How to name a group in VK to attract attention. How to choose a good band name

One of the most popular and effective ways is to create a community. And the first thing you need to decide - what is the name of the group? The main idea is that the name should reflect the purpose as accurately as possible. This could be the company's official page, a marketplace, a cinephile society, or some personal group.

Group name features

To understand how a group can be called, it is worth, first of all, to decide on the purpose of the page. For example, it is very important whether it is commercial in nature, for what purpose it is created, and so on. The name and further development largely depend on this.

The first rule to learn is that the group name should not be long. Such names are frightening, uninteresting and look unattractive. Experts recommend choosing names that consist of a maximum of 4 words. This is the optimal size, which will definitely appeal to readers.

When deciding how to name the group, you need to imagine that the first thing the visitor will see is the name. If he doesn't like it, then he won't join the community.

Language selection

There are no specific language rules. Of course, it is better that the name be in the language in which all the information on the page will be. But even here there are some nuances, because if, for example, a company is called in one language, and a community is created in another in order to develop the brand, then it is better to indicate the original name.

How to name a group if the name is long and the abbreviation distorts its essence? Abbreviations or abbreviations may be used. But in this case, it is necessary to indicate an explanation that will decipher the selected name to all visitors.

Interest groups

Communities of individual groups of people are very popular, for example, closed clubs or student organizations. How to name a group about certain hobbies? For example, for fellow students, it is better to indicate the name of the group, university and year of graduation. This will allow others to easily find each other.

For writers, the best option would be their own name in combination with the title of the work. The same applies to musicians, authors of trainings or other author's programs.

For a business, a description of the activity is more suitable. When answering the question of how to name a group in order to interest potential customers, you need to find out everything about the target audience: age, religion, country, gender, etc.

If we are talking about some general things, for example, sports, cats, travel, then you should choose something general, but reflective. After all, dogs can be walked, sold, caught, tamed, bred, and so on.

funny names

Humorous names are usually chosen when they do not know what to call the group. If it is created without a purpose and does not have one. According to statistics, such communities rarely exist for a long time. Their founders often abandon this business.

Although there are many very popular bands that were created just like that, and grew into something more. Examples of funny names:

  • For those who are trying to run to the apartment until the entrance door slammed shut.
  • I will name my son an iron man if the group reaches 1,000,000 subscribers.
  • Gnome Opposition.
  • For those who have ever tried to bite their own elbow.
  • The last one to enter will send a million.

The main bet is made on originality and accessibility. People are more likely to join groups that have something familiar or close in their name.

Page title for company department

An official group is usually called pages created by representatives of a company or organization in order to solve business problems. Experts recommend indicating the purpose of the company and the scale of the department for which the community is being created.

Why are they created? Mainly to promote the service, service or product, as well as to communicate with people. Therefore, the name of the community should clearly tell all visitors what awaits them and what they can count on.

Thanks to such pages, quite a lot of employees were hired in various organizations, and many clients turned to them with interesting offers.

Use of keywords in the title

In order not to write to various publics “help name the group so that it becomes popular”, you need to familiarize yourself with the basics of promotion. All information on the Internet is located by certain words or keys that most accurately reflect the essence of the information on a particular page.

To achieve success, high attendance and a large number of subscribers, you need to use these keys in the name of the community. This method has 2 advantages at once.

Firstly, the chance that a person will find this particular group through a social network search will increase significantly, which means that attendance will increase and the subscriber base will begin to grow.

Secondly, the number of transitions from search engines will increase. With the proper use of keywords and the usefulness of the information on the page, communities from social networks will be in the TOP of search engine results.

After reading the name, a person must understand for himself that he can find answers to his questions in this group. He should become interested, and for this you can save some intrigue, leave something unsaid.

Also, if you believe the statistics, the numbers in the title work quite well. For example:

  • 5 ways to lose weight before the summer.
  • Top 10 mistakes women make.
  • 7 tips for the perfect first date.

Having a number means there is a specific number of steps or tips that actually work. Not just “how to make hair beautiful”, but “8 secrets of beautiful hair”. Sounds better, more promising and specific.

