How to stick a protective film on the phone so as not to redo it? Self-glue the film on the phone at home How to glue the protective film on the phone.

Protective film is not only a way to avoid scratches on the smartphone screen, but also an additional line of defense in case of falling screen down. After all, taking on the main impact force, the film significantly reduces the risk of getting a broken screen. Sticking a protective film on the screen of your smartphone is a must. And how to do it yourself at home? We will tell you now.

Let's start with the choice of film.

We recommend using films from well-known manufacturers, such as SGP, or Ozaki. They are more expensive than Chinese universal films, but they stick better, last longer on the screen, and are made individually for each phone model. Universal films are cheaper, but among their disadvantages are the need to cut the film to fit the screen, which is not so easy to do, and a short lifespan.

So, you have chosen and bought a protective film.

Now let's get ready for gluing. It is best to glue the film on a flat, hard surface. Clean the surface of dust first. To prevent oily fingerprints from appearing on the inside of the film, wash your hands with soap and water before gluing.
You will also need a card made of thick cardboard or soft plastic to squeeze out air bubbles after gluing the film.

If you already have a film on the screen, carefully peel it off. Do not use sharp objects to remove the film - you will scratch the screen. Take two pieces of tape, stick them on the top and bottom edges of the film, and gently pull the film up.

Now you need to clean the smartphone screen from dust and glue residue from the previous film. For cleaning, it is best to use a special anti-static spray and a microfiber cloth. A napkin, as a rule, comes with a quality film. If you can't use a spray, an alcohol wipe will do. Some film manufacturers include both a microfiber cloth and an alcohol wipe.

Do not use alcohol, rubbing alcohol, or abrasive liquids to clean the screen!

Apply some spray on the smartphone screen. Don't worry about getting the spray into the slots of the case - this spray will not damage the microcircuits, because it is an insulator (does not conduct current).

Use a microfiber cloth to gently wipe the screen to a shine. Try to remove all visible traces of dirt and all small dust particles.

After cleaning the screen, take the film and remove the bottom layer covering the adhesive surface of the film. Carefully holding the film over the smartphone, align it with all the cutouts and buttons on the screen. Slowly lower the film onto the screen and let it straighten out.

If you lowered the film a little - it's not scary. Just gently lift the film and try again.

Now you need to smooth the film on the screen, simultaneously squeezing out the remaining air bubbles. Take a card and smooth out the film from the center to the edges. Do not press too hard - you may scratch the film.

If, after gluing, you notice a speck of dust or a hair under the film, take a piece of adhesive tape and gently lift the film with it. With the second piece of adhesive tape, peel off the dust from the film, and smooth the film again. Some manufacturers put special adhesive strips in the kit with the film, which are designed just to extract dust particles. It's better to use them.

That's all! You have successfully pasted the protective film with your own hands. As you can see, it's quite simple and won't take much of your time.

Especially for you, we shot a detailed video instruction on how to stick a film on a phone.

You will need

  • - mobile phone;
  • - protective film for the phone screen;
  • - means for cleaning the surface of the display;
  • - ruler or calendar (optional).


Before sticking the film on the phone, remove all accumulated dust, crumbs and prints from the screen surface. For this, it is best to use special tools. Wipes are ideal for cleaning the computer monitor screen. Unlike cotton wool, other wipes or fabrics, they do not leave lint or streaks on the display. However, if you use alcohol, the surface of the mobile phone display can be significantly damaged.

When you clean the screen, hold the device by the back panel. It is best to place the phone on a dry and clean surface, such as a windowsill. There should be no dust in the room, as it will quickly settle on a damp display.

To stick the protective film on your mobile phone, take it out of the package and put it in a dry and clean place. On the film you can find protective stickers. You shouldn't take them off right away. First, look at the inscriptions that are on them. The numbers (1 and 2) are indicated on them, so that it is clear which side to glue the film.

Put your mobile phone in front of you. To properly stick the film on it, first attach the right side of the film to the display. Then carefully, trying not to leave a mark on the film itself, peel off the protective sticker. This is required to be done not in width, but in length.

Attach the unprotected edge of the film to the display. Do this slowly, carefully applying the film so that it lies flat. See how well it adheres to the edge of the display. Adjust it carefully if necessary. Try to ensure that the film immediately lays down clearly in its place: if it is glued and removed more than 3 times, it will not stick.

