How to open a law firm from scratch - the subtleties and features of the organization. Ready-made law firm business plan

  • Legal orientation of the company
  • Most requested services
  • Organizational financial costs
  • Registration features
  • Business payback

A law firm is an attractive business, despite the huge number of private offices and large companies providing legal support. If a flower shop business plan or real estate agencies can be easily found on the Internet, then the organizational chart of such an office requires a paid download. You can also buy a franchise worth from 180,000 rubles, but in reality there is nothing tricky in this matter. Below we will provide a ready-made law firm business plan with 2019 calculations.

Legal orientation of the company

To open a legal business, it is important to decide what services the firm will provide. The trend in this area today is a narrow specialization, for example, representing the interests of the military, sailors, providing advice and doing business in the field of property relations. Not least in terms of profitability is the protection of clients in criminal cases.

To determine the most profitable direction of activity, a business plan requires taking into account the peculiarities of the economic development of the region, the settlement, the professions prevailing in it. It is also desirable to monitor competitors, to determine what legal offices in the city are doing. This is necessary in order to quickly, without wasting time and money, occupy your niche in the legal services market.

Despite the huge number of law firms and agencies, it is quite difficult to find really high-quality legal support. Many specialists strive to open a luxurious office, not realizing that it will not affect their professional level in any way and will work only in a representative plane, and this is only 20% of success.

Most requested services

According to statistics, the list of the most popular legal services is as follows:

  • court and arbitration;
  • consulting in the field of tax law;
  • corporate law;
  • due diligence;
  • development of shareholder agreements, contracts;
  • support of equity transactions;
  • registration and liquidation of business entities;
  • support of bankruptcy processes;
  • consultations and legal support in the field of economic activity.

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All of the above are in the greatest demand and you can earn impressive money on these services if write a good business plan.

Organizational financial costs

A law firm does not require significant expenses. Starting capital will go to the following needs:

  • Office rent 8,000–30,000 per month. It all depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and its location.
  • Repair of the premises, but it is advisable to rent an office ready for work - 20,000–30,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of furniture - 40,000–50,000.
  • Office equipment 60,000–70,000.
  • Advertising campaign - 10,000-100,000. In principle, there can be no restrictions here, since a start-up law firm needs an active, powerful start. An excellent PR move would be the organization of a call center, where 2-3 specialists will provide free consultations to callers, turning them into potential customers.
  • Creation of a website - 50,000 rubles. This is a weighted average price, and more can be invested in this powerful business engine.

In total, the organization of a legal agency will require 188,000–330,000 rubles. At the same time, you can save on renting premises by traveling to clients or renting conference rooms or offices for short periods of time. The main value of the company in this case are specialists. It is they who ensure the success of the enterprise by brilliant conduct of business.

Some resources provide business plans, where the amount of initial investment exceeds 1,000,000 rubles. It all depends on the region where the law firm operates, staffing, legal orientation.

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Registration features

Here you can do the registration of the company yourself or attract a specialized organization for this. The cost of its services is in the range of 10,000-15,000 rubles.

The optimal scheme for registering a law firm looks like this:

  • Organizational form of ownership of LLC.
  • The taxation system is simplified with a tax rate of 15%. Which is calculated according to the scheme "income minus expenses".
  • OKVED - 74.1 - activities in the field of law, services in the field of accounting and auditing. Providing advice on commercial activities and enterprise management.

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A sample application to the tax authorities for the status of a legal entity and a list of required documents are available on the official website of the fiscal authorities.

Business payback

A powerful advertising campaign, brilliant work of specialists promise to pay off the business plan within 6 months after the start of activity. At the same time, payment from one client should be equal to 45,000 rubles and the number of contracts should be from 5 monthly.

It is important to remember here that the high-quality work of lawyers is quite expensive, so you should not be stingy and infringe on employees in terms of wages. Otherwise, motivated specialists will leave, and mediocre performers will come in their place. It does not hurt to motivate staff with bonuses. Therefore, there is no need to chase profit and the desire to quickly recoup a business plan, because a law firm lives mainly on authority, which money cannot buy.

To successfully hire really good specialists, we recommend reading an article on the topic “ Algorithm for conducting an interview».

The following indicators can serve as a goal for business development:

  • Office in a prestigious area of ​​the city - 40 m2.
  • Staff consisting of 9 specialists, including secretaries, paralegals.
  • The annual turnover of funds is 14,000,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 6,000,000 rubles.

This can be achieved if the organizational chart is correctly implemented, already after 4 years of activity with minimal initial investment.

There are a lot of ways to promote a lawyer (lawyer or law firm), but here I will reveal the methods of promotion on the Internet. The effectiveness of online promotion can be very high and should not be neglected in any case. If you take me as an example, I can say that 99.9% of customers find me through search engines. And only a small part - on the recommendations of other customers.

With the help of the site, it is quite possible to develop a legal business - the main thing is not to give up and not count on the result within a couple of months. Promotion of a legal website in the conditions of existing competition, especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg, takes from six months to several years. And you do not have to invest big money in the development of the site - the main thing here is regularity and quality, not the amount of costs.

Moreover, for aggressive promotion (for example, mass purchase of links, which optimizers very often sin), search engines can ban the site, and it may not be possible to get it out of the ban at all.