It's better to take the time to find the perfect name than a name you make up on your way home. Very often, success depends on the first impression, and it is formed only once.

It would seem, what's wrong with coming up with a bright and memorable name for your group on Vkontakte. A little imagination, a little patience, and the right name will come to mind on its own, providing the public with an impressive success. But it was not there. The search for a good name can be delayed, and some users spend whole days and nights doing this activity, surrounded by various reference books and dictionaries. When you start doing this seriously, it turns out that everything is not at all simple, and besides creativity, you need to know a little more about SEO (search engine optimization) and SMM (social media marketing), and be well aware of what the name of the group means for the group itself. In this article, I will tell you how to come up with a name for a group on VK, introduce the reader to the most necessary tips on this issue, and also share possible names for a group on Vkontakte in English.

So, if you are interested in how you can name the Vkontakte group, then I recommend paying attention to the following:

At the same time, please note that the group that will have a direct entry of the key query in its name will be the most competitive and visited. Therefore, do not change or modify the keyword in the name of the group, this can most directly affect its attendance.

  • Explore competing publics. The name of your group on a social network should not repeat the names of existing publics, especially those already promoted and with high popularity, otherwise your group will simply be lost in their background. Be original and creative, look for something of your own that will allow you to create beautiful names for Vkontakte groups;
  • Do not use a band name that is too long, and even with complex terminology. This usually results in visitors avoiding your group;
  • Use sites that collect statistics on key queries(for example, Wordstat), this will allow you to track the most popular requests, and take them into account when creating a group name.

Name examples for the Vkontakte group

If you are interested in the original names of Vkontakte groups, then pay attention to the names of popular publics, evaluate their features, and, starting from this, come up with something of your own.

In particular, such names as are quite popular:

  • Worthy films
  • Laugh to tears
  • Statuses for which the class is set
  • Women's secret
  • Music + ...
  • Culinary masterpieces
  • Success Secrets
  • Choose your status
  • Notes of a millionaire
  • P.O.X - just very good
  • Always say yes!
  • Einstein's riddle
  • Thoughts from…
  • 5 smart thoughts
  • 5 useful tips
  • Let's make a happiness
  • Modern girl
  • Cool tricks
  • Killer humor and others.

At the same time, do not forget to check your options with existing group names, perhaps this name has already been invented before you.

In order for your group on Vkontakte to flourish, it is not enough to come up with a bright and memorable name for it. It is necessary to regularly fill it with fresh content, delight users with interesting and fresh materials, otherwise the frequency of visiting your public will fall over time.

To boost group attendance, you should think about using special software tools (the Botovod level), they have proven their practicality and effectiveness in this area.

Names for a group on Vkontakte in English

If you want to come up with a name for a group on Vkontakte in English, then when creating such a name, you should use the same principles that I described just above for groups in Russian. Study the names of the English-language Vkontakte groups, be original, use keywords in the group name and do not forget about query statistics. At the same time, since English-speaking (and related to the English language and culture) groups are also quite common in VK (statistics showed about 38 thousand different groups, one way or another connected with the English language), you will have to make an effort to make your name bright and original.

Alternatively, you can think of interesting abbreviations, for example:

Make your English like is professional- makeenglishpro

English speaking society – engsociety

Study English in Skype – studyengskype and others.

You can also use banal, easily understandable, English-language phrases, or their analogues. For example:

English is fun

Just English

English for life

English EveryDay

Daily English


In the process of coming up with a name for a group on Vkontakte, first of all, pay attention to the tips I have listed for creating a name for your group. Be sure to consider the specifics of SEO, and do not forget that a unique and striking group name is not the only component of the success of your project. More important is the constant novelty of materials, their quality and relevance, as well as the desire of the creator of the group to give all his strength to the development of his public. "Patience and a little effort".

In contact with

So, you still want to choose a name for it.

What do you think the name of the VKontakte group should be? Looking at Wordstat, I saw that it is important for people that the name of their VKontakte community be:

  • Cool
  • Cool
  • Interesting
  • original
  • beautiful

In fact, all of these adjectives would be more appropriate when describing a group avatar. But as for the name of the community, completely different rules work here.