When one edge of the film lies exactly along the edge of the screen, you can remove the rest of the protective sticker. Do not rush, shoot gradually, from top to bottom. You need to do this: when one edge is glued, continue the process from the top of the screen. This way you can help the film stick with your finger without touching the screen.

Get to the bottom of the display. When you paste the film, bubbles may appear on it. To avoid this, during gluing, gradually and very carefully smooth out each glued millimeter of the film. Thanks to this, you will not allow air to penetrate between it and the screen.

If you could not avoid bubbles, try to remove them from there. To do this, you can use a calendar, ruler or credit card. Just swipe the top corner of the display as you go down. At the same time, the air accumulated under the film will be released, and the screen surface will remain flat. However, be careful not to scratch the protective film. Do not use any sharp objects for this purpose - this will damage both it and the display. Sticking a film on a mobile phone is not so difficult, the main thing here is to accurately determine its position on the screen, to do everything qualitatively and gradually, not to rush.

Although almost modern smartphones or tablets costing more than $100 have Gorilla Glass protective glass, but one walk of the gadget in your pocket with the keys and your display is scratched! To prevent this from happening, you need to stick a protective film!

Many users still doubt whether to glue a protective film on a smartphone or tablet, the arguments that sound:

  1. There is a protective coating that allegedly protects the display from scratches;
  2. The quality and accuracy of clicking on virtual buttons and elements is deteriorating.
  1. Protection is never superfluous, and once again it would not hurt to play it safe;
  2. The presentation of a smartphone or tablet is preserved, this is especially true for those who often change gadgets;
  3. The quality and accuracy of pressing practically does not change if you use a good quality film;
  4. The protective film “suppresses” the impact if the gadget suddenly falls and may keep the display completely from cracks or reduce the area of ​​damage and further spreading of the “cobweb”.

We found out all the pros and cons, now about what you need to know when buying protective films:

  • Do not buy "universal film for protecting the screens of mobile phones and tablets" - universal it's money thrown away
  • Buy high-quality films, firstly they are more reliable, secondly, the accuracy of pressing does not suffer, the third is easier to stick

Instructions on how to properly stick a protective film

Ideally, if the protective film would be pasted in the store, if this is not the case, then here is what you will need first of all:

  1. Credit card;
  2. An alcohol or other wet wipe without glycerin (ideally wipes for monitors);
  3. Plain dry napkin (not dining room);
  4. Protective film.

Preparation for gluing

It is desirable to carry out the gluing procedure in a non-dusty room, such as a bathroom, after letting steam in it, and then waiting for it to settle. Wash your hands with soap so that they are not greasy.

Usually all protective films consist of three layers: temporary lower protective (transformation), the middle one which remains, the upper temporary protective (transformation)
Make sure that the bottom temporary protective film is free of dust and dirty oily marks.

Protective film sticker

1. Move your smartphone or tablet to a firm, non-staggering surface.

2. Take a damp cloth and wipe the display very carefully. After wiping, you should not have the slightest trace of grease or dust left, you may need a couple of wipes for this.

3. After thoroughly wiping with a damp cloth, take an ordinary dry one and wipe the display, it is very important that no lint remains during wiping.

4. Attach a protective film to the screen so that the lower shipping film is at the bottom, closer to the screen (thanks to KEP y). Gently and very slowly, pull the tab of the lower shipping film down and at the same time gently, smoothing out the film onto the display surface.

Do not touch the inner layer when removing the lower shipping!

5. If there are bubbles between the protective film and the display, use a credit card to expel the air to the nearest edge of the screen without sudden movements.

6. After removing the bubbles, remove the top shipping film.

Helpful Hints

So, you became the proud owner of a smartphone, and it was given to you, as they say, with blood and sweat - it took a long time to choose, even longer saved, doubted, consulted and all that. So do you really allow your long-awaited device to be subjected to mechanical stress, which will undoubtedly lead to scratches and damage on it, mainly on the display?