And if they don’t get banned, they will impose other sanctions, thanks to which the site will instantly sink in all positions and attendance will roll back to a minimum.

  • Order the creation of a legal website to a good specialist. Do not save, let them make you a unique, thoughtful design. A lot depends on the appearance, good navigation, the right colors, the location of the menu and other parameters. Entering the site, a person first sees the general picture, and only then reads the text. By the time he gets to your greeting, he will have already formed half of the impression of you. And it is not in your interests to spoil this impression with a typical picture, a dark background and an unreadable font.

    If you have a site, but its conversion is poor (visitors practically do not become customers, but leave the site), then perhaps you should think about changing the design or concept of your resource.

    Using my own example, I can say that at the dawn of my activity, when I just started freelancing, I had an unsuccessful change in the structure of the site, where you are now. This ill-conceived upgrade deprived me of new customers for almost a year: they simply stopped ordering. For a long time I could not understand what was the matter, but as soon as I guessed to “roll back” the changes back, the customers suddenly seemed to wake up and immediately began to offer work. Those. It is absolutely clear that not only one text affects the conversion, although it is also important.

  • Think over the content of the site - a list of your services, a section with news or articles, a section with contact information, etc.
  • Consider nicheing the site. Competition in the legal business is quite high and narrow positioning will allow you to stand out from other lawyers and lawyers, promote your law firm and capture a certain category of cases. I wrote more about this issue in the article “nicheting a lawyer’s website”.
  • Order writing legal texts for the site to a good copywriter. For example, to me 🙂 Ideally, if the copywriter and optimizer are combined in one person, or work in a team.
  • In the future, do not stop there, and order the maintenance of a legal site - its promotion with articles. Advertising and promoting legal services, in my opinion, is best done with the help of so-called clusters of articles. I wrote about this in the text “how to raise a legal site with articles”.
  • Think beautifully designed articles with text formatting and illustrations. You can read more about this issue in my article “Is It Necessary to Illustrate Texts on a Legal Website”.
  • Do not be afraid to link to useful resources in articles, this will only increase the quality and information content of your texts. You can read about this in the text "Should I put links to other people's sites in your articles."
  • The site should look alive. The reader immediately sees whether the resource is being updated, whether they are engaged in it. It is not necessary to write or order articles every day, but at least once a week or two weeks it is worth doing. To do this, it is not necessary to write voluminous texts, you can order the writing of at least one legal news a week and this will immediately enliven the site.
  • Study the sites of competitors - there you can find useful "chips". But don't overuse it. In the pursuit of new ideas, you can lose personality, overload the site, or even bring chaos to it, confusing the visitor. Too many tricks and useful things can also be harmful. Remember to keep balance in everything.
  • Don't chase visitors for the sake of visitors and positions in search engines for the sake of positions. In this case, not everything is so obvious. Ten visitors can transform into five clients.

    How to start a law firm from scratch

    A thousand readers can look at the site, find out the information they need from the article and leave. The most important thing is a high conversion, that is, the percentage of customers from the total number of site users. But the growth of conversion depends on many parameters, which must be determined individually in each individual case.

    The same applies to positions in the search. You may be the first for some attractive and "popular" keyword from But here's the bad luck - when looking for a lawyer, people actually use completely different queries, and identifying these queries, and then climbing them, is the goal of professionals involved in promoting your site.

Finding clients for a law firm or a lawyer is not so easy, but if you pay regular attention to your site and use the help of specialists in promoting your resource, then your costs will justify themselves.

What legal site promotion services can I offer?

Law firm "Olmaks" was established in 2004 as an organization dealing with the registration of legal entities in Moscow. We are constantly developing in this direction, do not rest on our laurels, improve, expand our services for the registration of legal entities in the territory of the Russian Federation.

The company successfully combines two areas, united by a single concept - "Creating a successful business":

  • Legal services
  • Accounting services

Both directions are extremely important for starting a business. A set of well-written documents, as well as an optimally selected taxation system and correctly set accounting, make it possible to successfully start a business and win the favor of your customers and partners. We individually and comprehensively approach each client who needs to register a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. Our staff, to whom we impose strict requirements, is able to fulfill all your needs in creating a business.

The Olmax company provides a full range of services for the registration of legal entities, accounting services and tax consulting for legal entities and entrepreneurs. We comply with the legislation on registration of legal entities, saving you time and money.

Registration of legal entities is our work, which is the responsibility of specialists with extensive experience and knowledge of the process, which we carry out with all responsibility, so that each of our clients, developing, turns to us again. We are very happy that we have such clients. We invite everyone to register a company or open an individual entrepreneur!

We provide services to both start-up entrepreneurs in registering an LLC and registering PBOYuL, as well as to existing firms and organizations in registering changes in the unified state register (amending the Unified State Register of Legal Entities), obtaining statistics codes, extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

How to promote a law firm and find clients for a lawyer or attorney

We are ready to solve any non-standard situation related to the re-registration of a company, including working with documents that were previously denied by the tax office.

For those who create a large organization with the attraction of additional investments, we recommend the registration of a JSC with the subsequent registration of an issue of shares with the Central Bank. Also, we carry out the registration of non-profit organizations.

One of the directions of our company is the registration of a private security company, the licensing of security activities. Registration of construction firms and entry into SROs is the most demanded service in today's economy.