What does the name of the VKontakte community affect?

  1. To a place in the internal search of the social network VKontakte
  2. For ranking in Google

We won't talk about Google now. But let's dwell on the internal search of VKontakte in more detail.

The more accurately the group name will include a search query, the higher you will be in the search.

Let's look at examples

Let's take the project as an example. "Age Without Borders". This project is for those who take care of their health, strive to look young and want to maintain a high quality of life regardless of age.

We go to the internal search VKontakte. To do this, click on the "Communities" button on your personal VKontakte page.

A VKontakte internal search window will open in front of you, in which you can search for communities on topics of interest to us.

Since the main topic of the Age Without Borders project is still health, let's see how many communities on this topic are registered in the VKontakte social network. We enter the word “Health” in the search line and see that 92258 communities were found on this topic.

Moreover, in order to get into the TOP-5 of the VKontakte search, we need to recruit about a million subscribers to our group. We realistically evaluate our capabilities and ... puzzle over another name 🙂

Remember that the name of the community should reflect the essence of your project.

Let's add the phrase "Health and longevity" to the search bar. Here the picture is quite different. For this query, we see 566 communities, and in order to get into the TOP-5 results for the internal search of Vkontakte, it is enough for us to gain 3 thousand subscribers.

It was the name "Health and Longevity" that the author of the "Age Without Borders" project, Svetlana Pavlova, decided to take. And I must say, I was not mistaken. At the end of 2015, the Health and Longevity group had about 300 subscribers, and in March 2016 more than 3,000 people joined the group. And the group is in the TOP!

In the group's statistics, transitions from the internal search of VKontakte are visible. While they are few, but they are already there! And the higher the community rises in the search, the more of them there will be.

IMPORTANT! Getting into the TOP of the internal search on VKontakte is mainly influenced by the number of live members of your group.

How to understand what search queries people enter in the search?

In order to select keywords and find out what search queries people enter, use Yandex's word selection service - Wordstat. It reflects the statistics of impressions of a user-specified word or phrase, as well as queries made by people who searched for it. I can say that this is a great tool and I use it all the time.

Typical mistakes when choosing a name for a VKontakte group

I want to warn all owners of VKontakte communities against the temptation to fit all their range and advantages into the name. There are still big fans to “decorate” the name with various asterisks, hearts and other symbols. You should not do this, and now I will explain why.

Pay attention to the number of subscribers in the three communities that are in the TOP for the query "Chinese medicine"

In third place is a group that should rightfully come out on top in the internal search for VKontakte. After all, it has the most subscribers - about 6 thousand.

But thanks to the stars, flowers and additional words, the group fell significantly below their competitors.

IMPORTANT! If you want to get into the TOP-5 of the Vkontakte search results, try to name the group the same as the search query sounds without unnecessary words and embellishments.

Another telling example. Consider children's clothing groups.

The first and second groups are named after the search query "Children's clothing" and are placed in the search one after another in accordance with the number of subscribers.

In third place is a group with more than 60 thousand subscribers. The name reflects a little-known brand with decorations in the form of stars. I think that now everything is clear to you.

The VKontakte website has become not only the most popular place for people from all over the planet to communicate, but also a good platform for promoting yourself or your business. Here they buy, sell, exchange experiences and learn. The creation of communities and their promotion should not be underestimated in the issue of promoting your brand. The only problem is that in connection with the question of how to promote a group in "Contact", not only legal methods of promotion, but also "black" methods have appeared. This article will help you competently develop your business without resorting to deliberately failed methods.

Promotion of groups in "Contact"

We declare right away that any offers to instantly fill the group with people and promises that it will become wildly popular refer to the fraud that the VKontakte website pursues, punishing for this. If you were promised that the community will be replenished by 1000 people per day for a modest fee, then you should know that, most likely, it will be filled with “bots” - accounts of non-existent individuals through a special program.