As you know, the screens of even the most modern smartphones need protection, and such protection can be provided by the most common protective film. This method of protection will save the display from scratches caused by almost all known causes– nails, stylus, keys, falls and so on. However, if you have ever pasted a protective film on the display, you are aware that this is not an easy task, but a matter that requires some skill and even experience.

So what is the right way to stick a protective film?

In order to correctly stick a protective film on the display of your mobile device, it makes sense to carefully follow the instructions below. A couple of tips below will help you stick a new mobile film on your smartphone display.

- Step #1. Before you start sticking the film, you should do everything possible and impossible so that not only some solid particles, but even your fingerprints and dust particles- after all, they are the cause of swelling and blisters. The screen should be wiped with any lint-free material designed to remove moisture and dust.

Can't clean your display perfectly? Then use water, which must be added in moderation to a napkin or cloth. It won't be redundant use special cleaners, allowing to remove pile and other pollution from glass surfaces. However, again, it should be borne in mind that such funds can be used only in extremely moderate quantities.

If you really want your mobile device to keep its marketable appearance for as long as possible, in no case should you use alcohol and alcohol cleaners to remove dust from the display. Don't be lazy to go to a specialized store, where for a moderate fee you can buy special napkins, which, by the way, are also suitable for the monitor of your computer or laptop.

Step #2. Well, are you sure that the display of your monitor is pristine? Then you can start gluing the protective film. Since in this paragraph we are talking about gluing a new protective film, such a film consists of two layers (the foam itself and a kind of packaging for the film). A special piece of paper is glued to one of the layers, which must be pressed and held to peel off the protective film from the packaging film (it is also called a transport film).

So, put the protective film with the back (non-stick) side on a flat and clean surface, press on a piece of paper (or it may be a special technological bulge on the film), and peel off the transfer film. Then, trying not to smear the adhesive surface of the protective film with your fingers (holding the very edges with clean fingers), turn it over and stick it on the display of your mobile device.

Actually, sticking a protective film is somewhat similar to sticking wallpaper - you also hold the film by one edge, putting it with this edge on the edge of the mobile device, and only then gradually lower the rest of the film. You can help with smoothing, for example, with a credit card or a discount card. The same card will help smooth out the remaining bubbles later. If you pasted the film unevenly, repeat the same procedure, observing the above rules.

How to stick a protective film on the iPad and other devices?

In fact, there are no differences in how to stick a protective film on a smartphone screen, or, for example, on an iPad screen. The main thing - you should not forget a few general rules when gluing. Especially these rules will help when re-gluing the film if dust or other foreign particles have somehow got under it. In addition, regardless of the device, you should follow the above rules for cleaning the display.

So, as surprising as it sounds, you can peel off the film and wash it under running water at room temperature - this will wash off the adhering lint and dust particles. Don't do it every day or even a week.- only when necessary, otherwise such a film can soon be thrown away. Is it possible to wash the film with some kind of chemical solution? Definitely not, because there is no need for it!

How often to change the protective film on the display of mobile devices?

Let's start with the fact that if you have glued the protective film, guided by the above rules, you will not need to change it in the next few months (up to a year). This means that it makes no sense to take several films at once. You can always buy a new one. But what to do if, despite all your efforts and the absence of dust, the bubbles could not be removed? Most likely, you came across a low-quality film that will last less than the stated period.

If immediately after sticking the protective film you find microscopic dust particles or even a small lint on the display under the film, do not immediately peel off the film, wash and re-paste. Try to use the device as it is. Most likely, foreign inclusions that have fallen under the film will soon become completely invisible, and you will save a lot of nerves and time when washing and regluing.

How to guarantee to stick a film without bubbles?

As they say, there is no limit to perfection! There and when applying the screen protector: you may be disappointed with how you removed the dust or wiped the screen. Does this mean that there is no way to remove dust more efficiently? Eat! You can pre-stick a special paper tape on the display that does not leave marks (for example, the same masking tape). When peeling off, most of the dust and lint will settle on it.

To avoid unnecessary movements, you should not immediately peel off the entire film when you find lint and dust. It is enough to bend it around the edges and remove foreign inclusions, carefully applying and peeling off the same masking tape. In addition, try to apply a protective film immediately after purchasing the device, and do it in a room where there is the least amount of dust. For example, some recommend doing it in the bathroom! Why not?