We are aimed at long-term cooperation! Always happy to help at the right time! Call, come or order services online!

The mission of Olmaks is to promote the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Moscow, assist entrepreneurs in resolving legal issues related to the registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, obtaining legally established documents necessary for doing business.

Our company stands for the legality of doing business in the territory of Moscow - each business entity must be registered in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation.

We only support real business! Our company does not provide services for the creation of legal entities whose purpose is to commit crimes in financial, economic and other activities, we do not provide services for the sale and purchase of documents, their copies and seals. All documents and seals that our company keeps are legal and obtained in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Our company is against raider attacks! All changes made to the constituent documents of legal entities must be carried out in strict accordance with the current legislation.

All legally significant actions during the registration of legal entities and entrepreneurs are carried out personally by the applicants, whose credentials are verified, and their identity is established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Our company does not interfere in the activities of third parties - we do not request documents that are not related to the service provided, we are not interested in the cause and effect of the registration actions of the Clients.

We undertake to keep all documents and seals that we have, but we are not responsible for their damage or disappearance due to insurmountable circumstances. If the Client for some reason cannot pick up documents and seals, our company has the right to send them by mail to the address of the legal entity (residence of an individual entrepreneur).

All services provided by our company are carried out in strict accordance with the law, therefore we do not sell places in queues, we do not speed up the work of state bodies for a fee, we cannot guarantee a 100% result of any type of registration or receipt of any document. Our goals and interest are to perform the work, provide the service legally and within the time agreed with the Client. Upon receipt of a refusal due to our fault - to correct the error as soon as possible at the expense of our company, and the measure of responsibility of our company is limited by the contract. We do not reimburse lost profits, as well as the Client's expenses that are not directly related to the subject of the contract. In case of impossibility to perform work, provide services for any reason, our company has the right to refuse further work with the Client, returning to him the amount paid (in accordance with the contract).

We treat all our clients with respect! By contacting our company, ordering any legal service, the Client thereby expresses his agreement with this policy of the company. By adhering to a different policy, interests and goals that are contrary to the policy of our company, the Client assumes full responsibility for his actions. The company "Olmax" in no way bears responsibility for the financial, economic and other activities of its clients - legal entities and individuals, does not persuade or force anyone to interact.

Olmax team

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Types of legal services

Legal services are a type of activity that is becoming more and more in demand in Russia, both on the part of the population and business. The speed and regularity with which new firms appear, offering diverse and comprehensive legal assistance, is a vivid confirmation of this.

At the same time, as experts note, not only legal entities that have long recognized the need for qualified legal assistance, but also ordinary citizens, and not only in large industrial centers and megacities, but also in small cities of Russia, are increasingly resorting to the help of lawyers.

As a rule, the types of legal services are divided according to the branches of law - civil, family, administrative, tax, criminal, housing, etc. If you need legal services in Moscow, you will find specialists in any of the above and other industries at YurProfiConsult LLC.

Types of legal services offered by the company:

  • Services for the registration of various forms of legal entities, as well as an individual entrepreneur;
  • Full legal support of the company's activities;
  • Legal support and assistance in participation in tenders and auctions (both open and closed);
  • A wide range of debt collection services, including pre-trial settlement;
  • Advice and assistance on joining a self-regulatory organization;
  • The whole range of services for representing the interests of the counterparty in court, including an assessment of the prospects and risks of the upcoming trial, the development of a legal position, the preparation of a statement of claim, direct participation in the trial. If necessary, specialists of YurProfiConsult LLC monitor the execution of a court decision by bailiffs - court executors at the stage of enforcement proceedings;
  • Legal advice in various branches of law;
  • Other legal services.
  • Legal support for legal entities

    An increasing number of companies prefer to outsource the entire range of legal issues to specialized law firms. Why are they abandoning the services of their own legal departments in favor of consulting companies and law firms? This is dictated by direct economic feasibility:

    • employees of the legal department need to be paid wages constantly, even if the need for their work during this period is quite low; the services of third-party specialists are paid strictly according to the price list, and expenses arise only in case of a clear need for legal services;
    • if a company employs a limited staff of lawyers (or a single employee), management cannot count on the universality of legal knowledge of even the most highly qualified employees; the staff of specialized law firms includes employees with a wide range of specializations in certain areas of jurisprudence, with significant work experience and the highest qualifications;
    • a salaried lawyer may be much less motivated to achieve a company victory in court than a specialist company lawyer, for whom each such victory is an additional competitive advantage;
    • in matters of confidentiality, law firms show excellent results, as they value their reputation.

    For small and medium-sized firms, outsourcing of legal services is often the only acceptable way to get legal support, but recently quite large companies are increasingly resorting to third-party legal consulting, especially when it comes to fairly narrow areas of law.

    The types of legal services for companies cover a fairly wide range, however, all this variety of types can be grouped into the following areas:

    • legal support at the stage of company registration;
    • legal support for opening branches, expansions, acquisitions, opening subsidiaries and offshore companies;
    • legal support and protection of the interests of the company in relations with financial and credit institutions, insurance companies, investment funds;
    • protection of interests in matters of relations with the state (in particular, tax claims);
    • legal support in relations with contractors (non-fulfillment of delivery obligations, receivables, delivery of defective products, default by transport companies, litigation with contractors, etc.);
    • legal support in labor conflicts;
    • legal support at the stage of liquidation or reorganization of the enterprise.

