make it easier to install later.

Using pliers or round nose pliers, carefully remove the plastic stopper. Don't damage the fabric!

We removed the stopper, remove the old slider.

We put on a new slider, check if the zipper is fastened. By the way, if the zipper braid is tucked up on top and sewn into the jacket, do not rush to make an incision (in this case, you will put on the slider without difficulty, but the braid will subsequently “twist” and you will soon have to change the entire zipper). A little patience and ingenuity, and you will put the slider on the braid. If it didn’t work out, it’s better to rip the edge of the jacket, and then carefully sew it up.

If everything is in order, install the stopper, easily pressing its antennae with round-nose pliers.

Install the stopper on the other side of the zipper in the same way. Jacket is ready!

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