How to name a group in "Contact"

In fact, the successful promotion of the community begins with its name and type of activity. By type of activity, 2 categories of communities are distinguished:

  1. A community that redirects to the company's website.
  2. Community within the network.


The first option is suitable when the group is filled with a large number of people who follow links to pages with products or services of the company. The second option of communities gathers people with common interests close to the topic that you intend to promote. Here there is a discussion and exchange of information about issues related to the “product”. Accordingly, the name of the community should reflect the topic and be in the ranking of popular keywords according to search engines.

Examples of how to name a group in "Contact"

Here you can use the Yandex.Direct service "Selecting words", the search engine of the VKontakte site itself, or your imagination. There is such a simple algorithm for promoting communities on this site: write the estimated name of your group in the community search engine "VKontakte" and see what it will give out according to your request. If there are no such groups, or there are very few people in them, then this means that the keyword that you have chosen for the name of your community is not popular among users.

How to name a group in "Contact": a tricky move

Continue testing group names in the VKontakte search engine and see how many users are in them. The most popular queries are "girls", "cars", "business", "photography", "cinema". For the initial promotion of the group, it is advised to attribute one of these popular words to the beginning of your name. You may get not "Massage in Ufa", but "Only for girls! Massage in Ufa. Beauty salon "Martian".

Secrets of community promotion on VKontakte

After deciding how to name the group in "Contact", proceed to its promotion. Of course, you can fill the community with bot profiles through the program, but they will only create the appearance of popularity and will not be able to bring you profit. Fill the community with real people every day, invite new friends to your page, communicate personally with participants, create interesting topics for discussion, so that the community is "alive". This is what is valued by the search engines of the VKontakte site, and they themselves will begin to push you to the first lines in the search for the My Groups section.

How to make a group popular

To gain popularity, you need helpers and patience, as well as copywriting skills (writing advertising texts) and knowledge of SEO techniques. However, if you have a good team of like-minded people, then after a month of work you will feel an excellent result. The main thing is daily actions, increasing the level of knowledge and quality of service to our customers. Success comes to the persistent, remember this, friends!

For many, the name of the group leaves the first impression of the musical group, which remains forever. A sonorous and easy to remember name will allow you to immediately stand out among numerous groups and facilitate the promotion of the team to the top of Olympus. There are some tried and true ways to come up with a "selling" name for an ensemble.

Name - symbol

A word that will cause the public to associate with the team and its individuality will increase the memorability of the group by 40%. The symbol of the ensemble is a clear, brief description of it, expressing the ideology and worldview of the participants. For example, groups promoting the national Russian culture are often called: "Slavs", "Rusichi". How to come up with a group name - a symbol? Try to describe the team, its members and the main idea in one word.

style matching

The name of the group, which is associated with its real activities, adds 20% of popularity. Agree, the poster of a male band performing songs in the style of heavy metal with a children's name "Domisolki" will look quite unexpected. Focusing on the style, you need to choose a word that characterizes the musical direction of the group. For example, a name such as "Phonograph Jazz Band" will tell a lot about the way the participants play.

catchy phrase

An easy-to-remember name raises the ensemble in the popularity rating by 20% compared to its competitors. Short and catchy - "Aria", unusual and reflecting the worldview of the musicians - "Crematorium", the most appropriate in meaning, outrageous, biting and radical - "Civil Defense", these are the names that immediately attract attention. In order to make a catchy phrase, you can use an explanatory dictionary.

Famous names, geographical places

According to the producers, 10% of the success of the musical group is brought by the already “promoted” names of historical figures, characters of novels, movie heroes or the names of popular geographical places. So they chose the name Rammstein, Gorky Park, Agatha Christie.


A short and easy-to-pronounce abbreviation will increase the memorability of the team by 10%. Many ensembles known today used the first letters or syllables of the initials of their members for the name. Thus, ABBA and REM were born. The abbreviation "DDT" is an abbreviation of the word dichlo(pest control agent).

Finding the name of the group, of course, is a responsible and complicated matter, but this should not stop the musicians in their activities. Many newcomers to the stage begin their performances with a temporary name. If you can’t come up with the name of a musical group, you can conduct a survey among the target audience or even organize a competition for the best name.