    Legal services are a type of activity that requires the highest level of professionalism and responsibility. YurProfiConsult LLC is a company that you can fully entrust with the solution of any legal issues, including in the field of international law.

    Legal services to the public ⇑

    The level of legal literacy of the population of the Russian Federation remains insufficiently high: the majority of the inhabitants have a rather vague idea of ​​their rights and obligations determined by law. Nevertheless, a positive trend is the growth of trust in professional lawyers: citizens, having enlisted the legal support of specialists, are no longer afraid to sue employers, financial institutions and even tax authorities.

    How to promote a law firm ... I am tormented by terrible doubts ...

    Protecting one's rights in the Russian legal field is undoubtedly an extremely difficult task, requiring knowledge of all the nuances and subtleties of legislation, which is often not without internal contradictions. However, literally everyone can afford the services of a lawyer who is professionally versed in your issue. Therefore, the sector of the legal services market, covering work with individuals, is actively growing.

    Legal services for individuals can be conditionally grouped into the following areas:

    • legal support in concluding transactions (purchase and sale and exchange of real estate, financial investment, borrowing and lending, etc.);
    • legal support in relations with banks and insurance companies, private pension and investment funds;
    • protection of interests in labor conflicts;
    • protection of interests in family disputes;
    • legal support in matters of inheritance;
    • protection of non-material interests, protection of honor and dignity, compensation for moral damage, protection of copyrights;
    • protection of consumer rights;
    • protection in tax matters;
    • legal support for persons who have committed administrative or criminal offenses, etc.

    YurProfiConsult LLC provides a wide range of legal services for the population, which concerns literally all aspects of a private person's life: after all, there are an infinite number of situations in which your rights can be infringed. But our company employs high professionals who specialize in all areas of law, so contacting us will ensure the best result.

    How to start your own law firm from scratch

    Changes are coming in the legal services market, and they are not always associated with dumping and crisis. The creation of expensive departments and departments with a large number of lawyers in the state is a tradition of Russian business. At the same time, in most cases, lawyers with very low qualifications and practically unfamiliar with the intricacies of running a particular business are hired.

    But the time of large corporations with a bloated staff is passing, the future belongs to small law firms with highly qualified specialists.

    Why are the services of law firms insufficiently demanded by big business in Moscow? The logic of the heads of business corporations is simple - why go to a law firm when the business has improved and standardization rules the show in relations with contractors.

    When the business was just developing, each contract was drawn up from scratch, each transaction with more than two participants was considered unique, and legal services cost a tidy sum.

    Today, a newly minted lawyer, hired on the basis of an advertisement, uses time-tested templates of contracts and claims in his work.

    But when it comes to litigation, mergers and acquisitions, non-standard bank loans or external investments, in-house lawyers do not always cope with the tasks set, sometimes making fatal mistakes, the consequences of which cannot always be corrected, and additional financial costs and direct losses far outweigh the fees paid by professionals for legal services.

    Many business leaders complain that legal services companies are unwilling to learn about the specifics of their clients' businesses. In this they are absolutely right.

    Effective interaction with the client, personal contact with him, confidentiality regime and, most importantly, a thorough knowledge of the client’s business and an understanding of the specifics of the sectoral functioning of the business is the key to success for mutually beneficial cooperation between the head of the company and an external lawyer.

    The conflict of full-time specialists in the corporate sector and external consultants who provide legal support for business is an old story in most developed countries.

    Only a mature business and sufficiently educated managers begin to realize that external outsourcing is more profitable and there is more demand for confidentiality violations from an external partner than from a lawyer who works for you today and tomorrow for a competitor.

    The legal services market, especially in Moscow, is developing rapidly, the majority of business leaders are increasingly using legal outsourcing, in other words, attracting external lawyers to provide legal services to businesses.

    What is the advantage of a legal services business? The fact that it cannot be scaled, made networked, it will not be possible to make money on it by simply computerizing the business process.

    In this business, it is necessary to be closer to the client, providing a targeted service, flexible and individual approach, while using all the accumulated knowledge to interpret the law and apply the law in non-standard situations.

    Small law firms are in demand for services, they have great prospects, because they are closer to the client and demonstrate high efficiency. You can be sure that the demand for legal services will grow more and more from large corporations and government agencies, reducing the cost of maintaining full-time lawyers.

    Maxim Shilin

    Especially for Information Agency "Financial Lawyer"

    Business Consulting

    Surely, many of those who now have some kind of business remember how, starting, they dreamed of big money, freedom, opportunities to travel and spend time the way they want and where they want. Who does not yet have a business - dream about it. Someone wants to live abroad, someone wants a house on the ocean ...

    And, it seems, an excellent business option has been chosen, an excellent opportunity to earn money, but there is little profit, some permanent losses, and when it comes time to pay rent or wages, there is always not enough money. Or another situation: the business is stable, there seems to be enough money, but I want the business not only to justify itself, but to bring a decent income.

    Profits never stand still. It either goes up or it goes down. And if you do not solve business problems right now, then you can completely lose it. Competitors do not sleep!

    Who needs business advice?