However, there is a way to stick the film almost perfectly and in a dusty room (even after you knocked out the sofa!). To do this, the film is glued ... wet! Soak the protective film in clean water, then thoroughly shake it so that there are practically no drops left on it. Then we do everything according to the same scheme that was proposed above - that is, in the same way, remove the bubbles, which now, thanks to moisture, will "leave" much easier. Blot the edges of the device with a tissue so that moisture does not get into the device itself.

However, if you are not sure that you will be able to shake off almost all the moisture, or if you simply do not want to risk exposing your new acquisition to moisture, then listen to your inner voice and just follow carefully all those instructions, which were offered for gluing a dry protective film. Be sure that this will reliably protect your smartphone or iPad from mechanical damage, which means it will significantly extend its service life and preserve its presentation.

Manufacturers of mobile devices are trying to improve not only hardware, but also phone screens by installing more secure glasses. However, even solutions from Gorilla Glass are not able to withstand a fall from a great height or a blow with a sharp object. Also, hard grains, such as sand, can cause deep scratches on the display if they rub against it. Therefore, all users are wondering how to stick a protective film on the phone and protect your device from damage. At the same time, do it yourself, without resorting to the help of special services, where this service is very expensive.

Film selection

It is not difficult to stick the film on the phone correctly if you follow the basic rules. For flagships, sub-flagships and simply popular models, it is easy to find a "native" film produced by the manufacturer. It will repeat the shape of the device, have all the holes for the speakers, camera, etc.

Problems arise when the search for a suitable film for inexpensive models, especially from Chinese manufacturers, begins. So, before choosing a film for your smartphone, decide what kind you need, matte or glossy.


Gloss looks better and more natural on the device. It has an oleophobic coating that smoothes the movement of the finger on the matrix. However, such a film will strongly glare under the sun's rays.


Matte, on the contrary, has a stronger effect on color rendering, gives not such a pleasant tactile sensation, but you will not find glare on it. It also increases the graininess on the screen. This is especially noticeable if you have a gadget with a low resolution.

Universal film

You can pick up ready-made protective material for the gadget or make a universal film on the phone with your own hands. It is often found on sale. But the bottom line is that you will need to cut out a shape from it specifically for your device. To do this, follow the instructions.

  1. Take the correct measurements from the screen.
  2. Circle the outline of the future film with a marker. There will be no traces of the marker, since there is protection on both sides, allowing you to remove any dirt.
  3. Place the marked film on a mat or cutting area.
  4. Apply a ruler and only under it, following the intended line, cut with a sharp object (scalpel, knife) the future protective agent.
  5. Never use scissors. They will leave chopped edges, which will make it hard to stick later. Even if it can be done, the material will be constantly disconnected.
  6. If there are roundness at the corners, apply a protractor to clearly cut off the excess.

If the smartphone is equipped with a Home button, you can simply measure the size of the display and stick the film exclusively on the screen. This option will save time and nerves, since it is extremely difficult to cut the space for the key evenly. It remains to start gluing the film.

Self sticker film

There are two options for sticking to avoid the appearance of air bubbles - dry and wet. For "dry" you need more preparations and the most sterile room. The "wet" type is fast, reliable, but it requires good skills.

Dry way

If you chose the dry gluing method, then go to a room with high humidity. The bathroom is great as the dust from the water gets too heavy and doesn't float in the air.

When the film is pasted, you can tear off the top protective layer. You can glue the film correctly without tools, but if you do not have experience, do not risk it.

wet way

The wet method is ideal for non-sterile environments. You must be sure that your phone is waterproof. If not, then do not use this method or do everything very carefully so that moisture does not get inside the case, into the speakers. Pay close attention to this and dispense liquid carefully.

After manipulation, you can peel off the top protective layer.

At home, you can also study the “wet” method with the help of videos that will more clearly demonstrate the procedure. Bubble-free film gluing is also possible in the salon for a fee if you are not confident in your abilities. But be aware that there is a risk that it will be crookedly stuck to you there too.

If you already have experience in gluing, then you can not use a card, tweezers or gloves. Be careful and attentive, remember that the film can be slightly corrected during gluing if you get a little off and stick it crooked. Also, if possible, choose a dust-free room.