    Almost every businessman is a busy person. Every minute, every second counts. Constant meetings, negotiations, business... There is no time to study dozens of books on business, marketing, management. There is no time to attend general webinars and trainings. There is no time to look for ways to implement the information given in them.

    How to promote a law firm

    Everyone has their own situation and very often the solution to the problem is very close, you just need to understand what the problem is. One-to-One Business Consulting is the fastest way to get personalized answers and see fast results.

    What gives business advice?

    — strategies for rapid development;

    - the ability to attract customers on an ongoing basis;

    — vision of reserves for the explosive growth of the company;

    — advanced development plan, high competitiveness;

    - the ability to earn much more.

    This is an investment in yourself, in your development, in your reputation. This is an important decision. These are really professional answers. This is a vision of doing business of any specifics: advertising services, financial services, lending, trade, real estate sales, marketing, accounting, etc.

    The key to successful operation of the enterprise is the correct organization of business.

    Recently, more and more of those who already have their own business and those who are only at the initial stage of their journey are increasingly turning to specialists. A range of services involves business consulting: resource management, reporting, implementation of new systems, personnel management, consultations on the preparation of a business project or business coaching.

    Business consultants observe the real events of the business process, analyze the risks, the work of competitors to develop an optimal business strategy.

    The main objective of business consulting is the ability to achieve maximum effect at minimum cost, including saving time and saving resources.

    Tags: business consulting

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    Legal services today are relevant for individuals, and for individual entrepreneurs, and for large companies. The legal framework is constantly changing, and the current regulations often raise many questions. Help is needed when registering and supporting a business, protecting interests in court, filing bankruptcy, etc. Someone needs advice to conclude a major deal, but someone does not know. With a competent strategy and promotion tactics, you can open a law firm and build a highly profitable and fast-paying business.

    Choice of direction

    To open a law firm from scratch, you need to decide on the format and list of services provided at the initial stage. Several current trends can be identified.

    Resolution of legal disputes

    This industry is in demand among owners of large and small businesses. Today, state structures periodically intervene in the affairs of enterprises with inspections, revealing various offenses and imposing large fines. The work of professional lawyers helps to defend the point of view and protect the business, preventing the payment of large penalties.

    Registration Services

    In order to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC, a long collection of documents, the choice of an OKVED code, and registration are required. Not every beginner or even an experienced entrepreneur understands the intricacies and pitfalls of this procedure, while others simply do not have time to collect a package of documentation.

    Collector services

    Similar areas of law firms, opened from scratch, are focused on communication with debt defaulters. At the same time, their activities are based not on intimidation, rudeness, or the use of force (with which most Russians associate the word “collector”), but on establishing contacts with such people, finding out the reasons for non-payment, and legal assistance in debt restructuring.

    Registration of intellectual property

    During technological and information development, it can be difficult to prove authorship for a certain invention, textual information, name or trademark. Intellectual property registration services are in relatively low demand, but such a source of finance is stable and brings high income to those who wish to open a business.

    Opening a law firm from scratch - organizational issues

    A well-designed business plan when opening a law firm from scratch will provide an opportunity to develop a strategic line aimed at effective activities that will start to make a profit in a short time.

    Business registration

    To open a law firm from scratch, the founder of a business does not need to have a special education; anyone can organize it. For further work, you need to register with government agencies and decide on the form of taxation. The optimal form is LLC, although some lawyers work as individual entrepreneurs.

    Advice A: No license or special permits are required to open a private law firm from scratch. But this criterion does not apply to the activities of lawyers and notaries who are required to acquire a status and issue a license.

    Personnel policy

    With a small budget, many firms that open from scratch start a business with a partner without hiring other employees. They provide a narrow range of services, earning a reputation and expanding their customer base. After development, you can think about hiring employees. As a rule, 3-4 lawyers work in such small firms. You can hire a student to play the role of assistant and courier, and keep financial records on your own or outsource.

    Medium law firm staff:

    1. highly qualified lawyer;
    2. consultant;
    3. specialist in work with individuals;
    4. specialist in work with legal entities;
    5. assistant;
    6. courier;
    7. secretary-referent;
    8. accountant.

    Room selection

    The office is the face of your business. Non-compliance with cleanliness, unsuccessful interior, remote location can deprive you of customers. The office should indicate the seriousness and professionalism of the company, opened from scratch. To do this, rent a room in the central part of the city, in the business district, close to banks and leading agencies.

    The design of the office should speak of the competence of employees, respectability and integrity. To do this, carry out repairs, choosing a strict design and business style. Modern comfortable office furniture, new office equipment is an indispensable attribute. Also take care of a small room in which clients will be waiting for a meeting. Cabinets should have a solid partition to ensure good soundproofing.

    Formation of the client base

    Having opened a law firm from scratch, you need to take care of finding clients at the start. To do this, it is recommended to conduct a marketing campaign, distribute your business cards to potential customers - contact various companies and entrepreneurs, leave business cards in the waiting rooms of the chamber of commerce and industry, tax, various business associations. When closing deals, ask customers to recommend the firm to their colleagues or friends.

    Also, the following methods are effective for promoting a business:

    • distribution of advertising brochures;
    • promotion on the network, creating your own website, groups in social networks;
    • ordering souvenirs with the company logo.

    It will be possible to form a wide client base only with the provision of quality services. As a rule, satisfied customers send their acquaintances to the firm on their own, and there is still no better advertising than word of mouth.

    Financial plan

    To create a law firm from scratch, you need to make a good impression and organize a decent business atmosphere immediately after opening. Therefore, experts do not recommend saving on office decoration and furniture purchase.

    Consider the initial costs that are needed in order to open a law firm from scratch:

    • business registration, paperwork - 25-30 thousand rubles;
    • purchase of furniture and repair and construction work - 200-220 thousand rubles;
    • purchase of office equipment and means of communication - 120-180 thousand;
    • development of the concept and corporate identity - 20-25 thousand rubles

    Costs to be paid monthly:

    • office rent - 80-100 thousand rubles;
    • Internet, communication services - 10 thousand rubles;
    • marketing activities - 10-15 thousand rubles;
    • payroll fund - 250-300 thousand rubles.

    To open a law firm from scratch, you need to have additional money for strategic planning and further development. You also need to allocate a reserve for unforeseen expenses.

    If the legal business does not arouse your interest and you want to work on radically new projects, try it.

    Advice: when drawing up a financial plan, to the amount received, which is needed for opening, add 20% for unforeseen expenses - they will definitely arise in the process of work.

    Features of the legal business

    When answering the question, experts name the scope of legal services. To open your company from scratch, prepare to work on your reputation in the early years. But then, as in other types of business, it will work for you. First, you will have to take on any (even the most difficult) cases and prove the competence of your company. In the legal market, credibility is valued, sometimes this factor is of decisive importance.

    The main resource of any company is qualified personnel, so you should not save on wages, you should try to keep professionals in your team.

    There is quite tough competition in the domestic legal market, so when choosing a format and direction of activity, carefully study the services provided in the city and try to choose unfilled niches. Do not save on advertising, get ready to fight for each client and prove your professional level.

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    The market of legal services, despite the high competition, is quite promising. By developing a competent development strategy, choosing services that are in demand in the region where the company operates, and hiring qualified employees, it is possible to recoup the initial investment in a year and reach the break-even point.

    In contact with

    The provision of legal services today is more relevant than ever, and both individuals and legal entities often apply to law firms. How to open a law firm and make money on consultations and legal services?

    Business specifics

    Today, the help of a lawyer is needed by almost every citizen, since frequently changing laws and not too clear legislative norms raise questions in many situations. And this means that there is a need for an explanation that only professional lawyers can give.

    At the same time, people need legal assistance on many issues, including legal support for business, assistance in registering companies, filing bankruptcy, protecting the interests of legal entities and individuals in court, representing the interests of parties in transactions, etc.

    Someone needs advice to complete a major transaction (purchase of real estate, partnerships, etc.), while someone needs the constant service of a lawyer and is ready to conclude a cooperation agreement with a law firm.


    Having decided to open a law firm, you should first decide on the range of services that you plan to provide to clients. Of course, the wider your range of services, the better. But when choosing, you should be guided by the demand for one or another type of legal services. This means that in a small town it makes no sense to count on a large demand from legal entities, but it is better to focus on legal assistance to individuals. In general, a law firm can offer clients:

    • protection of the interests of individuals and legal entities in court, as well as representation in state bodies;
    • legal consulting for individuals;
    • assistance in registration activities;
    • legal support of companies' activities;
    • legal expertise and drafting of documents;
    • preparation and drawing up of agreements, statements, contracts, claims;
    • information support of organizations and consulting of specialists in the legal field;
    • consulting and accounting support;
    • Notary Services.

    At the same time, it is worth remembering that legal services can be provided without a license (with the exception of a notary), although many areas require additional permits, and the activities of a law firm will be regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the law “On Advocacy and Advocacy”.

    Registration of a law firm

    • Once you have made a decision to establish a law firm and have decided on the services provided, you can start registering a business.
    • First you need to find an office space and conclude a lease agreement, as well as draw up a business plan for a future law firm.
    • After that, you need to go through state registration with the tax authority. Preferred (limited liability company). This will show that you are planning to conduct serious activities and are ready for long-term cooperation.
    • Choose a taxation system. The best option is (according to the "income minus expenses" scheme - this is beneficial with a large number of employees and a significant rent for an office space).
    • Select codes: 74.1 Activities in the field of law, accounting and auditing; advising on business and enterprise management issues.
    • Make repairs in the office, equip it with furniture and necessary equipment.
    • Hire employees and organize an advertising company.

    The office is the face of the company

    Everyone understands that clients will not go to a law firm that does not inspire confidence in them. This means that the office of your law firm should say that your business is reliable, your employees are competent and can solve any legal problems. How to achieve this? Rent an office space in the city center, in a crowded place, in a prestigious building. Not bad if there is a transport interchange, a business center and convenient parking nearby.

    In addition to a good location for the office of a law firm, the design is important, which will demonstrate the integrity and respectability of the organization. This means that you need to make a good repair, choosing a strict design for decoration, equip the office with comfortable and modern furniture that will create a positive impression on customers, as well as install computers in the office and provide high-quality communications and high-speed Internet.

    In the office, it is also necessary to equip a convenient place for clients waiting in line, a meeting room, specialist rooms (it can be one office, but with partitions that guarantee good soundproofing), a room for technical staff, and a bathroom.

    Finding Clients

    So, you have opened a law firm and started working, but clients are not in a hurry to come to your office. What to do? Conduct an advertising campaign, offer your services to various companies and individual entrepreneurs. Ask your regular customers to recommend your firm to their business partners and business colleagues.

    You can negotiate with potential customers (we are talking about legal entities) and offer favorable terms of cooperation, as well as expand the range of services offered. This works great, especially if customers who have contacted you for help at least once are satisfied with the level of service in your company. So, having completed a one-time order well, you have every chance of getting a contract for permanent legal services for a particular organization.


    In terms of personnel, the law firm must have qualified lawyers with higher education, work experience and a license to practice law. If you plan to provide a wide range of services, it is better if you have a separate specialist in a narrow profile for each area, for example, in family, criminal, financial or land law. This will help streamline the conduct of business in areas, and once again demonstrate to customers a serious approach to working in your company.

    But it is clear that not everyone can afford to maintain a large staff of highly qualified workers, especially at the beginning of the company's activities. So it would be appropriate to hire a few law students to help the main staff. You can also invite students of law schools for an internship (by concluding an agreement with an educational institution).

    We also need an administrative secretary who will receive calls and transfer them to the right specialist, ensure the life of the office, register documents and engage in archival activities (you can also take a law student from the correspondence department of the university as a secretary).

    In addition to legal specialists, you will also have to hire technical staff - a cleaner of office premises and a janitor to restore order in the territory adjacent to the office (if, of course, there is one).

    Initial investment

    It is very important for a law firm to make a good impression on potential clients immediately after opening and create an atmosphere of respectability around itself. Therefore, you do not need to save on office, furniture and equipment. How much does it cost to open a law firm? Let's calculate the approximate costs of opening a law firm, given that the office area is 200 square meters, and the cost of renting one square meter is 3,000 rubles per month.

    As for the profitability of the legal business and its payback, it all depends on the specific case. If we talk about average indicators, then this is about a year or a year and a half (subject to vigorous activity). During this time, your company will demonstrate its capabilities, acquire regular customers, and it will already be possible to sum up the first results.

    Starting a business, you have to work for authority, and only then it will work for you. So at first you will have to take on any business, and each time you prove that you are competent, competent and able to resolve any issue in favor of your client. Of course, it will not be easy at first, but credibility in the legal services market is crucial, so you have to earn it.

    Qualified specialists are the main resource of any law firm. So you need to try by all means to attract and retain leading experts in the field of law in the company. This will add weight to your business in the eyes of competitors and potential customers.

    Another feature of the domestic legal services market is high competition. Therefore, you always need to be aware of the market situation in order not to become an easy prey for another large law firm. And also spare no expense to advertise their services and pay for the work of qualified specialists (otherwise, they will simply be outbid by competitors). Well, and, of course, you need to constantly fight for customers, each time proving your high professional level.

    The hero of our article, Demid Emelyanov, created his company while studying in his fourth year at university. He, acting as a manager, registered the company and hired several employees - including a fairly experienced head of the legal department. Of course, you will need the education of a lawyer, but, as our hero says, theory is very different from practice, and knowledge of your business comes with experience. Therefore, if you are not yet very confident in your abilities, then you will need more experienced employees, whose work will be organized by you. For the latter, you must have leadership qualities. And do not limit yourself to this role only: the leader must be a highly qualified lawyer.

    Demid Emelyanov

    When I opened the company, I did not conduct market analysis. I had acquaintances in this field, and I knew that there is a lot of work on the market, a good lawyer is always in demand. In the future, of course, as we developed, we began to study the market, analyze niches. It's one thing to be a generalist lawyer, it's another thing to lead a certain legal direction. There is no point in doing everything. To be a professional, you need to hone your skills in several directions, otherwise you will not be able to provide a quality service. You need to choose several niches. We did just that. Gradually we mastered several niches and we work in them. We are focused only on small and medium-sized businesses - liquidation and registration of firms, bankruptcy. Sometimes we take on the personal affairs of clients-owners of the business as an exception. To determine which niches were the most profitable, temporary marketers were hired to conduct research. For beginners, I advise you to immediately hire marketers, if funds allow, or contact a third-party organization. Or go, as we did at the beginning, by trial and error.

    The legal services market is saturated. Many new firms are opened every year, many lawyers believe they are ready to open their own company. But, experts say, few market participants provide quality services. However, in order to occupy a certain percentage of the market, you need to provide services competently and be competent. Currently, the quality and price in the market are not comparable: often firms charge a lot of money for their services, but do not complete the work. If you want to work long and fruitfully, do not repeat their mistake: know that the higher the quality of your services, the more regular customers you will have.

    What other nuances of the market do you need to know? It is necessary to constantly monitor changes in legislation. Because the relevance of the service line directly depends on these changes. For example, over the past few years, we have noticed that the legislation changes very often, this is due to the economic crisis and the government's attempts to reach a new level of interaction with business. In order to stay afloat in such a situation, you need to always be in trend, study innovations, create and practice new directions, “reshape” your services to suit changes in the law and always provide an up-to-date and new product to the client.

    Investment size

    Demid Emelyanov

    General Director of the legal center "KNOW"

    8 years ago, when we opened the company, it took only 50 thousand rubles to invest. We rented an office, bought inexpensive furniture, sat down ourselves, hired a lawyer and started working. This was enough to start moving. We hired promoters who handed out leaflets with information about our company. This is how we started getting our first clients.

    Demid Emelyanov

    General Director of the legal center "KNOW"

    Nobody taught me to do business, I studied literature on my own. We started with an office of 12 sq.m., paid 400 rubles per sq.m., five people sat in this nook. Now we have an office of 200 sq.m., a staff of qualified lawyers and partners throughout Russia.

    Demid Emelyanov

    General Director of the legal center "KNOW"

    Previously, I held multiple positions. He himself was a secretary and answered calls. But after some time, I realized that my time is precious, and I can bring in more money if I hire a secretary. Therefore, it is better not to optimize the work, but to increase incoming traffic.

    Step-by-step instruction

    In your activities, you will, of course, interact with representatives of government agencies, as well as with stationery suppliers, a cleaning service and a courier service. A law firm has a lot of paperwork, and you need to find a good courier service that can deliver these papers to the right place on time - and often these are other cities. As a rule, the most famous courier company works better than others. But you still have to choose by trial and error: if they don’t have time to do everything on time, change the counterparty.

    Relations with government agencies do not need to be specially established. The longer you work, the more officials will learn about you. But this is not always good for a lawyer. After all, you may also not be loved, knowing how persistently you are fighting for a client.

    Demid Emelyanov

    General Director of the legal center "KNOW"

    When recruiting employees, the main criteria for us are education, experience, and psychological qualities. We already have an image - a psychological portrait of the person we need. The team is friendly, and we need a person to join it. When the company is small, this is important. The most important thing is the climate in the company. I am against employees being friends, but psychotypes must match. For a lawyer, such qualities as purposefulness, perseverance, and a desire to achieve the goals are important. I like extraordinary people who have their own point of view and are ready to defend it, ready to prove their competence in work and learn.

    We usually post vacancies on the HR website. After that, we determine suitable candidates. But I have this rule: until I see about a hundred people, we will not close the vacancy. Usually 50-70 people come out. It happens that already at the fifth or sixth interview the same person comes, but as long as there is an incoming stream, we definitely look at everyone. There are two interviews - primary and secondary, then a three-month trial period. If a person shows himself earlier, within a month, we are ready for a permanent relationship.

    What do we attract to work? We have good wages, everything is designed to ensure that the employee receives the necessary work experience, we have all the necessary tools. In some companies, an employee is simply given a Yellow Pages directory and the task is to search for “I don’t know what”. We have training. Some specialists for 3-4 years catch our vacancies in order to get to us for an interview. In general, lawyers with experience know the status of companies in the market and understand where they want to get a job.

    The work schedule for a law firm is standard - from 8 to 17 or 9 to 18, five days a week. Overtime hours can be, but by agreement with employees. Sometimes you may need to meet with clients on Saturday and Sunday.

    You can also create your own club card. According to them, regular customers receive several services for free (for example, an extract and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities) or at a discount. Naturally, customers who will close your monthly revenue with one order will need a special approach.

    If your company is aimed at serving small and medium-sized businesses, then it is convenient to be located next to the registration authority - IFTS, since you will often need to go there. But the IFTS is not always located in a place convenient for customers. Of course, a regular client will come to you anywhere, but if you have few of them yet, then the best option is to open an office in the city center, where it is easier for people to get to.

    There are no special requirements for the premises. But, the hero of our article notes, as you develop, you should have at least a reception room where the secretary sits, the legal department, managers, and management should be in separate rooms. You also need a cozy meeting room. This is very important, because a regular client comes to a lawyer as a psychologist, and in order for him to entrust you with his problems, you need an inviting environment.


    Demid Emelyanov

    General Director of the legal center "KNOW"

    Our center was first registered as a sole proprietorship, and then an LLC was opened. In society, it is customary to take such a form as an individual entrepreneur lightly. However, from a legal point of view, an individual entrepreneur bears more responsibility in the event of litigation, while a legal entity has ways to avoid liability. However, individual entrepreneurs are easier to maintain: it is easier to report on tax - to choose UTII and have an outsourced accountant. For example, we did not have an accountant on staff for five years.

    You do not need to obtain a license to open a law firm. A license is required only for the provision of specific services - for example, if you are involved in the bankruptcy of individuals, the employee in charge of this area must obtain the status of an arbitration manager, be a member of an SRO, and pay membership fees.

    Opening checklist

    Is it profitable to open

    In order to correctly set prices for your services, you need to constantly monitor the market and find out the prices of competitors for similar services. You also need to properly assess the quality of your service.

    Demid Emelyanov

    General Director of the legal center "KNOW"

    Sometimes we do not break the price, we do not even go down to the level of the average market price, because we know that the quality of our service is very good. And people come to us - albeit a little, but they know that with us they will achieve a positive result. New companies, entering the market, resort to dumping, lower prices, because they do not have customers. But, as a rule, the quality of the service provided suffers from this.

    If you start with small investments and small expenses, with an office of 10 sq.m., then you will reach the “zero” point in the first month. If you rented an office in the city center, hired about 10 people, spend 700 thousand rubles a month, then you can reach zero no earlier than in a couple of years, initially investing at least 10 million rubles.
